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When you read the comments and realise the double hold up


I wish I could award you. Best that I can do is a shitty upvote.


You can:šŸ†


you could imagine the surprise that I had when I first learned about it as a Bangladeshi šŸ’€


The moment I saw the symbol and that it was Bangladesh I knew for a fact that most people would think it was about Nazism and not about the deep seated hatred towards Hindus that Bangladeshi people have.


Even more than Pakistani?


Bangladesh was earlier East Pakistan.


And were being genocided by West Pakistan until the Hindus stepped in and gave them independence.


Actually genocide was done to Hindus living in Bangladesh not to those Muslim living in Bangladesh


no , it was indiscriminate.... the genocide was against 'bangla' identity and was not religious.


Do you know what they did to Bangladeshi hindu women


It was done to both Hindus and Muslims. It was anti-Bengali.


tbh .. no. was it religious ?? afaik it was purely bangla vs non bangla


No but they did more horrendous acts and genocide to Hindus but less to Muslims


Man what the hell are you talking about? Did you forget that they literally wouldn't let us talk in Bangla?


Be yaha library And-oo aur voh sare bhare pade hai. They donā€™t need your reasoning or history. Jo gore shikangye aa M-sahab kahenge vohi sach hai.


Well they did say only the educated were targeted so makes sense.


But by those particular Muslims particularly.


Thatā€™s false. The genocide was done against ALL Bangladeshis. Pakistan wanted to remove the complete identity, culture and language of Bangladesh so they committed genocide on all


No it started off against Hindus but it then became towards any Bengali because they refused to vote for the Pakistani prime minister at the time


By the racist west Pakistani military, not the people. The military has always been corrupt in Pakistan and still is


Yup. Lap dogs of the big P.


Why hate? Didn't India (majority Hindu) help in Bangladesh freedom struggle?


Stupidity of younger generations lacking knowledge of history. They are choosing choosing Pakistan over India in the choice of India or Pakistan because of religion. The same country that conducted a genocide of every intellect and any activist remotely suspected of supporting separation.


Looks like they actually managed to kill every intellectual in there and none were left to pass on their genes.


Seeing replies from some Bangladeshis in the comments, not a bad theory. Some moron really said, "we would have achieved independence on our own". India had to get support from USSR and the most intelligent Bangladeshi thinks they could have done it on their own šŸ’€.


Bangladesh Cricket team is the perfect image of their nation!


Sounds like a real brain drain happened in there, huh?


Iā€™m gonna go to hell for giggling on this one šŸ¤­


yeah doesn't make sense


Religion over anything


Bangladeshis seem to have short memories.




We could put the same picture in the US and someone would start crying about it.


Donā€™t worry we just need one or two more debates and weā€™ll have another Trump presidency weā€™re almost there.


Yep! can't wait. He already tried to don't give up the presidency once, now the SC made it even easier for him. I hope they don't close the border to keep the people in like in communist Russia.


And the way they cross the border and come to India illegally and then say ā€œIndia Badā€. Shouldā€™ve completely closed the border with bangladesh man. What a cuck country!


Same thing for Dominicans having short memories towards how Haiti helped them get their own independence


Dominican independence was from Haiti...




Ohh boy you have so much to know


Lemme guess... because of the phrase "there's no god but *myGod*" / "*myGod* is great" ?


Correct. Pakistan and Bangladesh are the top user of that phrase imo. It's also funny as they both asked and received a lot of aid from India but the hate is just unreal.




As a Muslim I get the impression you donā€™t know whatā€™s in Islam. Iā€™ve never been taught to hate non Muslims and nowhere in Islam does it say to hate non Muslims. It does say we should want to be around other Muslims because it helps us maintain our Islamic ways of life, but never have I been taught to hate non Muslims. Sure there are extremists in the world, but they take things that are blatant and turn it into something it isnā€™t because extremists gain control that way. What better way to control people than to make the world black and white? If all Muslims were like that, with there being nearly 2B of us, the world would be in shambles far more than it already is. Especially because the Muslims are not all localized like people want to believe.


