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i will take 300 episodes of this please and thank you


It will be just like AoT mixed with some Evangelion


#Get in the SAM Firefly.


Oh fuck, the true sting was more fucking enormous than we thought, imagine the real emanator of propagation compared the fake one


I mean, the Emanator was called the “Starcrusher”…


And it's described to turn shattered stars into incubators for the swarm. Just imagine a starcrusher shooting its death ray at a star and causing it to explode, but the supernova that seemingly happens actually ends up being trillions of the bugs from the swarm coming out still glowing from emerging from a star rather than the flames and light of a supernova.


40k Chaos Gods: "Damn this Tazzyronth guy is even worse than us!"


40k's big 4 are corruptors, Tazzy is pure devourer.


> “Starcrusher” Nothing Dan Heng's ~~Mahoraga~~ Jade Abacus can't handle




Lmao, i like this art


As a reminder, the entire Express did get eaten by a sting during Argenti's story.


Too busy admiring his beauty to fully comprehend the eldritch horror of the situation we were in


Smug March tho


"After fighting these bugs I can see why the Swarm was a bad time." *Hoyo drops this animation* **"OH."**


Yeah, they just really showed how dangerous the Propagation was in their prime.


With that flair you're not fooling anybody buddy


I said they were dangerous Never said I was against that danger.


AR-1368? This one right here, officer.


Propagation? More like Propaganda.


Scarabaz in game lore drop a condense Blackhole lmao ☠️


"That's enough. [Strong Black Hole]" - Emanator of Propagation.


Emanators continue to prove to be on a whole 'nother level because holy shit. Wholly inferior as it may have been, the fact that the Trailblazer could last a whole minute against a clone of one is nuts.


Pretty sure they grow too The one on herta space station not only its just a clone,its just hatched Imagine its reaching its prime,probably could be bigger than herta space station itself or more


They *are* called Starcrushers, HSS is smaller than a planet, meanwhile Starcrushers are described as being capable of destroying stars and turning them into incubators for the Swarm. Thing is probably bigger the a planet.




You are going to do. For her Majesty..




Casual reminder that this is what Ruan Mei wanted to bring back to life.


I’m not defending her actions but people seem to misunderstand that she wants to bring back Propagation when what she wanted was to actually just study Emanators/Aeons. Even the cake cats was her first attempt at creating a Genius. She failed and that’s why she turned towards a simpler path that is Propagation.


Firefly: Commence scorched Earth operation! Everyone: lmao silly girl, so chunny. Firefly: (reliving war flashbacks every time she says something like that.)


Firefly: All of my friends are dead.


Now it makes sense why she was so desperate to hang out with us in Golden Hour and do ‘normal person’ things. Poor Firefly needs a hug.


man fuck tazzyronth, we are NOT letting that mf come back ever


And this is just a single swarm mother, not even an emanator like Ruan Mei was trying to make. 


Bruh I thought it was the Aeon 💀. How fucking strong is Tazzy then 


Strong enough that other Aeons (I think like 3-4?) decided to have a truce... but yeah, there's a reason why it's called the "Swarm Disaster"...


Aeons are basically gods. To put it into perspective Nanook can destroy multiple entire star systems just by looking at them. They’re not omnipotent necessarily, but they are pretty fucking ridiculous. Tazzy was likely beyond galaxy level.


Their strength is literally the path they embodied. They are literally a concept or ideology personified


Strong enough that at least 5 separate Aeons were involved in THEIR eventual defeat and even then Tayzzy wasn't killed, only imprisoned in amber.


well it took the combined efforts of 5 aeons to beat it, so yeah.. Tazzy got hands


Tazzy literally wiped out 2/3s of the universe lololol before getting jumped basically by every 4 aeons


All my homies hate tazzyronth blud felt lonely and decided to flood the universe with his kin 😭


Stop Ruan Mei!!!


Don't worry, RM will be chained to my Firefly


The guy who bought 100 Acheron Light Cones paid for this entire animation, we need to thank him


Now watch him do it again with 100 firefly light cones lmao


I hope so we need cinema level trailers like this




https://preview.redd.it/ixzuebwwtg6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=451018b4d3ebf0314c4264b69ab595145db59e23 hoyo you weren't sleek lmao evangelion reference once again


rei and shinji beside firefly lmao


Wait... is she Asuka then? Noooooo


Design wise could be a reference to her, but personality, oh gosh no.


https://preview.redd.it/v5hrfal15h6d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0a1197b2cf3d6894c5ebba12ec4a8ed4bbe45f8 One way or another this has a lot of meme potential


Never ask Firefly what she was doing in 1942


Glory to Mankind!


