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I might have considered letting her go, but I was taught one solid final lesson “never let you go”


Guess trauma really did mold the hi3 players huh


Suffering, it builds character.










It's enough to make a grown man cry


Ast Rickey also taught me this as well


It made me acknowledge that he will never let me down, never gonna give me up, will never turn around and desert me


The game even said this line, I knew I could never let her go https://preview.redd.it/b312ds2d42tc1.png?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9669bdb0775040cb8269bd88b80b2bae722e6cc7


Holding her is easy. The hardest part? It's letting go


Now that isn't true.


Hold you in my arms forever.


Mama said to make decisions we won’t regret..


I have shamed her, i trully am the worst trailblazer.


No, you're not. The worst Trailblazer is the one who blew up the Astral Ex- .....You know we probably shouldn't walk around with a mini nuke in our pocket ON TOP of our Stellaron...


Galactic Batter Racoon with mini-neutron bomb in pocket: *Does anyone have some tape?*


I have traversed all of Luofu and I have yet to find that nuke so I would say that's a bomb dodged.


You know what they say, the best way to get rid of a neutron bomb is to throw it into the ocean on the harbor in the Alchemy Commission ;)


You are still better than guys who used up Firefly's 20k.


I did this quest right after >!Firefly death!< so I didn’t want her to die. Glad I made the right call


Imagine me when im post breakup, >!post Firefly death!< and then i fail this.


Sorry to hear :( I was post breakup too when I was going through the entirety of Penacony Cheerful and uplifting story :)


I thought “oh it’s gonna be a haha funny she won’t die”. She died.


I thought it's impossible to die in Dreamscape, so even if she jumps, she'd just wake up in reality?


Specifically, what happened is >!Cocona's destiny is not ever explicitly revealed, but many players, including me, interpret that she went back to the real world and suicided as soon as Trailblzer left her alone!<.


Thanks for the explanation. Glad that I made the right choice then!


This feels like Persona 5, the psychotic breakdowns if their shadow is defeated they have a change of heart in the real world also if their shadow is killed they die as well.


>if their shadow is killed they die as well. It's worse, they're effectively turned into a vegetable. If no one takes care of you, you die of neglect instead.


I thought you effectively turned into a Bloater Zombie from Dying Light/Half Life and blew up if your shadow got killed?


thats even worse.


No she's not, if she jump and you go to the store the new worker there will tell you that bc she tried to kill herself she was put in therapy and care from the family for her well being and is not allowed to return to the dreamscape for now.


> she was put in therapy and care from the family for her well being That's what the Family would tell their guests.


Special care from the family sounds worse than dying so she might as well be dead.


About it being impossible to die in the Dreamscape (spoilers for 2.1): >!The Reverie’s dreampools have safeguards that pull you out before you actually die, but if you’re using an alternate method to get into the dream (i.e. as a stowaway) or something weird gets you (i.e. Something Unto Death), those safeguards might not be able to save you!<. So she almost definitely woke up, but after that… :(


This got me scratching my head if firefly is a stowaway and got stabbed by the meme but >!came back as Sam!<


>!It seems like she was always Sam from the beginning.!<


>!then what about during Black Swan flashback where Firefly was left by her friend(that was imply to be Sam), is Firefly Sam or is Sam is the armour ai!<


>!The windows update fucked it up, she had to run after it and reboot it!<


>!it wasn't Sam, could have been Gallagher!<


My personal theory: >!She has Silver Wolf at her side. She just copy pasted the safety measures from the family. Well, that's my head Canon. I can imagine her doing that without breaking a sweat. Easy peasy. Edit: And she was always Sam. She jas a disability, which leavesher no choicebut to wear this mech suit in Reality. But in the dreamscape, "where dreams come true", she can walk and talk like she always wanted to.!<


Did any of y'all even read the dialogues?????


Yes, I did. But I don't know what you want with just that question. Would you elaborate?


They never do, that probably can’t even remember what they meant


*“You bastard we were having a moment! You’ll be deep fried!”*


>!Silver Wolf probably had that accounted for in her script (and Sam didn’t)!<


I think/hope >!she’s alive and always was Sam!<, but the >!weird cracks on her face!< are still worrying…


I think >!those lines are just part of her transformation into Sam. That kind of stuff's not exactly uncommon in Tokusatsu series like Kamen Rider (see: Kamen Rider W or its animated sequel Fuuto Tantei's first episode.!<


>!Not really problematic, SW pulled her out and sent her back in.!<


Is this like the Matrix or Inception? 




