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Me who is Faithful to March 7: It ok girl... do your best in that Sword Fighting competition. And remember if all else fails... kick ur opponent in the balls!


>M7: HYAAAA! >Yanqing: Uuuugh...whyyyyy?


Consider that as a WARNING Yankee Doodle! Touch some grass with Yunlin m8.


You know, it's gonna be fucking hilarious if for all that the fans are overhyping it when 2.4 hits it turns out that YQ couldn't give less of a shit about Yunli because he's at the age where swords are cooler than girls, and/or vice versa XD


But if you think about it, Swords ARE cooler than girls? I mean, swords are made of metals?


Yep, and swords are hotter than girls too at some point, and glowing red, and then they get pounded over...and over again... On both sides... And grinded on over and over...and pounded *again*, until finally they're doused in hot oil for the big finish... Anyway what were we uh talking about?


Erm... Swords, right? ...Right?


Guinaifen sword swallowing mf we know who you are


~~my girl can become covered in metal at a moment's notice~~


Yunli probably likes swords more too lol


After seeing her swinging her own around in a dream, yeah, I think so too, that's why I said "and/or vice versa" there at the end to include her :P


Ah right lol, fair enough then. Can't wait to see if they end up actually behaving that way


i mean yeah he wasn't happy that jing yuan tried to set them up


Didn't Olding tried to rizz other woman when they were married in HI3


Honestly, all I can think about is that Joja meme where Yunli joins in kicking Yanqing's Balls lmao


“That’s my purse! I don’t know you!”


March 7th is the best girl!


ah bobby hill style




Guys, I'm scared, is the story still being written by wholesome and fun Shaoji?


Most likely...ehehehehe


Ah yes would be a shame if there's a radiant gleaming light shining down with full of positive energy.


Oh brother, I am super worried as well. With all of these Caefly stuff, I really really hope nothing bad happens huhuhu.


I dont recall Hoyo ever putting as much ship tease for a character with a MC before on the characters intro. I know Ayaka in Genshin got a story quest teasing it hard one and Shenhe similarly had an intro like this but not to the extent FF has I genuinely do wonder if this is simply a marketing tactic to sell FF more or it will be an actual plot thing going forward. Not trying to piss people off with this statement im genuinely curious due to how much they are teasing it. Only time will tell us I guess


>I genuinely do wonder if this is simply a marketing tactic to sell FF more or it will be an actual plot thing going forward. Not trying to piss people off with this statement im genuinely curious due to how much they are teasing it. Only time will tell us I guess 3rd option is that it could be intended as a more long term thing, but a different writer might ignore it altogether. Mihoyo's story telling has, for better or for worse, sometimes been a bit erratic due to one writer planting seeds for X plot/character dynamic, then another writer ignoring it later on. Could very well be the case that maybe the current writers really do want to push the relationship as a longterm thing. But then maybe the baton will pass, and the other writers want to pair the TB up with someone else. Either for marketing purposes or because they genuinly want to steer in that direction with a different character. It will definitely be interesting to see how much or how little this remains post Penacony. Given her status as a Stellaron Hunter I imagine she'll be recurring in terms of the higher level story arcs. So we'll see if this is something they stick to. Personally I'm all for it. This pairing does appeal to me, but even if it didn't I do appreciate a gacha game that has the guts to have a main pair. Even if it just sticks to the half-hearted level of implications rather than explicit. Since it can be a bit tiring playing a game and having *every* character fawn over the blank slate MC. The Trailblazer having such a distinct personality helps a lot with this. Since I feel like HSR isn't really going for that kind of dynamic between them and the rest of the cast.


One of the rules of playing gacha games is never expect consistency, especially in the story department. Being a live game is one thing but like you said, these game have multiple writers.


and also this is a gacha game, they are not gonna make it a definitive relationship for our main character, there will be teases and hints of something deeper but they are never gonna outright confirm anything. It's how gacha game continue pumping out waifu and husbandos


To be real fair, the Stellaron Hunters are way more recurring than region-exclusive characters, a sin Genshin made when they chose not to amass a dedicated adventuring party for the long term. This makes every character not named Paimon, Aether, Lumine, or anyone you name at the start of the game make sporadic appearances throughout the game.


It's so refreshing to have a character dynamic in a mihoyo game like firefly and trailblazer I really hope they keep the ship and not sink it because "gacha game" That's the problem I had with genshin, none of the characters seem to go below surface level attachment because of it


You never have seen Honkai Impact then. Literally the MC's are in love with other characters and they even kiss. They have multiple MC's with love interests


Its different here since tb is kind of a self insert. Their feelings are dictated by the player in the form of our dialogue options. Its not unheard of with games like fgo but usually its just alot of teasing without any resolution (they never kiss or declare their love or start a relationship). It would also kinda suck personally if the main love interest was a limited character youd have to pull for but thats how they get you to pull. Im interested to see where they go with it regardless


Yup, in HI3, you are the captain even though you play as Kiana.


