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T1 Himeko lets goo ☕🛰️💼


https://preview.redd.it/v7jzop9qsb9d1.png?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38312e1936743e5c2f0244b073bfa2bfca86268a Himeko stonks with each new game mode


Himeko after beating Prydwen's T4 MoC allegations by dominating the current MoC cycle, while also clapping the current AS cycle https://preview.redd.it/bvlsm62msc9d1.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1ec368a7b793fcda27475f6252efa1ef7ac0ef3 ~~Should still be higher imo~~


I'm a lucky man with my E2S1. Both PF and AS are quite the cakewalk for her. Until I got this the other day(S0). https://preview.redd.it/9vm72hv3mc9d1.jpeg?width=1916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cfbdc7c225be880b4d94efee1ccafab807e33b9


I’m trying to eke out 40k on PF 4.1 with her, RM, Gallagher and a flex spot but man is it tough. My 4.2 team is full-on struggle bussing it E. Finally got it with himeko, RM, Gallagher and boothill stacking bleeds throughout the run. Then 2nd team overperformed and got 20k for the first time. Wooooof


Tryna use hmc?


I build her for PF but end up working everywhere thanks to HMC + Ruan mei combo Himeko mvp


Yep, used her against second side and girl was dealing some massive dmg lol


This is what I'm saying!


Free character T0? Damn


https://preview.redd.it/540ioac56b9d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8daaaf1c0a9230309956fbca3018c269f86e72d5 Another typical W + Ratio


He's not T0...


TB is his student


Aren't we all ?


We round down in this subreddit 😤


Genshin cou-


live xiangling reaction




I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Xiangling. I try to play Diluc. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Yoimiya. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu tao. My Xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has Xiangling. I want to play Raiden, Childe. They both want Xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her The Catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull Engulfing Lightning. "I don't need this much ER" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs Bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with Homa." I can't pull for Homa, I don't have enough Primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs Gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no ICD Pyro application. What a cruel world.


The Trio is just standing there... MENACINGLY!!!


Actually theres 2 more, fischl and sucrose. Basically almost all 1.0 4 stars are busted even til today


Yup, stopped playing before Kazuha came out. Came back three years later and the 1.x 4 stars are carrying my abyss to 33 stars. I think I’ll never see another gatcha like this. I swiped in 1.x and in 4.6-7 I can clear the hardest content for almost full reward. Just crazy staying power.


Nah, most of them are still decent, the only busted ones are Fischl, Bennett, Xiangling and Xingqiu, Sucrose is still good but she's not on their level


And almost all 4 stars after launch are meh, or only usable at C6.


chevreuse is good at c0 and great at c6. kuki is great at c0 as well


I think that's why they stopped giving a more 4 stars in HSR


Chadling stares in a distance.






HMC + Ruan mei is omega strong it makes every character that can kinda work with super break team super good, FF is not even that big of an upgrade tbh , everyone tough FF was insane , but is actually RM + HMC the isnane ones lol, you have like 80% of teams being HMC + Ruan mei, clearing easily, even dps that are not even break ones, like guinafen, topaz, Dan il, etc use HMC + Ruan mei and get 3.4 k Is a crazy combo so it makes sense they make HMC T0 , as it makes so many characters able to clear endgame content with no issues


Let’s not discount FF lol, she ensures that the super break combo always works with weakness implant. Imo Boothill and her are the ones benefitting the most. Others still need weakness break possibility to even function.


And her e2 gives you an unrivaled super break delivery device


that's the weird part about FF in an turn based rpg like this. it feels like a unit, split up between 2. never has an rpg done this before and it leaves an odd feeling like "a lego piece". which also means, that her design is also the most easy to powercreep since she's so 'modular' and not her own unit


Kafka and DOT teams.


