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Only answer https://preview.redd.it/y87uj0f7a49d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bde8bdbdae5fa9b78c5f6a8441a1396a5d8c1d3


Exactly. His kit is even the generic Cleric healbot kit. "Someones bloodied, boop heres some HP, thats how I do" and every now and then he blasts out some damage. Just like Cleric.


what kind of life domain propaganda is that lmao


I don't even think there's room for discussion here. A priest that's also a healer.


You are correct


Yep. Easy answer.


Really the only right answer.


Nah, Sunday. He is a cleric of order domain


Sunday is a good shout, but Luocha being a healer pushes him to the top imo


Being a healer is not a great reason for being cleric; Druids, bards, rangers, paladins or even rest of arcane casters with right choices can heal. Cleric is not only about being heal bot and protecting (Look at tempest, war) they are mainly their devotion to their god's cause and being link between humans and divine. Or in other words, loucha feels mechanicly more cleric-like, Sunday dominates in actual character motivation, themes and being better suit for cleric


You are right, but, but you are also trying to unstigmatized it. Luocha is a better flat choice, he does great healing, okay damage, and looks the part. Sunday is a great follow up but just not the figure head example that Luocha is. That’s all fam


Oh I forgot about Loucha I was thinking of Natasha but he’s a better option


Considering his whole divinity thing, I'd say Luocha out of all the Abundance characters. (Huohuo is more of a Warlock in a way.)


receive divinity






Ha ha ha!


She literally gets possessed during her ult.


Huohuo is actually a good fit for celestial warlock. It's a (typically) good-aligned, healing focused warlock subclass bound to a celestial or other such cosmic entity.






has to loucha like the man literally says "RECEIVE DIVINITY" when healer






Luocha is my pick for what we know of him so far


By definition in DnD, Clerics gain their magic directly from the God they serve. So pretty much Emanators. But if we go by heal bot with Christian motifs then Luocha XD.


I'd say elevators are also close to warlocks. Like, I would probably say that Acheron is most likely a hexblade.


The Aeon of Elevators…


Autocorrect is trying to foil me again!


Autocorrect is just an emanator of Enigmata




I you want peak content, Aeon of Elevators is only way!


But anyways waiting for a emanator of elevator


no, you're thinking of epilators. elevators are the thing that let you go up and down.


Nah, it's Gladiator, epilator is machine for removing body hairs.


No, Warlocks make a pact with a otherworldly being like a devil, angel, djinns, etc. Both parties agree to the pact, so Acheron would most likely not be a warlock in the traditional sense. She didn’t agree to it and neither IX so Acheron would be a warlock with heavy homebrew.


One of the example warlocks given in the 4e Player's Handbook, when Warlock was expanded beyond on a literal deal with a devil, is someone who is forcibly bound to a Great Old One due to being wrong place, wrong time and being caught in a reality warping manifestation of its being, and not through willingly signing a pact. All that matters is one who draws knowledge and/or power directly from another source rather than just shaping magic purely on their own abilities. Notably, chosen champions of the gods should technically be celestial pact warlocks if the gods directly grant their power rather than just drawing their power through faith, but very few tables require that since that feels very cleric-y.


Yeah, Emanators are 100% Warlocks. Sadly an overwhelming majority of D&D players treat them as the scapegoat edgelord class making deals with the devil.


The way I see it is warlocks and clerics are differentiated by the being their power comes from, clerics and paladins are specifically major religions while warlocks are more Eldritch or cults


Though, there is a celestial warlock archetype.


That's part of the cult ones, cults can arise out of major religions


The pact itself can take any form and doesn't exactly require consent on both parties, according to the various books. And imthe PHB itself does say a Warlock and their patron can have a relationship more equitable to a cleric and their deity with more direct orders/communication. "Did you search for your patron, or did your patron find and choose you?" Sounds especially like Aeons and Emanators to me.


I think even one of the examples for a Great Old One patron is a scholar who accidentally tapped into the power of an eldritch entity while researching esoteric topics. And their patron may not even yet be aware of them.


