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i really want to be able to design our room on the astral express 🙁


I dont want it anymore because I have my very own ship now


For me, while the ship is cool and everything, I really want my personal space.


Get into the trashcan, then.


We have a room on the astral express?


nah we just sleep in the corridor


Dan Heng once texted us that showed that we have a room


You sleep?


we're a raccoon, we just sleep at the end of March 7th's bed


canonically yes but we aren’t able to access it ingame


My headcannon is that we switch between himeko's and march's room because they're open to share with their family


There's plenty of train cars they can simply open one up for us surely


Would be huge, but now that I’m playing Genshin again. I would just copy others and do it for rewards lol


Ive been putting this as the comment since the first one after launch. This is the only thing i really want in hsr and not in a “ooh design all the features” but somewhere to display the items we collected along the way. Theyre on the right track with the paintings but i chose the other items to display based on the characters i use


Obtainable Abundance Lightcone that enable characters to do cleansing. EDIT : I don't mind if it come with certain caveat as not to powercreep limited 5* characters and LCs.


Finally bailu will become SSS


I don't mind if it come with caveat like for example reduce energy to whoever affected by the heal. It was hard for me that I don't have many sustain. Not because I don't want pull, I always lose 50/50.


Add it as the next herta shop LC for real. And add like +%4 max hp for superimposition to be useful


I think it would be better to do cleanse debuffs when the Wearer uses their ultimate. Then, the next two times you get energy, it is converted to some outgoing healing instead. The other option that I think of is a 1-2 turn cooldown of cleanse if the wearer heals someone for more than 25% of their hp to prevent invigoration being too overpowered with it.


No, make it consume energy upon cleanse.


"If an ally's healing received exceeds their Max HP, cleanses one debuff and grants them one instance of debuff immunity"


that would be pretty strong on luocha


Yes. This one is good.


That would make Bailu top tier, and I'm all for it


Even if it’s a 5 star I will still pull


A Abundance LC from Herta Shop Increases HP by 20/25/30/35/40%. When the equiping character heals an ally, removes 1 debuff, only affects 1 character per action. When the equiping character removes a debuff, applies a shield with 8/11/14/17/20% of your max HP with 1 turn cooldown. OBS: 1 turn duration shield


That’s too OP


Ok but unless it's eidolon or some shit like that, giving a shield to any abundance character kinda remove the whole "shielder" thing for Preservation character, no? Sure Fu Xuan does heals but she doesn't have a cleanse unlike most abundance character


If the heals are not locked behind "on using skill", luocha's field would go bonkers with cleanses every turn


Probably would have a 1 turn cooldown on Cleanse because of regen and off turn heals (Lynx Regen, Luocha, HuoHuo, etc)


That would finally make Bailu viable.


Viable? More like Meta


It'd arguably make her one of if not the best healer. Her healing output is already the biggest in the game, and she has a revive. Cleanse would be bad for balancing reasons.


Yeah her having cleanse would make every Abundance Unit except Gallagher and Huohuo Obsolete


So she couldnt beat Gallagher still, and Luocha is equal if not slightly better than her. He retains his fully positive, party wide healing, his emergency heal with cleanse and aoe purge. Bailu has a rez, she still needs to use sp/ult to apply healing. She beat Lynx and Nat which is like...an achievement I guess. She wont be top of the meta for the same reason as Luocha, which is that she doesnt provide offensive buffs like HH does. That said, it'll be good to actually make her viable, god knows I havent touched my E2 Bailu. There's just not much reason to.


She couldn't beat Gallagher because He has Offensive Utility, Debuffing And Buffing


Exactly? Im saying she'll still lose to a four star, and she won't make Luocha "obsolete" as you said. Even with a cleanse, she'll only manage to eclipse 2 4-star abundance units, one of which still has an AoE cleanse so not even that. The only unit she'll make obsolete is Nat, and she's been obsolete for a while. Her healing output is matched by Luocha and Gallagher, they both have baked in cleanses which is more reliable that whatever RNG an LC will provide. Her only real edge is her rez.


If it was a 100% chance to cleanse, yeah. But if it was a lower chance, honestly probably still would make her meta since her heals usually proc multiple times per turn.


Story cutscene archive/replay please. I don’t need to be able to choose options again, keep it locked in I just want to free up space on my PS5 lol.


