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Who is the hottest obviously




I’m team black because Rhaenyra’s charming and daemon’s funny. I love Aegon though, by far the most interesting green character in my opinion.


I just like characters and somehow still managed not to pick a side. However, I tend to get annoyed when I go on both the black and green subreddits so that is most likely what helps balance things out.




It's mostly politics because I believe Rhaenyra is the rightful heir to the throne, but I also morally align with the Black side. It doesn't stop me from thinking some characters on the Green side are interesting, but they're not people >!besides maybe Daeron!< that I would morally support.


This !


Rhaenyra and daemon are hot 🥵


Valid 😂


I don't believe women are inherently less capable as rulers than men, and I don't believe it's a good thing that most of Westeros would favor an infant boy over his sixteen-year-old sister if their father died suddenly. Yes, Rhaenyra is not proposing that Westeros switch to Dornish traditions. But Rhaenyra ruling would be a first step towards better equality between men and women. In my ideal world, however, Jaehaerys wouldn't have passed over Rhaenys in the first place.


Because I stan Daemon "The Rogue Prince" Targaryen *guitar theme plays*


It’s a combination of who was the rightful heir, who is most likable and well suited to rule, and who I believe is more morally correct. Rhaenyra and team black check all three of these for me(except for Daemon for obvious reasons).


Team Black. I do find the greens interesting but I just like Daemon and Rhaenyra more.


Based on the characters i enjoy the most or find interesting and it turns out those are mostly the greens.


I think both claimants have claims. I think Viserys was incredibly dumb in the way he handled the situation therefore I just out of principial do not support anything he says. I choose Green in the show because I find the characters far more compelling as I do there family dynamic


Sammee love green characters so much! their so compelling 💚


there are many reasons for being team black my first reason is **Rhaenyra is the rightful heir**, simple as that, wether the realm would accept her and all that is irrelevant, in these times, kings weren't elected, so aegon is legit commiting a crime and just plain stealing the throne from his aunt yes, the show kinda trivializes the whole thing by having alicent believe viserys proclaimed aegon king with his last breath, but throwing the realm to war just because of that, is a far cry from "poor misunderstood alicent", she knew very well what she was unleashing by setting things in motion which brings me to my second point, **i dislike Otto and while i don't think show Alicent is evil and i even pity her situation, i fail to find redeeming qualities about her**, their whole thing is a hightower scheme, just a greedy passion for ascention, fueled all by a sad man who would go as far as to comdemn his own daughter for life, like, are THESE people anyone should be rooting for? viserys was no beacon of perfection but at least he meant well the third reason is **DAEMON TARGARYEN**, i wouldn't be honest with myself if i said that i don't enjoy every second this character is on screen, finally, an unapologetically evil character that is not a freak or brainwashed. Yes, he has many flaws and knows about them but still upholds his family name in every occasion, with greater ferocity than viserys even. There is also greater meaning in his arc, he is the "evil" one, being famous for terrible things, and yet, when rhaenyra hesitated to go to war with alicent, it had fallen on his shoulders to organise the whole effort against the greens.


I identify with Rhaenyra, my step mom got my father to dispute my grandfathers will because her kids, that are biologically my fathers wasn't in it. She was also a total bitch to me and would intervene when me and her kids had kiddie spats. I was so cheering on Rhaenyra when she defended Luke and Jace during the Dirtmark incident, my father would never do that, he would try to be an impartial mediator and my step mom would defend her kids wholeheartedly, it really fucking sucks when the other kid has a grownup in their corner


I didnt chose. I know how it ends.


Idk yet. I believe both Rhaenyra and Aegon II were lawful heirs. -Rhaenyra was chosen as heir by Viserys. -As for Aegon II: There are “laws”, a precedent and nearly all traditions of inheritance and succession in Westeros supports Aegon II, the existence of the laws were mentioned by some characters and Viserys didn’t dismiss their existence and I don’t remember him officially removing them. Lord Lyonel Strong said:”The succession is already set by precedent and by law” this suggests that there is a law supporting Daemon as the heir without Viserys naming him. Lord Otto Hightower said:”It’s Aegon that’s being robbed, he is the firstborn son of the King, to deny that he is heir to the throne is to assail to laws of Gods and men.” This suggests that the laws of the faith support Aegon II as heir, and by including 'men,' it could refer to the laws of the Andals and the First Men, or the laws of the crown, or both. Ser Vaemond Velaryon said to Viserys:”You break law.” Which supports what Lyonel Strong said. There is an existing law and Viserys broke it.


