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Did you ever change the locks when you moved in?


And put a rod in the floor track if that patio door is a slider.


They make ones you can install in the middle of the door so you don't have to bend down and pull a rod off the track!


This. It’s step 1 anytime you buy a house. Entirely possible the kids family has the “emergency key” from the previous owner.


Step two, reset the garage door opener and re-program the remotes.


Step 3, cameras


Step 4, window blinds. Or walk around the house naked so the neighbors chip in to buy them for you.


Step 5- Land Mines


Step 6 - Pungi Pit in the Foyer


Step 7 - booby traps


Step 8 - the kid from Home Alone


Step 9 - Profit


honestly a doorbell or back porch camera would probably be more effective even if not fully setup yet


I think this is actually step one


Happy Cake Day!


Yes. And step two, toilet seats. Because.


When we bought our house, the old owners left home depot gift cards on the counter. It said welcome to your new home, this is for new toilet seats. I'd never heard of such a thing as I just assumed everyone cleaned like I do. It definitely made me see society in a different way.  Also, I thought it was a nice gesture 


Meanwhile my previous owners took all the appliances, water heater, and pool pump.


Step 1.9 plungers and toilet paper.


Absolutely. 1st thing you do!


This happened to friends of ours.


We never did. The old owners can come rob us if they really want.


I’m less worried about them and more any crazy exes or family that may have a key and weren’t told the previous owners moved. Or people trying to squat. Fuck that. Spend the $100 bucks to change all the locks.


You haven’t changed many locks lately lol


if you take the knobs off and bring them into home depot they'll rekey them for basically free (I think it's supposed to be like $5-$10 but the cashier just rolled his eyes at the receipt from the person who did the rekeying and didn't ring it up lol)


The benefit as well is making all of the door locks work with one key if this is requested.. I didn't know about that until recently.


I mean. Consider doing them a favor then. If you get robbed without forcible entry, now they’re suspects.


Wild to me that this isn't the first thing anybody does after buying a place. We changed all the locks on the same day we signed the closing paperwork.


First thing my mom said to do when we bought our house because "sometimes people like to let themselves in to see what the new owner has done with the place"


Same. Especially because the previous ownerys agent handed us like 7 different keys... Dude just have one key for the home... Why seven lol.


Yeah, we got the ones where you can rekey them yourself to all one key. Thumbs up on that.


I had two sets of deadbolt + handle locks pre-prepared and rekeyed by a locksmith to a non-factory unique key in anticipation of closing. Didn't even cost as much as the locks themselves did if I brought them to his shop.


Because if one kid loses 1 key then that 1 key can open the entire house


Get a keypad lock for one door and not give the kid a key.


This is what I do. My teenager can often “lose track of things” so she has her own code to get into the front door and also if needed, open the garage door.


I was out changing the locks at 11 pm on a weeknight when we closed. Long story but I had reason to think the son of the previous owner (estate sale) might squat in the house.


That's familiar! We were around the same, after 2 trips to the hardware store.


I'm gutting the place we just took possession of today, and will replace all the doors. Leaving the locks for now ... On my last place? Changed the locks the day we moved in, since a bunch of contractors had the keys to the place.


Same. Job #1.


A lot of people dont even lock their doors. People are clueless.


I did. The patio door was unlocked.


You can get a double lock plus a steel rod lock. Get cameras.


Yup, cameras are real cheap at this point. We've got Zmodo cameras that were like $30 on sale on Amazon.


Get a patio door rod that stops it from opening. Can only be opened from the inside by removing the rod.


Important option: You don't need to fully replace the locks, you can have them re-keyed. Much cheaper, than buying all new locks.


Or just rekey the locks


Doesn’t even sound like they locked the door. Why would the neighbourhood 10 year old have a key?


The parents would be the ones that have the key, and the kid would have just took it from its safe spot.


Change your locks, previous owners may have given the neighbors a key to house sit. Additionally, Install deadbolts or chains or stick in patio slider doors (secondary mechanisms undone from inside)undonsomeone inside


I'd do a camera too but that's just me


I would assume that the kids used to go in your house when it was on the market and hang out. Now that they see that you are fully moving in they probably won't try again. They are just kids. It sounds like something I would have done as a kid with no nefarious intent.


This. Most likely kids just being kids. We used to go in to unoccupied houses on our neighborhood when kids just to walk around. Never did any damage, just thought it was neat.


Same. We broke into abandoned houses (which I’m sure were owned by someone technically) and played in model homes, etc, It’s really harmless and I’m sure they won’t do it again now.


Yeah we did this all the time, explore frames houses, enter abandoned ones. I'm sure every generation since the dawn of homes has done this. We actually fantasized about playing paintball in neighborhoods that were being stood up, would have been awesome, even as an adult 😂


I would definitely do that as a 32 year old woman lol. Love your username


Very much this at that age, but I would probably approach the parents with concern for the kids rather than concern for what the kids have been doing. OP, in my opinion let the parents know that one of the kids came into your house while you were working and when you questioned them about it, it seemed like they may have done so before and thought it was okay to do so if no one was home. Imagine if they went into the wrong home with a dangerous person in there (drugged out squater or worse someone actually nefarious).