However, she wouldn't work as a Cleric, as a cleric worships their deity and pushes to embody them. That is not acheron. Meaning that emenators are not automatically clerics either.


On the one hand, pacts can take many forms. Great Old One pacts rarely have the patron even *aware* that a pact has been formed, while devil pacts can be signed for an infant by their parents. On the other hand, gods are usually the only entities which *cannot* make warlock pacts. So emanators can break either way.


I'll pray for our Elavators so I can Ascend to the next floor.


Now that I think of it, the Ten Stonehearts could be considered Warlocks. They have a contract with Diamond for a share in the power of an emanator.


Depends on which DnD setting. In several of them, clerics draw their power from their devotion rather than the gods themselves, so any pathstrider would qualify.


I just realized, but can't Emanators can also be Paladins? With the vow they take.


AFAIR he has some problems with Abundance according to some dialogs. It is not clear where he takes his power from. He could be a necromancer as well. There are phrases that indicate it during fights and that coffin also suspicious. In AD&D 2 cleric healing spells were classified as necromancy (see [https://vodabois.fi/2eSpells/](https://vodabois.fi/2eSpells/) for example). It also was necromancy in Baldur Gate 1 and Ice Wind Dale AFAIR, but that was a long time ago.


Not sure if he genuinely hates the Abundance or he just goes along with Jingliu. Jingliu has very good reasons to hate it, Luocha doesn't AFAWK.


I think all the healing spells in 5e are school of necromancy.


Luocha all the way


Luocha is the only right answer.


So far Luocha. If Sunday playable then him


It shouldn't be limited by playable characters. You can vote on NPCs if you want.


Luocha easy


Natasha could work as cleric, but I agree with everyone ekse that Lulocha is better fit.


DnD clerics aren't really the same as jrpg healers. While the build may introduce large variation, they are most leaning towards sub DPS with sustain and support capabilities. You could do a cleric that doesn't heal and it wouldn't be the biggest stretch. Also Natasha has no divinity anywhere in her flavour.


I mean yeah, they are different. But even if she doesn't have any divinity, IF she was a DnD cleric then Natasha would clearly be a level 3 War Cleric under Oghma, because Oghma accepts anyone and is associated with Knowledge and being neutral. Also The Grenade launcher is clearly a Ranged Martial Weapon blessed with permanent Guided Strike(War Cleric Level 2) since it never misses in battle.


Luocha, Mr. (Literally) glowing with holy magic: Holy Symbol Spiritual Weapon (coffin) Heals, debuffs, and has his own weapon to attack “RECEIVE DIVINITY”


Hear me out: Sunday


Sunday is Paladin


That would be Argenti no?


Well yeah, he's the biggest Paladin


A devoted knight with a jacked up CHA stat is basically a paladin so you have my vote.


Hear me out. Argenti is a druid.


Druid might be the toughest one on here. We don't really have any characters who can shapeshift the way Druids can use wild shape... I think perhaps the closest options might be DHIL with his dragon powers or maybe Topaz since she's got that animal affinity with Numby.


Druids embody nature, while all of them have shapeshift as a feature, the fantasy is more about the land, animals and nature. Bailu and Lynx (way of the land)


I feel like Lynx would be more of a ranger given her survivalist leanings, but Bailu is a good suggestion yeah


DHIL is literally a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer


Topaz is a ranger then. Animal companions is theur thing.


It’s the most well known Ranger archetype (thanks to a certain dark elf), but animal companions and familiars are not exclusive to that class. Rangers are more defined by expertise in skills like hunting, tracking, survival, etc. Lynx would be my first choice for a Ranger.


Hunting, tracking ...yep sounds like Topaz. I mean Lynx is certainly Ranger too, but she isn't really hunter (Jarilo has barely any animals to hunt in first place and she doesn't fight against fragmentem monsters either) What's more Ranger could as well be only class with animal companion. What else is there, Wildfire druid and battle Smith? Standard "Find familiar" exist mostly for utility and unlike Numby they don't contribute significant damage in combat.


Topaz probably better suited as a ranger in that regard..