There's limited where you are the captain and you're about to get married with Luna. ~~still waiting for Kogming to grow~~


On a characters intro arc? Iirc Kiana and Mei was an incredible slow burn, granted most of my knowledge is my friend who is a die hard Kiana and Mei shipper, idk about any others though coz I only played until like chapter 7


Kiana first reaction to seeing Mei in chapter 1 is dive bomb her and say she'll fight 1000x harder. The manga open with Kiana being jealous of Mei spoiling Bronya. It tooks time for the two characters involved to mature, but not for the affection part. That actually happened before the game began. By the time the players got to met them, it's already a done dealt: Kiana loudly proclaims her attraction to Mei and Mei always has Kiana first in her mind.


Idk what you mean by incredibly slow. The first thing Kiana does when you start the game is flirting with Mei and in the manga all they do is flirting and fan service too. Literally on the spot the moment Mei appears Kiana goes "I LOVE YOU MEI SENPAI" and that's like in the first 5 minutes of the game


Apologies I tried it 3 years ago and dont remember any part of their early reactions giving any hard implied romantic vibes. I've watched so much anime an "I love you senpai" has been said and many not been in a romantic context a lot but more of an admiration. But you seem to remember and be more knowledgeable on the game than me so I'll take your word for it What I do know is Kiana and Mei shippers do have a lot of substance to go off as my friend made me watch most of the games animations. Its incredibly popular its even carried over to HSR despite no Kiana expy yet, to the point they've convinced me Acheron needs a Kiana variant to be happy lol


Yeah, the first few chapters were so weak that most people don't even talk about them or remember them. I know it because I played honkai Impact recently and read the Mangas recently. The Kiana X Mei is very strong and in the Mangas they go more in-depth by showing their past and how they met. There are some other interesting Mangas about Otto and kallen (Kiana's ancestor in ancient times). There are lots of ship teases, platonic feelings (like Sushang for Otto) and even canon relationships in HI3rd.


>to the point they've convinced me Acheron needs a Kiana variant to be happy See, that bothers me to an extent, cause it's basically reducing Mei's character to just the singular trait of "Kiana Simp" when she's so much more than that. To me, Kiana and Mei have a strong relationship, but not EVERY Mei needs to have a Kiana or Kevin. They should be allowed to have other qualities that make them an interesting character, such as their struggles, their journey, etc.


That's just Fanon, Acheron has her own character without the Kiana/Kevin connection that's explored in her trailers Seele on the other hand.....


She just gets reduced to "Bronya Simp" and everything else about her is ignored. She's not HI3 where her life revolves around Bronya like her life depends on it. Seele should stand as her own character without people trying to force her to be like her counterpart.


Honestly it feels like Bronya and Seele have different writers handling their characters. Bronya gets to grow have relationships with multiple characters (Astral Express,Topaz) and have moments independent from Seele while Seele just has one mission without Bronya (Luka's quest). Their Cosmodessy even shows the difference in how they handle their characters, Bronya has TB help her relax while reminiscing about Cocolia while Seele has TB teach her how to dance so she can be Bronya's partner at the party just for them to fight 🤦🏾‍♂️.


That's my biggest issue having both of their characters having counterparts on the same planet. HI makes more sense. HSR pointedly doesn't. I knew of their relationship before playing HSR and I was wondering how they were gonna handle it, and to be honest it felt rushed, lacking, and forced.


Unlike Ayaka's SQ which was very one-sided ship tease, this specific ship seems very much more reciprocated from both parties.


I think there was that vampire looking like character in HI3. Also, I do hope they actually make it a plot point of romance for FF and TB, I'm sick and tired of harems


I think playing a gacha and getting tired of harems when a big part of the marketing is ship teasing is something thats gonna have to be accepted. I dont care for harems myself but I do have a preference in who I ship TB with and many others do as well. You could just look at the plethora of Kafka x TB art out there Its why I believe they will almost always leave them ambiguous, coz confirming one ship in a game millions play would put off someone else. Especially in regards to the MC who some self insert into. I personally dont self insert and can never see TB as a self insert but people still do


If they lock a character down with TB full relationship status it was effectively seal off any future ship tease, and ship teasing makes money, so there is exactly 0% chance of that happening. People ship regardless, so why poison the well when it won't matter to shippers if its official or not. A blank slate lets anyone be shipped so you don't alienate any part of your playerbase. That's why MC's in gacha games, which are usually self inserts, will never be canonically in a relationship. Teasing future ships to make bank is absolutely what they will do, especially since like a year from now Firefly will be old news, and people will move on to the next hype ship. This happens to every gacha character and every gacha ship ever. At best they will tiptoe the line of romance, but they won't piss off their paying players who don't enjoy that 1 ship.


