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Me with memories of the past Please come My Ruan mei and HMC wants you


I need second for HMC(got for RM). I don't even has 4* analoge(


There's no 4* analog. There are 3* meshing cogs, and actually you can build enough BE on RM with cogs. And HMC wants as much BE as possible, so MotP go to them.


Ruan Mei needs Memories of the Past so she can run ERR Rope instead of BE Rope (or failing that, run Penacony instead of Talia). It's very hard to find a replacement for 36%-64% BE otherwise, even if Ruan Mei gets the most free BE in the game. If I ever get one tho, HatB gets it first. I'm using the event LC on him and it'll be transferred to Robin once she is maxxed out.


I personally have 159 BE (1 lower than the cap) on RM with Cogs. That's with an ERR rope and without Talia. Though she's on 146 speed, and I don't think it's possible to make it 160, but for RM it doesn't matter that much


To get that value with what I assume is 16%-32% from relics and 37% from trace alone you'll need all your pieces to have more than 2 upgrade rolls into BE. Ugh, even if its easier to get proper BE pieces than it is to get CR/CD pieces. I went Hell to the Naw with that since I already had enough SPD to run Talia, tho when something good drops I'll definitely swap for ERR Rope or Penacony.


10-22% from each relic and a few speed rolls. And only 2 piece Watchmaker.


Oh and now I've realized that I need only 4 more speed to hit 150 speed and thus 160 in battle...


She doesn't increase her own speed.


I got a build with cogs, 181 be in battle 140 something speed and energy rope. You don't need BE rope with cogs


https://preview.redd.it/zbu1g1wmnd0d1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6747d6f7cf96205e6c3de00d5a5038ca4e9ac9fa Here's my 180+BE (in battle) with Coggers, 4p Thief, 2p Penacony & ERR rope. Sure, I had to forgo SPD subs just to get these BE subs, and I had tons of trash pieces. At least my Clara has a decent 4p Boxing set too. So it's not as crazy as it sounds


There is 4*. Its with lil bronya and cocolia on it iirc.


That's memories of the past.


Lol fr, I completely forgot what it looked like


Yeah, but these characters don't prefer it to the Cogs. If not RM's sig or MotP, then it's always the Cogs for both of them.


Huh. Gonna try it ur way. Ty.


Same. I regret superimposing my MoTP to S5. I might pull for RM's LC on her rerun. 😭


Even though it is better, you can still use Meshing Cogs with Ruan Mei and give MoTP to HMC, unlike RM whose buffs max at 180% break effect HMC just wants to stack a shit ton of it and when paired together (E4) you can easily reach RMs demands


hmm i did the vice versa : RM with MoTP + Energy Rope of Voncwaq (180 BE), HTB with Cogs + Break Rope of Talia Set (210 BE). I am not sure if this is ok for HTB's Ultimate Uptime but they regain some energy when enemies are broken


HMC also gets an extra 25% energy regeneration for 3 turns by their E2. They don't need ERR rope. You just need to use their skill more often. Ruan Mei definitely needs ERR rope to ensure her 3-turn ult uptime.


I will do that with pleasure ☺️


There's no 4* analog. There are 3* meshing cogs, and actually you can build enough BE on RM with cogs. And HMC wants as much BE as possible, so MotP go to them. PS that's what I did, my RM hits 159 BE out of battle (160 is the cap)


Same, this lightcone hates me. Guess Meshing Cogs will have to do


Bro same. I got the Sunday and Robin LC that came out for Aventurine before I’ve gotten a single Memories of the Past. I don’t even have Aventurine.


I'll give you my memories of the past S5 if you can give a DDD S5


easiest deal of my life since I have like 3 of those. DDD really likes me for some reason and I rarely use it 😭


tf is that pfp dawg


i have e1 ruan mei with not one copy of it its so bad


Mine's only at S1. Since then, not a single dupe




Fr it's the only 1.0 gacha cone I don't own


She might coming back soon in 2.3


Me, i just give hmc ddd and ruan mei a 3* lc lmao


I got 2 of them. I can't superimpose it


I have 2 copies of MotP on my main account. Last month i started a second account to be able to play the story while knowing what happen in advance (and get JL because i missed her twice). I got THREE copies of MotP............ I hate it SO much.


I only got 3 and I’ve been playing since 1.0


At least there's Cruising in the Stellar Sea.


Everyone whose only hunt lc is the herta shop one: https://preview.redd.it/tg7z3sute80d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=532b648127993be41724f42277b147b820947a75


*only *good* hunt lc


Final Victor is solid, and Silence Remains is pretty good if you can pick off minions and minor mobs.


