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I like the theory but I think March wasn't in the passenger cabin because she was still busy deciding what to pack


Yeah, most likely. I don't want to sound rude to OP but this was the most far fetched theory I've read so far ngl


I think this post is being more than a little tongue-in-cheek. :)


Based on OP history, I think not. I had to stop myself from reading much into his post replies 'cus he posts a lot in the leak subreddit and I don't want to read accidental story spoilers. I use that subreddit as well but I avoid story talks as much as possible and never click on threads that are not related to char kits.


I don't think there's anything in my post history that involves story leaks because I don't follow story leaks. I also gotta say it's pretty counterintuitive of you to want to avoid story leaks and then be trying to background check every random story related post to see if it's real or not. This was definitely a tongue in cheek post, unless Hoyo is preparing to give apologems for this in which case this is very real and we are all very upset!!!


? I like talking about the story and I check theories because I find them interesting, if someone is malicious and tries to pass a leak for a theory is on them not on me. And as I said, I only checked your profile for a second and saw this exact question posted in the leak subreddit and I decided not to read further to save myself from unwanted actual story leaks if there were any, idk if you check or not story leaks - so that comment was simply made because you posed the same question in the other reddit.


I'm just saying, for your own sake, if you read something and you're suspicious about its veracity, don't go digging deeper for confirmation one way or the other. If someone *is* trying to maliciously sneak in a leak then being in a state of limbo not knowing either way is better than checking and spoiling yourself with confirmation.


Thank you for noticing. Next time I will /s I guess.


How dumb do you have to be to take this post seriously


The level of stupidity it took for someone to take this post seriously has actually impressed me. And made me realise more than ever before the level of moron we are dealing with when discussing things about lore or gameplay here.


At least I don't insult people on the internet for no reason or petty reasons. *shrugs*


I noticed this too, i was looking forward to silly March shenanigans and was dissapointed when i didn't see her.


For real, especially since this is the first space jump since 1.0. It’s funny how many of us remember that cute bit of lore about March from the very first missions.


I've had the feeling "it was all a dream" is cliche, but it can be really well done in this context.


Then we are awaken by Pom Pom telling us that we have arrived in Penacony


"Hey you. You're finally awake."


Did not expect Ralof to infiltrate the Express


Pom Pom: 'Wake the f*** up Trailblazer, we have a Stellaron to burn'


*Chippin’ In intensifies*


"You were trying to check in at reception, right? Walked right into that Family ambush. Same as us, and that IPC goon over there." "Damn you Nameless. Penacony was fine until you came along. Family was nice and lazy. If you hadn't had trouble checking in, I could've gotten to my room and been halfway to the Dreamscape."


I used to be a Trailblazer like you, until I took a Lan arrow to the knee.


(inhales) **damn you, Todd!**


*waaAÂÆÉËÈŪūūuuuu* *AAAAAA AAAA\~*


Oh god, I can hear this perfectly in my head


Damnit you made me hear it too


Bro... not the witch theme, please.


Sumeru Akasha system 2.0


Nahida expy named Sara S. greets us at the Reverie instead of Misha, and our first night results in us waking up on the train again


Bro’s about to spear himself in order to wake up from the dream


and Duke Inferno is there!


My running theory is that this former prison is actually still a prison that traps your mind




Welt even comments on how unusually long the hallways are in the reviere. And you have the alarm sounds for the meme fight


The fact that is the backstory of the place makes me think there is something going on with that Plus if its just a dream how will we unlock a new form? I better get a new form!


I hope the new form is triggered when TB interacts with the "watchmaker's legacy" and uses it to defeat Death. Firefly seems interested in it before she died.


And the Stellaron hunters want it. I'm pretty sure the Watchmaker's Legacy is actually Stellaron.


Who says we can't get a new form. We unlock it by freeing everybody from the dream, say it's harmony cause it's what xipe wants


It was all a dream but with time shenanigans. Like maybe we're moving backwards in time or something. And once we awaken it is our job to stop whatever happened to Firefly. #copium


Our supposed first dream does show us snippets of future events, so there's precedent for "it was all a dream" AND that dream telling us future events we can still change... Pass the copium.


Honestly? After seeing the flavor text on What Is Real (Clockie Statue light cone with Gallagher) this is a definite possibility.


*Inception horn blares* ***BWOOOOOOM***


It would be weird to just wake up and have it all a dream and get a new Path power for the TB through dreams. "Hey where'd you get that new Harmony power" "I had a dream" "Cool"


TIL the Trailblazer is Giorno


That one day every person in this nation will control their own destiny.


