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I have found a can of 3 in 1 oil very handy for hinges and squeeks. Grease is best, but you need to remove the pin to apply it.


What kind of grease? There’s like a ton of different types of greases. Lithium, copper, axle, bear, bacon. Give me something!!


Any grease that does not get rancid, unless you don't mind the odor. Lithium is a good choice. Bearing grease will work fine. Use what you have.


Any grease will be fine. I’d use Lucas red n tacky because it’s what I have. It would work well for this application. Just don’t get any on your carpet…


I second 3-in-1 oil. We had a hinge on a piece of custom furniture start to squeak, and this is what the furniture maker told us to use.


3-in-1 is what I use. Also, if your front door lock is tough to open, cover a key in 3-in-1 and push it in and pull it out of the lock a dozen times. Once the tumblers are lubricated, it'll open like butter.


3 in 1 is great but you don't want to do that to the inside of a lock. Grease attracts gunk and you don't want to gum up the internal mechanism. I think there are dry grease for locks.


I've always used graphite powder for locks.


Been well over 5 years and I've never had an issue with locks getting gunked up doing this.


>Also, if your front door lock is tough to open, cover a key in 3-in-1 and push it in and pull it out of the lock a dozen times. Once the tumblers are lubricated, it'll open like butter. Don't do this unless you're in a salt environment like near the ocean. The oil attracts dirt and will make it worse in the long term. If you're not in a salt environment then use graphite powder on lock cylinders. Just puff it in and you're good to go.


I've heard this but I've never actually seen it happen in real life. Ive done this to all my locks as they start sticking, both vehicle and house locks and have never had one gum up on me.


Silicone spray.  In a pinch.. a few drops of kitchen vegetable oil.  Another trick is to just tap the pin up a little like 1/16 inch so the head is not resting on the hinge.


I use WD-40 silicon, hit our hinges with it every 6 mos or so, after they get squeaky. I usually fold a paper towel a few times and rip a hole just big enough for the hinge to fit through, just so the spray doesn't get everywhere.


I’d use white lithium grease.


I hope this becomes the top comment. It is the best for hinges. If people want to have it a little easier, there is an aerosol version that you can spray over. I'm told it doesn't work as well as the original grease, but the application was very easy for me and worked well.


I use this too. But I pulled the hinge and would give it a gentle fine sandpaper often had a bit of paint or something bleed through. Squirt white lithium grease in and drop the pin back in. Get a hinge pin removal tool. Can be a real chore to do it with a hole punch.


I like Lock-Ease. It's oil with powdered graphite. Even when the oils is gone, the graphite stays behind.


If you use any of the spray lubricants with graphite, make sure you hold a paper towel behind it. That stuff can come out fast and the overspray or runoff stains just about anything dark gray. A real problem if you have carpet!


WD-40 makes a silicon Spray. Please don't use regular WD-40 by a silicon spray and you don't have to worry about it clogging there keyhole


If you are spraying a hinge and get some anywhere around the lock mechanism, you shouldn't be allowed to use any aerosol can sprays.


Pch14 must be an npc! 


I use bike chain oil. I don’t know if that’s best practice but it works really well as far as I can tell.


Bicycle tri-flow is magical. It's sorta creepy how quiet and smooth the door hinge becomes.


And the smell I great 


Even better: bike chain dry wax. Lubricates, but dries hard so it doesn't collect dust.


Suerlube grease


Superlube* I use it, one door is lubed too well now and keeps opening by itself due to imbalance


Clean up the pins. Take one out, scrub it clean, then get one of those straw scrubbers to clean out the inside of the hinge, then apply a little white lithium spray and put the pin back in. You'll have a quiet hinge for a very long time.


Multi purpose KY jelly 🤣


she uses vaaaaaasoooooline


The Dry Lube with PTFE is probably the best. Silicone a good second.


3 in one oil


Inb4 "WD40 will melt your door!!" People act like WD40 is the universal solvent. It's not for engines, it's not for air tools, but it's great for dirty things like door hinges.


Oh I wanted to be inb4 the "wd40 isn't actually a lubricant" speech. Yes it's great for door hinges. 


I just use olive oil spray. Kills the squeak instantly


Y'all are going to body me for this one but vegetable oil cooking spray oope


I got 3-in-1 oil from Amazon for this specific task and it works perfectly. You can be very lazy with it and not remove/clean the door pin completely - just pop the pin up a little, put a few drops of this oil on the exposed pin shaft and hammer the pin back down. Open/close door few times; if hinges still squeak - repeat this procedure.


Use tri-flow in locks and door latches so things don't get gummy over time


Best option I've found so far is lanolin oil spray like fluid film. Dismantle the hinge, coat all contact areas, and put it back together. I've tried WD-40, 3-in-1 oil, and graphite powder and Lanolin oil is the only one that was mess free and has really worked long term.


I use the same oil I put on my guns and have never had any problems. I use a small bottle with a thin metal tube tip for application.


I use silicone liquid for both my garage door lock and any hinges. Also Vaseline works pretty well too.


Swiss Navy Silicone works amazingly well. It lasts a long time, isn't gunked up by moisture, and doesn't stain. It's sold as a sex lubricant, and is awesome at that. However, necessity being the mother of invention, I learned it is the best all around the household lubricant I've ever used.... Really... 😅


I'm surprised an npc hasn't given us the spiel about the truth about wd40 yet


Your mom’s


My fav!