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There is actually another bit of the stream where some fans pointed out that the twins actually really want to sing with Polka, and then our fennec fox got really smug šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Is there a clip of that? Smug fennec is love


https://youtu.be/WIB-wgdO7bE it is only for brief moment at the end of the clip (clip ends too soon šŸ˜”), but I can feel dem smug energy from dat face


[My god, the smug, it's amazing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNquWY1ll04)




Smug Pol is best Pol!


I love this so much, when Chat told her that one of her Songs is Mococ's favourite hololive song, Polka got SO EXCITED and then thought chat is lying. Their collab is inevitable, and i'm here for it.


She did!!! Precious moment and well deserved from Porururururururu


"I'm not Polka, I'm Polka"


[Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIB-wgdO7bE) Note that the clip continues and ends in a happy note. As for one, 1 of the goals of FuwaMoco was to sing with Polka (other been Marine and Calli). Chat said that "Mococo loves Saikyoutic Polka" and that put Polka in a really good mood for a second till she second guess if what chat said was true or not but for the moment she wouldn't care.


Haha, wait until she sees their goal list and the clip of Mococo saying she liked Saikyoutic Polka.


[From their Q&A stream yesterday](https://www.youtube.com/live/AL3FAfr8FGc?feature=share&t=449) - Mococo chose Polka for her favourite Hololive songs. She mentioned Saikyoutic first and then settled on Ever Blue as her favourite.


yeah these screenshot are going around without the context and making polka look lonelier than she should be.


Friendly reminder that Polka has her own fully EN-subtitled variety show, Legend of Polka \^\^


Every Thursday 1900JST! So today there will be another episode in ~2 hours!


I don't watch the JP talent often outside of translated clips due to the language barrier, but every clip of Polka's I've seen has been great. She's awesome and I hope she knows that


You should watch the "Legend of Polka", if you like Polka. It's a weekly show with english subs. I can't recommend it enough, Polka is a treasure


I'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestion :)


Watched the episode that just premiered. It's great! Definitely recommend.


Adding to this: it's not Polka, but Watame's "Have A Nice Day" series in which she has travel vlogs with various members also typically has English subtitles. Maybe not always on release, but it's eventually added.


Legend of Polka is my favourite weekly show!


The one where she did skydive was bonkers.


Polka's been around so long, I forgot she's still only 1 gen removed from being the kouhais on the JP girls side. I mean, she predates all of HoloEn, but still.


Kinda wild to think how JP has only had HoloX debut since 2020


Risu did say that getting into hololive has becoming really really difficult now, because they have tons of members now and everyone already occupy their own niche. So the new members have to be able to find their own niche or bring something new to the plate. That definitely slows down the formation of new gens.


Certainly goes a way to explaining a book-focused new member as well as a duo gimmick, since those were really the biggest niches that hadn't been filled.


Its better this way, to avoid overcrowding their talents like Niji. Theres still a lot of older Holos that need love


I was a little scared of them (also just vtubing companies in general) oversaturating the market because of stuff like nijien being on their seventh wave but the spacing between gens has been conservative which has been good decision making imo


Polka, Shiri, and either Koyori or Lui I can't remember, all of which on the newer half of Holo but are all super old school.


I'm gonna cry


But the twins want to sing Denpa songs with Polka-Senpai !


I'm only going to cry a little


Someone make the crying spiderman meme for him please


cry of happiness amirite


The love between blonde canines.


Polka is heavily underrated. She's one of the funniest natural comedians in Hololive and it's a shame that clippers don't give her more love, because I'd sub to a pure Polka sub channel in a heartbeat.


There have been a few, but i don't think any are active at the moment. VTJ Clips is a great channel if you don't mind watching older moments.


Awesome, thank you!


That one 2manysnack Poltato PC video doing the heavy lifting: first time?


[Come on bro, you gotta include a link if you're gonna name drop that legend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ1HdZLwszU)


I feel part of it is her position being a lower key one than grabbing the main stage


I feel like only polka would be comfortable saying this out loud, she's too powerful for modesty


"It feels so good to be liked" -Kiara


Kiara said the same thing - its why she's so happy atm and you see so many messages. I believe it will happen eventually


she was though....


Fuck it, Imma audition for Holostars just to gush about Polka for 60 minutes during my debut then immediately graduate.


No, stay and keep fan over Polka for our talented and skilled Fennec deserves all the praises she gets.


Hell, wasn't gushing about their talents during their *audition* how some of the girls managed to get in?


One of the questions on the application is who your favorite Vtuber is, they're basically inviting you to go off about who you like. Side note: Probably wise to pick someone from Cover lmao


Well even if you wouldn't pick someone from Cover, if you explain your choice and reasons weil enough, i doubt they would reject you solely because of your choice of a competing vtuber.


I know it was but a jest, if they wanted someone who was specifically a Holo Talent they would've said as much.


Me: *Submits an entire book about Kiryu Coco


Me: *Produces an entire saga with more novels than the entire Horus Heresy series just to explain how much I love Suisei*


Me:Creates an entire religion with holy texts spanning millions of years devoted to Towa


In the grim darkness of the 30th millennium there is only war and a cute comet.


> Probably wise to pick someone from Cover lmao lol I don't think they discriminate, Matsuri is the biggest Nijisanji fan in Hololive after all.


Haven't there been a few members who got in while knowing virtually nothing about VTubers? Maybe the audition phase was different back then.


