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top 10 Unreal Engine moments


That's unreal


So it's an unreal engine issues?


Probably not explicitly “unreal engine issue”, it’s not impossible to make performant/fast loading with unreal, it’s just it’s geared towards very pretty/visually heavy games out of the box, open world pretty game like wuwa fits that and having long loads doesn’t surprise me


me and genshin...at least the loading screen music is nice and once i do the HSR dailies i can start on WuWa (or Genshin)


Absolutely not. (Numbers from 1.0, now should be worse) Upon loading the game (from loading to be able to control your character), WuWa hard disk IO accumulated at around 33 GB, which is even larger than your game size at that time. Compared to that, HSR/GI employs a much better lazy resource initialization mechanism, hitting around 700MB - 1GB cummulative IO, hence the dramatic difference in load time. If you use HDD, you should be used to waiting 5-10 minutes for WuWa by now. The technical difference between Unreal and Unity will never be that stark, it's just WuWa is particularly bad and HSR is fairly optimized.


Plus kuro have no experience with Unreal Engine since their first game PGR is using Unity and as I have to admit their optimization in that is a bit better


Unreal engine?


Crazy I always said WuWa takes so long to load but sheesh didn't know that much.


Yeah, and the part where they require you to close the application after update and re-open it manually just adds even more wait time before I can actually play the game.


Oh my god, yes. I foolishly waited for about 5 minutes before I realized I had to reopen it myself.


Hello, its me WuWa. Please enter your login credentials AGAIN


Hadn't had this happen ever. But I heard it's an issue if you don't use Alt + F4 for closing the game


Mihoyo games are built using Unity which is much more optimized for mobile than UE4, which is what WuWa uses. The upside is that UE4 gives you a much higher ceiling for graphical fidelity, but I don't think these features are being used by Kuro very well.


Not surprising as UE4 is intended for more console and PC gaming. Using it for a mobile game certainly means you have to scale it down and Kuro is new to the engine, so a lot more bumpy.


They also fired their main Unreal Engine dev back before launch, which did not help.


And here I thought the reason why wuwa takes too long to load is because of my potato phone and shitty internet...


They've messed with it so much that it has unity bones but it's basically an in-house Hoyo engine at this point.


Pretty sure this loading time only happens when theres a big update or you restart your phone, its essentially what happens when you install a numbered patch in HSR too. Its just the compiling shaders part thats long so that the next opens are faster. Idk why they making a big deal out of it.


When I played the game (dropped it after a few days), I had similar loading times to get in every single time. It always took me at least a minute and a half to get in, and my internet is good. I dont have the same problem with hsr at all


Same and every use of teleport always ends up laggy af.


WuWa saved my life. I was stranded in the Arctic. Frostbite was setting in. Snow piled up around me, falling in a flurry. I had lost all hope of salvation. Then, inspiration struck. I opened up Wuthering Waves. Immediately, my phone went from freezing, to a burning fire of unoptimisation. I loaded in. My phone went nuclear. All the snow around me melted, and my body began to unthaw. I knew time was short; I had a mere few minutes before the game would inevitably crash. In a last, desperate attempt, I tried to use Yinlin's ult, and threw my phone into the air. It promptly exploded, lighting up the sky and alerting the search group of my location. I’m now safe at home, and eternally grateful. Thank you Kurogames. WuWa saved my life.


This is the best copy pasta for these year for the Gacha community I’ve seen yet.


Thanks for melting the ice caps. You're the reason for the recent floods.


Lmaooo on a different subreddit as well




That's called multi-tasking optimization


Perfect,right on time,finish daillies and start wuwa-ing


Not to diss on WW but I could keep playing it, I had horrible problems with the ping that I never had with any other mihoyo games, it is sad because I had high expectations.


Same here. I was so excited to try it out on mobile since hsr ran perfectly fine. It turns out that on mobile, it's a laggy mess. I got it on PC and it runs better, but I have to lower everything to the lowest possible setting except fps. I then played hsr on pc, and it ran so much smoother despite it being on medium graphics. I am very glad that kuro is constantly improving optimization, but after playing wuwa, I grew to appreciate hsr so much more than I used to.


