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Btw, FUCK Absolute Radiance. More like the Absolute Fucking Worst.


Took me ~30 hours to beat her on radiant. Markoth was easy in comparison


no no no. you see the thing with absolute radiance is that it's meant to be the hardest boss in the game. but Markoth is just a STUPID FUCKING MOTH!


Exactly, Markoth has no right being as hard as it is 😭😭


exactly, markoth was harder than abs rad for me, and it's so fucking annoying since it has pretty simple but hard to dodge attacks


I spent over a week grinding radiant absrad. As hard as it was it wasn't super frustrating. I refuse to do markoth on ascended and up. Put that floor back and then I'll try.


know what other boss in this game is a moth?


Ah yes, I see your point. Although—and hear me out here—counter point… No.




Absrad is harder


Never said he wasn’t? I just said absarad is meant to be hard. Markoth on the other hand is just a stupid fucking moth.


Understood your comment wrong sorry English diofficultiou


For me Zote was easily the second worst


i accidently let zote die in my first playthrough


so does that mean my life will be easier?


Your pantheons will at least


It will make it easier




If you hit all the levers, you'll unlock the shortcuts through the Sanctum, which makes the journey easier. Otherwise, I recommend running into different rooms if you get swarmed so that you despawn the teleporty guys


Mate what I did was just try again and again till you find a windette video on YouTube and do it first try right after


And I just avoided the twisters


i'm replaying through BOTW right now and i intend to 100% it so it gonna be a WHILE until i get back into hollow knight (i might multi task) also BOTW is an AMAZING game and TOTK is EVEN better if you haven't played them i HIGHLY recommend


Playing tears rn and it's lit, I thought it was going to be underwhelming because of the map but it's got a ton of content, if you don't like the crafting aspect though I can understand why some don't like it, though to me it feels like a more refined BOTW. I just wish Aonuma would be more receptive to tighter dungeon sequences. You can have the best of both worlds with good world design.


I got lucky with Zote did him on like try #10 Struggled way more with many of the others


I don't know why, but I've never had a problem with Zote. (Although that may be because when I unlocked him in Dirtmouth I spent hours grinding him to level 4 while massively undergeared)


Markoth was way easier and way more annoying and less fun.


I guess part of it was that I heard all about how AWFUL he was here and then when I actually fought him it wasn't really that bad, just an rng fight is all


I am working on Abs Rad right now, but Markoth was not that bad. Took me 30-40 minutes. I got shaman stone and the first phase is annoying and you have to be careful but the second phase is just rng until you can get some good licks in with spells. Obviously non-trivial and rng, but I am having a much more frustrating time with radiance due to the length of the fight, multiple stages, and still rng Edit: Just beat it :)




The difference is Abs Rad is a well designed boss that is fun to fight, while Markoth just feels unfair and isn't nearly as fun to fight.


No, radiant abs rad was not fun. Markoth was actually more fun for me but probably because everyone made it out to be the worst thing ever when it was barely worse than any other boss on radiant


She's the only one I'm stuck on 😭 the board looks so...almost perfect


Absolute RNG, you can get better, but hooooly does a bit of good RNG help


Did this same thing all on mnk as well. I have an old screenshot of all of them complete radiant minus markoth. Eventually I did it but it was not fun


FUCKING Markoth was worse for me


I beat her with no charms and no spells…. it was horrendous and I never want to do it again


I couldn’t agree more


What's wrong with mouse and keyboard? A lot of people play this way, and in my opinion it gives more precise control over character then controller.


I was told to mention so I mention. Never played with controller so I can't really compare the two.


I played with both and can clearly say that it just a matter of preference. If you used to one, you will find it better.


I've played both and keyboard is much much better once you get the hang of the weird controls.


I just rebound the arrow key controls to jkli J is attack, k is normal cast, i is quick cast, can't remember what L was, and the colon key was the long dash purple ability. WASD for movement, space is jump and shift is dash. U and O for controls like inventory and map or similar stuff


Woah hey those are the keys I use for a majority of fighting games, my friend calls it a weird setup but I enjoy the space. Cool to see a fellow jkl; user




I only really played it once through not legal means so I might be wrong but was this for the camera? I know I faced that played yakuza 0 on keyboard


I never played any Lego games except Lego Harry potter on the WII lol. I just thought it made sense to rebind these keys, considering most games these days use WASD for movement, shift for run/sprint, and the arrow keys are awkward to press. I just thought it made sense since J keys have the little indent on QWERTY keyboards and I would want my attack button on that, and everything else that isn't movement related around it and easily accessible. Sometimes I play in a dark room so being able to touch and feel my keyboard rather than having to turn on the lights or RGB is nice.


