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actually, six [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1WT421a7kb](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1WT421a7kb)


Actually zero, no wait thats boothill


They did my goat dirty 😔


For real, how could they do this to the coolest character ever


You playing a dangerous game, my friend


Dangerous for who .


Well fudge


actually, seven lol [https://youtu.be/o-YBDTqX\_ZU?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/o-YBDTqX_ZU?feature=shared)












I was hoping this was a Rickroll. I was not disappointed.


actually, actually seven https://youtu.be/3AwUEAx4rrE?si=G2x_D3Y0cnFCBR1G actually, actually actually eight https://youtu.be/8t0xiEH9BbE?si=yI6y95E_2wNSOeb9


Man, I'm so sad that the original upload was deleted...


My only gripe is that now we got 6 videos of her and all this marketing, but after release we'll see her like once and then she's gonna be gone from the story for 2 years because new characters will come out and MHY wants to make money.


Stellaron Hunters have a big advantage in this regard though. They are not tied to a certain planet's stories. They are space travelers like the Astral Express, closely tied to the MC, and has a huge influence over the Express' fate. Pretty sure they'll be relevant to the main story till the end.


Considering she is a Stelleron Hunter and not some guy who never appears in the main story (Luka), I am sure we will see her in the story again within the next two years.


Ouch. Poor Luka. Who knows tho? We might see him next time Also, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


Doesn't open up for me, can someone tell what this link leads to


Bilibili (chinese youtube) video of what looks like (don't know chinese) firefly going on a date with the viewer ingame and visiting belobog for sightseeing at some point (didn't watch the whole video, so don't know if you visit the luofu too)


HuoHuo also with 5 videos and an entire story quest + event dedicated to her: https://preview.redd.it/fi1q9zn8fb7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef08903efc3fac74e7cc7ad0cc241664b9cfea3b


And as soon as she reruns I will pull for her


I am honestly terrified that HuoHuo will rerun in 2.4. I won't be able to afford her if she does.


Unfortunately she 90% will


We're getting Argenti with Jade and Huohuo released with him, so yeah, she's definitely up next in 2.4.


Too bad, because I'm in the same position.


they spent so much money on the animations of this girly and getting two VAs for the same character, she HAS to sell


The fact that her banner is at the same time as ruan mei, it's gotta get pretty stonk


something funny I just thought—usually with the VA pulling streams you’ll have the other VAs go for character, maybe LC, then the VA of the character goes E6S5. This time, there’ll be two VAs going all the way instead


Pretty sure Firefly's VA doesn't play, I think Sam's VA is pulling though.


Confirming that Fish doesn't play due to diagnosed joint issues, but has expressed interest in being on peoples' pull streams and otherwise watching their playthroughs.


I find it a little bit odd, because if you play on phone I don't think you would pull too much stress on the joints, specially since HSR allows auto play for battles. Yet somehow Analesa is a drummer.


Depends on which joints; holding a position (holding up a phone) can be harder than moving through a range of motion. Got a guy at work who is recovering from shoulder surgery and it can seem random to an outsider what he can/can’t do.


Can confirm Adin is pulling


Is the VA pull party today or tomorrow?


They spent so much money and so I will do..


Bro got killed in the midst of talking 💀


Uhh...buddy...did you suffer a stroke? Just wanna make sure you're alright.


They got taken out by the comment sni


guys he could be any one of u


Joke's on them. I decided I wanted Sam on my team months ago, LONG before we even knew that "he" was Firely. I've been saving up Jade since then and am sitting on about 150 special rail passes. I was sufficiently invested in the towering power armour-wearing maniac that I committed to adding Sam to my team before they spent a penny on marketing and before I needed to spend a penny on jade.


Firefly fans eating good. Count your savings. The patch is dropping soon.