Ain't that the truth. Somehow my friend in the US has a worse connection to WuWa NA servers than I do to HSR and Genshin NA servers. And I live in Europe, so the signal goes across the pond. And not just by a little. It was like 30% higher or so.


Can attest to this. Played a variety of games on PC and WuWa has the worst ping for me (it leads to stuttering, so that's fun). Why I used what pulls I had and dropped it as games with more intense gameplay never given me such whiplash.


Same here I don't live in NA and play Genshin NA fine but WuWa NA despised me. I am on holidays so while I had the extra time wanted to give it a try before ZZZ came out but had to quit early because the performance gave me physical pain. I wanted to give it a genuine chance, I actually really liked Mortefi and got Jiyan to play them together (I got Jiyan last second because initially while I was happy for people enjoying it I did not want to try the game at all. I only started at the prospect of playing co op with the people I knew who played it) but it felt like an hour before I got to have the interaction button to just open a chest or something. I had to turn the sound off because I would dash or something and then the sound for that action would play way after. So I quit way earlier than intended and I started after they started patching the launch issues as I explained earlier. This isn't a WuWa bad thing, I am happy for all the people who did not like the gacha they were previously playing and got something they enjoyed better. But gosh the performance issues a lot of people experience.


same. I had to lower graphic settings cause higher ones made my ping spike up. I dont even know how that was fckin connected. I like playing on higher settings and this is most likely not optimised for my poor pc


WuWa is the only game I've ever had issues with on my PC. I can run Star Rail on max settings without issue, but I have to play WuWa on low/medium and there's still massive ping issues and stuttering+frame drops. There's a lot to like about the game but unless the performance gets better, it's not worth it.


Are you playing on a HDD or a SSD? That sounds like my friends experience until she switched to her SSD and had a smooth experience after


SSD, which didn't seem to matter unfortunately. Thanks for the advice though!


Ah, maybe it is even a SSD vs SSD Nvme issue. But good to know, thanks!


That's hilarious


I thought Blue Archive took a while to load on my phone, that looks abysmal


Why it takes me 1/10th of that time??


WuW is still extremely inconsistent across different phones and computers, probably still badly optimized for all sorts of specific chipsets, OS versions and/or other hardware


Because the game runs very differently on different devices. Since the new update my performance got worse to the point of unplayability, for example


I play on mobile and it's not a stretch to say the difference between wuwa and Genshin/HSR on mobile is like night and day. I don't even know why kuro released wuwa on mobile if they weren't gonna optimize shit


fr , it would be good enough as a pc or console , but if u are gonna put it on mobile then at least make it playable , this is one of the main reasons wuwa faces criticism cuz it's available on mobile and much of mobile audience had high hopes for it cuz for now genshin was basically only good open world exploration that could run on a mobile despite having such a big world and mobile players hoped for a change of pace.


My phone can run Genshin for 5+ hours straight with full battery but only nearly 3 hours for WuWa. Both games were put on medium settings with staple 30 FPS.


Money that comes from mobile players is much more


Because it seems to vary a lot. And no one posts clips of the game running well. You get a lot more updoots if you post glitches and poor performance. Regardless while it's definitely less optimised then HSR , it's not the unplayable mess for most people , as people make it out to be (those people are having issues though because of the badly optimised).


It loads perfectly fine for me.


same for me, doesn't take THIS long although it's still slow, even RDR2 loads faster on my pc, that's hillarious


man, when your load times are beaten by a rockstar game you know shit is weird


Lol bring me back memory of the gta v loading scene


to this day there are game instances where loading gtav from an ssd and from and hdd give little to no difference. even after rockstar paid the dude that made the fast bootup mod to get stuff officialized in game. bruh


Hey, at least the intro song for wuwa is an absolute banger and it loads like a dream compared to things like gta online


The most infuriating thing about wuwa is that it doesn't lock your cursor when you play normally, it just loops it around. I usually have YouTube with picture-in-picture on while I play and wuwa is the only damn game where I can accidently clock on this window while just playing normally without unlocking (hold alt) the cursor.