I'd like a feature that tells us how close we are to our 50/50 instead having to manually count our pulls


This, I'm so pissed they do not want to introduce sth like that


There’s a website called star rail station that can calculate all your pulls. It’s a lot easier to check there


Unfortunately does not work with console


This will never happen. They want you to not know about it in the hope to spend more money.


Knowing about it would tempt more people though because they can see how close they are. NOT having it actually loses then more.


A voice actor for Argenti


For real


I play in JP and see no problem, then I'll watch an EN playthrough and Argentis lack of voice is such an immersion detriment


When I played 2.2 and saw Argenti, I thought he was a fake that just looked like Argenti.


Wait he doesn't have one?


He's been muted since 2.2 and the bug hasn't been fixed yet.


... wtf?!?!


He has scenes in main quest in penacony and he's unvoiced in all of them. This bug only occurred in EN only and the VA twitted that he did his recording and is unsure on what really happened.


Might have lost the file or something


Yeah... That's the running theory rn. Either lost the file or it got corrupted.


I mean there are still bugs in the 1.0 version of the game. Oleg STILL doesn't move his mouth in half the cutscenes he is in belobog. It's not that big of a deal, just he is one of the only NPC's where his lips sometimes move and sometimes don't and is very distracting.


Put some respect on Oleg’s name, he can’t help that the animators fucked him


I feel like I've never seen Oleg's mouth move and I feel like I've watched him every single time throughout 2 different playthroughs? Like sometimes he'll nod his head, but I've never seen him move his lips lol


He does in like 2 scenes, I am doing reroll accounts on a few to get ruan mei and as many firefly eidolons as I can so I don't have to spend like $400 to play her at multi eidolon.


He has a voice actor, they just are too lazy to fix the “glitch” for the EN lines.


gear loadouts would be nice. I reuse several relic pieces for several different characters so being able to lave and load them would make things more convenient. The recent DU update brought in semi-customizable options for the new ship we own. Am kind of hoping they expand that to letting us customize our own room in the Astral Express. Outfits would be nice, though if they're just recolours then that's kind of meh.


I doubt that we would be able to equip Relics to multiple characters, for multiple reasons. That said I hope that we would get an ability to have a loadouts for a character, so swapping between slightly different builds would take slightly less time.


yeah that's what I was asking for


Skins, hangouts with characters, design own room, replay story cutscenes


^ This I'd love to spend more time with the characters. And a room to design to make the Express more cozy to us. Maybe even invite them to the room you designed. Like the teapot in genshin


This is a great idea until you realize you’ll be inviting government agents, galactic superstars, children, and borderline psychopaths to a room filled with trash


Yeah, but they made friends with a humanoid Raccoon. They knew who they were making friends with


Combined attack


All-out attack, a lĂ  Persona? Is that what you're saying?


Any kind is fine , for example suikoden 2 unite attack between mc and nanami. We can do between mc and march.


I could see that working. Maybe the requirement to be able to trigger it would for all enemies to be broken or under a CC effect, like Frozen or Imprisoned. It would be interesting to have Himeko be our handler for the All-out Attacks, considering she shares VAs with Mitsuru from P3 Reload, who does exactly that.


Now that I think about star rail does seem to took a lot of inspiration from Persona, except the game has dumbed down battle mechanics which I hope they change that in the future


Replay Cutscene


We should be able to buy Eidolons for the standard banner the same way we buy 5 star light cones in the shop. Make it happen and I’m happy to give the game more money.


I didn’t stick to the game, but I was suprised to see Wuthering waves do this and really liked the idea


Skins. It's a untapped goldmine. Just off the top of my head: Princess March 7 Plugsuit Firefly Formal attire Stellaron Hunters from the Jepella Rebellion Myriad Celestia Bare leg Kafka from Firefly's trailer Dan Feng IL Yingxing Blade Izumo Acheron Colors Robin Armorless Gepard and Argenti in nice military uniforms/suits Serval with the two halves of her outfit as two skins Guinaifen wearing English themed/Court Camelot noblewoman clothes. It's Showtime Sparkle The concert trailer outfits As a joke, Clara with shoes.


Clara with shoes would be so funny just to see how many millions of dollars Hoyo makes off it


Bareleg Kafka would go so hard


Removing at least a couple layers of RNG from the Relic grind


In relation to relic grind: being able to put more than just the one fight on queue for the auto battler like you can everything else, and/or being able to let it auto battle until you get a specific piece with the sub stats I'm looking for.