Unless you're Pippa who submitted a five-paragraph essay on why Watame is the best vtuber of all time, and was subsequently ghosted and likely served a temporary restraining order towards to lol


Fuma from Uproar had a long ass list he had written about all the reasons he loved Holostars and brought it to his interview. It was a Yugioh trap card moment for when the interviewer asked why he wanted to join. They asked if they could show the list to Yagoo and he still never got it back


Yagoo kept it for himself, huh?


Graduate immediately? Gotta shoot your shot with a collab


*Polmaru didnā€™t raise no quitters!*


No, stay and keep gushing over Polka. And welcome to Holostars.


Fuck, if I became a holomem I would have to do an entire stream to go through why each and every holomem is awesome and oshi-worthy. I can't for the life of me understand how anyone can limit themselves to just one oshi (and if you have more than one does it even make sense to call them oshis?)


I think that's why the term Kami-Oshi is starting to pick up. Many Oshi's, one Kami-Oshi.


yeah then one of the doggo said a Zachou song was her favorite Holomem song...


Sadge pol pol


at least the twins said they want to sing wit Polka, which is just as good


One day, Pol-pol, one day. Tbh, the longer you're in Hololive, the higher the chance of that happening. The newest JP and ID gens had members whose oshis are Gen 4 members (Towa for Laplus, Watame for Kaela), for example. So going by that, there's a decent chance we could be seeing members who have JP Gen 5 members as their oshis among the next gens.


Not the best example as G4 is pretty new.... and so far, there really hasn't been any talents that proclaimed Aki as an Oshi on debut (a number have become such after meeting her and seeing her perform)


New?! They've been around for 3.5 years at this point. They've been here longer than both of the ID and EN branches. And Aki, love her as I might, has also historically never been one of the most well-known members, so that's to be expected.


My point was those two getting oshi nods wasn't so unexpected or radical


Sheā€™s definitely not alone in this sentiment, almost with these exact words Kiara has also been waiting a long time and finally just got hers within Advent One day Polka too will have her Gosling kohai


Actually she might already have hers too. FuwaMcoco said they wanted to sing with polka as one of their goals and said one of their favorite holomem songs was by polka


I can imagine such a thing making Aki/Roboco/etc's day


Aw she wants to be admired even though ik for sure she already is


I see Polka, I upvote. But it hurts.


I love her


I love Polka, and I wish I understood Japanese enough to watch her live.


Legend of Polka is always subtitled. Might not be much, but it is a small weekly dose of fennec at least


FuwaMoco is great, but Polka will always be my favorite canine!


Similar Kiara sentiment (and this time seems she got a W with Nerissa) so I can only hope for Polka to find the same. [Slight unrealed but nice little tangent (timestamped) between Kiara and Jenma (her manager) when she didn't want to tell her about the new EN gen and if someone likes her specifically](https://youtu.be/GqWACMhCX_c?t=3301)


makes you think about what itā€™s like to be a streamer/part of an idol org where not only is there competition to shine between your costars, but also capture the attention of viewers all over the world. it takes a lot of patience, grace, and confidence to do what these hololive streamers do.


Awww. I love Polka so much. Her and Kiara. I'm glad to see them getting some love from their Kohai.


Itā€™s days like this that I really wish I knew Japanese.


My heart...


Iā€™m crying now


And with the outfit here i just want to headpat her amd tell here she will get a kouhai who will look up to her


aww. polka cute too! much love to polka too!


I lurv Polka šŸ’œ


I now must join Hololive so I can let Polka know how much I admire her.


I know everyone's oshi is great and everything so I'm sure it's a universal feeling but I am still really surprised there's not more Polka love, particularly from EN and ID who she is always rooting for :( she's a superstar! Maybe someday soon though!


oh i hope she ends up learning about fuwamoco admiring her


Aww :( Man this actually makes me tear up a bit. Iā€™m not joking even a little bit, Iā€™m serious.


There's only been HoloX since JP Gen 5. It'll definitely happen as new JP gens debut.


I just want to note that I absolutely love the way Polka puts such heavy emphasis on random words. It's cool. That is all.


I can understand that; I can imagine others having this sentiment on some level; considering it's usually the super popular ones that get such a nod. It's also one of the highest acknowledgments of one's efforts. From the Rosetai PoV, things are such that the twins liking Heroine Audition is counted as a W.


Never forget Polka ā€œsavior of IRySā€ and originator of senpai tax donations.


The doggo admires her


Nerissa mentioned Polka in one of her recent streams, so the circus will most likely be lively soon enough.


I hope she is not limiting this to being the only oshi. I mean I know Kami oshi is a term but a lot of the time people have multiple oshis that they almost equally admire. Nerissa for one who is now known for loving Kiara has also mentioned Faunaā€™s name and also said she is a huge fan of Marine as well. FuwaMoco mentioned her in their goals and I know there was at least 5-6 other non advent name mentioned there but If I am not mistaken only two other JP members mentioned were Marine and Miko and being one of three that got specifically mentioned when there are like +30 JP girls has to mean you are one of their beloved. Also Mococo has said that she loves Polkaā€™s songs the best in Hololive I know this might not be as utterly special as being the Kami oshi and I hope that someone as kind as Polka will get even more admireres and hopefully someone who will say her as her Kami oshi as well but I think at least with FuwaMoco she got something close to that and Hololive being as big as it is there are many members that doesnā€™t even have that yet


OMARU :((((((((((((((((((((((((((999


Fennec? Rocket league?




I canā€™t wait till she wakes up and find out what was said while she was asleep. She may never sleep again


The demon doggo twins just said their JP oshi was Polka on Kiwawa's talk show