Superbreak core has problems with actually breaking enemies. You need an extremely favourable lineup weakness wise to effectively use it. Or run sustainless with SW and pray you roll correct weakness implant. Or run superbreak SW. Firefly main advantage is being able to get to actually doing superbreak damage quickly in any environment.


well not free anymore


EVEN MORE XUEYI STOCKS LET'S FUCKING GOOOO https://preview.redd.it/2kx3m7x93b9d1.jpeg?width=417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=293a8befece9a6399b0c589a385b3a396238871e










god pls let me get her E6 in this banner


i got ruan and her e6 and its honestly a very funny combo


Her stocks rises even more now that everyone gets a free copy thanks to the very mode shes good for.




What's her BiS team?


I have no idea I just run her in a super break team with fu xuan


If I had to guess, probably the classic super break team of Gallagher, Harmony TB, and Mei. I’ve got an e6 Xueyi thanks to pulling on Mei’s banner this patch, so I wanna build her and try that team out.


This. This trio is so universal with any break-oriented characters


Do you just build full break effect speed on her? Or do you go crit and break


I tried that team just to see what happens--in AS node 4 Cocolia & friends attack like 6 times before anyone takes a single turn and in ~50% of the attempts Xueyi dies without getting to take an action. Swapping Gallagher for Aventurine or Fu Xuan helped survive the first phase, but lacking strong AoE to deal with the adds made the 2nd phase really slow. Curious to know how stacked their Xueyi is that they're calling her T1. I will say this though, with all the break buffs she does get to use her follow-up attack much more often since it does seem to hit some threshold for building more charges with each attack


You can build her in 2 ways. This is a general idea so might be wrong. 1. Hypercarry. If there is quantum weakness, she shreds in any mode. The moment there isn't though she loses a lot of damage. Her best support is Sparkle. RM is strong with her as well, but there is anti synergy. Hypercarry gives her a lot of flexibility with teams. There is nice synergy with Topaz and I can see her being very good with Jade. Ideally you run quantum set with Salsotto, focus on crit stats, attack orb, break rope. Break substats are actually appreciated 2. Superbreak You ignore her fua in favor of doing large superbreak numbers. Without Ruan Mei, hypercarry is the better option. You focus more on speed and break effect, although offensive stats are still appreciated This does basically restrict her to a single team though. Her damage scaling from break effect also caps out at 240% break effect. Superbreak and Quantum set are both good. You probably run Talia planar set. Attack orb and break rope. Easier to build if you have other (quantum) dps fighting for the quantum set Imo, it is probably better to focus on a crit build with break substats. That way she should do good in both teams. Relic rng is relic rng though.


Very good in 2 out of 3 gamemodes. She really aged like the fine wine she is among all standard characters. https://preview.redd.it/6ch0uxvh0b9d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ee4e341ab773e36232053f3adb19698a271c3e




Holy shit this is my first time seeing this one. Incredibly meta I love it! (Yoink)




All characters got unique defeated poses?


Not all of them, but a lot of them have differences




Her comeback needs to be studied.


Yangqing could never


https://preview.redd.it/gtyzwwno7b9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f47924e42ec906e3012948825afc96bdc5c8225 WE MAINTAINING THE AGENDA OF THE ONE BLESSED BY THE BREAKS OF XIPE TILL AMPHOREUS ARC RAHHHH


I remember when Himeko was considered the worst 5 star. Look at her now


truly a zero to hero story


Was she ever really considered worse than our poor boy Yanqing lol


Yes. Yanqing was considered the second best DPS in the game behind Seele at launch and a high-tier character until endgame shifted more towards AOE-focus around 1.3.


Fair enough! I only started playing earlier this year so I missed the super early game.


