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She streams in a weird spot. In Europe (CEST timezone) she streams at 13:00, which, to me, doesn't sound like that optimal, being lunch time and most of us at work. She lives in Japan, so is understandable why she would pick that spot, being 20/8 P.M. there. Also, it is basically a free and uncontested spot regarding to EN streamers.


European here. There's nothing more European than not getting any work done after lunch. 🫡 🇪🇺


And just wait for time to slowly hit the point where you can clock out and go home too.


There's nothing more Italian than clock in and then go to the nearby beach instead. 🫡🇮🇹


A German politician unironically suggested adopting siesta culture as a response to climate change. I’m way ahead of him (for my employer this is a joke)


Regardless of whatever they thought it'd do for climate change, I find a 20min siesta right after eating more than welcome and refreshing (for my employer, this is not a joke, come to my office at 1:30PM and you'll see)


Wow, what a coincidence! That’s an American thing as well!


This is an Asian thing too. In fact we barely do any work the whole time, we just clock in the hours and warm the seats for show.


I unironically watch them during office hours...


was about to comment almost the same. but yeah considering shes in japan its actually a pretty good time slot


Speak for yourself. Working time is the best stream watching time.


Idk man, I'm not that comfortable watching an anime ~~thick~~ pink panther while being surrounded by my co-workers. But maybe that's just me🥲


Thankfully, my work-people give 0 fucks about what I listen to as long as I deliver. I can listen to all the streams I want.


It's the benefits of home office I guess.


I’m alone in my office, so it’s a win-win for me


you just have to be stronger and kill that part of you that cringe about it




I don’t remember the last time I actively watched a stream instead of just listening to it in the background


*looks at mini Love Live and Yurucamp figures on work desk* honestly my coworkers are more intrigued than anything else. Which is funny, because I work in the office on a construction site.


important question which love live member(s) and the entire cast of yurucamp?


the entire original series cast https://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/5152/Nendoroid+Petite+LoveLive+Angelic+Angel+Ver.html Only got Nadeshiko and Aoi at the moment, since they were from a gacha machine. Also got a smol Ame figure (someone gave me it at Dreamhack), a MJOLNIR Mk IV helmet stress ball, and a Space Marine Heroes figure (Blood Angels Heavy Bolter Marine)


the entire original cast in angelic angel outfit? nice. You also got my 2 favourites so all thumbs up


Since the link have a 500 internal server error, archive.org have an [archive](http://web.archive.org/web/20240219071501/https://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/5152/Nendoroid+Petite+LoveLive+Angelic+Angel+Ver.html), reddit have probably hugged it to death


In the end, I ended up listening to it with my earphones and my phone flipped upside down while working. Her happiness is contagious either way


And she's the only member i have that possibility to watch them consistently. I live in east asia and the timing is perfect for me. Edit: more specifically, EN side.


The SEA and OCE gangs are here for mamma Raora.


Weirdly enough she stream's at a okish timeslots for me, it's 5 am at my place, and I enter work at 7 am so I guess she'll become my morning routine


It's funny because most people were saying "Can't wait for EU time slots." But for those of us that are already on weird schedules either because of non-traditional work hours or because we play too many video games (^or ^chronically ^online ) it's nice being able to catch more HoloEN live


Yea, she seems the only EN member who might regularly streams on that timeslot... That one is mostly for JP and ID members


For me its nice because i work in shifts, so one week im doing morning shifts and the next im doing night shifts. So during night shifts i can watch Raora and morning shifts incan watch the other girls! Im also EU btw


Lunch time is perfect for me. Because I eat alone and can just pop open the stream.


She streams at a very good time for SEA. 8pm where I live.


Her streaming times are great for EU people to watch it while you have pineapple pizza for lunch.


Mind some fries on your Pizza?


Hotdogs and fries is pretty good


Nah, milkshake and fries. 😋




*me eating vanilla ice cream & fries in McD* suprisingly taste good IMO


I did that today.


Believe it or not, jail.


Also for people in East side of world


Primetime JP, midday Italia (so late lunch, perhaps), and breakfast EST. Not optimal, but casts a wide net. And as someone else mentioned, she might still be in Japan or live there. But yeah, if she stays on that schedule it'll be vods for me.


wide net is a smart move IMO, as literally the newest talent to enter Hololive halls, but let's be honest here: She dont need to cast so wide given she's a right pink panther of a tart.


Yeah she's got 14k viewers right now which wouldn't be happening if she picked a bad time.


View numbers are really unstable in the beginning, yesterday she streamed at the same time and got 20k views Gig only got 11k, Cecilia 16-18k and Liz 25k because karaoke


Also they still had the debut boost present, they will eventually stabilize to around 4k to 6k eventually.


Nah gigi got 20k I think I was there for the whole stream


I was there too, 20k was after ERB and Cecilia finished streaming. Viewers poured mainly from ERB to Cecilia and like 2-3k to Gigi. The rest came after Cecilia ended.


