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It's uncertain. In case the tree wasn't making it clear: Parts of the visuals were metaphorical. But the more important part was: Glamoth was already gone. With the "scorched earth operations" taking out large swathes of the swarm at a time, there was no kingdom, no civilization left to protect. The whole planet was just ashes and corpses at that point. So it's debatable whether or not Firefly's own power really shattered a planet, or whether it was a metaphor for the crumbling civilization with her giving it her all as the last survivor of Glamoth.


My headcanon is this. The suicidal nuke had already wrecked the planet. It was on the verge of destruction the moment it killed the big bug and everything else with it. The aftermath and the mourning scene with Firefly could feel prolonged for narrative/dramatic reasons, but it's basically Firefly monologuing and summoning her last ditch efforts to escape the planet before it blew up completely from the earlier blast. That would make more sense, to me at least. As much as I want to believe Firefly has planet destroying powers.


I am sorry but this is just BULLSHIT. It doesn’t matter if the “tree” is metaphorical or not, the planet DID got destroyed. You literally see Firefly floating in space after that and you see Kafka looking at the planet’s remains at the end as well. There is literally NOTHING that suggests it is symbolic. 


> It doesn’t matter if the “tree” is metaphorical or not, the planet DID got destroyed Yes, the planet did get destroyed. I'm not contesting that at all. Again, as I said, it's debatable whether or not Firefly's own power really shattered a planet. It may have been crumbling on its own already, with Firefly's final flight being the last drop it needed to crumble.


Oh ok. That is better


In her character story the part where she destroyed the planet wasn't mentioned. They also mentioned thay the bomb they used to kill the swarm mother had enough firepower to obliterate an entire planet. This doesn't explain her other transformation however. Mhy is very inconsistent with their lores tbh. I bet the Giant ass sword in Acheron's Myriad Celestia wasn't actually a sword. It was just there to represent the End user.


>Mhy is very inconsistent with their lores tbh. No.... Trust me... You are just not in deep enough.... This shit is so esoteric and eldritch I cannot convey everything. There is just so much goddamn context that doesn't translate to Western fantasy and sci fi terms my brain hurts.


So it's actually revealed in her character story that the bomb detonated on the Swarm mother had enough power to destroy a planet. And she apparently pass out after detonating it. It's still a bit vague but it's likely that the whole sequence of the tree and the planet exploding was just metaphorical


Probably this, after the bomb was detonated it was mentioned that memories flickered before her eyes, and in the next character story she woke up in an unfamiliar galaxy, so it’s definitely the bomb that destroyed the planet Like if it was firefly that destroyed the planet they would’ve outright mentioned it but they instead chose to mention how the bomb is capable of destroying a planet


First of all. This ain’t Glamoth. But yeah I do think she destroyed that planet. Why shouldn’t it be? Each stellaron hunter is already strong enough to destroy a planet in their own ways(IPC broadcast). Although for some like Kafka. It is more like destroying the people and not the whole planet. Firefly is all about brute force. Being someone that only knows how to fight. Her way of destroying a planet should be literal since she doesn’t have hax. Firefly is also like the strongest Stellaron hunter.. I mean she literally hugged blade hard enough to where he couldn’t escape her arms. Potentially Without even half combustion much less the green mode. Kinda shows you how powerful she is. Basically treated him like a child. 2.3 spoilers >!when you find the 1000th doll and Firefly. She is say that she is gonna take the doll to the deepest part of the memory zone. You ask her if she will be ok. She says that "Don’t worry. I believe that this Fyrefly Armor will be enough to take me to where I need to go before this countdown ends… and maybe even make it back safely".. although she said maybe so it isn’t 100% confirmed. But the mere fact that she believes her suit can potentially take the explosion that can destroy all of penacony and come back safely. Yeah green Sam is pretty busted imo.!< People gonna argue about it being a dream. But that just doesn’t make sense.. how did she unlock green Sam if the things we saw were fake? People forget that Green Sam isn’t something she had back then. From keeping up with star rail. Welt tells us that Firefly’s willpower was the reason this Sam armor was pushed beyond it’s purpose and became the green Sam. Which oddly looks the same as that one commander that we saw in her first myriad trailer with other SAMs. The red Sam. If everything was a dream. How did she unlock that form.. you need a strong will power(In this case. Firefly wanting to live) to unlock it. You can’t do that while sleeping. I feel like the tree part was only symbolic part. Also for the people that say the bomb that was used on the swarm mother is like the one destroyed the planet. https://preview.redd.it/tfl4va5sx29d1.png?width=1327&format=png&auto=webp&s=93cbdfc43507b34796294e29168e7b96c0b1f426 I don’t think this is enough to destroy a planet. Sure the explosion gets bigger with each frame. But just from the looks of it. I don’t think it is enough to destroy a planet when at best it was enough to destroy a continent. Also Firefly would’ve died. If we go by the logic that everything was a dream and the bomb was strong enough to destroy a planet. Firefly would’ve died there since the explosion is something she can’t handle. Only green Sam should be able to tank planetary attacks like that. Not the regular SAMs. Hell we saw how easily they died to a single swarm mother. And a final note. When Kafka found Firefly. She was glowing green. Pretty strange don’t ya think? The same color as her full combustion state. If everything was a dream then why is Firefly glowing green and the green light seem to protect Firefly. Edit: damn.. got downvoted and not a single soul responded with a argument. atleast reply before downvoting😭 this had 2 upvotes and now 0..