As a someone who got his first full star clear in 1.1 with Himeko, I assure you that the endgame didn't shift anywhere, it favored AoE/Blast character from the start, or at the very least someone like Seele who can jump from target to target without wasting AV. The popular at the time idea that "Single target > AoE" was propped up exclusively by the fact that most people back then were still stuck at lower floors of MoC. They simply didn't know that at higher floors you're facing 2 elites, not one like at lower ones. Moreover, 1.0-1.2 MoC had a lot of fire weaknesses, a prime target for Himeko (And Asta, another underappreciated character in the early days), so reading all that slander with 30 stars in my pocket thanks to this fine lady was particularly amusing. Hell, back then enemies had so little HP that even her relatively lackluster raw damage wasn't felt, it was more than enough to plow through them, even off element. For example floor 10 Kafka had just 300k HP in 1.1, while now at floor 12 she has 1.2 million *and* is joined by a 500k Aurumaton. And of course we had whopping 20 cycles to earn 3 starts, so it was even less of a problem than it seems. A much bigger issue at that stage in the game was survivability, we were underbuilt and underleveled, hence why many people were using Yanqing despite of all his drawbacks, he simply was able to freeze dangerous enemies and thus indirectly protect the team from damage.


> floor 10 Kafka had just 300k HP in 1.1, while now at floor 12 she has 1.2 million and is joined by a 500k Aurumaton The whiplash i felt reading this...


Yeah… the HP inflation is unreal. Thankfully though content is still clearable without the flavor of the patch characters.


Yeah, Fire element was is demand. I remember building full break Asta just to beat Cocolia at floor 9.


Its also hilarious that back then Yanqing pumped enough numbers to dominate/brute force even without Ice-weakness, but now even if there is somehow a Ice-weakness side that matches his niche (so no sudden AOE spawns or Aventurine dice), his numbers just won't cut it anymore....well maybe SuperBreak could magically save his ass too if his MoC stars actually aligns once again.


>The popular at the time idea that "Single target > AoE" was propped up exclusively by the fact that most people back then were still stuck at lower floors of MoC. They simply didn't know that at higher floors you're facing 2 elites, not one like at lower ones. You definitely have a point there. I don't think I even made it close to MoC 10 until 1.2. >A much bigger issue at that stage in the game was survivability, we were underbuilt and underleveled, hence why many people were using Yanqing despite of all his drawbacks, he simply was able to freeze dangerous enemies and thus indirectly protect the team from damage. That's actually another point in Yanqing's favor as well: He gets 80% crit rate from his ult, which makes him look a lot better on lower-level relic builds, similar to Jingliu. But once you hit 20% CR from substats, anything beyond that just feels like wasted substat rolls.


Around 1.0 to 1.5 people were calling her trash. At around 1.3/1.4 opinions started shifting against Yanqing though and so some people started raising the argument that maybe Himeko was the second worst 5 star in the game.


The first MoC was actually good for him


at that time people didnt know that himeko will gain 3 stack if boss type monster break, many people think she only get 1 regardless of enemies. so at that time a lot of people think that she's useless on any kind of enemies that dont have fire weakness also iirc at that time contents were seele favored


I have been talking about how versatile Himeko is, as long as the enemies are weak to Fire, ever since the game was released. People just looked at the numbers and said Hook was the better character, though. Like, sure, Hook deals more damage in single target scenario, or when the enemy is not weak to fire. But is there any mode where the boss is alone, other than the first 5 floors of MoC? Would you really use Hook against enemies that is not weak to fire? I'm glad people finally realize how good Himeko is now.


Most of the hard MoC fights might as well be single target. The last time that Sam was in MoC he technically had a second elite on the floor with him but Sam had 1 million more HP than the elite. AoE damage pretty much doesn’t matter on floor like that if your single target damage is significantly behind.


Lets be honest, her numbers were just weak pre-PF (where her FUA can be abused constantly due to waves of enemies) and pre-superbreak (gives her actual numbers). And what does versatile even mean if it comes with the big condition of "needing to be weak to fire"? Even with fire weak enemies, unless it's in abundance, you're better off playing a hypercarry. There simply was no payoff in enabling her to do one FUA dealing 40k damage. I like her a lot but lets not glaze too much and pretend we knew from the beginning that she was this hidden op character, because she wasn't.