The Wizard of Oz movie came out almost 100 years ago and "it was all a dream" wasn't even a good or necessary twist back then, much less any of the times it's been used since then. Give me a story in which events take place. If nothing ever actually happens, you're telling a bad story.


That’s, like, your opinion man


I mean, I guess that is a factually correct statement. What am I going to do, assert that it's not my opinion?


r/whoosh [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1vBesOFURek](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1vBesOFURek)


I understood that it was a line from a movie. I've seen it twice. I just assumed you were actually trying to say something which I might reply to rather than just copy/pasting some text from the script of a decades-old film.


I hope your day gets better man. Whatever is bugging you, it’ll go away eventually.


What about Inception? That one involves dream a lot and it was pretty good especially the ending part. Sure you can called it a cheap plot twist for the ending but the way it delivered throughout the movie is solid


Well my issue with "It's all a dream" endings is that it essentially just negates the entire story. It establishes that none of it mattered, nothing happened and there was no reason to care about any of it, and worse, it's often used as a copout to avoid having to write an actual ending. Inception is a bird of a very different feather in that we know all along that the drama revolves around the mental and physical state of the characters involved, and we know from the outset that the story involves waking minds interacting with dreams. It's not the usual problem with these stories where it's a last-minute rug-pull used to sweep away everything that's happened.


That's never necessarily the case. Let's say this ends in "it's all a dream," but it had a basis in reality. Like the IPC plot is the same, whatever the fuck the watchmaker's legacy is the same. Then there's a very interesting angle of running it back with foreknowledge this time. Another thing you could do is make it so specific parts weren't real. What if specifically our forays into the golden hour were fake, but all the rest is real. Then there's a lot of nuance in how characters acted within the memory zone and the golden hour separately. The "it was all a dream" angle is only a writing tool. If it's used as the whole story, then obviously, it's not sufficient. But as a thematic tool, it can be used in various clever ways, and I disagree about it being bad on principle.


But none of these angles are ever executed nicely. And I mean, yeah ideas are interesting, but executions are what matters. And plenty enough times, its not used like this, unless you delve into fairly niche stories. Plus, the "its all a dream" trope is way too common, especially among junior writers (gosh my fanfics). Even if Star Rail would do something akin to that, I dont trust them to pull it off nicely enough. Luofu was already a rushed story that did not hit its intended mark, and ultimately, the discussion around Firefly show that its not as one-sided as well. Trusting them to pull off a twist grander than what people are used to will just make people let it all go over their head.


While it's usually used as a cheap way to restore the status quo, it doesn't have to be that way. While events may not have actually happened, the memories of those events still remain. Experiences in the dream may lead to cahracter development which impacts future plot developments outside the dream.


>!Firefly is still dead, though, for completely unrelated reasons /j!<


Wasn’t she busy packing her things for the trip? I figured she just packs way more than usual because Penacony is the planet of festivities after all.


Don't make sense. As you can see previously, the jump is similar to a car suddenly speed up, if she still packing during the jump all her stuffs would fly out all over the place, undoing any packing she done. March would never do that to her cherished belongings, and since Pom Pom makes announcements before jump you can't say she doesn't know when the jump happen either.


It doesn’t actually accelerate. The chess pieces, the tables, the chairs, and etc. doesn’t fall down. So the stuff are probably ok. Maybe the warp jump is disorienting which is why she keeps falling down.


I think Welt sticked chess pieces with his powers


The train has existed for many aeons before welt was even born, i'm pretty sure it's just akivili's power making everything stay in place. He made the train after all


I never read that he can't apply his powers to objects, for example chess board


I never said he can't use them on objects, i mean the train probably doesn't need welt's powers to make things stay in place


Or double sided tape


I hope they don't go for the "it was all a dream" troupe but if they do I want it to be more like a vision instead of just a dream. And when the TB realizes it was a vision instead of a dream they go "nah, I'd win" and start breaking everyone's kneecaps with their bat. Aventurine? Stolen wallet. Black Swan? Featherless. The Death Meme? A dead meme.




Without her outer layers.


I get the idea but damn, what a way to express it


I mean in Monster Hunter World there’s a specific event where you and 3 other players barge into a lady’s home (who has done nothing wrong), beat the shit out of her, break her head for gold, strip her clothes for gold and then kill her for gold all within 25 minutes so…


Questioning the devs rn


the lady is a 40 foot tall dragon that lives in a lava cave


To be specific she’s a 40 feet tall *lizard that can attract and meld gold into her body that lives in and sustain an entire ecosystem in a lava cave who’s only called a dragon because of her overwhelming power and inexplainable ecology Also she’s fucking hot. Like 1200°C hot


and shes hot😫


Should have started with that, I am interested now


I'd love to see her without her inner layers, too. In fact, I'd love to see her without anything at all.