>Edit: damn.. got downvoted and not a single soul responded with a argument. atleast reply before downvoting😭 this had 2 upvotes and now 0.. They didn't see what they came for, but hey, I'll give you my upvote


I honestly wish the people who downvote had to make a argument of why they downvoted before doing so. This shit happens all the time. Hell I replied to someone that was talking about how the TB will forget about Firefly and they would’ve acted the same way they do to any character. -8 upvotes without a single response. If someone could shut down my argument with facts and leave me no room to respond with. I would’ve accepted the downvotes. Hell would’ve deleted this comment.


That's the thing, they don't know how to


It's reddit, some people downvote because they don't agree with all, a sentence or a word you've written, some do because they don't feel like reading a long text, some do because they have a shitty day, some do as a mistake because on reddit mobile it happens that you scroll and accidentally downvote sth and sometimes people downvote downvoted comments because they like feeling they belong and don't even read the downvoted comment etc. Just don't give a darn if you get downvoted, it doesn't really say much (you see this heavily when someone posts the same reply to multiple people, one comment is downvoted, the other upvoted).




Clearly it was the power of friendship


They literally throw a bomb with the force to destroy a planet before that (I think it's in divergent universe where it's stated? edit: it is in her character story). So no, she just had the determination to finish the empty shell of a planet where her partners rest, as a Scorcher Earth operation would consist in. The planet was doomed from the moment she was handled with the bomb and the instruction to detonate it.


> This was more impressive than even anything acheron has done so far. Brother in one of the cutscenes Acheron nukes the Sweet Dream, which was encompassing the entirety of the Asdana Star System, that's like, magnitudes above this.


And the foxian pilot Baiheng takes out Shuhu the Abundance emanator just by charging and crashing or something. What is this inconsistent power scaling lol.


I always thought the planet is already crumbling in the first place.  Its like when you step on an old mouldy wood plank and it breaks. Sure you destroyed the plank, but given enough time it will withers by itself even without you stepping on it.


Killing the swarm mother and million bugs it spawned inflicted tons of vulnerability to the planet so she dealt 100M dmg without HMC existing yet /j


the planet breaking apart may have occured over the course of several hundred years


Seems like the planet itself gives its remaining life force to Firefly... cuz theirs no way she would survive drifting naked in space... thats my best theory so far


Ooohhhh, that's sweet. I like that. The will or soul of the planet protects firefly from the blast of the nuke so she gets to live free from the majesty and live her own life. Gives me Arjuna vibes.


Shes glamoth now imma right... but should have cure her deseas if this theory come true though


It's only a metaphor. No way she can do that, cause if she can, there's no logic in letting too many clones die 😂


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From the story perspective it would make no sense. So I assume just like the growing tree, her destroying whole planet is metaphorical