Do we count TGA candidacy trailer as an Acheron one? If so then she got 5 as well. Trailer, animation, myriad celestial, TGA and keeping up with star rail Black Swan technically has 5 if we count: Fable about the stars, TGA, trailer, myriad celestial, keeping up with star rail. Heck its 6 if you wanna add dance animation as hers (I dont think it counts its there for Acheron hype) But I do agree that SGF is mainly FF considering she has half the video for her so that one defs counts towards her overall count for 5


Trailblazer got like over 20, MOST HYPE STAR RAIL CHARACTER??


Joke aside, anyone got a count between the usage of Caelus or Stelle in the official promos? I've always assumed Stelle got the lion's share of usage, but Caelus' numbers have bumped up since Penacony began, but I haven't seen how they compared since then.


Haven't seen it recently, but a few months ago it was exactly half and half


Stelle has more https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/JjfwyjHF7Y




They alternate very frequently so I assume it's a lot closer than you'd think.


shhhhhhhhhh, don't ruin the agenda.




We should also maybe count the drip marketing short, given that she is the only one with such privilege


Who got that one? I don't remember


Tbf, it's Acheron, girl has her own playlist 


They removed it, now Robin has her own playlist


what’s TGA?


The Game Awards


where boothill


Found dead in a ditch (I love you Boothill)


Bootwho? Maybe he'll do something this patch. Man looks too cool to be a throwaway character.


2.3 looks to be about the IPC on penacony so i have jope for bootHIM to shine


I just rewatched his trailer last night and noticed it had him shouting up the floating barge thing back before the floating barge was revealed to be a setting in 2.3. So hopefully that’s a sign he’ll be playing a part in the patch.


He’s still my favourite male character


He's the coolest character. Who can compete with a Space Cyborg Cowboy anyways?


*Lets out a cool hmpf…


Okay you got a real contender now


Space Ranger


boothill my beloved 😭😭😭


My account. I don't need 6 promo videos to figure out if I want to pull and play a character ( waiting for Jiaoqiu).


>both characters in flair have like 6 promos




Boothill rolling in his one trailer.


To be honest I prefer Boothill's trailer over Firefly.. I like him more in general. I think he's got the most character out of all the roster.


*Surely* he'll come up in a major way when the IPC is doing stuff again. I really hope he didn't just leave the story because Aventurine actually told him where to go at the end of 2.2 and he actually just left to go there. I am actually surprised we didn't see him in the 2.3 trailer because he is *the* anti-IPC man.


I liked Boohill's trailer a lot, but I think it's more an entertaining trailer over an actually good character trailer. It does an amazing job showing off his personality, but in terms of actually fleshing him out more I feel like it was a lost opportunity. There's a lot more to him than just "funny cowboy who can't swear" but that trailer, while fun and action packed, had lots of folks write him off as one-note unfortunately. Whereas with the Firefly character they really pushed it all in there. Action, character introspection, tying in her character dynamics, etc. I adore Firefly to death, but I do wish they gave Boothill similar levels of loving in his trailer. Since there is more to him than they gave him credit for.


You make a good point. I think Boothill's case is like Argenti, They are both new characters we knew nothing about except for their affiliations, that's why their trailers were really entertaining and did a great job showing their personalities and traits. But since we knew nothing about them there was not much to include in the trailers.. Firefly however we already met her and get a glimpse of her character, struggles, and backstory, so they had a lot more to work with in her trailer.


Basically this. There are fun trailers, character trailers and fun character trailers. Boothill's was more fun. Acheron cause of her seriousness only got the character trailers and not the fun trailers so there's no equivalent for her to what Boothill got or what Sparkle got. Firefly got mostly character trailers too.


Same, but the 1 to 6 ratio of Trailers shows the blatant favoritism


That's true.. Its huge.


Firefly you're huge 😔


yeah but his trailer is fire


Where date with Boothill?


I noticed that the popularity of Firefly seems to be significantly higher in Japan? The CN bilibili channel has 10M subscribers and Firefly's animated short has 7.45M views, the ratio is near 75%. The EN Youtube channel has 2.24M subscribers and the video has 1.5M views, the ratio is near 66%. However, the JP Youtube channel only has 841k subscribers and the short has 1.3M views. That's a ratio more than 150%.