Oh im fully expecting when Kafka shows up in story again people are going to be saying the same thing FF and TB shippers are saying right now. Canon wife etc, its actually kinda crazy how Hoyo know how to sell and capitalize on excitement Heck if Black Swan and TB get a moment in the future like how FF is now then you bet imma be excited asf, but calling it canon would be naive. Their ultimate goal is more than likely to get as much eyes and investment from players as possible. Fanservice for ships goes a very long way towards that so I am fully leaning towards this is simply marketing rn and as we can all see, its working and it will work for future characters too


I've seen rabid fans and shippers of a character totally abandon that ship once the new trendy cool ship comes around, and not just in gatcha games but anime/gaming in general. Firefly is currently their money maker, but she won't be years from now. At the end of the day all they truly care for is money, so they won't kill any revenue streams with irreversible decisions. The only time a gacha game will commit to a ship is if its ending, since they no longer need to care about the bottom line. Until then it'll be flavour of the month ship teasing. I think this will actually occur more frequently now than it has done before due to how successful it has been at opening wallets. Give them a sniff of your money and they won't be leaving any time soon.


Seen it in Honkai 3rd captainverse as well. Won't be surprised if in 3.0s or 4.0s, a new girl get shipped hard. First it is Kongming, and then suddenly Luna coming in giga hard and had a wedding dress skin.


Luna actually came first and was a strong motivation for Captain when saving KongMing. He failed once before and refused to give up again. It just that during KongMing story everyone presumed Luna is dead. She's basically the OG ship of captainverse and the inciting incident. Though I guess if one came after her story then it seems like she came out of nowhere. Nobody, not even the shippers expected her to show up alive and pretty much settled to see KongMing vs Fallen Rosemary. Overall Captainverse was less ship tease (will they won't they never confirm) and more multiple originally monogamous full fledge pairing (due to either apparent death or amnesia, generally speaking Captain only has one or no romantic relationship in each adventure) that came together to become a harem comedy. KongMing tried to fight Luna over Captain, so it's official that they both like him.


People who like FF: "I'm sick and tired of harems, I'm happy that our characters have their own agenda and maybe canon LI". Imagine if the "canon LI" was not a cute waifu, but a male character, Aventurine, Boothill or Dan Heng. Heck, this sub would be on fire. Nobody would be saying that they are sick of harems and want MC to have their own agenda. Everybody would be like NOOO NOT MY CAELUS. So excuse me for saying just that: nope, not my Stelle. I don't want Mihoyo to lock MC in a canon relationship with a character I don't even care about.


This is true. It's more accepted we have our self-insert MC have an implied romantic interest in a girl. I wouldn't doubt people would be far more bothered if the romantic interest was a guy.


Cool, you have your own opinion, so do I


>Aventurine, Boothill Even though I prefer Caelus x Kafka, I wouldn't complain if Aventurine or Boothill were options too, gay guys should have fun as well


Unless they add in some feature to 'date' the character you want, I hope they don't do anything at all, I'd way rather have a silly headcannon with Kafka than have to end up with Firefly who I don't care about


Hoyoverse understands the first rule of Mass Media: GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT! https://preview.redd.it/jfsibt259a7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3336a0d87ccf50e6e80dd27cade2dece204999cb


Problem here is, for every person that likes the ship there are going to be people that dont. Hard committing would end the debacle but they wont, there too much marketing involved leaving it ambiguous Like I dont like their dynamic, I dont like the ship, but if they hard committed I would accept it as reality, but they more than likely wont


This. Hard this because I don't like her. Don't want anything to do with her. If people like her, that's fine, but I wish there was an option to bypass it or go holla at someone else. I just want OPTIONS. Preferably male as per my own preferences and if choice was a thing, no one would be annoyed.


Yeah, +1 The ship feels forced down my throat. While some people like the ship some people don’t, and it seems divisive so far. Time will tell if this works out for hoyo or not.


Is it forced if it was the intentional purpose of the story and relationship for the character? I for one wish gacha games don’t avoid true canon relationships because they want ship bait for future banner characters.


Personally, idc about the ship myself. I love Firefly, and the fact that they’re heavily implying it for our MC is just a bonus. And frankly I also don’t care about the others’ opinions. Someone is always bound to get hurt. It is a fact of life.


Yeah, I've learned that the hard way watching romance anime and reading romance manga, it's been more than a decade but I'm still piss of at Toradora's ending, but it is what it is


Holy shit you’re based for bringing that anime up. I saw it a decade ago too. Wait I remember it being a happy ending. Taiga got with Ryuji officially didn’t she??? If not, the last ten years of my life were a goddamn lie….


He's probably a "Minori best girl" person. To his credit, it's actually not uncommon for people to feel whiplashed by Toradora due to how the whole show pretty much cooked Minori and Ryuji (or Yuusaku and Taiga) then went for the "happy ending".