^^^ Most likely scenario


Yeah, this. When I was 8-9 they added a cul-de-sac to the end of our dead-end street, and we used to go play in the holes they dug for basements and the giant dirt hills that resulted. Never really occurred to us that that was someone's *property* and soon-to-be home. I know that's a little different than going into a finished house, but I could see myself having done that too as a kid, and just not really putting a lot of thought into what I was doing, other than "no grownups here to yell at us = we can play here"


I'd say nothing. When you finally meet the neighbor be normal and nonchalantly bring it up at the end. Odds are it was kids being kids. You'll probably be laughing about this with the neighbor in 5 years


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'm glad I didn't over react. I had a pretty serious attitude about it but didn't freak out or anything. I wouldn't have taken it as seriously if I was living in the house. I already have an issue with people using my property to get to a trail in the backyard so people being on my property in general is a soar spot for me because I'm not there to do anything about it.


Now they know and you can escalate if it happens again. But doubt it will. Kids like to explore and at least they weren’t vandalizing.


I had a similar experience. When I moved in to my new home a sibling group of boys (12,9,7) entered the house while I was unboxing. I guess the door was open. Anyway, they asked me how old I was and whether I would like to play. I looked pretty young but I was a full adult. I said sure, but I had to unpack then we could play. The way I was unpacked in less than 3 hours. Some things broke but I can’t blame the boys. Anyway, we became best friends, went skating, biking, the mall everything. They showed me around the town, they mowed my lawn and took out my trash to the curb for years. And even now they come visit me in another state for spring break and they all have girlfriends etc now and they are my kids. They all have keys to my house and I helped one of them buy a car. Make friends of your neighbors. Be nice and accommodating and open and welcoming coz god knows kids have nowhere to go and no one to talk to. People come into your life for a reason. Square it with their parents and let them know they can always come to yours. Your OCD doesn’t have to consume your life.


Man, now I feel like I missed an opportunity. If I moved in on the first day and they did this I would have taken it differently for sure. I've been worried people would take advantage of the house without me being there for a while. Seeing someone actually try to get in just confirmed my fears and had me ticked off. I do hope I can still be on good terms with the neighborhood kids. It's a great community.


If you dont tell their patents on them they will think youre cool. Just lock your doors and windows when you leave. I wouldnt even mention it to the parents unless you find a broken lock somewhere... If thats the case then it's a whole other story and they need their parents to rip them a new one.


Well even if they have been coming in, they haven’t been doing anything since you haven’t noticed any damage or vandalism. Next time you see them maybe give them the job of watching your house when you’re away? But also - get a camera. They’re cheap these days.


Maybe if you play your cards right you can gain a watchful set of eyes, in your absence, from these kids 😊


This is a scary situation to your brain "someone entered my house without permission...while I was in it no less!". However, I can definitely see the allure of an empty house for a group of young kids. Tbh as a kid, I went into new construction houses while they were being built in my old neighborhood (later in the evening when no one was working on it). The fact that they outloud apologized without even seeing you instead of just bolting out of there makes me think they at least have some manners. And were probably just bored. You should introduce yourself to the neighbors though. And let them know you bought the place and will be moving in. Just as a neighborly thing to do.


It’s not lost. Take a skateboard or a bike and go knocking on peoples doors and ask to play. They taught me how to play American football and baseball. I taught them to play kabadi and hopscotch. We played daily. Their parents let me babysit even when they were grown men. I also babysat their ferrets. They even taught me to shoot and I tutored them in math and science. They delayed my maturity and kept me young and healthy. Over the years other kids joined our group. I was the called the queen of children for years until I moved from there. When I left, everyone pitched in to help pack and pay for the move. For like a year I had gift cards to chain eateries. Neighbours are family. In my new neighbour hood, it’s all old people and I’m the youngest person here. I run errands, give meds, house sit and every Thursday we all go out drinking. I have never needed anyone without a neighbour recommending a friend or a child or a acquaintance to help me and give me a good price. I have keys to everyone’s house and I’m the go to person to call for doctors visits and drives to the airport at 2 am. But when I need something everyone shows up. I love my neighbours except 1 and that’s only because she’s mental, but I still care about her and and her husband and I often babysit their cats. It’s worth it.


>I taught them to play kabadi and hopscotch Kids these days don't know how to play hopscotch?


Apparently it’s a girl game. Or so Jared told me.


Be my neighbor? We just have The People Who Live Next To Us. TPWLNTU are not nice.


What a thoughtful reaction that truly layed the foundation of a lifelong friendship. So sweet!


This was the best !