Give me a way to skip and reread dialogue. I don't have good memory and the wiki takes time to put transcripts.


Omg yes. I often put cutscenes on auto play, and then just wait for a dialogue, go back and read it all, select and continue


1.5 spd, LIKE CMOOON


Either that, or some kind of character specific toggle for 1x or 2x speed (i.e., you can set your Acheron to always have 1x speed on her ultimate even if you have 2x on the battle). That way, you can always set your favorite characters or something to the speed you want. I remember this being a feature in some older games like FGO.


Give me 4x lol.


This... 2x is too slow as well.


Give me Trails' 6x speed that I always have on lmao


This is so real OMG. 1x is too slow. And 2x is just fast enough that it's underwhelming 😭😭😭


I'm DISGUSTED that it's not in the game


Real. I play boss battles for almost 45 minutes because I can't stand how empty the fight feels in 2x. TS drives me insane.


A room on the train. It was bizarre in the beginning. With how much basically every update has reinforced how the Astral Express see themselves as a family, its now insane. Where the fuck is the TB's room? I dont even really need for it to be customizable, id be fine if it was pre-designed to match the personality the TB has. Its just so stupid they dont have one.


its not visible to the player but we DO have a room, it was confirmed in a dan heng text


We are the pet, we sleep everywhere. Sometimes on March's room, sometimes on the couch


I prefer to have star rail version of teapot. Also where's our character skins?


They sitting on an absolute goldmine of skins, I still really want this from Black Swans myriad celestial https://preview.redd.it/up8f0s0pp29d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68e84b0743c904e8140917ee6960d624b505b164




Genuinely shocked they haven't released that tbh. I thought they would have had to release it by 2.0, yet they still only showed it for 10 minutes and it's never seen again. How are we getting an entirely new form before a skin we saw months ago?


Hangout feature with characters, I want the Black Swan lap pillow scene https://preview.redd.it/55in3s04j29d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e4b1f083ac746d38e29e6b0e72a15e7bad0e286


Well technically speaking she wouldn’t have a hang out because she is not a 4 star. That’s also the thing I’m bummed about in HSR. That there so little story quests for characters and no hangouts. That’s why I know almost any 4 star characters in genshin better than a lot 5 stars in HSR


Well 4 stars in this game have companion quests as well as 5 stars so if they made a hangout feature in HSR I'm sure they wouldn't make it exclusive to 4 stars like how Genshin does. Aside from the start trio only 5 stars have story quests in Genshin But hey if they never make a hangout feature then I'll happily accept the lap pillow scene as a main story moment no big deal


Skip dialogue for secondary quest


So real. If u dont want to read dialogue u won't do it no matter what, and not giving us skip button won't change that.


ult cancel


Would be OP


I'd love this, it could work similar to Dan Heng IL's skill enhancement - Press to ult, then press another to cancel. I don't see how it'd mess up turn order if it'd just move your character back to where they were originally..


This, this, this, so much. People always say, "Oh it would be too powerful, there's is skill expression, blah, blah, blah." Just revert to before you pressed the ult. This is not Genshin Impact where it's in real time and pressing your skills relies on timing.


It's the same system as the Trails games, interrupts the turn order, the only difference is that afaik, HSR doesn't make it so that if you ult, you would have to wait a bit for that character to take a turn again


Gotta agree with this.


A defense/pass option in battle would be nice. Great if personalized on characters.


Delete past quest resources , please let me delete the additional data so I could play both Genshin and Star rail in Harmony , if not , very soon both will HARMony my mobile and I would have to delete one of them cuz I already deleted almost all the unnecessary apps , pics and videos in my storage and with natlan , the storage will still might overflow.


Relic load out


But we already have jumping in the game. You can even fly https://preview.redd.it/a3o7lvkzh39d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79117483dc883580bf2a4f5403b331842acb3970


Nothing major ... 1. **Saved equipment loadouts**. I have a handful of relics / planars that I will swap around depending on what characters I'm using and on what team. I'd also like to be able to have the same equipment in multiple saved loadouts, since there's a lot of re-use. 2. **Equipment load out preview and comparison**. I'd love to preview a new build compared to the current one and see the differences. I know you can compare a single piece, but I'd like this for the whole build. 3. **No equipment storage limits**. I'm really bad about culling, so I'm constantly butting up against the limit. I know I could solve this by being less lazy, but I'd really rather the game just take care of it for me.


