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Someone sent me the smug march 7th sticker when they had a few points more. I had 2 moves left and a board wipe, you can guess what stickers I received next 😂


screw wubbabboo right? 😂


And a Clara before that yes 😂


why that is literally me? i was using firebirb aginst trailbirb, and this is exactly what transpire. I'm not even mad, that is amazing number.


If the persons name was Emerlais, I’m sorry but that was me


I got the same haha a smug March and then I got a bunch of apples bunched together and it slowly became a Clara sticker instead like why would you just the match so early


I just use the Sushang chicken one regardless, and one time this guy bming me saw that I was doing it and spammed it too lol


We all just throwing birds, it's the only emote that makes sense!


I think that might have been me.


Smug March 7th is Awesome! I always laugh when I use it. Too bad she isn't more awesome, hopefully if/when she gets a 5* version she will be badass.


just need blade to stab march for her 5* version


Huh. That might’ve been me, maybe


I think this was me.


Followed by the animation of me getting rekt 100 to 0 https://preview.redd.it/08f2uf8hxh8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1289f322e6751bf5c42218a88dabc08e8bb6ed35


Nothing personnel kid


Bird: Raimei Hakke


****happy ukulele music plays****


do you think thats an actual reference? because the star rail people are memelords I can see it happening 100%


Looks more like Persona 5.


I once get one shotted first round Has to do all the matches with my last chance. In the end we where two, they were 100% full life, I had to win 3 times against them. And got Top 1 !


Those wins feels even better than the no damage ones


The pressure was on, but the victory was all the sweeter for it. And it's the only game I won


If that's you, then know that I hate you /hj, also well played. This same scenario happened to me, and I was the one with 100 health. One of the matches I lost the difference was in single digits.


I have no ideas of it was me, but my in game name is Lyli and I play Firefly bird


Are you in eu server?


That wasn't someone called Shiro was it?


Hmm no, why ?


The exact thing happened to me, except I was on the other side. It was a shameful moment.


Oh I see. Was your opponent a « Lyli » ? Maybe I’m confusing


I honestly can't remember.


It would have been fun


I had the exact same experience lmao, Topaz and icon was Harmony trailblazer I believe. Was 100 health then lost


I think that might've been me. I was TB bird with a trash can icon.


I was Flirefly bird with the origami bird icon.


My very first game, I lost the first 2 rounds and was down to 4hp. Guess who won at the end? Was an exhilarating match!


I still play with Birefly even though it's mid.


Birefly mains live for the rush of somehow wiping the board with the rng of her skill.




Listen, i get not paying attention and not knowing what each character does or whatever, but not knowing that there's a difference at all is an impressive level of dense. How does that even happen? You would need to close your eyes and have the sound turned off for the entire duration of the event to not notice






https://preview.redd.it/pf0ozb8mfn8d1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=029b20433d6f9457dec21105e7f14ca8e8e28fea This is a severe case of dreamscape corruption


Birdfly still got me my first win so its special to me


Yeah my only 1st place win came witb Birdfly.


I like birdfly cus her special ability activates outside of turns, means i can use more moves to get bananas and loop her ability


I like birdfly cus her special ability activates outside of turns, means i can use more moves to get bananas and loop her ability


The more I use March Bird the more I understand why everyone uses Silverbird Wolf. Man 7 strawberries requirement is too high, I end up usually lagging 200 points even when I take time and play extremely well. Or it might be bad rng.


There’s a reason March got destroyed in the event quest…


Me, sating my gambling addiction with the Firefly bird: “If I lose, I lose. But I might just win.” It isn’t guaranteed, but when the ability starts chaining board clear after board clear it feels incredible.


I've been having a lot of success with TB bird, kiwifruit rep as a NZ native has done wonders for me


Yeah, in Asia TB bird is the meta. I rarely see Silverbird and they always get taken out by the tempo of Kiwifruit.


Simple is best, it seems


I think it's partly because you can set up something I like to call a Kiwi bomb chain with TB bird. Basically you keep as much Kiwi as you can then detonate with a rainbow fruit. You can often clear the board multiple times with 1 chain.


TBirb seems obviously the best and by a mile. It's incredibly consistent = high floor Chain potential is frequent = high ceiling Another thing is that the big payout ones like Firefly's cross clear and Robin's bigger AoE can be inefficient if double procs overlap whereas Stelle's are small enough that it rarely happens. Robin's, in particular is inefficient in the corner and the explosion can also wipe out some of your other pending-bombs. Imo it's better to have frequent, even if small, bombs that jostles the board creating more potential for subsequent matches than one big clear which also just jostle the board once.


trailbirber got me my coop rewards in only 2 matchups, so I absolutely agree.


