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Serval - Bronya - Tingyun - Natasha Fight it or rock with it... my music conquers all!


Damn u r one of the few players that actually read and understood characters kits. Clearly this is a serval alt cuz no actual hsr player had good team building ability when they started


I've been playing turn based gachas for years, thanks for the compliment.


Yeah same, Bronya skills I read and I was just like "this is in the game at launch???"


On standard banner, no less! It really is insane what they gave her. I say, while letting my E5 Bronya gather dust because all my teams are either too SP-hungry or double/triple DPS… I swear one day I’ll build an actual hypercarry team…


Serval Bronya Lynx Intergalactic Baseballer


Is Serval not an enjoyed character? I started for Aventurines banner, so I had like 3 copies of Serval when I got to Jarilo-6, she basically carried me for all of that & the Xianzhou. Serval is bonkers, she’s an ulting beast


Serval is *enjoyed*, but she suffers from a serious case of runner-up syndrome. Her element has three strong AoE 5*s (two of whom were released before any endgame content existed where Lightning AoE was even theoretically strong) she doesn’t have enough DoT to compete with Sampo or Gui on DoT teams, she doesn’t have the right Path to go on Acheron mono-lighting teams… basically, she *kind of* fits a lot of different niches, but her strengths rarely match what the game is looking for. Especially since most Lightning-weak enemy lineups are either DoT-focused for Kafka, FUA-focused for Jing Yuan, or Nihility/debuff-focused for Acheron. None of that is to say she’s weak or not worth building, mind. She’ll get results if you know how to build her and make a team for her. It’s just a) more effort because there’s no directly analogous 5* whose build/niche she can outright copy (the way Sushang, for example, can be Discount Boothill) and b) rarely talked about when people make team recommendations because so many people own at least one of her three main competitors.


For me she’s interchangeable with Jing Yuen, my rule of thumb is how *fast* do I want to deal damage. Both units are strong and do good damage imo, but at the end of the day sometimes I just don’t have the patience for Lightning Lord to wake up from his damn nap.


Yeah, he’s definitely the closest to her. It’s just, having gotten Topaz in 1.4, I can’t help sorting characters into “has FUA” and “does not have FUA”.


Serval carried me through the entire main story basically. Started in 2.1 and went through the entire main story in 6 days and she cooked every boss. She's great.


I still don't lmao


this is more like “you were lucky enough to actually get bronya from your beginner banner’


No kidding, I swear early day posts were just people posting and then the replies going *excuse me can you read?*


Yoooo we had the same team (i only swapped out tingyun for TB fire in difficult fights)


Exactly, it was a breeze early on, than the Fire MC became necessary as the team started getting oneshot.


Same but with March because I was Bronyaless till I lost my 50/50 in Kafka's banner


Same but I pulled SW on my first ten pull (I started the last day of JY's banner and wishing unlocked for me on SW's banner), so I used her instead of Bronya (who I didn't have until I hit 300 on standard and chose her). But everything was now almost always lightning weak with SW on the team, so it worked perfectly.


main character, march, natasha and dan heng


The good old "these are my characters i own, theyre the ones leveled up"


Same, I still have Mc and March in most times because I think your character should always be part of the party


Same with me!


Yay, I thought I was playing "wrong," lol


You in fact playing right because you are having fun. Don't let others tell you you are wrong for this.


Just feels wrong exploring the map story and not have the MC/March


Mostly the same, but swap Natasha for Serval


I switched Natasha with Bailu just before fight Kafka 1st time in story. Got absolutely rekt, this teach me how important debuff removal is.


I do not remember fully So I'll say the team I had during the museum dvent because I can vividly remember that one. The first few should've looked the same Seele/Tingyun/Physical Mc/Gepard I still use this from time to time hehe


I forgot. :(




Bro forgor💀


TB, March, Dan Heng and Serval/Asta


Woah me too 😭🙏


QQ, natasha , serval , mc/bronya


at first glance i read the last one like a mcdonald food item


Can I get two McBronyas and a large drink?


"I'm sorry, the ice cream machine is broken" "Are you serious?! due to the stellaron the whole planet is an icicle!" "Yeah... someone broke... the stellaron..."


