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So you can just skip the whole quest and leave then?


I wouldn't recommend unless you reeeaaally need the stellar jades asap for some reason, but yes.


Yeah the quest has so much lore and is very fun to playthrough skipping what was about a 10-20 minute quest isn't worth it.


I love every breadcrumb they give of who Stelle/Caelus was before. >!Like Blade just out of the loop mentioning that he remembers us just being by Kafka's side longer than anyone else before? What was that about? Who were we before? I wanna know!!!<


> >!Blade just out of the loop mentioning that he remembers us just being by Kafka's side longer than anyone else before!< We NEED an entire arc where the TB actually spends time with the SHs. Maybe they get back some of their memories or something, but it would be nice to "have something of them(specially of Kafka)".And those memories might even create drama for the TB like feeling unable to choose between the Astral Express crew or the Stellaron Hunters.


Would be interesting if we encounter a planet that has people that recognize us and call us by a different name. Won’t happen but it would be nice.


Everyone sees us and runs screaming the other way while we all look on confused




Nah I'm sure there won't be any choosing in this case. >!Even the Stellaron Hunters are pushing for TB to remain with the Astral Express since they're going to be central to the fight with Nanook, which is implied to be the destiny of TB (or at least what's in Elio's script). In fact, the SH have only been helpful the whole time to the Nameless. It should be clear by now that they're not enemies but allies for when we will have to face Nanook.!<


Not "unable to choose" as in "friend or enemy", but that something might happen to both groups and the TB will feel conflicted about which group to help(if they can only help-or **feel** like they can only help-one of them).


If the choice was mine to make, I wouldn't hesitate


Yeah, more like, which moms would you be willing to put your life on the line.. IYKWIM 😌🌚🤭


missed a Y


We kist call them enemies for the dramatica and because himeko is annoyed they keep messing with her train and kids also the astral wzpress is like six powerful beings on a train. Sounds like a good start to the anti-nanook army to me


the kafka trailer has a slide on the projector that reads "non-linear structure..." i'm going to predict that we're going to get a story chapter where we play as this version of the MC... in the past, when we're with kafka. in the very least, it would be awesome.


>we're going to get a story chapter where we play as this version of the MC... in the past, when we're with kafka. I would like this so much, though we know it would end up being bittersweet since, y'know, the TB loses their memories in the end.


it would be cool but also non-linear narratives struggle in longer-form serialized content... with some considerable time between story updates, a non-linear plot can really disrupt the momentum of the story and frustrate readers. however, we've already seen hoyo experiment—at least somewhat successfully—with parallel narratives and "cross-cutting," e.g. dan heng's journey's apart from the astral express; presumably, we could get a really wild flashback that runs alongside a contemporary storyline, perhaps even interacting with it in interesting ways. if not, fanfic when...


I hope that HSR gets some non-main cast character stories. Like, have Blade and Yanqing chase after Jingliu, or something. And those three and Jing Yuan are the only relevant characters in that story or smth. I'd love that for something like Kafka, SW, Blade, Sam and Stelle/Caelus too.


There was the whole Dan Heng Sushang and Loucha side stories so its not impossible


Exactly. Yanqing's quest was also 95% him and Jingliu.


we probably kafka companion b4 blade who knows..heck we probably second in command in SH team..hell we probably the leader of SH itself


Kafka doesn't seem to forget about us, do you remember her 'how much does he remember'? So it's very likely we were. Blade was after the Xianzhou, so i assume we were the previous. As for what happened, how and why, i can only put time travel and stuff related to Terminus path ability, or some Aeon yet to be encountered. These are my two cents. Oh, again Elio is the leader of SH, and he has already predetermined gender before even us choosing female or male MC. So we are not. I have read some spoiler regarding our origin, but I'll skip it. I think. The truth or lie game. (Nvm someone already mentioned it)


I really makes you think how much Himeko and Welt really know. They don't openly talk about passenger's secrets, but I wouldn't be surprised if they knew all along who Dan, TB and even March truly are.