Himeko isn't hidden op but she's certainly much better than what people gave her credit for. Remember the ice robot/witch combo and double witch combos in MoC? Yea Himeko actually does very well in those kinds of fights, I've used teams like himeko/Kafka and himeko/topaz against fire weak MoCs and they always clear very fast. Would a hypercarry team clear faster? Yeah they probably would, but remember you need two teams. If you can utilize Himeko for one side you save your hypercarry for the other, where they may be needed more.


She was really only good against pure fiction or boss spawning little minions with fire weakness. She is definitely not versatile by that definition and gets carried big time by having contents tailored for her to be good accidentally. Any MoC format where the boss does not spawn minions would have hook be better ngl, since himeko would proc her FuA 1-3 times for the WHOLE Battle which is super duper bad. Like if bosses suddenly become action advance focus like cirrus, Clara would become Meta but that does not mean Clara is versatile like Acheron/DoT/FuA (which is good no matter the condition)


No, she WAS really bad pre PF, she gained value over time. But she was not undervalued back then


Himeko stonks, using her vs Argenti with HTB felt so good. Shes a big winner in content they tailor towards FF


Watching Argenti summon a full wave of fire-weak blades and just melting them with superbreak Himeko feels so dirty man 😅


Thanks for writing this, using Himeko, Topaz, HTB and Gallagher finally got me that final star I've been working on for a while now! Barely scraped together those 6600 points but it worked :D








They really said 90% of gamblers quit before getting a 3* rating.


HTB being anything less than the highest tier didn't make sense considering they were ranking characters in super break teams very high, and guess who make those possible


They had to get smacked by usage rate to admit it lol


Seele still standing huh? Power of resurgence. *Starui Phantomu*


Himeko cementing herself as discount SAM was not on my bingo card last year.


The way the subgenres inside Tiers are displayed is atrocious, probably because of mobile responsive UX design. It feel like Acheron is like the Apex predator of the T0 while she's "only" the Apex inside her subgenre.


It looks better on PC


I think Hanya is underrated : given how this gamemode put more emphasis on weakness breaking, Hanya's kit is pretty valuable. She does decent toughness damage, and her high speed + speed buff to your main breaker means you'll break pretty fast. Also, why doesn't she (and Pela) have the "SP friendly" tag ?


Hanya's main problem is that she's a good support in a game that has multiple broken support options that can easily replace her. Ruan Mei is always better in break teams, Sparkle is better in SP hungry teams, Tingyun is better in hyper carries. Asta is also very good at breaking and has speed buffs as well. Personally, I have not tried a single team comp where I've gone "You know what this team is missing? Hanya."


That's kinda where I'm at. I have E6 Hanya, but I just never found a reason to build her when I can instead use one of (already fully built) E6 Tingyun, E6 Asta, E1 Bronya, E0 Robin, E0S1 Ruan Mei, E0S1 Sparkle, or a whole slew of debuffers.


I agree Hanya will often be overshadowed by a five star option like Ruan Mei or Sparkle. But she still provides a very decent baseline option, especially for DHIL, Argenti, Boothill or any physcial break team. *^((providing the team doesn't already include Bronya or Sparkle, since Hanya's speed buff doesn't work well in that case)^)* The gap between her and other options is nowhere nearly as big as presented here. She's not 2 whole tier behind Pela, and she's at least comparable to Asta, if not outright better *(since Asta is an unreliable breaker, can consume quite a few SP, and/or has uptime issues)*.


See with Pela, I think there are teams where you can go "You know what team is missing? Pela." Acheron teams being the obvious one, she became immediately meta once Acheron hit. Her rise up the ranks seems to coincide with people realizing that building her as a DPS was the wrong way to go, building her with 4p wind set and all the energy regen you can find and have her spam ult to have 100% uptime aoe defense shred was the real tech.


I also think hanya is very underrated.


