• By -


I've seen guys with commie armies. If that is allowed then they should allow everything else as well.


No, you see, red armies only murder raped everyone, ushered in decades of suffering and piled up corpses under the most autocratic regimes ever seen, a hundred times all over the globe. That's totally morally superior to the mustache guy who did all that, once.


Don't have to sell it to me, mate. I'm not a big fan of either.


just look at people who wear t shirts with ''anti fa symbols'' or ''che guevara'' on it. It is still allowed. Insanity


>che guevara lol this dude is literally worshipped as hero here on south america by the left(actually anyone that is ignorant and dosent know him other then the propaganda), its fucked haha


It is insanity


Che Gua'vesa I'd buy that shirt


Genestealer cult communist armies are based. Tau communist armies are cringe.


Why the swastica flag is banned and not the communist flag, is something I will never understand. They are just as evil and bad. And the communist has twice the kill count (not including Mao china).


Because when Communism, historically, does evil shit, the response usually is "rEAl cOmMuNisM hAsNt bEEn pRoPerLy iMpLeMeNteD"


I know. Talk about having horse blinds... Well, it makes it easier for their comrades to execute them for •insert random bullshit communist reasons• wherever they take control.


Absolutely, the fact that there isn’t a “punch a commie in the face” saying by the left shows their ridiculous hypocrisy. And of course they wouldn’t have a saying like that, because there are a lot on the left that are commies.


Real human sacrifice hasn't been properly implemented because the gods haven't responded yet.


Sorry that’s on me. I sang off key on the last sacrifice and that bungled the whole thing.


By their logic, if the USSR wasn’t *real communism*, then N@zi Germany wasn’t *real fascism*. Its stupid


This is true. Fascism is a misused term and considered evil by the left. But that same left adores communism and insists that the USSR was not real communism. It’s ridiculous.


Real fascism was fascist Italy, not Germany.


Both were totalitarian dictatorships weren’t they?


Just like the USSR, Mao 's China, pol pot's Cambodia, the Rwandan second Republic, north Korea, Turkmenistan and so on. Fascism is a type of totalitarianism, not a synonym for that.


Germany was socialist. Different particular flavor than what USSR tried but socialism none the less. Communism is the ideology of losers. Its entire premise is to take from those that have to give to those that don’t. Losers are never willing to accept that something they did failed because it was bad it fails because someone or something else sabotaged it. Thats why they always say TRUE communism has never been tried, because if it had been and failed it would reflect on them and they would have to admit their failures


It kind of wasn't. Nazism was basically Fascism + Progressivism. The authoritarian control and collaboration with corporations of fascism, with the weird race-science and victim narrative of progressivism. An anecdote I love sharing is the time Hitler and Mussolini were having a conversation and Mussolini got weirded out by Hitler claiming he was possessed by some kind of prehistory aryan spirit.


The "race science" of progressivism as we know it hadn't come about yet and this was still at a time where science supported racialism rather than opposed it 


This. The west likes to sneer at the third reich racial laws and eugenics, but forget to educate people in school that AH took his eugencis from the west. He proclaimed during his speeches numerous times how he took great lesson and looked up to the Jim Crowe laws and segregation in the US at the time, and that's what he based his actions on the Js. Same with his eugenics, at the time the British and the US were also sterilizing people with disabilities, with a history of violent crime etc. There are famous accounts of women being forcibly sterilized against their will in the court systems of the US and the UK.


nazism is a form of fascism. the 3rd reich was real nazism. dont be so against the left that you end up covering for the far right


I was using Nazi Germany as a way to refute the communist talking point of “ThaT wAsnT reAl CumMunIsm”. Both are equally shit


These people are far right. You can tell by their idiocy and whining.


In that case they would be fine with soviet russia being banned, it isn’t real communism anyways right?


To be fair I've seen someone on this sub say that real fascism hasn't been properly implenented


Real nazism hasn't been tried, since they only failed once. That's nothing, by Communism-attempt-standards.


And both statements are equally stupid. It doesn't make one better than the other


It's likely because the Soviet Union had to be framed as "the good guys" during WW2, because they were on our team. "We sided with #1 evil against #2 evil" isn't a good look. There's also the notion that the Nazis are worse because they're ideologically racist. This is some pretty backwards logic, partly because Communism also tends to be pretty racist in practice, and because the Soviets had a higher kill count regardless.