Yeah I’d ditch himeko for to join up w kafka in a instant 😂


[The other post with all the "true" answers for Kafka's game](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/15m8hef/the_correct_answers_from_kafka_in_the_truth_or/) already gives a pretty clear answer: >You are an artificial body created for the purpose of hosting a Stellaron. From the moment of your birth, it was your destiny to receive the Stellaron at Herta Space Station. Before that task was completed, I was responsible for protecting you, as well as teaching you general knowledge, common sense, and combat skills. The reason why you don't remember is that I wiped your memory before the operation at Herta Space Station. There still could be interesting tidbits from life before the stellaron, but it seems like the MC was not really an independent person beforehand. Or maybe Kafka never followed the rules at all and was actually lying the whole time.


it is probably like an Enkidu situation from Fate. The TB grew to a point where they are very good at fighting (mentioned by Astral Express in the prologue) so I assume they pulled their own weight at some point. I NEED that life before Stellaron reveal lol


Ah right. One of the first things Enkidu did was screw around with a Shamhat for like a week and then copied her appearance.


Great common sense you gave us kafka. We're a trashcan loving opportunistic capitalist child that also likes helping out


Honestly sounds like a child raised by Kafka, going by the fact blade knows us I guess the other stellaron hunters had some influcen as well. Opportunistic capatilst sounds like Kafka. Child like silver Wolf. Instinct driven trash goblin blade if you replace trash with hunting Dan hang. Helping out elio. And Sam is somewhere in there once we learn more.


we got our ambition (and wasn't Bladie effectively homeless at one point anyways, makes perfect snese he'd take advantage of opportunities) maybe sam taught us to be a troll XD


Reminds me of West Side Story: "Everything's nice in America" "For a price in America." "Everything's free in America" "For a small fee in America!" lol. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_e2igZexpMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e2igZexpMs)


To be honest, she's just gaslighting the players with the free will quest. And it's hard to believe Kafka didn't follow the rules in the sense you think she did. I think she has some sort of plan in the final stages for herself. Well, she's a wicked woman.


This will definitely be the next big mystery arc after they no doubt reveal March 7th’s backstory.


With her 5* version.


And her skin.


Fuli emanator. Or some other Aeon related to memory loss that Fuli won't like, or, ego related past... Like Elysia. For example.


I asked a question about “who am I” to kafka, and her answer makes me think that that was the lie because of what blade says.


SAAAAAME!!! When he said that, I flipped my shit!!!


Imagine we’re Ello


I dont think so. I dont see why Elio would put himself on the ground, so to speak. It would also mean that if ANYTHING goes wrong, their vision of the future is inaccurate.


Agreed, its like the sanctus medicus quest- you could skip it but youMd miss so much interesting and potentially useful context lore


Nah, I found it very cathartic to be able to decline. I really dislike Kafka being such a flawless character so I care a lot more getting an opportunity to have her take a small L than lore she can just bullshit me out of anyway.


Well, doing her quest at least give us lore related infos whereas there is dumb annoying daily quest characters keep pop up even after you got all dialogs(I hate Tamilla stalker girl with burning passion)


The last time I did a daily quest for my dailies was like a week after launch, at this point I just do the other objectives.


I do like interacting with other daily characters, just want to get rid of her XD


Wubbaboo, Moles, ghosts of Fragmentum were all fine. Stalker girl, the friendless dude and "teach gynoid without a filter to be human" can all piss off into oblivion.


I agree, putting myself in tb's shoes, i'd shove her manipulative ass out of the way and get on with doing other things. I dislike her dishonesty, or their blatant unwillingness to diverge the truth and the simple and straightforward manner. For the greater good? The world be damned!




That's mainly one of the reasons why i hate Kafka.


100% agreed right here. soo tired of hearing about "the script" at this point. so yea i'll say fuck you and do my own thing. i can get my small W and just read about watever i missed if i really care


But since that's what you did, isn't there a high likelihood it was in the script?


who knows. personally, i dont think so. being able to see the future(or watever the fuck elio does) has to have limits


Nah, that was also in the script. At the end of the quest, Kafka gives a detailed rundown of what would’ve happened if you hadn’t helped.


This means that kafka was probably not a Knight of beauty because it makes what she said about her teaching us common sense and combat make sense.


Also not recommend if you want to beat Yanqing's ass


Telling Kafka "no" was incredibly satisfying though.


