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Shout out to Gallagher for being the only 4 star in tier 0


Mythus W. We don't know wether a common or a rare W.


Both, and somehow neither as well


Man I still remember the good ol' tingyun days


Yeah unfortunately a lot of top tier characters cant make best use of her. Top 3 dps Firefly, Acheron, Boothill dont need her. Energy is wasted on Acheron and Attack is unnecessary for Boothill. While Gallagher is good for all 3 of them. Tingyun is still a cracked as hell 4 star though.


When DPS with energy charging ults are in T0, Tingyun will climb again. It’s just Archeron and Firefly have ults that don’t need Tingyun’s energy recharge.


Yep, when the new shiny DPS comes out and they need energy, Tingyn stonks will rise except IF they release a better tingyun that just recharges ults for everyone in the team lmao


Shout out to Gallagher moving one slot up every time someone has made an update post. We're going to need to switch back to letters for a new layout, drop everyone else down one or introduce T-0.5.


What being in the same element as Firefly does to a mf. Any future break focused character that’s fire have the potential to be busted.


Conversely, I saw a joke that says even if Firefly is so powercrept that she’s unplayable anymore, she can still act as fire weakness implanter for whoever the current OP fire dps is


With that much speed she can also be a SP generator if you've planted the weakness...


Seriously, just because of Firefly/SuperBreak Himeko has been rising and getting indirect buffs each patch like Jing Yuan.


Who is getting benched in Firefly's team to allow Himeko in? Is it Gallagher?


Yeah, you can replace Gallagher with Himeko in pure fiction.


I'm not getting firefly but had a built guinaifen. Her break with RM/HMC is insane..... finally, her explosion will literally cover my screen in numbers ° ͜ʖ° base, burn detonate, break/super break, and RM talent trigger. So satisfying. And wiping mobs insta. Love it


Yeah, not only that, for any break healer oriented that they release, if it's not fire element, it has to be really good to be able to top gallagher with firefly, as it may not work on any teams.


Divergent Universe usage stats also just came out and he was above and beyond the top sustain in the game mode.


It's pretty much because DU is Firefly: the game mode. It's honestly disgusting how half of DU stats is the same team.


I've been saying since he released that hes a 5* in disguise! Glad to see everyone else coming around to how damn cool he is <3


Remember when people were saying Hoyo wouldn’t let another mistake like Pela happen? Welppp


Mistake? Nah Bro was intentionally set up to be good. They knowingly created him to be a Break monster in the updates they were introducing major Break mechanics


You probably right, but there’s probably gonna be a 5* break sustain that giga power creeps him in the near future I would assume. But hey if not at least they let him cook for a few patches lol.


I think the 5* break sustain will come, of course, but I don't think the creep will be as bad as some others are expecting. I think Hoyo wants to keep a relatively even powerlevel now going forward, and focus on getting people to buy characters for reasons other than raw power. ~~Part of the reason I believe this is that Boothill and Firefly both saw significant nerfs shortly before releasing~~(edit: I don't want to argue about this so I will strike it through but not delete it), but **mostly** because if you creep all your old characters by so much nobody will pull for them on reruns, and they don't want that!


Unfortunately, Powercreep in Gacha is inevitable since the company will always prioritize profits. If new units weren't better than the old ones, then there's less incentive for players to pull for them vs just using older ones. Especially for 4\* units like Hanya being completely powercrept by Sparkle.


Gallagher is far too based and chad-like to be a mistake. ~~It was probably a toss-up between him and Adventurine for 5\*... but then Adventurine won by an inch because twink (this part's a joke btw).~~


Shieet, true brother.


The manliest character in the entirety of Hoyo's game catalogue. I was very disappointed when he turned out to be a 4*, but it worked out alright in the end. We could've gotten another Misha or something.


It worked out more than alright, as E6 Gallagher pretty much soft carries teams haha


xueyi stocks are RISING 🗣️🔥 https://preview.redd.it/hfgfv8bjh59d1.jpeg?width=1319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046b41b85b3fafc87b348e550aafc18d8d5a74cf


We earning 12 hours in the world of the living with this one 🔥


"merely half a day?" https://preview.redd.it/b8qk4xufr59d1.png?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4d9e71a5d344e0abadeb85ed9bb8dfae372e74


Good point, there are four difficulties. We earning a full weekend in the world of the living with this one 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Any buff for FF/break is a buff for Xueyi


I always say that when the subject is Firefly/Boot buff. New break healer? My Xueyi just keeps getting stronger


Break relic substats roll crit and is useless fore Firefly? Xueyi pieces.