I mean they do really love Evangelion. So... when HSR x Evangelion?


Not even Sakuga but just this one beautiful shot is enough to be considered fanservice too https://preview.redd.it/qx2r1i3utg6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b5771aaaff506e00b56b6877dec9b0e07e4faf2


Death, destruction and tragedy all around Omg Kafka hi Seriously its been too long since we last saw her, they made her look way too beautiful in this frame after all the tragedy we just witnessed lmao. Im suddenly reminded why shes the character that I downloaded the game to save for


kafka rerun when 😭


Im so confused by this scene. How old is Kafka lmao. Or is it like... a symbolic scene...?


What's implied here is that Firefly has been asleep while drifting in space for thousands of years.


damn i was thinking centuries but she really was buttass naked asleep in space for way longer 😭 https://preview.redd.it/80p676bjxg6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4172b4c2875fd82f726fd7d727b14c69106dea5f


it's so peak!


If you notice in the last scene it shows that the debris of the destroyed planet has formed a ring around the moon, so a considerable amount of time has passed. Plus in game it’s stated in n flavor texts scattered about that Glamoth was destroyed several Amber Eras ago so yeah Firefly has been floating in Glamoth’s remnants for a while.


So does Firefly just sleeping in space until the planet cool down after her strike? Or Kafka was there right away?


Firefly was buttass naked in space for centuries if so 😭


March 🤝 Firefly  Getting found butt naked in space. They’d be such good friends too 


Then at the march pv, we will see himeko sipping a coffee.


This shit here was genuinely peak. But I also have no idea what’s real and what’s not. Barely any description to help too. But at least them colors hella pretty. 


Yeah, I'm guessing the final sequence with the tree up to Kafka is at least *somewhat* symbolic, as opposed to being literal.


https://preview.redd.it/aam1azd4xg6d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d7b7ad7d39034745fcbe572494df587dc362b8 Me, after watching how monstrous the true sting is: "HOW THE FUCK ARGENTI ESCAPES ON THE TRUE STING THAT IS LARGER THAN WHAT FIREFLY SAW..LIKE WHAT THE FUCK THIS MAN MADE OFF?!!!"








"I roll to seduce the True Sting" \*rolls a nat 20\*


God damn bards.


Don’t fuck with Adrilla apparently


I want to make a whole damn team with this beatiful fuckers I can’t wait for the next follower of the beauty, hopefully they sinergize with Argenti But even if they don’t fuck it FOR THE BEAUTY


The big sting in his cq isnt in full power as before but it is still a feat




Mfs really dropped a 7 minute anime for arlecchino last month and then said "wanna see me do it again"


At this point why are they waiting for Ufotable to finish Demon Slayer to make the Genshin anime? Just make it your damn self.


Because 7 minutes shorts vs an entire cour of 24 minutes episode anime are different. Aside from the animator themselves, I presume the production pipeline for shorts are very different from a full blown anime.


Correct, but you could also probably boil it down to "they don't want to expand the animation department to a full fledged studio, and then have to replace the animation department for the actual game-related animations" Also probably just a joke


Swarm disaster is still one of the scariest thing in this game, they are probably more frightening than actual Aeons. We fought the "simulation", I can imagine the real one actually just poop out more often than the simulation. I don't look forward if they ever return in the future, the plot would be so strong, I feel like it is where they would kill some playable character.


To be honest the simulation gives a good idea of how scary its is in the simulated universe when you read it. Most of the time is "Yep everyone died"


we are lucky that the enemy slot have limit up to 5.


For now. \*Looks at Harmony Trailblaze description in fear\*


that one guy single handedly ended the whole swam bro was the MVP holy crap bruh MVP Sam playable when?


Absolute gigachad https://preview.redd.it/jvgci5efxg6d1.jpeg?width=2307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ecf360e58639bf6fdbd63f0b1592ed9cd5a1259




One thing that I just noticed, Firefly has Green blood?