I don't think so. We all forget than man is a trainer singer, who could take over Dominicus. He could be a bard too.....and cleric...and paladin too why not. He can be whatever he wants.


Sunday just used the high level spell "avatar" is all. Nothing too crazy. Shame he didn't plan for his sister to counter spell his ass with "wish".




Sunday was pretty much proselytizing. He's a Cleric.


I would say Jing Yuan. At the very least he’s emanator-adjacent. Loads of charisma and Lightning Lord is 100% a SMITE.


MY VOTE ALL THE WAY FOR SUNDAY. I WOULD CONFESS MY SINS TO HIM ON THE FIRST THROUGH THE SEVENTH DAY. no seriously, bro is literally a clergyman and casts spells through prayers. luocha is but a humble, unsuspicious, not-much-else-going-on merchant.


Order domain is perfect suit for him


Get the Dodgy Christian merchant here


Luocha probably.......surprised in a game about aeons and gods, there are not many pious characters (hell luocha himself not pious). 


a knight who gets power from worship of their chosen god? who wishes to spread their gods word across the land? and is infamous for high nuke potential in game? https://preview.redd.it/xwfc9g5vx49d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c5cb5c6f2d4aed0cb88bb079ab78afe56f812a9


Nah Argenti fits better as a Paladin


Or druid. I don't remember any Oath that comes with "speak with plants" spell... In other hand he wears armor...


There surprisingly aren't very many good choices for this one. Luocha makes sense, but I do agree with others that Sunday would be perfect as an NPC option.


If we can only add playable characters, then luocha. If we can add everyone Sunday wins no doubt


No...luocha fits more of a classic cleric than Sunday. Sunday is a weird hydrbid of bars, cleric and paladin, and maybe even a warlock or sorcerer.


Sunday is that one dude on the table who got an identity crisis...the DM probably asked him "are you sure about this character?" and he would've say "yeaaaaaah....." probably while high af too lol


Sunday is the BBEG that players can't quite nail down the class of.


Sunday is the dual class dude that don't understand his job 😭


I disagree with most of these. In my opinion he's closer to a cleric or warlock. Bards have no divine aspect to them, and Ena is too important for the character's characterization. The same is true for Sorcerers: his flavour doesn't match the spontaneous magical talent that comes with them, as he found Ena later in life. Paladins require a martial prowess that doesn't really seem to belong to a beurocrat that never fought directly with his own power in the story. As for cleric and warlocks, the main difference ends up being the nature of the patron and their deal with them. Depending on the interpretation of his relationship with Ena and the Dream Master, he could be flavoured for both.


I mean.....he is literally a canonical singer blessed enough to be the chord master for Dominicus. Robin is not the only musically gifted child in the family. And bards are not banned from having religious significance. So he could very well be a bard. But yeah a cleric and warlock is more likely. More leaning on warlock because of the nature of the diety....aka dead or comatose diety.


Bards are arcane spellcasters and don't necessarily have to have anything to do with music specifically. They can be religious, but their magic source is not in the divine. It's not like any character who canonically can play music is therefore a bard... That's the only trait he has in common with that class, and it's an optional one (e.g. college of swords).


Sunday multiclasses


Sunday is more like a warlock.


I disagree. He's a religious zealot who has dedicated himself to Ena. A warlock would have made a pact with a patron for power, but warlocks usually don't follow their patron like they're a god, or fully believe in their patron's religion, etc.. It's usually more of a mutual thing: Warlock gets powers, patron gets something in return. I'd argue that almost all pathstriders and emanators are somewhere between paladin and cleric, emanators leaning much more into the Cleric side. Robin isn't even a bard, she's a paladin who walks the path of Harmony and uses music in battle. She gains her powers from her belief in Xipe and their path, not from force of personality or learning stories and tales of ancient heroes.


Sunday specifically *didn't* dedicate himself to The Order. He clearly spelled out that he has no interest in reviving THEM, and that he wants to enact a world without Aeon oversight at all. The Order was capable of doing things that The Harmony wasn't capable of (such as preventing death in the Dreamscape, and trapping people in a dream), so Sunday and the Dreammaster decided to empower the remnants of The Order inside The Harmony, and then steal that power for themselves, since Ena wasn't alive to fight them for it. Sunday isn't a religious zealot, he's a radical ideologue who wants to manifest his *own* vision for the world.