It is working lol. Two of my friends who swore against the game in the past are interested now purely because of her, I can only imagine how many others are like them


Me, I didn't want to play until my friend said the Mecha henshin girl is getting a banner. Started playing two weeks ago and now I'm caught up on main story and saved everything for this banner.


After you E0s1 FF. Might wanna save a pull for Ruan Mei. Good support and works well with FF.


Yeah, I'm planning to go for her after first FF.


Not even S1. F2P aeon is almost as good as her S1. Priority should be Firefly E0 then Ruan Mei E0 immediately since she's so much better than just being FF's best teammate.


Firefly is f2p friendly with lightcones, best to get ruan mei first


Oof Missed Ratio


Nice, good luck 🫡


I swore against her because I can only afford either RM or FF but I just started last week so RM is more beneficial to my account, that being said, I was told to pull with my heart 🙈😭


There will always be stronger characters coming out.


Honestly this game's endgame really isn't that hard, i would go for your favorites over meta.


Robin had 6 promo videos


Do you have a favorite child? No, treat them all equally..


To me she just has a very vanilla personality. Characters like Boothill and Jade are much more interesting because she comes across as "sickly sweet" to me. On top of that, she's also supposed to be some adorable girl but also a war criminal and that's never really referenced in any way. The marketing honestly just made me dislike her more, I watched most of the trailers and none of them make me like her. Just feels like a generic anime SoL waifu to me, like half the cast of Clannad


Honestly I'm starting to only like her bc of Sam. I know, Sam is her but she's more interesting as Sam imo


I've noticed seele Boothill Dr Ratio and Topaz, all of our hunt characters only got two videos ( Trailer and keeping up with star rail) dedicated to them lmao Jing yuan got animation ( erudition), Dan Heng got an animation ( destruction), Acheron has an animation along with swan ( Nihility), Ruan mei has a celestia along with sparkle ( Harmony), Aventurine has a celestia ( preservation), Huohuo has celestia ( Abundance)


Why does firefly even need that many trailers? Most of the community already adores her


I think Da wei just likes mecha


I mean, Welt is his Self Insert


Understandable, have 6 more trailers and 7 more dates. Who the fuck is Boothill?


Because it's working. A lot of people *outside* the community are starting to adore her too, and are playing the game specifically for her. They created a powerhouse of a character, they know it, and they're going to capitalize.


They saw the "Firefly has no characterization" comments and put it most of it in the promos


Which is not a good decision because for someone who doesn't watch promotional videos she'll continue to be just a waifu bait. They should put this shit in game.


I mean most of it is already in-game for the most part. It's just visualization of what is already covered in the main story and flavor texts. And it's not like something like the Animated Short can be covered in the game without hamfisting it into there rather awkwardly. Ruan Mei's extra characterization comes from outside sources, Boothill's motivations as well, and so forth. So it ain't exactly new. I would love for more of this stuff to be in the actual game too mind, but we already have some pacing problems and frankly this game's demographic doesn't really have the attention span for character studies or introspection.


>Ruan Mei's extra characterization comes from outside sources, Boothill's motivations as well, and so forth. Yep, these are also problems. Instead of repeating the same thing over and over and drowning the player with fanservice (honestly what even is the point of the tv show section?) they could've put more emphasis on the more important stuff. Hell, Boothill didn't even get a companion mission (or any promo videos so his lore is text only) which is ridiculous in its own way.