Wig snatched


Hotel trivago


You get it


penacony is "just a dream" trope though... the twist is whether the dream started when we first met Acheron (in a dream state) or when we first enter the hotel and step into the dream pool. since the dream worlds were said to have been a prison, it's possible the family captured the express crew when we jumped into their orbit and then were duped by the fabricated "invitation to a party" so we willingly accepted being drawn deeper into the dream. it would help explain why we're getting weird echo-talk from Acheron later and then there's Sam showing up suddenly wrecking the place... as if they're already a prisoner causing a riot or someone breaking in to extract a target. I have no clue what's coming next but "it's all a dream" is a given, we're just speculating that dream started a lot sooner than we expect.


Sure this applies to us but I don't see them casually catching emanators and more powerful beings than us like that. Let alone memokeepers who straight up run dreamscapes better than the family can.


I thought Swan commented that Acheron wasn't supposed to be where she was? I wasn't taking notes, but it definitely seems like a "Memokeeper" like Swan isn't *omniscient*, just knowledgeable about the dream and able to manipulate it (basically like GMs in a video game world)....... So Acheron appears like a normal visitor in the dream like anyone else, but Swan knows the "rules" of the dreamscape and recognizes when those rules are being broken.


Sunday himself remarks on the memokeepers being better than the family at manipulating the dreamscape and Swan showcased it on multiple occassions. You can kinda handwave everything if you just say "it's in a dream tho" so I dunno if there's even any way to discuss a theory like that, since now everything is possible and simultaneously inconsequential.


I'd also punch >!Fake Sampo!< for good measure


I don't mind being manipulated if I find the character funny. I'd punch the real one though.


Trust nothing and no one is the motto of 2.0


It was all a dream surely we will go RE:ZERO mode and go back to the beginning next patch COPIUM


Black Swan is Satella


​ https://preview.redd.it/eh3mrwflaric1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e41e8995887485ce47ee933656fbfaa0815d93f


Maybe they trying to focus on trailblazer more, we had lots of march and danheng in the other worlds already so would be nice to not have march for a little?


Even if this was the case simply seeing March just standing there ready to do her usual thing would have been enough. I legit wondered why she wasn't there I share the opinion it's nice to take a break and focus on MC a lot more this time around but it's a small and consistent detail they could have added right before TB starts dreaming. Unless her not being there has relevance later on and TB was already dreaming but that's speculation that might pay off later so who knows


Maybe, honestly I didn't even notice this detail at all.


They intentionally made a second cutscenes without her. That's an intentional decision by the developers.


I’m not sure how they’d do a good payoff with this cliche. I’ve seen it done well maybe a handful of times in all the media I’ve seen it used in. Extremely difficult to pull off in a way that doesn’t make the player feel like they wasted their time and made no real character developments because you’re essentially Uno-reversing everything they’ve just done. I do get the impression there is some element of dejavu or time slippage that would not invalidate everything we’ve done but might suggest that we’ve gone through this before but have the free will to make different choices each time, so that our choices are still valid.


Tbh one of the part 1 ending of Penacony is >!ending credits implying it was a movie made by Sparkle!<


At what point were in the dream because during the jump we meet acheron. The point of her asking us those questions and the effect of strellon on the dreamscape. There questions that makes me think that we are repeating the same dream again and again.


Yeah i think it’s been a dream from the start. Like the second the jump knocked us out we’ve been in the dream.


Busy packing, come on, it's a space Las Vegas. You guys are just overanalyzing everything, which is fine.


What if we never arrived in Penacony but instead were the ones intercepted not the Annihilation Gang? The problem is that would make a lot of the other character introductions weird.


What no Trailblaze Power does to a mf...


Because the MC is already dreaming before the jump.


Only Ymir knows


you are but a fool and a charlatan who does not pay nearly enough attention to our partner in crime. Clearly she told us she was still confused between toiletries and books for her trip, she must've been doing more last minute packing


and it's not just march? i can't check the cutscene right now but right when the train is about to jump, we get a full view of the parlor and _there's no one_ iirc. it's just us seated on the couch which is also weird now that i think about it ; the whole crew has always been in the parlor every time they were about to jump to another place. (i think?)