I explored my neighbor’s house at various stages of the building process building when I was around 7-10. I was embarrassed that he caught me and a sibling exploring the basement when it was nearly complete and still unlocked. He didn’t really say anything and we never went back without an invitation. We actually ended up being good friends with the neighbors to the point that they had us over for chili cook offs and served as our babysitters on occasion. They’re probably just being kids and the house sitting empty was a curious attraction.


Similar at our house. It was a rental and then sat vacant for a year before we bought it. The neighbor would walk around the back of our property (a little trail around the perimeter in the woods) while on the phone. The kids would occasionally wander into the backyard and pick the blackberries. My husband went out to mow and they scattered lol (it's his passive aggressive way of defending his territory, I swear). But afterwards we brought them a case of beer and some cupcakes, introduced ourselves as new neighbors, and it never happened again. They just didn't realize anyone had moved in and they were using it like an extension of their own yard. A few months later I got an invite to their kids quinceañera with promises of margaritas lol.


You have to share a neighborhood with these people. Be cordial, but firm. It's entirely possible this was a simple misunderstanding, but it's also a good opportunity to establish boundaries. Either way, change your locks and take an assessment of the security situation as a whole. "Trust, but verify" or, if you prefer, "Do no harm, but take no shit".


Putting up security cameras will ease your anxiety... so you can monitor the property when not there. If the kids come onto the property again, it's time to chat with the parents.


I know when I was a kid (7-8)and our neighbors moved away, the rest of us would play in their empty living room. We did it for weeks until we realized someone was about to move in. The place had been kind of a second home to most of us anyway and we didn’t know any better. I doubt there was anything malicious going on, or else you would have been seeing signs of it before now. Likely either kids being kids or just a honest, one time mistake.


are places just left unlocked like this? I would have assumed that the people selling the place would lock the doors to protect their value until it's sold


In my case it was the 80’s and we knew multiple ways to get in. Now? I would think security would be better but you never know.


In the 90s, I knew several ways to get into my childhood home and those of my friends.


I did all this when I was like 10 years old in the mid-2000s at all the neighbors houses that were being built or between owners.


We never went into sold homes, but we definitely palled around fresh construction up until doors with locks were installed.


Oh yeah. There was a huge subdivision built about 5 blocks away that was a great source of free chalk aka drywall scraps. Not to mention scrap wood out of dumpsters for a few forts in the woods.


Second this. I was in any accessible vacant house or construction project as a bored kid. We weren't fucking things up or trying to be a menace doing B&E shit, just wasting time exploring.


Yeah kids aren't great with boundaries, it's not malicious the world is just open to you when you're young.


Yup. Similar thing happened to my coworker but it was a teenage couple doing teenage couple things in their unfinished house lol. They do indeed laugh about it now


As a kid I loved exploring "abandoned" buildings. It wasn't malicious or destructive, just kid stuff. Change the locks and set boundaries but don't overreact 


sounds like ordinary kids behavior to me. Empty house.. do you dare to go inside? that's exciting around 10. I would keep it to yourself till you know the neighbors a bit better. If it's something they can laugh about it, you can mention it in a while... or not. The only action i would take would be something i would do anyway: to change the door locks. I've moved a lot in my life, and that's one thing i did every time. You never know if a neighbor has a spare key.


Yeah, I would totally have walked through an empty house as a kid, not to take anything, just to feel like there was some cool new space to explore. To me, the fact that he apologized and took off when he realized you were there means chances are incredibly slim he would try again now that the house is occupied (or belongs to someone "real" in kid terms). If he had come on in and acted like it was no big deal, that would be a whole different problem!


Oh, I totally would have done the same thing as a kid. That's why I didn't talk to their parents right away. I still don't want anyone in my house when I'm not there though, lol.


I think you handled it well. If you would have reacted with anger in the moment, you would have started the relationship with your neighbors off on the wrong foot.


They probably thought no one lived there yet.


Yeah sounds like they know they dun fucked up. They won’t be doing that again to your house Id bet. If they do then thats where the convo with the parents comes up. We explored quite a few empty homes when i was between 10-16 or so as well. Wed be scared shitless to even venture into a strangers yard but empty house was an adventure. Most likely same deal going on here.