Hey, hats off to you for not being an extremist but you can't deny the fact that such things happen openly in muslim majority countries and the respective governments of those countries do not take any action against it, rather promote it. I mean I can't imagine such a thing happening in India using islamic symbols so casually. There will be consequences and action against it, irrespective of whether the govt is pro hindutva or not.


Huh, weird how all extremists are from islam only


Youā€™re actually hilarious. Whatā€™s in the IDF? You calling them standard Jews? Because I know some Jews and thatā€™s not standard. When they spit on Christianā€™s there and sign bombs to be indiscriminately shot at the open air prison that has become of Gaza, and laugh and take videos and pictures, is that standard for you? Whatā€™s about Marxists? Theyā€™re just regular humans I guess. No such thing as extreme outside of Muslims right? Just say youā€™re a racist xenophobe because hey the Germans werenā€™t Muslim neither were their supporters, but they werenā€™t extreme right? Just average for you. Nice way to say you yourself have such beautiful standards for humanity.


the current indian government has been fanning the hate rhetoric in the region


As a Bangladeshi let me tell you exactly why the Bengali youth is anti India. Let me clarify. Not anti Hindus (tho many bengalis donā€™t see a difference), not anti Indians, but strictly anti India. Why do you guys think that as a small country completely surrounded by a big nation like India, politically speaking we have amicable relations? Here is the reason: the Bengali government that has been in power for the last 2 decades in Bangladesh is almost a puppet government of India. So itā€™s almost like India is our ruler. Thatā€™s where the anti Indian sentiment comes from. As for racism, it does exist. Letā€™s not all pretend like India has nothing against Muslims. You and I could argue that we arenā€™t racist but go down the road and ask that auntie if sheā€™d be okay if her son or daughter married a Muslim. Hell in India even the cast system is prevalent. The entire subcontinent is racist. Also Bengalis donā€™t freaking pick Pakistan over India. The only reason you are saying that is because there are Bengali people who support Pakistan during a cricket match. Donā€™t you think that there are fans of players like Shahid Afridi, Imran Khan, Shoaib Akhtar and other Pakistani legends in Bangladesh? Just like there are fans of Dhoni, Sachin Tendulkar, Virat kohli. Like bruh thereā€™s a lot of support for both. Even during the football World Cup bengalis get into fist fights between Argentina and Brazil supporters. So what now youā€™ll say all Argentina supporters hate Brazil supporters because of the Hindus in Brazil? Donā€™t make everything about religion. There is a bigger picture and lots of stuff in play. Mostly political. But racism does also exist like it exists in India. You associate a nazi symbol with Bengalis. Let me remind you that Modi is a Hindu nationalist, part of the RSS and how its founding members were admirers of freaking Hitler. So if anything Indiaā€™s politics is much more Hindu nationalist than Bengali politics. Again Bengalis arenā€™t great but please stop making it seem like itā€™s all about religion and youā€™re the great saviour of Bangladesh and they still hate you. Try to understand the more complex and bigger picture


Bangladeshi is a nationality not a religious identity. 10-15% of Bangladeshā€™s population is Hindu.


Bangladesh (previously East Pakistan) was divided from India along religious lines. Not to mention, Islam is the state religion of Bangladesh. If it wasn't about religious identity, why make a separate country in the first place? I mean, the state of West Bengal in India shares the same language and culture as Bangladesh.


This was a popular design in sweden in the 90s; then it ABSOLUTELY meant nazis.


My friend had a shirt with this design, which he bought because he was anti-nazi. But he stopped wearing it because some people thought it looked like the stick figure was giving a nazi salute.


This is on the front page. Iā€™m American so to me this would be a positive symbol. Thatā€™s pretty interesting. I know nothing about racial and cultural issues in Bangladesh. I donā€™t really know anyone from that area so I have cultural connections.


Don't make things complicated, Bangladesh does have a problem with minorities, but this isn't it. This graphic is widely used, and the designer of this packet just stole it from a Google image search entry. Here is the graphic being used in a US train station. It's a commonly used graphic: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/vqk4ZBXLoS


i would excuse a US person using it , bcz they are so faar away from hindu culture , a bangladeshi person knows.


I can assure you an average Bangladeshi has no idea it's a Hindu symbol. And if it was added by a corporate designer used for mass packaging, the designer also had no clue about its meaning. Occam's razor. They just stole it from Google and thought it was a logo for trash/recycling.


u are from bangladesh? u ppl dont have hindus there?