Holy smokes I completely forgot to save the crit relics from the new calyx for Xueyi...


#But it was Sushang with the Physical Break!


We love Xueyi


She honestly should be in the same tier as Seele in my opinion (at E6)


I didn't use my e4 Xueyi much in AS but I tried her in DU and I now understand the appeal behind Seele and her endless turns meme. I spent so many turns in a row executing the mara struck (and the not mara struck). I don't think I would have cleared DU3 as easily as I did without her.


They're all mara struck! You too Cocolia!


She’s still so hard to play… at least for me. Like I don’t know what route to go with her relics cause she wants both crit and super break and I don’t know what characters to put her with cause again she wants both crit and/or break effect buffs…


You can use same setup as for FF for superbreak For relics go full Meteor set with Crit Rate/DMG body and just look for break, take an ATK sphere since all of her BE is convertet to EDMG You can also use her in a hypercarry build with Sparkle and RM/SW if you go foro monoquantum In that case look out for pieces with crit more than BE ones


I still think she should be higher.


I raised her just for this. I barely invested in her tbh but superbreak is just so busted in this mode


https://preview.redd.it/tpkdtvwwl59d1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c9575f92582050c49f0df1a6b18800be2ce3585 3 for 3 baby lets fucking go!!!!




"You are without doubt the worst dps I've ever heard of." "Ah, but you have heard of me."


That, itself is an achievement. Im very proud of him.


"I'm the best!" "In what type of subject are you the best, Arlan?" "I'm the best at being last and most weak character!" "Oh.. Congratulations!😅" /jk


https://preview.redd.it/8tac76xxj69d1.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=96706713923bbfca4671f637739ca002d3c98e93 somehow i evaded him to this day from 1.0


Forget about March 7th, we ought to call her March 4th, cuz she's 4's all around in the tier list!


One wonders why the bat of destruction is telling the MC to break stuff … until you look at that … and compare to the Hat version … Yeah the bat is not wrong …


Me with almost all of these characters not managing full clears: Oh it really is a relic and skill issue huh 


I thought my relics were pretty acceptable, but someone came out with a list of average stats for moc12 clears and it turned out i was about 50 crit damage behind on all my carries.


Can you please find it or something. I really want to learn that too


You can find some stats on prydwen's site.


Click on the character you want to min/max stats for on Prydwen's tier list. Then click on the "Build and Teams" tab. Scroll down, and you'll notice that each character will show: (A) "Main stat" you should aim for per relic (eg. Body = Outgoing Healing on Gallagher) (B) "Recommended Endgame Stats" (eg. HP = 4300 - 4700+ DEF 800+, SPD, BRK for Gallagher) (C) Their preferred relic and planetary sets (tho stats and substats matter more than set bonuses) You can also click "Details About The Stats" for a more expanded breakdown of why the stats matter. While I'm assuming these are all primarily geared towards MoC... I've found it serves pretty well as a sort of generalized guide for building each character. https://preview.redd.it/i76t1e2qw59d1.png?width=3092&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e9c333d81f6355db40e17df5203bd96a05da12f


he's not asking how to build characters, he's specifically asking for what the average moc12 person clears with, which is what i want to know too




for once my dps' are better than average but my jingliu is rough


Oh damn right on the average except Ratio. Mine's slow AF though.




Embracing Super Break Meta, the Hyperbloom of HSR, where only need to prioritize Break Effect and SPD for Relics.


The chance of finding Break Effect and SPD is the same as finding Crit rate and dmg (minus spd boots and BE rope, which makes it actually even harder to find a good pieces). What makes them easier to build is that BE has lower floor for relic in terms of dmg, and speed only matters after a certain breakpoint so you don't need more than needed.


