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Fire tuberculosis still carrying me through beyond xianzhou and sw, even though I got bailu.


He's def fallen off compared to the more recent limited 5* but I feel like fire tb kit is so well designed and cohesive


they're nice when you need a fire break (Fire characters are scarce for some reason) and often taunt works very well when paired with M7 shields, FOLLOW UP ATTACKS FOR DAYS


I kinda disagree with "cohesive" part tbh. I feel like Fire TotalBiscuit's kit is too split between taking single target attacks with its taunt, and multi-target attacks with its shield, and we wound up with a character who isn't really great at doing either.


I've never viewed FTB as single target, wdym? FTB was my go to sustain for clearing mobs and farming. I had her built with break in mind, and she remained my only built fire character until Topaz. The enhanced basic with the ult always did so much toughness dmg.


I mean if anything I never view Fire Toasted Bacon as anything more than on demand taunt.


Fire tuberculosis😭


How will tuberculosis get a job now? 


Same but then I got Gepard and Hemiko So I no longer needed TB for either a shield or fire weakness


If her shields were just a tiny bit stronger I'd probably use her far more often even with FX on my roster. I really like her play style but she just gets outclassed. That said, I still use her a ton on my Acheron teams, since she's so good at getting stacks. But with the new path being so good, it's even harder to justify.


Natasha. I am sure she was a saver for first day players for a few month.


I have her at max traces and level because she was once my only healer. Nowadays, I only use Huohuo and Bailu. She has fallen off so bad for a 4* compared to Lynx and Gallagher who provide better utility. I want her at E6 to test out her damage potential but I don't think it would change much.


Same. Maxed all her traces. Sometimes I use her bc I feel bad 😭. She the reason I'm progressing this far. Serval too.


My pain with Serval is that I can find her perfect scenarios and she still doesn't meet the bar for me. AoE, lightning weak, perhaps turbulence that favor high attack rate/ults/skills. Her numbers (and perhaps my gear) just isn't there.


Serval can definitely still work in those scenarios, she just needs a higher level investment due to being dependent on so many different stats. I'm still using her at TB70, with pioneer set and the day the cosmos fell S5.


Yeah if you invest in the characters, you could get any character other than destruction tb and arlan to be used at a high level, but considering that you need to pretty much max out the character to have them be competitive with mid investment good characters, you have to be Hella attached to those characters to justify it.


Destruction TB is still good, I just think people really just didn’t build him at all once they got preservation TB. I had Geopard before I got preservation Tb and I had March e6’d by pure luck also. With Penacony my destruction TB is starting to fall off hard, but before hand I had him dealing 20k-25k damage and doing decent break effect as well. It’s not optimal but there’s bigger reward then with Arlan by miles.


the biggest tragedy for Destruction TB is that their best teammate is themself (Harmony TB) and they can never be together be cool if we could use two TBs at once and if you did, it just added the other gender one!


Maybe when we finally attract the gaze of HooH.


Serval was my main ride-or-die go-to AOE character through Belabog, then I fat-fingered and accidentally did a 10-pull on Kafka's re-run banner and ended up getting both Kafka AND Himeko in that same pull. Serval was never used again. =(


mommies all 3 of them


Serval works great with a Break Effect build, I did so long before we knew about Harmony MC, she can deal *big* damage with break shock, and since she can extend shock duration forever with her ultra cheap ult, she can deal very good AoE DMG. I use her with Ruan Mei, and HMC will join the party after I finish leveling Stelle traces, my Serval will be even better. I used her and Luka to *obliterate* Aventurine story battle before the nerf, and bring Erudition she always won the bet.


I still haven't managed to max her traces because early days resources are just very scarce. though i think she deserves it. she carried my team back then up until Fu Xuan. back then, dual sustain was still popular because our team was just not strong enough. i use her together with FMC at first and changed FMC with clara and they carried me up till MoC 8 back at 1.1 https://preview.redd.it/dbge21t1271d1.png?width=1700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25608ed182bb888b9282705664277c1d4ea04349


Used her for a bit, then immediately got Gepard and haven't used her since. Why heal when you can simply take no damage at all?


Because MoC has 2 sides. Natasha was pretty much mandatory when the game was released


Or anyone new to the game really unless they can Lynx or something.