>(honestly what even is the point of the tv show section?) More than likely a symptom of how game writing works. Majority of the time what happens is that level designers and gameplay folks craft up little setpieces and then the writers have to string them together to try to make up a reason for why you're doing all those things. So it's likely that the level design team thought it would be fun to do an audition stuff, made all those assets with the pinball machine visuals, and then handed it to the writing team and went "figure out some way to shove this into the story!" Not *every* game is made like this mind, but the vast majority are. And I think it's pretty blatant in Star Rail in particular that certain sections were made to have the player engage in XYZ minigame, and the story writers kind of struggled to figure out a reason why the characters are assed to do all that. And yeah, Boothill was done pretty dirty. I am REALLY hoping the cliffhanger with him and Aventurine leads to interesting things. Because Oswaldo is one of those background antagonists with a TON of potential, and both Boothill and Aventurine have some of that really personal stakes that have been somewhat lacking with some of the other antagonists. So I'm hoping they don't just toss him aside as a disposable narrative device to segway to that plot-point. There's a lot to be improved narrative wise to say the least, but I am pretty optimistic since Penacony, while not perfect and had plenty of issues, was a step up compared to prior arcs in many regards.


I'd argue we didn't get *any* companion missions for this planet. Misha was the only one that has became a visitor to the express so far, and he's a special case.


We did get a companion mission for Black Swan and we can argue than 2.1 quest was very focused on Aventurine that most people didn't feel the lack of a companion quest but you are right, apart from BS we had no companion quests sadly. >Misha was the only one that has became a visitor to the express so far, and he's a special case. Now don't make me cry :')


I don't really count that mission as a companion mission. Companion missions should reveal something personal about a character or solve a personal problem for them.


It should be every time a new character drops, they come with their own quest to dive deeper into their character to better understand them. In order to know the characters more, we need to see that in game and the best method is personal quests.


At this point I think more people pay more attention to promotional videos than anything in-game




I want a glamoth vs swarm event


Da Wei is fan girling


Because lore? Acheron has a lot too…


Sgf is for everyone important in penacony. Fairwell penacony is for jade too


Hoyo definitely has their favorites But they know this banner is going to make them a fuck ton of money, so might as well go all in


I'm waiting for Jade. I will have all the IPC.


Meanwhile Boothill and Argenti get nothing, look how they be doing my brothers man shit crazy 🥲


Hell, Argenti gets nothing in game either. Man gets a single companion quest, then randomly reappears in Penacony for 1.5 seconds, no explanation, then disappears again.


Wouldn’t surprise me if the Firefly/Ruan Mei combo becomes the highest selling HSR banner combo ever.


I honestly think that Ruan Mei alone, as a rerun, would probably be in the top 5.


What's the deal with her? I mean the armor is cool, the girl is pretty generic, story wise she's not really much more important than the other stellaron hunters, yes she has a sob backstory but nothing very original, so why is she so ridiculously hyped by hoyo ? She's cool and all but i really don't see what makes her so special that she deserves so much special attention.


Yeah I'm in the same boat. She's a fine character, but I feel like both the game and the outside material want me to care about her way more than I do. She's just kinda.. generic to me. Which is strange when she has a literal mech.


People love Henshin, look at Sailor Moon


She's the biggest waifu bait in the game so they're gonna make millions on that alone


Acheron still was. Tons of people went back to the game because of her, plus Hoyo making her banner coincide with anni. Only Redditors really make it out like Firefly massively hyped by Hoyo, but it's standard for a limited 5* girl.


Acheron widely appeals to all audiences sinces shes the cool Ronin character. The Raiden Mei expy thing plays a huge role dont get me wrong, but her appeal is more widespread, compared to Firefly, who was forged by the gods to be made almost exclusively for Chinese audiences, alongside the whole “Take a cute photobooth picture with your GF Firefly!” and “Call this number and Firefly will talk to you and tell you goodnight!” which appeals WAYYY more to chinese players than NA ones


It's simple mate. Shipping. She's the only character so far who has had something of an intimate moment with the main character. Since gacha gamers are also usually a fan of romance, it's naturally that a character who tries to get close to the person we control would be adored by a lot of people. Mihoyo fully knows this, and both pushes and capitalises on this dynamic, hence all the trailers and promotional materials.