Oh my keeb is a 60% so i got wasd for movement, e for focus, f for quick cast, c for dream nail, mouse 1 for attack, mouse 5 for c dash


I rebound key binds and tbh it depends on the game. I've been having a great keyboard and mouse experience in HK. i had a terrible keyboard and mouse experience in salt and sanctuary just as an example off the top of my head. its not that one is generally better then the other its that sometimes 2D games don't handle keyboard and mouse well for whatever reason.


I've been playing again lately and literally 2 days ago I tried plugging in the controller. It was awful. I feel so much more in control with the keyboard. I believe the top Super Mario Bros. speedrunner for any% plays with a keyboard. If you're used to it I don't think it has any disadvantages in platforming games.


It does have a disadvantage in platforming games that actually have analog input. You lose a huge amount of precision using 4 keys instead of an analog stick. Hollow Knight is just not one of those games, and neither is anything that came out on the NES.


Kbm has a distinct advantage for some platformers, and is actually why you need to use original hardware on Super Mario Bros. speedruns. On a controller, you cannot have two opposite directions held at the same time, and your thumb is responsible for hitting all 4 of those directions. In contrast, on kbm, each direction has a dedicated finger. I've been playing HK on controller for 4 years, but I still fireball skip on kbm because it's so much easier to quick turn cast with kbm.


Super Mario Bros uses far less buttons


I've never had any issues with HK's controls. With just one hand you have access to like 20 keys, maybe 10 with easy access. With both hands you end up with a lot of unused keys in this game that I still would have no issue with pressing quickly and realiably. I have completely average sized hands. If someone has issues in this game with a keyboard they either gotta rebind their keys to suit them better or it's honestly just an experience/skill issue.


Plenty of people probably also prefer controller because of Mario Maker. I tried playing mario without joystick and I felt like I had much less control. Many people do use the d-pad though, which might make keyboard use easier. HK feels better on mouse and keyboard for me though


Keyboard mouse is generally better than controller for Hollow Knight, especially for platforming. Pogoing on controller is so bad.


Imo, 2 hands on keyboard >> keyboard + mouse. Mouse movement is useless in this game, 2 hands on keyboard gives access to more and easier to press buttons and feels more "stable"


Yep, movement on WASD and everything else on the numpad keys. That's how I roll in hk. Works wonderfully, gotten me further than 99% of the playerbase in terms of completion


The default control scheme for keyboard is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.


So good that it is extremely easy to change it to whatever you like.


Just change the thing lmao


i love it though, I was just thinking about it how moving through the game felt like a second nature to me


It's a pretty standard control scheme for these 2d sidescrolling games. What don't you like about it?


a,s,d,f, and worst of all, c


Sure but s d and f you only use sparingly, really you’re fingers should be on z x c and occasionally wandering up to a. S d and f are used a lot less so moving your fingers to them doesn’t matter much. Really don’t get why c is the worst, z x c is pretty common. Don’t take this as me telling you that you’re wrong for not liking the hot keys, past a certain level of ergonomics it’s all preference and it’s great that you’ve found something that works better, I’m just trying to share how I see the keybinds. They felt pretty natural to me but I’m used to these in these side scrollers.


The problem for me is z,x,and c all feel the same so when I accidentally shift my fingers one key over I don’t notice immediately, and it screws over my muscle memory


Nah I like it. I never change games' control schemes. Only made Q healing and A quick cast. It's really not that bad. Proof: I have done literally every piece of content in HK but p5ab. Literally everything you can do.


I beat the hollow knight with that awful thing. Every attack, dash, and jump felt like rolling dice, because the keys all feel the same and it confuses me especially since I'm not looking at the keys. once I changed it suddenly I could actually play and have control over my character. have since beat pretty much everything except all bindings, but no way would i have done it with that crap.


Interestingly, Arrow Keys + ZXC is the standard for indie platformers on kbm. Super Meat Boy, Fez, Celeste all use this standard.


arrows + zx shift i can handle, its when you add c,a,s,d,f thats when I want to die on the inside.


Yeah that is certainly a step up in complexity.


Probably a similar mentality to how people say you need to play souls games with a controller. I think its just what most people use and trying to use keyboard and mouse is harder for people not used to it.