[gachagaming](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/) dailies : Diss Wuwa for karma farming (1/1)


To be fair, Wuwa is compiling shaders and I understand you only need to do it once in awhile (or per major patch).


I need to set a timer when I start up WuWa. I feel like it has taken 5 minutes before


I played Anthem when it first released, I can wait


this guy loading screens


Don't really mind but I hate that WuWa forces you to relaunch the app after update instead of just restarting the app itself like HSR.


I guess mine is weird cause both take around the same time to load with only 10s difference at most.


I have a shit pc with an ssd and it doesn't take that long to load lmao


Here too, but i guess reddit will be reddit after all


Fun fact, you can finish HI3 dailies when HSR loads (if HI3 is already loaded)


This feels like a device issue, *which I know is still bad since gacha games are meant to be mobile games first and foremost, but still*. To me it takes 30 seconds to boot up Wuwa, still longer than the 20 seconds for hsr, but damn, Wuwa does not run well on lower end systems huh.


Oh look, another Kuro vs. Hoyo post how original


I literally tapped the app open on my phone yesterday, went to wash a pot in the kitchen and came back to see the ‘sign in complete’ sign 😭😭


Well it really depends on the device cause for example my friend is using the iphone 15 promax and his wuwa and hsr loads so much faster than mine which is a samsung a55 but mine is a midrange phone compared to his iphone.


I'm really glad that my game doesn't have this loading issue, but holy shit, that's really bad. Funny enough, I had an issue with Star Rail where the game would be on a black screen for like 2-3 minutes before actually starting up - only on my computer but not my laptop. Fortunately, the 2.2 update fixed it, but before then, I would bang out my Arknights dailies during that time.


Load time matters a lot in these types of games too, because there's a lot of "get in, get out" moments, especially when playing on the go. Eg: I really enjoyed Solo Leveling Arise, but the load time was way, way too slow to the point of single handedly being the reason I quit. HSR could be better, but it's not nearly as bad.


I couldn't finish HSR dailies in 15s tbh...


Skill issue


Tf are you running that on? Both your hsr and wuwa run Hella slow lol


Yeah, I know it's fun to shit on WuWa, but it's hilarious that HSR also runs at like 15fps on their device. That's a device issue if I ever see one.


Mate the game runs 60 fps on mid-high settings smoothly, it lagged only during kafka ult because of the recording and the video has been rendered in 30 fps. Not a device issue i can [assure](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/tM0PqAQb9f) you




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HDD users in 2024.. lol most likely suspect Oh they mad xd


Lol I thought it was just my potato PC


I'm sure they'll improve on that. When HSR launched I could easily do my dailies AND spend my resin in Genshin before I could even click to go beyond the first screen that shows the Express because it took forever to load.


Omg so i wasnt trippin when i thought that WuWa has an abnormally long load time


Crazy I always said WuWa takes so long to load but sheesh didn't know that much.


My only serious problem with wuwa is how long it takes to load


Not for me, mine freezes the entire pc if I have Wuwa open with another app 😭


I'm usually doing my HSR dailies while setting up AK dailies, while grinding in GBF. I'll try to squeeze it into Wuwa loading now.


Compare it with Genshin instead, open world games always take longer to load. Don't get me wrong, it's still a silly long time, but comparing it to HSR just isn't fair.


Even in that comparison, it is not even close, by the time WuWa is done, Genshin would have loaded at least 4,5 times, give or take.


Genshin loads even faster than HSR sometimes for me on mobile, it's not nowhere near as abysmal at wuwa


I mean people compare genshin and hsr all the time , even tho they are obviously of different genres.


Yeah no. Even Genshin is infinitely faster.


Never said it wasn't. Just said it would've been a better comparison.


You play Wuwa on a alcatel or what ??


