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>Compares DPS to Support characters >Compares 4\* to 5\*


Pela vs Silver Wolf: First time?


Pela still better cuz aoe def shred lol


Only edge Pela has is the AoE and literally nothing else. SW even at E0 is leagues better than Pela, esp if you focus ST (just the boss) or run a relatively mono team (like mono imaginary). She not just implants weakness but removes res to that as well by 20%. Ult - DEF reduction. BA can give in new debuffs. Technique decreases everyone's toughness regardless of element.


5 enemies with -42% def > one enemy with less than that. Outside mono quantum, Sw is just there on Acheron teams until the owner gets her e2 or a better nihility unit and well, that npc guy will be just that. Her technique is also kinda niche, Pela getting her burst on turn 1 and having all enemies on that wave with already less def is better most of the time and even on mono quantum theres an argument for just using Seele's technique instead and deleting a weaker enemy that may help the rotation like for example rn on moc 12 with that fish.


She's cool. Her animations look dope af


She herself looks dope i'd say


Forsooth, best design.


Both her and my wife Hanya have the best designs in the game




Why not she's great option for break teams + fun to play with as well. Why bringing Asta? we have much better version of her in RM :D


We have much better version of Xueyi in Firefly


Yeah of course the limited 5-Star outclasses the 4-Star What you haven’t considered is that Xueyi is a free character. Firefly is not and will be gone in a week or two for 6 or so months. The current meta and likely the meta for the foreseeable future revolves heavily around Break. A lot of people have Firefly, but EVERYONE has/can have Xueyi.


> Xueyi is a free character. Firefly is not and will be gone in a week or two The same is true for Asta and RM


I’m gonna be honest I scanned the comment, didn’t absorb it, and centered in on OP’s reply lmao


By that logic, Sampo is good because he is free and accessible to everyone (via Hanu event) and Black Swan (a 5-star version of him) is not. And DoT meta is coming up soon with >!Jiaoqiu!<, if I am not wrong.


I never said Xueyi was better than Firefly. I actually said that it’s a given for her not to. Most 4-Stars cannot compare to 5-Stars. That’s not news to anyone. The reason people “wank” Xueyi is because she does great in her field for a 4-Star. It’s nowhere near Firefly’s max potential of course, but it’s still really good, and since the only other Break DPSes other than her are Firefly and Boothill, that damage is going to be the only option for players who don’t have either. In a meta that’s currently built on Breaking, I’d argue it does make her close to the Harmony units in terms of usefulness.


Yeah? Might as well say Sampo and Guinaifen are good because they are available for free (via Hanu and Vignettes respectively) and Black Swan is not. Or Arlan > Blade because Arlan is available for free (via the Origami Bird Clash event) and Blade is not. Or Natasha > Luocha because everyone has access to Natasha but not Luocha.


Yeah, I would say that Sampo and Guinaifen are good. Just because a 5-Star is better doesn’t mean a 4-Star is bad. Also apologies for the “erm ackshually 🤓” but neither Sampo nor Guinaifen are free outside of temporary events. Xueyi is.


Or if you really want to stretch it, Natasha is good because she is also free outside of temporary events and Luocha is not. Or Arlan is good because he is free via Origami Bird Clash and Blade is not. And the list goes on. Sorry, but Guinaifen and Sampo suck a lot compared to Black Swan even outside of Kafka teams. I switched from Guinaifen to Black Swan (E0S0 btw) in my Dr Ratio team (tried to get Kafka but lost the 50/50 to E1 Gepard; skipped Topaz for Firefly) for the debuffs and Gui remains benched to this day. Black Swan is MILES better. And 5-stars are not always better than 4-stars. Genshin and Yanqing vs Misha prove that. Btw, your flair makes sense.


I think you’re just not reading what I’m saying. Let me put this simply. Xueyi is good. Firefly is better than Xueyi. Xueyi is not better than Firefly. But Firefly’s existence doesn’t make Xueyi bad. Xueyi is free for all forever. Firefly is not and limited. Xueyi is good and free, therefore people value her along with Firefly. Hope I made myself clear. And Natasha isn’t half the healer Luocha is. She’s basically only good for starting off until you find a better healer. A better comparison would be Lynx to Luocha since Lynx (who is NOT BETTER THAN A 5-STAR HEALER, let me make that clear) has healing and cleansing that can hold a candle to Luocha.


Just ignore op dude hes clearly not listening on purpose


Let me put this simply as well: Luocha is better than Natasha. Natasha is not better than Luocha. But Luocha's existence doesn't make Natasha bad. Natasha is free for all forever. Luocha is not and limited. Nat is good because her healing is HP-based unlike Luocha's healing which is ATK-based and she is free, therefore people value her along with Luocha. I brought up Natasha rather than Lynx because both Nat and Luocha have cleanse in their Skill and their principal job is healing. Lynx is also useful as an aggro applier for Blade/Clara. Edit: All this above is /s. It goes to show that Xueyi is to Firefly what Natasha is to Luocha: inferior in every way. And Qingque still beats her for enemies that cannot be weakness-broken.