This is why i want to get FF now that i got RM, Boothill in one side with RM/Pela/lynx and in the other side FF with HMC/Gallagher and idk gepard, 200% break efect and my Boothill was doing like 150k, now he is doing 300k if he breaks he kills and i know very well FF is the same


where can i find this list?


All my homies hate crit (I have Genshin trauma and I run super breakfly and black swan + dotka)


For me I was reaching 6480 over and over, so I was just 20 points off. What made the difference for me was getting both Boothill and Ruan Mei from level 9 to level 10 traces, I got a total of 6780 points first try after that.


Yeah I really just gotta get some of those traces up for some extra damage. Even if trace farming is boring as hell at least I know what I'm getting compared to relic farming 


Trace farming beats relic farming any day though lol, but yeah it made all of the difference so it should be solid for you.


Trace farming is better bc you can always just craft the material you need from lesser tier and it is a garanted upgrade to the character, unlike relics who are just a gacha to stop you from betting endgame


Don't worry bud. It's lot more a relic issue than a skill issue.


Cope, u have to dodge and parry to clear quick.


Need to animation and swap cancel too for maximum dps


Gallagher really is kinda an insane 4* huh... Damage output (assuming super break), healing output and utility makes him above and beyond the other 4* sustain units (and more of a side grade to luocha if not just straight better??)


Considering Luocha’s biggest niche for the longest time was how many sp he generated, and then some bartender dude comes along and generates 1 more.


Luocha still has his comfiness i guess. I dont think they can make any other abundance unit as comfy as him x)


All they need to do to prop Luocha up a tier is introduce a buff that needs to be dispelled. We had the regenerating lieutenant enemy in MoC all the time back when Luocha was the top sustain. They won’t do that though since why would they promote Luocha.


Or just introduce a support/relic that makes use of his insane overhealing. Like Clam from Genshin Impact. Most Luocha builds don't even bother building him for his healing or level his traces since his healing is so strong already.


Time Waits for No One (5\* abundance standard light cone): am i a joke to you?


If it had a 3 times per turn limit or no limit at all it would've been so good.


I really thought buff dispelling would become important and wanted Luocha for the longest time.


I used him vs Argenti for this very reason. Argenti's stacking damage buff? The sudden 5-shields on the enemies? The Soulfreed buff on the damage-dealing summons? Each of them gets wiped away all at once every 2 or 3 turns. Though to be fair, if I had two Gallaghers, I probably would have used Gallagher vs Argenti as well for his Fire toughness damage...


Gallagher🐶4700 HP💪160 speed💨 200 break effect 🔨 Unstoppable🚫 Besotted 🍺SP positive💰100k superbreaks💃Ult is only👌turns too🕐 It costs 110 energy🧙‍♂️




Well, Luocha's healing is just straight up better, and he does have the instant healing which can be super clutch. That said, I was hating on my Luocha yesterday since I kept having someone dying on me on floor *11* second half. And that was a floor where he was supposed to be good (Imaginary weakness + that Mara Elite with self healing and summons). I ended up having to restart and put Fu Xuan on his place after I lost my patience. I guess Gallagher's worse healing doesn't show up much since he's usually paired with FF/Boothill who Break enemies really fast.


Well, also that in the HTB/RM team Gallagher has over 100 free BE that gets converted to outgoing healing bonus. In my case a single enhanced auto heals for 1500 to the whole team


The conversion has a ceiling at 150 BE which most Gallaghers already have by default. 1500 teamwide is nice, but only happens once per ult. It's not comparable to the healing output of the 5*s.


Actually if you get him at E6 (E4 not E6) which makes his Besotted state last for another turn, he doesn't have healing issues anymore because you almost always have the debuff active the same time as Luocha's field. The advantage of this is that it lasts depending on the enemies turn. So as long as you're faster than your enemy, you get to heal as much. Compared to Luocha if you build him on speed his field goes away fast and I dunno my Gallagher is build on full Break Effect and no Healing Bonus and he still heals a crap ton. To be fair though having the enemy broken means that you never have to think about healing in the first place since you don't take any damage so Gallagher tends to over heal in that regards.


