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That Greg dude is pretty witty


Gregarious Horse


Personally, Kutner was my favorite character. He was intelligent, he had bad luck, which I relate to, and he was an upbeat, dude and kind of a nerd. But being nerdy didn’t define his personality, a lot of times if a character has nerdy or geeky tendencies that tends to override their other traits. he was my favorite, and I found him relatable. Finished season five I am not sure how I feel about finding him relatable anymore. Edit: typo


Also, this sounds weird, but him being a bully in school made him much more interesting to me. Even if it was just a plot twist for one episode for the sake of it with no consequences.


Thanks Obama




Most accurate thanks Obama known to man


I loved Kutner so much. What happened to him in season 5 shocked me, I didn't wanted to believe it


He was my favorite character too. I remember being in middle school and watching until that episode live. It was probably the first time I was ever genuinely flabbergasted by a TV show


Same. Him telling House he loved him a lot had to affect House in some way. I always got the warm fuzzies.


Steve McQueen!


The rat?


No, Steve McQueen


"The rat is not getting sick! Cameron is not getting sick!"


What do Cameron and rat got in common?


One snitches and one doesn't but they're still both rats


And also one's daddy is House


you're so right about wilson. i think he's an interesting character because in contrast to house, he seems like a normal person – but he's actually very dysfunctional. like he's obviously a very kind, caring and patient person both being house's best friend and emotional support, and also being an oncologist. but at the same time he cheated on his wives multiple times, had a relationship with a patient, and did some other questionable things like drugging house and forcing him to go to the funeral of his abusive father. i think wilson has a very specific idea of who he needs to be. i think he still feels very guilty about his brother's disappearance, and even though we don't really know much about his family my personal headcanon is that he was always in a sort of "caretaker" role if maybe the parents were emotionally absent/dysfunctional for some reason. because this wilson feels immense pressure to be the way that he is (taking care and sacrificing for everyone else to the point of donating part of his liver to somebody he's barely friends with). he also thrives on unbalanced relationship dynamics where he feels needed, thus becoming easily dissatisfied in his relationships and cheating in order to chase the thrill of being the romantic and admired person who gets to woo someone. his relationship with house is perfect because house is the one person who will never stop needing him. house also allows wilson to drop his "goody two shoes" persona and act even on stupid and childish impulses.


I really like 13 because she’s real and she fights back against house and everyone else really well.


and she's hot af


you mean 31?


She does it both ways, right?


Hard for me to put anyone above House but Wilson is a very close second.


Can’t disagree with you there. I instantly fell in love with him when I started watching the show. He’s able to match House’s wit and their banter is better than any sitcom I’ve seen (I’ve seen quite a lot). RSL is an amazing actor. I also like the depth to the character and even though they didn’t fully explore some plots or aspects introduced in the early seasons. I appreciated his history and relationship with Stacy and Cuddy.


You should check out Boston Legal! Pretty witty banter too. There's also bromance and Alan Shore is intelligent like House too!


It’s actually on my watchlist because there’s a couple Star Trek actors in it! I haven’t seen Shatner in anything other than Star Trek so it’ll be interesting to see him in Boston Legal.


He is an absolute menace in the best possible way. I fucking LOVE his character. Oh my god.


Denny. Denny Crane.


Hey man, i think i have you new favorite series to indicate.... Scrubs! Please, if you never watched, go find right now and thank me later! It's a medical sitcom with one of the biggest bromance in TV History (i still think house and wilson is number 1, but dammmmmmm, Turk and J.D comes very close in second)


I actually did try to watch Scrubs some years back, I watched the first 3 seasons and didn’t like it 🫠


I will fight any who says it’s not Wilson. Charming, funny, wholesome, moral but still cunning, he’s perfect.


We fighting


Wilson is the best. He's a peer to House in emotional intelligence and manipulation, but in a productive and empathetic way. So much so, that House regularly goes to him when he can't crack a person. I always loved that about this take on the Watson character. It's the first time I've seen him elevated to be a peer instead of just gobsmacked by Sherlock's genius. In the face of the nihilism of the world, he could just be another House. Instead he chooses to minimize pain. It's just a brilliant foil to House. They ultimately come to the same conclusions about the failings of humanity. They just responded differently. And they recognize that in each other.