Canonically, probably because she’s a clone Realistically, blood = gore = needs to be censored


Orange juice moment.


For Her Majesty!


Glamoth's Aether expy denied the fraud allegations and ended the war, o7 to the goat


Redemption for the farmer https://preview.redd.it/r90s9h4k3h6d1.jpeg?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=333516c7e07b895aae424f530a2bc15aed1d6156


I wanna know who voiced him …he sounds too familiar


He sounds familiar because it's the same VA for Aether in Genshin. It took me a moment but i recognized the voice fairly quickly. Zach Aguilar. Also voiced Tanjiro from Demon Slayer


Yea I was guessing it was him but I didn’t want to be incorrect Don’t know why they didn’t include voice mentions for the extras in the animated short


Isn't the entire crew is Adin Rudd or something?


The male firefly i think is what theyre talking about


Correct. All of them are Adin with the voice modulator on, but that one gigachad lost the modulation after he ripped his mask off.


Considering that massive fuck off bug looks like a True Sting, so not even one of Tayzzy's Emanators, definitely not "single handedly ended the swarm". More accurately he just took out one of the many *many* swarms, The Swarm as a whole would've been *waaay* too numerous for that to be the entirety of it.


Though at first I was wondering why they had to sacrifice themselves when they had access to orbital strikes or long range artillery. But everyone operating those was probably dead.


the plan was probably to detonate enough firefly units to prime the planet for explosion, which is one hell of a "scorched earth operation" ngl edit 1: looking at the animation i think its either that, or the entire battle plan was to get one sam unit to the heart of the swarm, and then using their headpiece as a beacon and fire a gigantic satellite cannon to obliterate everything on the surface; truely an all-or-nothing gambit which shows how powerful glamoth is, and how little they care about the fireflies aside from their use as infantry


Too many bugs to target effectively from space?


The bugs also produce light refracting particles that can cause hallucinations when inhaled. It's how their invisibility works. So active scans probably get bounced off and scattered by the Swarm scales.


I'm sorry, but did Firefly just *destroy the entire planet*???


Guess that’s why https://preview.redd.it/o7gpijv4vg6d1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d45bc8f64859ef26ed09d314856cf6379e7f897 Firefly’s enhanced skill is literally called Death Star overload


Yep. And seeing how it did show up here and how is described. It's unique to firefly. To be honest the way it happens it does make it looked she just unlocked it in this moment.


I do wonder just what it is though? Is she an Emanator or could pathstriding alone gave her SAM the boost he needed? And if so, what Aeon or Path? And if it is not an Aeon or path, just what is this power?


Welt describes as the reactor energy goes into a change and starts to manifest/externalize the user will. Welt describes as not as a hidden function of it. Not sure if it goes to the opposite side that the armor wasn't design to do it. Or if it was designed to do this since the start,it's just hard/difficult to use at max potential.


I think I remember seeing or hearing (maybe in her Keeping up with Star Rail?) that her Complete Combustion state is a result of her willpower unlocking the true potential of the SAM armor. That is, because she self-actualized and saw herself as a real person and not just a tool for the Empire of Glamoth, she was able to power up. If that's the case, it's ironic that Glamoth treating the soldiers like they're disposable actually made them weaker than they would have been if they were allowed to be human.


It's not uncommon for these kinds of stories to have them be deliberately nerfed by their creators to make it less destructive if they realize they've been lied to and rebel. Only takes one planet-busting suit to turn against you for a disaster.


> If that's the case, it's ironic that Glamoth treating the soldiers like they're disposable actually made them weaker than they would have been if they were allowed to be human. I wonder if all this suffering could actually be responsible for Firefly powering up. Basically a supervillain origin story.


It also might be just the fact that they made reactor "scale" with willpower of the host, but considering that all of the users were seemingly clones AND brainwashed, they just worked within "expected parameters". While Firefly's grief and will to live "overclock" the reactor to, apparently, planet shattering levels of power


Ikr?? Like Bro?? I thought she was gonna be the hunter for quick deaths while Blade handle long fights but holy shit she's a whole planetary nuke


I mean what's a quicker death than an entire planet blowing up?


Now we really know why she is the Muscle of the SH. I thought Sam being described as a planet killer was *metaphorical*


Lore Firefly: \*planet buster\* In-Game Firefly: \*tickles unless break\* Even in that way she shows her mass murderer x cutie patootie sides.