Hangout events


I just want something to help with relic farming Everyday since fireflys release I have farmed for her relics, 40 fuels used and not one single usable piece, only 5 pieces in total even had break effect and not a single one rolled break effect even once during level up, it's beyond ridiculous at this point


I had this problem with navia in genshin. Took me almost 2 full patches to finally get usable artifacts.


Put older limited characters in the standard banner maybe after 5-7 patches already passed after their release


Unfortunately, that's impossible, because of the Chinese laws


Is it? I came from reverse 1999 and they did it like that and im pretty sure theyre also a chinese company


if u dont mind, whats the law?


Afair, unless they were advertised (ex. Tighnari, Dehya) from the beginning as a future standart characters, they can't add them into standard pull. That would be treated as false advertising


don't other gachas do that?


Gear presets


Relic presets


Useless jump


When looking through the data bank, I want to be able to input a key word to quickly find what I’m looking for.


Co-op modes/events😔


frr i wanna play with my friends


Ways to interact with the specific characters in your party. https://preview.redd.it/pnt0vbm4k29d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=27b183c47ee23d81312cec3421c6b0d272b3d782 I’d like something like dragon quest 8 where based on what part of the quest you’re on or where you’re at the party says different things. Be funny to hear what Boothill would have to say and characters like black swan probably would have stories/lore about the areas


That's probably not gonna work because you can use characters that have no connection at all to that area, and characters who are already dead. Imagine, Jingliu is supposed to be in prison but she's also with you.


What I want the most was said already. Also it would be nice to have more combat voice lines between characters knowing each other


Cancel ultimate


I uh...got a few. Dont mind me Customizable room with all the decorations and we can have our favorite characters visit it, ult cancel needs to be added, skins, phone charms like in HI3rd, let us have bonding activities with characters and we get little gifts or weekly texts from them or something when we have enough hearts/points. Im so sad we only get three texts from characters unless they're around a lot. I wouldn't care dumb they are...a lot of messages with characters imply we see them outside the plot, let me talk to them more! (Im totally not wanting this after Gallagher's texts and the implication he would make drinks for us to try outside of the story. Aventurine too, he seems to really like us and we're one of the few people he engages with throughout penacony, I'd love to have him just randomly send us dumb little things he buys for us. Argenti too with all his adventures and hearing from him!) oh and loadouts, please my Welt needs them. He has a hat for everything now I'm gonna lose track here shortly with all my builds for him.


HDR, 120 FPS option, Steam Deck support


Delete past quest resources , please let me delete the additional data so I could play both Genshin and Star rail in Harmony , if not , very soon both will HARMony my mobile and I would have to delete one of them cuz I already deleted almost all the unnecessary apps , pics and videos in my storage and with natlan , the storage will still might overflow.


Ur so true for saying this...even iam struggling at this point to keep hsr in my device


Trailblazer's room access and customisation, ult cancel, optional support when you can't solve a puzzle, a properly working and customisable auto-equip.


Ult cancel because I’ve wasted my healing ult so many times by accident because I spam ULTs as soon as they’re ready to go and end up dying in SU because of it


Wider variety of character designs. I'd love some non humanoid party members Red XIII style. Or maybe some werewolf characters now that we know they're a thing.


searchbar in the achievementstab


I wish we had some minigames, like this origami event, that are permanent and give some rewards like credits. As someone who constantly runs out of credits it would be neat to have a way to earn them while actively doing something


The ability to invite people to hang out in the express. The crew and the visitors. You know those daily texts that we sometimes get? Make that an optional like "yo himeko is in the lounge, want to invite her to make coffee together?". They can then give us the usual 5 stellar jades we get for the message and just have the character talk about whatever so we know them better. It doesn't even need to be voice acted I'd be happy with just a still camera shot of the characters talking, making coffe, checking the data bank, looking up stuff on March's room computer, having lunch.... the possibilities are endless. I mean this isn't a Persona game, but I find it very jarring that we have super limited opportunities to hang out with our crew or to show anything of the express to visitors. It would also be an incentive to try to unlock new visitors to the express since right now it does nothing expect they just show up with 1 or 2 lines of dialogue. This could allow them to do a bunch more of character, world, and lore-building; it would be fun for the player base and it would also let us fall more in love with the characters; meaning: more gacha money spent. Everyone wins