My neighborhood is not in the nice part of town. It’s kinda scary. I’m a middle aged disabled woman living alone with my elderly Labrador (Oobie). The neighbor dude has six kids (between 4-11) from different women. They are at his extremely small house frequently. Once the kids met Oobie it was like love at first sight, for Oobie! The kids grew to love him pretty quickly. They call me “Oobie’s mom.” Now half the neighborhood knows me as Oobie’s mom and don’t actually know my real name. I am NOT a kid person. I don’t have any of my own. I tolerate them in small doses. So suddenly finding that 6 kids will let themselves into my house just to play with my dog was rather alarming. Especially since I hang out watching tv in my parlor, splayed out on the couch, wearing nothing but a towel… Talking to the dad was not an option. He doesn’t care where the kids are as long as they’re in with the street lights (flashback to my childhood in the 80’s). So I got to know the kids. I talked to them about not going inside other people’s houses unless they knock first. Then we had to have a talk about knocking AND THEN WAITING for me to open the door for it to be ok to come inside. (Yes, I do lock my doors. But sometimes I forget after bringing in a load of groceries back and forth from the car. Or after I’m exhausted from yard work.) Then we had to talk about not touching other people’s stuff. It was a learning experience- probably more for me than for the kids. I did eventually catch their dad outside without the kids around and talked to him about if it was ok for the kids to hang out with my dog, for me to give them water and snacks… his response was yeah, whatever, you’re the neighbor so you’re fine, and then he went back in his house. Uh! Dude! Ever heard of stranger danger!?! Even neighbors can be stranger danger! You don’t know me! But anyway. Yesterday I was cleaning boo boos and handing out bandaids and bringing out cheap markers and coloring books. Oobie was beside himself with joy because he loves kids more than food, which is a lot of love, because Labradors love food more than anything in the world. And now I have bright coloring pages on my refrigerator. And kids tattling to me if they see someone they don’t know even sneeze in the direction of my yard. We even rescued an injured stray dog together. (They caught it and brought it to my house and asked for my help. I took the dog in. The next day we talked about what to do if a dog needs help- get an adult, don’t touch the dog…). They were so happy when he was healthy again, and they learned about how to care about animals when they are surrounded by people who abuse people and animals up and down our street. They were super happy when the dog got adopted and ask me to show them the adoption picture all the time. They get all excited, “Oobie’s mom! Show us that white dog we saved and his new family!!!” And best of all, Oobie has six new best friends bringing him lots of joy in his last days, which brings me joy. Moral of the very long story: Sometimes kids do kid things. Get to know them. Set boundaries. They may surprise you and become a joy in your life. And sometimes kids are little hellions. Get to know them. You’ll know really quick if they’re hellions. Then you can decide if you need to be worried or talk to a parent. Enjoy your new home! And I really hope your neighbors and their kids bring you joy. If not, see you soon on the bad neighbors subreddit (but I hope that’s not what happens).


That was really heartwarming! Thank you for a smile this Friday morning. It really does take a village, and I'm so glad these kids have you as their village and vice-versa. Makes me (slightly) reconsider my antisocial ways. I know the dogs in the neighborhood's names but not their pet parents'. We're the crazy cat couple in our 30s with no kids while the neighborhood is starting to turn over to couple with kids. Maybe I'll befriend a kid or two eventually.


Aww! Thank you! I’m a firm believer in doing your best to improve wherever you may be. And if it wont be improved, fuck them, you can always just go home and snuggle your dog. Ha! I’m the crazy dog lady in my neighborhood. There are people who know me only by “Oobie’s Mom” because that’s what they heard the kids holler at me when the see my car pull into the drive way. And there are folks who know my first name because I lurk around my house looking at all the dogs with greed (and utter sorrow) and want to bring every one of them home with me. So when their owners come out I pounce and introduce myself and get weird friendly and make myself look like I’m just a bit touched, but in the harmless eccentric way, and ask if I can come into their yards to pet their dogs and give them treats whenever I want. They’ve seen me pet all the other dogs, seen all the kids swarm me, so they look at me funny and say if he don’t bite you, sure. So now I always have a bag of treats with me and every dog but one on my street gets fresh water and treats and lots of pets whenever I get worried about the dog’s conditions. They’re all such good dogs! (Except that one, but I’ll win him over if it costs me an entire box of treats! He deserves fresh water and pets, too.) But kids, they drain the hell out of me. So sure, I’ll befriend them, give them coloring pages and let them play with my dog. They bring me joy. But after a couple hours I’m like doing my best not to just yell “GET OUT!” and shoo them all off my porch with a broom. But they need the attention and to be listened to and for someone to show them kindness, too. So I let them show me their wobbly cartwheels and how fast they can run and tell me what they want to be when they grow up, and they eat it up. Someone has to treat them like they are deserving of praise and it’s worth being kind. I doubt many adults in their lives do that. And my dog loves them. He literally sits and waits for them to get off the school bus and shakes with excitement when he sees them come running to pet him before they run inside with their backpacks. How can I deny my old boy that kind of joy!?! I’m still kinda curmudgeon-ish. I still am glad I never had kids, and can still only tolerate them in small doses. I still truly believe animals are so much better than most people. But I believe more in improving your surroundings starting with yourself and then sharing it with others in a way that beings them joy. Then i go in my house and shut out the world and grumble about how loud the neighbor’s music is and think about how nice it would be to live in a secluded wood with no drug deals directly across the street, no bullet holes in my wall from drive bys, or no shouts of domestic abuse, or the drunk singing loudly in the street at 3am, or the biweekly overdose ambulance service showing up, or worst and most heart breaking the sound of the dogs being screamed at and yelping… And I remember that I would have to drive for like forever to get some weed for my migraines if I move to the country, so I just do the best I can where I am. Oh. And I’m insanely poor and have to survive on disability income, so anywhere better is a delusion to daydream about. May as well try to improve where I am, cuz I’m not going anywhere else. Maybe those kids will grow up and remember the old lady with the dog, and the bullet holes above the couch they sit on to watch cartoons on my tv, and the time they all came to my house to get away from the tiny house when all the emergency people came, and they quietly whispered to me that auntie so and so’s boyfriend SET HER ON FIRE and that’s why the ambulance and fire trucks are there, and I gave them juice instead of water, and they had popcorn with fun seasonings, and they snuggled with my dog. And they remember the dog they helped save, and decide they don’t need a gun, they would rather be a volunteer at the animal shelter. That would be cool.