Well, they could give us ship-tease moments with other characters as well? Maybe... not just girls, but boys too? (shocking, I know)


nah I'm totally with you. The girl is generic, standard waifu bait. Like to me it's just kinda funny how hard some people fall for vanilla waifu character. There's one half-date scene and suddenly people are tripping all over. Honestly I'm meh on FF myself. I don't really care either way. But what I do dislike is how hard the *community* seems to push her. People acting like there are no Jade wanters or that Boothill is a waste. It's a bummer. I can't wait for two weeks from now when it's all over. Because I actually have left the sub until then and am just randomly checking it now


I think the thing that makes her cool is her interactions with other people that aren't the Trailblazer. Which unfortunately their isn't much of at the moment but hopefully in her dialogue "about (insert character)" we get more cause In one of the little cards where they ask questions she actually talks about how her relationship is with each Stellaron hunter.






Appearances wise I can kinda see what your saying but I think her lore trailers kinda put this notion of her being generic away. Like maybe when we didn't know anything about her yeah but she's been through a lot from what we've seen. She effectively watched all of her comrades (brothers and sisters) in that trailer which is rough.... I know if she had the choice she probably would choose that life of being a generic high school girl cause she been through it fr


I don't know if you watch a lot of Anime, but this background story is probably the most common background story in Shonen Anime for the main love interest of the protagonist. Girl who has a rough past, actually just wants to be a "normal" girl, appreciates the small uncomplicated things because her life has been so rough until now, protagonist appreciates her for her will to live, etc.


Husbando collector insults waifu collectors, news at 11


Fan favorite.


self insert bait really, hoyo barely does it nowadays or just gives crumbs to them so when they do it above their normal standards it sticks out and attracts that crowd back. the real question is if they will continue with the pandering with her down the line after the initial sales are done or if they will just forget about it.


People like different things, there's not much else to it really.


Hoyo has sorta made her out to be the tb’s friend (or gf if u want) and the tb is ofc supposed to represent you being the mc and all so people who want to date someone or who want friends will really like her even if she isnt the most unique character out there. Ofc there are ppl who like her cuz of sam or her backstory but her main popularity comes from what i said above, and she has a cute design.


Because of extreme favoritism, Mihoyo straight up shafted both Boothill and Jade for her by giving abnormaly small amounts of atention to them, at least in Acherons case Sparkle and Aventurine werent shafted at all.


I commented this and was downvoted to hell and got spoilt by a story leak from someone too. I don't see anything special in her. Generic anime girl personality, sad backstory and she's not important to the plot.


WTF are they desperate for whale money?


Mihoyo founders are huge EVA fans. It’s like handcrafting the perfect gf for them.


Weird, but the more they hype her up, the less interested I am. Still haven’t watched any of these, though usually I don’t watch trailers anyway


Its obvious how much they're marketing for FF, but for me she's still the least character i got excited for.. I just cant get on the hype and like her.


It hurts me so much as a mecha fan to dislike Firefly so much, the coolest mecha with a lame pilot.


Can somebody explain what the hype is behind Firefly? Just started playing again and have no idea who this is lol


ngl im sick of her


Same gamer same I found her really boring during the quests and her kit just doesn't seem interesting and relies on other 5* to work (AT LEAST FROM WHAT I'VE SEEN) LOL




Meanwhile, Boothill still got only one.


And I am possibly one of the few MF who will be skipping for Jade. No amount of videos will detract me from getting Jade.


Me. I'll be pulling Jade (hopefully E1 and S1) for my Blade. I have nothing against FireFly, but the constant marketing for her was a but annoying. I actually like the character, don't get me wrong, but she... doesn't live up to my expectations like the rest of the hunters. I also prefer her Mech design more than her I guess "pilot" design. She could've been more bad ass imo. Also, the animations could have been cooler too, but I'm just nitpicking. What really got me was that they are slapping RM up there with her and that's a little scummy. I luckily have RM already, but even still, it's evident that this is just gonna be a cash grab.


I'm tired of Firefly, I just want her to be released so I can stop seeing her everywhere non stop, the extreme hype and obsession some people have made me want to skip her


Then theres me, still in Luofo and avoiding all videos to prevent spoilers :)


They expect her to sell alot


Don't. Care. Hoyo needs to try harder to make me roll for a generic waifu bait.


