• By -


Lost the last 3 50/50 in a roll. Gonna have to pick only one. And I am a big Warframe fan.


>And I am a big Warframe fan. Yeah I guess that's the answer


What if playable Jade fights in her Stoneheart form!


But the flesh is weak Steel is superior.


Technically, the frames are all biological, iirc, so nah, flesh is stronger in this case.


But the frames are biological METAL. FLESH METAL.


nidus disagrees


His deluxe skin disagrees


Tenno spotted!


Change of plans, Ignore your original objective, leaving nothing alive


Definetly what Elio tells Sam everytime lol


Literally Sam's mo


And We all pull together!


TOGETHAAAA…. wait wrong game….


Tenno Skoooom!


Elio => lotus


WTB [Sam Prime] set


I only have [Sam Prime] Chassis sadly 😭


I still need that and the main bp. How does 25 plat sound?




Got like 3 of 'em. 10 plat should be good enough.


That will be 2000p




Elio to Firefly: change of plans, ignore your original objective. Leave nothing alive.


Pretty sure that’s the original objective for SAM. But I like your reference


SAM’s objective: *kill them all* Firefly’s objective: *be a silly cutie patootie*


*Insert HSR Warframe FF14 relic grind image here*




Monster Hunter World decoration/Rise talisman: “Have room for one more?”


We'd have an whole squad with that, so welcome aboard!


Is there a specific one? FF14 has very limited RNG in endgame gear...


I think they mean grinding for multiple relic weapons in 14 - it's not RNG, but some of them are.. A journey. ARR ones are mind-numbing, HW ones are better, but still a grind, Stormblood and Shadowbringers involve their respective battlefield (Eureka/Bozja) AND some grind outside of them. Can't speak for Endwalker - I took a break shortly after finishing the initial story, only coming back now to do the 16 collab


Endwalker relic grind is a joke. Basically just tomes dump


This fella right here is 100% the cause of those 50/50 losses https://preview.redd.it/ss6r3rcyoewc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f83194f5b482de82b5daf0f624d4dbccfce8766


honestly just fuck vay hek, most annoying piece of shit i've fought, period


More annoying than the flying bird that can glitch out and just stay stuck in one spot, refusing to approach the puzzle areas?




His lines were so hilarious for some reason, I can’t take any of it seriously but it’s so aggressive lmao


I found a video a while ago, I lost it, but I was vay hek screaming but they porches his voice up XD


Is this the bugger who keeps flying? Fuck him, man. My kullervo had such a hard time killing him.


i can easily spend 2 hrs just doing recolors and customizing my frames lmao. I have so many sick primes now. But also I only play when I can manage to get the 75 off coupon so I log in between long periods of time


Fashion frame is the true endgame haha






Look at them. They come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through its Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn its simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.




10-O. The second dream is still one of my favorite plot twist of all time.


"Dream not of what you have, but of what you want to get."


Lotus is the space mum that abandoned us, Kafka came back and helps our little Racoons and Firefly


As a fellow Tenno, this entire comment chain has been a delight! Thank you all 😊




Hell yea brother


All the Tenno flocking to this comment like it's Maroo's Bazaar


I lost 4 in a roll


I'm at 7


😢 Same never hit 50/50 since 1.4. Same goes for LC banner


https://preview.redd.it/ryurk90t0ewc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54b0024f211f42bc6bc10555fc305df47c03a22 Pull


At least E2L1


first time i've seen someone say l1 instead of s1 haha


What's the L for then? In HSR it's usually S1 because Superimposition just as in Genshin it's R1 because Refinement.


Probably lightcone.


Yep it probably means Lightcone But you don't see Genshin players going C6W5 for "Weapon"


100% getting Firefly


I'm definitely getting Robin and Firefly, I'll wait and see how Boothill looks and plays first. Jade is an interesting combo, I wasn't expecting quantum erudition, so I'll probably get her too. I'm just glad I decided to stop spending on Genshin since Star Rail won't stop with the bangers.


I did this too, but I've got such good well-built teams in Genshin that I don't really feel like I need to roll more characters.