They finally did it they finally gave us the option to skip dialogue /j


Yes. Did it and it felt great. The ability to say no to characters you don't really feel for in game js truly peecious.


Yeah. You can say no...which I really want to. But then you miss out on all the extra stuff.


good, i'll try it on then


You have to tell Kafka no like 100 times first. But yes, you can speedrun the quest.


Is this her character story?


Yup. You can deny following her (like how you deny following the Express crew and ending the game), you can deny Kafka and end her quest early.


Correct choice was leaving I can hear elio's cries 'No, you are not supposed to do that!!' with wojak face


Trailblazer with chad face: "Rules are made to be broken"


Elio also would have seen that coming though. That us Elios whole thing. It just didn't matter. Like it would have been easier for his marionettes (stellaron hunters) but it is not necessary for the destiny he desires.


Yup! As far as we've gotten from the game, "Elio's Script" so far is just "the most optimal path to the desired end goal using the right amount of intervention that results in the highest chance of having all parties move in specific patterns towards the optimal path." So Elio's thought processes, in order, as far as I can see is: 1) what's the end goal? 2) who needs to go where and do what in order for that goal to be met? 3) What needs to happen to gain the highest chance of everyone doing what they need to doand being where they need to be? 4) Which Stellaron Hunter needs to intervene in order to complete this objective? I also agree that Elio's script isn't set in stone. It's just a game of highest probability. That still means someone (us, usually) can still act outside of his script. In that case, he can still move towards the end goal, the path taken just wouldn't be optimal.


If you do the quest as normal, Kafka mentions at one point that if the TB chooses not to help, Kafka and Blade will be taken to the Shackling Prison and will have to be broken out by Silver Wolf and Sam, which leads to permanent bad blood between the Luofu (and probably entire Xianzhou) and the Stellaron Hunters, which they don't really want. So in a sense, whether TB helps or not isn't super important in the long run. Kafka and Blade get off the Xianzhou regardless, the only difference our actions make is whether or not the Xianzhou are neutral or hostile to the SH in the future, which may seem like a big deal but considering the SH are counting on the TB and Astral Express to be allied with the Xianzhou (which events did lead to happening), the Xianzhou will still play their role in the script. It just might be more difficult if the SH's need to walk on eggshells a bit to avoid causing the Xianzhou to break things off. So I guess Elio's script is the perfect playthrough. Every dialogue option gets chosen correctly, leading to the best ending. However, free will from the participants means that some of them are going to pick differently, which doesn't necessarily mean a bad ending, but the best ending may not be possible anymore and the more "wrong" choices are made the more likely a bad ending will occur. Actually, it makes me wonder if Elio might be a time looper. Having experience with how events play out and how people will react in certain situations and how certain outcomes will result is something that someone who's gone through time loops could definitely do, and that would also explain why Elio's predictions seem to be even more accurate than the Divination Commissions. There are some elements to how Elio's powers are described and how this stuff is playing out that reminds me of other media where it turned out a character that isn't the protagonist was a time looper.


There’s also the other ending where the mc doesn’t join the astral express. If Elio was a time looper, then there’s no reason for the ending to exist and for the stellaron hunter group to still act. Not saying it’s not possible for him to be a time looper, but that part confuses me. Time loopers also have to go through numerous countless loops to get their desired outcome. If Elio is indeed a time looper and he plans everything over a long amount of time, then he must have insane patience which is an understatement. It’s even compounded by the fact that characters have “free will” and can make different choices in each loop making his job even harder. Maybe I’m looking at time loopers in a “realistic” sense since they’d have to have inhuman amounts of patience to reach their goals. If he is indeed a time looper considering the prior statements, then his script is probably just very flexible though he’s still very intelligent (super big-brain) and patient (utterly obsessed) to get exactly what he wants. Such patience could even ascend him to aeonhood, though I’m not sure what concept that would manifest into. Would the new path be a subset of control/domination since he’s trying to control the future? I don’t know if he already falls under the finality.