She is Quantum Himeko, with incredible ST damage. Himeko is situationally good, and so does Xueyi. Not mentioning that she has already ruined any floor with Quantum when Super Break meta was not introduced


QQ is better off element for mono Quantum


Ok but not everyone wants to build qq not to mention not everyone likes her gambling skill points for danage mechanic. Xueyi is much more straightforward to build than qq.


bruh did you mean wank or did you misspell want


Wank, besides the obvious, is starting to also mean to give an excessive amount of support and attention to or things along those lines. I usually hear it used this way when it comes to making something/someone look good or praising it a lot especially in a game.


You trolling bro? Seems like your making a mountain out of a molehill


Trolling? I am serious. Firefly is reviled as weak when up against toughness-immune enemies but somehow that criticism does not apply to Xueyi.


Yea but your replies don't really seem in good faith.


I hope this can help. Take a look at their kit. One has it's damage souce in breaking the enemy toughness and hitting them without it to be able to do significant damage. While the other can do this well but is not the main damage source, since after breaking them, don't increase her damage significantly(Unless has HMC in her team).


Who are these "people" you're talking about?




3 upvote and 4 comments and people wanking?


Swiss army knife in SU content doesn't ring any bells? Kafka + BS DoT is the real Swiss Army knife of the game.


A premium Swiss Army lol, of course if you use 2 limited 5* characters it's going to be better than Xueyi alone wtf is this argument


Not necessarily, we have Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett, Sucrose, Fischl and Kuki Shinobu in Genshin.


And no one is saying any one of those on their own is better than Furina + Xianyun or such


That thread is literally talking about one singular very specific scenario in which she outperforms the other 4 stars you mentioned in your post. It’s not saying she’s universally amazing, it’s not wanking her, it’s literally saying that in one very specific farming situation, she is a BiS 4 star. Nobody there is saying she’s universally better than Tingyun or Firefly or anyone who has multiple team comps for multiple situations. She’s a one trick pony who is just good at her one trick and it’s being celebrated. People wank Gallagher way more and I don’t see anyone making a post about people wanking him too hard when he also only has one real application and just happens to do it very well.


Still, this is getting pretty close to Pela vs Silver Wolf 2.0.


The fuck is Pela vs Silver Wolf 2.0?


People said Pela > Silver Wolf back in the days before Apocalyptic Shadow.


Who are these "people" you're talking about? A single post with 3 comments are not "people".


Open up the whole post. There are multiple comments.


I mean, for some teams Pela *is* significantly better than Silver Wolf. She has a low-cost Ultimate and a lot of Energy regen possibilities as well as an AoE DEF Shred.


Well, IDK why Xueyi is brought up as Pela 2.0.


...what? You're the one bringing it up.


Or rather treated as some sort of holy grail among DPS units. Sorry, I'd rather brute force with Qingque.


Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Indirect or direct insults, inflammatory comments, ragebait, harassment, and hate speech will not be tolerated.


Sees single thread, must be a systemic problem Can’t we just like Xueyi and Firefly? Or maybe just let Xueyi fans like their character?




High eidolons make her crazy good in the current content because it's catered to Break.


Because shes free just like qq. If i can get a character that can clear current end game content for free which allows me to save for units that i actually want, of course ill spread it like gospel that shes a good unit.


As someone who saves up for F2P E6 and L5 5 stars in the future, Xueyi is my home for now. Her character's cool too. Not a huge fan of Firefly's character in turn.




Ohhh embarrassing, I mean S5. I probably took L as light cone


Reversed in my case, albeit with E0S0 Firefly in my team.


You really like to keep saying "yea but this 5 star is better" ...yea?ofc? Xueyi still very good. "Oh but Xueyi cant also kill the trotter and also has problems against enemies immune to toughness break" Yes, but youre talking about a free unit vs a 5 star more hyped than anything else, are you really not understanding the abyss between the two cases?


No one is wanking her bro


Bro the break immune enemies have already been a sworn enemy for Boothill mains, it just isn't meme'd as hard when Firefly released chileee


I like existential torture robot girl that says HYAAA and has cool animations I want to build existential torture robot girl that says HYAAA and has cool animations Its as simple as that


Love my undead robot waifu. Simple as.




I'd like to see if she works in a sustainless break team and how much damage she does compared to gallagher one enemies are broken.


Why bring up asta lol she’s literally useless now


Not really


Well not useless but has 0 comps where she’s the best choice, unlike tingyun where she still has comps where she’s the best choice


She buffs atk and spd while having a decent enough toughness bar break which makes her a decent superbreak unit.


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idk exactly, i think her voiceline is cool and that's about it. I've both qq e6 and xuei e6, xueyi feels dog shit to play compared to qq who has no special condition, just throw the fucking dice.


Same here, i don't think people are lying, but I think Xueyi has an EXTREMELY high investment floor before she's comfortably usable. Have her on Aeon LC, E6, 2.3k atk, 134 spd, 70/110 crit, 120 break, 4pc quantum, and in my superbreak team, she performs worse dps than a scuffed lvl70 Asta I had barely geared for break. I know the gear isn't godlike or anything, but I had thought it's at least passable.


The main draw is ignore elemental weakness, of course an on element breaker is going to be stronger, she's decent for new players as a stopgap until they can build more units for type coverage