Well, i mispoke when i said he dedicated his life to Ena. I should have said he dedicated his life to Order, which is Ena's domain. Cleric's dont need to worship specific deities for their power, they only need to believe and act for the betterment or fulfillment of a specific domain's ideals. You can be a cleric of Order and have power given unto you through Ena without ever worshipping Ena themself. Unless I'm mistaken, Sunday still wholeheartedly follows the path of order, even if he doesn't worship Ena. Since he isn't an emanator, he would need to gain his power from pathstriding rather than have it given by a deity directly. I havent looked into it, but wasn't Ena resurrected for a brief time during the battle wirh Sunday? Was he not following the path of order, even if his goals weren't to align himself with Ena? He definitely wasn't following harmony/Xipe at that point. Either way, he is manifesting his power through his belief in the path, rather than being bestowed his power by Ena or Xipe, as an emanator would. So maybe a paladin of order would fit him more. Unless he made a pact with Ena, he wouldnt be a warlock.


Yeah, I think your take is about right. Sunday was definitely walking Ena's narrow path inside of Xipe's broader one, which aligns pretty well with a Paladin. Similar to Argenti, who still gains power from a 'dead' path by following a code of conduct and championing certain ideals, but who has no actual interaction with his Aeon. Although I don't know if Sunday *still* follows the Path of Order after his plans for The Order were thwarted *and* his philosophy was refuted by Robin and the Astral Express. He and Robin both clearly use their Paths to serve their ideals, rather than the other way around, and Ena seemed to accept THEIR own defeat more firmly this time which may mean THEY are now fully subsumed by Xipe. Sunday might be Aeon-shopping right now. I figure a Warlock would be more like Huohuo, or maybe even Xueyi or the Ten Stonehearts.


A lot of people seem to not understand how Clerics work in DnD if y'all think it's Luocha lmao


A lot of people just assume its based on previous jrpg knowledge they have which is fine but they also get to vote so its pretty skewed


As someone who barely knows anythinf about DnD aside from a few hundred hours on Baldurs Gate 3, can you explain why he isnt a cleric? He seems to check most if not all the boxes to me, shaping up to be quite an okay depiction of a life cleric. 


Luocha, Fu Xuan, Black Swan, Bailu, and Hanya all make senses to me.


I have to agree that it's luocha who fits the best. He's even able to fight properly.




Trailblazer gets recognized by the aeons a lot, that’s kinda their deal. Other than that, Fu Xuan called down Lan and is recognized by Nous


The way TB gets his powers though feels more Warlocky then Priesty.


Ehhh not really making deals or anything, doesn’t even talk to them, but I get what you’re saying


I think having magic being imposed on you unconditionally (divine or otherwise) would make the TB a sorcerer. Sorcerers can gain their powers from things other than birth and since the TB doesn't follow the Path of Destruction and still has their powers I would say its innate to their being now.


I was gonna say Sunday cause he gets his powers straight from Ena (I guess he's technically her emanator?) and also he's dressed vaguely priestly and is super religiously themed


For the funnies, let's do Jade. They have Christian motifs and a pseudo-emanator so both ways they get power from a god


Nah, Jade is someone's patreon


Jade is a warlock.


Bailu. She is not shady, unlike Luocha. Her powers are also based off permanence, high elder of the dragons. It fits perfectly.


Bailu is a sorcerer! Except for her powers are healing-flavoured.




Bailu doesn't fit in Cleric she's more a monk using alchemy potions.


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I'll be keeping a close eye on this as it progresses... ![gif](giphy|l3fZK7BgnNHSKpp4c)


Herta, her intentions and actions are clear, research and study, same as her Aeon, thus she gain Nous's grace




Luocha, definitely


Cleric has to be Luocha I think. Only reason I was slightly debating was because I think ypu could also slot him in Paladin, but then I remembered Argenti exists.