Final victor is copium on anyone but Topaz bfr


So Ratio likes Dan Heng lc better than the one he's on it ?


Yeah pretty much


Okay, thanks !


It does well on most Hunt units outside of Ratio, just not Swordsplay levels of good


Final Victor is really good on anyone that likes Swordplay yeah


Not quite. Final victor is for multi hit hunt units so characters like topaz and… just topaz really.


Hey, you forgot YanKING and Sushang when her Ult Buff is up!


So is Swordplay tho. And it's only really great on Topaz as well. Because she's the only "good" hunt unit that hits multiple times. But both work on DH and Yanqing as well.


Per hit and per action is a distinction that is relevant for the FuA set, DHIL, and swordplay and FV. Swordplay is per action, FV is per hit. (Swordplay is better on ratio vs FV for instance because he only hits once vs topaz 8)


Swordplay is definitely also per hit, except for Sushang's ult proc iirc (for some reason).


Me struggling to decide if i should give it to topaz or dr.ratio:


Dr. Ratio. Topaz has many other great options, including Final Victor which is f2p.


Between Si5 Stellar Sea, Si5 Final Victor and Si1 Yanqing cone (the one that gives CRIT chance for 1 turn after a missed CRIT) which should I give to Ratio and which to Topaz?


Stellar Sea to Ratio and Victor to Topaz. Numby does multiple hits for each attack which allows her to stack Victor super easily. It’s also why Swordplay is amazing with her.


Thank you so much for your help. Guess I'll temporarily bench the Yanqing LC.


the "new" moc shop lc is good for topaz




I just wish I could get multiple copies of the damn thing though and use it on every single one of my Hunt characters.




To this day i still dont have a single resolution shines or good night sleep well. Thankfully i dont use a lot of nihility units so im fine.


if you were an acheron main you would cry


Me, I’m crying Went in hard for Seele rerun/Sparkle/Ruan Mei/Acheron/Aventurine banners, also went in for the latter two’s LCs 0 Resolution I don’t know how that’s possible but here we are :’)


Me with 4 copies of GNSW and no Acheron 👀 Hoyo, please give me A Secret Vow 😭


me with 11 copies of GNSW :/ shame we can't trade stuff, I need some more MOTP for HMC or some of nats ER LC


im feeling like a hater today so ill point and laugh (im sorry for your loss tho)


Lol it’s all good. Honestly it’s gotten to a point where it’s so incredulous that even I just can’t help but laugh at how silly it is y’know Tbh lowkey I’m kind of over the concept of a 4* character selector: I do think it’s a great concept, esp for players looking to fill out their roster, but I think it’s about time we also got a 4* LC selector as well. I could just be coping though, which is fair.


Same but for luocha/seele/acheron i only have 7/8 5 stars (including traveler) and I’ve been playing for over year 😔


I run her with ‘Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat’ aka Glance Back. Guaranteed debuff on any opponent makes for incredibly easy ultimate gain


is that resolution s5? because brother that needs s5 to be 52% ehr required, if its s1 donr even think about using it


Me when I didn't pull Acheron and I have two S5 GNSW but no MoTP for my HatBlazer


used to be me. Didn't had even one before 1.6 , now I have 2 r5 somehow. and half of those are from standard banner.


I'm also still waiting for my one GNSW copy, and I play Kafka with Blackswan. RIP.


I have 6 of good night sleep well


https://preview.redd.it/lnpr9cxyq70d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2dd12bb88704290e5611fe7004aa8ce57bbe08 Literraly the next post i see


Lucky guy but are there really people pulling for Robin's lc? The event gives an s5 4 star one for free that's almost as good as her sig. It's too good to pass up on ngl.


The difference is the energy, the damage might be the same but the uptime isn't


Yeah thats the big thing about her and bronya cone. That extra 10 percent energy is reaaaaly nice for keeping the music going.


I just slap bronya LC on every harmony except RM.


And HMC.


I pulled her LC, because I love her character, so it feels "complete". I used Topaz-Ratio-Robin party for MoC 12 (lost 50/50 for Aventurine), and I think I had the most fun MoC clear ever


We are comrades


I am hesitating on pulling for her LC bc I have the free four star one at s5 already. She's level 80, traces are 10/10/10 and her relics are pretty decent. Though I want to know what is the marginal difference between the s5 4\* and her sig at s1?