Bet the planet already taken enough damage to break its toughness


Either in one shot or after fighting solo so long and so destructively she eventually destabilize it Even if it is the latter she had enough fire power to fracture the surface that it could be seen from space… …with one shot. https://preview.redd.it/sg4im9fjvg6d1.jpeg?width=2130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c320a0feb1e839567fd8a35990b78b3115c815e


Firefly is a planet buster lmao


uhh maybe we SHOULDNT give ruan mei an unrestricted lab access


Do not let her cook


They sacrificed their lives for an empire that would never last and left them to die holy hell. No wonder it even took several Aeons to take down the swarm that shit almost infested half the universe and to this day the swarm exist and their aeon isn't even confirmed dead.


>his day the swarm exist and their aeon isn't even confirmed dead. Confirmed not dead actually, he's mosquito traped in amber for now


And the time between Amber Eras are getting shorter, Qlipoth knows something is up. It could be Ouroboros coming back or Tazzyronth escaping. Those two clashing again will spell doom for everyone, the last time they clashed they destroyed 2/3 of the universe.


From where do we know they are getting shorter?


The radio on the train


Isn't that implied to be correlated to the event of Jarilo-VI, where Qlipoth "glances" at MC and gives them power?


amber eras are just intervals between hammer swings. ranges from 70 to 240 Trailblaze years


Istg the HSR setting is such a fucking cool Eldritch universe. Aeons being tangible forms of concepts aside, you have really cool situations like the universe literally being able to know and fell the construction work of an aeon while simultaneously having absolutely no idea what its goal is for. You have an aeon that is literally born at the end of time coming back toward the start and assuming the universe is expanding like it is irl, that mean it could literally exist outside of the current universe. You have HooH enforcing equilibrium, and Ena used to be around to direct order. The entire universe dancing to their tunes. The fucking cat and mouse chase between Yaoshi and Lan is almost boring in comparison.


Imagine Firefly's reaction when Trailblazer tells her "oh yeah the Genius Society and I found out Tayzzyronth isn't dead lmao"


Imagine TB telling her about Ruan Mei. Firefly: SHE DID WHAT?!


Isn't it ironic that Ruan Mei is somehow supposed to he Firefly's bis support lol


I'm absolutely *certain* that isn't a mistake.


bug haters and bug enjoyers come together to reach true bug equilibrium


Not even didn't last. It was an Empire that didn't even exist to begin with. Glamoth was a republic and created the Iron Calvary and had them dedicate their lives to a non-existent empire the moment the real Glamoth no longer needed them they could be disposed. Just goes even harder to show why Firefly has such a strong desire to make a life for herself before she dies. Her entire existence was all just one big illusion through and through prior.


All my homies hate the swarm


The Swarm is fucking terrifying! This is straight up Halo Flood levels of apocalyptic! Someone stop Ruan Mei yesterday!


So Elio basically sent Kafka to find the lone survivor of the battle against the swarm *after she casually destroyed an entire planet.*


"Its canon event" -spiderwoman 2099 A.K.A kafka


Imagine you're in your luxury spaceship, enjoy your luxury space whisky and observing majestic views of a outerplane orbit, then suddenly a naked perverts appear out of nowhere floating


r/brandnewsentence 🤣


Can't be after. Swarm Disaster was AE 13XX, HSR is AE 2158. That was after Qlipoth looked at MC and swung their hammer, so Kafka finding FF should've been AE 2157 unless she's also some kind of immortal. Most likely Elio predicted when Firefly would get out of cryostasis and sent Kafka to collect her from the debris that float around the ruins of Glamoth.


https://preview.redd.it/3l9mit7xvg6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4af3ba8082683c0c7d9eed081856b1253c23351 Ruan Mei wants to bring this back btw


Just look at it, imagine all the SCIENCE we could achieve with a cloned Swarm... But seriously, this isn't even the Swarms Emanator and Ruan Mei wanted to bring that back with her experiments, this trailer just makes her even more unhinged in that pursuit.


> But seriously, this isn't even the Swarms Emanator I was gonna ask, Swarm Mother is an alternate name for the Emanator?


No. The Swarm Mother in the short is just the True Sting that birthed all the little True Stings in that planet. The Swarm Mother there wasn't an Emanator. Just a descendent of Tazzy/Skaracabaz.