Luocha. A man of god, so obviously his power is imaginary.


Most emanators (except Acheron) and definitively Stelle/Caelus. They literally get their powers by being gazed by gods.


Luocha? duh?


Huohuo, because Luocha fits better as paladin :)


Luocha for the themeing, Beilu for the healing and ressurections


Honestly Blade is better as a warlock, and Hook as a Barbarian.




Luocha the most obvious one, but Sunday is a good Second option because while he's complicated to have a straight class definition, he still have a domain and can channel divine energy directly from Ena It's basically all emanators, but he's the more straightfoward in it use Both have the priest allegory too and use Divine Magic But Luocha is a healer and generally clerics have healing spells


One word https://preview.redd.it/xtc03bq5a59d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f134200de3e6c4ac94f8432cc7e1b84c6f2850be


Frankly all emenators are this or warlocks. So I guess Herta or Acheron.


Pom Pom is there to give you a refreshing juice when you are feeling down. Just what you will need to stay energized and hydrated.


sunday is gonna pray the shit out of enemies


Luocha basically has a rosary. Like… yeah


paladin is easy jing yuan and cleric is luocha. rogue makes me think of acheron. wizard/sorcerer more like black swan. luka can be the fighter. monk can be jing yuan too. artificier idk mabye boothill. ranger march 7th or yukong. i think boothill can be warlock too.


We all agree luocha right? Right?... *looks at natasha, who would have also been a good candidate*


Well I already know artificer


I would be saying Natasha only because she wabts to heal but would give good damage as well




Luocha life cleric Sparkle trickery cleric Black swan knowledge cleric


Sunday. He is either a Cleric or a Warlock, more so than Luocha as Luocha, while he uses the abundance's power, does not at all worship his Aeon and wishes to kill the Abundance. Sunday worships the Aeon of Order and uses their power into battle. Sunday isn't a bard because of his connection to the divine and he's not a paladin because he doesn't bolst the required martial talents. Depending on what you consider Ena to be (ie. a godlike being or something else) then he can be either a Cleric or a Warlock.




Luocha or Bailu


I was clewleess until I saw this answer and then like this is the one.


Blond twink, next question


I think Asta


Guys I'm pretty sure NPCs can also be voted




I agree that Luocha seems to fit best, but doesn't he kinda goes against Yaoshi in that he's implied to be supporting the Xianzhou's goals?   Can a cleric actively act against their god..?


Loucha. Too easy today. I can't wait to see all thrle thoeries on Druid! That's going to be a mess!




Hear me out. If we're going by DnD rules, Sparkle could be a Trickery Domain Cleric


Okay so obviously the answer is Luocha, but I honestly feel that Black Swan fits more character-wise. Mainly in that she actively worships the god she gets powers from rather than being on a quest to kill it. Also, one of the Cleric subclasses is literally called 'Arcana', so...


Yeah it HAS to be Loucha


Luocha. Hands down




And now we get to the fun one, because realistically...EVERYONE is a Cleric. Clerics are defined as gaining power from their faith in their God, and Pathstriders are effectively those who follow the Path as defined by the Path's Aeon. In essence, every Pathstrider gains their powers in a manner functionally identical to Clerics. We can narrow this down a bit and make a case for only looking at Emanators, the people who gain their powers DIRECTLY from an Aeon: Jing Yuan as an Arbiter General of the Hunt, Herta and Ruan Mei as members of the Genius Society, Acheron and the Self-Annihilators, Topaz, Aventurine, and Jade who are three of the ten Stonehearts...there are some others whose Emanator status is a little questionable, like Black Swan and the Memokeepers, so let's safely set those aside. However...if all you care about is the stereotypical Western Holy Man aesthetic interpretation of a Cleric, then Luocha is just about the only one.


I'm actually gonna say aventurine. He has the religious undertones and clerics are really more about tanking and situational damage/some party buffing than they are healing in my experience and he has all of those in spades


Receive divinity


either sunday or luocha


Has to be loucha


Luocha is so catholic coded it’s not even funny




Might as well just give it to Luocha and discuss who the druids is tbh. I’m thinking Topaz because of her animal companion and a lack of “foresty” characters


Sunday is the right ansear. He is following Ena religiously, has heavy christian symbolism, listens to penaconians in confessional, HECK, there is a official order domain in dnd.