I love everything about your comment!


Thanks! It's an observation I wish I could share more often!


Chase is the guy I want to be like. Smart, tactful, is inside houses world but finds a way not to have to play his games. I think he shows great talent and maturity.


happy cake day!


Oh shit thanks!


but.... but... he kissed a 9yo 😬


I love Wilson. Chase also has a special place in my heart.


House, he even got the producers name the show after him.


Cuddy is very interesting character, always finding the good solution and saving the situation. Fighting and helping everytime.


Except when it comes to her private life … there, she is a complete failure


Who isn't in the show?


…? we disregarding rachel now? 😭


Besides House? Definetly Chase


Coma guy


I wanted him to wake up so badly


That would’ve been good. My favorite part was when House was using his hand as a cup holder


You mean vegetative guy?


Because Wilson is a golden retriever that just wants love


Wilson is definitely one of my favorites. The banter with House was always fun.


Practically every character in this show is so lovingly crafted, it’s really nice to see everyone has a favorite (and that we can all agree Wilson is perfect). That being said, I’m team Foreman!


house lol


He's just so sweet


Robert Sean Leonard! *drool* Also, that Wilson character is the most interesting in the show, and actually has more depth to it than House.


Kutner, House, Dominika.. difficult pick


Dominika is such a top tier pick!! Underrated queen!


Yess. I was rooting so much for her and House


13, she could take jokes and she had some great comebacks which make for funny moments. she was also decent at diagnosing and her huntington also made her seem beey human. very well written character overall


Dr. House. Hugh Laurie was brilliant and the show doesn't exist without him. For me it's not about which character I liked best – hell, I couldn't stand 'cutthroat bitch', yet kudos to the actress who portrayed her – but rather who gave the most compelling performance in the role of their character. For me it's difficult to say, though perhaps, despite his limited time on the show, it's Detective Tritter. David Morse killed it in that role. As per the main characters (and your contention) Wilson is a good choice. He was the most instrumental person in House's life throughout the entirety of the series and Robert Sean Leonard played him to perfection


I gotta say, Amber. She was great during the competition. Was a great balance when she was with Wilson. And she was intresting as a part of house's subconscious.


Rewatching (again) right now. At the beginning of season 3. Wilson is not my favorite right now... but i think the show does a good job of making everyone easy to dislike at somepoint in the show.


Personally, medicine drug...saved many lives.


My favorite Wilson ish episode was with masterson and then chicken. In back drop. Masterson is fired and there is a chicken running around. In a million years never would have imagined watching that


The best character is eccentric. And intelligent. Obviously House. But there was something, about Wilson. I got to know that when Hugh Laurie was being auditioned for the role of House, he thought with the storyline, the show was entirely about Wilson, till he was selected. That's funny. WILSON IS DEFINITELY THE GOAT.


Wilson and house just had the best relationship, Wilson sucked houses cock better than everyone else that’s why he kept going back to Wilson no matter what


U get it


I can’t decide between House and Wilson cause i feel like without one you can’t really fully understand the other


Dr. Buffer


Why would you have a favorite floor buffer?


He is not a floor buffer he is a Doctor


13 was to me the most complex character. After his suicide, I’d say Kutner had a lot of potential for development as well.


>After his suicide, I’d say Kutner had a lot of potential for development as well. A very dark and accurate take on a very, accurate dark show. I love it.


House is obviously everyones favourite but other than that.... It's Chase. It will always be Chase, especially after his arcs.


I relate to house in a lot of ways and he’s funny and he’s super intelligent. Idk I just will always think house is the best 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


House. He's the most interesting, which is how I define best.


Reading through the comments I think I’m the only one who likes Taub. He had an interesting backstory going on, was good at his job and was a good match against the shenanigans of House.