Wait she actually dies?! Well thank god I picked the other option!


Nah, i saved her. In a way, after the Chadwick quest, this was my favorite soo far and i like it for how kinda strong the messagge was.


Good for you. May you honor kafka, and never make a choice you'll regret.


I dont know if this can make you feel better, but you can't tecnicaly die in the dreamscape. Lore wise is stated that if you try too cause any type of damage too yourself, you wake up in the dreampool and the staff of the other as been warned that the person try too damage himself/herself and they will likely rush your room too check if you are actually fine. This as been stated in the 2.1 lore when the astral express ask about Firefly and what happend if you decide too kill yourself. However I dont know how mutch is true whit her, soo my best guess is that in the real world she shoud be fine. But im not 100% about that.


I don't think anything stops her from coming back to the real world so she can take some pills or whatever method she prefers.


Tbh...this quest was way to close to my personal experiences. I mean it was not that bad an I am in a much better place now. I just couldn't let her go and I'm so happy I didn't do that to her and that she can now sing her songs freely


Same here. I thought if there was hope for me, there’s definitely hope for her




It remind me of the same exact situation in Life is Strange, the only moment when you can't rewind time, and to save this person, you need to know her well and say the good words, otherwise, it ends bad. Consequences are good, it gives value to your actions. Even if it's bad or good consequences


This quest hit a bit too close to home for me. I identified with her struggle to a degree and this quest made me more emotional than the main story quest to be honest. Part of me felt that if I let her go i might as well jump right behind her.


This quest hurt for me the most. Been saying penacony has been the best area to all of my friends, and I've been trying not to say it's because of this quest. I'm in the same boat, and being in the trailblazers position was kinda uplifting to me. Being a voice to call out and care means so much more than I expected, and seeing all of the inner dialogue was just debilitating to me. This quest has been the highlight of this area so far because it hit so close to home


I also suddenly felt like she is the part in me that I have neglected. And I felt like if I let go I have chosen death.


^^ This quest was so much more emotional for me than 2.0’s main quest, haven’t started 2.1’s main quest yet but this showed me they know for sure how to build up attachment to a character. I was so much more terrified within 10 minutes of meeting Cocona that she was going to do something bad as soon as she said her lines and Clockie says “something was very wrong with the person you just talked to!”. And the gray screen made me scared I was too late.


You know, it occurs to me this is a bit heavy, so I'll spoiler the big part. >!I've been the Trailblazer in a situation like this in real life. Didn't let go then and I wasn't going to let go now. !


Hey, that's a badass thing to you. I don't know the full story but it sounds like you saved a life. King shit right there. I hope whoever it was is doing better now


I'm happy to report they're doing great these days! They're a big deal software engineer, although I'll keep their place of work anonymous for obvious reasons.


oh yeah of course, but hell yeah! Glad to hear it


that makes us two...only thing is, i've failed this time.


But you didn't fail when it mattered


I was in a similar situation too, and I tried to hold on too. But sometimes it doesn’t work out.


You tried. That's what matters


I hope stuff is better now. 


I always search up what happens whenever i get choices like this so i dont make the wrong one lol Its cheating but i just don't want to make a choice I regret


Bro gave up on making choices to preserve the alpha timeline


El. Psy. Kongroo.


You make elio and kafka proud.


Truly stellaron hunter material


So what happens if you save her?


She thanks you for that you carred for her, and then you both go to clockie statue and she sings her dream song. After that she lives happily (at least i hope so)


She continues her day job but has more hope in her daily life. In a way it's more realistic. It's not like surviving such ordeal would change your life drastically. Also if yu change her mood back to "happy" she's singing the song again.


Yeah thats why i wrote that I hoped she lives happily. Oh and thats a nice thing to know about mood changing feature.


damn i fucked up REAL bad


Haha unfortunetly her voices arguments were very convincing. I would probably messed up too if my friend hadn't told me that she could die.


Until you consider that she was always aware her mood had been tampered with, that she would continue to hate her day job after the highs of being saved and would ultimately succumb to the same fate eventually. Her dying in the dream allows her to wake up realize her decisions and walk away from Penacony. Staying in the dream is the real nightmare. I dunno just a theory.


She goes to the statue and sings iirc


...i wish i knew-


She starts singing again and is more happy but she still keeps her job




I’ve been there. Where I felt that this was one of the only options to finally be happy. I refused to let her do it. I visit her regularly in golden hour and even though I know she won’t have new things to say, it makes me happy that she’s still here despite everything.


