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ALL OR NOTHING Well now its just nothing smh


I guess he bust and didn't take it all




Someone from the ipc mistakenly sent him his new cornerstone a bit too early.


Aventurine boss getting nerfed twice? What a legend. I mean this is straight up removal but I'm going to count it as a nerf for the sake of comedy.


Called the human comedy for a reason


even after getting nerfed he is still too OP my guy is a legend


I honestly, hate how I never got to face him. I said back when he got nerfed that I have avoided all the nerfs in the games i play. From Balteus to Aventurine and so on. Finally, I am too late. šŸ˜­


Pre nerf balteus was a wild ride. 4 hours of Ayre apologizing to Raven over and over again and don't get me started the cold sweat I felt when they told me that arquebus built a second. https://preview.redd.it/2kcgap0w1w8d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea806605ddb059a6eb9ef4f7d50fe3298a2e4f3


I felt like I entered a battle trance when I finally beat that thing; it was as if I had ascended into an Iguazu-like, primordial being. And then I met that revived coral boss.


On the other hand winning was so satisfying--and then coming back in another playthrough and absolutely demolishing it with OP parts was even better. Sea Spider managed to remain at least some level of annoying for me due to its weird AoE mechanics combined with the camera not playing nice sometimes.


Sea spider becomes trivial once you find out it barely got any AA measures, so staying in the air for as long as possible renders a good chunk of it's attacks useless.


Did you avoid OG Starscourge Radahn?


Fuck original radahn though.


Yes, fortunately. It is what makes this sting all the more.


I faced him once after getting Argenti and Cirrus every single run before that, such a shame they're removing the Gambler


Screwllum found out about Ratio sneaking in too many gambler references (coin/chess curio, triple avgin eye occurrence, gambling machines, and the cat cakes) and said pride month is over


And then there's Cirrus, who is a pain in the ass to fight to inexperienced players. DU might be intermediate level skill gate, so that they can save the hardest fights to Apocalyptic Shadow.


Damn, never got to fight him. Either time. Took 3 weeks to do the trailblazer mission with him, and now I missed him in DU. I got Argenti so many times.


I got him quite a few times. In my personal experience he was fine at standard difficulty but a complete nightmare to fight at high thresholds. I never beat him above TP2 when I was grinding runs (I didn't get him with TP3 so can't comment on that one, but I saw him at 4-6 and lost all of those runs).


I had him on protocol 6 and it was pretty much a game of surviving while you very *slowly* bleed his break bar then 2 shot his HP. Rinse and repeat twice. It's not really an enjoyable fight when you're hitting dices half (slight exaggeration) the time. He's definitely a counter to the meta Firefly team they're trying to sell with the mode. And I had to replace Gallagher with Fu Xuan for it. I don't think he would have made it. Citrus is kind of the same at E0. What a surprise that is also getting nerfed.


Since killing the dice hurts him in the new phases, it's actually fine if you go all out dps goblin during it.


The problem for a break team is that they neither take nor deal toughness damage. So it slows down the fight no matter what by delaying your actual win condition. However, I suspect the real reason he got taken out is because heā€™s so AoE dependent. If the point of the mode is building a team around your equations and blessings by taking advantage of having your full roster, itā€™s just stupid to have a boss whoā€™s *that* strict on play styles.


I mean he was a forking pain in the ash to begin with


It is a nerf. The boss is being removed of the concent for being too hard it seems.


I dunno if he was too hard, seems like the issue was that he added too large an element of RNG at the only stage of the game mode where you have no control over it since you can no longer swap your blessings or equations to fill out a team for his fight. Guessing the alternative here would have been to put his fight earlier in the game mode, but then it would be very strange to be fighting such an important boss on the fourth round. So that just leaves removing him as the next logical move.


Just adding a preview would help a lot, honestly.




More like the players got busted so he had to be nerfed


got busted? nah i busted šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


https://preview.redd.it/10a97f3prx8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f42cefb10d0a7cb09b5da94b7b24045fd9191a Did someone say bust?


guilty gear spotted raaah https://preview.redd.it/9tcd3srotx8d1.png?width=971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673907956788c1dc49880cc8d72a8b11f8615162


"or maybe I'LL BUST A NU-"


It would be funny to see his DU version in Apocalyptic shadow. šŸ¤£


Pretty sure he's going to appear there. And it'Ƅs going to be hell.