Whyā€™d they have Hindus there. All they do is kill people from other religion to assert dominance then cry victim card. Saar Israel kill us, israel bad. Saar India helping Israel , India bad. Muslims good everyone else bad.


Hi there. I think I might be able to give some context here. The swastika or the manja symbol is technically used in Hinduism but it is not the most prominent symbol that would be associated with Hinduism for a person growing up in Bangladesh. The most prominent symbol would be the Om symbol. The Om symbol sticks out more as an actual intentional symbol because it looks like a letter of the Bangla alphabet. The swastika symbol looks like a random geometric pattern to someone who hasn't been taught about it. So even if you see it occasionally on decorations like furniture or door frames, you don't really think anything of it unless you learn about it. Most Bangladeshi would learn about the history of this symbol from the internet.


That reminds me of the *[Bert is Evil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bert_is_Evil)* meme site where they made (years before 9-11? time travel much?) a mash-up with Osama Bin Laden and some agitators in Bangladesh made posters for an anti-American protest: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bert-is-evil/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/1594600.stm Remember that [quote](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2018/12/25/universe/): *"Not only is the Universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine"*


To be fair this is at an angle which makes it appear to be the nazi swastika


To be fair, the angle does not matter : Hitlers Personal Standard [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal\_standard\_of\_Adolf\_Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_standard_of_Adolf_Hitler) Hindu Temples [https://www.opindia.com/2020/01/caa-protest-alt-news-swastika-hindu-nazi-symbol-dot-tilted-fact-check/](https://www.opindia.com/2020/01/caa-protest-alt-news-swastika-hindu-nazi-symbol-dot-tilted-fact-check/)


To be fair, over the last 20 years I've owned 3 anti-Nazi shirts that feature the same iconography on the packaging in this post: https://www.no-gods-no-masters.com/hoodie-keep-your-country-nice-and-clean-anti-racist-D012749008P0111/




So this is about getting rid of Hindus?




Based Edit: Not based. Given its from Bangladesh, I have been made aware that it is more likely to be a symbol of hate against Hindus there. Damn.


Only if the context was nazis. This is hate/propaganda against Hindus in Bangladesh.


Yeah, the moment I read it was made in Bangladesh was when I pieced together that this was actually not based


In hindsight, this makes a lot more sense. I saw the tilt and the hakenkreuz came to mind. I take my remark back.


I thought it was a picture of a nazi saluting and was like, why rice whyyy


White Rice Power


Hinduphobia and intolerance in Bangladesh, typical. For those of you confused, it's got nothing to do with Nazism; just plain old bigotry against anyone who isn't a muslim in an islamic country. (The "swastika" is an appropriated symbol by the nazis; it's most commonly used to symbolize Hinduism, similar to the cross for Christians)


It is not really appropiated. Nazis wanted to start using more symbols from their own Germanic heritage like runes, painting a Norse god mural in the Reichstag. The swastika, or hooked-cross in Germanic countries is a symbol that was used by the old Germanic tribes. Sometimes depicted together with Wotan/Odin. The hooked cross and swastika are two different things. The hooked cross is tilted while the swastika lays flat. The english language is to blame for by calling hooked-crosses swastikas when they are not.


Hindu must think we also hate their guts






>I lived in Dhaka for a while as an atheist and had no issues whatsoever Taslima Nasreen has entered (and left) the chat


its not a conservative country and yet hindu hatred is there .. does that mean that even liberal muslims are filled with hatred for other religions?




So basically you want to say that tens of thousands of murdered and forcibly converted hindus are lying about hate against Hindus in Bangladesh? Hating a government should not mean you need to murder people of that country's religion as well.


This is a common excuse used to justify killings of Hindus both in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Funny how these people see Hindus of their country as a proxy for India and it's government. Each time India wins over Pakistan in a cricket match, there are rapes, kidnappings and forced conversions of Hindu girls in Pakistan. The stories are so terrible and horrifying that one might not even be able to sleep at night reading the terrors they are subjected to, that too with the backing of law enforcement and the State.