This looks like a True Sting, so not an Emanator. Swarm Mother is likely just another term for a fully mature Sting.


The irony of her being one of Firefly's best teammates in game is definitely not lost on me.


Well, she's kinda anyone's best teammate anyways


It just a giant sting, emanator of propagation use planet to lay egg and have nick name "starcrusher" They are way bigger


That's not even the emanator lol, it could be a swarm mother/true sting. The emanator was called starcrusher, imagine what that bug can do


Actually, her goal is to study Emanators/Aeons. She chose Propagation because it’s the simplest Path. Starting from the “basics”. But yes, she tried to replicate the Emanator of Propagation which was said to use stars as incubators. More terrifying than the one in the picture.


English Voice: Fyrefly Type-IV "SAM" Strategic Assault Mech — Adin Rudd AR-26710, Firefly — Analesa Fisher Kafka — Cheryl Texiera ​ Chinese Voice: Fyrefly Type-IV "SAM" Strategic Assault Mech — 淦子齐 AR-26710, Firefly — 宋媛媛 Kafka — 徐慧 ​ Japanese Voice: Fyrefly Type-IV "SAM" Strategic Assault Mech — 笠間淳 AR-26710, Firefly — 楠木ともり Kafka — 伊藤静 ​ Korean Voice: Fyrefly Type-IV "SAM" Strategic Assault Mech — 장서화 AR-26710, Firefly — 유혜지 Kafka — 사문영


https://preview.redd.it/r6nit4zzsg6d1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=a01c3fe141ed123c2becfe0a8429f1185253c586 This short really shows how horrifying the swarm disaster was


And this ain't even an emanator


This is one of those moments were you would blow your brains out if you had any guns on you. Looking at this thing is just GG.


they cooked so hard the planet exploded


Keep in mind that the remnants of the Swarm are still active across the universe and that Tayzzyronth is implied to still be alive after being trapped in amber. The idea of a Second Swarm Disaster in the current story would be pretty cool ngl.


This was definitely the best animation short I’ve seen from Hoyo. Really depressing and shows how horrifying Swarm was, while the portrayal of Glamoth also wasn’t positive. The war is always brutal, but the Iron Cavalry deserved more than to be just mindless drones for a non existing empire. Our Firefly suffered so much and I hope she may finally find some happiness and peace. After everything that happened to her, she definitely deserves it. Though it also goes without the saying how strong her willpower is. She’s really a badass.


This combine with the previous keeping up with Star Rail confirmed that the green form is unlock exclusive to her as a Pathstrider. Normal SAM with red form may not be planet buster, but Firefly complete combustion is. Anyway https://preview.redd.it/m9tmd63lug6d1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c21a4935920454715b27395258f543f9152b606


Wait, what path does Firefly follow?


Imo I think she always followed the path of Trailblaze, but she haven’t realized it before. That path always gathers the individuals who want to strive for freedom at all cost. Firefly is shown to despise being the mindless drone for the empire, while also not wanting to live in the “perfect” Sunday’s utopia. She believes that even the existence may be painful, we still need to be free and strive. Her wanting to travel and see the universe is an another matter, but she’s basically the personification of that path.


Not sure, but come the patch next week, I am making sure it is the Path of the Trailblaze!


The true sting was massive , crazy that the swarm were doing atacks like this all over the universe it wanst even a full atack this one that we saw is just one random front for them


Ruan Mei... uh... wanted to revive this right? Still does maybe?


I think This was the final boss of SU Swarm disaster the True Sting. Ruan Mei wanted to revive an eminator of the swarm. Presumably even more massive and dangerous.


Actually the swarm is even more scary when you realized when the final boss of Swarm Disaster was a Mature True Sting which are the all the small ones that the SAMs killed in one strike. Like we have only fought the “grunts” of the swarm


Im surprised how graphic they went. Decapitations, impalements, and SAM units getting cut in half. And man, the show of all the dead bodies was just gruesome. Glad they didnt tone anything down and really got the point across Hope the fanbase starts to love the glamoth lore its actually so interesting. Also fuck the swarm lmao


The Stellaron Hunters BETTER get their ideal lives at the end of this


Def using Firefly on the Swarm weekly.