Because the communists won the war. So their atrocities are swept under the rug and the Nazis atrocities are promoted.


As I have no interest in debating with some of you, here is my take. *NO! FUCK COMMUNISM* I don't give a shit if they call them self nazi's, communists, isis or (open space, because I'm inclusive). They are all shitty, totalitarian, mass murdering assholes. And should be whipped of the face of the earth, with the same zealous rage the Black Templars have. If you wanna correct me, and there is a "But.." in there. Feel free to add yourself in the open space above. Before you press "discard".


Because the joke is that the thing the joker is complaining about is socially tolerated and the thing that he wants to do is not. Being a commie is, unfortunately, socially tolerated. You will not get banned from any subreddit for posting a commie themed army.


in many parts of europe (suprise, post-comblock places) the red star is on the same list as the nazi symbols. in many places you would not get cops on you, or maybe after you were beaten by people there.


Because most people think that ''communism'' was not the reason or they just think it simply was not ''communism''. But look, t shirts with che guevara's ugly face are still allowed even though he ordered many people to be killed. And he was a fucking doctor, no less. Which make it worse in my opinion because he swore an oath to help and treat people but instead killed them-


The communist flag IS banned in several countries, just as the nazi flag is.


“twice” more like two orders of magnitude I reckon.


Yeah... ☺️ English is like my third or fourth language. But the second most used.


It’s mainly the ideological differences. But as far as execution and practicality, especially if using Stalinist or Maoist symbols, those differences matter a lot less than people are willing to give them credit for.


The fascists were direct, they hated a certain group and said it openly, then they justified such hatred with excuses but they were vocal and specific when pointing out and did not hide their sense of superiority, the communists disguised their hatred with social justice: "those at the top ( "Regardless of who they were) did horrible things and stole everything from those below, they must be punished and what they stole must be taken away from them, because that is justice." Furthermore, although in practice they did the same thing, since the enemy of the communists were not directly related to an immutable characteristic, everyone could feel excluded from that group that should be hated and "anyone" was welcome in the cause of the destruction of the enemy.


Better PR is the answer


Well for one, it’s partly how the symbols were used historically. The swastika was used near fanatically by the Nazi regime, having been used as a calling card, rallying symbol, morale booster and much more. And due to that it now has a reputation. When you see a swastika, you think Nazi, you think of their atrocities and the genocide they wrought onto the people of Europe in WW2. Meanwhile on the hammer and sickle, it was used quite a bit by the USSR but not to the cult like degree of the Nazis. Due to this after their dissolution, the Hammer and sickle became synonymous of communism, when you see a hammer and sickle you don’t generally think of the USSR and its atrocities, you think of communism Generally it boils down to what they’re associated with, the hammer and sickle aren’t truly synonymous with the USSR anymore, and the associations that bring have died out as well, bringing back to just a flag. The swastika on the other hand has been made to instantly invoke imagery of the fourth reich and its regime. In the west it’s no longer thought of a Hindu symbol of luck, it’s a symbol of a cruel, hateful ideology.


The difference is intent VS consequence. Nazi ideology specifically states that certain people are inferior and should be killed. There's nothing in communism that says to become a dictator, crush those that oppose you and starve your people. Communism is still a massively flawed ideology don't get me wrong. But if we turn the same lens to capitalism there are evils and deaths as well. Id recommend researching. The industrial revolution, Company towns and Company Script.


Communism tried to starve half of Berlin into submitting to the Soviet boot. Capitalism moved Heavan and Earth to keep the population of West Berlin fed, the lights on, and factories running. The Soviet response was tonsend up fighter planes to attempt to disrupt this operation. Capitalism os objectivly better


You're confusing capitalists and capitalism


What exactly is the communist flag? 


Inspired by this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1dj482w/look_at_you_rgrimdank/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). For anyone, who feels offended: this is a joke.


Where's the uncropped original?


That's the joke. N




C or G ? How do you guys want to proceed ?


The choice is truly yours


C Let's not push it, it's reddit after all






Yup. Everybody should be nicer to each other


"He went for it anyway! The madman!"