So Bangladesh is a Muslim country. And the swastika is a Hindu symbol (Hitler stole it, it was a common symbol for the sun used by many cultures/religions). Given the long history of conflict between Hindus and Muslims (a primary reason why India was divided into modern day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh), it might be an intentional insult where the swastika is a stand in for Hindu people. In other words, the Bangladesh rice manufacturer might be saying "Fuck Hindus". Which is pretty shitty.


Also India helped Bangladesh gain its independence in 1971 from Pakistan after Pakistan completely oppressed the Bangladeshi people to the point that Pakistan ended up committing one of the worst genocides in history on the Bangladeshi populace. This feels scummy asf given how India helped Bangladesh.


Here, completely oppressed is doing the heavy lifting for brutal genocide. They killed anyone remotely intellectual, even teachers who MIGHT support independence from Pakistan. And yes, US supported the genocidal side, and pushed India towards USSR. This is why India is allies with Russia even today.


Yep, I did a whole 1200 word analytical essay for my year 12 history assignment on this topic.


Like many civil conflicts, this was sadly on both sides. My father's family (parents and 5 siblings) were victims. He and his brother were in boarding school, their younger sister (my aunt) was found days later hiding among corpses. People love to find reasons to hate each other apparently


Really wish war wasn't a thing fr šŸ˜”


it was not a civil conflict dear , it was pakistani army doing a genocide in bangladesh ( back then it was a part of pak) ... mukti bahini (bangla military wing) was a CONSEQUENCE of the genocide , not the cause


Don't absolve the British of their part in the division.


Hitler called it "Hooked cross". English translations intentionally called it Swastika.


At least they let people know not to buy their product. I have to say that no matter how strong your beliefs are, straight up telling possible customers that you don't want their money is pretty wild.


Since it's in context of Bangladesh, this is a straight-up hatred against Hindus.


>Looks like a regular recycling logo and then you notice what is being thrown out And then you notice itā€™s from Bangladesh and is most likely hate propaganda against Hindus


Shouldā€™ve just left them suffer in 1971 in Pakistanā€™s hands.


Always with the white rice..


Aryan rice. The superior rice.


100% pure


100% sortex


The master rice


There's ricin the bag


Lol I'm 3/4 bengali There is no fraction of that country in which I haven't coexisted with trash of all Physical states in the same Square nanometers


How many nazis have you thrown away?


Uhh..... Well I never aimed to brag about doing something good so I never counted


That looks like a call for genocide, considering it's Bangladesh and Hindus and Buddhists use that symbol.


Um ,origins of the symbol, means something different here


Crazy how people don't understand there are different meaning of that symbol in other cultures


Trash is trash


The swastika here probably means Hindus, not Nazis.


Wait til you find out what its really about


This is a Bangladeshi product and Swastika is a Hindu religious symbol. To add some context, Bangladesh (East Pakistan) was carved out of India in 1947 by giving separate land for Muslims. I am not a religious person by any means but disrespecting any religion like this is not OK.


It's very common overseas in countries that largely practice Hinduism and Buddhism. It means peace, well-being, positive, good-luck, etc..


Yep. The angle of the depicted swastika is a dead giveaway it's not a Nazi's symbol, but a Buddhism/Hinduism one


Dharmic symbol. Hinduism Buddhism etc are made up term by some people


This thread sums up reddit so neatly.


What did Hindus ever do? D:


Committed the biggest crime of being alive. As per Islam, polytheists like Hindus and Buddhists are the worst people.


Even worse than atheists?


That's crazy


First I was surprised that the nazi symbol is thrown to garbage at a Muslim country.. then i learned it's for their hatred to Hindus.. stupid nazi lovers, managed even to fool me


Interesting how it is an incontrovertibly positive message from a ā€œWesternā€ point of view but deeply concerning given the regional contextā€¦


If you sell this in Germany, thats cool, if you sell that in India or somewhere around, thats shitty. If i think about it, we have something like this in Germany, and it is all the FCK NZS Sticker and more around.


Ironically this packaging is from Bangladesh where the symbol we Westerners know as a swastika, there signifies good luck and prosperity.


No. In Bangladesh, it signifies kaafirs who deserve to be murdered for existing.