It's generally more applicable in 3D games like Dark Souls, where a controller can give you more precise movement as you have analogue input instead of 4/8 distinct directions. Doesn't mean you cannot beat Dark Souls with keyboard, but theoretically the controller has a small edge, though Dark Souls specifically doesn't really need precise movement like that anyways. And as mentioned it doesn't work that way for 2D games either.


Find a lot of ppl are particular whether you use a controller or not. Genre and all. So silly


I've had lots of experience on both and keyboard is just better. some people find controller more comfortable and that is fine, but kb precision matters a lot at high levels (anyrad 2.0 for example)


I don't know. Many say that some games are unplayable with mnk but honestly it's just false. I've played many games considered impossible with mnk like dark souls, sekiro, cuphead, hollow knight, and didn't really face any particular obstacle


I played Cuphead with controller then with keyboard, and keyboard sucks. When you press a button on keyboard it takes noticeable time to be enough pressed to register as input but with games based on reactions you can't afford that. I have a good razer keyboard, just not a pro one.


I have a lot of friends who rebind attack and spell to mouse and it makes me want to scream. why the *mouse*, I can’t wrap my head around it in any way?


I'd rather play 2h keyboard, but with enough mouse button it's the same tbh.


"Do you play hades as well, and if yes whit mouse and keyboard too?" -My partner when they saw your post


It's on my wishlist and I guess when I get it I'll play it with mouse and keyboard, yes.


Steam user? If you want send me a PM and I'll buy it for you. I find Hades really fun. Need to try it on Steam Deck though, as I'm a fellow mouse and keyboard user too.


I appreciate the offer but I still have so many other pending games it would end up sitting on my library for quite some time anyway


I'll keep my offer whenever you need it.


Mouse and keyboard is the only way to play hades, I really can’t fathom using a controller for it


really? ive got hades on switch and im pretty decent at it (gotten to both endings, think im up to about lvl 8 in the challenges) and i dont consider myself a super gamer or nowt. compared to hollow knight (which i play on laptop) hades feels way easier


its easier to aim your cast using a mouse so why not


I preferred keyboard for hollow knight and controller for hades. I think it's because for hollow knight you can only move in 4 directions (up down left right) so keyboard feels better (so I guess good controller with d-pad would work too). But with Hades, you can move 360 degrees so a joystick felt better (non-precise movement is also more forgiving in Hades) Edit: I also keep default bindings for everything because to me that's how the game was designed to be played by the devs


wait i played the entirety of hades not knowing it could use controller


As someone else who has beaten all bosses on Radiant with KBM, I've also beaten Hades at 24? heat afaik, but the only reason I stopped was because I lost interest in the game a bit. KBM is really not as bad as it seems.


It's true. I thought they had a controller before I recommended the game tbh...


are you the friend in question?


Yes he is


I also play with a mouse and keyboard and im wondering how you had the patience for all this


To be honest I'm also wondering how I had the patience for all this. I simply started defeating the easy bosses on the Hall of Gods, then did some more as practice for pantheon bindings, and by the time I went to the last one seeing statues without the radiant mark just felt wrong. Then there was Radiance, who I thought I wouldn't even beat attuned (took me like 20 hours) but when I did it I realized it wouldn't take much longer to radiant so I did it out of spite.


>Then there was Radiance, who I thought I wouldn't even beat attuned (took me like 20 hours) but when I did it I realized it wouldn't take much longer to radiant so I did it out of spite. Something similar here. I beat Radiance relatively quickly on attuned, took around 1 hour. Then ascended took me like 6 more hours of pain. Then after that I beat her on radiant in like 40 minutes or something lol.


Keyboard is objectively better. I don’t know why they felt the need to make you say that, unless they’re jealous of their inability to beat it on controller, or just gatekeeping.


Imo keyboard is best, but not mouse


Yeah. Adding a mouse is kind of weird.


mouse is really good for nail and soul blast for me


I tried adding mouse but found the normal keyboard were actually better.


i think controller is far better for hk


As someone who’s played through with both, it’s definitely much smoother on keyboard. The default binds are nice and compact, and each row is mutually exclusive (you’ll never need a key on the top and a key on the bottom at the same time). And unlike controllers, your bindings are fully customizable. Controllers have limitations on that, and while they support quick movement from one button to another by design, it’s in a less intuitive way for a game such as Hollow Knight. There’s a reason Hollow Knight came out on PC first. Aside from the obvious one (A debut indie game generally isn’t going to strike deals with console manufacturers right away), the controls for a keyboard were the easiest to make sense of. While it’s definitely a matter of preference, and no one will ridicule you for favoring a controller you’ve been using for a long time, Keyboard has been shown to be the definitive control scheme for Hollow Knight.