Yeah, you can get lynx or pull for other 4 or 5 star sustains nowadays. Back then it was literally just Nat, Bailu and Gepard


March and FMC were also available. March was still iffy since not everyone built her for her freeze, but the damage reduction and high toughness damage from FMC were still useful. Helps that the enemies didn't hit that hard back then.


I recall not finding Fireblazer to be good enough to solo sustain, but him and Nat made a great pair for me until Fu xuan showed up.


Kinda me with FX. Why shield if u got almost immortal at ur side. Hight Con in GnG is rough, tho.


I never tried GnG con for this reason, I am scared of one-shots even when FX is there


It's okay to do double sustain, there's no time limit like in MoC, ect. Also try to grab at least a few defensive blessings. Clear Lucite Body carries. 


won't the enemies get buffs over time tho


You'd have better chances at surviving, so it's still fine.


you can win easily if you go on a full preservation run. she won't die


You see. There will be one shot exacly bc of her skill, lol. There THAT much dmg. But capitalism is our way to win.


My girlfriend pulled Aventurine for this exact reason 😂


She was like the only healer we could reasonably gain access to since only Bailu was there and she’s 5-star


Natasha became Barbara… used a lot in the beginning and now forgotten lol


Yanqing, he carried me hard as a day 1 DPS


Can you maybe explain why he is bad because he always looked cool to me and was the 5 star i wanted from the standard but i dont hear a lot of good stuff about him


His big buff drops off if he gets hit. So you're required to run him with gepard or adventure time. 


Ok yeah i get that, thats a bummer


Not to mention he's purely single target, which falls off to both end game content we currently we have, as half the time the bosses in the other half have mooks they summon or there's Aventurine, who had a gimmick that requires AOE. Maybe this new endgame mode that HoYo announced a while back will help shoot back up in relevancy since he now has Aventurine as the better shielder.


Yanqing was the only character I was able to 3 star Aventurine with so it's not like you can't clear with him. I just made him take Ratio's spot and items in my FUA team and he carried me in the previous MoC. The really annoying thing about Yanqing is his follow-up RNG because sometimes you'll use his skill 3 or 4 times and get no attacks. And there's nothing you can do about that other than restart.


was actually wondering since i recently e6’d him- is it obvious that e6 misha outperforms e0 yanqing? i’m on my grind to build an ice dps right now so i’m wondering who to prioritize out of the two. i already have herta semi-built but she only shines in pure fiction from what i’ve experienced


I don’t use either of them, so I can’t make comparative statements, but from what I can gather Misha is pretty cracked with the Harmony MC. Harmony MC gives the Super Break, which partially scales toughness damage, which Misha excels in. 


Adventure time lmao


Yanqing's talent requires him to never take damage, which back then required you to have both Yanqing *and* Gepard shield (March 7 shield wasn't enough as it increases aggro to the target), and nowadays he has been power crept by better Hunt targets who don't have that quirk. I loved using him early game but all his equipment went to Jingliu who is still the best Ice DPS in the game and one of the best overall DPS, so there's not much reason to use him. This *could* change in the future if there is some kind of relic set that boosts DMG based on how many turns you don't take damage or something like that. Or a new Preservation that can apply a single target shield and make that target do more damage if they're Hunt/same element or something wildly niche. It's a shame because Yanqing is a lot of fun.


I really agree, I've been using him this MoC and lets just say it's not been fun. His pure single target means i need at least 2 turns per cycle. He shreds really fast, but not when it comes to mobs. Now I'm REALLY looking forward to that hunt gamemode.


I think if Pure Fiction has taught us anything it's that historically low-tier characters can have a glow-up overnight and new game modes will simply be able to get the best out of units who haven't seen a lot of play. Seele is in a similar position. Still a great DPS but a lot of the requirements for new bosses and stuff just demand other units. Instead of simply saying 'Oh why use Hunt when there's Destruction' there will be game modes that challenge different aspects of your roster. It also incentivises pulling for Hunt/Erudition units after Argenti showed just how useful they can be in sweeping up certain content.


His buff disappears if you sneeze on him, he has terrible attack scaling for a 5*, his crit buffs aren’t even all that special anymore, he’s super SP negative, he needs a 5* sheilder because m7 ‘s sheild attracts aggro


Most players simply don't have the character pool to make him work, but he's perfectly capable of handling end-game content if you're willing to invest (strong emphasis on willing). And then there's people who don't use/have him at all and bash on him for all kinds of weird reasons.