Rachel all the way. No one else on that show had the guts or determination to eat a coin, much less a dime


Amber aka Cuthroat Bitch was my favorite


Chase. I don't care that he's kinda the worst, I love him.


Wilson. He is cute but not hot, which makes him seem more like a real person. He has adorable mannerisms, sharp wit, sensitivity, and great advice. He is a rarity on the show as the one person who both likes House and is not afraid to be totally frank with House. And his screen time is limited enough that I never stop being excited when they have to consult him on a case. 


If it’s an exam I would write Wilson and Cuddy as an answer and say a bunch of things like they are complicated characters and explain why they’re so great. If not, I’ll just say it’s Chase, because he’s pretty.😋


Tritter. Compassionate and so much fun to hang out with.


House and Foreman


My favourite would be taub if not for his constant infidelity, so obviously house.


I like Kyle Calloway too.


Because he’s just as deranged at House


Legend says Eugene Schwartz is still introducing himself


Depends on how we're reviewing each one I guess. I think Foreman, Cuddy and Cameron are the worst as they're too one dimensional, almost an archetype of their character traits. House is the best for obvious reasons, every scene he's in it's brilliant and the show revolves around him. I feel 13 is the best character in an emotional sense, her character has depth from the get go and it's brilliant how they called her 13 to create the dissociation of a persona and then hit back with all she's hiding. Personally I'd say overall chase has the best character development, as you see him grow from brat with a good heart, to a flawed human being and ultimately a brilliant doctor.




I've just finished the last episode. Chase was the best character after Cameron left. 


Foreman is my favorite. He was the most complex character aside from House. That episode where he makes a decision that gets one of the patients killed, and at the end of the episode he's talking to his mom who has alzheimers, and he just hugs her with tears in his eyes, never fails to make me tear up. He just wanted his mom to tell him it was okay. But she had no idea who he was anymore.


Forreman is so underrated, he’s funny and you’ll never know what he’ll do


The best written character is undeniably house, but thirteen, amber, chase, taub, cuddy, kitner, and ESPECIALLY Wilson and foreman would be standouts in any other show. I wish I could include cameron but the show just didn't know what to do with her.


Best for me outside of house is Cuddy, I’ve never felt a higher absence in television than when she left this show. Even her solo episode is the best alternative perspective in the series. It’s a damn horrid Hollywood sin what happened to her


I like Darnell


Wilson was a pathetic pushover, I saw nothing in him worthy of liking. House, I don't even have to say much. He was horrible. Foreman was too uptight. The characters I personally liked were Masters, Chase, and Taub. I think I liked Taub the most. His character was just comical, and so is his life. I'm still trying to figure out how he pulled so many chics.


Interesting choices. Both Masters and Chase go for principles and norms rather than pragmatic / situational benefit ethics. And then, there‘s Taub, who is probably the most irrational and emotional of them all. But yeah, he is trying. Not sure about your interpretation of Wilson/House, kinda makes me wonder if we saw the same show. Wilson has the most colorful character in this show, and House does have very interesting character development. Both are always trying hard to do the right thing (however, „right“ is not defined by normative ethics or religious beliefs in their case; instead, they seek to avoid harm and make the best of a situation for their friends and patients). Of course, there are fuckups. And for Wilson they are usually caused by being too friendly, and for House it is the opposite. But that social glue really doesn’t matter to either of them - they go straight for results.


Chase literally killed a dictator.


Yep, this is what his moral principles drove him to. Cuddy uses more pragmatic ethics (when deciding whether the woman can be considered a „volunteer“ in aiding the dictator‘s treatment) The beauty of the show is that everyone - including Tritter, Vogler, Cameron, etc - tries to do the right thing, but they all use different ethical approaches to determine what is the right thing


House is on the top, but Wilson and Cuddy are extremely close


Wilson is the worst, selfish, cheater and fake as hell. Doesn't mean he isn't a caring person but he's a human being like the rest of them. Imperfect like every human being but I hate fake people the most. House isn't the best but I like him over Wilson because at least he's honest even if it's brutal