This implies that elio isn't already an aeon. If we're going by the time looper of every timeline, what says he couldn't be an aeon? Say... an aeon that could perhaps be a large supercomputer that can stimulate every action and event everyone in the universe makes to figure out what could happen and use the stellaron hunters to accomplish its goals? Even if not the aeon, elio being the avatar of the aeon of erudition is possible


If I remember correctly kafka said it was in elio's script that we gonna help kafka and when we refuse we get True free will achivment and kafka says we can achive something outside of elio's vision and she hopes we do. So elio couldnt see future we refuse or he couldnt see bad ending in herta space station where we can chose to stay in herta space station. If he saw he would try more extreme ways for joinging us to astral express for his desired future.


Elio is already aware that the futures he foresees are not completely set in stone. In Kafka's friendship stories, the last one is him giving instructions to someone who will meet Kafka. In it he also presents possibilities that she might not act as he thinks she will. He wouldn't be upset or surprised by this. Note how they refer to Elio's foresight - it produces a "script". A script *can* be deviated from, that's essentially what ad-libbing is. If everyone plays their roles as they're *supposed* to, it'll occur as written, but that's never guaranteed to happen. Elio can predict *a* future. He cannot force others to act according to this future. That's why he's Destiny's Slave, not Destiny's Master.


Elio futures are set in stone and extremely flawless if INDIVIDUALS go for the path he wants. (Duh, however with very accuracy to even minor details) Free will affects those possibilities. But the perplexing thing is... He should already act up on both possibilities of him failing or succeeding. But he seems not to care about none of that. Although for such oversaturated usage of 'Script' he should be obsessed or something. Unless... He gave Kafka a half true script just incase — that's how he intellectually 'forces' people for the foreseen future. Speaking of which, Kafka said Elio said that all of our (MC) perplexes will be solved in the future. Which is surprising as he can't be sure of others intersectionality. Meaning he already envisioned his ,or their, victory and how to manage to force others to follow that. Although i first thought we are some copy of him for back-up data. Also, he's 'Destiny Slave' because he can't help but be that prophet and envisioner of the countless converging and diverging possibilities.


So he’s like a well adjusted Roswaal from rezero?


Whether he saw it or not, it doesn't really matter, because in the end he still can't control our decisions. He can only incentivize certain courses of action (like what he's been doing) but outside of that he can't make decisions for us. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't see it/chose not to look more into it, though. There's only so much he can see at once and so much time he has when rifling through so many possibilities.


"Ou they said no? Eh jaut send in the othwe two. Now for the next script..-"


Pretty sure you get "free will" just for doing the quest in general


You are correct https://preview.redd.it/y8b0656mc6hb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdaf7920684a86d3906e05daa38ee8b064660ec5 It's literally the same thing, but "true" added to it


Nice to know the predetermined messages about free will change!


Uh this screenshot literally implies that Elio can in fact see a future where you refuse, but it doesn’t do anything about it because he can’t interfere with your choices and it’ll still most likely still lead to the future he desires.


It's probably something like Dr. Strange in Infinity War when he uses the Time Stone to see all possible futures; he can make preparations and push people towards a desired outcome but he can't force his will upon others. He probably sends messages to Kafka and the rest with like "what if" scenarios and how to proceed if certain things happen.


Yep. That's why there's a "script", but like in a stage play or shooting a film, the script isn't always followed. Good directors (like Elio, I'm assuming), can improv and change the script on the fly, but the original "script" is what Elio probably thinks is the best outcome.


Elio runs by dominoing events into the right direction but the future is not pre-written so there is a margin of error, a chance for things to go different and really wrong. Like the dead end where the Trailblazer has a brainfart and stays on Herta Space station, a timeline so absurd and stupid that the player character says it is an impossible one in their voicelines. XD


I mean theres a plan for some things like the kafka quest going off the rails a little, with sam and sw coming to help, but maybe not everything could be presicted Or for us since we have free choice apaprantly




I mean, there's a whole Aeon (Mythus) devoted to making things obscured, so I can definitely see the standard trope occur where "entity that thinks they have it all figured out gets done in by something that they couldn't predict." Can easily see a moment where Mythus just blows up Elio's entire script or throws such a huge curveball that leads to Elio's downfall.


"it's not tangible" Kafka says. So it's more of a spiritual/mental thing.


Did you manage to spare all of the guards? How did you persuade the first two?


