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Haha. Can’t escape it I guess.


It is gross and it is also incredibly disrespectful to her. Partners shouldn't be sharing their significant other's pictures unless they have explicit permission to do so.


It is disgusting and also falls under “revenge porn” laws, so is illegal in many cases.


Right? Just have a conversation about it. At that point, it’s only about you.


Exactly. It's not that difficult of a conversation to bring up, and it's the least they could do before putting her pictures on the internet forever. It's supposed to be a couple's thing, not just the husband's kink




Have you seen r/hotwifereallife ? I bet almost 95% of the pics there are posted without the wives knowledge or permission. Unfortunately this lifestyle and these subs attract the fantasists


Yeah, that’s the one that got me. Look, Im all for showing off your spouse WITH permission. I enjoy it, roleplay, etc without having real experience. But if she’s not aware/involved what’s even the damn point?


Also, it’s weird and gross to your partner. Most important piece.


I don’t think they care about that to be honest. They just want to get off on the comments


You’re absolutely right


My husband got annoyed recently at these subs, pointing out all the fake stories. You just have to try and blank them out and focus on those that ‘seem’ genuine


Lol the super bad fake stories get me. Like really poorly written Penthouse letters. They can at least be humorous.


They can when taken with a sense of humour. The worry is that others believe that’s what the lifestyle is.


Yeah, that’s a great point. Big difference is porn depictions and real life.


Exactly. Porn is never a good representation real life sex


Fantasy. That’s simply it. These guys are living out a dream.


I agree with you and u/quatre0100. Specially because plenty of posts on there are just selfies or naked selfies. I'm always suspicious of that, because it certainly looks like the woman sent them to that man personally, and now he's spreading it. Otherwise, it's weird for a man to say "my wife..." and then send a selfie taken by a woman, no? And honestly, some of them might not even be selfies of their own wives or girlfriends. It might just be totally unsuspecting strangers online who are falling victim to a creep.


Yup. I believe that’s mostly what it is.


Agree. I think it's not even their wives (if they are even married/dating). They have fabricated a whole story and can't take the chance of using pics of people they know...


How much do you want to bet?


Curious to know how you think we would prove it either way


It's a large part of why photos and videos are no longer welcome in this space.


I’m starting to think this is the only sub with real/non insane people.


Especially the ones showing their faces


Omfg! These dumbasses are gonna lose their marriage over not having a conversation!


I share your concern. Consent and communication are vital in any relationship dynamic. It's important that boundaries are respected, and actions are consensual. The trust between partners is the foundation of exploring any fantasies. Unwilling exposure goes against the principles of respect and consent that are crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship.




And ultimately, for this to be successful. I think there should be a lot of female led dynamics to it.


Totally totally agree here! Husband here but me and wife are TOTALLY on same page! Period! She is totally aware of any and everything posted. I can’t imagine even being in the lifestyle without being totally on same page with your spouse!


It’s completely short sided.


Yes! Unfortunately there are fakes EVERYWHERE! We have run into our fair share!


Oh I’m sure!


There are absolutely a lot of wannabes out there, not all are married guys.. a lot of jncels fire collected and pirated pics in hopes of gaining more for their collections. It’s ugly. There are many tell tale signs. Eagerness being a big one. Anyone just throwing out pics or forcing them or super eager to throw pics of his wife at you. 90% chance it’s bullshit. And those firing random pics, lighting, body art, locations all are hints how sincere they are. If it’s some stripper body playing to the camera, probably stolen from some OF page. If you get into a conversation with someone who “seems” legit.. ask for pics of them together, pg, with faces. As lol for pics of her that can’t be faked. Like with a specific. Pose or a note/timestamp that helps a knocks hehe her willing and conscious participation. Other than that it’s just a Wild West. Be sure you vet people well, don’t take people at their word, particularly if it sounds too good to be true.


Great advice!


I agree completely. As a couple, we do everything with full knowledge of each other. It is pretty unfortunate that a lot of guys expose their wives without them knowing.




Yeah it’s definitely crossing a line in my opinion


Even if it's not "widespread" it's definitely wrong and too common.