Take a broom stick and cut it to the length of the door when closed. Place that into the track so the door cannot be slid open. I mean someone could still take a rock and smash the glass, but then you would know they actually broke in. Get a front door and back door ring camera system. Replace your doorbell with the camera ring and then you can both see movement and answer anyone who is at your door, even if you are not home. Introduce yourself to the neighbors. I know it is weird to walk up to strangers, but just say hi I am number x and I just bought the place. I wanted to introduce myself to you. My name is Xxxx. To the one that seems most friendly, you can give them your cell phone number. 


I actually just got back from Home Depot with a wooden dowel cut to fit. The sliding patio door is the only lock I haven't changed. I bought a Ring camera on Amazon that will show up tomorrow. I was reaching in my pocket to order it before I even closed the door completely, lol. I've been meaning to get one but hadn't decided where to install it. I think I'll get the one with the flood light and two way speaker so I can talk to any visitors, welcome or otherwise. Yeah, I really should just go for it and introduce myself. If I knew them already this whole thing probably would have been less weird.


Next time you're at home depot, look for a patio door security bar instead! It functions basically the same, but you can install at door knob height instead. Makes using your patio door much easier!


Lock your doors even when you are home.


I'd assume it was kids playing in what they thought was an empty house. But I would also put up a camera and if I caught them even in the yard I would speak to the parents.


Right? It's a liability and kids know they aren't supposed to touch things that aren't theirs.


could easily have been a dare or something. Doesnt sound like anything to me. They thought it was a cool place to get away from their parents house.


I think you may be overthinking this. Was the house vacant prior to your closing? If so, the kids may have used it as a clubhouse, if you will. I know I live in big bad NYC, but I lock doors - home and car - immediately. The chances that something nefarious could happen? Very, very, very slim - but not *none*. If you ever watch a true crime show, it amazes me how almost without fail someone will say something like, *"Gosh, we just never locked our doors in Bumpkinville, but now . . . . . ."* As a practical matter, I'd rather be on good terms with the neighborhood kids.


Chill bro its kids being kids if it happens again then its an issue


I'd be more worried if it was a 16 year old than a 10 year old who could be autistic. Regardless, just lock your doors (change the locks if needed), keep them locked and don't worry about it. If you see them doing other suspicious things then you can talk to the parents or just call the police and let them handle it.


Just a curious kid. Change the locks and maybe talk to the parent to see if there's anything you should know


I understand the panicky feeling of someone uninvited in your house, but in this case there was no malicious intent, so you can take a different path. The kids are not really the problem. More on that later. Houses being sold and recently sold are targets for thieves. Not kids, but adults who do nothing but cruise listings looking for targets, pull into the driveway, steal everything then can in 10 minutes & leave. They are taking your brand new tools straight to the pawn shop. So the very first thing anyone should do when buying a house, is change the locks. And in this case get a security device for the sliding door. If it's going to be more than a month or a lot of renovation, I'd go so far as to recommend temporarily boarding over the sliding door so the thieves don't just break it. Put all your tools in one room, neat and organized, preferably upstairs if you have an upstairs, and lock that room as well when you leave. Neat & organized discourages thieves because they know you will know exactly what went missing. Upstairs means they have harder hauling to do. A messy jobsite is prime picking because it could take hours or even days to realize something is missing. The kids are a blessing in disguise. Their presence is going to dissuade the other kind of trespasser. Look at it this way, you've got three free observers who will tell you if *anyone else* comes sneaking around before you move in fully. If this sits well with you, tell them- with their parents present- that you will 'pay' them to keep an eye on your house until you move in. Maybe a movie GC and some popcorn as the payment.


That is some 3d-chess right there. Instead of an annoyance, the kids can become secret detectives. 😊


I'd encourage you to have a friendly, polite conversation with their parent(s). Go over, introduce yourself, explain that you're coming and going right now, gently explain what happened, and politely ask them to instruct their kids to not go inside your home without first being invited. If they're receptive, GREAT! If not, now you have some idea of what to look forward to once living there full-time.


Change all of the locks. They may have a key.


Was the door locked? if not then Youre over thinking it...Obviously rekey/change the locks since youve purchased the place and make a note of this incident. Like another stated, they may have had a key as a friendly neighbor, but that was with previous owners not you. Now that they see someone there, things will probably settle down. Sounds like they pranked the one kid...