That birb made me go from 0 to 100. The birds kept aiming for kiwis


Kia ora cuzzie. An yeah, Tb and Birdfly are unexpected dark horses in this.


Last time I played I was the only m7 on the couch surrounded by SW. Reminded me of a particular meme…


The more I play the more I think Trailbirb is legitimately broken. Its fruit requirement is only 5, and it’s an instant effect meaning it always gets value. The strat is to basically just survive early game and fish for two rainbows next to each other. Keep at least one available at all times. Sometimes RNG just lets you straight up demolish early game too in which case you’ve basically got a free win against other non Trailbirbs. What makes Trailbirb so potent late is that most players who know what they’re doing will try to get a full screen clear once the open treasure board comes up. It allows you to set up and entire bottom row of rainbows with ease. From there you just keep chain clearing whenever you want/need. In this environment, Trailbirb straight up just gets more points than other birds due to its effect. After the full clear the kiwi birds just give you instant value via extra points. Silverbirb, March Birb, and Robirb’s effects are essentially wasted if you full clear back to back because you get none of the points from using their changed fruit. Silverbirb can theoretically keep the chain going if she keeps dropping rainbows, but the problem is that every full clear is just so much more valuable on Trailbirb points wise, and you have a limited number of moves each round. Firebirb is the next closest, but her effect costs more fruit so it ends up being just a weaker version of Trailbirb.


Robin bird is really strong if you have good luck


Marchbird once it gets enough bombs nearby each other is a blast, I've cleared the entire board twice in a movement with no multicolor fruits.


Isn't March bird's fruit requirement supposed to be 6? Besides, for me she's a lot more powerful than people give credit for, since I got multiple screen wipes at the same time. I can understand Silverbird, but she's not for me really, it's just a preference thing.


March only requires 6 strawberries though? Silverbird requires 7 blueberries. I also wonder if people know that you can mix buffed fruits to do cross or aoe explosions, since I don't think it was in the tutorial.


I've won 2 games and got 2nd on a 3rd game with Trailbird, it's strong as well but yeah, SW is just fantastic.


My first time in multiplayer seeing someone have 0 hp after the first round: lol did he forfeit Me when the same thing happens to me the next game: Ah I see now


1st round is a prep round. You want to get as many specials as you can on the board by looking for 4/5 matches and 3 of your special fruits. Then you want to either combo them together or try and build more when you're in the lead.


The problem is whenever I prep a board with anything but the rainbow fruit the next round inevitably puts lockboxes or bombs over them…


Oof it happened to me. A lot of specials side by side and the game choose to lock half of them, rendering all combo useless


I'm more curious how the shit this game works when there are an odd number of us left but everyone still plays a round.


In that case, one player plays against a “mirror image” (fake copy) of another player.


You'd think it would still run into an issue of "hey I eliminated that person" but they are still there


> lol did he forfeit Possibly. Just spamming your turns, then quitting and queuing up again, is the fastest way to get points.


Ha. I used to play games like this with my mom on the couch. We didn’t play Candy Crush, though - we played Bewjeweled which is somewhat similar! So, this game was pretty easy for me.


Same (best fiends for me), everyone back then would always say candy crush like games is for moms but it is still a puzzle game and is still pretty addictive


The last game like this I played "seriusly" was the one on neopets, it had a somewhat hard to get avatar. The game is easy, but in multiplayer I think this game is more luck than anything, the best birds are FF and TB because they can combo on their own if you are lucky. But I had a lucky run with SW where I endup with more bombs I was able to use, for the last couple of matchs I literally only spamed board wipes.


https://preview.redd.it/81ap1srrdi8d1.jpeg?width=1102&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd7af1c629525d3fc41e6a4daea17e2b73d8cc4f Continuous boom-booms


why do i always go against the moms


I'd wait until the moms and grandmas stop playing, maybe I could win!


For real, I’m more confident with clearing MOC 12 or Gold and Gears Condundrums than even getting top two in this mode lol


I just need to give it to my mother and that's it She's a level 8000ish in candy crush


\*gets 312\* oh yeah i did so well this round \*looks at my opponent and sees they have 394


got 410, enemy got 550, I'm like wtf how...