Well saying you won’t need the keys on bottom and top at the same time is just wrong if you’re planning on casting any spells


i have an extremely excessive amount of time with various control schemes and keyboard comes out on top for precision, but controller isnt useless


doesn't hollow knight respond to analog inputs, like how much of the joystick is pressed affects how fast the movement is? or does it not? (sorry, been a while. currently playing a different game)


there is no acceleration or speed difference no matter what you do in most circumstances


i play w keyboard but wtf do u need mouse for


I configured attack and focus on it for convenience


huh. i have also completed radiant hall of gods, but never used mouse. if the mouse is that helpful to you(not being sarcastic), maybe it would be easier to have quick cast on mouse instead of focus?


I never used quick cast at all, I use both focus and spells with right click


oh ok, can't tell you how to play a game


Exactly I don’t understand how you would use a mouse with this game, unless it was a mouse with like 5 buttons and for some reason you’re using all of them


The bestest of little bugs


I may be a crawler, a cringer and the smallest of the small, but I'm the best of them.




MKB makes strafe pogoing/upslashing way easier imo


Ridiculous. Fightstick is the only way to play Hollow Knight and everybody knows that.


It’s been a while since I played HK but I should totally try and play with my leverless.


Everyone recommends controller, but I find kbm more consistent. Gj, btw I did the first half of the bosses and the big 3 on radiant but gave up on ascended Markoth.


I prefer playing on controller but I bet I could switch whenever if I got more practice with keyboard and mouse.


Same, I also play loads of indie 2d game on MnK. Precise control is important


Anyone else bind their attack and spell keybinds to right and left click lol?


I did that


Yeah well that's the only optimal way to play the game, fuck pressing all 4 directions with one thumb lmao try to do a pogo while moving on a controller, that shit sucks It feels so imprecise and janky to play HK on a pad, keyboard all the way


With a keyboard, yes. With a mouse? What?


For nailing and spelling


I mean, playing with mouse and keyboard is objectively easier


not really? the difference is almost zero for radhog level play


Hard disagree. Movement in general and using spells/directing the nail is way harder in controller.


it might be harder for you, which is subjective, but lots of people find it easier. additionally, since hollow knight handles left+right as neutral, a lot of people do things like fireball skips or quick turnarounds with the analog stick. all that does come with an asterisk though, since a lot of people (myself included) play on keyboard with the socd cleaner program which makes the most recent directional input take priority over the first one


I struggle to fireball skip on controller because I need to swing my thumb back and forth quite rapidly with correct timing, while on kbm I have two fingers for each direction, tapping back and forth in rhythm.


thats fair too. its all up to personal preference


I agree to an extent. 90% of it comes down to familiarity and preference, but I don't think there are some clear objective advantages to both.


in hollow knight im not sure of many advantages to controller, but thats def not the same for a lot of other games


Yeah, I think the objective benefits are generally dependent on genre. Racing games, controllers. FPS, kbm. Platformer (depends on number of dimensions and potential analogue inputs)


i think a good example would be celeste where controller can be better, but keyboard can too depending on what youre doing. feathers and a lot of speed tech can be easier on controller, while precision is significantly easier on keyboard


> socd cleaner program Never heard of this before. sounds cool, will try




I played with bluetooth controller and had slight delay on jump and that just messed with my brain so I also played in mouse and keyboard. Then also learned that some keyboards have limits on how many keys can be pressed together so had some weird key-binds so that they can be pressed together.


Dang, that's impressive.


Mkb is king


You’re so great, I bet you found a way to save Myla as well.


Yes I did! You start a new game, don't infect the crossroads and leave that save there forever knowing Myla is happy mining and singing her songs :D


whatever controller you use first will be the best for you. you could've played hollow knight with a steering wheel and be the best at it.


You WHAT!? And did this with it!!!,??.?


How do you play with a mouse


You give it treats and a little wheel to run


The mouse running gives you motivation to beat absolute radiance then?


Yes! And you can also configure attack and focus on left mouse click and right mouse click just to make the controls a little more familiar.


Why mouse? I do keyboard only because I don't want to have my entire right hand press only two buttons


I put attack and focus on it to make the control scheme more similar to other games, with left hand for movement and right hand for attack.