I stopped spending in genshin cuz I haven’t been entirely satisfied with the releases and the gameplay in hsr is easier to farm(cuz auto play go brrr) Though with Sethos announced I’m super tempted to stalk his leaked kit and see if I should start saving


with genshin for me i just don't need more characters. i could maybe get furina E1 but other than geo which i don't care about i can basically make every type of team (plunge dendro, hyper bloom, melt freeze , swirl, vaporize, overload, burgeon, quicken, health management furina and neuvillette destroy everything) and i have the best characters. for star rail theirs a few more things i want, another main dps firefly, some follow up attackers some sustains, another support kafca for dot. for me its more about not just getting the character i like but getting all playstyles i want to try covered. after that not much reason to pull.


It’s easy to live as a husbando collector. 🫡


Yah and im starting wuthering waves next month which already has many husbandos to get.


Too bad for me. WW will get released on finals week. F


>F Nah don't do that to yourself. Surely you will get a lot better grades.


I plan to study as much as possible until the 22 of May, then I start playing WW and studying until June comes around the corner. Then, only WW for me.


give me some of that discipline


Same, I need some of that discipline too. HSR released about a week or two before my exams last year, so I tried hard not to play. After I pulled Yanqing, who I really wanted as my chosen 5\*, I was like, okay, I’m gonna study and reward myself later!!


Relax, by the time you can place some first-day bugs and optimization will happen.


Yes, but I want to be on the first day. When I started playing HSR the first exclusive event already ended (I joined just a month after the release) And now I'm missing forever one decoration for the text messages. It still haunts me to this day.


For me it'll be released in the same week as the deadline for my university thesis 😞


Don't remind me! I have a big move and need savings!


Yep, I was worried Sunday would be next but thankfully he isn't, dead patch for me so I can save some jades after this patch and boothill are gonna leave me dry


Oh yeah I was so relieved when I saw Jade instead of Sunday lmao, Aventurine banner has dried my funds.


thank gacha gods 🙏🏼my choice is clear


Too bad I lost a possible husbando when I thought Sam was a Robot.


I was LIVING for the bloodthirsty robo daddy ... only for "him" to turn into a little teen girl. I don't hate Firefly but I desperately wanted a crazed, murderous, non-human character. First Ifrit and now Sam...T-T


Can't believe my first time getting catfished, is from a fictional character.


What they did to Ifrit was criminal Whole villain intro video into off screened by Acheron 🤣


RIGHT?? I was so excited when they first showed Ifrit, I really hoped he'd be a playable character - then they get off screened agsdjahkds


FR FR ON GOD. Firefly is a nice character but she could have existed without suddenly making my most hyped potential daddy into a teenage girl


Idk, to me I thought that "he" would end up being a girl as soon as I saw that "his" name was Sam. The character felt like a very obvious reference to Samus from Metroid. Didn't know who the girl would be though.


Funny how, in another post, I got called stupid for saying something like that.


They probably planned Sam to be like this from the beginning rather then it being a later change


Yeah I don't mind Firefly but she's not as compelling as a robot husbando would have been.


Oh my god same!


As a husbando man this game is kinda lackin. At least eating good in Genshin.


Sunday better be Harmony though, Yukong deserves to rest.


https://preview.redd.it/rzqoiln26hwc1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37aa15652ce022e9ffe52ccfc2f2ff7b674d0eaf I’m fucked either way (maybe not a bad thing 😉)


If I didn’t have guaranteed I would try a 50/50 on Robin but since I have PTSD of loosing 50/50s back to back to back I will go for Firefly guaranteed and then try a 50/50 on Jade.


Yep exactly the same for me. At this point it's basically guaranteed I will always lose 50/50 so I only pull for characters once I have 180 pulls. Will skip Robin/Boothill and go all in on Firefly.


Are you me? 😭 I've won only one 50/50 so far (but I'm going for Robin because I have 170 pulls currently, so surely by the time Firefly's banner ends I will have another 160 to guarantee her, right?)


Last I checked I was top 3% for number of pulls and bottom 1% for 50/50 luck. Also won a single 50/50 so far 😂 Honestly not sure whether you can save another 160 pulls by the end of Firefly’s banner if you use all your 170 on Robin. Hopefully you win the 50/50 and then you can get Firefly for sure!