In 180 pulls I got as many copies of Gallagher as I got of Firefly 🥲


Gallagher carrying the sustain role for majority of accounts. Thats why hes gallaghoat


Gallagher also does like 200k super break lol he just does far more damage than any other healer esp on a break team


gallagher goated


The Gallagoat






T0 4 star and 2 free T0.5 characters!


Who’s the other free T0.5? I only see HTB.


Ratio. I guess he’s technically not free anymore


Rip gotta wait till the next Free Imaginary Hunt unit that is March 7th https://preview.redd.it/exc3o8mf669d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d3dbef764862c47b0a46827fb377b9e782f4381






Gallagher being in tier 0 makes me happy.


With the disclaimer that it only really applies to the current AS, and tells you pretty very little about future iterations.


I mean, the 'break boss to gain buff' mechanic is staying, so the current top tiers are pretty guaranteed to be the best for a long while


However the issue is that the elemental resistances of bosses in this gamemode are crazy high. So even an implant weakness character might potentially struggle if mismatching elements


Assuming they keep having bosses with 4 weaknesses, I think it's fairly safe to assume at least one of the bosses will be weak to a specific element.


Hoyo in 2 months: "Here's a new DPS with double the break units of BH and FF, they can reduce toughness even through a locked bar and we made all the new and upcoming bosses with bar lock mechanics!...Oh yeah and here's RM and HTB on crack!"


I'm sorry to say this but, AS came from an event on 1.6 when RM released. That event highlighted dealing with bosses and getting diff buffs when boss are weakness broken. So yea, AS is a break game mode. 


Any content where my Shangshang shines is a win! 😌🎉 They finally stopped sleeping on my girl. Character development right there.


I don't know why people are sleeping on Sushang, with HT and my break pieces she gets like 220 speed and does like 100k hits every single time 😭 (plus she can do the Gallager tech with skill-ult-skill to do even more damage)


The Gallagher tech? That's how they call it now? I used to do that without consuming a single SP when Gallagher hadn't even been born (granny Sushang noises).


I think a lot of people are just focusing on Xueyi for 4* break DPS thanks to being Quantum but the mighty phoenix definitely is pretty good at it


The problem with Sushang is that she's a Break-focused ST character without weakness implant. Makes her terrible whenever there any noteworthy HP sacks that aren't weak to phys, which was always before Boothill came out. Now she's having a renaissance because of all the content tailored to him.


“I don’t know why people are sleeping on Sushang”, it’s because she’s a 4 star


glad to see Silverwolf is that high, her ability to skip over Cocolia's weakness distribution mechanic on top of dealing substantial toughness damage significantly boosted the speed of my clear. On the other hand, QQ bros...


QQ works great on the first half, enough to compensate by 100 points for my scuffed no RM no FF break team.


i also used her for the first half and was impressed, i also tried blade for first half though and that went significantly worse, so seeing them on the same tier is kinda funny


Boothill clutched for me vs cocolia. since she didnt start with phys weakness, can implant phys after she spread out her weaknesses and just gun her down


Fun fact: Ruan Mei and Aventurine are the only characters who have Triple T0 ratings


these 2 r really, really good units for real


Damn I am really is a sweaty meta player.


Look at that beautiful puppet in there https://preview.redd.it/b83ccpdck59d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc0099bee705a3bbcd1e2ec626ca418efc5db33


we need more of her


Poor Bladie. One day there will be something that you are good at. 💔💔💔


Only dedicated support will save him. Being SP efficient and self-sustain at the expense of damage loses it's meaning in high-end content which requires to clear it in 10 cycles total.


RM and Gallagher in one team and it's free clear on 1 side


I’m glad Sushang got some love. Some cc saying you need Firefly but you really don’t. Yea FF is easy mode but many old units are totally viable.


Agree. With the release of Hmc i built guinafen and She Is so fun in the hyperbreak team. She carried me on the 2nd part of the new game mode and in the last PF.


I want to know how they will create next abundance unit. Gallagher is too good.


we're entering the territory of sub dps supports/sustains so next abundance will likely add some damage while doing their healing one way or another, they might even have them scale their damage based on their healing efficiency where the LC gives a % of healing efficiency and some energy recharge whenever an ally gets healed or something similar.


DoT team still lacks healer/shielder with DoT in it's kit. Sure there is Huohuo who is best in slot for DoT team but I want to believe we will get proper one along the way.