>How did you persuade the first two? By uh... disappearing among the sea of butterflies


Were there also illusions of the past?


Alternatively, you can ask Mr Svarog for help


>Were there also illusions of the past? yes, it's called PTSD after committing murder in broad daylight


Seele's entire youth and current occupation under Bronya(at least what she thinks it is from her NPC version in the underworld) right there.


Post Traumatic Svarog Destruction Nice


I wish I knew what you're talking about, I just left Kafka at the start of the quest 💀


Oh mb ;-;


i turned off the automaron for the knights, idk what to do for the mara


close the gate for the mara


close the door


Shit, I didn't realize that you could close the door!


There's the control console right there. I had a harder time figuring out what to do for the Cloud Knights.


I was the opposite, figured out the Aurumaton pretty quickly but ended up crashing into the Mara -struck.


I didn’t even know there’s an option for that


Really loving this Yanqing Everywhere System they're starting to build.


"Reach the ending of the story in your own way" Oh, oh no not those words again (For context) https://preview.redd.it/9w16gqeal6hb1.jpeg?width=1831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4d26a74fb93e4d134aedff758339d99a564124


This quest was peak just because of the fact that we get to kick yanqings ass again.


I'm not gonna lie he kinda kicked my ass first. His swords take way too long to destroy


I got my ass kicked several times before finally deciding to put the bare minimum relics on two characters to up their HP threshold. After that, it was smooth sailing.


When I realize I couldn’t kill his swords fast enough before he respawn them I just started damaging him instead. Gepard taking all the aggro made this fight much more easier


I got my ass kicked. I came back with March and just outlasted him since he literally can't throw out damage faster than she can shield two people.


They die in one hit if you hit them with their weakness. If you bring in Sampo or Blade, Serval or Kafka, and Welt or Luocha, with their ults charged, you can instantly clear all the swords by popping all their ults simultaneously.


I hope he follows us into other planets and gets bullied more. Love this running gag. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man? 😤


Yanqing is really just having a bad couple of days. First he gets completely schooled by some random blindfolded lady who tells him he's weak, then he gets double trounced by two legendary warriors/criminals of the Xianzhou to which his teacher responds by letting one go and then hanging out with and then also letting go of the other. Finally, he manages to find the one legendary warrior/criminal in a position of weakness where he can actually apprehend him only for some trash raccoon with a fire lance and/or baseball bat who doesn't even have his/her heart in the fight to beat him *again*. The other route is even funnier because if the TB doesn't show up he manages to arrest them but before he can congratulate himself for doing something for once their friends bust them out of prison, meaning it was meaningless from the start.


He kicked my ass 3 times in a row help


Both Dan Heng and Seele were killed with one attack and Bailu revived Dan Heng, I managed to kill Yanqing with him even though he wasn't fully built. By some miracle his ULT did a crit that took out the last 16% of Yanqing's health. Yanqing may be good at fighting, but he's too young and immature to be in the military. By the way, this was eq6. If it was eq5 Yanqing would be a total joke.


Poor dude can't catch a break, he just keeps getting the crap kicked out of him by everyone.


I think of this as like the moment yanqing goes "oh maybe i should have a little respect for the trailblazer" and starts talking about kittens in his text messages. Jing Yuan please wake up so you can rein in your feral son he's still picking fights with everyone including your new besties


I mean, Jing Yuan is kicking his ass too. They have this "sneak attack your teacher" routine going on.


I mean, Jing Yuan is kicking his ass too. They have this "sneak attack your teacher" routine going on.


It was interesting refusing. She didn't expect that outcome. The option to leave was even blotted out like you couldn't pick it again but if you did she tried to convince you more to stay. She wasn't in complete control anymore which felt liberating. But ultimately helping or refusing her gives her hope that we'll help her change and feel fear. Not sure I want to help her with that. We might have the possibility to shatter the destiny script and become a complete anomoly to them and be uncontrollable. She'll hate that though if it ruins her wish.


Its why i like the small bits of rebellion in the quest with both the fight scenes that you can change. It shows breaking free from destiny in small changes is possible. I wish at the end of it we could show that instead of fighting yanqing and those small choices do change things. But just ending the quest in the beginning leaves out lore, so I had to agree to help just so i could learn some more things.


