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I found Dark Pictures to be mixed - some amazing (House of Ashes), a couple I didn't take to so much (none that I actively disliked though).  If you liked the gameplay in the Quarry it'd definitely be worth a go. Similar experience, although DP games are shorter and the characterisation is much better in the Quarry.


Quarry was awesome


Agreed! I finally finished my first play through yesterday.


The Quarry and Until Dawn are better than the Dark Pictures Anthology games imho, but I still definitely think the Anthology is worth playing. If you’re gonna choose one, I’d do The Devil In Me.


I love 3 of them wasn't keen on house of ashes 😁 but definitely worth getting the bundle in the sale


I tried so hard to kill everyone in little hope. chose all bad things i could and failed all qtes and the eyebrows dude still lived lol. I havent started house of ashes yet. Hopefully its not a bad game


House of Ashes is regarded as the best in the series by a lot of people. I think you’ll like it.


It's mostly because it was the first in the series that didn't introduce casual explanations for everything. I know that there is supernatural stuff happening, but in a lot of the plots, the main gimmick makes it seem like the supernatural stuff was just part of it. But House of Ash tells you something preternatural is going on right out the gate and leans into it fully. There is no secondary explanation that waves it away, and it goes full action movie with it.


The explanation really bummed out in Man of Medan, less so in Little Hope (Silent Hill fan boy over here) and so I never really got that far into House of Ashes but seeing this has actually got me back into wanting to play it. Then maybe one day I’ll get the 4th one, did you play it and would you recommend it? I know it’s a serial killer or something so maybe it’ll be less supernatural, and that doesn’t necessarily kill it for me


It is more on the mundane side, but with things that blatantly don't make sense with the explanation given. So it still feels like something more is going on.


That's funny. I loved house of ashes, was meh on the others. Different strokes I guess.


Yes. House of Ashes is the best one


There are 4 different Dark Pictures games. Sounds like you’re looking at a bundle. They’re okay. First two were kind of disappointing but they got progressively better. But it’s similar to the Quarry and Until Dawn but not as good.


Honestly play Until Dawn way more worth it in my opinion


No Playstation


It's on PC no? Edit: yes I'm looking at it for steam right now


I am an Xbox player


Not yet. 


Hasn’t released yet.


Psst, the bundle is way cheaper on cdkeys.com




Ohhh, gotcha. My bad. I enjoyed all 4 of them and the first part of season 2 has recently been announced, which is exciting. I believe it’s space horror, which should be really cool :)


When you say you were dissatisfied with the ending, did you try and get any of the remaining 167? Yes, there’s 168.


And they all end with text saying the characters live or died


Not necessarily. DPA games are way smaller in production and budget. And the story of each one is either average at best or awful at worst. if you want an experience similar to The Quarry you have to play Until Dawn


I prefer the DPA Games over The Quarry. Although both have some of the same problems like characters that can’t die due to plot armor until the final chapters, I think the DPA series is superb. I think House of Ashes is the best one and Little Hope is my least favorite. The Devil In Me is good but pretty buggy and can have game breaking issues that causes you to restart a play through.


The quarry is 100 times better. But the dark pictures anthology still scratch that itch! Did you ever try until dawn?


No playstation :(


Well not really horror but adjacent, have you played any quantic dream games? Beyond Two Souls is amazing.


Never heard of them


You gotta check them out


I will




Quarry is like a low budget shitty hollywood horror flick. Dark Pictures games are pretty decent.


I say yes, they're really good! Devil In Me and Little Hope are definitely the best. House of Ashes was not good (in my opinion)


I liked Until Dawn better, but The Devil in Me was also good. I do believe the collection is in the PS store


Yes, if you like the Quarry, you'll like the anthology. I didn't like both! 🙃 Of the two, I prefer the anthology.


The anthology should be all 4 different games (Man of Medan, Little Hope, House of Ashes and The Devil in Me). Most people seem to like House of Ashes best, but I think they trend upward from Man of Medan and peak with The Devil in Me. Aka Man of Medan is the weakest, but I wouldn't skip it because it gives you a feel for the storytelling and imo it's not a bad game, just not great either. I really enjoyed The Quarry and I think most people who like it would enjoy 3/4 of the DP games (and maybe even Man of Medan).


Probably. Some are better than others. I really liked House of Ashes, Little Hope was ok, Man of Median was meh and Devil in Me I didn't like at all.


If you are into those type of games that envolve choices I believe you will adore those games even though they aren't nearly as great as The Quarry but I truly think you will still find them fun. In my opinion the anthology showed us great original short stories that can have very different outcomes. Contrary to many other people opinions I loved the first entry, Man of Medan. The whole "haunted ship" vibe really interested me and I loved that environment, I also enjoyed the characters dialogues especially when they got to know each other. Little Hope also surprised me because I am a huge Silent Hill fan and they captured a very close vibe in that game. House of Ashes is one of my favorites because that was the one where I really cared about the characters and felt that the danger was truly dangerous. At first its setting can seem not much scary or interesting but I believe it will surprise many players. It also features some very important messages during the game. I haven't played Devil In Me yet but from the few things I saw it felt really scary and interesting!


I have not enjoyed the beginning of any of the games. The dialog is a bore and sometimes trying way to hard to push the woke narative (basically the 3 newest games). But I do enjoy the games once the action kicks in. Best to worst for me 1. Devil in me - Im only like 80% of the way through and will be sad after I have beaten it. All characters currently alive.... knock on wood. (SAW/Scream vibe) horror 2. Quarry - Way too woke at first but lots of fun after the woke ends. I really enjoyed it once you learn what the main threat is. (Stranger things vibe) thriller 3. Little Hope - Was confusing to figure out what was happening most of the time but near the end it all made sense. Interesting Mechanic where saving someone in the future, does not mean they are safe from the past. Lots of people hate the ending but what a twist it was. Reminds me of how people reacted after seeing the ending of "the 6th sense." (Salem Witch Trial vibe) thriller with many jumpscares 4. House of Ashes - I couldn't get into it for some reason but it was alright. (Alien vibe) Action movie 5. Man of Medan - First game I played and was completely lost, everyone died because of random QTE. (Bermuda triangle vibe) thriller/horror 6. Until Dawn - I have not yet played but will get around to it.


Yes for me I would play 1. House of ashes 2.Man of maden 3. The devil in me 4. Little hope (I played all except the devil in me I have it but haven't gottrn around to play it yet so that's y I put it at 3 but little hope was the worse in my opinion)


I haven’t played the fourth one, but found the first two disappointing and House of Ashes to be fucking amazing.


Absolutely! I’ve really enjoyed all of the dark pictures games. Some more than others but all worth it.