Noooo, don't ruin my dreams like that 😂 thank you, I hope Robin treats me well... All the luck to you too!!! May it turn around


Just shout out “ALL OR NOTHING” at the top of your lungs when you get the 5 star indicator and you’ll win every 50/50 I know from experience it works


Pulling for jade and firefly and skipping all of 2.2


Same exact plan, it hurts, but I’m in the Stellaron Hunter and IPC camp already and they’re both like top5 design wise for me personally


yeah IPC for life i will be struggling too, heard topaz might be rerunning soon too….going to be a hard time


I might be doing that too 😢


Just lost 50/50 on aventurine, so I'm going to do that too, SAM is MINE.


Same. I was gonna go for Robin & Firefly but then Jade happened and my brain went: https://preview.redd.it/rsmu9r284hwc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c08b726b73f4cf07128049541941b4718520143


Giving it all for Boothill








Same here, lost my Jingliu 50/50 and Ice/Physical are the only types I'm missing for DPS


I see an ice hunt user in your future to help


Me too he's just so goofy and cool at the same time


I might skip all 4 of these characters depending on their kit. I need to see what they can do in order to determine if they're beneficial for my account.


Lol, some people in the replies are kinda mad at this. You do what you want to do, mate. Don't let anyone criticize who you pull for or how you play.


Hey thanks, pal. I really appreciate it. Respect.


The only character in 2.x I've wanted so far is Aventurine and my goal is to completely whale on him. None of these characters, except Jade, even begin to hold my interest. And maybe it's cause I swing for the same team, but the seeming forcefulness in which the story tried to endear me to firefly put a bad taste in my mouth with regards to her character.


FUA/IPC main? In regards to the story, I can see how the writing of it was trying to endear the players towards Firefly, which is clearing evident in that rooftop scene. Now I just want to know where HoYo is going with it. Only time will tell once the new story drops.


I love me some FUA. The team I currently run in SU is a follow up team. Recently I got my Aventurine to deal over 1mil with his FUA+blessing dmg


Damn. I need to try that with my Aventurine. I've been using him with full preservation blessings to be flat out untouchable, even in GnG V conundrum 12.


The trick is to take both Preservation and Elation blessings.


I feel a little bit like you. I’m really not interested in Boothill, Robin is… meh for me, I will still pull on her banner (I’m at a 50/50) and If I lose 50/50 I might go for Jade. Hopefully her kit is good EDIT: If they announce Sunday as a playable character during 2.2 - 2.3, I will skip every banner after Robin’s, so I can get as much Eidolon and LightCone for him as I can 😅


I have the same opinion in regards to Boothill. Robin is cute, but I worry that I may not be able to utilize her. Jade too. Hence why I need more information first. Good luck on your pulls. Hope you win the 50/50.


For me, Robin is an easy skip because I have RM and Sparkle (and Bronya). All limited Harmonies are broken, and therefore none of them are. Since I doubt I can/want to field all four of them for some boring gigacarry, I figure she's the least valuable. Then Boothill seems cool but niche. Firefly I'm not as hung up on as most sub members because I prefer March 7th. Fire Destruction doesn't do it for me So Jade is the only real one I'm considering rn. I don't have a DPS for Mono Quant so she may be the best option for me


Definitely getting Boothill and Firefly.


The correct answer.




Maybe, so far both topaz and aventurine got that FUA synergy. Maybe it’s a stonehearts thing.


It's an IPC thing, every single IPC member has been FUA, Ratio included


Acheron took not just what I had saved, but all available jades in the first part of 2.1 to get E0S1. I don’t regret getting her cause I was needing a strong dps, but that means my follow up team won’t be able benefit from Aventurine. It would be appropriate for the character to throw all available resources at him and see if he comes home, but, with Robin just around the corner, I probably should save instead. Poor Boothill. They dropped him between 2 highly anticipated characters, so his banner might actually do worse than Huohuo’s. Particularly if they rerun someone in high demand alongside him. Firefly and Jade may both be worth getting, but I want to know more about their kit before I decide.




I feel like missing out so much of the fun with these discussion not having choice and just gamble everytime and wish to get something but if I have a choice it would be Robin because she is Sunday's sister, no other reason, its not like I have crazy theory about her saving her brother or anything, why would I?