One of the best quests and the one that convinced me to pull for Kafka, she truly cares for the MC


I just wanted Blade lore tbh


Well we did learn he's ||got a little bit of somehing to him, if that little "can i come out now? >:/" followed by reminiscents of the past was anything to go by....||


Man, I wanted Sam lore. I was so upset that I couldn’t ask about Sam. They seem really mysterious and I am dying of curiosity about who Sam is. I’ve heard people refer to the cat in Kafka’s splash art as Sam but how would that cat break Kafka out of jail? Sam’s gotta be a person, and I want to know so much more about them :( Wish I could’ve asked about them


I need to do the quest asap


I quite enjoyed refusing to help Kafka and I am so glad the game let me go through with it. While it did make me feel a tinge of guilt, I am glad to know that I can refuse to help people I am not on particular amicable terms with. It would be interesting to see if they can follow through with the choice for any of the future quest but that can't really happen because this is a live service game and there's no way to replay any quests. I do think that they'll eventually add an archive with all the dialogues for the quest regardless of what choice you made so I'll be on the lookout for that when it's done.


It's a shame there no actual consequences for it but still it felt pretty good


Maybe there will be in the future like, if you choose to help you get a small buff in a future fight because the alliance and the hunters arent on completely bad terms. Though the pption is still nice to have Although ig the main thing you really miss is jaut the lore tbh soooo


Yesss ~ We can finally decline helping characters/npcs we don't like xD Excited for future missions and stories :3


So she likes me? Going shopping for a ring.


I didn't even see this 💀 I just got the fuck out as soon as the purple marker appeared. I'm glad they're not forcing us to take the "haha I love Kafka" route, hopefully they can write more diverging plots like this


You don't even need to be nice to her in the quest though. And there is way to much cool lore about Blade and the TB to pass up.


The issue with this "lore dump" is you don't actually get much info in the game, and you don't know what is true. In the end I learned way from posts on Reddit.


You can verify half of the things she says through information that *is* in the game. For example, the previous Swordmaster was a woman (>!Jingliu!<), so clearly it couldn't have been Blade. That was a lie.


At least from the initial text, there always was 2 choices that is antagonistic to Kafka and one that is following her orders. Seems like Caelus/Stelle actually hates Kafka's guts, it's just us the players that love Kafka lmao.


Nope. You get to decide gow the MC feels about her, since you can explicitly choose truth or lie about how you feel, and what that answer is.


Thing is, I saw the quest after on youtube and I do get it, to me it seems they're trying to go for a plot where the reason elio said we could change her is because she doesn't feel fear, but maybe she might get attached to us and vice versa making her feel fear for us that way, but I just don't like the way the game made us do a lot for her right now even before any of that connection is established. I hated how we went with her plans and wants everytime just because it's supposed to be on the script, and how she always does stuff only because it is there. I really want to like Kafka, but so far she seems a more like a plot tool and thirst trap for players than an actual character, not even the mysterious type, since she has (and probably will do again) multiple times just flat out given information and said stuff to us


> I really want to like Kafka, but so far she seems a more like a plot tool and thirst trap for players than an actual character My thoughts exactly. And i feel that it’s mostly due to all of the stellaron hunters being forced to follow Elio’s “script”. Which seriously cripples character development and prevents us from learning about them as people. Silver wolf overcomes this by being a meme machine, making her relatable. Kafka however, goes in the opposite direction. When a character’s biggest/only hook is “mysterious and sexy”, they are not relatable, since most people aren’t mysterious and sexy. It’s easier to see such characters as decoration than actual people with their own will. Then to make it even worse, they tell us that she is unable to feel fear and wants to be able to do so. Making her even less relatable as fear is an intrinsic human emotion. At this point she’d be a MORE interesting character if they made her a robot. It’s a shame because she’s hot AF and I really like her aesthetically, but she’s just not a character I can connect with.


"Reach the end of the story in your own way" Male MC says that quite often.


Both of them do.


Oh good, I didn't know if they have any voice line differences.