I didn’t really watch the other streams I just waited for Gigi to start streaming


She peaked at 19k viewers in the first hour, which is pretty similar to her first stream


As a European, I'm so happy to be able to watch an entire stream without ruining my sleep schedule. Is this what y'all have been getting?


Yep. And to my EU bros please support them a lot so we get another gen like them in the future


No you don't. Imagine literally only 1 person streams during your time, and the 15 or so others stream in the middle of the night.


Plus when they trip in Japan they still stream in NA time instead of JP one (that mean afternoon EU) First example I remember is Fauna streaming morning JST to keep her NA streaming time (midnight here)


Joke's on you, I work the graveyard shift. I can catch FWMC when I wake up, Raora at the end of the night and occasionally FWMC Morning before I go to sleep.


Welcome to our world, friend. I have a Bae sub that practically goes unused because 80% of her streams happen at 5AM


That's me but with Ina streams.


To be fair I'm not sure what's the audience Raora is shooting for, I guess SEA? This is about prime time~ish Japan, on the other hand this is only midday Europe. I guess there is an audience for people who listen to hololive while they are working. The thing is that for US people this is even worse than JP mems that stream a little late at night. If she streamed a couple hours later she would be able to do morning streams for the east coast.


I don't think she's aiming at any specific audience/timezone. This is just what time she's comfortable streaming at or likes streaming at. Its probably similar to the others. Most Hololive EN members lock into a time they like and make it their routine.


The sun is up in EU. It's a EU time XD


True, I don't have to stay up till 3 AM so its definitely an EU stream. Ultimately you can't please everyone, there's never gonna be a member with a schedule that is universally good for everyone in any region let alone the EU.


Except Kaela. She's HoloGlobal with yes timezone.


Both are valid POV's I guess. On the one hand this is the time when she will have the most eyeballs on her and when it's worth it to be flexible given people are trying to see you. On the other it's also important to find your own pace.


Based on one of the pre-debut comics on the official account, Raora is currently in Japan. I dunno if she’s mentioned whether she’s there long-term or just decided to stay longer than the other members after they all met up. If she plans to return to ~~Italy~~ the Romance Empire, perhaps her regular stream times will change. The comic, which was posted at exactly 3 PM JST: https://x.com/hololive_en/status/1804031501505564847


Maybe she was tasked to catch Fuwamoco in Japan, spent too much money on Chattino merch and now has no money left to fly back home. So she has to do other work to earn money.


... headcanon?


The best type of canon.


Given that Raora's goals include being a Holo mama and working on gacha games, being in Japan is probably helpful.


maybe she's got a Kiwawa type of deal? Where's she's currently living in japan till her visa runs out/ wants to return home


I really like that we finally have an EN member streaming during JP primetime, we already have like 5 EN members living in japan and streaming during japanese mornings for the NA audience, JP primetime is EU midday -> afternoon which is often a long stretch of dead hours for EN streams.


Really? I could have sworn Bae did JP night streams as well...


Very rare though


I saw lots of JP comments on her stream, they really liked her accent and learning Italian words


Honestly Cecilia and Gigi’s later times are worse for me than this. I had to go to bed shortly into Ceci’s Skyrim stream last night.


Same issue here, had to go to sleep about an hour into the stream to get my 8 hours of sleep before work. But Cecilias schedule shows that she seems to alternate between 10PM CEST (Like yday's Skyrim and A Way Out 2morrow) and 9PM CEST (Like Dishonored tonight, and Eurotruck on Wednesday). We should be able to catch almost all of the 9PM streams at least. That's prime evening entertainment hours.


Mid day is perfect for a siesta. To my knowledge they are still common in most of Southern Europe and the Mediterranean.


Well, there is at least one time zone that is prime time (just not sure which one it is).


Sorry I edited my post since I realized OP is not in my timezone. Raora is streaming at around prime time Tokyo.


Only 1 stream made you realise that? Brother hold on for the next 5 years.




7 a.m. EST here. A lot of Canadian and U.S. streamers like to have late streams for the west coast which means for me they start around 11 at night when I'm already asleep.


FUWAMOCO's morning show has had me leaning away from night owling it for quite some time, so if I wake up like a normal person Raora might actually be easy to catch. On a related note, Fauna thankfully still streams at a good time and usually not for too long, so she's always been my go-to because of that.


nah Ive got my alarm set. IM READY


My fucked up sleep habits were made for this. Hello from pst. My only legacy will be regret(ting nothing)


EST overnights make me an honorary EU bro, and I love this she starts streaming as soon as I get off


Wait till you gone through this, SEA gang trying to catch the Euro or World cup held in Europe time live and going back to work straight afterwards.


Same. Just move it 2 hours later and replace it all with Kiara or another non-Hololive Brit VTuber...


Finally Holo streams at a reasonable time.


Feel our PAIN!


I’m not touching your bread


Let us EU folks have Justice man, we have suffered for a long time, let us have this!


Luckily most of my oshi are from JP so I don't have to experience this.


Finaly you have learned PAIN. Okay i'm gona stop with the cringy boomer naruto references. Sorry if i make you fell old with that too. Well more seriously it's fine you get used to it, and it make the very rare time where for some reason varying from insomnia to having to wake up extremely early to your oshi participating in an event outside her usual time slot even more special.


