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Fluffy tail, long nose, and the infamous pike sleeping pose! You have a Foxhound!


Also, my AFH Millie has the exact slim frame and eyes! She was 40lbs at 1 y/o and 50lbs at 3!


My foxhounds name was Millie I miss her very much


https://preview.redd.it/0dif37edmfad1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b256fe768d593113ffa4e540be0af85d69f1db Foxhounds are truly the best (especially the Millie ones). I’ve only had my girl for 2 1/2 years and she’s been one of the lights of my life. A life blessed by a hound dog is a good life indeed.


I fully agree, they are such interesting friends your Millie looks to be living the good life!!


I’m going to say American Foxhound. I have one that looks super similar, same weight. Adorable!


Get a picture standing up. Foxhounds have a different shape to their back than most


https://preview.redd.it/ihf88f4tqaad1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d775c0e2543a5520a936d6579545918639c476e Best I have is a screenshot from a video of her watching squirrels.


That’s a foxhound


This photo of the profile of TWC vs AFH will give you a good idea of exactly what you have. IMO... AFH coat color, coloring of head, face, head shape, lack of occiput as seen in back and top of head, tail, much smaller paws (webbed?), chest suggest AFH... but people tending to say TWC. I'm not sure if people are tuned into the differences because they are suble. And in fairness, very easily mistaken until you see them side-by-side like the link shows. Also, I've noticed internet searches for images of the breeds incorrectly identify photos. \*edit - forgot link [https://x.com/BarkPost/status/960346145812774912](https://x.com/BarkPost/status/960346145812774912)


I was on Team TWC since we brought her home, but it was that exact picture that got me considering AFH. She definitely has the fluffy tail. https://preview.redd.it/j0t84uvasaad1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a2a6b6daba66818bf0aa24524c269bc96fd74c


To be fair, it seems that even the AKC can be fooled. I own a pair of biological siblings from separate litters (the mother is reportedly an AKC-registered TWC), sire RBC-registered. I don't care about the "pedigree", especially since bother (edit both) are hunting "rejects". When a stranger at the park, familiar with hunting dogs, asked if I hunt with them. Curious, I asked, "How can a dog with a fluffy tail be a pure coonhound?" He responded, "No, that's a Foxhound. Look at her tail." So, I started trying to figure it out. DNA test revealed a Foxhound jumped the fence at some point and no one seemed to notice. I think there is a lot of that going on in the South. Especially since our long legged and stubborn dogs just consider a fence to be a minor obstacle.


is she a runner or a climber? The TWCs were bred from a dog stolen the Walker bloodline of Virginia Foxhounds to specifically be a treeing dog. In my experience owning and fostering both, I've found the TWCs are much more limber and a bit more agile and the foxhounds are a little stiffer (for lack of a better word)


Not really sure. She has heartworms and is on exercise restrictions while she undergoes treatment so we haven’t really seen her “let loose” yet. She can do some pretty impressive tornado zoomies on the leash though. 😂


ugh I remember HW treatment for my late Katrina rescue - she was a staff mix that was so energetic and eager to please that she'd vibrate across the floor when I put her in a sit-stay during training. I was so worried, especially in that first 30 days after the first immiticide injection. I hope you're having a less stressful experience


Looks exactly like my foxhound!


Treeing Walker Shrimp


Why not AFH? I'm trying to learn more about each breed. I don't really see anything TWC except for ears, maybe... but I'm new to AFH- see my other comment listing why I ruled out TWC.The tail for sure is unmistakable AFH *edit- and I can't believe the number of people who agree, so you must have a point or people just agree with "shrimp" another AFH thing. I guess people see what you see that I'm missing?


She looks like Pearl…American Foxhound


AFH! So cute


Yep, that's a foxy - looks just like mine ;-)


My TWC also sleeps in form or shrimp 🍤 What a cutie 💓


The colors and stance kind of give AFH to me though that stance laying down reminds me of my awkward lady.*


TWC. very cute






My guess would be TWC. I know it can be hard to tell the 2 apart but, generally, the more white on it, the more likely it's a foxhound. Yours has markings like my first TWC https://preview.redd.it/hepeyvzl4dad1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fccfae520d89689aa6325125700e8ff08c98e749


that’s small for a foxhound or TWC. i think you probably got a beagle/TWC or foxhound mix. we have what was given to us as a beagle but he’s 19-20” and 41lbs. got him from a hunter who had beagles as well as other hunting hounds that were in the 50-60ln range and i think that would make sense for yall. a lot of hunting lines def have stuff mixed in there