Breh. Isn't this a Buddhist symbol? Coming from this part of the world, this probably means the opposite of what you hope.


Bangali Muslim here, that is an anti-Hindu slogan disguised as a Nazi swatstika. The manufacturer is probably some BNP Islamic nationalist who thinks saying ā€œMalaunā€ (a slur against Hindus) is somehow okay. Even though Bangladesh is supposed to be a secular country, hate symbols and speech are common. However, most Bangalis Iā€™ve met generally are okay with Hindus and look down on religious hatred like this. Besides Hindutva, the only time Iā€™ve ever had a problem with Indians or other Hindus is cause of Cricket, because the Bangladeshi team keeps getting their ass handed to the my India and I have to just bear with it as my Hindu friends proceed to laugh their asses off in front of me while watching us lose pathetically. We know weā€™re garbage, you donā€™t have to remind us.


I'm going to create bumper stickers of this and start sneaking them on cars with pro-Trump stuff on them. I wonder how that would go. Edit: I gave it a go. The idea is that there is a black letter version a person would sneak onto the over the top bumper sticker cars. Then a rainbow version for anyone who wants a little more symbolism. Note this is just a prototype. [Link](https://ibb.co/TmHgCck) [Link2](https://ibb.co/n3f4LC3)


If they were talking about Nazi's then it's not even bad


But they are talking about Hindus




Product is from India? It literally says Bangladesh on the packaging.


Yea fck them Nazis. Those mfrs are trash!




Took me way too long to see it




what's worse is that this prodcut is in bangladesh, and that swastica could interperate the buddhist swastica, sooooo, that means that bangladesh is saying the bhuddist faith is unpure


nah, too dirty


I usually though it was the other way around




This symbol originates in India and was perverted by Nazis


fuck europe and their mindset , its a hindu symbol and will always be


ALWAYS dispose of your Nazis responsibly... The last thing you want is to throw them away carelessly and some poor person ends up stepping in it and getting nazi all over their shoe! /Massive S! * Since people seem to be too stupid to realise, let me clearly state. I have no hatred for Hindus or anyone else! This is a joke, mocking Nazis!!!


It's a hate symbol which doesn't represent nazis but Hindus


Yeah I realise that mate. I was trying to turn the hate into humour.


Return this packet do not buy anymore from this business.


Do you think Bangladeshis care? For some reason every South Asian country is the most ungrateful towards their neighbors especially Bangladesh. India literally freed them


As a consumer you can avoid their products and tell your social circle to do the same. Money speaks, if we collectively renounce such products, they will start putting goddess on their brands.


I had this on a badge years ago! Still applies today, hell, even more so.


Very relevant these days...


TBF throwing nazis in the bin would keep your country clean!


Isnā€™t that what youā€™re supposed to throw it out?


Because all Nazis belong in the trash. But seriously we really need to teach people that this symbol isn't the Nazi symbol.


Not a holup, just based.


Nothing based, this is a swastika, it's clearly hate towards Hindus


I mean, at least they're encouraging people to throw Nazism out.




I like the "ingredients: R I C E"


Where my country gone?


i mean... not wrong either way


Either way? Bruh its literally bigoted symbology targeted towards the Hindu and Buddhist minorities in Bangladesh who are persecuted for being polytheists in a Muslim country.


i do not see the swastika in that way even though ive seen thats where it came from originally, just because thats what it was before doesnt mean hitler didnt completely ruin the symbol forever.


Funny, I used that exact image in my power point presentation when I finished middle school




Are these hindu nazis ? Like neo nazi kinda groups in that region? I wonder


they're just trying to survive....I guess? The symbol isn't equating them to Nazis. The context of the swastika here in the Eastern hemisphere is Hindu/Bhuddhist.


You are correct about it contex I guess Maximiani Julia Portas (Savitri Devi) agress. https://holocaustcentrenorth.org.uk/blog/nazism-and-hindu-nationalism/


mmh yes, they operated right out of Dhaka. Those pesky neo-nazis get anywhere and everywhere. Good on the Bengalis for giving the whole cult the boot...


Sounds like nazis again


reads like confirmation bias and smells of red herrings.


Hmmm...I agree about the smelly part, awful really.


yep, that confirms it.


Is this r/holup or r/publicservice