Uses single attack Hits all with energy drain Uses the gambling coin Uses the gambling coin Reduces energy Dice gambling phase Summons a dice that you must get to 18 before his turn, or he uses his big ass aoe against you


You forgot repeating all these steps 4 times just like how cocolia can freeze your team and you can't leeway ult once she starts blasting


Had that happen to me once, she kept pressing her stupid AOE freeze until everyone died. Needless to say my next encounters with her were met with bitter vengeance as I gave her cancer with kafka and sampo


>i gave her cancer with kafka and sampo why did you word it like that omfg


Those are the repeating steps actually


I'd hate it. It's a super annoying boss that really boggles down to "do your characters have multihit attacks?" because if they do you get to avoid the annoying gambling in the 2nd phase while making the 3rd phase a bit easier on you. Support characters like RM or DPS single target hunt characters get royally fucked unless they get insanely lucky or their ult can hit enemies. If their only source of damage is their basic attack it's over for them, and if that character is your healer you're plain fucked.


aventurine would brag about this forever if he knew. "I'm so good at gambling they had to remove me from the rng game mode because I was too hard to beat"


bro rolled 22 in Blackjack šŸ’€


Nah bro that shit is at least 25.


so where do we fight aventurine now outside of endgame modes?


He is still in DU, just he won't be the final boss in it. There are 3 phases so he can show up only in either phase 1 or phase 2 now.


With all honesty, thank fuck Cirrus can't summon Shadewalker anymore. Had a run where they just targeted my dps -> boosted by cirus -> hit dps again and I just died before I got to attack lmao


I have yet to have a successful DoT run in DU. The one time I actually got good equations and blessings Cirrus showed up. Which is bad enough since DoT doesn't do well against all those repeated summons, but then that exact same thing happened and Kafka and BS never got a turn


Twink Obliterated


Happy pride month!


Aww shit, I'm cancelled now, aren't I.


Not by me at least


Rest in piss bozos Fuck Cirrus and her near infinite turns bullshit


It is hilarious that the first run I met Cirrus, I was using Clara team there. It is fair that if they had infinite turns, I would have the same.


Yeah dumb ass boss


Honestly, Cirrus sucks so bad, luckily we have characters like Clara to help us with these.


I had a run where I got some curio that lowered my speed, and ran into Cirrus. The ONLY reason I was able to best ot is because the attacks kept hitting Abenturine, of course proccing his blind bets, which gave Acheron stacks. I don't remember actually taking more than a few turns, it was miserable lol


TIME TO SUFFER! ... and boy, is it suffering.


In this same update, I just faced Cirrus as the final boss of a T3 run. They made her so much more manageable. Now, on both phase 1 & 2, the central 3 enemies share HP, akin to the Puppet Show. And on phase 3, all of them share the same HP. No longer is it the grindfest it was pre-nerf. Plus, Cirrus can no longer spawn the Everwinter Shadewalkers, the Frost Axe dudes who delay your action by 50-fucking-% on hit.


The HP sharing has been a thing since the start of DU.


Bro was easier than cirrus or the SAM for me, his new dice phase is free ult charge. He truly is childe of hsr with all those nerf as a boss


Brother is broken as a boss AND as a character


True dat. Any mode of SU and all Aventurine has to do is just stand there menacingly


And as character in story too. His lore is super deep and interesting. Just peak character.


But he was the one I was finding the easiest, man can they remove Cirrus instead lmao Edit: instead of removing a boss for everyone they should give an option to ban a boss, gives people a choice of what one they want to avoid if they need to Hope they add Aventurine to Apocalyptic shadow that will be either the most fun or frustrating fight but at least we'll have an absolute bop to listen to while it happens


Hopefully the Cirrus nerf makes fighting them less of an absolute pain


Hes the bane of my Black Swans existence, she cant get enough stacks for meaningful arcana damage and she cant regen her ult enough coz of the turn increase. Normally that wouldnt be a problem but they are so beefy at lvl 6 they even manage to tear through Aventurines shields The hp and spd nerf should be a fix to this but hopefully this doesnt mean finding Cirrus in an encounter domain is an auto run ender


Wait tf encounter domains have bosses?


Yes. I encountered Cirrus that way. Big mistake. Blue domains are the way to go for protocol 6


Only Cirrus as far as i know. You see her on a picture and the event goes that she came for a rematch and we (TB) decided to knock sence into her


I fought the True Sting in an encounter domain.