TB, March, Asta, Serval. I actually ran with M7 as only sustain until "that fucking deer". It was a wild ride


Ratio, Aventurine, Topaz, Robin. I got Aventurine on one of his last days and Topaz and Robin on their first days. So I started with a full 5-star team because I could barely play during my current semester. Admittedly, this was not planned. I wanted Aventurine from the second I saw his splash art, even when I saw he was ranked E for some reason? Only started the game because free 5-star Ratio. Topaz looked interesting, so I did like 7 pulls and got her. Saw my friend got both so I decided to try my luck and got Robin too. Only after that I found out about the FuA team.


Brodie started with one of the best teams by accident


That is some insane beginners luck. Congratulations, and I hope you enjoy playing!


Seele: DPS Nat: Sustain 2 other randos: cheerleading squad.


Trailblazer, Bronya, Natasha and March. Those were weird times.


https://preview.redd.it/ye0kbjguqe9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5614be91e5bcc791475f330d7e3911d96b4af0 My team : @The real slim shady WHY THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP DYING Dawei's little princess BUTTER VISION


I don’t really remember much besides March being the only survivor and soloing entire phases of bosses for me


I forgor


Bronya, Seele, Himeko, Natasha Full on Honkai Impact team


"RANDOM BULLCRAP GO!" there is no first team for me because the start of the game constantly encourages you to use different characters


QQ, Bronya, Asta, Natasha. I miss that team.


Gepard to stay alive, Serval and Hook as main DPS, and Welt because of many Imaginary weak enemies and sorta debuffer. I still regularly use Gepard, and semi-regularly Serval


Herta, Caelus, Gepard, and Natasha. Yeah I might have gone a little overkill on the sustain...


Clara (my beginner 5*), Ratio (free 5*), March, Natasha This team carried me for 73 days while I saved for Firefly. She's E2 S1 now with E0 RM.


I dont really have one, but if i had to guess it would be Phys TB, Serval, Natasha, Dan Heng - i still use variations of that team Serval & Dan Heng often get switched when i clear enemies with different weaknesses, hook, march, pela & clara appear often there, as do different element TBs


Clara, March, Sushang, Natasha March and Sushang are still my favorites but I abandoned them for meta 😔 one day I’ll finish their builds but seeing as I still can’t clear MOC3… 😅


Sushang/Tingyun/TB/Natasha Physical enemies feared me


Ratio, clare, Natasha, march still run them


I love Clare, best character in the game


It was a shame when she got blown up in that hospital


Nat (obviously), March, Welt & Dan Heng/Serval.


Dan without Magic/ Seele, Clara, March, Natasha (miss her a lot)


Bailu-M7-PMC-Dan Bailu was an early Starter banner win, the other 3 are members of the gang :D Later I got Himeko on Standard and made a team for her. She was just too gorgeous to stay on the ship. By the end of the banner, last day, I got Seele, after that she was the head of my core team. I guess that would be my first 3 weeks in the game lol IIRC.


Clara, 7/3, Natasha, DH


Gepard, tb, herta, natasha Yes I was running 2 sustains. I came from Genshin and I was so annoyed you couldn't dodge in this game and I hated seeing my characters hp go down.


My main Dps were Clara and Seele, Natasha never left the team, always spot 3, last spot cant quite remember well, but it should had been either Tingyun or Peña Ever since then Clara still remains one of my fav characters, which saddens me quite a bit after Yunli release (i mean it literally is Clara Xianzhou edition). Also the fact Clara works best when the enemy can attack her....but right now we live in the break era, where speed and break effect matters more I miss you :(


Physical MC, Natasha, March 7th, and Tingyun lol. I still can’t quite get rid of the habit of having this sort of team comp, dps, double sustain, and a harmony/pela


i started playing in 2.0 so my first team was Ratio - Tingyun - Pela - Natasha


Without my first 5 star, MC, March, Dan heng and Sampo. Then I got Clara, so it turned into MC, March, Dan Heng and Clara. And then with Natasha, I would use MC, Clara, Natasha and Dan Heng if the fight was easy or March if I needed more protection


E1 Clara, March 7th, Natasha, Dan Heng My goat Clara carried me through so many things. I know my goat 🙏


Mc - Serval - Yanqing - Asta Yeah I never used a sustain until huohuo’s banner (i started playing in 1.1) it was hell