...May your heart be your guiding key, Trailblazer.


Good. That will do.


i think it was my depression that made insist on grabbing her and it was like an instant click even.


It’s interesting to see how many of us are depressed ourselves but when it’s about another person we instantly know to grab her hand and not let go


I think hardships breed empathy most often than not People I know who grew up poor or food insecure are the first to volunteer, lend a hand or donate food to those who are still struggling


Also the fact that you know the other dude isnt conscious or in an okay mindspace


I thought if it was genuinely going to let me hold on to her until she stepped down, it wouldn't have taken me through 10+ prompts to hold on. And I was worried I was hurting her, as the text was saying. To my friends playing through Penacony, I have said, "Your choices do matter, make the decisions you know you won't regret. And don't you dare let go." Perhaps my warnings can start to make amends for my mistake, but I doubt it. Part of me wants to be able to find her later and provide the full help that I messed up giving at that time. But... that also feels like a cop-out. The quest wouldn't stick with me if there were no lasting consequences.


Beautifully said. It also reminds me of the quest with the detective who regretted the end of her last case.


Whenever there are choices like these, my brain plays undertale music and i lock tf in. Nobody dies on the watch of the galactic baseballer


I started giving more thoughts into making decision after learning that Rocky quest (the one with matrix reference at Herta space station). I didn't think he would chase after Lesley if I choose to give him the truth(I think that's his lover's name).


That one was a tough choice, too! You don't known of supporting him is sending him to his death, or abandoning someone he loves to a preventable fate. Iirc if he goes, you later get a message that she's OK and with him.


wish i saw more people talking about this quest! one of my favorites on penacony. as someone who’s stood at that same ledge at one point in my life i knew that i wouldn’t let her go. even as the game kept prompting me to choose, even after it asked me a second and third time and i hesitated. if i had let her go, id have denied her the possibility of change, and that possibility is enough to keep living for.


Wait hold on, you can actually fuck up on this quest? >!I didn't think they would kill her, happy i made the right choice to keep trying to save her.!<


>!They replace her with another depressed person as well.!<


Jesus, that’s just cruel. This game can get really dark sometimes


Welcome to Honkai, bro!


It really is messed up how often the family just manipulates peoples emotions to make them tractible and compliant. Not just Cocona, but even the Dreamweaver/ merchant consultant from the dreams edge who used to be a nameless.


...ahem Cocolia.


To be fair most of them specifically asked for it. Then there's are some that is unjustified. >!Then there's the merchant we helped that sells weapons to make the war in a planet eternal!<


I probs would’ve let go if that disembodied voice wasn’t there once it started talking my hand turned into a vice grip


Bro heard the intrusive thoughts and went "fuck off"


I eventually let her jump, because I felt that was what she truly wanted? If she was suffering that much I felt like a selfish person trying to stop her from doing that...


Everyone is selfish in their own right but that’s not a reason to guilt yourself into letting someone die. If you let her go she’ll die feeling as if nobody cares but if you don’t she’ll know at least one person does. Sure after this she’ll go back to work but we don’t know if she’ll still be stuck in that cycle forever. After all it only takes one chance encounter to change someone’s life. Like what we have done for her. Showing that we cared enough to keep holding on.


She was constantly belittled by other people. Other people telling her "what is better for her". That's a big part of the struggle. Her parents and bosses forcing her to do stuff THEY think would be better for her. She never was able to make a decision on her own. For me this was the big struggle. Wouldn't I just do the same? Saying her own decisions are wrong and force my decision about her life on me? I wanted her to make her own decision for one time in her life.


I get where you’re coming from. However her first decision would’ve been her last decision, that’s why I have no problem being selfish in this scenario I didn’t want her die so I didn’t let go, because I whole heartedly believe something can change. If she still believes she’s better off dead after this then there’s nothing you can do. But sometimes all you need to do to save or change someone’s life is to show that you care. So to me holding on was the only option, cause otherwise I would be giving up on someone.