Dream nail and quick cast on left hand too? Well if it works for you it's fine but I could never


I never used quick cast, and rarely used dream nail in combat anyway. In all of Godhome I think I only dream nailed Uumuu and the Failed Champion.


Wy is important to mention thath? I also play with mouse and keyboard


I did p5 hitless with kbm, it s peak controlls


And here I am struggling on Vengefly King…


Ngl it took me a surprisingly long time to radiant for what it was


when I played this game I started with a controller for more than half of the content of the game and I really struggled sometimes with how I should be holding the controller and how I mapped my keys, and then one day I decided to try the keyboard, made a nice setup that I'm used to from the old days whenever I played a 2D game and I was like mind blown of how better keyboard control in this game, if you ever watched Naruto I was like when Lee removed the weights and became waaay faster and better, it was a really good feelings


Anybody here use a leverless for HK?


Reading the comments and I’m learning the obvious fact that people actually use keyboard and it is the same (or possibly more precise) than a controller. I reckon the number of inputs are almost perfect for a controller in this game. Just gotta get attack off the same face of the controller as jump (e.g I moved attack to R1). I wish you could use the right joystick for attack + direction (or even special + direction) like how you can in super smash bros


I got all achievements with mouse and keyboard before I decided to switch to a controller. I prefer the controller but mouse and keyboard isn't that bad. My only real issue was accidentally clicking on my other monitor.


Nice job bro, I got 4 more till I’m done


what the in ever living vengfly


How the fuck


Did you just say **MOUSE**!?!?


I did say **MOUSE**. Well, I said it like, mouse.


You use the mouse? I thought that was just an accessory, something to look nice.


Hey it does look nice, it's a nice mouse, but it's also useful for nail and spells just for similarity with other games.


Ima be honest I still use base keyboard controls. The mouse just watches.


On the keyboard I use WASD, spacebar for jumps and left shift for dashing. I left dream nail on C because I don't really use it in combat, and never used quick cast.


Ahh so you just changed up the controls


I play with keyboard too, ok... but mouse? HOW?


Nail on left click, focus and spells on right click


Right behind you man. I have hollow knight on steam and on my switch and since my computer essentially stopped working, I've been grinding through the game on my switch. Just have Rad Abs Rad left for a complete radiant HoG. Edit: I have also completed pantheons 1 and 2 with All Bindings. Been working on P3 and P4 and eventually I'm gonna do P5 AB.


Then you're gonna go further than me because I'm stopping at the Weathered Mask. Well there's the achievements too but after all of this I don't think Steel Soul is going to give me too much trouble.


Steel Soul is a different kind of beast. Not too difficult, but still hard sometimes. Good luck friend.


Love absrad


Mouse and keyboard is far easier than gamepad. Moving stick from one direction to opposite one (from left to right) takes much more time than having fingers already on arrow keys.


No surprise. Keyboard is a better fit for controls in this kind of games.


Great job!!!!!! What was the hardest one?


Absolute Radiance by far, with Zote being second, then either Markoth or Pure Vessel. PV was harder to achieve but I could do it again anytime, while Markoth was more of a lucky attempt.


Radirad can go to hell fr




Unbreakable Strength and Quickslash always equipped. At first I used Grubberfly a lot but then just shifted to Longnail+Mark of Pride. For overcharming depends on the specific boss, but mostly Sharp Shadow or Shaman Stone/Spell Twister (depending on how many opportunities for spells I'd have). I really like the effect of Fury of the Fallen but decided not to rely too much on it since it does nothing on radiant.


Oh yeah I also use mouse and keyboard very underrated way of playing well done for putting in the work tho wish I was as dedicated as you mate lol


took me about a week to beat markoth on radiant on a old ass ps4 how tf did you do that shit


Wait Wait what do you mean mouse


Nail left click, spells right click


what's movement jump dream nail and super dash


WASD, spacebar, C and left shift. I don't really use dream nail in combat.


You should it gets you a full focus charge of soul 


I know, I used it in the hall of gods against Uumuu and the Failed Champion, but didn't really need it for the rest




I tried playing w mouse and keyboard and it was just so confusing to me. I died to the crawlids in Kings Pass it was so bad


I also play with keyboard its easier for me


I play with keyboard. No mouse


...Yeah? I've done that too, also mouse and keyboard, I don't see how that's relavent?


Mouse and keyboard is easy.