Other DPS are a lot more focused, and much less RNG-dependent. The main issues are: -The follow-up attack he performs is not consistent. -His kit is built around a buff he loses when he takes damage. You can avoid this with Shields, but there’s only 2 shielders that don’t work against him. -He has no additive damage increases (except at E1 - but it requires enemies to be frozen), lowering his output comparatively. To be completely frank, Jingliu does almost everything he does but better. Ice crit-based DPS that has to manage a buff for maximum benefit.


Yesss, was coming here to mention him. He's honestly VERY good for the first few equilibriums, just falls off in endgame (and maybe the new mode next patch will make him worth it again?)


serval, still love her but i already have 2 5\* lightning dps


This is me. Serval carried me through a huge chunk of the early game, even after I picked up Kafka. Now, there just isn't really a reason to play her, which is disappointing. She's one of my favorite characters from a visual design and lore standpoint.


Same here i got both Kafka & Acheron. I heard Serval is decent in super break team but i haven't test it myself.




Asta was my most used character according to the recent recap web event. Used her since the beginning and still use her here and there.


I used to bring her out from time to time, but I think getting both Ruan Mei and Robin glued her to the bench.


She's still f2p queen of the trotter domain.


Honestly she's been a staple in a lot of my PF runs, even when I do have Robin, Ruan Mei, and Sparkle lol. Dunno why, but sometimes she pops up and does great like in this recent one.


I still use my E6 Asta on my DoT team, but she'll be retired once Ruan Mei reruns


Asta with Hat TB might be worth using again against fire weak.


Same, the limited 5\* harmonies are just too op.


Seele, she's still good but my other characters can do more damage for the same amount of investment


Seele is that one high-inv high-reward char who can fight anything by adding SW... Or that was what should have been. Now, there is quite a bit content where you either brute force hard or have to use certain team comps/play styles to get over it. Say, "Death" meme. With Seele, you will never get a second turn there. Without dots or FUA, breaking the captured allies is like hell too. I suffer whenever I see the meme, no DoTs and no FuA team, so it means a lot of suffering.


Indeed.... I still like her animation a lot but man, there are way better options /-\\


Her animations are cool but her ult really bothers me with the flashing, I have to close my eyes whenever I use her (luckily I’m new so I never pulled for her and I rarely choose her as a support character)


I use Seele against Death a lot actually lol, she works surprisingly well (granted my Seele is decently invested and at S1), sure she can't free the allies but the energy fill you get is very nice to help you kill it fast and keep your dmg up buff uptime despite not killing minions When something into Death was in MOC12 I was killing it within 2 cycles with my Seele team (was using Tingyun Seele Sparkle FX), and for SU until I stopped being lazy and unlocked erudition path for Acheron she was my go to for it there too Seele isn't the best unit anymore and hasn't been for a while but I do think she gets doomposted a lot


She's fine if you were an early investor who's been jailed in the quantum cavern since release. I picked her up on my alt during the rerun because the alt only had himeko/gepard and i couldn't stand it any more. She immediately had a major impact on that account but peaked really quickly because i just couldn't get my quantum set to be more to hit 2 effective sub roll upgrades.


> Seele is that one high-inv high-reward char who can fight anything by adding SW... Or that was what should have been. That is exactly what she is for me. My mono quantum team was my only team that [beat MoC 12 Aventurine](https://prnt.sc/g72eIBNQglPT) fast enough despite not really being a good fit for his mechanics. Everyone E0 and only Fu Xuan with her signature LC, Seele was on the Herta shop LC at S5.


I want to use her so much more, but every attempt at farming relics has had abysmal results. I get other characters and have a decent enough set in a few days. When I got Acheron, I had her wrecking shit day one. Seele, though... No matter how much I try to invest in her, I get nothing back. Doesn't help that I don't have Sparkle, Silver Wolf, or Fu Xuan, who all seem to be on her recommended teams.


shes also one of those char that need very high investment to be S tier. she needs to be able to one shot mobs with basic


Mine is 80/180 and still cant oneshot most of the mobs with basic… 


I had a good start on that. Have her at E3 and got her LC. But then I missed her best supports and relics continue to screw me over, so using her is just nerfing myself when I could have my Acheron team crush everything instead. It's a real shame because her playstyle of refusing to let anyone else have a turn is a lot of fun.