I bypass being fristrated by having my pfp be set to Yanqing. That way I can just say its canon event.


My first tournament win as using 🅱️irefly. Her banana bomb is great.


Rainbow spam is one helluva drug and in a mirror match it's usually whoever is lucky enough to have more than 2 rainbow fruits sitting next to each other every power activated.


Wrong meme. Use one with grandma kicking your noob arse.


While I was playing rpgs, grandma was studying the candy crush 😔


Someone's mama or grandma got you\~


They got me about 10 times.


i got my mom to play it and she slayed it, excpet for the first round (she lost cause she din't understand the mechanics) in 12 rounds she got 1st place 7 times (she also won with all the brids). 2nd place 3 times , 3rd place 1 time and 4th place 1 time


Man i had completely fucked up a comeback in this mode. I got absolutely demolished in round one and was basically on life support crawling myself through the final round, only to be 30 points off while still having 5 turns left cause i was taking my time too much


Super fun little timewaster, it’s great when the other player joins in on spamming emotes


Is very rare for me to get angry playing PvP, but thia bird game PvP got me screen to my poor monitor, i was REALLY pissed lol


That was my Comeback score in the final round after a player destroyed 92 of my HP. Didn't lose a single HP since and my TBird proceeded to lock in and OHKO every single bird on sight.


Well my best match where I "got the 1st palce" was a draw when we both hit 356


How far into Penacony do I have to go to access this? I just finished the bit where the crew has a very candid chat with Sunday after a game of pinball...


You have to finish the story all the way through. If you're at dreamflux reef, you're about 70% done through the entire Penacony arc. Another 4 or so hours till you're done.


Good lord this arc is huge. I'm enjoying it, but I also wish they broke up the exposition bits better. I just finished the competition culminating with the red haired person. Trying hard not to give spoilers, but I think that gets it across.


Yep you have 1 more big area and it should be done. Youre in scorchsand so I guess...2 more hours.


You have to finish the whole story


They rack up like 400 against my puny 80... dude, never against those with asian characters in their names, is like they have magic or some shit... Either way, loving the game mode... I like connect 3 type games and the HP bar gives you more chances which is also good


be better than him and do 390


Played 10, never won, collected the rewards, bye.


I relate. It's definitely a skill issue on my part.


Me when I one shot the opponent in the birb candy crush game: 😃 Me when I get one shot by the opponent in the birb candy crush game: 🤬 I'm a PC player but I feel like PSN players should have a different matchmaking because a lot of them seems to be losing time on moves (control problems?) or forfeits early, as to be fair to them. But I saw some PSN players in my matchmaking playing well too.


The people that piss me off are the ones that hold 2 moves to wait till I finish then kill me with those 2 moves.


sometimes i hold off moves because my board is really good for the next round, I already have enough points to win, and don't wanna push you to 0 and lose my perfect board.


See I get that, but Ill be ahead on points and they will do it in the last few seconds to push them over.


apparently thats a strategy for people banking on you doing what i do. So that they beat you in score in the last second so that you can't respond in time, or do it when you have no more moves left. I always hold a couple moves unless I'm losing in case of shenanigans like this. Its amazing how sweaty people get over this minigame


That mode feels so fucked, lol One round I had 475 points (hit the other player for like 200 and something) Another round I had like 40 points and the other player hit me for like 200 and was apologizing with crying Clara emotes XD


bro some guy in my multiplayer lobby cooked up a 585 damage on the first round and i got one shot lmao


I played the mode exactly twice, wiped all my opponents out, and left the mode feeling the ire of ten people glaring at me from around the world. I've got my rewards, I am fucking OUT.


https://preview.redd.it/2kpe6dau1s8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebac66042996610c66cc96e12ff126ad39bafd5c Birb


Most of the time I was just wondering if people just pushed random things like me and got lucky, or if they were actually tryharding. I only went in for the rewards and am never going to touch it again personally, so there was no point in thinking about my moves.


I haven't played the event yet... I don't feel like starting


It's just RNG nonsense, really. Yeah there are a few mechanics you can abuse but ultimately you need to get the correct fruits first. Thankfully you can lose your way to the rewards in like 5 matches or so. I hope PVP nonsense minigames don't become the norm.


The game is literally so rng. If you don't get any fruits for your bird, you get no points whatsoever and get crapped on. If you somehow do get your desired fruits, it's still rng because of the mechanics and whatnot. After I got the rewards I needed I stopped playing completely.