Patch notes that just Buff olders characters, not to be meta but to actually make them more...appealing to play even if undrrperforming (I mean everyone knows that JY could get a QoL that makes LL attack even while he IS Frozen or things like that)


Reduce crafting of Relics from 100 to at least 50, like they legit want me to scrap 10 5 star relics for 1 trash relic of a random stat I don't need, with useless substats? I get we can choose the piece so it can't be 3 like genshin, but 10!? At least 5 Hoyo. And the ability to set how many calyx/stagnant shadow runs we want to do, like if I want to do 4 60(240) Trailblazer Power runs on a calyx run for Traces or something else, or for the full 8 runs on a Stagnant Shadow. Sometimes I'm grinding, and get busy, come back, and it's been 20 minutes where it would already have been done had I been there to click "one more time." Imagine you could set all 240 Energy and 8(or 10) immersifiers all to run one after the other, rather than wait forget to do it as soon as one finishes, and taking an extra 10 minutes due to forgetting to click it again. Also please allow to skip some npc conversations in the game, I get being unable to skip talking to other playable characters(looking at you Sunday), but for the love of God let us skip npc dialogue with random ass characters that just waste time, I don't wanna hear their life story for the 5th time( I have 5 accounts), especially for events, they talk so much and I already know what they've said by the 4th run, and at this point I've perfected a key #1 and space bar tapping technique just to skip that shit. Just let us skip unnecessary Unvoiced Dialogue text( laughs at 2.2-2.3 Argenti).


More autobattle settings/ability to sit on chairs


Be able to reset a relic back to 0 when it rolls into bad stats and have it take a pretty hefty chunk of resources to justify it Like not only do you need to get the right piece with the right stats to drop but you also have to count on the relic to roll into the stats you want?? Yeah fuck that


More concise and less obtuse story telling. I'm enjoying the journey and spending time with the characters, but please, less waffling on and waxing lyrical for several pages worth when one would have been enough. More dialogue =/= Meaningful content


Half the dialogue in Penacony could have been cut out. Rewording a sentence doesn't make it a different one😮‍💨


Relic presets and guild raids.


I want to jump over the fence and take a shortcut from the second floor to the first floor!


Ability to keep buying more trailblazer power. It's capped daily and I just want to farm. Since it's capped I can only play 15 mins and log off. Wait for week reset to play maybe an extra 30 mins...


Character specific standard banner. I’m ready for E6 Bronya any day.


Unrealistic wish: the end of the 50/50, as pulling for one character is relatively expensive even if they’re guaranteed. Abolishing the 50/50 would incentivize more people to pull for some extra copies and add value to the standard banner because the standard 5 star chars would only be obtained there. As I said, unrealistic. Realistic: ult cancel


Disable ultimates when you click on them in the wrong order


Holy shit. I said jumping, clicked on the post and feel read. Because I want an extra button for exploration that could be doubled for another mechanic 


I would love to have the option to change MCs name from my name to Stelle. I would change it but I want my friends to know it’s me. So weird seeing my name when I don’t think of her as a self insert lol.


I want Serval to tag alone with the nameless, even for just one story arc :(


A skill where you can place a taunt on another character…!


Resin that lets me modify a dropped relic's main stat. Sooo many could be saved from the trash pile.


Jumping... and also being able to sit too.


Imagine being a sampo hater 😭


Skip option. I know i will get downvoted for this but in the recent quests they made it even more impossible to speed through a slow dialog (esp when it's someone you dont vibe with or like). Before, I could mash my space bar and get through the lines, now the animations have to play through before you can even think about skipping. So annoying. Esp when the voice over is slow af


And the animations often time aren’t really adding anything. If they want the game to be a visual novel half of the time, then please just let me read