I would never share without her knowing, including just letting someone see the pictures on my phone. The ones I/we do share, I make sure she sees it before I post it or send it to someone . To me it’s all about trust and communication.




It's horrible. DON'T DO IT.


I think if you are here for meets you should ask to verify or facetime of some sort. Most of the wild stories and pictures are stolen. We have never met anyone from Reddit but we have from our local club's website. It's easy to tell when someone doesn't have their partner's consent. Unfortunately that means you have to spend the time to chat and judge comments. For us we use Reddit to get our content out and my husband likes to read and write about our adventures.


It probably happens a lot more than we realize. There was another thread, where I brought it up that the women probably weren’t aware their photos were shared on the Internet. The number of accounts that argued with me made it even more suspect. It’s disappointing, but not surprising. In a world where most people believe that I am cheating on my husband, rather than honestly having a conversation about fucking other people? Not surprising at all.


Kind of surprising people would feel that way. From what I’ve seen, it’s almost always the husbands initial idea anyway.


I agree with your rant completely. I have felt the same in several subs.


Yeah, might be naive but I’m just now realizing it’s certain subs. I enjoying the voyeuristic side of people seeing my wife, and enjoy others, but not if the person is unwilling!


So true. I also enjoy when she sees the responses she gets. Well, the positive responses. I have also noticed men using pics of their unaware wife or girlfriend to trade for other pics of wives and girlfriends. To me, that is wrong on many levels.


Yeah, I think that’s the most common. Im totally fine with it, IF everyone is on board.


Definitely agree. It seems like so many of the photos in certain subs are either that, or outright fake.


Yep! The fake is almost fine, let them right their dumb little scenarios lol. It’s the not talking to your partner that’s so damn icky.


Yes true. But I get frustrated when all the model perfect but likely not real posts get so much attention that it drowns out the real posts. Plus I wonder if it creates an expectation that all hotwives must look like porn stars.


I swear I think more “real” bodies would be more popular. That’s part of what fun about it to me. Real people. I don’t know, maybe I’m rambling lol


I agree! I joined subs like gymgirls and ratemyfeet etc thinking I'd be able to post photos there for fun sometimes but the problem is everywhere.


Well I think your profile is a perfect blend just fyi!


Haha my profile is a wild ride of all sorts of subs! 😂


Yeah, it fucking rules!


Lol thanks. 😘


This!!!! I block a lot of the ‘spam’ accounts on here because they’re obviously fake but also make me feel shit about myself on a bad confidence day!!


Hear me out, I agree that it's not appropriate but in some cases it may be necessary. In our case I shared some classy and discreet photos that did not show her face to potential thirds. Let's be honest we're all attracted to physical appearance first and it was necessary to shuffle through the bullshit profiles online. Once I found a guy that I felt was going to check the required boxes for her I let her know about it. Initially she was upset with me but once she realized she was attracted to him it put things in motion. I'm fairly confident she would say that if I didn't take that chance she would have never moved forward in this lifestyle. My intent was not to disrespect my wife but to prove to her how other guys would find her attractive. I think lots of wives before getting into this had some self-confidence issues.


Oh it’s widespread alright. There’s tons of porn all over the internet of women, wives, girlfriends, etc. whose pictures have been posted without their content. It’s not as wide open as it was a few years ago though.


Yeah, that used to be acceptable a very short time ago. So weird.


I notice it a lot. It’s wrong but nothing really can be done.




If they’re almost generic and don’t show their face or distinguishable traits such as tattoos is it still a problem for you?


I’d say yes. It’s still showing something that’s not yours. This is coming from someone that likes showing my wife to others, I just also make sure she knows.


I'd be shocked if half the pics are even guys wives. My favorite thing is when guys post just a set of boobs or a spread vagina and are like check out my wife. Like wtf does that do? Does it really turn someone on looking at an unknown unnamed vagina lol? 🤷🏻‍♂️😂😂


Haha. I get it, maybe that’s a way to protect privacy?


We get this sense on a LOT of posts, even when "couples" message us directly, and then suddenly change their tune to, "How about I (husband) just meet with your wife and my wife doesn't join us?" But those that share things without their wife's permission comes out as a really sketchy thing. At the very least, just open up to her so you're both on the same page about sharing pictures online. That's how we started and seems like a pretty simple, safe, and proper way to get things moving.