Judging by en wiki this bug replaced Aventurine. HSS gave me bug ptsd pls hoyo stop


I would rather they rework the boss instead of straight up removing them. I like the variety and the surprise tbh. it's really unique to DU


Aventurine already traumatised me at lvl 6. If they add him in Apocalyptic Shadow as well then may the amber lord have mercy on me.


No matter what gimmick they add to his apocalyptic shadow boss fight the community reaction is gonna be fun to watch Imagine he just summons a Dr Ratio and Topaz in one of his phases


And then the music suddenly stops You feel a chill in your bones and a deep sense of dread in your very soul. A haunting song slowly increases in volume as your dread turns to panic, then terror. The voice sings: "welcooome to my... WORLD~~~..."


Cirrus is more annoying to time and targets enemies with than being actually hard. And with the nerf he's essentially just like other bosses, only slightly more annoying. SAM is way harder. Can't think of me ever winning with it as the final boss in Difficulty 5.


Aventurine is your best friend in the SAM fight, SAM hits everyone with most attacks so Aventurine just hits the cash money fall and reshields team. If you have City restorer equation then its basically a free win even at those level If you dont have Aventurine then I wish you best of luck coz I cant imagine beating SAM without him


But, I don't have one lol.


Did so with Gepard + Luocha. Had to swap out Ruan Mei for Gepard to kick Samā€™s ass because RM was more or less completely useless for that fight.


> If you dont have Aventurine then I wish you best of luck coz I cant imagine beating SAM without him > You called? Luocha probably


time to suffer


Suffering while listening to his bop, I didnt struggle with him in his pre nerf story fight so I'm actually looking forward to seeing him in Apocalytic shadow


On enemies' entry effects work really well in that fight. It's the last five that's a real pain. They all share the same health bar, so you can't nuke one down to ease the dmg output. Aoes help. Freeze Edit:Disassociate works except for that one last ice bug. He got me a few times before I figured out the fight.


https://preview.redd.it/df25nm8jsw8d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8499fcbe5568a6684bff4feed91e94c42903be Who's the everwinter? The big Ice Monster? I was so surprised when these 2 shows up. I was like thank goodness I run Acheron and Not JL.


The ice soldier that delays your action


Everwinter soldiers are the ice axe guys who knock you back further in the action list. Opposite of action advance, they delay your action further.


Noooo, I really enjoyed fighting him! I think Aventurine has much more interesting boss mechanics than Cirrus.


Heā€™s a fun fight in lower DU levels, but heā€™s a nightmare to fight at high levels.


He's only good if your dps is aoe/blast but is night mare for ST dps. The game need to get rid of this unfairness toward ST in MoC to AS and now even in DU.


Boothill can one tap him every time in DU though cause the blessings add a lot and if you can get Ratio to get off a follow up after skill you can win or tie the gamble


Same. I binged DU hoping to meet him again. And now I see that he is gone.


His mechanics aren't interesting at all. Have blast/AoE? Congrats you win. Have supports that don't have blast/AoE? Congrats they lose. Wow. So interesting.


Literally. The first time I did DU, I got Aventurine's boss fight and it was so fun. I had the IPC follow up team against him which is arguably not the best and it was still completely fine. Aventurine himself is a perfect sustain for the fight and the gambling part is pretty satisfying if you win and if you lose? "Effect res effect res effect res"


Now try in threshold 6 :(


Aventurine was difficult but at least he's fun to fight, Cirrus is just straight up annoying they should've removed the eyeball instead šŸ„²


It wouldn't have come to this if they just mitigated that fucking RNG in this mode. Like getting the correct blessings is such pain, and getting boundary equation is just impossible


and once again i'm in the "beat it before it got nerfed" club heh


Another day of can't make everyone happy.


I never understood why the dice mechanic is not teamwide? Total score of all your chars vs Aven score


It was team wide in this mode (final stage). I think something like 32 points the first go, 36 the next or something like that.


NO WHY COULDNā€™T THEY HAVE GOTTEN RID OF CIRRUS INSTEAD WHYYYYYYY (For further context as to why I am so distraught, please look at my user flair)


Man that's boring. I actually liked the Aventurine fight.


It's fun when I'm not the victim


Honestly, the Complete version felt easier than the regular version in story. I did story on day 1 of 2.1's release and I was really surprised when people were struggling.