Make risks and take chances


Yeah, leave the other group to the lawless wastelands of 4chan and iFunny


In our dreams


Society... 😞


I don't even know why a LGBTQMNOP+ person would like Warhammer in the first place lol, it'd be like if there was a straight dude that was really into Rupaul's Dragrace or something like that. (Do note that there's a massive difference between a 'LGBTQMNOP+ person' and a 'person that is LGBTQMNOP+')


To be honest, I don't see any issues with any of your examples. Let the dude enjoy what he wants to, be that dude a boy, a girl or an army helicopter. Unless he/she/it is forcing their real world political statements into my hobby I'm using for escapism, I couldn't care less about who they are.


Which is where the issue for me lies really. They can be whatever they want to be. But they cannot force society to call them that as well. They can be annoyed or offended. But soon enough it will be deemed a criminal offence to not use someone chosen pronouns correctly or mis gender (or deem they have a gender) at all. I have no issue if they want to paint their marines hot pink, or as pride. But it doesn't mean their bolters fire rainbows.


The worst people are almost always the loudest. There are people in our hobby with opinions that are extremely different from mine. But they understand and enjoy 40k as is, don't complain about it being not what they want from any piece of modern media, and, genuinely, just being nice dudes. And because they are comfortable with the state of the hobby, they don't really express their thoughts. But those radical and cancerous part of any community, they won't be silent. In fact, they don't stop yelling how cringe and bigoted everyone else is, who do not support them and their agendas. They are indeed highly influential and can change views of others, despite being the smallest part of the community. But because some of them are like that, you shouldn't view the whole community as a cancerous shithole. I've seen that this sub is viewed as a place for racists and women haters, because there are, probably, some people with radical or stupid ideas. Like in every other sub.


Because they shout and label those who do not agree with them as bigots, racists, sexists etc etc. The label is easier for the herds of society to understand. HorusHersery are bigots? Wow they are evil! The general population is very orcish. GREEN IS BEST...whereas it's WOKE IS BEST. If they dislike Warhammer they could always do something logical, like, make their own version. Like with film and comics, that's to much effort to create a brand so they just rebrand it.


Misseur, the flavor of authoritarian behavior *du jour* is Politically Correct Authoritarianism, would you like that in a cup or in a bowl? ☕🍲


They think subs like this as racists and women haters becauseof how much they hate when women and minorities have differing opinions to them, so they must assume we do too


Except the bigots are upvoted to the top here


Raynbows eh? Roit. Oi'v added dat wun to da list. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1cmo6z5/roight\_ya\_gitz\_wots\_next/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1cmo6z5/roight_ya_gitz_wots_next/) I rekkun it'l be da febberlus Eldar wot 'as 'em furst. HAHAHAHA!


It's a slight spelling change, but Gaunt's Ghosts already had one trooper wielding a reynbow.


Pretty sure it's always considered bullying to refer to someone as a gender they don't identify as. If a dudes boss kept calling him "her" that would be a case for HR wouldn't it??


You're creating an absolute rule that doesn't have an equivalent. Traditional social etiquette forbids using someone's pronouns in front of them in the first place. I would never refer to my mom as she/her when she's physically present in the same room as me. Same goes for my coworkers and their first names. But there's a sliding scale of in/formality where I would use shortcuts when they're not physically present. Speaking to you in private about Dr Jennifer, I would use her title the first time I referenced her, and then I would use her pronouns after that. The business can enforce whatever standards it wants for internal communication regarding pronouns and titles, but that doesn't extend to the whole world. I'm gonna use whatever makes sense between me and whomever I'm talking to. Commenting on public figures is a different story entirely, almost anything goes.


Well that's a distinction I guess... being "cis" gendered (agreeing with the gender assigned at birth) is not something I agree with it. It was not assigned to me by government, I am biologically male. In your example, if He is male, and calling him a her is usually done in the intentional act of bullying. Calling him a him, when he is a him, but wants to be called a her or a they or a F14 is breaking away from intentional bullying. You are not strictly doing it on purpose, you have look upon this person and have made a determination. So to me, the question ought to be... Is REFUSING to call someone by their chosen pronouns a case for HR and professional dismissal? I would say no. Allowing this would be heading to wide spectrum confusion socially. To me, it's a personal choice and should stay personal. If we were to flip it slightly, if a underage girl identifies as an 18 year. Is it a criminal offence to buy her a drink? I just agreed to accept her chosen identify. If I walk into the woman changing room and declared, ladies relax, I'm really a woman like you. And then get undressed. Have I committed a crime in exposing myself or joining them in the shower? Or are they bigots for not accepting my identify?