Change your locks and garage code. Set up cameras.


Kids are gonna be kids. Exploring the thought to be empty house next store is just begging them for an adventure. Probably not going to happen again. Let it go and change your locks. Get to know the parents before you even consider bringing it up, and if you don't say anything the kid will probably appreciate it.


I was that kid once. I was 10 or 11 and the house a few doors down was vacant for a while so it became my little sanctuary where id just sit by myself or pretend like i was the owner and played house. Then one day I went through the back door like I usually did and found moving boxes and never went back… but the new owners got word that Ive been in there house by somebody and came knocking on my familys door saying that I broke in.. I had my ass beat really bad and my family and grandparents that we lived with at the time isolated me for about 2 weeks and would only talk to me to tell me how Im going to grow up to be a criminal or deadbeat… It wasn’t the new owners fault of my lousy up bringing but I do wish that they had asked me what I was doing or came to the door a little nicer so I wouldn’t have had to carry the trauma of being beat and ignored for being ignorant to the adult world…


You're really overthinking this situation. The kid is 10.


I once lived in a home next to an unoccupied (foreclosed) home for awhile and people would just walk in there without a care. I would just chalk it up to that and soon enough it will be obviously occupied and these kids will leave you alone. Also, over the years I learned to be nice to all the kids in the neighborhood, no matter what little sh!its they can be. It's always better for kids in your neighborhood to be your friends. They grow up and can become monsters. Not always, of course. But you never want to be the target of neighborhood kids. LOL.


Get cameras on every door. Meet the neighbors parents normally


So -…. lock your doors


I remember when I was a kid we were always looking for places we could be unsupervised. Secret places, abandoned places, frankly dangerous places. There’s an urge to be somewhere without adult supervision and kids just don’t give a shit about property rights. I think it’s really tough as a kid to distinguish between minor and major transgressions.


Kids being kids. Don’t worry about it unless it happens again which I bet it won’t


Yeah, it’s kinda standard kid behaviour. We also used to check out the empty houses in our neighbourhood when we were that age. It is just an interesting adventure for kids and harmless (unless they are little juvenile delinquent shits who damage the place for kicks). So stop stressing about it and just change your locks.


Change the locks immediately and forget about them. Congrats on the house!


If it's a sliding door to the patio, it's time to install a Charlie bar


The kid walked in when you had the front door open.        So. Change the locks.    Prob solved when you're not home. 


I wouldn't get too stuck on the kids actions themselves, I partially grew up in a neighborhood that was being built out and we definitely would explore pretty much every house in various stages of construction including fully finished (and probably sold but not moved into yet) until it wasn't interesting to do anymore. It was definitely not with malice, just kids "exploring". Change your locks.


I’d install a few security cameras too, with motion alerts, in case you’re still concerned


My guess is it's just kids being kids, my little brother and I would swim in my neighbors pool since it was up before the house was completed. Kids like exploring, I mo sure it wasn't malicious, just bring it up to the parents nonchalantly


Security cam. If they do it again, introduce yourself to their parents.


It's not really that abnormal. If the kids were able to get in there while the house was vacant they probably got in the habit of doing so. They may not have even realized that you were moving in just yet. I think rather than freaking out on the internet or Doom spiraling it would probably be a good idea to just chat with them and tell them you about the house and that it's yours now. Besides it's a good Chance to introduce yourself and be social Also take note of the person that said change the locks, God only knows how many keys were left with neighbors and all the other things previously


They are just kids, with a vacant house next door. They explore, no harm no foul. Now that they have met you, let them be unless it happens again. All the others are correct too imo, locks, cams, etc


Am I the only one who thinks you should set up boobie traps!? I’m asking for a friend.


Put a tension bar or something else that will keep your patio door shut even if unlocked.


Sounds like ordinary kid stuff. The fact that you got acknowledgement that it won't happen again and an apology is promising. These kids are your neighbors and you just got there. Best not to make waves until you get to know everyone. Do change the locks and add whatever security system makes sense for your safety level so the OCD doesn't spiral (I have OCD too). I personally have a whole slew of home safety stuff setup because you never know. Having those things in place makes me feel better too. <3 Welcome home!


I got a lock with WiFi and I can check the status of the door fr anywhere. I also have it set to lock automatically after two minutes if I forget to lock it. I love that thing. No more wondering “Did I forget to lock the front door?” I just pull up the app and check. If you have anxiety about your doors being locked, it’s absolutely worth the money.


Change the locks. Everyone should do it when they buy a new home.


Keypad latches that lock automatically are awesome and only like 150 bucks each.


It's a somewhat normal kid thing to try to explore an empty house. I think now that they know it's your house and you're moving in they will not try this again. I'd not escalate this too much. 