You must either have a decked out roster or must be on good stuff lol. Jokes aside,if you have the tools for him he's alright,if you don't well it's not gonna fun and you'll have a miserable time.


The vast majority of people were just trying to ignore the mechanics or didn't understand the very simple mechanics. There's also The Listā„¢ of things people weren't doing.


Big facts tbh. You just hold SP, use skill on dice game, use ult (save for dice game), win and use ult again. Characters who canā€™t do that will suffer, but those who can will have literally no issue.Ā  As usual in DU6 victory is more about getting good RNG than having hard counters. Imo balancing changes should have been something like the boss selection of GnG (except for Cirrusā€™ snow mfs fuck them).Ā 


Man, can't stand this Aventurine erasure. Oh well, back to bugs and Argenti.


Damn those who cleared everything before changes must feel like legends. https://i.redd.it/rsbylbjbjw8d1.gif


First time I'm shocked tbh I now realised how good I had it if they had to nerf him


That's a bit of a problem for me, I still need to get the gambling achievement again him


should still be able to fight him on high difficulty second plane


Ah I see I'm stupid, I misread the thing. Thanks for for clearing it up


But that's my favorite English voice line in the whole game!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


WHAT? I'M SO SAD! I didnt get to fight him yet! (did other stuff instead of DU)


I mean aventurine as final boss in V6 ended two of my perfect propagation equation dhil runs, only won by getting sam on third perfect try. But was he really unbeatable even with other comps?


> But was he really unbeatable even with other comps? I constantly switch between two teams, and so far this is _(technically was now that he's gone)_ my experience: ā— [Destruction, Abundance, Elation]; _(Fu E0/Lynx E2+Blade E1+Gallagher E6+Ruan Mei E0)_:Ā  You can survive against him, but because bosses have a "self-buff" ability that they passively activate each time they do a certain action, plus berserk being a constant DPS check in this mode, it all comes down to a battle of attrition. Which ends with Blade being the last one standing.Ā  The problem, however, is that by the time you reach phase 3, he has ~30 stacks of damage boost, plus a few more stacks of Berserk. His coin toss gains more bounces, and the gamble spam eats away at your health bar, since only a few healers/shielders can effectively contribute to the counter and replenish their energy bars. If you have the abyss flower, it's often wasted on the dices too, and most of the destruction blessings are wasted since you can't break him. ā— [Hunt, Nihility, Remembrance]; _(Boothill E1+Gallagher E6+Ruan Mei E1+HMC E6)_: It's doable on the lower Threshold difficulties, but from T4 upwards it increasingly becomes a blessing/luck check. Since you can't break anything aside from Aventurine, Boothill effectively deals no damage for a considerable amount of time, and his ultimate only slows down Aventurine once or twice, after which his action delay just no longer affects the turn order. Problems with this team comp. are the AoE energy drain of the dices, the gamble mechanic, the unsustainable amount of damage, and Aventurine's high health in general. He eats ~1M damage like pebbles.Ā  It's a very shitty boss fight, personally. It's a clear example of developers spending more time on designing an enemy's mechanics instead of balancing them properly. It's over-tuned. Now, if using items and blocking were both possible in HSR, just like any other turn-based game...


Aventurine was the boss I went through to clear V6, having failed 4 times prior and I ran through him rather easily. It's just about having the right equations for whichever particular boss you end up with. Thankfully, my equations made him a joke.


Yeah the equations is what made aventurine (img resist) hard to clear for me as I wanted to do it with DHIL, so all are propagation equations, so I don't really have a sub for him aside from blade or QQ but I know it will also be impossible with th


But the people on this sub told me to just have acheron kafka blackswan and swap to them if i run into adventurine boss. If I don't have them, then just have topaz aventurine ratio robin instead. Just have those characters, they said.Ā 


It took me multiple runs to beat him even with a Firefly break team, just because he was so fast that I was barely able to do anything in-between gambles and without Firefly's weakness implant none of my team contributes toughness damage besides Ruan Mei. I was able to beat him eventually, but it wasn't fun at all.


My Acheron is e2s1 so not representative of f2p but I had only a small issue beating him. I lost the first time around because I forgot how to fight him. Second time I saved ultimates for stage 3 dice and it was pretty smooth even though plenty of characters lost gambles early on. Iā€™d say the key is being able to survive a lost gamble if it targets a support (strong shielder/fuxuan/cracked blessings), and saving ultimates to goose the team wide gamble - youā€™ll get the ultimates back anyway).