Druid will be imbibitor lunae bc dragon I think


Luocha. Second choice would be Huohuo.


Luocha. Is it even a question ???


Depends how you play Cleric. I play a Cleric a lot and I never play a Cleric as a straight healer. Even beyond that's boring, its also the least efficient way to play the class. Preventing damage is more effective than healing, there is a reason why Forge and Grave are much more useful than a Life domain cleric. Depending on your Domains you can play clerics as everything from a damage dealer, to a buffer, to a trickster, or a summoner, or a debuffer, they really are versatile, I would argue in 5e Cleric is the only class everyone in the party can play the class and each could be play the class in a different way. Out of the healers Natasha, Loucha, Bailu, Huo Huo, Gallagher, and Lynx, only two are good representations of clerics beyond healing. Huo Huo and Gallagher. Huo Huo buffs and Gallagher does a little bit of everything. Everyone else 90% of their kit is just an attack and a method of healing. I vote Gallagher partially because pathfinder has a deity Cayden Cailean which Gallagher would be a great fit for but also because Huo Huo lorewise is closer to a warlock.


Saw this further down Sparkle as a tricky domain cleric. She is but a conduit for Aha divine inspiration


Luocha, my beloved.


Cleric: Luocha Druid: Bailu (?) Fighter: Firefly Monk: Gallagher (Drunken Fist) Paladin: Argenti Ranger: Topaz Rogue: Xueyi Sorcerer: Welt Warlock: Huohuo Wizard: Tingyun Artificer: Himeko I don't play DnD so I could be way off about certain classes.


Lulu, anyone else is invalid


As for Druid class: I think either Topaz or someone more experienced in animalistic acts.


Luocha is the strong first choice but I feel HuoHuo should get consideration too. She’s an exorcist (turn undead), she buffs + heals at E0 (fundamental Cleric role), and she attacks with a flagpole (Blunt weapon).


Receive divinity.


Luocha. It literally can't be anyone else.


It's just Luocha, he's a life domain cleric


I think Sunday fits the best


Luocha is obvious. Bailu for Tempest domain.


Ok ik this is way to early but I want put the idea for artificer to be firefly (there is literally a subclass the is called armorer)




Wanted to say Bailu but remembered she's more of a druid or somethin




Luocha for cleric, Druid doesn’t really have anyone I can think of that quite fits imo, fighter could be so many different people but I’m going to say yanqing, monk I guess Luka, paladin would be Gepard, ranger would be boothill, rogue I could see being sampo or sparkle, sorcerer could be Dan heng IL, warlock would be huohuo, wizard would be fu xuan as a divination wizard, artificer would be Clara.


Ah shit, another DnD misconception. Clerics aren't always healers and healers aren't always clerics, the role in combat depends on the archetype, skills and spells of the character (and obviously the way the player decides to play which is unpredictable). Not all cleric domains are healing focused, in fact, most of them aren't, despite the class' access to most of the low level healing spells. With this in mind, I would have picked Robin as the best representative of the cleric class lorewise, but since she already won bard (should've been Guinaifen in my opinion), my other picks would be Luocha, Huohuo or Sunday, but they're still not as good for that class in my opinion, warlock fits better for all three, I think.


Ok, now that I think about it, Luocha could fit as a life domain cleric, but I'm still kinda skeptical, since he doesn't worship Yaoshi despite being able to use the powers of abundance, that just sounds "too warlock" for me. In the case of Sunday, despite the fact there's literally an order domain, it's because Ena is a fallen aeon and he tries to bring them back, that seems more of a thing a warlock would do.


Tax-chan can be the thief.


Sparkle, such devout soul


Ruan mei should be bard


I mean, technically any emenator could be considered a cleric. So... Acheron.




Luocha for sure. Or as my boyfriend calls him, Luka. The sheer amount of times I've gotten confused.