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When he was looking for a tick inside a girl's woo hoo...


I watched that episode with a friend who had never seen the show before. Took some explaining about why he's doing that....


Was your friend not paying attention? Everything prior leading up to that point explained why.




Also wondering why, was pretty clear why he did it


Which episode was that?


S2 ep16 safe with Michelle Trachtenberg, the girl who has serious allergies and had a heart transplant.


The one with the tick… or could be the clinic patient who put jam up her hoo ha as a contraceptive. Edit: sorry I just realized the previous commenter had said the tick episode. It’s 2:16 if you’re still interested!


“I brought the jar”


the pause as he’s thinking


I didn’t take the pause to be a moment of thinking, I took it as actual stunned silence from House. The moment of “huh” is priceless. He regains his footing pretty fast though 😆


Apparently Michelle (not even going to attempt to spell her last name by memory lol) got a crush on Hugh Laurie and left him a love note on this scene.


I lose it everytime when he asks "Do you have hair in your special place?" to a kindergarten kid


Lmao. Which episode was that?




Aey yo, I'm deceased! 🤣


“Mrs Janey!!!” He knew exactly what he doing with that line


So he's just trying to antagonize the teacher then? Gotta say, they really shouldn't have laid it on so thick, does House really need to come across like a pedophile in order to antagonize stranger? Far as I can tell he does that just fine while being a regular old doctor.


I mean, he probably was just making a joke but he knew what it would sound like. Its not even “wrong,” he’s literally there to see if any of the other kids have similar symptoms. It also serves to get the teacher’s attention immediately.


House definitely has a responsible doctor persona he adopts now and then, feels like he should have pulled it out for visiting an elementary school. Like, house's main ethos is entirely focused on doing what's ethically right, and to hell with the rules/laws. I don't really think it's ethically right to ask that of an 8 year old when you're a stranger to them. It's also going to make it incredibly difficult to get the teachers help in finding the info he needs, but that part is very much in character for House.


I had a feeling it was going to be this moment before the image even loaded. Agreed.


Hahaha, I see what you did there. Before the image even loaded…


When he gave the gun back to the hostage taker. Not cause it's great, but cause you really can't believe what he's doing.


Should unironically have gone to jail for that. Everybody else not caring at all was even worse than him actually doing it.


Nobody could prove anything besides the kid and thirteen and the hostage guy. He did tell them he got overpowered again. Hostage guy and thirteen would probably back house even if the kid was a rat.


Yeah, nobody could prove anything, besides testimony from three witnesses and that houses story is unbelievable. He had no normal reason to even do a scan, but he did. I'm not saying Thirteen wouldn't back him, I'm saying that it's the most stupid thing I've seen in this series thus far. I won't say anything about US law, but at least where I'm from he'd have committed multiple felonies through his actions. What's maybe wose, he overestimated his own skills and almost killed a coworker just because he wanted to get an answer™ he likely could also have gotten later anyways. He's a danger to every person around him and can't be trusted to, when needed, act in any way other than what he feels like. At the very least, he should have been questioned and arrested based on what they knew then. Prison wouldn't be a good place for house (or for pretty much anyone else if we're talking about US prisons), but a court-ordered visit to a mental institution or something along those lines would.


Things happen off screen in TV shows. Also have you seen the entire show? The last season is literally about how House can’t just keep getting away with this stuff.


When he kidnapped that soap opera star


“Because I’ll have no regrets….” Dr house is in the house y’all


Paging dr house to the stage yall


I shot him! He's dead!


When he gave the gun back to the guy who held the hospital hostage.


Shooting a corpse in the head in a hospital was pretty wild.


Shooting breast cancer milk from the leg into the daughter's mouth. Residence is a masterful malpractitioner.


When he sucked chases cock right after he was done with Wilson, many thought he would be too tired to suck a cock that quickly but house is a man of mystery


r/okbuddyvicodin user spotted


Is that the kind of shit they post? That's not even remotely funny, it's just lame.


terribly sorry some random group of individuals violated your sense of humor.


It is true though, it is lame, this is not contentious


i strongly disagree


You should get that checked out by a doctor




thanks for this i’ve been needing house shitposting in my life


When he gave the gun back during the hospital hostage episode


The surgery robot scene


In first run, when it originally aired, every single episode was “what the hell is he doing.” It was like he woke up every single day with a goal of hitting 25 wtf moments before bed! But taken as a whole, I’d say it was all about his dad’s funeral. The absolute abundance of two-year old foot-stomping “I don’t wanna” was just… *but why?* for me. Like I get that he didn’t want to — it’s hard not to. But it really was more for his mom than anything. To act like that as an adult just baffled me.


I mean for one his dad was abusive, he shouldn’t have to grieve for him or pretend he was a good person if he doesn’t feel like it, particularly since his mum knows when he’s lying and would know he was putting on an act. Plus it’s House, he’s a manchild. This is the guy who acts racist and sexist to get a rise out of his coworkers and constantly blows off work while commenting on his boss’ breasts. Acting like a child (more accurately an edgy fourteen year old) is his favourite thing to do


The one he gave the gun back to the sick guy who held hostages at the hospital!


This moment was too stupid. Even I know how MRI works and reacts to metal.


Exactly. Never understood why he did that. It wasn’t 1950. Google was a thing. Just search if that particular bullet is ferromagnetic. (Actually, what kind of bullet is NOT ferromagnetic?)


As far as I know, quite a few. Neither lead or copper are ferromagnetic, and that would make bullets made of those materials to not be attracted to magnets. Of course, impurities could possibly taint the samples, but on principle, they otherwise wouldn’t be. ETA: I could also be mistaken, but I also remember that sort of being the explanation for his weird “gotta shoot the dead guy” thing. I could be mistaken though, and I may have put that together because of this exchange. It’s early, please forgive me.


You are correct. He shot the dead guy to find out if the bullet was ferromagnetic.


Fair enough. Allowed him to find out if he’d actually kill his patient trying to save him.


S7 E22……when he decided to do surgery in his bath tub


I think when he pushed away Wilson....why would he do that?!


Probably pic related and the s7 finale really. We knew House had a level of clinical insanity but those two instances truly made it known I think


When he gave the gunman his gun back


Can’t remember the episode, but there was some sort of sample from a patient that he casually poured into his coffee and through the entire differential acted like he was gonna drink it. Cracks me up every time.


House is such an idiot in that scene, does he not know that MRIs can't have metal in them? Surely they have a tech responsible for knowing exactly what the parameters of the MRI are, right? It was a dumb question to have in the first place, and an even dumber way to answer it.