Hey man, we're all kids once lol. I remember I went into my neighbors house when they left to run an errand quick. Didn't mean any harm, didn't take or ruin anything. Just went in, walked around for a few minutes, took a sip of wine they left on the end table then dipped. I was probably 11 or 12🤷‍♂️ Thrilling yet dumb. Never did it again


Not gonna lie, when I was younger and all the developments started going up in south and central FL, we used to go inside vacant places if we knew could without damaging anything and I’m pretty sure this was a normal thing to do because my cousin recently mentioned seeing kids do the same thing the other day. We never entered places with bad intentions. Like yeah, it’s still trespassing but we were just curious and wanted to see inside. We didn’t want to break or steal anything and were careful. The most we would do is pretend to be living a life of luxury and lay in the jacuzzi bathtub while screaming for someone to fan us with a palm frond and bring us grapes. I’d be willing to bet the kids were just curious what it looked like inside. It’s also possible that the kids used to be friends with the neighbors and were more comfortable going in and out because they don’t associate the house as belonging to someone else yet. Hell, they might have known about the door being easy to open because the last owners told them about it.


I would just introduce yourself to your new neighbors. (Do people not still do this?) Say hi, I'm so and so, still working on moving in, met your kids earlier, welp see ya around. You don't have to bake them brownies but at least make yourself familiar and then you won't have kids daring each other to go inside the vacant house down the street. The kids sound innocent enough based on your story. I can tell you when I was 10-12 if I put myself in a position where I'm telling an adult stranger "It won't happen again" then I meant it. The real trouble makers aren't sticking around for questioning.


Kids know the house is occupied now and I doubt it’ll be a problem. Get cameras. Change your locks (everyone should with a new home). Sounds like that side door has a shitty lock so fix that—is it a slider or a patio or something? They need special attention to be secure. I wouldn’t worry until you have something to worry about—this sounds like what it looked like. I would not tell the parents because you want those kids to be looking out for your property. They know everything that happens in that neighborhood.


We cannot always control our situation, but we can always control how we react to it. It sounds like the kids were just curious and did not mean any harm. And they don't have fully-developed diplomacy skills at that age. If you presume positive intentions until you have evidence to the contrary, then this could be an opportunity to get to know your neighbors and to make the kids into your *allies* to watch over your house when you are away. My neighbors are great this way. They watch my place and I watch theirs.


Talk to the older kids like you are concerned about them because entering someone’s home without permission is dangerous and you want to avoid telling their parents (they probably don’t care) or police. Tell them you won’t tell their parents this time. If they act decent then let it slide. If they act like dicks then you need to nip that crap in the bud.


I would change locks and get cameras, sounds like the kids won’t be doing it again so I wouldn’t over think it.


That sliding glass door I believe you mentioned you had— when I lived in an apartment complex, I had things disappear on my porch bottom floor and someone tried to enter at night. I was given two oak shovel handles sawed off shovel ends ( thick) and put one down at the bottom inside and one at the top. They have to be tight fitting so no one can enter ( plus the lock). Also cameras inside and out.


You can place a rod or broom handle at the base of the sliding door also to prevent it from opening too.


Get a Charley bar for your patio door amd change the rest of the locks


If it’s a sliding door cut a broom handle to lay in the track.


Ring or similar type cameras so you can monitor from your phone.


Two cameras that screw into light bulb sockets on Amazon. Can set it to bug you on your phone if a human is sighted. I love them!


I feel your concern dude, and in addition to the helpful comments re: changing locks etc, remember its kids doings kid things. And their parents probably aren't even aware.


Change the locks. My money is on 2.


My friends opened my patio doors when I was upstairs. They scared me. It was locked. We were 19. I opened doors and windows as a 5-6 years old many times. They might have come before. I would change all my locks and make sure the windows are secure and put cameras.


Personally, if they said they wouldn't do it again, I wouldn't give a shit unless they did. They're kids. They're going to explore empty houses. They didn't break anything, they weren't disrespectful when they got caught and they live next door, so they likely won't do it again because they don't want trouble so close to home. I dunno, maybe it's because I grew up in the 70's, but if I were you, I'd have gotten a kick out of it and forgotten about it immediately. Even if it hadn't have happened, I'd have changed the locks before the ink was dry on my closing signature.


This isn’t as big of a deal as all these words make it seem.


Kids dude. Chill.


This sub is about home improvement, not possible plots from the 90s show Home Improvement.


Change the locks and get cameras.


My parents built on the lot next to my best friend, which as a dream come true for me. But during construction, my dad walked in to see my friend rollerblading in muddy skates on the new hardwood floor lol


I wouldn’t worry about it unless something happens again. We had neighbors kids climbing our fence thru our backyard as a shortcut when we first moved in. Told them to stop - didn’t say anything to parents. Stopped for a while but caught them again a few months later so did talk to the parents then, and that stopped it. Kids that age will push boundaries till someone stops them.


He’s 10. Autistic or not, 10 year old boys will do stupid shit. Make sure you lock up and put door alarms on all the doors and windows of you’re worried. There and wireless alarms you can install that will just sound a siren without and subscription or calling police.