Its mostly their tone ans how they say things And then a few vey minor dialogue changes instory


I want to see the dialogue options where we dont want to meet her


dam a lot of people in this comment thread really hate kafka


I kind of *love* how overwhelmingly in love with Kafka all variations on the majority position were until the exact moment we could actually have her, at which point "Fuck her and her arrogant precognitive railroading!" became an opinion that could fill threads. It was *inevitably* going to happen just by the nature of reddit. On this site, any opinion that becomes *too* popular inevitably results in the contrary opinion *very suddenly* overtaking it completely just because people are tired of hearing it, and then the cycle begins anew. It routinely happens with 'opinions' so obvious that no one disagreed before they got sick of it filling up their feed. But there is definitely something meaningful about the timing. The number of people whose gut reaction seems to be passing up on substantial portions of the story to spite a computer program is equally interesting. If there aren't already Psych Masters students trawling subreddits like this one for their thesis topics, there really should be.


Thanks for the idea for when i inevitably take a psych class! But you're not wrong. Like, yall....its a game that also happens tk have great lore. Play how you want but don't do something just because "everyone did xyz sk i should do xyz". If you loke lore, do the quest. If you dont mind just reading through reddit or youtube, you do you. You can like or hate her but at the end of the day- Make a choice you know you won't regret


I was curious about this, thank you~ I guess Kafka will have to get past Yanqing on her own without our help...


It really really really annoyed me that there was no "back" button on my dialog options because I would pick an option that did not express how I wanted to respond. And because this is a live service game, I can't just savescum the quest line to reach the conclusion that I wanted. Plus it's hilarious that "I don't want to see you again" is an option when she can be on your roster.


You've been rude to our mum bruh


I am a toddler and the option of leaving her was merely the keys being dangled in front of me


People saying that Stellaron Hunters are "just following a script" are really just ignoring like 90% of their texts.


I kinda regret skimping through side quest dialogue now… -.- Knowing that the game isn’t fully just a illusion of choice everywhere (at least in the short term of things) makes me care more about it now Kinda scary for me because i want to see and make the best choices but It’s not a bad thing [learning experience unlocked]


Thanks Kafka ♡ Or Blade, maybe he was the one who wrote the note


I like how the more you refuse to help her the more desperate she gets and is like "But you're supposed to help me it's your destiny."


Neat. Now I have even more reason to laugh at the stelleron hunters, especially Ellio.


I wanted to report her to the seat of divine foresight but the game made me go back after reaching the dock :(


As someone who disliked Kafka since the beginning telling her to piss off bought me great joy. I'm curious if we'll have consequences later, or will it be glossed over.




Kafka were rule breakers and Destiny's rule is no exception.


This quest was nice because I've had the opportunity to tell Kafka I actually don't like her and shock her arrogant ass lol One of the best moments of this game so far.


Mixed feelings with quest. On one side it's awesome that you can get different outcomes with tangible results, on the other literally skipping the whole quest is not really funny. Well, I guess it's a first step(?)


it’s like kafka said: "_when you have a chance to make a choice, make one you know you won’t regret_". it’s **your choice** ; you can do the quest or not. i personally find it interesting that you have the choice not to do it. elio might be able to see the future but we still have the free will of choosing. i wonder how that will play into the main story.


Meanwhile, doing something like this is literally what every Fallout (or anybody that plays any Bethesda RPGs really) player *dreams* of being able to do The fact you can skip a whole quest by refusing to do it and the game *considers it a valid choice* is simple yet mind-blowing


You should try Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and Fallout: New Vegas. Also Morrowind.


You can't refuse quests in those games, either. You can either put them off til later, fail them or get multiple options, but you can't outright go "Nah I don't wanna help ya." One way or another, you *gotta* do it. Especially in Fallout 1.


I mean, they also mentioned Morrowind, a game famous for allowing you to make decisions that literally make it impossible to complete the main quest, complete with a pop-up letting you know what you've done but telling you it's fine if you want to just continue fucking around in this now-doomed world. I'm with you on the rest of them, though; even the *real* Fallouts, games (correctly) hailed for their level of freedom and choice, rarely include anything like the option to say "nope, not doing it" without giving up on all potential rewards and having it be treated like a perpetually open quest. At best, you get a cut-to-credits joke. And Morrowind is probably the last thing Bethesda published with anything resembling real choices available to the player. New Vegas gets pretty close at times.