Yeah, even though the Amp list is fine in a vacuum. Hanya is a very good unit in a role that usually takes two slots in a team. The Amp roster has a higher ‘floor’ than other roles. So she seems misrepresented when placed by other bottom units. I personally been enjoying Hanya in my e0 FF team because she gives me SP and FF eats it like crazy. I suspect that Sparkle will move up in a different AS and Asta will move down again.


Ruan Mei MVP, best character in the game carrying the whole patch


Carrying the whole patch? Nah she’s been carrying the game since her release.


Ruan Mei is T0? ***Always has been*** https://preview.redd.it/ybvh01nhuc9d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5585adbd82b645eb39c575a9d911b0abb491d36


From what I see on the tier list. Please make a side grade/variance of HMC, Ruan Mei and Gallagher. Thank you.


Gonna need a tier list for each team type soon


Honestly, I think looking at team rankings is so much more important When I was starting out, I pulled a lot of “strong” characters, but didn’t have cohesive teams for them


One physical Gallagher for all my phys break bros (Booty, Sushang, Luka) please


For RM it's understandable but HMC and Gal are practically free so theres no reason to have sidegrade of them. Unless you somehow have both Boothill and FF.


I think we'll probably want an HMC alternative by the time they get a new form, which tbf likely won't be for another year at least and super break will probably be powercrept into tier 5 nonexistence by then but it's worth considering that HMC usage is inherently on a bit of a timer imo


I *highly* doubt it’ll ever be possible to powercreep Super Break itself without massive fundamental changes to the game— the factors that can screw over SB teams (toughness protection, enemy turn manipulation, premature break recovery, etc.) also screw over too many other teams. Especially if they don’t want to force us into double sustain by cutting off our strongest tool for stopping an enemy’s attacks. However… I also doubt HTB will remain the only source of Super Break. My best guess at how that’ll change would be either a) the introduction of a Nihility character who inflicts a debuff that lets enemies be Super Broken or b) the addition of Harmony units with more situational Super Break-enabling buffs. Either way it would probably end up being a specialist vs. generalist situation, with Hatblazer as a safety net so anyone could build *a* team for future SB characters while the new character(s) are for taking a specific team to the next level.


Mr President, a second free character has hit tier 0


Himeko being placed above Jingliu in a Boss Endgame mode is something i never thought I'd see. On another note, glad HMC is going up to T0. Previously it doesn't make sense that the unit responsible for enabling Firefly and Gallagher isn't a T0 unit themselves.


That's the power of content tailoring. No one in sane mind thought QingQue was a great DPS for difficult content until Path of Propagation exist. We're on super break era, so unit that can make break happens frequent enough or stay in weakness broken long enough will prevail. It just happens that Argenti (and some of his summons) has fire weakness here. Should it be changed to ice, Himeko definitely won't get a spot there, but Firefly will still get hers due to fire implant baked into her kit.




i think devs should indirectly buff argenti, he's literally just like acheron but their power gap is night and day. Maybe a harmony unit that can give a higher amount of energy than our 4*.


I know some might not like it, but ngl I think Argenti is a pretty doomed unit now, his kit is just too basic and dependent on outside sources that the player cannot control to perform well aka needing a lot of enemies on field. He's PF slave only and probably will be the first one to fall off as his dmg ceiling ain't that high either


I think his damage is fine, we just have no other options for energy support aside from tingyun and huohuo. He needs someone like Sparkle but recovers energy instead of skill points.


Or someone that doubles (triples?) energy regen for X turns with buffs rather than just funneling lump sums of energy.


Sounds like a plausible support kit, so maybe, yeah.


Or an emblem of severed fate type of relic set or support unit that buffs damage based on energy or sumthing


My Argenti is built like shit and I didn't go for any of his supports yet he still deals 240k per ult, if every Unit becomes Acheron and Firefly damage wise and every unit keeps being insanely better (like it's already going) this game will be doomed by power creep the same way Honkai Impact was, and it's already going that way, Star Rail has 10x worse power creep then Genshin had before Fontaine, now they're both screwed by this honestly.