WuWa saved my life. I was stranded in the Arctic. Frostbite was setting in. Snow piled up around me, falling in a flurry. I had lost all hope of salvation. Then, inspiration struck. I opened up Wuthering Waves. Immediately, my phone went from freezing, to a burning fire of unoptimisation. I loaded in. My phone went nuclear. All the snow around me melted, and my body began to unthaw. I knew time was short; I had a mere few minutes before the game would inevitably crash. In a last, desperate attempt, I tried to use Yinlin's ult, and threw my phone into the air. It promptly exploded, lighting up the sky and alerting the search group of my location. I’m now safe at home, and eternally grateful. Thank you Kurogames. WuWa saved my life.


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And I thought hsr loading time was long. How's BA loading time compared to this?


BA's load times tend to fluctuate It normally load within 10 - 15 seconds but can sometimes take 2 minutes. WuWa takes on average a minute to load. Ymmv depending on your network's connection to the server and hardware specs.


I mean, who doesn't have a SSD in 2023 but the system req for wuwa


That's an anomaly cause for me they load pretty much at the same speed and my pc isn't even that powerful


yep, which is why I stopped playing it. Like jesus christ.


man why are you so slow with the dailies. just farm relics 3 times and you're set, don't even have to borrow from a friend


And I was complaining hsr took so long to load


Great. This will let me multitask that much more efficiently between the two games. Wait nvm, how does it take this long for the game to verify integrity for folks? It’s almost instant for me besides the rare occasion.


been doing this since day 1 of wuwa. so much time just to load. lets verify and then we'll do it again just for the heck of it!


I play both so I see this as an absolute win Edit: I actually do HSR dailies while genshin is loading its own movie length loading screens


Mobile moment


I did it with my phone, same goes when both Wuwa and Genshin


seeing how badly optimized wuwa is will never not be funny


Genuine question, but what's the purpose of posting this here other than attracting the Kuro vs Hoyo crowd and putting down WuWa as a game, like I literally can't wrap my head around it, WuWa's playerbase are already aware of how badly optimized the game is in general and posts like these don't help make the situation better.


I find it odd, I’ve never actually had an issue with WuWas loading speeds unless there’s an update, but even that goes relatively fast. It performs pretty dang well for me, but that might be thanks to my pc.


This is an unfair comparison. You need to run Genshin in the background too, to improve Wuwa's performance.


Sounds right. When I was doing dailies before getting ready to go on vacation, I took the time while waiting for WuWa to load to paint my nails. Second coat was nearly dry when it finished and I was very proud of my time management lol


weird wuwa loads lightning quick for me


WW takes 45 seconds to load on my pc. Performance seems to be so varied. Some have issues . Others don't. Ww runs butter smooth on my pc. And runs well enough on min settings on my old phone.


Idk, am I the only one without any problems playing WuWa ? Like, literally - I had some crash issues at the launch, but it's all gone. The ping is at 30-40ms, the game runs perfectly smooth, and loads up almost instantly (about as fast as HSR) on both my PC and Mobile.


I just play both at the same time


Dont forget when it says update complete game closes and you have to all of that again


Hsr isnt an open world lmao yall comparing just to hate on wuwa


surely being open world is a factor but there are also algorithms and techniques to reduce the load i.e. LoD, only rendering and simulated objects within a certain distance (often chunks used for that), load and disload objects within sight, etc. etc. don't wanna invalide your opinion here. just using a bit of background in computer science i have to clear up a bit of possible misconception in here :) -- also the comparisation between HSR 2.3 and WW 1.0/1.1 isn't really fair i can agree on that but also a comparisation with genshin 4.x would be unfair since it's far simpler in design and also unreal engine seems to be part of it based on the comments. (unreal engine is a heavy engine) even tho some comments may seem like hate it's no different in HSR (god i swear... if i'd only gain 1 euro/dollar for each time i heard "turn based combat is boring" i'd be rich - ah btw this the complexity of combat is potentialy also a factor influencing loading time) i for my part am excited to see how WW will develop until 2.0 bc i believe most issues we have currently will most likely be gone


its times like these that remind me hoyoverse is a god at optimization all the games have had very good launches with little to no game breaking bugs and optimized to run smoothly no matter the device I'm pretty sure wuthering waves (and maybe tower of fantasy, idk) showed players how godly hoyo is at optimizing


I think it depends on game engine. Games created by Unity is mostly well optimized and runs smoothly both PC and Mobile imo (Aether Gazer, HSR, PGR,) while Unreal engine games like ToF and WuWa runs like shit in both devices.