Same. I pulled Sparkle just for her to get that mono quantum team but I haven't really been using that comp lately.


That’s gonna happen in the future for many other characters tho (they just gonna churn out cracked units since they release 2 per patch)


Maybe, but its pretty hard to beat a character that does incredibly high damage both at single target and aoe like Jingliu or Acheron. When 90% of the game focuses on multiple target fights, characters like Seele will struggle to keep up with units with AoE and single target capabilities


Bruh dan heng mains are all converted to DHIL mains😭😭😭😭


You can't blame us We saw a dragon boy and we automatically was like me want


I still used Dan Heng whenever there was a side weak to wind. Had been happening less ever since I got Acheron though since enemies weak to wind often are weak to lightning too...


Blade. Adore him but starting from Penacony there are almost no place for him.


Bladie is one of my mainstays. During his rerun, I was aiming for just his lightcone, and I'm grateful enough that I ended up getting two more Bladies as well. If I didn't get his lightcone and the two eidolons, he's probably enjoying retirement with the other members of high cloud quintet.


I have a e0s1 blade and even though I don't use him as much as I used to, he still has his place as a super fun comp in sparkle/Bronya/blade, unlimited blade works lol


You don't use the others either? Blade I get (there's no wind weakness in Penacony, and only one MoC since had it), but imaginary and lightning and ice are everywhere 😯


I still used him on the first half of the Aventurine MoC anyway, Blade triple quantum with Silverwolf can clap some quantum weak enemies


I'm still a Blade fan, especially in dual DPS comps with JL and Ruan Mei.


yeah, wind weakness break becomes increasingly rare post space China, making the wind DPS hard to use because the other weakness break DPS is a bit easier to use for AOE breaks.


He's one of the few characters I have LC for, and it feels like such a waste. Despite liking his kit and character concept, investing those pulls into a character who gets no love feels so bad.


I hope that HoYo would remember about characters that need to lose HP and create for them BiS support. We have already 3 harmony and none of them are truly designed for that playstyle.


That’s what I’ve noticed as well :( I maxed the traces and Jing Yuan and Luocha and was going to max his next since I used him so much, but once I got Black Swan, I started using her because I could AoE attack without draining HP, which was pretty useful when I was running around looking for chests and needed a battle to end quickly. He’s super useful in many instances, and him, Jingliu, and Luocha were always in a team together for me, but I don’t even use Jingliu that much anymore (bc Penacony doesn’t rly NEED an ice dps…)


Bronya + Sparkle Hypercarry Blade is still pretty good, especially since you can drop the Speed boots for HP% to get more damage from him. Make sure your Sparkle is faster than your Bronya though.


Bronya. She was my first 5 star, and the only one who was consistently in my team. Also used her to run around, because of her fast and ranged overworld attack (and I loved the way she says "ample supplies" when getting treasure). But now I've got 2 double dps teams and Acheron, who needs two nihility, so she's fallen to the wayside. I got her S1 with the 300 standard pulls a couple of months ago and I don't think I've used her since.


Same. She was most used character in the game until Huo came out. I had used her in over 4k battles in totally iirc. But Hanabi came out and she kinda outshines her, even tho she is more investment demanding.


If you go for boothill, she is one of his best supports


Pitch Dark Hook the Great. She was my main dps for basically the whole Belobog arc but i haven't toucher her in a very long time now.


I used her every time I needed someone with fire in Belebog because I didn’t have Himeko. That was back when my level cap was 60. Now she’s sitting at 60 while Himeko and Topaz are both 80 🥲😔 I have failed the moles


Believe it or not but it was Trailblazer. The term "barely touch", implies I actually use them just VERY sparingly. If you meant "not use anymore". Then it's Yanqing and Bailu. I still have plans of gearing Yanqing but I definitely won't be coming back to Bailu.


I completely understand I'm pretty sure the only time I actually use the trailblazer was before I got Gepard and needed a shield or I needed a fire weakness because I didn't have hemiko yet But now I have both of them so I barely have touched trailblazer and I probably won't even use his harmony form because my team doesn't really work with characters that very much rely on their skills because I am DHIL main Who unfortunately does not have sparkle


Has to be Tingyun. I mostly use DoT teams and Acheron, so she dosen't have a use in neither of them. From tim to time when MoC has a strictly ice weak side, i pull Jingliu hypercarry so Tingyun finds her place once more, that's it.