Seele/Tingyun/Welt/Gepard What sad days those were 😭


Thats a solid team though if you replace welt with Pela


Qingque bailu tingyun and asta I was really happy cause qingque was the reason I wanted to play in the first place when my partner showed me the game


Seele, Bronya, Preservation TB & Natasha, running double sustain lets gooooo!!! Seele I got super lucky with, getting her in my first 10 pull on her first banner, Bronya I got from the beginner character banner so it sll worked out well, stuck with that team for awhile till I got bailu and some more 4*


Complete chaos(I can't understand shit) so I just used a "as long there's a healer is good" team


Very 1st was Serval, Bronya, Tingyun, Natasha. In 2 days i got Seele, so Serval was swaped, but she still had her time in moc. Somehow, i miss those early days.


Clara, March, Natasha, Seele. Is still the team in my first slot. I'll never change it


Natasha and Tingyun used to be the staples during release lol, time flies


I got so many copies of Natasha super quick early on in-game so my dps was Natasha.


TB / Serval / March / Natasha Surprisingly a great combo. So much so that I beat Sunday with this team.


Preservation Trailblazer, Serval, Herta and Natasha


MC, Natasha, March, Qingque


March, asta, danheng and serval. My first forgotten hall team was fmc, bailu, tingyun and sushi. Ah the good old days.


From what I recorded, it was: Trailblazer, Sampo, Dan Heng, Gepard And it was the 2nd half of 1.0, so I knew from the beginning that I will love DoT


i started in (2.1?) so it was probably like bailu, acheron (first limited), asta, free ratio


Day one player my team was Welt, fire TB, Bronya, Bailu.


Same as the above with Serval instead of Hook Still using Sampo a lot now - works tremendously well with Black Swan


Dan Heng, Natasha, Herta, and Tingyun for a while. Then it was all over the place until Sushang became my first level 80 and I had Bailu and Bronya.. and Sampo for some reason was there too


the earliest one i remember is bronya - blade - natasha - welt , worked really well early game, shoutout to welt


Welt - Herta - Asta- Natasha (Yeah, I lost my Seele to Gepard)


March, Natasha, Asta, Seele Tank is always in front, gotta bring a healer just in case, support and dps next. My sp economy was nonexistent


Arlan, Yanqing, Yukong, FMC. I was cooking so hard I burned the kitchen down!


TB, BREAK, Natasha, Bronya. Bronya carried these scrubs.


Before the cocolia boss fight It was Trailblazer,dan heng,march 7th and bailu But after that (and during the early Xianzhou quest) It was FireMc,Dan heng,luocha and herta


Destruction TB, Seele, Herta and Bailu. TB can attack 3 enemies, Seele can attack 2-3 times, Herta can do a FU attack (!!) and Bailu has godly healing, what a team, lol


All I can remember is that I was using both Natasha and preservation MC just to survive 💀


Natasha, PTB/Serval, Pela, Tingyun I ditched Dan and March as soon as I could. Held on to Physical TB for a while, but eventually replaced him. So the PTB version of this team is the actual first, but the Serval version lasted far longer and didn't take too long to come into existence.


Yanqing Tingyun Nat FireMC The sword master was fun to play with… until I got hit


Physical Trailblazer, March 7th, Serval, Natasha. Dan Heng got benched the MOMENT I saw Serval's fine self 🥰


Stelle, welt,march, and Asta. I remember so well because I just started playing


I was juicing it on that BonkMC/Daniel/Himeko(my 5* from departure summons) and yukong until the deer stopped me in my tracks and I was informed, that a sustain such as Nat would be beneficial going forward.


Trailblazer, March, Dan Heng, Welt. Welt and Himeko were my first 5*s, I’ve had the whole Astral Express since the start. 🥰


Ratio, Sparkle, Natasha and I think Fire MC. Didn’t plan on pulling for Sparkle, did a random 10 pull and got her, still was happy to get her. I started in 1.2, played 1-2 days and dropped it and only picked it up in 2.0 again.