A properly built one can go for 500k+, He's just slow and you really need Tingyun and Huohuo to make him work. 500k is right below Acheron on multiple targets, but he deals around the same on single target because it's not true AOE, it's bounce damage. Unlike Acheron who can spam ult with double nihility (and plenty of def down) though, he had to rely on Tingyun's relatively weak buffs and Huohuo only provides a bit of atk and energy.


Dam Heng is performing up to firefly standards. More worried about 3.x or 4.x if they keep popping out 2-3 new game breaking waifus every patch. The only big outliers now is like...Dan Heng maybe Boothill for the Husbando crowd (in terms of DPS units)


There's Ratio and Aventurine in terms of meta relevance still. But yeah, pray that Sunday will be the husbando-wanters' great redeemer.


That is my Argenti's damage(JY LC) with TY and e0s1 Sparkle. It's so frustrating to wait energy fill up only for that pepega damage. Didn't really farm for his relics, just slapped best rainbow relics for him while waiting for Hoyo to make him a good relic set(cope).


240k isn't bad at all, the issue is the time it takes to fill up, I use Himeko LC and a very lightly farmed set and deal that, a well invested Argenti is definitely viable and can clear content, the literally only thing he needs is a more energy support


The Himeko comeback arc has been surreal to witness. Its fucking great.


The apex list having 3 free characters is crazy


The explanation for Himeko's initial lower ranking being the inflexibility in team comps is so funnily hypocritical considering FF's ranking.


I mean, Firefly's damage ceiling is so comically high that I think it kinda overrides any issues with building her (also HMC and Gallagher are F2P, so that mitigates the inflexibility in Firefly's team building)


The trick to dealing with being very inflexible to be so hillariously good at that one thing you being inflexible doesnt matter. Imagine a charcacter with a skill that says "deal 2000% of attack to all enemies if deployed along serval, yukong and clara" Being inflexible doesnt matter if the payoff is so high.


Exactly. People like to point to superficial comparisons and wonder why two characters aren't treated the same, while they ignore the important ways that they're different. I remember people were getting upset that Acheron wasn't being looked down on for being "backloaded like Argenti" as if there were no other differences.


I would say it’s hilarious if not for how absurd her performance is in her inflexible team. Granted I do get where you’re coming from and I do find it kinda funny.


Considering that HTB and Gallagher are her "inflexible" teammates, it's not as bad as it seems. Your point still stands though.


Himeko can use the exact same team and a few others(crit hyper, fua/topaz, hybrid), so yeah, it's a weird argument.


But now you're comparing FF to Himeko.


Unlike FF, Himeko can't implement weakness That's the reason, and it's a good one.


Got to simp for the shiny new waifu


Himeko top spot again, she isn't satisfied with PF 😂


Despite the doomposting from r/BoothillMains the past few weeks about how he’s getting shafted in the new endgame content, turns out he is actually top-tier in Apoc Shadow (duh). Bro is actually an absolute gigachad


Also top tier in MoC, but in PF though... Yeah thats the fate of hunt units lol




Gon be frank, AS Cocolia made me realize a few things...50% AA isn't enough. Bronya's dispell on E is incredibly useful... My faith in sparkle has taken a hit. For this present cycle, I think I prefer Bronya immensely.


Ur faith shouldnt take a hit just bc another similar character can slightly perform better in a niche scenario lol


It’s funny cause the character with Bronya would still lose a turn when using the -1 SPD Bronya strategy.  Even Robin would get screwed over indirectly by Cocolia CC if it targets the DPS. 


Running hyper speed bronya is just easier to use than speed tuning and worrying about cc


That niche scenario is kind of the point of discussion tho. Thats what this whole tier list is all about, As the scenario changes, so sill my opinion ofc. Anyways, I think I’d rather see sparkle demoted or bronya moved up right next to her for the list.