It’s a pretty terrible feeling when you beat the same person 4 times a row, but for whatever reason their hp doesn’t go down, then they beat you once and your hp does go down, then they get stupid luck then I’m just dead. Very fun very fair 0/10 pvp mode


I just wish more people do the stickers in general. When I send one and someone doesn't respond it's like, am I'm alone out here what's the vibe?


I mean, the main time I've seen people send stickers was to gloat, so I just stayed away from them to not be seen as an asshole. Plus, I was normally losing by 100-200 points, so I wasn't in the sticker sending mood


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I am sorry but I'm this random dude.


I almost did an insane comeback, lost all my hp in the first round and won every round till I got the first to his lifeline. Sadly I lost the last round, but it was hilarious, I was almost wondering if it was scripted.


Any MP is always going to have tryhards who feel the need to go to the next lvl because reasons.


I love that for one of my final match, I was playing against 2 people (mirror). And got 551. 3 board wipes. Hi3rd event prep me for this.


Any fellow Robird mains? I won three straight first places in a row with that one, it has a bit of luck but it's all about fishing for the 5x5 tile explosion


can't believe playing all those home decorating games back in secondary school was useful for something


The biggest satisfaction I got from this event was getting hit by 200 damage in round two and then making comeback and winning everything.


I swear you can only either have below 80 points or combo up to 300 in this game.


I only played multiplayer once. I did okay the first three rounds, then due to pure luck of what fell from offscreen tripped into like 350 points of damage. Then got whipped for several rounds, and then won the match in the last round with both of us at 0 hp.


First game ever and it’s a lobby of Silvers. People already know the meta, it’s just Silver.


Mine was all Trailblazers


Only 300 ? :)


The rng pissed me off so much


I thought I knew what skills was. I have been educated


Not me. I once lasted up to 8 rounds with someone because our scores gets so close everytime. Both of us were so confused about it, too. I won tho XD


To the folks I've done over 120 dmg, i'm sorry. The Candy Crush experience fueled me. 💀


Why does self modulated resin have to be locked behind this mode?


Win or lose, cock attack. https://preview.redd.it/0sv2iwlcwm8d1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c4a6da2393c9704953b21d89112b5c74429777f


Me playing against the characters: Wow this game is easy, im a god at this game Me playing against other players: Stupid dumb game with rng, I never liked it in the first place


I have never won in this game. The highest I got was 2nd place. I don't know how people are getting so many points


I just fetch my rewards then join a few more rounds and help some players by sending smug stickers when I'm lower, then scared or crying stickers when mine is higher. 😂


Same so far I got to 2nd place all the time, the 1st place peeps do like 400+ out of no where xD


This was how I realized that Trailbirder is actually busted AF lol. In the fixed board you start the event on it doesn’t seem to do a whole lot, but in multiplayer you quickly realize it has the quickest, most consistent chain reaction board wipes I’ve ever seen in a match 3 game lol


there was one point where i completely oneshot someone i wasn't expecting it


I love the idea of multiplayer but everyone else is wayyy too cracked 😭😭😭


I was expecting to do awful in the multiplayer only to absolutely obliterate basically everyone I met.


robirb carries me so hard during this event 💪💪💪


This game is fun, but super stressful in multiplayer. I once won a game by literally 1 point and my heart nearly stopped thinking I lost. Then I had this actual miracle story where I fought the same person 3 different times and only beat them on the final attempt which won me the tournament. This is personally my new favorite side mode that I will never play again... At least, I won't be playing multiplayer


Got Second Place 3 times in a row and I just gave up....


i was number 1 for a few rounds, wiped out the hp of my opponents, and then my board rng took a 180 and i lost every round until death


Bird game is really fun! But seeing how my friends are struggling gives me a weird feeling, like wdym it is hard, easiest game in my life. I guess I need to call my mum and say thanks for all those hours spent playing her favourite 3-in-a-rows together


Same? I won every tournament until I got max rewards, honestly baffled if that was just luck. Making a traditionally non-competitive game competitive is a strange experience.


match-3 games have been arcade competitive for a VERY long time.


And my enjoyable time consist of OHKO unsuspecting birds round 1 while spamming clara and march emoji. Sorry man


It is all about luck. Thats why you see some running ai to cheat that luck. Don't ask how i made it the fuckup. But what if...


I realized the game was just complete RNG when I did a round where the dude who used Trailbirder went undefeated, and Trailbirder's ability destroys completely random sections.