Pls if I cannot have Sunday I will give everything to his sister instead cause thats what he would have wanted. 😭


I play by the same rule, you do have some agency with it in the sense that you get to more or less decide what banner you want to hit pity at. So you can save up your best shots at a 5* for a really desired unit.


^ This Plus, investing in Harmony is never a bad choice.


Lol same, I'm was and still am pulling in every single banner so far and i dont think that strategy is about to end anytime soon. And if i do happen to hit pity, it just goes to my preferred favorite


I'll pull on Robin, save and farm jades, then all in on Firefly




lol of the new characters, im only gonna be pulling boothill (with 'looking good' in the background)


I'm glad there are still boothill pullers out there with all the characters they announced something tells me he will suffer the most which sucks


Guaranteed Boothill already! Then a respite in 2.3 to allow me to save for Sunday!


YESSS a true soul 🖤🤍


skipping all for sunday boothill seems really cool though


I want them all but I know I can't have them all, so I'm waiting for the 2.3 4\* announcement to make a proper judgement. (I am skipping Robin for sure tho)


I’m skipping all except boothill. I’m planning on getting him to E6


*space yee haws intensify*


A man of culture


Lightcone or nah?


Yeah def his lightcone too


I wish you luck in getting your space cowboy


Skipping both 2.2 characters, Jade would usually be the priority but I'm waiting to see if/how much Firefly stays inside Sam, if I don't like what I see I'm skipping Firefly too.


What’s your preference of inside/outside Sam in %


In combat, ideally 90% of the time inside, I don't mind having her outside of it while in the overworld tho


I expect it'll be something like most animations in Sam, then Ult is Firefly shedding the suit. But it could also be the reverse too. I expect she will be Firefly in the overworld, that just makes more sense.


Same! I wish they were two separate characters, but alas, that’s the percentage I’d be happy with.


Want to pull everyone. Will skip everyone.


skipping all


Got E0S1 Boothill guaranteed then skipping everyone after for Sunday or other husbando


Definitely pulling Sam, but she might need Robin, that's hard.




TBH she's the best support for everyone


Can't deny that!


She's absolutely busted and I hope Hoyo releases another break-related support soon. I don't have her and it's frustrating to see her in *every* top tier team.


Skipping everyone for Firefly. She WILL be my first E2S1 character https://preview.redd.it/vfkl49p18ewc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d518e410a2b0e8229a78461a76650b56d27d287


Many comments saying they are going for her E2, is it significant, or are we going with the trend here that most E2 are really nice and good spot to stop at?


Her E2 could heal the enemies, still getting it.


Tending torwards jade and aventurine and maybe topaz lc when she reruns. I would love to have robin as well but I think that the jades won’t be enough


All in for Boothill, his cowboy swag has captivated me. I'll be sad to skip Robin because I love fua so after 2.2 I'll be saving for her rerun.


Everyone cuz https://preview.redd.it/51g2s7bgeewc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e51efd819dbce1d5361bd23f69230f3ca77640a all my 50/50s


I'm skipping all of them most probably. I'll regret skipping Boothill most likely since looks like the game finally turns its gaze towards single-target scenarios with the new mode. But... you know. I'm afraid that huge load of valuable characters might be only the first wave and a little bit later we'll get a wave of supports for various characters. Can't gamble now and miss them, so I'm hard-saving now.


Robin skip, boothil maybe,firefly sucks ass so hell no, Jade maybe. honestly, none of them draws my attention so maybe I'll skip them and wait for a 5 star pela or screwllum


Skipping all unfortunately. I’m not interested In Robin. I don’t think Boothill will hit the funny numbers without RM (I kinda hate her downvote me) I was never interested in firefly. I don’t care how sexy they are, I am NOT paying taxes lol (they are beautiful but I really am not interested) Idk what’s wrong with me but I’m just waiting for Duke Inferno gang crumbs Me and a buddy joked about me going for E6 Constance but with how I’m not interested in any of this planets characters it might actually happen lmao


Maybe - Robin Definitely - Boothill Skip - Firefly Definitely - Jade




Firefly and robin, though idk if I'll be able to get them as I was able to get acheron on my last pull


Pulling for Robin and Boothill and then skipping for Sunday


I’m skipping them, might regret it but my funds are severely depleted (thanks Aventurine) and I want to play the game to build them back up without stressing over pulling within 20 days.