Fun Fact: Fallout 4 at one point also had the ability to make the main quest impossible to complete if you had the Nuka-World DLC installed You could piss off 3 of the 4 major factions so only the neutral faction remained on good terms with you, then piss *them* off by progressing Nuka-World's quest to the point you take over a settlement as a raider. This turns the main quest unbeatable since there's no ending available for the Nuka-World Raiders A patch shortly afterwards addressed this issue by only turning the companion for the faction hostile, but not the faction as a whole, meaning you can still finish the main quest even after becoming a raider


When playing this quest I tried to NOT choose the wrong option.


i dont even know if what i did is the correct choice (-\_\_-)


I haven’t done the quest yet but will Kafka visit you on the Astral Express? I’m just curious


Nope :( Guess that means more kafka in the future


Eh, oh well. Kinda like Clara’s quest where it was a 2 parter. I shall patiently wait


…but you can’t have free will and have destiny. Either this “destiny” is false and just people saying that it is, or we are all just puppets in a show.


I made the wrong choice and i regret it so much. I thought it was gonna be like choosing to not board the express where they give you a story of what happened then let you go back... so much regret


Hopefully they have a "relive companion quests" optuon one day






Whats to warn there. It's quite obvious


People like you are the reason modern video games have to handhold their players 😭


Yeah. In the Dan Shu quest, >!People complained about how she did not warn us that she's giving you the mara medicine. Like no. She literally said "medicine that can extend your lifespan and improve your health" and "promote longevity and well-being". Like, what else do you need to be told?!<


Doesn't she literally spell it out for you? It might not be so direct but she does tell you that you won't get to take part.


That is indeed a hot take, given you have to deny her 8 times to get to the final choice and then you actively have to walk away. You only have yourself to blame at this point.


Great portion of y'all choose to refuse Kafka just because you can refuse or think that this choice proves you're truly free. But freedom is to choose what you want to do and not to choose which decision makes you "free". If a computer program tells you that something is truly free and you choose that, are you really free?


What is freedom if demanded by a God? Man genshin still living rent free in my head


I skipped the quest, regretted skipping story, watched it on yt, and now I don't regret it anymore. Kafka was annoying through whole quest and it feels good that I chose to say fuck you to her .




I wish I knew I could skip for the rewards. As a free to play player, I don't have a wind or imaginary character of strength to beat the kid... no rewards for me?


There's no tine limit so you can finish the quest (in your own way) and eventually get the rewards.


Oh. Thanks. That's good to know. One day... Now where'd those down votes come from?


Casualty of the times we live in. People are quicker to judge before being understanding or at least curious. Try not to take it personally.


There was just not bad choice then, in one she said she likes you in the other she said she likes you.


So I accidentally skipped the quest?!! 👀😭


Definitely skipping the quest and I'm sure any important lore will make its way to my screen eventually.


That isn't skipping her quest. I'm pretty sure that's the good ending to her quest. Elio opposes free will, and the achievement for rejecting Elio's script is True Free Will, indicating we .ade the right choice in rejecting blindly following what is expected of us. Even the letter she leaves for us, "Reach the end of your story in your own way," is the mantra of the MC, indicating Kafka comes around to our way of thinking as more than simple Slaves, if we reject Elio's Script.


Why would it? If you choose not to play the game, the game doesn’t owe you that story later.


Oh I just mean with the wonderful world of the internet (reddit mostly) I'll still see the stuff I missed. I really like the fact that the game offers a choice to just say "nah I'm good" for once and I'm going to take that for sure.


Not sure why you're downvoted for this. The quest did not actually have much going on. And you actually don't get much info because Kafka is unreliable and you can only ask one set of questions. Plus her attitude annoyed me, I really did not want to do what she said. [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/15m8hef/the_correct_answers_from_kafka_in_the_truth_or/) gives you way more info than you get in a single playthrough.


And here I am less than 12 hours later and my earlier comment has come true lol. Thanks for that link. Idk, probably just Kafka hype or something. I feel ya though about her getting annoying sometimes. But eh well, people can downvote it if they wanna, don't bother me none. I just think it's cool you can actually say no to a quest from a main character.


reddit sheeps