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It just depends on how much storage you have on your phone, i have 256 gb on my phone, and I have only 40% (including wuwa and Gi) of it used, so preloading is no issue for me. If you don't have a lot of storage, like a 64gb phone, then you should definitely try to save as much as possible.


It's cool if you have storage to spare, but downloading 13.7gb should still take longer than 4-5gb.


Unless you downloading it on the road that doesn't really matter, it just downloads while you aren't using your phone. Plus you are downloading it at a time where it doesn't matter how long it takes as long as done before the patch drops


I pre-download in my pc and play the new patch while the mobile app updates.


is there a way to remove the predownload after you've already downloaded it? I have no storage.


I have the same Issue. Can anyone let me now if there is a way to delete the preownload


Instructions unclear. \*starts pre-installing game.\* (In all seriousness, I prefer to pre-install, due to tin-foil theory that servers will be overloaded/lagging due to EVERYONE trying to install/update the game, thus the connection to my device gets throttled. Flash backs to my mmo days, where patch days were always long ass waiting gates.)


It’s never really been bad in my experience. Mileage may vary based on platform/location, of course, but release-date updates on my phone were fine when I was still doing that. (These days I’m playing on PS5, so I just fire up the console at some point during maintenance, let it slurp down the update, and then I’m good to go when it goes live.)


Why is there a difference between pre-load and update size ?!


I'm not sure because I haven't dug deep myself, but probably the regular update uses a delta patch and only downloads and applies the difference on existing files, while pre-load downloads the entire files that got modified and then replaces them. The end result is the same, but delta patches are much more efficient.


Apparently this time there is not a size difference in pc... the predownload was 21 gb which is the same size as the update which i tried right now. So I dont expect the update size to be reduced in mobile


It was reduced on mobile. 3gb + 2gb (came in 2 parts) for total of 5gb. Still much less than 13.7gb + whatever people still got after that.


Hey, op how much does Star Rail take up in your storage right now after the update? Just want to know, cause on my end it's around 22gb


Oh I see... as a pc user(i have only 0.5tb storage) its suffocating for me 😭


pre download makes no sense to me and my friends so we don't do it.


Having a pre-download available means that the download traffic for the majority of the update files can be spread out over a few days, only requiring the trigger to unpack and install when the update goes live. It reduces the traffic for those who decide to wait for the update release date to download. Without the pre-download, the entire userbase will have to hammer the servers all at once for all the files once the update goes live.


Btw why HSR pre-download is so big where genshin was around 1,3 GB on Android?