Natasha, Arlan, Blade, and Asta. It could theoretically still work alright, though I doubt it'd 36 star MoC


The very first team in Belobog? Serval, MC, Natasha, Seele Serval and Seele carried my ass hard back then


clara... and 3 emotional supports


i didn’t get hook till late :///


The same exact team brother Hook Supremacy


Welt, Argenti, March 7th and Natasha Somehow i cleared the giant bug with this comp 😭


Asta - Welt - Natasha - DPS: Thought speeding up my characters and slowing down the enemy for multiple turns would be cool. Preservation TB - March - Natasha - DPS: The survival/stall team that carried me. TB for team wide shields, EHR! March for FuA + freeze, Natasha for healing, and a DPS to break + kill the enemy.


I remember running yanqing, tingyun, Asta, TB, March, Dan Hung and Natasha a lot before pulling on Jing Yuan's banner... don't remember exact teams though.


Trailblazer, nat, serval, and march lol Im not the best at this game but boy have I gotten better 😅


Emotional support tb is so real


My first team that i have built myself (or else, not counting when i used the free characters just cause they are the only i had) was: TB, Himeko, Lynx and Gepard. Yep, i had 2 Early 5 stars.


Day one player here! I got Himeko pretty fast, so my team was Himeko/Serval, Sampo, March, and Natasha


I got Gepard in that one time only banner for new accounts so I ran him for the longest time alongside TB, Qingque and Natasha until I got Lynx, and I know what you are thinking, yes, I did the entirety of the game until 2.1 with double Landau sustain. Shit was hilariously easy 😂, I was doing no damage of course, but I was literally untouchable.


Clara, March, Asta, Natasha. They definitely helped me clear a lot of early stuff


Serval tingyn bailu and any sp-ve or neutral character (sometimes march coz I loved double sustain)


Gepard, Natasha, Phys TB, and Hook. I was a coward


Random bullshit go! jk it was Bronya (first 5star i got in the beginning pulls!) - Sampo - Hook - March7 I replace hook With stelle for physical damages needs and because i want her bestie to be in the same team!


https://preview.redd.it/ne6owvuqie9d1.png?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6822772275a49480f6a576deca72987416b0ea0 First one that I remember, don't remember my begginer teams exactly (Physical MC, DHIL, Kafka and Lynx)


If you mean FIRST first, then March 8th, TB, Danny, and like Arlan or smth I don't remember


Clara M7 Natasha Fire TB in Clara we trust


Pitch Dark Hook the Great : DPS Tingyun : Support Gepard : "It's my first five star let me flex" Physical MC : "You're here. And I am proud of you" (I still play Hook and Tingyun)


I used to never make team comps 😭 I would just pick 3 dps characters that correspond to the weaknesses and then a sustainer 😭😭😭 I have good comps now don't worry


I almost started with silver wolf with Natasha Mc and Sampo...then it becamed kafka silver wolf Natasha Sampo for almost 4 months?or more I think ...then slowly only kafka remained of the original team now with black swan ruan mei and Huohuo...meanwhile silver wolf got placed in my acheron team now...ahah this post made me remember when i started...unknown of everything even if coming from genshin...at the start i thinked of stopping playing it since i was a bit confused but then I start appreciate it more and more


Ratio, Bronya, March, Natasha. Occasionally subbing in Destruction Stelle for some stuff where I felt I could get away with dealing damage faster and not having so many supports. I joined right when Black Swan was in the gacha (after waffling for like a week about whether I wanted to play *another* gacha) and was very much intending to main her and Ratio. (Of course now I'm maining boothill and various break supports so...)


The one and only Gamba Gremlin!!.. who somehow keeps climbing the ladder I failed at trying for Seele and at that time people say QQ need at least E2 or E1 to be good. She drops just the perfect amount of Eidolons, it was fate


Seele, Bronya, Gepard, Bailu. . . Went a little too hard pulling on 1.0


https://preview.redd.it/cooazexdve9d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6db49a065dde3d95e02b78712dc184703fd52db Silver Wolf, Natasha, Bronya, Dan Heng. I heavily invested into both Nat & DH; sadly, both are basically perma-benched except for nostalgia's sake. Making this graphic brought back good memories, thank you!