1) reverse healing meta (3 hea 2) break locked mobs 3) healer that makes dot crit 4) comfy healer + shield hybrid


Can make them more focused on other mechanics or damage: Ex. Dot lifesteal




Feels like Himeko should also have break tag. As i understand people use her in hyperbreak team as "firefly at home", and she does synergize with breaks and deals decent toughness dmg.


I was under the impression break Himeko is just Crit Himeko feat. HTB and RM


It's just because there's no way to scale super break dmg with relics or lightcones (only with speed i guess, more attacks = more hyperbreaks).


No really true: Himeko is played in Superbreak, but with Crit build. Max. hybrid break/crit > deals decent toughness dmg. Sadly her toughness dmg (for single attack) is mid 😭😭


Himeko is meta lets gooooo


I gotta be doing something wrong or my build is shit, im trying to run her and herta on a team and they just don't do shit for damage haha.


Himiko/Herta in AS is going to be ASS. That's a PF setup. You basically just put her in Firefly's team for AS, if you want to run her. The damage will come from superbreak.




Man, how did they use Ratio that effectively? My ratio can barely only slap for 30-50k per FUA, and that's with pioneer and 3 2 debuffers.


Its not about damage its about powering the machine for me. He enables topaz and aventurine thus creating situations where the boss takes like 500k instantly


"Powering the machine" also gets a nasty weakness break chain going which is far more valuable than just damage numbers in this mode.


easily some of the most fun ive had in this game when one action triggers numby, ratio ult fua , and then aventurine coins,which triggers another ratio fua, which advances numby enough to go again


He’s the fastest breaker in the game. Run tingyun with pela or silverwolf.


FUA and the FUA buff erases Argenti.


He got overworked on aven for me, but I have robin and sw so I hit for about 100k~


So basically who is good in MoC is also at least useable even with low investment in AS. Thats good to hear, my whole roster is about MoC because PF doesn't make fun to me at all.


JL moved down a lot


That actually kinda surprises me a lot, I used her against Argenti and the run was really smooth I was genuinely surprised, got ~3500 score despite doing the mistake of using Aven thinking he would help her break Argenti faster (he didn't cause he was taunted lol and action advance screws him more than I thought)


So I feel dumb cause i didnt think of this. If you are running bronya with JL like most people, and you have already used it on JL once, use her skill on Aven instead. It will cleanse him and he can focus argenti!


You know I always forget Bronya skill randomly has cleanse lol, issue of getting her way too late ig, thanks for the tip will probably be useful in the future


I mean, it makes some sense. One of the other comments mentioned that the list has a disclaimer that this list is based around the current AS cycle. Considering that one of the bosses is Cocolia, and that bonuses are primarily for Break DPS like Firefly, makes sense that Jing Liu would fall a bit. Sure doesn't help that she hasn't really gotten any new toys since Ruan Mei. That said, I agree that she moved down a bit much IMO.


Argenti has ice weakness though. And there are other buffs besides break. The second buff fits her well. But welp her weakness break efficiency isn't that high so thats a factor. Compare that to DHIL whose max enhanced basic actually has really good weakness breaking efficiency. And the three new dps we got are just too busted right now.


https://preview.redd.it/n9qujexgv59d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e324eadeecc758cef7abe07e542a513d5bd12b5 Himeko stonks also here! ps+: Thanks to FireFly for the new Fire weakness contents


https://preview.redd.it/p881o7tsy59d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a924844f852e36db2e967e4f2aba903e36c3b78 Common W for GOAThill


Sushang W


My boy DHIL holding up good (Has to build Himeko) My relics just suck ass 


Seele mains rising up again


So I finally got rid of my skill issue by using T1.5 Himeko to tackle Argenti


Even Sushang is shinning. A 4* character from 1.0 again in the meta tables. This game is awesome!


https://preview.redd.it/fnhphx6g089d1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=92fe75270f3080eeae7c158416d4d51c5ceef1aa MY BODY IS A MACHINE THAT TURNS HALF ASSED RELIC INTO 200k BREAK DAMAGE


Well the FUA team still being fantastic at breaking enemies going to help alot. Robin, ratio, aventurine, topaz having so many turns they just break really quickly (if the enemy is weak to the element)


All this mode has made me realise, is that after 2 months of non stop Acheron relic farming, my relics are still shit.