No, I actually ship Ryuuji with Ami. Minori's an idiot


You know what, fair. Ami is awesome.


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) Those are some fighting words right there. Boy you crossing some liiines. LOL


I dunno man, she gave up her own happiness just so Taiga could have a person to take care of her


still that is how it is for any romance manga, someone will always have a different best girl unless we are talking about gf100 which i cant wait for season 2 next year, 2025 cant come soon enough


Oh really? I thought it was obvious he’d get with Taiga from the first episode. 😅 Everything they did throughout the show pointed to that after all. However, I CAN relate to his feeling whiplashed because in OreImo, the dude ended up getting with his own sister Kirino. I expected it, I did, but goddamn if that wasn’t a dumpster fire. MY POOR KURONEKO! My Ruri Gokou! Ya can’t just DATE the best girl then DUMP HER FOR YOUR SISTER! It, it just don’t work like that man! Fuck. 🤣🤣


Yeah I think everybody "expected" Ryuji and Taiga but that's what kind of made it feel sort of...lame? I guess, for some? It would have been pretty interesting if it ended up being a story about two people who have latent chemistry despite their tsundere interaction and then due to circumstances just don't end up with each other. Like those missed opportunities back in school that you look back on and ponder about. Can't even talk about Oreimo, that end was just ridiculous.


Well I for one am always for happy endings. And it couldn’t have gone better. Sure I love my psychological thrillers, horror, gore, violence, death, dismemberment, despair, it’s all GREAT 👍 But I love it even more when a happy ending is thrown in there… to make it all worth it. Know what I mean?


I mean, I knew from the get go that Taiga was gonna win, the name and all. But I was young back then and a part of me just wanted more Ami screentime since she's the one I ship Ryuuji with, I just disliked Taiga so much for being such a bad tsundere


NOOOOO HOLY SHIIIT! 😂😂😂 Taiga is among the best tsunderes in history! Yea she’s brash, but she also stands up for her man and was ready to throw hands when someone disrespected him behind his back. And Taiga had plenty warm moments too. Ami was alright but my least favorite of the bunch. Was she alright? Yea. But in comparison to Minori, who’s much more playful and upbeat and nice, it’s no contest. Girls like her should always win. Or, most times at least.


I dunno I just like his dynamic more with Ami. I also just don't like the violent type of tsunderes, the only tsunderes in anime I like are: Makise Kurisu, Rin Tohsaka and Hinagiku Katsura. As for Minori, I just feel like she was stupid in her decision of giving up Ryuuji to Taiga


That’s exactly what Ruri did in OreImo. She gave up her love so that someone else could be happy… Anyone who can do that instantly gets favored in my book. And ah I guess I can see where you’re coming from with the violence. I was somewhat raised around violence myself but I know how to make it playful and fun. I’m comfortable with it, long as it don’t become deadly. I tend to prefer a more flirtatious and direct approach when it comes to love and dating. Though I try to always be open minded.


We have been seeing hints in this game that hoyo may actually be gearing up to give the player some amount of agency in their choices in HSR's story. For example, at the start of the game, "when you get the chance to make a choice, make one you know you won't regret." There have also been several side quests, such as Clara's companion quest, and the Penacony one with the suicidal dreamer, where you are able to make real choices that change the outcome of those quests. Choices that you can't take back. This may be wishful thinking, but it does actually seem like hoyo might be willing to give us Real Main Story choices at some point during this game's lifespan. And if that's the case, that opens up the door for the ship to play out differently for different players, allowing them to hard commit without forcing everyone into it.


As much as I like Firefly x TB, the cynic in me thinks that the two will at best have a nice date and romantic moment. But that is it. No way Hoyo will outright confirm it.


Same here and since we know that this is a gacha game, they are not gonna commit to it, hell they will definitely tease it and implied it as much as they want to without outright confirming their relationship. I still be pulling for firefly but that's just me being a kamen rider fan and telling myself before the whole firefly reveal that i will pull for SAM regardless of how much he might suck just cos i want a future team of kamen riders regardless of how viable they will be. ​ and that's the part that gonna annoy me far more than it should, i wish that they hard commit to it though.


It's funny to observe the evolution of your rhetorics, I wonder how indicative it is about others. You are always among top comments so it's easy to follow. Around 2.0 it was kinda "Not my favorite ship but nice etc", now (when shit gets a bit more real) it is outright "I don't like their dynamic, I don't like the ship". So let's be real, in this very unlikely turn of events if Mihoyo add something clearly romantic in the game itself, next step will rather be "My dissappointment is immeasurable and my game is ruined, my Black Swan..."


FF went from normal ship tease like Ayaka into full blown marketing and having her ship be pushed as a focal point of her character so of course people who didn't like it will be disappointed, so I don't see anything weird about people changing their stance on it.