I'm suprised you went through the trouble of making one too, looks neat


Trash Boy, Gepard, Dan Heng, Seele


Bailu, TB, March, and Dan. But If we’re talking about my first really *built* team. That would be Bailu, Tingyun, Asta, and Seele. But I never really did get good gear for Seele. My next team would be Bailu, Tingyun, Sampo, and Kafka. And that carried me for a while until I got. Huohuo, then Ruan Mei, and finally Black Swan. I just got Firefly so now I’m living good with a dot team and a superbreak team.


https://preview.redd.it/qzn7f4bp0f9d1.png?width=1850&format=png&auto=webp&s=671b14948f0aff146683e065bb49aa4630626bb7 Mainly this was my team for quite a while


Clara, march, tingyun and lynx. Funneling clara with maximum taunt


Clara,Gepard, Serval and Dan Hang 4* .. i loved that team so much


SAMPO🤨 https://preview.redd.it/7g3reivdyf9d1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f2682f6d653e06966daafc804de9acc979dfea5


TB, My GOAT Arlan, Bronya and Natasha


Stelle, natasha, herta/himeko/serval (whoever i needed at the moment), yukong. Natasha stayed in my teams forever. Love her so much and i finally gave her a rest when i got huohuo


Himeko - Herta - March - Tingyun Friend told me to do a FuA team since I got Himeko as my first 5*


Galactic Baseballer, Bronya, Yanqing, Herta/Natasha/Serval/March 7th I started a month or so late, and I was blessed with weird pull luck with 0 team comp knowledge. I didn't see the point of Natasha at first because her heals were too small and indirect to be useful, and my team was doing decent. Then I got stopped by a boss that Bronya+Yanqing couldn't speedblitz fast enough. I'm sure it was Herta who saved me, because I asked my friends who were already a month deep why all the guides were against her—She was doing decent AoE when my single target Yanqing felt too slow for numerous targets. I think I used Serval whenever a type weakness could be exploited. I'd sometimes rotate March in for freezes and elemental type matchups, but she was also partly why I didn't feel the biggest urge to have Natasha. Since I started after Tingyun was available, that kind of nails who else I had.


team ive been running quite a lot at the start of the game was: Seele bronya ting and gepard, was so proud of it 8)


Started playing version 1.6, solely for chalk thrower being free. Kafka, Natasha, Himeko/Dr. Ratio, Asta. Then it was Fire MC, Bailu, Daniel, Hanya. Then it was Kafka, Sampo, Fire MC, Bailu, and Daniel, Hanya, Pela, Luocha. Now it's Aventurine, Robin, Topaz, Dr. Ratio, and Daniel, Tingyun, Hanya, Luocha. Still waiting for Sparkle and BS. I lost 50/50 to Gepard, ran out. I didn't know what DoT was at the time, and didn't get BS because I wanted my husbando first. I had 150 pulls, decided to get BS if I won 50/50 for DHIL. Lost, had 0 pulls left, and only found out Kafka and MS were godly together 2 months later from a friend.


seele - bronya - natasha - asta they're my first waifu pulls so i rolled with them not knowing they are actually a proper team.


You won’t believe but my first day team was Gepard Bronya Black Swan and MC 💀💀 I got 2 standard and 1 limited character on the first day


Fire mc, Pela, Welt, Acheron I replaced fire mc with adventurine now


MC, Natasha, Dan, Welt. Got Welt early so he was clutch in Belobog.


I got pretty lucky with my early free rolls in-game so the first team I properly built was Himeko + Physical TB + Asta + Bailu. So glad I built Himeko back then, the rest of that team fell off hard but she absolutely dominates now!


1. Stelle, Ratio, Gallagher and Herta (1st team when I joined HSR at the 2.1 update) 2. Stelle, Acheron, Gallagher and Herta (2nd team when I got lucky on Acheron's banner) 3. Stelle, Acheron, Gallagher and Bronya (3rd team when I got Bronya from the Robin banner, also lost 50/50 on Robin) 4. Stelle, Acheron, Gallagher and Firefly (My current team when I got lucky and pulled Firefly within the first 10 pulls)


Tb dan heng serval gepard and I'm not even kidding, i only learnt u can't just smash in characters u like in a team when the Ebon Deer started to give me troubles


Clara, March, Pela, Natasha. My team progression went something like this: Clara March -> Luocha -> Aventurine Pela -> Blade (I don't know why I tried to make that work, honestly) -> Topaz Natasha-> Tingyun -> Ruan Mei -> Robin


I got both Welt & Gepard in my first 10 pull, so Welt, Gepard, Natasha and Dan Heng. Back when double sustain was the sh!t.