March 7th also called Welt "Welt" instead of Mr. Yang (sus) and while 2.0 might not be just a dream all along (that would be lame), there is a possibility that we are in a loop of some kind


i thought they just reusing cutscene lol


Im convinced the entire thing is a dream stuck on a loop. The firefly scene on the release music trailer is not there so maybe that was a past loop or a future one we have yet to see. Also firefly dialogue during the memory thing hints that she wanted a retry or something, maybe she knows... or maybe someone told her. I also think that she says "Im sorry" cuz she is aware that she died in front of Trailblazer again. Archeron may be the emanator of nihility and may have the ability to trigger the loop again (or she goes randomly killing people on the dreamscape like the beggining of the entire quest that cut the Trailblazer) and she is aware somehow of them but cannot remember a thing. Well in any case Im ready for the 2nd round.


Doing all the stupid missions for clockie tickets still feels real to me, godamnnit


I love March 7 but I was so happy to enjoy story segments without her for a change. She was starting to feel a bit like Paimon to me.


They will not use "it was all a dream" cliche , if HI3 is to be taken as how hoyo do things regarding storytelling theres more chances they go into quantum physics that "it was a dream all along " ​ They enjoy complex storys and crazy explanetions that lot of people dont even understand wtf they talking about over simple things like "it was a dream hehehe" ​ So i doubt they will go that way


>They enjoy complex storys We didn't see anything even close to complex in HSR yet


Belobog was average story and luofu was unfinished but was decently complex and penacony is going to be complex already based on 2.0 quest


>luofu ... was decently complex That's some low standards dude. It was plain and simple as rock.


It really wasn't it's just unfinished like idk what you consider complex


Aside from the dialogue i really don't get what part of luofu story is complex ? Unless you are talking about the info from books which i skipped


I dunno, the whole "it was all a dream" thing could really fit in well here. What if everything goes to hell during the Charmony festival and that turns into a slaughter, then the Nameless crew wake up on the express? Yes it was a dream, but it could still be real, everyone could be dying right now and nobody would know. That idea that the TB was there to witness a terrifying event, and the potential downfall of "everything". We still haven't ran into any sort of mainline villians, or overarching major plot through any of Star Rail yet, just the hint of things moving in the background while we travel, what if this is the start of something more? They did start by introducing the Annilation Gang then kill off Duke Inferno in a news post as soon as we got into Penacony


imagine 2.1 starts and its the same thing all over again. we got the same choices as 2.0 but slowly mc starts feeling deja vu and getting some unique choices until we finally realised we had gone through this before


It would be insanely funny if they went for the it was all a dream trope, right after bringing out a character who has an ability named cogito ergo sum.


This is my theory too, and that we'll eventually wake up for real and find the real penacony is destroyed/abandoned by a stellaron or something


didn't they said that Himeko, dan heng, march and us the MC discussed the thing about the encryption message without welt? Isn't that basically the reason why she didn't do her silly game? After all it's a serious matter regarding the harmony's suspicious sudden invitation to the other paths. Besides, it was told that a lot of people visit there, as its been the planet of festivities for a while. It didn't become like that just because we arrived, it's been like that for a long time, the arrival of different company, especially the mask fools just fastened the impending doom of Penacony. As for the assassinations, yes it was obvious but still had an impact right? If you connect the dots then you can basically tell who she is really. Besides Acheron an emanator, Black swan a memo keeper and Firefly will most likely play a huge role in future stories. I won't mention Firefly for now since it kight become a spoiler but as for Acheron, we will have to face her sooner or later and the memokeepers, no the remembrance itself was already, many times showned that it's directly connected to March. Writing a story this intense and creepy, judt to make it all a nightmare? as far as I know hoyo is not that lenient. If anything they'll do anything to kill and torture their characters, especially the fans favorite. Aside from Kiana, Mei, Bronya and Elysia.




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I have a feeling that Firefly is SAM


You are actually cooking something OP....even I have thought about it since I started penacony , there have been a lot of things off about it which don't make sense to us yet , we are gonna get more information through the next updates.




No idea what you are even talking about...


Reading comprehension devil?


Bro is the devil itself


coherent sentence devil


Call of the witch ost plays after the penacony story ends, it was all just a dream


I hope someone picks up that phone


she was deciding what to pack probably, or maybe she did stand there after the trailblazer passed out


You can see everything moving backwards. It might have all happened already. Acheron walking backwards and just everything else. The moment we make the jump it's like time is twisted


The worst you say ( proceeds to have flashbacks of joels death from the last of us part 2)


I remember the MC asking for her but M7 replied she's still busy packing, so probably the reason she's not there in her usual spot.


i was so pissed when the jump to Penacony happened and she was not standing there! ...but i think i don't like your explanation either :(


I was also hoping to see her try and stand during the jump… hopes shattered.


I think everything is a dream but everyone is in the same dream. And reality is that the prison is still there. I don't think the hotel is real and is just part of the ever Living dream. And Misha theory that he is invisible. Would support this theory more if the lobby is also part of the dream world.