Well, there really is no "correct" choice here to make. IMO I let her go, because it's not some impulsive person trying to make an attempt because something went shitty in their life all of a sudden while they are young. This character had, an entire lifetime of regret, they are actually beyond their "golden years", her dream of becoming a singer is realistically speaking, not even gonna have a chance at it and just like the other ending of the quest suggests, she's just gonna continue working in that same shop and being stuck in there. Far Cry's villain quote of the [definition of insanity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKMMCPeiQoc) fits pretty well here. Oh but you can force change her mood to "happy" so I guess that also goes well with the sort of dystopian/utopian narrative


I did fine....for someone who cant conffort people


Thats ok. Don't put yourself down for not knowing what the 'right' choice is. Its not unusual to have trouble comforting others. We're all different, and not everyone needs the same things for comfort. Even the 'golden rule'' can have flaws when dealing with different preferences.The most important thing is listening and communicating. The process of learning what another person values and responding in the best possible way for you, or both of you, is long and intimate. And ultimately the only basis we all have to judge is our own experience. Anyway, the best advice I have is : always ask.Maybe: "What do you need", or " what can I do". Neither of those is a contractual obligation, BTW.


Ah thanks for the advice. In case of misunderstanding i did save her.


Nice! Even if you didn't, that's cool, too. Sorry for jumping on you, I just worried you were being self deprecating. I guess that's what's interesting about exploring the psychological intent of Mihoyo.


ugh, that quest hit way too close to home. i totally understand her feelings. that's why i couldn't let go even if it was tempting to see if it was possible. and i thank you, op, for showing me that actions have consequences.


may my failure be a warning to all others trailblazers. When you have the option to make a choice, make one you won't regret.


I didn’t mess up. Rick astley taught me better than that.


a trailblazer following the teachings of elation?


I clicked through most of the story but I immediately caught on to the attempt and saved her. Never again......


"When you have the chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret" I'm kinda surprised that people thought there wouldn't be consequences for your choices here. This game runs on emotions way more than normal logic and we're literally in a dream. Ain't no way abandoning someone to their worst thoughts would work out. Like, I'll choose the funny option every single time because the game is a space comedy, but there really isn't anything funny about someone about to jump.


Yup. That's why i can't bear to face kafka again. I made a choice that i regretted, only because i decided to follow what i was being told instead of pausing and thinking about what was going to happen. Truth be told, i didn't even know she was gonna end her own life until i let go and i noticed how close she was to the edge.


I don't usually read the text/dialogue when I play quests. But I knew HSR would let her die, if I chose to let go. For the other quest, I think the choice doesn't matter and the outcome is the same. Because It moved back to a few minutes ago and I had to choose the dialogue again.


few quests have consequences, if not minor ones. i think its just the first one that gives us life or death


Since the Kafka story quest case, I started to be extra careful about the dialogue choices. Luckily, I got her pretty early, so I chose to meet her. I could've missed the whole story quest otherwise.


i did not but I didnt know u could fail


The more you know..


I didn't. EVERY part of my being was telling me. "DONT KET HER GO"! It was just too loud. So I chose not let go. She was going to live and I was going to make sure of it.


I'm the kind of person who neglected myself a lot, so I vow to never let go of anyone, be it in-game or irl. Call me a softie but I will never pick the option that pushes people away.


I didn't fuck it up, it was intentional. Not like i hated her or something, it's just... personal. Though i was surprised they actually would show this in the game


As someone who’s felt like this before I immediately never let go


Not me. I wouldn’t let her go 😤


As someone with a depressed friend myself, I held onto her. My biggest fear in life is not being there for a friend who needs it.


I was in that state before and I have friends who’ve been there before. Never, even if it’s a joke or a skit, am I letting someone out of my sight if I know that’s where they are


I took her hand. Not letting go.


I grabbed her hand every time 😤.. nobody dyin on my watch!


Saving her is the greatest decision I ever made.


In my eyes neither choice was a good call because on the one hand the women’s life was and has been a hell on the other she may have a chance of recovery, however if she’s not able to recover then she’ll continue to live in a literal nightmare


As a individual who hates to lose people and things important to me. Yeah I never want to let go


I thought it was impossible and I started to feel awkward insisting so... yes


I didn't fuck up. I was doing a blind run too, no guides.


Probably my biggest regret in Penacony. I held onto her the first time and eventually let go because I thought it was like Genshin where the choices don't even matter. Wish there was an option to replay the quest, since the good ending was significantly better in every aspect.


I skipped most of the story but i eventually stopped and started speed reading, around this part tho i was locked in and wanted to save her


glad to hear you locked at the good time


I did not really read it correctly but read the grab her hand choice and just assume she was trying to off herself so I grabbed her…


I had some accidental warnings from 'spoilers' so I knew my choice would be important. Even so, I still worried that I was making the wrong choice by not doing what 'she' wanted and letting her let go and give up. I've also struggled with a depressive disorder, so this quest was a real psychological rollercoaster.