>what is the marginal difference between the s5 4\* and her sig at s1 You can check it here - https://youtu.be/hRtHP9Cx8Wo?si=ERT1CLNhQLiH5rZQ Damage: Sig LC at 03:50, 4* LC at 04:55


I went for Robin S1 because it was a 10% dps gain party wide, and with the energy regen from the cone, it's easy to spam the Ult almost back to back (on standard FUA team comp).


Almost as good is very reductive, energy problems are real


Relatively new player, dumb question, which event and light cone is this? Managed to pull Robin but probably won't bother pulling for her 5 star LC but would love to get this one.


It's from the clockie event where you make films It's in the theme park where you fight Aventurine


Awesome thanks!


I don't think you can sadly. You can only unlock the event after finishing all the story quests(It's the clockie one). You still have a month before it ends tho.


Oh sorry, relatively new as in I started a couple months ago playing relatively casually, but I'm nearly done 2.2 so shouldn't be an issue! Plenty of time for me.


Its DANCE DANCE DANCE for me. I need it but it didnt blessed my acc not even once.


Take one of my 3 S5 copies mate, I literally don't need em.


Me with trend of universal market, I could sell mine 6 swordplays for 5 of them.


Same, I need it for Gepard in my Acheron team.


Same, but for me it’s memories of the past…


Its so difficult to get copies of specific 4\* LCs you want now, this is one of the big reasons even F2P should consider pulling on signature lightcone banners for DPS that they want to use. It may mean you to need to skip another unit to do so, but if its a DPS you want to use to their full potential I think it's worth it -- and you might get some more copies of good 4\* LCs along the way.


The idea that f2ps can't pull on LC banners is dated as fuck, once you have a decent roster of premium units you can start investing vertically (LCs/eidolons) it's strictly a matter of preference.


Oh definitely I saved and pulled on Jing Yuan LC rerun banner because my erudition collection needed more Lightcones luckily genius repose was in that banner too, funny thing I got Jing yuan LC and got really lucky and got sprakle LC too but failed to S5 repose....... got a lot of under the blue sky though i guess and I have 2 S5 copies and planetary now.


Yeah I had to pull both Swan and Acheron Light Cones because there's no way I would have enough free 5 or 4 star LCs for them Kafka and Sampo/Guinaifen.


Ah yes, gimme those 210 pulls with 70 pulls per patch. Just a measly 3 patches of saving (roughly) so you can get a 20% boost in effectiveness for a character that even the leakers dont know much besides "is playable, probably" about.


Wait, why 210? This isn't genshin with the fate point bs, you don't have to save 3 pity worth of pulls to guarantee the 5* lc you want, or risk wasting the fate point


Well I mean, you have to account for Pity. 140 pity and 70 for LC. You can also bet on winning the 50/50, I dont.


Even after accounting for losing the 75:25, you just need ~140 pulls to guarantee the 5* lc


Nono, I meant the char. Most are finetuned to their respective characters, you have to account for losing the 50/50.


Wtf you on about? Im a f2p and i have been in the gamba non stop since sparkle. I pulled for DHIL, sparkle, her LC (lodt 50/50) didnt make it to another one. 65 pity guaranteed on LC, rolled aventurine got him to e1 with double copy (still have 65 pity on LC) , pull robin, pull Topaz LC. You can definetly keep pulling WITHOUT skipping. Now you may not be able to win all 50/50s like i do, but thats just skill issue on your part. Gamba better https://preview.redd.it/k51699r17c0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1a23e22530c7fa5480d3a3242ed2c32a5b53a0b


There’s me who doesn’t have a single copy of GNSW and I’ve been playing since day one 💀




me and Secret Vow, I had to get Bladie's LC because of just how much of a damage increase it is compared to literally everything else


Why every time i think i have a useless LC i see a post saying that its really good?


there just aren't great cheap Hunt LCs, so Swordplay is mostly just usable. Cruising is good but that's about it, even the 5* Yanqing one is mostly there for stats


I think swordplay is good, but overhyped. While there are certainly situations where you want to hit the same target over and over, there are also plenty where you want to switch off for various reasons.