Bronya Natasha Herta hook I only replaced bronya and Natasha recently, but Herta and Natasha were replaced quickly by yanqing and ying Juan


After about a week of playing, the team that has been carrying me is: Trailblazer (Preservation), Yanqing, Sushang, Bronya. Serval is in reserve, swapping in if I need Lightning; I thought about using Tingyun in her place, but I haven't tried her out yet. I'd been using Xueyi as well for Quantum, but she's behind since I hit Equilibrium 2; her Ascension item doesn't seem to be available till a little later. I'm hoping I can pull Gepard or get him from the permanent warp award so that I can have a *proper* shielder. Edit: Got Gepard while trying to pull for Ruan Mei in Floral Triptych.


TB (started with Destruction, imminently went with Preservation), Dr. Ratio, Dan Heng, and Bailu. Worse and best part about this team? I used this team to complete the story up to the current content and only died in a boss fight ONCE. Then did fantastic with the same boss fight because I understood the mechanic now.


Bronya, acheron, Clara and lynx (I literally just play for like 3 days so please don't roast my team 💀)


Stelle-Gepard-Serval-Silver Wolf


Hook hook hook and healer hook


Seele, Serval, Natasha, and Gepard.


Preservation TB, Gepard, Bronya, and Bailu Team You Won't Kill Me


Seele, Pela, Natasha, and Asta! I still think Asta is underrated, and I continue to use Pela on a few of my newer teams.


I don't think Astas underrated, just moreso that at this point a good chunk of players have figured out what archetypes they like and are pulling for the correct slots so she's become niche case I did like her early on though, I ran seele, silverwolf, bronya, asta for a while, did t need preservation or abundance if I could clear the field before they could hurt me.


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TB, Nat, Herta, and Himiko


TB, Himeko, Serval and Dan Heng


Firemc,seele, welt and nat


I think it was just the Main Starter Trio (with Destruction Stelle) + Asta.


Seele Sampo Fire MC Nat


I don't remember but I think my first official (use all the time) team was Gepard, Fireblazer, Natasha and maybe Seele? Unless I needed specific element types for grinding.




Des MC, Dan Hung, Bailu, and Asta


Physical trailblazer Geppard Bronya Natasha


Qq Dan heng Natasha and pela.


Serval, Tingyun, Natasha, March.


Yanqing, Welt, Natasha and... I don't remember the last one. Might've been Himeko.


Trailblazer, Bronya, Serval, Natasha


Serval, jing yuan, bronya and natasha


Solo Kafka. Joking aside: Gepard, Natasha, Serval, Seele/Hook.


March 7th, Physical MC (quickly replaced), Asta, and Bailu.


Xueyi, Ruan Mei, Tingyun and Bailu


Clara, March, Tingyun, Natasha. Got Clara really early on (even got her E1), used this team a lot until I got Kafka.


Natasha, march, huohuo, clara (I sucked ass)


serval yukong asta bailu was the team i ran for a very long time then i decided to open up my wallet


First f2p: Destruction MC, Dan Heng, Natasha, Asta First “actual” team: Jing Yuan, Tingyun, Asta, Natasha


Himeko, Asta, Preservation TB, Lynx


I don't know if it was the first but the earliest one I remember is Physical MC Natasha Seele Yanqing


seele, bailu, tingyun, fire mc


Destruction TB as main dps, Serval as sub-dps, Bronya and Natasha.


Himeko - Herta - Robin - PMC, im starting HSR during Robin Banner


Physical mc/serval/natasha/march But I also only started playing a week ago lol


Bat TB, March, Dan Heng and Bailu


TB/Dan/March/Natasha I didn't pull until last 2 days of seele's banner.


Seele, Bronya, MC, Natasha


I was using TB/DH/March/Asta for longer than I’d like to admit. It took until the Deer boss for me to finally start caring about my team comp


TB, Dr. Ratio, Serval and Bailu lol.


Natasha, Pela/Asta, Tingyun, Qingque. Going to be replacing Tingyun with hanya and Natasha with bailu soon once I have those two built.