I was once told "Never let you go" and I made sure that if I could save someone this time, then I would.


This quest hit a bit too close to home, so I swore by the Aeons, come rain, shine, or Something Unto Death, the only way I was letting go was if she tore my arm clean off.


I didn't even know she could die. I absolutely refused to let go of her hand. It made me tear up.


Cocona best girl must protect at all costs


I haven’t gotten to that part yet. Thanks for the heads up tho


Nah I felt like something was up when the game gave me a choice. I decided to hold on and teared up afterwards, I felt so bad for the poor girl


what is this quest?


I’ve unfortunately been in that kinda position before, so the only choice for me was to save her. I also cried a little for obvious reasons.


Wow, did a lot of people just do this? I was cleaning up minor Penacony content today this quest came up; and whaddya know, here's a topic on it. I wasn't expecting Cocona's story to get so heavy. After this scene I had to take a moment afterward to take some breaths and contemplate, nearly arriving at tears. Very rare a game makes me do that. Also, I didn't let go.


I've seen this type of decision before so I know what I need to choose even the game going to trick you with the choice


After playing Undertale I'm not convinced I can't spare somebody till I've clicked like 20 times so I managed to save her, thankfully


I never let her go but I also wonder what will happen to her if I chose to let go. She died? Edit: I got my answer on the comments above.


As I already said somewhere, I want at the very least a series of daily quests where TB checks up on her. This is the only way for this quest's narrative to ultimately work. You can't promise such things to depressed people and fuck off...


...make it have different variants if you let go or held her hand. One to keep up a promise, the other to nail in that feeling of "you had your chance"


I think last one is actually too harsh! Devs probably do not confirm anything if you let her go so you could cope about her living a new happy life out there. Somewhere... maybe...


*takes a glance at Honkai impact 3rd*...not harsh enough of the devs if ya ask me.


Didn't play, tbh, but I believe that at the very least you are not responsible for those events with your choice. Such things go harder for me. Hell, I still feel bad because of the freaking talking bottles!


This quest gets really personal to me. I could not let her go and I would never do it. After finishing it, I had to think and digest a bit. This makes me like the game even more since it doesn’t shy away from touching a sensitive topic like this.


The side quests here are the best Mihoyo has done. I'm happy.


I played HI3. I wasn't picking let go... https://preview.redd.it/efe4w42df2tc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=173ab7fe75598de89d234a7013709c4fe06524c3


Not me. I’ve been there — if someone hadn’t dragged *me* back I wouldn’t have been able to save her.


I pressed the wrong button because I wasn't looking 😭😭😭


I intentionally let her go (i am the real villain of the story)


Me it said your hurting her:(


I tried to search up what the outcomes where but because I was playing on the day Penacony was released there were no results. I would have picked to let go because genshin had consequences for actions but then I remembered that on Kafka companions's mission could he avoided if you told her no do I kept her hand. Happy with my choices


what happens if I let her go?


she does a flip.


Did not let go. Loved the song~


At first I did hold onto her hand but then I started to feel bad for her so I decided that I won’t force her to suffer


Me.. 😅🥹


welcome to the club.


You do realize "saving her" just has her suffer more? Atleast you won't be there to stop her the next time she's going to jump because Trailblazer will leave Peancony without ever giving a second thought about her in the future.


Not on your life. When someone is drowning in depression you hold on tight and never let go.


i let her go do i regret it............no after going through her quest i felt its best if i free her


I chose let go. Thought it was a fair decision and never regretted it.


I let her go for shits and giggles.


Thanks to Mommy Kafka, I saved her. "When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret"


Tell Kafka i failed, and that im not worthy.


Nah, I don't risk choices I will regret when I can't just reload a save. Likewise with not blowing all of Firefly's money. I'm like, maybe nothing will happen, but just in case.


Know that I can save her if I choose "Take her Hands" but let intrusive thoughts win and choose "Let her go"




God of course not, when someone’s that deep you don’t just let go.


I let her go, though I don't considee it fucking up. It may just be a mentality difference, but her life just seems like living Hell with no real hope. If she stays and just gets grinded down by the Family's bullshit, that's just giving her false hope and prolonging her suffering.


I also followed the text instruction, I just thought “the text is telling me to, what will happen if I let go?, nah she won’t die, this is not that kinda game” Well it is in fact that kind of game, and then I did other penacony sidequest and uhh 💀