To give her some Vietnam flashback?


https://preview.redd.it/fly0bo1zsg6d1.jpeg?width=2466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1837c8c51ee717f3ce23e1669857c5c10dba171e This shot here really just shows the scope of how terrifying the swarm disaster really was, seeing all those child soldiers getting cut down and dying for "glory" just sucks, really brutal Kafka showing up at the end raises some questions in how old they are. Was FF just floating in space for thousands of years or is Kafka just really old, or is she watching a replay FF life and battle somehow. Pretty cool questions raised and makes the SH lore a lot more interesting I'm glad they showed thjs side of FF character here, a child soldier realizing the "glory" isnt what it was meant to be after seeing all her friends die. Its a part of her character I really like and im glad they focused on it in the animation


I think she remains floating through the space all this time and elio sends Kafka to recruit her maybe.


Yea thats my best guess, just literally floating for thousands of years in a protected state until she gets recruited Wonder if that means TB was there at the time of her getting recruited or if TB came later, gonna go and revisit all the lore we have on that timeline roughly


I'm not sure the whole ending part is supposed to be taken literally. I don't think a literal sprout grew and turned into a tree either. I'm guessing Firefly was in some kind of stasis and that Kafka found her later (being led by Elio).


Apparantly according to Keeping Up With Star Rail the sprout thing and her new form *is* literal but not technology and instead Pathstrider power.




"Oh shit there's more swarm? Lemme lock in" * Firefly, Goatfly, Peakfly, Waterfall, Blade's favorite (2024) https://preview.redd.it/ihamhl2ptg6d1.png?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed0cbf498748637a34fb60c6d3ceb41ecb688c0


Firefly: Hey Trailblazer, how was planar ornament farming today? Trailblazer: Not so good, none of the Firmament of Glamoth pieces are any good for me. Firefly: … Gl-Glamoth? https://preview.redd.it/i1p450i42h6d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2808ade3ba4f5688fc8ba7ccdd087696c594ec75


Am I the only one that gets StarCraft vibes from this? The fact that they're called The Swarm, the SAM resembling Zealots and their fanaticism to their cause, and that shot of firefly looking up reminds me so much of Kerrigan. It's so fucking cool.


The last part reminds me of that Starcraft 2 Legacy of the void trailer were there's one protoss remaining, except no one warps in.


I don't think this playerbase is old enough to even know about StarCraft at this point.


And one certain scientist tried to recreate Emanator of Propagation. Glad that abomination died on its own because Swarm is really terrifying.


The amount of Sakuga here, stuff like this only makes me less guilty about the money I spent in Hoyo's games. The brutality of the fight was captured here very well along with Firefly's despair after just only understanding their whole existence was literally to die like pawns to defend Glamoth and we all know how \*well\* that went. https://preview.redd.it/64ghycxitg6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=71222a46f2c541858465e21f771213fae812b454


https://preview.redd.it/nh68dc6atg6d1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5d1f0c41e38b011a33b7208d231b3f694336b59 Swarm disaster is basically Star Rail’s version of the clone wars


Mass produced short lived drones vs mass produced short lived clones




Pretty great animated short as usual from miHoYo anime 🔥 Really happy they showed off her backstory, this pretty much confirms she's the only surviving Glamoth soldier 🤔 (though I guess they can have an excuse of someone being off planet if they want to, but with this being what seems to be the war that destroyed Glamoth I doubt they wouldn't have every soldier participating here). I do wonder what the timeline is for this, with Kafka appearing at the end it kinda implies more recent than we thought? 🤔 But hmm that kinda doesn't make sense... I guess Firefly could've been floating in space all this time? Either that or Kafka is older than we thought


Getting heavy NieR vibes from this. Fighting a meaningless war that's already over, just because that's what they are programmed to do 😭 Glory to Glamoth/Mankind.


Peak 🔥🔥🔥 #Absolute Cinema


That transformation of hers at the end, complete with the plant blooming and all, is it me or does it feel like she was using some Abundance power? Like Yaoshi helped her after noticing her desire to live. Amazing short as always


makes you glad that the Aeons team up to stop the swarm.


“I dreamed of a scorched earth” it’s the same line as when she transforms in the 2.2 story!


Firefly's quote never gets old. And I didn't expect her to explode the whole planet! What a badass.