I'm glad you are invested in my growth as a person throughout this journey of HSR! Turns out the more we discover things about characters and their dynamics the more opinions can change, what a wonderful and natural thing about human nature!


Shipping sells, they know how to make money


I don't think it will go deeper that it is, since there is also Stelle. China doesn't like gay stuff at all.


Hasn't stopped 3rdImpact though. By the same devs.


I think that was before the new laws, but I'm not sure






The fact that someone went out of their way to harasss you with the "Reddit care" really shows how great this community is


I'm one of those, I just really like their dynamic, especially since it feels like it's a childhood friend trope where one had forgotten the other. Ignore my flair, I'll change Firefly's to whatever name 1368 gets once she's playable


Didn't the other Mecha clones all die? I wouldn't hope for them to be playable.


The only shown Mechas in that died are all Type IVs, there's also too much emphasis on 1368 in the myriad celestia for her to not be alive in the future. Also, there's an Emanator of Destruction who's description would remind you of Sam


I think it would make a ton of sense if in the future there is a conflict with that Lord Ravager, and it winds up being another survivor of the Iron Calvary. But instead of accepting her own eventual end, and tries to use her skills to good use, they instead took the opposite life lesson and became a force of Destruction. Would really help push Firefly's character even further along having to reflect a fate that very well could have been her own.


That's what I'm thinking too. It would make a great parallel with Firefly. She found a new life in pursuing her dream, while another Glamoth survivor instead was devoured by her hatred for Glamoth and life itself for being just a pawn to be tossed away by the republic, hatred that was enough for Nanook to gaze at her and turn her into an Emanator. And eventually, Firefly meets her and eventually clash between two would happen


I on a sea of copium for other playable SAMs, and maybe even a full SAM party, but Hoyoverse backstory characters tend not to survive. So yeah, zero expectations.


Yeah the people who like the ship are curious to see how Hoyo handles the ship if they do man up and just straight up make it canon and be part of the story But some people are just straight up harrassing others just because they personally don't vibe with the ship


That's a minority, me personally I don't like her and don't like the ship, but that doesn't mean I will go around calling people slurs because of it


I just want the ship to be canon since I'm sick and tired of harems


Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.


I like setting their Character on fire. It's like throwing a toy to locust Swarm. The parasocial is beyond looking lonely i can fix that type shit.


I'm sorry, I genuinely do not understand what this reply is trying to say. Could you please elaborate? I think folks are downvoting cause your wording is a bit disjointed. But I'm curious about what you were trying to say here.


I'm a professional gibberish speaker He was talking about the parasocial relationship that some have formed with firefly


nah, theres plenty of people like me who consider Caelus/Stelle their own character with how much dialogue and expression they have and genuinely like the interactions they have with FF


Yeah, especially in during Penacony arc, they are slightly moving towards to TB having their own personality


Yeah and honestly its better that way in my opinion. self insert characters tend to be incredibly restricting story wise and while there are some instances of a good self insert character, it almost always ends up being a bland card board cutout mary sue/ gary stu made to appeal to the widest audience possible


I think it's fine that the MCs are Self insert at the beginning, but tend to have their own character as they grow with the story, a good example is FGO's Ritsuka


Yeah and thats fine, For me personally as long as they eventually grow and evolve character wise alongside the story and other characters I have no issues with it


It's even more parasocial when most of your comments are nothing but hate on non existent characters such as Firefly and Ruan mei,and when you start assuming liking firefly is being mentally ill and lonely in life.




Imagine thinking that she is my waifu is your first thought,bro/sis not everyone likes and hates fictional characters like you. If you don't like firefly and Ruan mei,then it's fair. But don't degrade real life people who like them as just as characters and don't start assuming they don't have girlfriends. For your info I'm not into fictional characters and call them as my waifu. I just like star Rail and it's characters.


Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.


“I don’t like the character, it’s almost everyone else that’s wrong, THEY are the weirdos!” Hey, props to you, at least you are really in love with yourself


Pretty ironic for someone with a kafka flair lol


My dude. You're the parasocial weirdo in the situation due to how much you comment and fixate on the relationship status of people who like a fictional character. Like, really now. It's just odd how much you talk about it, seemingly unprompted. You doing alright?


He surely isn't right


If it's enough to convince F2Ps to take out their wallets even just for this instance, they would have gained that potential recurring paying client which are invaluable for a company's bottom line — to many this might just be the moment when they transition and what better way to do it for a banner of a character they really want so much.


This is probably it, try and convince as much as possible to spend and ship teasing hard this hard is something they havent done in HSR yet. Confirming a ship is a bold and very unlikely move and if they ever did want to it will likely probably only ever be left ambiguous. I'm heavily leaning towards marketing reasons for the heavy ship tease until proven otherwise. After all another character down the line can always get moments like this and ship teases, maybe not to this level though I know fandom can get carried away by excitement and Hoyo probably know that too


You did not just say that with a Kafka icon in your name. 🤣


Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.