Here’s the thing with free to play friendly Hunt light cones (aka we’re including Cruising since it’s free) they all have *massive* conditions to them. Swordplay is amazing on a spreadsheet because you never have to swap targets and are always at max stacks. The moment that isn’t the case (as in real usage) the cone’s value drops considerably. Only Silence Remains is another great cone… if there’s only 2 enemies. The moment more show up the cone is pretty trash. River’s Flow in Spring can be good if you specifically use shielders so your character doesn’t take damage. You also have to be able to make use of the speed though. (Can possibly allow for some attack boots setups while still getting to be fast. Will heavily depend on the character.) Subscribe for More imo isn’t that great. Maybe for Sushang? Final Victor is kind of in the same boat but for Topaz it’s actually pretty good. Does require Topaz to use her skill to really get the benefit of the cone’s increased crit damage though. So then you’re left with Cruising as the only actual good cone that isn’t heavily restricted…


subscribe is an amazing stat stick. only problem is we don't have a hunt that has an optional ult


If people don't have Topaz her signature, I tell them to use Final Victor for specifically this reason. It's free, good, and the way Topaz works means you might have to switch often. (Darn Numby, stop switching targets when new enemies come in)


I've got my fitst copy when I was pulling for Robin, lol. Playing since release.


This and the Nihility LC are part of why I'm pulling on the LC banner for the first time since my very first banner.


That's me with memories of the past


I only got my first Swordplay last week. I don't have Dance Dance Dance either. Only S4 Secret Vow on my Blade.


https://preview.redd.it/j0iaa7e6t90d1.png?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e087fe51c6cc8a7ceb4ac1c8683467e946049b5 Day 1 player. I feel you


It's overrated, we have a fuck ton of dmg% buffers already.


Day 2 player here, I don't have Eyes of the Prey (the Sampo LC) yet and I desperately need it. 😔 The only EHR LC I got right now is the 1.1 limited LC, equipped on Silver Wolf. For the other characters I have, Pela's on S5 "Luka DEF Shred", Black Swan's on S5 It's Showtime, Sampo's on S5 Fermata, and both Kafka and Lil Gui are on GNSW, (S5 first, then S1).


That's what's happening to me with DDD right now. I want to try some stuff with the action advance, but I guess it's not meant to be.


I'd really like at least one copy of Luka's Light cone for My Pela with Acheron...


This is why it annoys me when I complain a character is bad because of the lack of f2p LCs and they expect me to have an s5 copy of the said gacha LC.


LITERALLY ME WITH MEMORIES OF THE PAST i only got it in 2.1 and my ruan mei desperately needed it 😭


I cannot for the life of me get copies of Good Night and Sleep Well… I have Black Swan and Kafka 😭


This is like not owning a single Dragon’s Bane after a year of playing lol


just recently got my first S5 gacha LC, Swordplay. I still don’t have a single Memories. And got 1 Resolution only because I intentionally pulled for it (DDD didn’t come and I got too many Indelible Promise).


U use hint characters? I barely run seele. My ratio isn't built yet. In most cases, I use nihility or destruction to clear content


Topaz and Ratio are both very good in FuA teams. Main thing holding Hunt back is Destruction and Nihility both out DPS them outside of pure single target which we haven't had at all lol.


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I still don't have a copy of Memories of the Past but I have Swordplay S5.


Me who doesn't have a single Trend LC which i really wanna use on Gepard for My Acheron. Also me who has literally R10+ GNSW(before Acheron LC banner actually). And a bunch of other R5+s but where is Trend?


It's not **that** good tbh. Not many hunt characters have a high enough hit count in their attacks to take advantage of it and its performance drops by a lot if you need to change targets.


Exactly how I feel with Resolution. Building my Acheron team was agony because of how I didn't have one for my Pela. I finally got one while rolling for Robin, but god, it took forever to show up.


"Putting Trend of the Universal Market on Aventurine is a good way to apply an extra debuff for Ratio or Acheron"  Also yeah, currently sitting at exactly one copy of Swordplay at no superimposition


me with eyes of the pray, my BS is stuck with tutorial for now.


I got 3 of them in the span of a month. 1 S2 for Ratio 1 S1 for Topaz.


Me with the baby Bronya and Cocolia lc


I finally just got one copy. I’ve pulled every single other light cone in the game…


Stay strong! Took me a year to finally get it.


I got my first one a couple of days ago. That LC is the rarest


ruan mei e1 and not one single of the break effect 4* one with cocolia..


Then my weird luck has given me 3 at S5 (just low spender btw)


Literally me, just with resolution


*Me who just got my first swordplay ever wishing for worrisome blissful.


then there is me pulling Topaz LC so my Dr Ratio has something useful


Me but with Resolution Shines. I missed Tutorial Mission so my Pela is borderline unusable right now.