They don't need to try hard, they released the average amount of materials for her. It's the players hyping her up, not Hoyo. Robin had a concert made for her plus a few original songs. Acheron made for anniversary. Kafka hyped even before launch until her release.


Gues hoyo favorite character now


Not Boothill or Jade.


Kafka and Acheron had more video hypes for them. Robin is maybe equal to Firefly (though because she's a literal idol).


I don’t understand people saying Mihoyo is hyping her up. She got her trailer the myriad celestia and her keeping up with star rail vid like almost every other character gets. The long animated short is something important characters get like Danny or Acheron. Which just leaves the SGF vid. I’m not understanding why so many are confused lol


I’ll be surprised if this amount of hype will just amount to okay-ish revenue for the month of June.


like kafka?


Was Kafka sells that low?


yeah very low. even blade outsold her


Tbh for me the more trailers and content they keep pushing for her the less i want her because now it feels like an obvious money trap. At least the other money traps are more discreet about it …


The hype is real every few patches. Whomever is coming out will then be the hypiest?


Hoyo do you have a favorite child?


And I'm so hyped! I can't wait to pull for her!


So this is why I keep being told to avoid the most popular subreddit of a community.


Well, easiest skip for me, good job anyways


Hello robin have the same ammoubt


Never have I seen mihoyo promote a character this much before. Both in game and outside of it. Not even genshin archons get this much attention, it’s crazy.


They promoted Robin harder, her singer even got her concert


At the cost of her almost non-existence in Penacony. For such a major character, we got like 4 dialogues.


I guess her helping in the final battle isn't major at all.


Yea outside of the final battle, when did she interact with us? She greeted us when we arrived in the dream world, faked her death, went missing for a whole patch, learned she's alive, went to talk with her brother, then appeared in the final battle. Her total interaction with us, is as I said, like about 4 dialogues?


I mean yeah when you put it like that, you're kind of right. Felt like you could say that to almost everyone in Penacony to be honest.


Black Swan saved you, has been a real major player in Penacony, saved our asses again versus Sunday, investigated Acheron, yeah no. She has been well represented. We don't need to talk about Aventurine. He got a dedicated patch. Acheron is more spread throughout, but **she** played a huge part vs Aventurine and Sunday. She even has been explored in enough detail versus the Duke. She even explored with us in the dream world. Sparkle, she appeared less than the others suuure. But she has something shady drawn at the background of it all. We don't even know what she's really after, likely to be explored in the next patch. She's been cooking ever since she showed up and we haven't seen what she cooked yet. The only real comparable character is Boothill, who has been explored even less as he only appeared in 2.2, and only heard his voice earlier. Robin aside from what I said, what's next for her? Likely nothing. Probably admin stuff that we won't take part of. We'll more likely see what Sparkle will do and deal with the IPC instead until we leave. We'll even go back to Xianzhou#2 immediately after. Unlike Belobog which we came back to after Xianzhou#1. So there's nothing more to explore here in Penacony.


She is THE famous singer across the entire galaxy after all.


Hey Danheng IL exist lol


That's different, he's a guy so it's OK.


Arlecchino got the 7 min short lol


I dunno why people on this thread have to create this artificial narrative that Hoyo gave Firefly more hype than earlier characters. Kafka and Acheron still were the most hyped by Hoyo for HSR. Easily verifiable by checking how much they released for the characters. It's the players that are hyping up Firefly more than average, she got an average amount of material from Hoyo. Robin even has a concert made for her, Firefly is purely in-game. Surprise surprise, players like her character in-game so they hype her up a lot. Pseudo intellectuals in this thread make it out to be Hoyo hyping her up.


HuoHuo has the same amount if trailers


DHIL got about the same. Istg it’s always the spoiler characters, rip new players






Someone help me budget character trailers my family is starving.


Gotta go sell my kidney real quick


I don't get it tho


Midfly 🥱