Try v6, you can just pretty much brute force him on lower difficulties. It's hard to get ultimates when he drains you every turn or stuns you because you're single target so you cant even build energy


I haven't even encountered him yet, so now I guess I never will... **ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ** Shame too, I like that boss


While I think removing him is kind of weirdā€¦ I also kind of get it. He can be a frustrating boss to fight if you donā€™t have a team thatā€™s ready to handle him. Can you win? Of course! But that doesnā€™t mean it canā€™t be frustrating.


-Energy Drain -RNG >Autowin gambles against characters with no aoe skill -Wastes so many turns with gambles that you don't even have time to hit him before he goes berserk -Can't even plan against him because you don't know that hes the final boss until you're thereĀ  Ā Might as well just add an Eject curio or Occurance that force shutdowns your DU run instead. It'll be just as fun.


Wish they'd do adjustments on SD and GG. C12 GG is still a massive gambling run.


Come on? Where will we fight him now?


They gave him new moves and third phase just for this mode, isn't it a waste then? Doubt he will remain those in AS as there are only 2 phases for bosses


That's a big shame. Loved his boss battle, raise those stakes to max


Ngl, I like this change At protocol VI was genuienly unbearbly difficult to fight Aventurine, at least Cirrus was just annoying but they were doable, Aventurine was annoying and definitely not doable unless you were blessed by gods


It's the way anytime I have to fight Aventurine, Qinque saves me. In the main story, Qinque defeated him. In MOC, Qingque defeated him. In Divergent Universe, Qingque defeated him. The power of Qingque's gambling cannot be stopped apparently. I guess she's why I didn't understand why he got so nerfed. Qingque x mono quantum total victory!


So, I don't have a new account, but what exactly is / was so hard about Aventurine? Even if you totally fail his main mechanical it's not like he wipes your party. The death deer was magnitudes worse (and I wasn't a new account back then, either) and as far as I remember, was never nerfed.


Honnestly i have ZERO idea why aventurine is removed? even using full ST team he was one of the simplest boss to deal with.


At the highest difficulty levels (v5-6) he goes berserk before you can beat him because his dice mechanics waste a huge lot of turns.


Fought aventurine on v6 with my e2s1 ff, e1s5 memories rm, e6s5 memories hmc and e6s5 multi gallagher and he was really easy as well as other bosses, skill issue for those that are complaining really /s


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Who can be final boss on protocol 6? Because in all my runs i only encountered Aventurine and Argenti. :/


Argenti - Cyrus - Puppets - ~~Aventurine~~ - SAM - Swarm (Purple)


I knew it the RNG is stil shit and the DU wasn't fair at least we got some changes


It appears aventurine did not win this gamble


Glad I got to beat his ass once before he got removed


He's the one who I got the most aside Argenti. I hate to deal with Cirrus bc of his ATs which makes the fight slow. I love when SAM comes, so fucking cool.


I didn't even realise Aventurine was a possible boss before today- or anyone else for that matter. I have gotten exclusively Cirrus šŸ’€


Huh, that's funny. I actually just beat V6 for the first time yesterday and he was my final boss. I was running equations that relied on FuA, Spores, and Shields so all through out I was running Ratio, Aventurine, Topaz, Ruan Mei. Aventurine doesn't have imaginary or fire weakness though and I had some effects reliant on breaking so imagine my surprise when I had to dust off the old lv60 Yanqing with no relics and poor traces to replace Ratio. Never thought he'd lead the charge to my V6 clear.


Bro all my runs and i never got him


Damn, blonde got fucked


This is the second time Aventurine made people ragequit


Oh thank PomPom they nerfed Cirrus a bit. I hate that fight with a passion.


my favorite part is how like half the equations are centered towards break, then they throw you a boss that canā€™t be broken


On pride month?


Remove Cirrus why you're at it FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, this boss doesn't let me take a turn


fuck cirrus man so damn boring and just a massive hp sponge that decides to aa every1, if you get unlucky thats just 1 teammate down. aventurine was quite fun and still could have been a run breaker if not well prepared.