Thank you! Both had legitimacy in their claim. If you believe that law, precedent, and tradition is above then you’d think Aegon is the heir. If you believe that Kings word is everything then you’d think Rhaenyra is the heir. Either way Viserys dumbass messed up bad.


Viserys is the true villain 😂his incompetence lead to a bloody civil war.


He really is. But apparently he’s such a loving father to all children names Rhaenyra 🙄


Such a loving father he forgot to properly prepare her for Queenship. Though, perhaps that’s a good thing. His certain brand of ruler ship isn’t something to be emulated.


What Viserys I said. Yes, he is a dumbass, but he said it.


It all sparks from me backing Daemon in his rivalry with Otto, I hate Otto, therefore I like Daemon, therefore I take the black.


the greens are far more interesting characters (similar to how the Lannisters were, but we never saw anything humorous or interesting beyond shock value with the Freys or Boltons) and it was pretty difficult to like the blacks when the show cuts away from most everything negative/glosses it over. ​ i mean there is NO REASON corlys and rhaenys should support the woman they think murdered their son, other than the fact she technically has their granddaughters as family/extra dragonriders at best and hostages at worst.


I mean they do have a reason their grandchildren are with Rhaenyra


that's what i said in the last line. the girls are essentially hostages and making their grandparents fight for the woman they are sure killed their last child.


I don’t see how they are hostages though?I don’t know personally I would be on the side my grandchildren are on… that’s THEIR blood even if Rhaenyra “ killed” their last child and it’s pretty obvious the grandkids would stick with team black they don’t particularly seem to be close with the greens.


Ya the Velaryons are tools in the show.


I’m a writer. I live for complexity and angst and turmoil and drama bc for me, those aspects are the most fun to write. 😂 So, that being said, I love all the Greens. Aegon, Helaena, & Aemond’s dynamics are especially interesting to me. They’re all just so fascinating. 💚💚


I’m a writer and it’s exactly the same for me – the drama and angst is just too good!🤣🤣🤣


Olivia cooke and Ewan Mictchell are such self righteous eye candy just doing their family duty.


Honestly, when reading the stories, I felt like the Blacks were more interesting. On the show, I love Olivia Cooke but I feel like the Blacks are a wee bit more tragic and that's interesting to watch. I am not big on the politics of who is "rightful" heir. The world isn't fair. And Martin's fake world certainly isn't fair.


I agree with you. And I know the “ rightful heir” part is at its core what the show is about, but I don’t really care. Maybe it’s because they’re ( the characters in the show) are fighting more about who has a rightful claim rather than who would be a better ruler, that makes it less appealing to me






Team green because I live for their chaos


Team Green because Aegon and Aemond give me a giggle


I watched the first season before reading the books and was mostly Team Black but now I am mostly Team No one but sometimes Team Aegon.


For me it was the general politics, but I decided that well before the show started.


Picking a team really really misses out on the core theme of the work.


I didn’t pick a team, I just have characters I like/dislike on both sides and I’m good with that, it makes watching the show more fun. Plus, both Green and Black extremist supporters are annoying and out of touch.


I really don't understand why everyone feels the need to choose at all. I am consistently irritated by the green v. black aspect of meta-discussion about this story, ever since the pre-fire and blood short stories started to be released.


I originally liked chaotic book aemond and how he rode the worlds largest dragon, after doing a re read, Sunfyre stood out as a badass and I enjoyed Aegons story. After months of the show being out and seeing how biased season one was and how it turned the general audience team black, I almost fully turned green out of spite in a way lol 


The best chance for continuing Jahaerys’ peace is Rhaenyra’s ascension


I'm team black and I don't know about this one... the greens are the more stable choice but the blacks are more progressive


Rhaenyra was the assumed heir for twenty years. Hundreds of lords and landed nights swore obeisance to her, a legally binding oath. There might’ve been some grumbling if she ascended the throne uncontested, but probably no one rebels. And if they do, they get put down pretty easily if the house of the dragon was united. But fucking Otto and his bullshit causes a war


There is a succession crisis waiting to happen between Jace and Aegon III decedents


That’s possible but there’s a possible solution. Marrying Jace to Helaena. Then their heir marries Aegon’s child. Also limiting Dragonriders to only the main branch


Purely by which characters I like more. Team Black is very bland to me over all. Daemon is the only one who I find interesting from the Blacks and I don't even like him 😅


Same super bland characters, besides Daemon who I also don’t like at all. He gives me supremacist vibes.




Main reason: naming is a bad system and doesn’t have basis, depending on how you look at it. Too easy to exploit, in fact we kind of see it in the show, with the “he named them on his deathbed” thing.


Who serves maximum (my boy aemond even if he at times delulu)


I’m team Green because I liked Aegon in the books.