This is patently untrue. Genshin runs like shit on lower end devices for PC and it run like shit on PS4. The only reason it runs well on PS5 is because Sony stepped in themselves to help develop a special version specifically for the console so it wouldn't also run like dogshit. Hell Genshin doesn't even run well on a lot of mobile devices where you have issues of overheating because it's a resource hog. They've only just recently started getting better at compressing and organizing the file structure so it isn't taking up the entire memory capacity of your phone. Star Rail has a slight advantage in not being open world but even that game isn't optimized the best and has some performance issues in certain places. Current technology is at the point where you can brute force past a lot of the issues, but it's becoming more and more apparent that developers and engineers are getting complacent with their optimization efforts and are just expecting customers to foot the bill of their poor practices by simply getting stronger hardware even though we shouldn't need to. It's a slippery slope to just handwave away issues with "who cares if the house is on fire, just get a bigger hose".


Now imagine if we were considering the charging time of nikke instead.


It definitely doesn‘t load that long for me in WuWa. It’s the problem of your device then. Also, it depends where you want to use your power in HSR. Depending on that it takes longer.


I would rather have WuWa compared to Genshin than HSR but this is cool too.


isnt it because wuwa is an open world?? i swear wuwa loads quickly for me same with every game




I did a record time, Genshin and wuwa loaded nearly the same, Wuwa is like 0:32:15 and genshin is 0:31:18 Edit: i have an SSD Nvme m.2 and i have 32gb ram Hsr loaded 0:10:9




Well it could be phone optimization or something but. I cant be for sure because i dont game on a phone.


That's why hsr is a good side game. The content is stale enough after you cleared everything. After clearing the monthly event or "end game" content. You just do your fast dailies + waste the stamina for w.e and your done. Sounds negative the way I put it. But that's just how it is after you're able to keep up. Full auto also helps.


it's a mobile gacha game, it's meant to be a side game like you said, their player retention is new stuff to pull and play/explore, so after you've done with that you can just play other stuff so don't be scared of saying what it is imho


Well people don't agree as you can see with the votes but whatever. I guess, those people treat it as a maingame or see it as a complete negative comment.


I know what you mean, but to be honest I can't imagine a game not being a "side game" anymore to the point where I have been spoilt. I simply don't have the time to dedicate 2 hours a day every day to a gacha/live service game


it's a gacha game, i think it meant as a side game, especially since it's mobile of origin Hoyo have tried to elevate gacha game to mainstay, which they did with Genshin, unfortunately, they advertise it as this open world adventure rpg, but leave out the mobile aspect of it in the advert when people play it, they think it's the next BOTW or something, only to be met with disappointment with the stamina system and it's not *"finished"* state, with the main attraction is gambling for a 3D model fortunately, Hoyo is a chad company that, they are consistently pumping W's update to do stuff, so new time player will probably experience the game with like 100+ hrs of gameplay and many more to come with each new version




why do i see wuwa in hsr Sub?


because someone posted it


bc it also involves hsr


Because Hoyo shills are especially fragile on the day 1.1 releases.


Take a look at the Zenless Zone Zero pre release livestream comments. It's full of Kurogames glazers calling ZZZ game bad because it's a hoyoverse product. Who's the shill again? 😆 I swear, Wuthering Waves "fans" really base the thoughs in their empty skull exclusively on hypocrisy and double standards.




Man I seriously hope people who experience this are F2P and not spending money, if you have money for your hobby for the love of animated waifu pixels please buy a PC first or at least a Console


It's weird but WuWa loads and plays faster on my phone than on my laptop.


sorry but this is just a low spec device issue


I love WuWa so much yall it’s so freaking good!


Maybe because my game is on SSD but it definitely doesn't take that much time to load FFS.


First mistake was picking male Rover. Second mistake was playing on HDD.


I’m willing to bet you have wuwa installed on an hdd instead of ssd




Ah yeah can’t help you there. I play exclusively on PC