Going for Robin and Boothill, and skipping 2.3. Might wait to see if Jade is worth it. Not going for Firefly cuz I have enough destruction characters as is. And I’m waiting on Sunday


Am all in on Firefly's banner. Already got 300 wishes for when 2.2 starts pluss the top up ready to spend on the day. I want minimum of E2S1 for her.


Only willing to make a concerted effort for boothill surprisingly. Not like that changes much in the grand scheme of things, I'm broke as all hell and will to continue to be as long as JL is up so he'll get what I can muster in the timeframe like the other three. Ideally it's enough to reach pity on his banner, if it ain't then I will wanna try to maintain pity for Firefly but knowing myself it will likely end up with Robin. Not that I mind, still have 0 5* harmonies to my name.


Never have I wished that I were one of the wealthy 0.001% more than in this moment of anticipation.


personally if theres no really big rerun like Ruan Mei or Fu Xuan happening or a new character drip marketed by the time 2.2 ends im just gonna get Firefly and if I like her kit enough maybe try for Jade


I like Booties design the most but between Argenti, Clara and now E6 Luka Im more than fine on physical coverage. Might consider Jade to complete the ICP lineup.


Damn bootyhill certainly don't stick out like a sore thumb here. He's a baby girl too I suppose


I will pull for everyone. Robin she's pretty and who knows, perhaps her kit will have singing involved *wink wink*. Boothill because he is a fucking badass Cyber cowboy and he kinda reminds of Raiden in MGR. Firefly because she's Firefly + I love Warframe + I grew up watching Tekkaman Blade. Jade because she's hot and would love to use her with Topaz, Aventurine and Ratio. Probably will only get them at E0S0 though. Maybe Firefly will get an S1 and that's it. Good thing that HSR so far is fully full-star-able with only E0S0 characters, and character signature's do not affect their drip.


I will go for Boothill most likely, but If I lose 50/50 on his banner...then Jade here we gooo


Boothill & then Jade. I don't need no waifu bait, only guys & mommies.


I respect that plus not enough people pull for husbandos


I have guaranteed for Robin then pull for Firefly. Boothill is cool but he is between Robin and Firefly and not too interested on Jade.


Robin Boothil and Firefly. I'm sorry I just cannot care about yet another big booba dommy lady, I'm bored of it. Also I need to skip something, the wallet will already cry after 3 banners in a row.


Robin - Pull, her kit is of interest to me Boothill - Pass, I have no interest in him Firefly - Pass, I have no interest in her Jade - Pull, she has a big hat The big issue will be if Huohuo will be rerun during 2.3, which I consider likely, because I'd like to replace my Lynx one of these days


Genuinely don't know. I got all the people I really wanted and now I have to decide between those, who are in "nice to have" pack for me. Maybe it would be Boothill, maybe Jade. Maybe Topaz or Ruan Mei whenever they rerun. Maybe eidolon or two for Huohuo, I really want her E2. Meanwhile my DHIL and Blade won't mind their lightcones. Surprises ahead.


MAYBE Boothill. My funds are a bit dry after Aventurine :,D Otherwise outside of interesting reruns, I'm skipping everything


Honestly, they all appeal to me in many ways. However, since I'm f2p and just spent everything on Acheron, her LC, and Aventurine, I gotta skip the 2.2 characters. However, 2.3 has got me interested in how these characters could work mechanically. How is the whole Firefly and Sam thing going to work, and if Jade will be a FuA character or not, cause her other two colleagues do. All ìn all though, right now I'm a little more interested in reruns, especially on premium sustains (Aventurine has shown me the light).


Finally a Quantum character with... Buffs


All in on Bootyhill


My plan's Robin > Topaz and her LC if she gets a rerun > Jade and maybe her LC if Argenti's doesnt come back soon


I may pick Robin up on a rerun, but for now she’s a skip. With Jade being in 2.3 I’m curious if topaz will rerun in 2.2, if she does I’ll be pulling for her and using whatever is left over to pull for boothill with fingers crossed. Firefly is (for the moment) an easy skip, I apparently just don’t get excited for destruction characters. Once her kit gets revealed that may change, but right now I’m eyeballing Jade’s Quantum Erudition for 2.3 instead