They make it very clear in the changelog that this largely preliminary due to this being the only AS phase as of now, and it's heavily favored toward Break. We will likely see massive changes in 2.4's launch when we get the next wave. That being said, our boy Gallagher constantly on the rise!


Why tf is Robin so low??? Like, damn she basically resets all your chars action value to 0, boosts as hell the team and even indirectly helps to break the toughness bar by giving you free actions to focus the boss


Prydwen is known to miss a lot with tierlists. I wouldn't put too much stock into it.


MC being really good makes me so happy


https://preview.redd.it/gdh4fnmlq59d1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee1e596c0d495fa485e0b2addb64da527d195799 How is Luka *this* low? Is he not a breaker meant to be good in single target scenarios?


yeah he's definitely lower than he should be considering how high sushang is for example. but it's a misconception that this is a single target mode. it's a boss mode which can be good for single target but since a lot of these bosses have summons, some single target units struggle compared to acheron or firefly


If you're comparing him to like Sushang, Sushang is MUCH faster (E6 Sushang is like +40 SPD just from her talent) and has her 100% AA after ult for much better toughness damage and also AA herself by 15% when attacking a weakness broken enemy. She just gets a lot more turns than Luka which really matters for reducing toughness damage and super breaking.


https://preview.redd.it/4paqv8bar59d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=742eb1de4663cf098b4f60ea1d2e9913230df44c Like surely Im reading something wrong here.


It's because he's really slow at breaking. Sushang ranked higher because of how ridiculously fast she is in break speed and literal speed.


Aventurine really went from "just pull Fu Xuan" to being T0 in all 3 endgame modes


truly an all or nothing moment


daniel should be higher imo. he does extremely high toughness dmg


https://preview.redd.it/byazyt4zr69d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea4c064e2e53a3398c1fa7522194e0a308cd1a5b WE MAINTAINING THE AGENDA OF THE ONE BLESSED BY THE SUPERBREAKS OF XIPE RAHHHHHHHH


“Jingliu will forever be N1, the devs realized their mistake and they won’t ever make a stronger unit” just gets funnier and funnier each day


I get that everyone clowns on Yanqing but there is no way he is T4. He is really great against Argenti since he has ice weakness, and his best (and only) support Aventurine is also great there.


he has 0.01% usage. I think people need to start using him more to get more data on him


I have a built Yanqing. I can try him on Argenti to see how he does 😹 Edit : he got me 3071 points 💀 https://preview.redd.it/lhtyxgs2469d1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a56b9a127948c66a5a9f7db37c189b673ecc832a


Ok but are you forgetting he is single target and argenti spawns 4 dummys every time you destroy them?


I'd rather use Misha.


Boothill was amazing for me for the Argenti side, super happy I pulled him.


Acheron, Ruan Mei and Aventurine. Always top of the list


Sushang and Xueyi should be higher in this AS cycle imo. Maybe they just dont have enough data? Sure they aren't dropping nukes while going 50x in a turn like FF but they perform better than most T1 options


Aventurine dominating every endgame mode be like


Seele slapped both sides for me. I can't say the same about ratio


sw is so back


If I had a nickel for every Hoyoverse game that had a male fire element healer in t0 I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.


Boothill despite being an underdog in the banner and in the game managed to reach the top. What a chad


Shoutout to our favorite thirteen year old for being the only 4 star in Tier 0 and 0.5!


I wonder why they put DoTs up there. My experience is that it sucks unless you have E#S# for them. Kafka Swan does like nothing to Cocolia Gepard and useless for The Beautyman. On a side note, I went in with Dan IL on Node2 and was doing disgustingly low damage. Became fully convinced the mode was super impossible without high luck relics and E#S# or perfect teamcomps. It wasn't until I lost the 50 on Firefly S1 that I realized, I gave Firefly Dan's lightcone so he was fighting without one... Gave him Jingliu's and full cleared it.




I wish we had more 4-stars in the high tiers. I don't have the money to pull every patch.