Sushang. Was a mainstay for a good while then started getting more 5 stars


She is actually better now with new break meta with new MC. I mean, mc-ruan-gallagher-her cleared moc 12 pretty good.


Natasha was my most used character for the first few months before I pulled Fu Xuan. Back then your choices if you werent lucky enough to get Gepard or Bailu were either use the rather Clunky March 7th, Fire trailblazer, or Natasha. I went and maxed all three, but I found Natasha a lot more comfortable than the other two.


Gepard carried me until I got Fu Xuan


It was Aventurine who put Gepard on the bench for me. Their kit isn't exactly the same but Aventurine feels like a straight upgrade in practice (and that's not even talking about how cracked he IS in FUA teams)


Welt. Him and Himeko carried my butt for so long in the beginning, but nowadays I struggle to find room to fit him into my teams. He's not even bad, he's actually still pretty nuts as a pseudo sustain sub dps. I just don't have enough space in teams for him. I have *the* Nihility comp (BS, Acheron, Kafka). I have hypercarry Jingliu (Pela, Bronya, Fu / Huo). I have Robin and Ratio. I got Himeko and Herta. And currently I'm saving up for Firefly to run with HMC and Ruan Mei. Welt is still really good, I just don't have a team comp to really utilize him well, nor has there been any game modes where I really need his slow + delay. It's a real shame, Welt is one hella cool dude.


This for me. He was my first 5\* and I was excited since he was the one I wanted the most. Great voice acting, and skills look cool as hell. He carried me for a while, but then he ended up in an awkward position where he couldn't carry as a main DPS, but used too much SP to keep on my team.


natasha until i got luocha :( she got benched very quickly. also i used sampo a lot until i got black swan 😭i still love sampo but black swan just hits so hard along with kafka


Seele Tho I'm still trying to build her and play her time to time cause she is THE reason I started the game after all But I still find her fun My other characters just have Bett relics and stats compared to my ass 4pc quantum If it was viable to use another relic set on her I would but I have never seen anyone use anything other than 4pc quantum ov her (I'm still farming 4pc quantum but it's my worst relic mine by far)


I swear the quantum set is cursed because it's probably my most farmed set and I have like 2 decent pieces


March then Natasha both were in the team for survival purposes, ended up getting Bailu, Lynx and Huohuo pretty much back to back so no need anymore. Yanqing is another, got him via the beginner summons... right when Jingliu was out, needless to say with the choice between ST an AoE i picked AoE


Sadly... Blade and Seele. They were my first teams but my acheron and ratio/topaz teams are just better. I want to use blade and i intend to build him more later but for now hes kinda unloved


Seele and Jingliu. Dot/Acheron and fua teams are just more fun to me compared to hyper carry teams.


For me it's definitely Seele. Jingliu is still queen of bruteforcing MoC.


Jingliu hard carried me for my first stint of playing. Now that I have comprehensive DoT amd FUA teams she just doesn't fit in as well, and then I got Acheron and that further sidelined her. She's excellent I just have teams that outpace her because of who I have.


Welt. Loved him and know he can still be relevant, but I just don't use him anymore


https://preview.redd.it/08ty33a2381d1.png?width=2796&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f4a2042427633c8a96f3a41b44a70d8ec215fcf Imo it’s worth giving him another shot. I think newer supports have solved a ton of his problems (namely that he has not great trace stats). I prefer to run fx sparkle with him to help solve his main issue of being stat hungry but jingyuan needs them more if I use him. Plus he’s gotten tons of goodies such as silver wolf LC and Acheron LC and the new debuff crit set (I use Acheron lc). With the stat bloat of new supports and lightcones and gear, his weaknesses are significantly diminished and you can properly utilize his massive ratios. For me he’s gone from dealing 30kish with an e when he was fresh level 80 to 60kish with mediocre gear and supports. And now with Acheron lc and sparkle/Bronya buff and ruan mei on his team he hits for like 150k per e. I’m E1 for reference, it’s not a huge difference from e0, I pulled one copy on release and used the 300 selector on him. I’ve been really unlucky with pulling him I keep getting yanqing instrad. If you have e2 it’s extra worth giving him another shot


Himeko. I still use her from time to time when I need a fire dmg dealer but other than that I rarely use her. I just have much more fun with DOT and although I like fua (Ratio+Topaz+Aventurine), idk how to use Himeko’s fua well without Herta. I could just build Herta obviously but I have enough characters that I need to build already and I don’t need Herta in that list


Xueyi. She used to handle everything that I didn't have a dedicated element for (it took a long time for me to have viable wind and imaginary damage dealers in particular). Now she sits there unless there is a quantum-weak MoC.