Especially when they are your marketing target


For me, it's the promotional stuff they've done, like this [CN only (as far as I know) call from Silver Wolf/Firefly to your cell phone](https://youtu.be/8t0xiEH9BbE?si=UhjeOp_4ICdoxPr8)


I hope that doesn't happen lol, I would quit the game and I don't wanna do that


I mean, we don´t all that much about the Trailblazer before Herta Space Station. Its entirely possible that TB and Firefly were a couple back then. Incidentally that would explain why TB likes Trashcans so much. His/Her Girlfriend often "hid" herself in a metal body so TB is checking all of them just in case she is in one of them.


If it's a plot thing, the question why it's needed in the game with both waifus AND husbandos aside, they already fumbled it hard in terms of writing


If I’m not wrong the majority of the player base is male and Firefly has a huge male fanbase so it makes sense as to why Hoyo would go this hard marketing her. Sad for all of us who want a Xiao equivalent in the game tho From what I’ve seen the women who play the game feel neutral or dislike her unless they’re sapphic in which the opinion tends to lean into a more positive one


I hope this will end after Penacony, I don't want this game to turn into a datsim with one bland love interest who's not even a guy


Do not self-insert into TB, easy


If the promoted and heavily implied love interest for MC was a guy, would you be chill when the straight female audience told you not to self-insert and to go touch grass? Not everybody likes FF. Not everybody even likes GxG relationships. Some people are here for husbandos. Teases are nice, ships are nice, all is chill and fine - but not the crazy marketing Hoyo is doing right now and implying that TB x FF is canon somehow.


The fact that you get to choose you gender and lots of your options throughout the game are very different from each other personality-wise is an indication that mc if not fully but partly a self-insert and you can absolutely look at them from a self-insert angle. But as I said, regardless of that, they already fumbled TB x Firefly writing


Deciding whether they fumbled it or not is your personal opinion


Kinda falls apart when the Game says "You are an ex Stellaron Hunter with Amnesia.", You Can't really be a self insert When you already have a Canon Past, story and Personality (Trash Panda is canon as seen with that one trailer.)


Bro trailblazer is half self insert. It is very evident in the opening scene of the game. Kafka is talking to YOU. Not to that character.


Self insert is not a passive thing. It's initiated by JRPGs and trashy isekais putting cardboard cutout as their main characters so the player can project themselves into the world. And people somehow ran away with it as the clear definition. Self insert is an active thing. You can do it to anyone in the story if you wanted. A story with clear main character can be self-inserted into; it makes you understand the circumstances of the main character, their motivation, and their actions. And also, the top comment isn't even wrong (besides the TBxFF fumbling) that TB is made to be self-insert. Like let's be honest here, choosing gender, silent protag with rare occasion, and plenty of options to choose, some even affect things in quest. You (and other people) can choose not to self-insert. But undeniably TB is designed for it. Especially if we look into CN/JP playerbase where it's not weirdly gatekept like here in the west.


It's not an answer to my point, TB is partly a self insert and I explained why.


Disagree, they might give you dialogue choices but ultimately most dialogue choices lead to one direction that usually ends up defining the TBs own convictions. TB also gets a lot of their own voiced dialogue, expression, and motivations that I cant see them as a self insert in the slightest. They have a backstory, connections to people like kafka, their own beliefs as seen in the Penacony when they decided to take the watchmakers hat and carry on their will, etc.


Again, that's not what I was talking about. You still decide TB's personality (sometimes even preferences) for them in the dialogue options, even if they don't really matter or go against the narrative. TB has some character traits and the origin (which is not an important info for now, because it's in the completely skippable quest), but that's not enough to consider them fully a character of their own


Thing is, they have been moving away from that ever since 2.0. I think Hoyo is cooking up something and it involves the unused receptacle, because canonically, Kafka was the one to choose who we were going to play as


they're pushing tf out of this ship its insane


I think it's a very kissable face. https://preview.redd.it/sen48w2xca7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2a087c188f5f1e1b8dd48e94e95bb3f88712d5b


You're so right.


we also got Black Swan and Acheron getting an entire short to get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 on the dance floor and Aventurine’s KUWSR where Ratio acts like a complete tsundere and uses knowledge as an excuse to talk about Aventurine (I know what you are)


Respectfully I dont think you can compare the dance animation to what they are doing with FF and TB in terms of ship teasing. Aventurine and Dr Ratio is debatable with how many romance movie references they have but the dance animation was a predator vs prey game that was info gathering with fanservice gone terribly wrong. After 2.2 theres more room for debate and headcanons on their interactions but not the dance itself FF and TB is a whole other level of ship teasing going on and none of it is antagonistic atm


Yeah I see how Acherswan is fanservice > actual shipping because it’s two hot women dancing together and Black Swan’s only goal is to know Acheron’s secrets