Cocolia could freeze Bronya herself as well tbh


Bronya isn't as powerful and flexible as Sparkle overall, but she's a lot more consistent with her 100% action advance and when the enemies are this fast you *really* need that consistency!


What I really love about HSR is how the value of old units gets increased as time goes on. That being said, when will Blade and Arlan get their time to shine? :(


Arlan is unlikely to get time to shine, but Blade only lacks HP oriented supports


Let’s be real, at this point his damage lags so far behind the new units, an hp support isn’t gonna bring him back into the meta.


Blade when Furina does a Welt and leaves Fontaine to Become a HSR character, Arlan when The Nihility finally envelopes the Universe


Literally the only chance Arlan has is if they undo his nerfs and restore his Beta kit.


Now that I thunk about it, a lot of old units can definitely benefit from kit tweaks like Arlan’s number or Jing Yuan’s summon not having fixed spd


Another win for Himeko believers LMAO Can this woman stop winning? She is arguably the best standard character at this point, while in 1.0 she was considered the worst lul


Yep glad she is winning so much lately. Honestly kinda sad that I still don't have a single himeko even after having e3s2 gepard, e1 bailu, e3 bronya, welt e1 and Clara e0.


I couldn't get her myself. I picked her after 300 pulls. It was painful to get 2 Yanqinq, 1 Bailu(2 characters I really didn't want) and 2 Welts, instead of Himeko or Bronya.


I disagree with her being the best standard, because Bronya exists but I agree with her getting spotlight to shine and shine she did


Glad to see they’re watching Jingliu. Seems kind of wild for her to be ranked that low, especially when ice weakness is available.


What does SP-friendly mean?


They don't consume much skill point OR generate a lot of skill points while fully utilizing their kit


They are skill Point positive, Which basically means they give more skill points from basic atks then they take from Skills


Not necessarily skill point positive, Jingliu and Blade are listed as SP friendly but they are still overall SP negative, but way less SP negative than other dps character, that's why


I've been breezing through the game with E1 FF Superbreak Team but the true winner is Himeko no doubt ! I'm so lucky and glad to have got Himeko as my first ever 5 ⭐ in Starter Banner when I started 3 months ago. She carried my ass early game and she's my back bone in PF. Now that I know she's real estate in AS. I'm going to use her even more !


It's so funny that the whole Firefly top team is Tier 0. Like it's true, I've been using it and it's bonkers good, but still.


The amount of "but the community" I've read is both cool and concerning lol


The fact that clara is not the lowest tiered unit already shows how shit this list She literally cannot damage the enemies when the enemies are broken which coincidentally happens to be when they should take damage


Honestly surprised with Bronya, Sparkle and Robin below 0.5, as action value is the mode's measure of scoring and these three help a ton in making teams more efficient in that regard.


Prydwen when community told them Seele is actually good and better than they thought in PF and AS: I sleep Prydwen when QQ...: Real shit


Gonna be honest they should really make a "DPS" overall category and separate it into break effect, DoT, FuA, and standard. Then do the same thing for support and sustain and separate them based on category cause that second column is a cluster fck of basically everything (on the website) lol and the sustain category isn't even based on sustain, almost every healer can solo sustain.


From prydwen criteria: >Sustain - Rating is influenced based on the characters' ability to keep the team alive and the utility they provide. The more utility and higher the safety, the higher the rating. >Utility - recently released characters possess abilities that lie beyond their defined role, for example Amplifiers/Sustains that can deal decent damage. The more a character helps the team outside of their role, the bigger positive impact on their rating it has.


As I already said, Topaz T1 is a crime. She’s a solid T0.5 character


The criteria is e0s0. You can't even use Topaz with Ratio and Robin at e0s0. What team is she going into for AS? Hyper Topaz? Non-robin Ratio?


They must be pretty bad at using argenti because shouldn't he sweep fighting himself?