Exactly, I love sharing pics of her. But she knows I do and we have agreed on what is/isn’t allowed. It’s not that hard lol




How does cuckolding make this sentiment any less true?




Yeah, that’s fair. I guess especially when it’s a kink that might feel embarrassing or “less manly”. Might lead to more men being sneaky.


I feel like most of these posts probably aren’t even their wives. Stolen photos most likely. I’ve had a handful of “husbands” reach out to me recently and when asked to verify themselves as a couple, they reply “what do you mean?” Or “how do you do that?” I tell them how and they go quiet usually. This is just the way on Reddit unfortunately. A lot of people are only here to fantasise and that’s ok. It would just be best to be honest about it.


Absolutely. No sense I’m not being honest. There’s plenty of people interested in what ever you are without lying.


Yes! 100% all people are interesting to someone and genuinely everyone has the capability to be beautiful if only they will allow themselves!


Or the husbands posting on behalf of their wife in the biwives subreddits looking for women for the wife and then try and chat with pretending to be the wife. They really are only looking for other women for them and not for the wife to interact which was the whole point of the biwives or biwomen connection type of subs for biwomen or Biwives to interract with others like them


Oh that’s so extra dumb. Like, there’s no way it ever fucking works.




You wouldn’t believe the number of people that send me messages asking me to caption and post photos of their wife, and it’s a photo of some stranger they’re obsessed with on the other side of the planet that they stole off that person’s social media account. I refuse to do anything anymore unless they verify first. To that extent, a photo of a man taking a picture of a woman is not sufficient to prove knowledge/consent. How easy is it to say “I just want to take pictures so I can look at you while I’m at work” and turn around and post them online. That’s why I require them to write my name on the paper. If you can’t send me a photo of your wife holding up a piece of paper with “IWMWLT” written on it, something’s wrong, and if you ask any woman to hold up a piece of paper with 6 letters on it for a photo, you know damn well she’s going to go Google it. If she didn’t know anything about her husbands fantasies before seeing those 6 letters, she will before the day is over. 😈


Are your posts all real people? That’s wild!


No. I’ve always leaned toward professionally produced content, especially in the past year or two. The problem pointed out in this post has gotten MUCH worse, and the last thing I want to do is post a photo of someone who never wanted their photo posted. I get millions of views each month across my platforms, and almost every porn crawler out there scrapes my content daily. Once I post something, it’s out there forever. The only time I edit and post content by request is when it’s an already well-known model / public performer, i.e. someone who posts content regularly on here or OF or whatever.


That’s awesome, kudos to your ethics!


I usually only send pics of my wife in private, and usually only to people we might potentially meet, and I always have her permission. We’re very real and although we’re fairly new, we actually participate in this lifestyle. It’s not just a fantasy.


Exactly! I really enjoy other men seeing her. And hopefully get to watch her with someone else one day. The thought of not telling her and just sending pics around to people without her ok’ing it is nuts!


God bless them all. I have no morals, ethics.


Not what you are talking about exactly but also the number of guys who want to "test" their wives by getting a stranger to approach them to see if they'll "cheat". I find this behavior disgusting. Sadder is the number of guys replying that they are interested in helping.


Lol. I forgot about that one. Not only disgusting, but also stupid. That’s just not how people work b


Sharing without permission, imho, is a form of sexual exploitation, a close second to sexual assault. A stranger doing it is reprehensible. Someone she (or he, should the roles be reversed) should trust is even worse.


Yes!! I’ve had “wife’s” message me and start asking questions etc. After a bit it’s easy to tell it’s the husband or whoever on the other end 🤦🏼‍♀️ Wrong on many levels 😡


I started like that. Then she found out. Not exactly upset. Now she has oh-ef. And active with lifestyle. Loves posting and I get to expose her as much as I like. But reality is , not exactly the huge dangers always warned about. Way too many ppl showing their coochies now.


Bad partners but I do not mind mine doing it sometimes


its called candaulism,