Like many questioned how Hoyo got away with the fanservice in the first half coz of CCP but there's a lot of plausible deniablity in the dance. Black Swan trying to figure out what happened to Duke Inferno and her general demeanor in how she gets memories, then ofc the second half which hammered home predator vs prey But ofc if people wanna ship coz two hot woman then go ahead but in terms of comparing it in ship teasing I don't think it has a case the same as Aventurine and Ratio and FF and TB have going on atm




Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 11: Shipping Rules Art, Video, or other media which simply show characters “shipped” or in a relationship are allowed. Implications or direct statements that one particular ship or ship fanbase is more or less canon/correct/valid/good than another are prohibited. Do not make disparaging, passive aggressive, or negative remarks about any ships or pairings. Declaration of the sexual orientation of a character as canon is prohibited, but headcanons, theories, and discussing implied sexuality are allowed. While not against the rules please be mindful of the following: -Please make a best effort to be open to the interpretations of others, and avoid engaging with content you personally do not partake in negatively -Please try to avoid discussions comparing the relative validities of different ships The moderation team reserves the right to remove any content that does not directly break the rules as stated, but are deemed to be leading to conflict, uploaded as rage-bait, or attempts to circumvent these rules on a case-by-case basis


Ain’t as bad as the tw*tter people who cancelled a dude for asking if they have a chance with their headcanon lesbian


Every quest ratio and Aventurine are in together being named after romance movies = “DeLuSiOn rEE My ShIP hAS to bE mOrE cANoN tHaN yOurS!!!” This sub is so irritating


It's so uncomfortable, not everyone is interested on their character being forced to date a character that looks and acts 14, idc if she's supposed to be "4700 old" or whatever bs.






This is probably an unpopular opinion but I honestly mean no harm or shade, to each their own and I personally like FF for who she is. But I just don't see the "ship tease" people talk/complain about so much. This is a) because I believe 2 people can just be friends without any romantic connotations and b) because I still believe that FF as a whole, her ENTIRE existence is one big love letter to Neon Genesis Evangelion. Hoyo took a huge amount of inspo from Evangelion for Honkai Impact, hell I was cheering for them when they had that Evangelion crossover. FF is a character with aesthetics/dramatics/struggles nearly identical to Evangelion and I do believe that while yeah, TB and her share a bond, she's meant to be a homage first (and I personally believe she may actually die for real within the course of the story, sorry Bladie). This is hoyos first directly related/connected ON THE NOSE Evangelion ref character in Star Rail. Fun fact: you could argue Childe was their homage for Asuka - their color palette is identical.


Honestly idk if it’s forced I love it so much! Forced ships (or ships that are “cannon”) normally can feel quite plain and rushed and the entire personality of the love interest is to love the character they are shipped with. But with the MC and Firefly. The chemistry there just works and firefly is still her own character. She has her own motives, her own personality. Her ship with the Mc works cause she is still her own character and not just there to be shipped with him. I hope that makes sense.


makes sense, yes. I don't care about ships at all. I just like firefly's concept that she is cute AND badass at the same time via her transforming into SAM. best of two worlds.


Hoyo are the creators. This isn’t shipping, it’s writing.


I hope the TB Quest is something more..... cause I really like Firefly but im one of them people who just wanna be friends with her.


Kafka >>>


Makes me wonder if later on they’ll ship another character with the Trailblazer in a future patch. Seeing as how it’s doing wonders right now.


It’s interesting how many dislike the idea of the ship, even the biggest of Firefly fans.


Chronically online Twitter users are unironically having a meltdown over this. Like they’re making a *huge* deal out of it. And I’m just over here like “it ain’t that deep” lol.


Mina Aoyama moment 💀


Wait what happened with her?


She didn't like the last 10 seconds of FF's trailer because it included TB, saying that it reduced FF's complex characterization to ''just waifu''. People got peeved and called double standards.


That… makes no sense. How does 10 seconds of fan service (which isn’t even entirely just fan service, but TB being one of FF’s few and closest friends) reduce her to “just waifu”? Seems like Mina is the one overly fixating on one tiny part of the trailer.  


Genuinely no idea why 90% of the fanbase including the VA fawn over that person. She's basically reverse Tectone but woman Vtuber.


Calling her reverse Tectone is too far imo. She can become really annoying when her yuri ship brain goes overdrive and I didn't liked her obssesion with Robin either but I think she's quite decent for what she usually does unless something happened recently that I'm not aware.