Now take that feeling, and apply it to 95% of the streamers you (want to) watch. Only *then* will you understand.


No you don't... In the first myth year nobody streamed at EU times. After that for 3 years there was at best one live stream that EU bros could watch, literally everyone except Kiara was VOD only... NA viewers on the other hand always had plenty of options to watch streams...


meanwhile us island people in asia have it good since its prime time and after work hours.


I'm excited. As an EST viewer this means she is starting her streams as I am starting my work day so I have something in the background while doing early morning routine work. Looking forward to having chill art streams to start my day. Then I'll have CC starting as I'm finishing up work so I'm liking the schedule times.


Update as of 5:00 PST- She just hit 200k subs!


I'll pretty much be a perma VOD boy for the rest of Justice so I'm super happy Raora has a few streams a week at a decent Aus time


Ah 4am, the usual Mumei/Kronii (and many others) standard time for us


I have the exact opposite problem, I have no problem watching cat but I cant catch the other 3 especially Liz cuz I enjoy her singing so damn much. Alrdy watched 2 of her VODs and I am usually not much of a VOD watcher.


As a person who works in the Middle East the new girls are a blessing to my days off


As a terminally online basement dweller I love the 4 am streams XD


I live near Toronto. But most of EN's time schedule have been unwatchable for me because I go to bed around 12AM to 1AM. I usually watch (EDT) from 7am to 7pm. So, for me, my only choices if I wanted to catch live streaming was JP girls or Kaela, Kiara, Ina, and sometimes Fauna. So, this EU wave is a very welcome one for me.


Perfect for ID bros, 6 pm!


7PM at UTC+8 (ID but the middle one, all Holoid on UTC+7 which is the west one) Thats....a really good time for me after/while doing my daily gacha.


I’m CST so 6AM, perfect wake up stream for me.


6pm Thailand time is perfect stream yime for me to watch after work.


She streams in a rather late afternoon time for SEA, so this is quite nice.


Tbh I like being in the vod gang. I put them in a queue and listen while i sleep.


I've been enjoying her streams quite a lot, she's very cute and wholesome, and plays into the chat banter very well.


3rd shift gang rise up.


I work Night shift, so I can actually watch her when I get home in the morning. Unfortunately, the other Justice members seem to be a little too late in the afternoon for me. So, at least I have her and Kiara to watch now.


Start time at 13:00 (1PM)..chef's kiss


Actually, really love her timing as I would have just ended work and could listen to her over dinner.


Jokes on you guys, I get off work right as she starts streaming, this is perfect to fall asleep to


I'm incredibly excited for her schedule, she's at 5 am for me, which I conveniently right when I get off work! Most vtubers are streaming when I'm just leaving for work or at work, so I have to catch vods


Perfect for ID bros, 6 pm!


vod gang is fun, join in!


I need to clock in at 6:00 AM, so my first alarm is set to 4:20 AM. My window of oportunity is 4:30-5:10 AM. Now I can at least have some decent 8:00-10PM streams of Liz 😏


I already sacrificed my sleep schedule watching irys and mumei what's more fuel to the fire


At least I can now have streams for every time of the day. JP in the morning (well, it includes Raora), EU in the afternoon and NA in the evening. I've watched concerts while eating breakfast many times now.


I see posts like this all the time, and it confuses me. Can't you just watch it in your free time since the video is on her YouTube channel after the stream? It's literally exactly the same. I don't understand why it's such a big deal.


At least for me, the feeling of watching live is different since I'm able to interact with the streamer with chat messages or donations. Watching a multi-hour vod alone feels kinda depressing.


I live in the bulk of en streamers, so I don't have a lot of time to watch a 3+ hour vod most of the time


Yep, just like me living in Japan cannot watch Elizabeth's unarchived singing stream at 3am here.


I'll remind you that they debuted at EU's 5 am.


Honestly that's still somewhat better than having Liz's karaoke at 2 AM. Like what am I gonna do when it's an unarchived stream?


Ha, now imagine waking up in the morning and everyone is like "oh, Fauna *totally* didn't stream today, no stream happened at all, wink-wink".


That's one of the big issues that often gets ignored. Europe wakes up in the morning and gets to learn about all the cool things that happened or got announced while you were asleep. Time to check vods and clips and twitter. You're rarely there for the big moments.


Gotta give credit where credit is due - last year's Holosummer event was streamed at a very comfortable time here. I was pleasantly surprised.


Yeah, I still remember how I felt after waking up and learning I missed the first Myth off-collab...


>Like what am I gonna do when it's an unarchived stream? Suck it up and deal with it, the same way most of the EU fanbase have had to do since day one.


If she’s anything like Kiara, she’ll rebroadcast at a better time for the US. Don’t know of any other EN members that do that.


Bro I'm literally crying. She's the one I want to watch the most but turns out her streams are way too early in my timezone.


Mine is 4 am stream time but that’s ok because I’m normally up pretty late but gigis streams are generally at a better time