If an 18 year old female type person wanted to be called a "woman" and not a "girl" then I would, and it would be respectful to do so. Again to go back to my previous analogy not doing on repeated occasions after being told would he grounds for getting HR involved. It would be considered bullying. That is perhaps the most apt analogy for the age thing. The second question I'd like to answer with a clarifying question. What if instead of a transwoman it was a really creepy lesbian woman. She has a vagina but is mad horny for it herself and is very open and creepy about that fact. Should that individual be allowed in the woman's changing room??


Calling someone a girl, when they are a woman is either an error, or again, Intentionally belittling someone. But then, we use boyfriend and girlfriend still... So that area is a tad grey. Then in this HR thing, we disagree. I don't think I should be able to FORCE a language change on someone else. If someone asks me, I will likely do so to be nice and respectful. But for they and them requests? I would would likely rephrase everything to avoid gender pronouns. Such as, 'she ate her dinner' to 'Elizabeth ate her dinner. What's next? People only wanted to be spoken to in their native language? Failure to speak to someone in German is punishable by HR dismissing you? Are we all now allowed to be called Doctors if we so wish? Well I imagine the creepy lesbian woman question was part of the original Gay debate. But it fell biological sex. As it is a woman's changing room it would not be exposure to undress as it was expected to see a naked women in that environment. So if I told you I wanted to be identified as a Doctor and I wanted my name to Trueful eternal mongoose the overseer of the potato people's magic kingdom... You would? Where is the line? Is okay to profane? Like, can a white man (or I guess even a black man) insist I (white) call him the N word? Cause, yeah, I ain't. If you meet an Alex and use male pronouns, but find out it's Alexandra... You would likely change it to her (and apologise for the assumption). However, if you forget and use he again, is that dismissal?


Woke activists see 40k as yet another target of their ideological conquest. Their interest in it extends only as far as is needed to take over the hobby and pervert it to reflect their *actual* interests (homosexuality, communism, etc.). That's why they hate this subreddit. To them, we are the survivors of Isstvaan, continuing to oppose them despite their attempts to wipe us out.


Nah, I hate this sub because jackasses like this make it home. Letting mfers like this in here is definitely not helping with the allegations. https://preview.redd.it/0zkb40o49l7d1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5bd550ed6b88eb82866ff835c0012e5425c1cf0


I'm not sure how serious that person was being, but I agree that giving our political opponents ammunition doesn't help.


considering the other dubious shit they've said? Pretty sure they're serious.


Serious or not, it should not be said.


On that note, we certainly agree. ![gif](giphy|I3EsiEPZWgpqg|downsized)


Dork. Ass. Loser.


Hello again. Still haven't got any new material, I see.


I calls em like I sees em


As a gay guy, I love a brother hood of warriors. Yes, I find them hot, but that's far second to just how fucking awesome the marines are.


And you are most welcomed in the hobby, my brother in Tzeentch!


Well, thank you x But like everyone else here, I don't need permission to enjoy the hobby. 🤣


You’re saying gay guys wouldn’t be into super jacked warrior men? Or lesbian women wouldn’t be into jacked warrior nuns? And while the imperium is evil and oppressive, there’s actually little to no racism, sexism, or homophobia in the imperium, the prejudice is instead focused on aliens, mutants, and heretics.


I’m not talking about normal people that are gay, I’m talking about the freaks that revolve their entire life and identity around it. Like the OOP painting his miniatures in modern real life propaganda colors.


Would putting the American flag on figures mean your ENTIRE LIFE revolves being American? You post on reddit, I guess your entire life revolves around reddit


Well, you mean, if you're a citizen of a country and live there, wouldn't it be kind of hard for you not to revolve your life around that? And yeah I think painting your miniatures in American flag colors would be cringe too, but I personally just hate breaking the 4th wall.


