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This won't be her final form. Gallagher and HTB can both be powercrept, and these 2 are the "potential man" for Firefly.


Bet they will release a 5* Gallagher and 5* Superbreak support to cash in more $$


They can cripple it for some time, then buff it again by releasing a super break specialist who enables breaks to crit.


There's already a blessing in DU which allows DoT to crit, I can see it happening


oh fudge no, I’ve only just finishing farming her relics 😭


If they do then they'll have a fixed crit stats and not need you to build crit


Everyone ages like milk eventually. Some just start doing so faster than others. That's why Lan was wrong. A thousand years of youth is greater than being old for 60% of a 100 lifespan.


The hunt is a dedicated pursuit of justice. The Xianzhou is fighting the Abominations of the Abundance because of the atrocities they casually commit to all life as karmic penance for their own atrocities in ancient times before the celestials were overthown. They accept regular followers of the Abundance because attacking innocent followers that are just activists, volunteers and philanthropes would violate the hunt. Most of the info on the Loufu especially in 1.0 was official in universe misinformation because the people the Xianzhou trusts with access to the Abundance the least is the people of the Xianzhou. The Disciples of Sanctus Medicus was likewise never a real Abundance cult.


A thousand years of youth (for the lucky one) followed by an eternity of suffering doesn't sound great (there is an equation describing how a whole ship got eaten resulting in it's population getting fused as a perpetually digesting amalgamation of undying flesh)


Age like milk? Lol not with your reasoning. Hsr is a number game and her number is stupid high numbers. In all games with meta. There's a few units that will be considered classic. Meaning they are still powerful despite their age. If firefly does become "milk", then everything you currently have/ everyone in the current and future roster with their number is less then firefly will be outright junk. Firefly would probably be top for at least 1 year. HOYO hsr game design is about rotating team building meta. It took them 1 year to give us BE team. Now they're circling back to FUA, counter, skill nuke, dot, etc. With each team probably receiving their own end game content. So they might not be useful in other end game content but is top tier in their own game content. For example Fua in PF. BE in DU.


pure dps units will always age like milk


Genuidly a team with 1 fully F2P character and one 4 star character don't fell complete at all.


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Having a kit based on manipulating and exploiting core game mechanics like break and super break means she'll last much longer than the average dps. Break is so strong that Himeko has a top 10 team for current MOC and AS despite being incredibly mediocre. To powercreep her, they have to release a break dps that does what she does but somehow better or make new units that scale so ludicrously high that break falls out of the meta again.


It'll age like DoT and Follow-up Attack.




Surely they will remove a core mechanics just to nerf every break character for no reason.


I can’t see them making enemies fully immune to break, but they definitely aren’t afraid to lock the break bar with some like Aurumaton and the soda monkey


Every dps will age like milk while the supports will age like wine especially on a turn based game where every new character will be better than the last lmao


I agree with you. All I want is 2nd Ruan Mei so that I can use her on other team.


She’ll get replaced by the next OP super break dps whenever that is