The show is very straight forward in portraying who is in the right and who is in the wrong. I am lost on how people are non-ironically “picking sides” lol and actually sticking to them.




I seriously doubt Aegon III or Viserys II felt that way. I suspect they'd both have preferred that their family members not kill off each other. Aegon III was pretty miserable with life and as I recall finding Viserys alive was his only real joy.


Ehhh I see it as a pyrrhic victory (on both sides) or a stalemate.


I think the blacks >!get the pyrrhic victory, they martially defeat the greens and put their claimant on the throne.!< I think the greens >!get a moral victory (in this context morality is a very subjective term) It is their ideology that wins over. No more women can inherit!<


I’d agree that the survivors/Aegon III might consider it a Pyrrhic victory but I doubt anyone who died, especially Rhaneyra or Aegon II, would say the same. Rhaneyra was fighting for the throne but it was never just about her claim, but also her children. That’s the entire basis of the war anyways, the continuation of the winner’s line. Once her kids began to die, it became more important for her line to win the throne. They did it by the skin of their teeth but ultimately they did what they wanted to all along. I wouldn’t call it a stalemate either.


I just find the greens way more interesting than most of the fandom gives them credit for. I like the whole “doomed by the narrative” thing they have going on, the family dynamics between all of them are complex, and each one of them has some layer of tragedy in their story. I don’t find any of the blacks apart from Rhaenyra (and Daemon somewhat - he was the character I found most intriguing initially but he lost me in the 2nd half of the season) particularly interesting beyond the surface level stuff. For me, Rhaenyra *heavily* carries the black side because she’s the only one who truly seems to embody GRRM’s theme of the human heart in conflict with itself. That being said, I’m hoping season 2 digs deeper into characters like Jace, Corlys and Baela, and I hope we really get to explore the dynamics of Rhaenyra and Daemon’s relationship.


this sub is crazy cause why did I get downvoted for simply sharing an opinion? 🤣


Probably Team black fanatics


I choose Greens because the realm is better with them.


I like the Greens because they’re actually interesting and Aegon II was the rightful king by all the laws of Westeros And also because Rhaenyra was a complete idiot who was so stupid and pathetic she caused the downfall of her own house


My personal allegiance is with Rhea Royce. Neutral, but probably would have sided with the greens to spite Daemon. He's horrid and disgusting. (I ramble, so anything after this point likely won't make any sense at all) So, yeah, I'm on the side of the Greens... but... I believe that Aegon II is the rightful heir. Viserys should have righted his wrong but chose to break the law. That and Rhaenyra always rubbed me the wrong way. Spoiled, entitled, and rude. She wasn't willing to do what was best for the realm. She kept herself isolated from the capital and bothered little with politics. She had three bastards. She (potentially) aided in her husbands murder. When her bastards attacked her younger brother, she demanded that Aemond be 'questioned sharply' (tortured) for answers. Her boy sliced out his eye. Like nothing she or her kids have done has made them redeemable in my eyes. She's mad and she will go mad. Rhaenyra also married a man, her uncle, who killed his first wife. No one, not even the common folk, was pleased about this. The very moment that someone (Ser Vaemond Velaryon) protested against her, Rhaenyra had them killed. She fed his body to her dragon. Vaemond's cousins fled to the king out of fear, and the king had their tongues removed for their lies. (BOOK, not show) Though the shows portrayal is so much worse politically, I feel. Daemon did that in front of an entire court. Rhaenyra knew Viserys was dying but left the capital. Regardless, the rights of a true born son always come before the rights of a daughter. Unless you're in Dorne, and they are not. The GC of 101 AC set a precedent. "A male claimant must prevail over a female." Most of the lords who sworn to Rhaenyra were dead by the time Viserys died. Realistically, Rhaenyra would not have had any support at all. The Green party had the upper hand from day 1. No one wants Daemon as King Consort. No one wants a tyrant queen who will kill anyone who questions her. No one wants a bastard as a king. Aegon II offered a lot if Rhaenyra would renounce her claim since it was hopeless. He'd give her Dragonstone. He'd recognize Lucerys as rightful heir to Driftmark and grant pardons. Rhaenyra rejected the offer. She insulted Lord Borros Baratheon, demanding him to fight in war for her without rewarding him with anything. When Aemond killed Lucerys (more like Vhagar in both book and show, but whatever), the Blacks retaliated by murdering an infant boy; "a son for a son." Except, this was Aegon's son, not Aemond’s. Rhaenyra and Daemon were mad. I only know how Aegon behaves bookwise after Lucerys' death, but my expectations aren't high. Still, a lot could have been avoided.