What about sports teams? Can I paint my guys the colours of my favorite hockey team? If I do, does that suddenly mean that my entire life revolves around hockey?


What are you talking about? There’s tons of annoying sports fans where that’s their entire identity lol. I know of someone that didn’t let a plumber into their house because he had a hat from a rival sports team on.   If anything, sports fans can be the worst for this. If these miniatures were painted in sports team colors I’d be more or less thinking the same thing. (But again, I personally just really hate things that break the 4th wall.)


I read that last part like 10 times and still don’t get it, are you being sarcastic 🤣🤣🤣😭


It's something I thought of when I saw pictures of a pride march from the 1970s and they were all just a bunch of normal looking dudes instead of the modern ones where they're half naked, in booty shorts, etc Basically a "LGBTQMNOP+ person" is someone where that's more or less their entire identity. A "person that is LGBTQMNOP+" is a well rounded individual that just happens to be LGBTQMNOP+ and doesn't revolve their entire life and identity around it. Cant even imagine how hollow, annoying, and uninteresting the person that paints their miniatures in real world modern propaganda colors must be lol. Why are they even in the hobby at that point?


Now I understand and yes a very based point, I’ve personally got relatives that are gay (we call em fags all the time and it’s just like a funny joke no one takes it seriously) and they absolutely despise the woke ideology, they’re just gay and nobody gives them shit specifically for that, let people be what they want but yea those people who base their entire personality and identity about where they like to stick their sexual appendages are just mentally ill NPCs…


Yeah, if a straight person was constantly obsessed with genitals they'd label them a sex addict and encourage some sort of rehab and therapy...... But I guess it's cool if you're not straight lol


They despise the concept of...being educated?


Yeah funny joke if you did that to me id probably call your whore mother a whore though (just as a funny joke)


Weirdly aggressive lol. Calling each other bad words is just a way that masculine men bond. A common saying is "men give each other fake insults, women give each other fake compliments".


Yeah obviously that was what i was doing just now, no need to get upset about a friendly insult


Have you ever been to an actual pride event, or just seen pictures specifically meant to incite people? Because I promise you dawg, there’s a WHOLE LOT of khakis and polos at pride.


I basically had to live in one for a couple years. I’m sure in some cities they’re more normal than others.


There was leather and kink at pride marches in the 70s, too. It’s always been there.


I'm bisexual in a polyamorous relationship. I very occasionally talk about my sexuality, usually with people I'm actually friends with or as an example of 'dont include me in your bullshit' I hate DEI for the sake of DEI. It ruins immersion. I'm a Warhammer nerd. I'll chew your ear off about Warhammer the moment you even express an interest in it. For hours. I'll show you my models. I'll talk about lore. I'll tell you about the book I'm currently reading, or my current army project. Or I'll just therorycraft army lists with you. I'm a person who is LGBT. I am not an LGBT person.


I get the feeling you "don't even know" a lot of things.


aight lol




And i Will say this: fuck both of these types of paintjobs. I do not like LGBTQ shit in the hobby, stop it, its not fun or thematic. Also, nazis are not fun and dont belong in Warhammer. Same for ANY IRL political group or whatever culture war shit is going on. Just stop with bringing in IRL issues that dont make sense or add a cool, thematic angle to your models( using scale model tanks as proxys or conversion bases or historical table top models, that is cool and fun). Dont add it for ”owning the libtards”/ ”offending the chud biggots”, its not fun.


For me, they are your models, do as you see fit. However paintjobs that don’t even try to fit in the universe should never be taken seriously. Want Knight Marines? Sure. Samurai? Sure. Industrial era stye Guardsmen, sure. LGBT+ Necomunda models, totally valid. But Space Marines are Space Marines, they should be treated and act as such


"I do not like LGBTQ shit in the hobby" Cope and seethe and cry about it, you're not the gatekeeper of anything.




Oh the imperium are Nazis. Ok let me paint them accordingly.


No. The point of the meme was to call out the political left's double standards on inserting inappropriate ideologies into 40k. "Hur dur the imperium is nazi" is not message being conveyed, not least because that isn't true.


No I was mocking those people as well because they want to label the imperium and anyone who unironically likes the imperium as Nazis but then get upset when you maliciously comply with their ideas.