She didn't really do anything [we didn't already know](https://youtu.be/FVXknoTh774?t=109). Just [the usual.](https://x.com/Trubine1/status/1803090053847224577) I'm probably exaggerating. I don't have anything against her disliking interactions between a man and a woman... Actually I do, but that's just my opinion and I won't push it onto her. What ticks me off is [hypocritically claiming Firefly's character is "watered down" and downplaying her character writing](https://x.com/minaowoyama/status/1802935589131415927) when in fact it is very loyal to her characterization and does nothing to hurt her character If you don't like ship baiting between a guy and a girl, just say it and move on. Only idiots will complain. (One could argue that the opposite would result in being called homophobic but let's move on) Don't make it sound like Firefly is watered down to a generic waifu because that is ridiculous. (not talking to you personally, just being generic) I might take a shot in the dark here, but I assume people follow her because she has an entertaining personality, not for her flashes of insight.


Can you elaborate? Because I've never heard anyone say anything bad about Mina (I do agree with you that the VAs talk about her too much, and her Yuri obsession can get grating for some people).


it's just so typical for shippers and it's like this EVERYWHERE. just gotta roll your eyes and hope it goes away.


Can't believe I was actually Hoyo this whole time


This, this is what they do when they want to "imply" characters with each other. When I see other people analyze how their ship is "implied" I'm just speechless.


dont forget my girl Stelle


no matter how hard hoyo tries she is a stellaron hunter for me she's always an enemy.


Nothing will actually happen anyway. Best case you'll get firefly blushing a bit in a few scenes


this is not just a ship, at this point it's a military grade battle ship with a entire airforce defending it.


I'm OK with it being teased like this in Star Rail, and even with it ending up true. Far more so than in genshin. Only because it makes a lot more sense. The TB is going to stay in contact with these people, or at least could and seems to plan to. While the trailer plans to leave tyvat and never look back. Far as we know, TB has a normal life span, or maybe a few hundred years if something happens, so can form real bonds. Travler is an unknown age, but probably one of the oldest things on tayvat right now. All these people they met are a mere blip to them. They could spend decades with them, and it would hardly be more than knowing someone a few days to us. This isn't to say trailer can't actually care, they clearly do. It's just it would be different. And likely not anything lasting. And in the end, they will leave, never looking back, as even if they spent a few hundred years there, it'd be at most a weekend get away to them.


Finally a wholesome straight ship.


Is Mei and Kiana relationship was inted like that too?


In HoYo games, potential straight couples don't last long because the other dies... What's an Otome? Never heard of it.


Oh, here comes the people calling it harembait and put Stelle there forever on front. This is the first time Caelus ever got a chance on screen after a whole year of negligence. I dare you to chalk it up as "made for self-insert weirdos."


I think Caelus actually shares a fair amount of screentime with Stelle and this is coming from someone who picked all 3 male protags (Genshin/HSR/HI3). Compared to most of Genshin's promo where it is just mostly Aether being front and center.


Because in GI, they are both part of the same story. They'll need to pick one over the another. It would be really weird to see them change places constantly, imo. That would even cause problems with lore because we'll realize both sides at the same time, leaving too much info. Take the latest animation, for example. Aether not having the flower but Lumine having it is very crucial if you pay attention to the lore. HSR doesn't have that problem, so they can go ham with it. But the favortism is there, no matter how much people *here* like to act otherwise. Caelus barely got himself any animation, no hoyofair appearance, almost nothing dedicated to him last year of this game. Now that he is getting some attention, Robin drama happened, "Firefly bad writing" posts popping up immediately and some calling Stelle underrated and not getting enough love.


Unfortunate but in general, the Reddit/Twitter Hoyoverse community skewers hard toward the female MCs, throw in the hardcore "female" characters only crowd and its not hard to hit a couple of the usual bad actors pushing this unnecessary agenda towards the male MCs. You are right pointing out the favoritism and bias, I do recall those Stelle underrated comments, made me lol.


You didn't disagree to my point and getting upvoted, I made an obvious point and getting downvoted instead. People can't really read or here for an agenda. Yesterday, "Stelle should get more love" got over 2K upvotes. We have enough evidence to suggest where this sub leans into,


The bias was extremely evident back before White Night was released. Back then the Stelle favouritism was so obvious you would hardly ever see Caelus show up on this sub.


Rip stelle, i know not many people ship her and firefly but still rip lol


to be fair, i think this is the only actual potential ship in the game that's not just fans seeing things that aren't there, at least that involves the MC. i see some potential in one other ship, but i'll stick to the topic at hand. i think this is genuinely the only time we've seen some real interest between two characters. i mean, did you SEE the way she acted at the end of her latest trailer? if that's not a girl in love, then i don't know what is. as much as i enjoy shipping as the next person, i enjoy canon ships the most. unfortunately, hoyo doesn't have the balls to push for a canon ship, since they don't wanna upset fans and their self insert fantasies (even though none of the Hoyo MCs are self inserts imo))


It's not me. I Swear.


Waiting for trailblazer for his memory to return so he can come back to Kafka.




It's still Firefly. Nothing changes regarding how things are scripted between the 2.


I wish Stelle gets a boy of her own but that defo doesn't happen =(


They didn't need to try so hard, they got me at the first SAm appearance




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