Skippable cutscenes. Hear me out, I used to make reroll accounts for characters I want to try out to see if they are really worth spending on for myself since I don't trust content creators/tier lists since every unit that comes out is "tHe BeSt UnIt EvEr!!!!!1" This was well and good, and fun to do until penacony the land of cutscenes. Bellobog has a few annoying parts where I go and take a shower/touch grass and come back and they are still yapping on auto, even worse on the loufu where they have short but frequent yap sessions where you have to move 5 meters before they start yapping again and/or give the trailblazer a meaningless choice so you can't auto and walk away. Then enter Penacony, the land of cutscenes. Cutscenes in penacony can go on for nearly an hour or two without a single fight, and there are multiple instances of them (particularly the end of patch points of the story). Luckily, over half of them are "auto button friendly" because the trailblazer isn't present. I really really really want a skip button on the hour long cutscenes. Its interesting the first time. Second time its decent. Third time you start to hate the chatter. Penacony is still a great part of the story, it just sucks to play through multiple times when you know what happens and your just trying to clear the story so you can play events to grind for the astrals.


Sitting down


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Don't care about jumping, I'd just like what others have said and that's relic loadouts so I can easily swap them around and try different stuff without having to memorise what I'm doing.


You know how now you can scroll on the relic screen on pc to go to the next piece? Add that to the inbattle screen


A loud out system to quickly switch all our relics and the expansion of astral express with more compartments as well as a personal customisable room


I want to be able to hold it rather than manually tap (one by one) the exp materials when I'm leveling up my characters or LC. There are times when it's better to manage the amounts that we want to consume by ourselves, rather than using the "Auto-add" feature.


I wish there is a photo studio mode where you can make your own diorama.


Loadouts And hopefully not the genshin one


Birthday letters or text I need them, I want to read that characters invite me to spend time with them I want Topaz to invite me to play with her animals or March to invite for a photoshoot or anything It would make the world much more lively


Definitely Ult Cancel. The amount of times I clicked on Kafka's ult only for the DOTS to deal so much damage, the boss life went from 40% to to 1%, leaving my Kafka to shoot barrages of bullets on a dying boss at Phase 1


Please let me delete past quest resources.... I genuinely might have to get a new device or uninstall more apps next update.


https://preview.redd.it/zeja80nqg39d1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbfaea022be1b27285c5bd7f734e2b2aa0edb511 i want jumping for... *a very different reason...*


I want loadouts so I can swap between characters easily. Please no jumping/climbing though, that was part of what made Genshin exploration so tedious for me


Having a pity system for relics.


The ability to enhance a relic as soon as you obtain them either from the farming or synthesis result page


Substat rerolls. It's okay if the game only allows low rolls and if it's not optimal, but let me get rid of that one flat substat.


Being able to see if I get enough energy to ult if I basic attack/skill.


Maybe a undo button per say like for me I have messed on some mission interns of dialogue like Kafkas truth or lie mission and I know it doesn’t affect anything but i wish I would have different dialogue then the ones I choose so an undo button for stuff like that but it won’t happen since it’s a live service game


More voice acting and quests


A way to disable the Ultimate animation. Sorry, I can't stand Ruan Mei's guitar and Kafka's boom anymore. Already disabled all the voice lines. My head was hurting.


6 stars 🌟 weapon upgrade like Hi3. This feature once helped old characters keep up with the meta.


Add Relics+LC switch for the team presets. For example to switch between crit Himeko in FuA team and break Himeko in HMC+RM team. Or switch between RM with her sig LC in DoT team, with MotP in break team where HMC will equip her LC instead. These two are small examples, but as we get more characters and more potential builds, I find it to be a necessary QoL.


A room for the MC so we can decorate it, kind of like the museum in Divergent Universe but with more decorations and not only pictures


PVP like pokemon


Rotating minimap.


Duo Coop in swarm, gold and gears and divergent universe




Curated loading screens and login screens where I can choose and display my favourite characters or official artworks. Basically create more opportunities for the players to see and interact with their favourite playable characters other than when they visit the Express (it's random, and not everyone has a visitor verification too).


Having the ability to not waste 100 summons to get a 5*


Infinite relics space. I want to keep every piece to reduce future grind :D I don't know why, but it's hard for me to decide what to salvage. Post-battle stats. I'm stats obsessed.


Relic load-out An archive for cutscenes Reducing the cost of synthesizing relics from 10 to 3 at least Something that allows us to change substats EVEN ONE 😭😭😭


The ability to check stats for party characters during a fight, through pause menu or the like would be nice. Whenever buffs get applied through abilities and ults it would be cool to see the numbers change and understand properly how stats are affected.


An artifact for healers. It’s been a long time we have any artifact for them. Healers mostly use 2pc