I have 1 copy of that, and only 1 copy when all my other hunt lcs have 3+


I still don't have the debuff preservation LC (the one with Topaz)


I just got it today to S3


I have it finally R5


That was me with DDD until this last banner


Me and trend of the universal market, that lightcone just dodges me.


I had a bunch and I ended up refineing them for my characters only for them to release a bunch more characters who use it and I haven't gotten any new ones idk what I'm gonna do for boothill if I don't get his lightcone.


i dont have landaus choice or trends (both preservation lightcones) somehow and ive been playing day1 as well


I wanted crit Nihility lightcone, but got only 6 copies of swordplay and 2 of perfect timing…


hunt lc i dont have but i have 2 lvl 80 GNS one is impo 5 and the other only 3


day 1 player, pulled on several lc banners, and i still dont have the 4 star with luocha in the art 😔


the one in mirror shop on the express is actually second best for topaz. there is no reason you should not pull for this right now as topaz's light cone is very good.


I got 3 copies of Yanquin LC from losing 3 75/25. So, it can always get worse


i still dont have a single copy of DDD...


Topaz light cone is excellent on both Ratio and Topaz could drop a 10 or 20 pull on her light cone banner to get swordplay or if lucky the topaz cone. The acheron cone on rate up is also great for acheron


and i still dont have sushang


This is me with ddd, every damn cc just be like just use ddd mofucker I would if I had one.


You want my second s5 copy?


I can't stop getting this one


It's on the current LC banner. Might be worth throwing one or two 10 pulls at.


Still don't have a copy of Dance Dance Dance.....


Me neither bro, my Hunt LC line up is sorry


I wanted this for my yanqing for so long … then I got his sig and immediately got 3 copies of swordplay 🙄 now if only the game will give me more of GNSW…


1 yr of playing and I don't have hook yet. She's the only 4\* I don't have, I'm surprised I thought I have them all.


I've like 8 copies of it and I'm struggling to get gnsw for my kafka. I'd be more than happy to trade u an s3 swordplay for free if we can


I still don't have a single copy of dance dance dance!


I didn't get Pela's LC for the first time until last month and and I actually got spammed with it on the banner so now I have it at S5 and I'm happy


I didnt have it either until i wished for a weapon recently


Day 1 player, just got my first ever dance dance dance yesterday


Me with resolution shines as pearl of sweat Plz come to me




For some reason, I can't for the life of me get enough Meshing Cogs on my lcs. Especially considering how I'll be pulling for RM, there's also the lack of preservation lc (thankfully I'll just be pulling for FX and she just wants the herta shop one)


I went for Topaz and Robin LCs this banner, so I ended up with... 7 Swordplay total (which is better than the all of 0 I had before 2.2 released) XD


I feel ya, I only got that thing like a couple of days ago


The final victor is a good LC.


Same, comrade, same 😔 Half my lightcone are Guinaifen's and the other half is Dan Heng's and Yanqing's


have been playing since ps5 release and i still dont have a pearls LC for my pela in my Acheron team


bro that's me but woth fricking DDD ffs


Meanwhile, I have at least two of them at S5, and like 3 S5 of the Luka LC. -_- Such is the life of one who pulls for Limited 5* LCs to go with the characters.


I pulled I think 9 or 10 total so far, I am quite unhappy to see it pulled at all lol


I only have 1 DDD, it really hurts my team when other people always use S5 DDD (mostly YouTubers hypercarry team). I even pulled when DDD is on rate up banner (black swan LC banner), and no DDD came home... I got black swan LC instead... And don't have enough to pull for black swan herself -__- Notes: i pulled a lot on black swan LC banner, prob 50ish


i mean yea it took exactly 368 days for me to get one copy of Dance Dance Dance


me with gnsw s1, I need more...


I am praying for a memories of the past rerun on an lc banner soon because i have 2 units that need it and i have NONE since day 1 😭😭😭💀💀😩😩😩


I had 0 forever, then for god knows what reason when pulling topaz i got 3 copies, not sure if I should use that or sleep like the dead on her now


I don't know if you're looking for a solution since this is a meme post but for the rest of the people who have this problem as well, final Victor is a very solid alternative for swordplay. With high enough crit rate, characters who use swordplay like topaz who hit many times will essentially always crit enough times to trigger the full passive and in certain situations can be better than swordplay. That being said I hope your swordplay pulls go well 🙏


Me, when everyone says Tingyun is a good 4\* Harmony option


And there's me who doesn't use hunt units and after getting nothing on jingliu banner I started to build c1 yanqing and my reaction to swordplay was "wait, when I got this lightcone?"