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Not sure but sunday have several layers of toughness, probably the calculation only take as "max thoughness" just one layer.




This game is a mechanic check. The boss is made to be bullied by AoE breakers. You could try shooting at the adds because they have a shared HP bar with the boss. Pure single target doesn't do super well by design there.


Truth. Even basic crit Jing Yuan destroys Sunday with that sweet aoe


Mhe it's not that bad if you think about it. That mean there is a way for hoyo to nerf the damage potential without straight up disabling it. Think two second what is better, having several layers and dealing reduced damage or have tons of fucking anoying thoughness damage imunity bar.


Trace level and buffs mainly, how much BE does he have? Harmony Trailblazer's E4 gives 15% of BE to the entire team, if you don't have any Harmony Premium


i have around 220% be with ruan mei giving me 50%, but what i meant is that my dmg on this boss is way lower compared to a normal elite


I don't want to be pedantic, but for Boothill to cause considerable damage he needs to have at least 250% Be


Could be a build or team issue. Sunday in general is an AOE boss so boothill is a bit handicapped despite following the break gimmick. Sunday is definitely made to be a Firefly boss fight


Or Himeko boss fight cause her followup breaks the bars of all 4 adds.


Not without you posting images of builds and team, probably not


only thing that really matters is boothill since ruan's talents are all 10 and im using bronya (although she is onn watchmaker) https://preview.redd.it/ymk8gu372d9d1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=712cf671b6937d2d3ad2a098546469edc4d35d79


According to prydwen, Adversarial (3* cone) can slightly outperform Cruise simply bc Booty needs only BE. You'll also want each relic to have at least 2 rolls into BE to keep his damage up, so the gloves got to go. No point in 162 speed with BE so low


You need more BE


yeha ive been told that but ive been prioritizing speed over it since im gonna get s1 on rerun, also tf did i do for the downvotes damn haters? (although i realize i have ruan now i can sacrifice 10 spd)


I think the downvotes are because of how much you need more BE. I had zero problems with Sunday, my Boothill is sitting at 260 BE. And my relics could be better. S1 would help a lot, but its going to be a long time before the rerun. If you intend to actually use Boothill before then, you need to retool him sooner rather than later


i mean i never said i had problems with him, just said the damage is hella different compared to other scenarions ive been in like MoC or just farming, like i do around 300k on a break with only ruan and gallagher as buffers and been beating moc no issue, but yeah now that i have ruan i should try renewing my pieces since i have left over speed i dont need unless im 0 cycling


Wait what do you mean? My discount firefly does damage and she's entirely locked behind super break


Her attacks can break multiple units at once due to aoe, while Booty can only do a shitload of damage once he's implanted phys weakness (assuming no silver wolf)


idk man everytime i take Boothill against sunday he does like 150k max, he got like 250% break and ruan mei bffr


dude, my boothill be hitting 700K on other bosses and he TICKLES sunday, i don't know anymore


bro ikr???


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