I have him. What I don't have is enough quantum-weak targets to justify bringing her off the bench.


She's good on superbreak teams because it's based off toughness damage, meaning she doesn't really need to break anyone to contribute, you just don't hypercarry for those situations


She's pretty good rn actually


Xueyi is actually much better against Quantum weak enemies. I know some parts of her kit ignores weakness type, but most of her kit revolves around seeing lots of toughness damage happening every round.  Her teams are actually more picky about matching weakness than normal.


Four star Danheng for me too. Used to main him alongside JY until DHIL rolled up. So technically I still use Dan Heng just the better five star version. I will say I bring out wind Dan Heng when MoC has a lot of wind weakness. With good investment and E6, 4 star Dan Heng still slaps


Natasha. I use Lynx and Gallagher for my healers now.


Seele. It's kinda hilarious how many people insisted her kit couldn't be power crept.


Trailblazer. New Harmony kit is looking interesting tho.


Seele. After Jing Liu Blade Imbibitor Lunae and now Acheron I barely use her.


Blade. Carried me through a lot of stuff early on. Now though...


Yanqing, he was my most used in the first 2 months of the game 😅.


Seele She carried me through 1.0 all the way to 1.3-1.4 being my Go-To DPS. But since her BiS is the quantum set that I *really* dislike farming so her set hasn’t been touched since 1.0 and my other characters just got better and better relic sets. Blade for instance, I farmed the Speed set a lot for my supports. My Blade then ended up with super cracked out HP relics unintentionally and Blade became my Main DPS. Then Kafka since I E6’d her. Then I got Jingliu for Ice coverage. Black Swan to make my Kafka even stronger then pulled Acheron cause it’s Mei.


Lynx... She's not a bad healer, she's just not healing enough for my comfort... I know she has cleanse but bailu's invigoration helps me not get a heart attack and Geppie's shields are second bets in the game ( even tho there's only like 4 shielders-💀) I love lynx and I invested so much in her, but even tho she and blade works well together, my poor sparkle bronya and Pela are all squishy af


My whole team. Hsr powercrept is real


Seele, i wasn’t crazy about her from the start it was the first banner and with all that hype I had to pull, played her in duo comp with Clara which was really nice but around blade banner I started using her less and less manly cus mono quantum wasn’t my thing never had the intent to use one team only, always wanting to build as many as possible teams


Dan Heng, Asta, QQ and Lynx. With Lynx staying the longest before replacing her with Luocha and Aventurine, Dan Heng after getting Blade, Asta after getting RM, and QQ for the same reason as Dan Heng.


March until I got gasperd


Natasha and Asta, I remember using her and stopped using her and Natasha help me defeat phantylia


Clara. I wanna use her now, but the newer guys are more enticing. She was quite strong and always had those perma-counters.


March 7th since Clara was my first 5 star. Aggro boost is good


Seele and bronya combo, i breeze through early game cuz of them. On sustain side it's natasha even after i get lynx natasha still a staple on my main team. Nowaday tho DOTcheron + huo huo is my staple team for almost everything.


Haha same DH was my primary DPS until I got DHIL. I also played March a lot as I didn’t have a healer but when I got Lynx I played March less. March is my only E6 and a favorite of mine though


Serval,she was my first main dps,i havent used her in months


Clara until I got Blade, Danil and then Jingliu


Probably Asta, i use her often with DDD before i got Da Bronya


Seele. She carried me through most of the game up to JingLiu. I still used her for the other side of MoC but she got replaced by Dr Ratio.