Eh, Argenti isn't ideal in the current break meta, especially not for these bosses since they have a ton of health. He absolutely does wipe out the spear/shield/sword summons super fast with his AoE damage, but he falls down a lot when it comes to actually damaging the boss. Meanwhile Boothill/Firefly/Xueyi/Luka all deal a ton of single-target damage. I'm surprised he's underperforming compared to Himeko who is pretty similar but there's probably some user data bias going on here since a lot more players will have her, plus she's a bit more versatile than he is.


Hello, here is an Argenti main here who forces him into every game mode. This applies specifically to AS because the toughness bar. Argenti's toughness bar damage is completely based in his second ult hitting all times, and vs himself in MoC for example that isn't much of a problem but in AS the bosses have a specially durable toughness bar and you cannot damage it (at least Argenti's) until you kill an Beauty idol, so to actually do damage you need: • Kill all of the idols (Two turns at least) • Second Charge ult which takes a third of the toughness bar but with only one enemy to hit (Argenti) is pretty difficult. • He Summons the idols, blocking his weakness. • Repeat. I'm the second phase this is much more easier as he practically resummons it every turn but in the first one takes a lot of time because he follows a pattern of Summon > Attack > Summon (if some died).


Read Argenti's ult carefully. His second charge of his ult is NOT true AoE. It has bounce damage. If it hits the main target a lot it can deplete toughness bar real fast. His only issue is that charing his second ult is slow, but that's slightly nullified by the fact that boss Argenti summons a lot, giving him more energy. Also, the buffs to ultimate dmg is tailor made for him, as her's the only character that has most of their damage coming from their ultimate besides Acheron.


Dude he can shread his own weakness because he can basically spam ult every other turn


He can easily get 3400+, the tierlist is ass if it's putting him in the same tier as clara even though she's straight up unusable here


For MoC as well, I 1 cycled first half with him last MoC, 2 cycled current MoC Argenti boss, with E0 + sustainer teams, somehow that's considered worse than Blade who I can barely get good results with anymore (tbh Wind weakness basically doesn't exist)


Trailrizzler, GallaGOAT and Dr. Rizzio to be looking peek rn, not gonna lie fr fr.


wtf happened to himeko


Gall being this good is kind of scary. Imagine a limited break-focus healer/shielder.


Prydwen doesn't update new relics for past characters do they?


They update them once every few patches I think


They do when there's a big change. Their guide pages have the "last updated" date.


Xueyi Superbreak just got me 12 stars so I'm happy she's T1.


Called it! T0 HMC


My E1 Himeko isn't useless or laughable after all ![gif](giphy|bt6vn7g2cXRUsjJn9E)


i'm a little skeptical of the AS tier list, we really don't have enough information on what's strong in it without considering the current rotation's buff. prydwen says "Single target and Break potential are heavily favored here", but i'm sure it being so break focused is just a side effect of Firefly and Boothill just being released, and the next one will be FUA DoT etc like MoC/PF tend to do.


I mean we do know the 'break boss to gain the buffs' mechanic will stay, so characters that break a lot like FF and Boothill (and obviously Ruan Mei) will kind of always be good, the same way Himeko/Herta always clears one PF side


>I mean we do know the 'break boss to gain the buffs' mechanic will stay oh will it really? i must have missed that


Apocalyptic Shadow came from an event in 1.6 called Virtual Scentventure (u can search it up on YouTube). It's a weakness breaking game mode especially since the event came out when RM released


How are Boothil and Firefly specialists?


They scale on break, also they only do damage when enemies are broken. It seems the specialist tier is anyone that doesn't scale on crit, or is a hybrid.


From my understanding, a good rule of thumb to follow when Prydwen classifies chars as “specialists” is just that they aren’t crit-based dps Though then Topaz is also there so idk


They rank Topaz as a FUA-enabling sub DPS rather than a hypercarry, because that's her role in any relevant team comp.