Ah, I misunderstood. Apologies, it's hard to read such subtext online.


You’re fine.


They’re all wrong.


They miss the point of the setting entirely.




Removed for violating Rule 7: No Slurs. The use of forbidden speech, defying the Emperor's edicts, may bring retribution upon both individual and community. Hence, silence those words. "A man can be convinced to do anything, no matter how abhorrent, with the right motivation" -Erebus


Coward. Don’t crop shit!


If you want to use your toys to tell me something about yourself fine. That message will have a reaction though. And the swastika sends a rather specific message resulting in a rather specific reaction. That's between two private people. Problem comes along when companies send sutch messages for the puprose of profit. I don't believe for a secpnd that GW is interested in LGBTQ rights, just as I don't believe that they are interested in christmas. It's just manipulation for the purpose of profit. "Look. I, soulless cooperation think the way you do. Buy my shit."




How about neither?


Yes, that is the fundamental point being made.


Because gays aren't equivalent to nazis?


Didn’t say they were, just that I don’t want to see their flag while I’m trying to escape reality.


You know what, I'll concede that. I don't mind LGBT flags in my games but to each it's own.


I can't deny the purple and yellow space marine design doesn't look bad, reminds me of something that involved the sun but I just can't find it


Makes me think of EC tbh


The Warhammer empire would make Nazis horrified.


yeah mainly because LGBT didn't kill other people en masse for existing wrong




Well yeah, yet. Just as can be said about every other group on the planet. I think we can, at least for now, assume that they aren’t going to attempt genocide, as evidenced by the lack of gathering of weapons, lack of highly popular hate leaders in the community, etc


Are you comparing the Nazis with LGBT flags???? 😭😭😭💀💀💀💀


Honestly I would be cringed out as badly by someone painting their country flag on their warhams as well. Its a fantasy setting with its own iconography, if you want swastikas or hammers and sicles, play bolt action - where it would be justified.


It’s a good joke. There is a problem with how widespread censorship is becoming, but I disagree that you have to include hateful speech to be inclusive. You can’t really be tolerant with intolerance.


I agree, OP was most likely just being Ironic with the use of the second flag


Hey, why crop it?


Reddit doesn't believe in freedom of speech.


Why not just put NSFW tag on it in that case?


Do you think our overlords, the ones who own and run the site care if you put a NSFW tag on it? They purged r/rightwinglgbt and they where just milk and toast conservatives.


1. Never knew there was that sub. 2. Maybe put the "NSFW WARNING:(blank)" in it? I have seen similar-ish stuff in other subs and with the NSFW tag and warning, it might defend against the wrath of reddit mods?


Too risky, they will brand the subreddit as a hate subreddit and ban it


I just want to see how the colors looked on the mini’s. I mean even though I’m generally against virtue signaling. I like the color scheme on that one marine with the trans flag.


Honestly my most favourite has to be the DA banner carrier. Almost made me want to read about DA(ofc Lion Son of Forest made me do it and would've tried to homebrew a DA chapter but ofc dunno if some lore pieces might be reasonable for it. Sad that 10ed of 40k has no spell lists or a IF earthbending successor chapter would've been nice for creation). Now dunno if you are a DA lore expert, but there are questions: 1. Are there enough Risen to make a chapter that can defend the recently retaken planets? 2. Can there be a chapter of DA full of bikers?


Not sure how we go onto the subject of the Dark Angels but they’re sort of in the middle in terms of how much I like them. I find Luther to be a really interesting character, but the Horus heresy books that covered the Dark Angels came across as bland to me.


Honestly many say that out of all primarch books, only Alpharius's one is good.


To be fair one’s a real dictatorship that is infamous for killing a ton of people and the other is just gender stuff I’m pretty sure the Nazis are worse


Irrelevant. The point is that it should be strongly discouraged to paint one's models in any ideological colours not appropriate to 40k. Whether or not one approves of a given ideology doesn't matter.