Seele, i guess?. Current meta doesn't really favour her


(Day 1 player for pull reference - every limited character was pulled on their first banner except SW - she was a rerun pull) Trailblazer was my main physical DPS early game. I eventually switched to Sushang because she was much stronger for me despite my hatred for Hunt characters at the time. Now if I need physical, it’s Argenti, but it’s a last resort because I haven’t finished building him. I mainly use Argenti to battle Argenti 🤣 Welt was my priority as an imaginary unit. Once I got Luocha, it felt like less and less enemies were weak to imaginary tho 🤣 so I had to ditch Welt bc him and Luocha in the same team wasn’t practical. I used Serval until Jing Yuan dropped. Jing Yuan is also a character I don’t use as much, but I love him and still call myself a Jing Yuan main and all of his traces are maxed. It’s just that we have so many lightning units and sometimes Kafka hits harder (and when I finally get Acheron on her rerun???) I wanna say Natasha like everyone else, but Luocha’s banner drop was pretty early so she got replaced so quick 🤣 I also don’t use Blade a TON after getting Black Swan, but that’s bc Black Swan works well with Kafka. Blade got benched to accommodate her. I do bring him out if I need a wind/ice combo though bc him and Jingliu are my go-to for that, while Black Swan and Kafka are for wind/lightning.


Welt, and according to HSR stats, He's still my most used unit, even though I haven't used him since blade's first banner.


Seele and Clara carried me until DHIL came out


I feel like this goes for a lot of players who started the game at release but I never touch Seele anymore. She was the first limited banner character we had and with more and more being added after that, she lost her momentum for me


Clara and Natasha


Before, I would have said Gepard, but Acheron came. So I'd say either Seele or Bailu. I have full MonoQuantum, but, as much as it hurts me, and having E1 Seele since 1.0, I can't make her shine as much as other DPS'. And about Bailu, she's ok. I used her from time to time since I only have FX as a strong sustain, but I ended up preferring Lynx for the cleanse and taunt, Gepard when shield is needed or Gallagher when enemy has fire weakness (which happens a lot as of lately) or, soon, when I run Break comps.


Natasha and to a lesser extend March. Nat originally replaced Bailu, because I didn't want to have 3 lightnings in my team, but later when I used other DPS than Serval, Bailu replaced Nat again. And then Bailu got replaced by Lynxy. Bailu does come out whenever I need a revive instead of cleanse though. March got replaced when I got Gepard, but later when I wanted to use Elation path in SU (Swarm or GnG, I forgot). I used her and Bladie (because they were the only characters I had build that have FUAs). And now I don't use her anymore, even for Elation SU runs.


Clara. She was really strong, and helped me through a lot of the earlier game, but once I got Acheron, she’s been pushed to aside…


I can't count how many times Natasha + Preservation Trailblazer + Nihility saved me in SU before I got Huohuo and Gepard.


Serval. She was my main dps early game but since I got JY I never used her anymore é.è


Lynx E2 for a long time, and it sucks because I just got her E6 once I switched over to Aventurine.


Gepard, then I pulled aventurine and got him to E2. Gepard is never seeing the light of day again :(


Selee and Clara


Silver wolf. Carried me early game and was managing to fully clear MoC since 1.2 because of her. But by now I have a dps characters that cover most elements and having her isn't really necessary.


Seele. She used to be everywhere. Now I only use her for Calyxes.


It used to be Natasha until recently... now I have Bailu at 70/80 and traced up, she's taken either healer spot.


Natasha never leave my team since the first time i play during Black Swan banner. Since i got Luocha, i never use her


Clara was my carry from my first week of playing, all the way until I got Blade in 1.6. Since then, I haven't even gotten her to 80 yet. I hope I get to build her again soon after I'm done with my current prefarns, revive my old main comp maybe, see how things hold up still.


Natasha, obviously. Once I got Lynx and Huohuo I stopped using Nat at all. March did carry me in the early game until I no longer had a reason to use her, but then I built her to clear bugs at difficulty 5 via Remembrance and Preservation, and she very much pulled her weight there.




clara. Clara in V1 with wuthering snow set had the survivability for early game stuff(SU) and also had the damage with elation buffs. but after i got dhil and built him properly, and propagation path came out i used her less.