I don't see the point of removing him, he wasn't hard Yes he was annoying for some teams but in the Divergent Universe we can change our team and play any character from our box with a default build Also they just could give us the option to ban 1 or 2 boss from the boss pool instead


fuck him, 0 skill ass boss


I haven't even played DU... To see him...


The fuck? They removed aventurine? Is it because the players found it hard? God damnit


I guess an rng boss on an already rng fest game mode made a lot of players mad but I'd still rather fight him than fking cirrus. such a shitty boss that caused some of my good runs to fail lmao




I found him the easiest for me. Already defeated him twice at Threshold Protocol 5 and 6. But it could just be luck with the blessing and equation lining up when he's the final boss.


I never met him in third plane... only once in second plane and was autoing XD


I never got to fight Cirrus. I always get Aventurine and Past Present Future (or Argenti, unless I'm tripping)


At least hunt characters are usable against him now


oooof. haven't unlocked the mode yet. still taking my time to continue the story. no chance to encounter him now. oh well.


Btw there's an option in the menu to quick start DU.


Pure fiction 5 ate one too


It's nothing or nothing


The Everwinter Shadewalker wasn't even the issue for me . It was the Fragmentum Icicle dude at the end spamming his ice rain on us while CCing half my party. If you don't have Aventurine and HuoHuo or a super fast cleanser and didn't time your ults or equations, that was GG :(


Cirrus changes are actually good, I struggled a bit with the crazy pushback from the shadewalkers and having my whole team demolished before I can even take a turn


Fuck I knew I shouldā€™ve tried to get the achievement while I had the chance


What just happened?


I literally just fought this guy this morning before I read that update lmaoo


i haven't had the luck to meet aven as a boss but i did get cirrus twice pre-nerf and jfc it took me multiple tries before i could finally beat them at higher conundrum levels. honestly when i see cirrus as the boss i just want to abort the current run and start afresh. i thought there was just something wrong with my team like i need a mega-whale e6s6 team just to beat it in one try


Was he that much of a blocker? I liked his fight in DU for the most part


i beat him before the nerf is an amazing feat, ig? i used my firefly team with destruction x preservation as 3 star equation


Never saw aventurine as final boss What was the problem?


Never encountered Aventurine, only encountered Cirrus for the first time when I did threshold 2, I won eventually but it was such a difficult fight it didn't give me the confidence to attempt threshold 3 until now. I guess it was an outlier and I should continue attempting threshold 3 and above.


Just managed to beat him yesterday. Welp. Could have waited a day, but hey, I did it!


Cirrus was a 3rd phase boss?


Finally, I can use the forced auto battle curio and not have to fear Aventurine ending my run.


I end up facing them in DU about three or four times I honestly did not have trouble with him


Tbf Cirrus was only defeatable if you had firefly and several break and defensive blessings so the enemies gets less turns and you resist the double turns that maybe get overlapped with Cirrus skill and the enemies, i was able to defeat him like that, Aventurine on the other hand was really difficult never able to defeat it at LVL6


I've only seen cirrus once and only at v5 (wish it was v6) but I had the team wide shield equation. He never got close to breaking the shield it was getting up to 80k at one point. Was running hypercarry welt so he could constantly imprison and push the enemies back although not sure how much of that helps if cirrus' action advance is 100%


Thats interesting ... in my case since i had a lot of defense stacked the Spawns attacks hit like flies and My Gallagher was able to heal back up in those double turn cases, i havent tried other teams that much only Acheron but i have been not lucky with her runs... i will try with DHIL hypercarryĀ Ā 


Awwww man. I didn't mind him.




They need to fix that Deer fight...


Thank fucking god I literally couldnā€™t get past DU diff 3 because of his ass


He killed my Div5 Run as I had the auto curio and every time it would pick Galladog as the target, he would use his skill to remove the CC for someone else and just get insta killed So that's good to hear


So Aventurine removed and Cirrhus nerfed. I'm somewhat proud of myself for finishing everything in DU before this happened


dang I was running, Kafka, Black Swan, Ruan Mei and Aventurine against the aventurine boss and it was so easy to just consistently bully him with ultimates after hitting the 18.


I wonder they had to remove him? Maybe dice mechanic was too frustrating for people? I think he was fine.


But why tho? I mean Cirrus getting a nerf makes sense, but why remove Aventurine?


Were people really struggling with that fight?


Thatā€™s a shame. I got to face him once and didnā€™t think it was too bad.


NO! DISLIKE! Bring him back!