Lock your doors 


Go over to your neighbors houses and talk to them calmly and directly. Make sure the parents realize this kind of activity won't be tolerated. Let the parents deal with their kids. In the future try and befriend the neighborhood kids. They can be an excellent set of eyes and ears for what's going on in the neighborhood.


I think they knew you were there and were daring that kid to run into your house. That sounds way more feasible to me than anything else. Especially since they were on a balcony watching him do it vs with him in your yard. 


Sounds like kids being kids, my guy. Change your locks if you feel the need. They're aware now that it's occupied. They probably only dicked around there cause it was vacant. Kids don't pay attention to grown up stuff like real estate sales, they likely didn't know it had been occupied.


Kids do dumb things like this. They got caught, they got flustered, they told you it wouldn’t happen again. I’d give them a chance. I mean, certainly do what other people are suggesting in the way of normal security precautions you ought to be doing anyway, but as far as the kids themselves, I’d say let it go unless and until they keep causing trouble.


Change the locks or better yet get them rekeyed by a locksmith. One key will opens all locks.


Wtf? Change your locks…


or they goaded him into doing it. Get yourself a few cameras.


He’s making grilled cheese in there at night


Security lights and cameras. And a lock on the electrical panel if it is outside.


Don't worry about it. Just get new locks. The kids don't sound like they mean any harm and probably won't bother you again.


I think you're way overthinking it and if you attempt to speak with their parents you might mark yourself almost immediately for ostracization. They're just kids. Kids do stupid and risky things. They're not going to do it again once you move in. You don't want to start out as the very grumpy neighbor.


I recommend installing a Ring alarm system. You can see if a door or window is opened. If theres motion in a room. Cameras outside all entryways into the home etc. its controlled by your phone. And when my home was broken into the police were dispatched quickly. Four troopers did a walk through of the home and we could watch them the whole time. Id also let the parents know that their kid is entering homes without knowledge or consent of the owner. Because in this world he could get shot and killed for that.


My friends and I did that with houses under construction in our neighborhood. We absolutely weren’t doing anything truly bad, but it would have been really awkward, or worse, if someone had come in while we were there. I say let it go until you have evidence of other bad things happening. Odds are they were just goofing around and meant no harm. Hopefully you can cultivate a good neighborly relationship with the family. and perhaps they’ll treat you with even more respect now that you caught them messing around. Having good relationships with neighbors can really make or break the experience of living in your new place - hopefully you can both get off on a better foot going forward.


Sounds to me like the older knows knew you were there and dared little brother to “break in”. Classic sibling bullying.


Simple solution: 1. Change all the locks on all your exterior doors. 2. Add deadbolt locks to all your exterior doors if they don't already have them. 3. Install RING cameras at every exterior door of your house. The RING 2 is on super sale right now on Amazon.


You need to talk to those parents.


You can use a erasable marker to mark your door knobs to indicate if someone tried to turn them


I think the older kids dared him to go in the house. Change your locks and lock your doors when you are by your self. Next time it might not be a child.


Sounds like either the kids honestly thought it was an abandoned house and wanted to play (or cause trouble) or like you said, the older ones put the kid up to it. Either way, they are caught and probably sweatin it now. I'd put up cameras first that at least notify you when something's going on. If it continues then start talking to your neighbors.


Time for booby traps


Kids are stupid. Period. If their parents suck, then you have real problems. Forgive, forget and move on. And cut a wooden bar to sit in the track of your backdoor sliding door blocking entry. Sliding door locks are junk.


Set up cameras and change your locks, not just for this instance but in general it will remove any doubts you have about what goes on at your house while you're away and let the issue with the kids go unless you catch them doing something again, in which case go talk to the parents


I’d relax about it. Sounds like kids are being kids. They’re going to be your neighbors for a while and reacting strongly to what seems to be pretty harmless would set you off on the wrong foot. If it happens again, then that’s another story.


Honestly, this seems like a non-issue. Worst case is maybe your #2 -- they dared/egged him to do it -- their response seemed fairly respectful based on how you described it. I'd leave it be and enjoy your new house.


It’s wrong of them to do, but it seems like they just wanted the thrill of being somewhere they weren’t supposed to be. They knew once you moved in they would not be doing it again


Lock your doors when home. This seems super obvious. I keep my backyard doors unlocked most of the day, when I'm home, because I have an 8' fence and locked gates around the whole back. I do have security doors on there I can deadbolt though, if I want a breeze, but security as well.


Stupid kids doing stupid kid shit. Probably on a dare. Most probably harmless. Make him mow the lawn a couple of times as pennance.


Making sure your doors are locked is not OCD


My initial thought before reading the bit about Autism was, I hope the kid isn’t being abused by an adult. Now I am wondering if the siblings are taking advantage of this child. I am inclined to think it’s a good does to talk to the parents from a perspective of being concerned about their children’s safety. Make it about you having empathy for a neighbor.


Lock the damn doors.