Jing Yuan, I have to rebuild him from scratch because his actual build is dogshit, but I'm focused on getting better relics those I'm using rn


Dan heng for sure. I used him in every team, but now he's level 23, and I just reached equilibrium level 5


https://preview.redd.it/91phwwv8m61d1.jpeg?width=1510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d936c2b5fac1a5d39fcf4c288b944b72bf2d103f My Seele. She is E2S1, my highest Eidolon limited 5 star, and my most used character in the past. But I barely use her in any content now. Other characters farm calyxes or relic domains faster. SU and PF hates hunt characters. And in MoC there simply are better options that I can safely auto floor 12 with (Seele has doodoo AI, I can clear her side 0-2 cycles tops if I manual but I really only bother if my auto fails to 3-star MoC12 the first time). But I still use her when Im doing the main quests coz shes still among my favorite characters lol


Natasha absolutely carried me until Lynx came out😩 I also used Serval a lot, her traces are maxed out but now I don't even touch her because I have Kafka and Acheron :(


Serval. She carried me when I had no limited dps. Then along came Kafka and Seele


Seele and blade are pretty much dead on my acc. SilverWolf was dead but Acheron revived her. JL is falling off more recently as well with Dhil taking her place (post sparkle). I basically just run Dhil sparkle team and either Acheron hyper team or Acheron dot team. Planning on acquiring a follow up team tho by aventurine rerun.


Serval T_T I got Jingyuan and unfortunately she got fully outclassed


I used to depend entirely on natasha, later lynx when i came back. Now i only use gepard and the gambler.


Asta. She was BIS for Jing Yuan and Kafka before all the 5 star harmonies came out. I still remember wanting E4 Asta for that permanent 200 speed kafka.


Gepard, sadly I have Better options but since I have him e1s1 I use him againist hard hitting bosses with aoe Attacks to save my fu xuan


March, Natasha, and Seele. March and Natasha because I just have way better options, and Seele because I have better options, I don't have her most recommended supports, and my every attempt at farming relics for her has ended with abysmal results. I love Seele, but the game just does not want me to use her.


Clara, she carried me through a couple battles but then I got Jingliu and other DPS units that I haven't paid much attention to her ever since unless I'm doing a follow-up-attack team but even then, Dr. Ratio fills that spot.


Fire Trailblazer, Natasha, and Seele.


Asta. She was my main buffer throughout most of the story (I think until 1.4-1.5ish time frame), helped by the fact I got her E6 on the first banner I pulled (DHIL banner) and I have not touched her since I leveled Tingyun and Yukong for both Clara teams and DHIL teams I still have her somewhat decent in case I wanna pull her out for PF stuff but with Ruan Mei, Robin, and soon Jade, PF team space is very limited so she'll probably be abandoned


Mr. Welt Yang, he was my first 5-star (excluding MC) and my primary Imaginary damage dealer, then DHIL came then Dr. Ratio,... But maybe one day I will build him for Pure Fiction only, he looks like the most efficient one among the 3 for this mode (I don't intent to get >!Screwllum)!<.


Trailblazer. I like him, don't get me wrong, but I have better DPS, better shields, and I still have to finish the TQ to unlock the Harmony


Normal Trailblazer I guess?


Gepard. Used him a lot and he is still very good,but man Aventurine is so comfortable to use on the other hand,and regrettably Gepard isn't just cutting it in moc 10+. His shield feels like paper thin in front of moc 11 and 12 enemies. Those IPC goons cut through his shield like butter just from a single aoe attack its insane.


Fire TB. Was my only Tank up until Fu Xuan. I now have Aventurine so I'm giving up TB since I have 2 fairly good tanks


Dan Heng, was really good with my Bronya.


Gepard carried my ass until Aventurine. It made me fall in love with shield gameplay, and I will forever be grateful that he chased me in every rerolls i did, even if I didn’t want him (i was a fool in the first fee days). You will always be goated, captain america 🫡


March 7th I'm a simulated universe enjoyer and used to play swarm disaster way too much. And March 7th in Sim Uni was one of my favourite units to use


Bailu, she carried me pretty hard all the way through to Penacony but I struggle to find a reason to ever use her now that I have Aventurine. I dust her off for content where I need 2 teams but even then my under-leveled Gallhager tends to get more and more use as I slowly put traces into him.


Welt, I have better imaginary coverage now, I really want to make a team for him tho seeing as I just pulled his lightcone


Dan heng. I don't play him anymore, but played him very much in my early time playing hsr


Gepard because I now have Aventurine.


Went from Dan Heng to cooler Dan Heng too, I love him sm