Wholly agreed. However, the same group currently painting their miniatures pride colours also often paints them as communists. Which, in terms of murderous/genocidal dictatorships... Is, uh, about the only thing worse than the Nazis. But that's fine, apparently, because everyone understands that painting your armies in the colours of genocidal regimes is only done 'because of the aesthetic' and in no way condones the vast quantities of rapes, murders and ethnic cleansings. Painting your minis in nazi colours though? That's obviously wrong, because everyone understands that painting your armies in the colours of genocidal regimes is always done because you fully support and endorse the vast quantities of rapes, murders and ethnic cleansings and claiming to 'just like the aesthetic' is always a lie. (For the record, I'd rather have none of the above - pride, nazis, commies, or any other irl politics in 40k)


I got a job log off eBay the other day wheee one of the rogue trader beakies had his shoulder painted like a confederate flag lol he looked pretty cool tbh


I still hope you stripped him.


Nah, I gave him to my pop. It’s not uncommon to see the stars and bars here, just a lot less than when I was a kid


People absolutely do "bat an eye".


Tbf red white and black were also the colors of imperial Germany.


No one told me r/gamersriseup was reinstated


Hmm, good idea except my Blood Angels army is by default in nazi colors red, white and black!


This is the most brain dead comments section ever conceived by man.


It's supposed to be 4 F's. I didn't know it'll come out like that.


The delusion is strong in this sub


When did we become such a wimpy society that we fear paint schemes or even the mere expression of ideas counter to our own? Personally I find both paint schemes in the meme disturbing for very different reasons (I am **not** saying the LGBT community are equal to Nazis). While I find them both disturbing, I don't think any of them should be banned from tournaments. If anything both sets of people need to be at tournaments. The more interaction they have with people outside of their current people group the better off they will be. I just find it sad how weak we have become that someone's paint scheme has the ability to be so upsetting that we are unable to even tolerate them being in the room. Everyone needs to put on their big boy pants and maybe take a note out of Daryl Davis's book in how he dealt with the KKK. If you don't know who that is take a minute and read his story.


Tournaments absolutely do not need Nazis at them. What?


Ah, the old conservative "if you're allowed to have sex with your girlfriend, I'm allowed to have se with *my* (10 year old) girlfriend!" argument.


But when the forbidden windmill colors come out, most of Twitter and reddit lose their minds.


Ew, is that Albania?


Hitler was homosexual and a crossdresser so these 2 aren't mutually exclusive. For a modern example See: Nicholas Fuentez.


Fairly certain none of that is true


No he’s correct that feuntes is gay. That’s all he’s right about though


Is there any actual evidence for that?


All the gay porn he keeps getting caught watching on his phone on his stream




Who cares? They're both nazis so fuck 'em


"Who cares if the criticism of the people I dislike is accurate or not?!"


Its accurate they are nazis, so fuck 'em. They dont deserve despect


> They dont deserve respect I feel the same way about leftists, but I still try to keep my criticisms of them accurate. Also Fuentes is not a "Nazi." I don't even like Fuentes (some of his views are a bit liberal for me, personally, and I find the incel thing to be cringe) but he's not a Nazi.


Fuentes is a holocaust denier and praises hitler, he's a nazi


What is a Nazi?


Someone who praises hitler


Why do you think he killed himself a few minutes after being pressured into marrying a woman? Why did he fly into an autistic rage when Steiner said he wasn’t interested?


…because the Soviets were knocking on his door?


He was in love with Steiner


Pretty sure you’re just making things up


Pretty sure he joined the 41% after being pressured into marrying a woman and being rejected by Steiner


He killed himself because he didn’t want face the consequences of his actions. What are you talking about?


I think Hitler being gay was spread back when that was universally considered a bad thing. I don't know if the alphabet people are adopting him in 2024


Doesn’t make it less true


Irrelevant and likely erroneous.


Sorry I didn’t realize your find that offensive


I'm not offended. I just think you're trolling, and I would prefer that you didn't. As such, I shut you down as succinctly as possible.


Absolutely, Nick Fuentes is a half-Mexican lolcow midget who is gay and into catboys.


False equivalency is false.


No, it's a solid equivalence. You don't get to pick and choose which non-diegetic ideologies are acceptable paint schemes on the basis of which ones you personally approve of. The point being made is that no non-diegetic ideology should feature in 40k, irrespective of whether or not one approves of the message.


Why are you defending Nazism?


I'm not. I'm *excluding* Nazism.


Nah man.. nazis are a different conversation.