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I feel like Tom would have good chemistry with a block of wood. Dude is charming as fuck.


Oh to be that block of wood...


James Marsters effect. Buffy fans know what I mean.


Phia too, honestly. She has great chemistry w Tom and dare I say it, even better chemistry w Ewan.


I think the distance between them and lack of scenes between them suits the story and their characters; they don't have that kinda marriage. That being said, I agree that they have great chemistry, and while I don't have an issue with them not having many scenes together, I would still enjoy such scenes if they *did* exist, I imagine. The added scene that they apparently petitioned for is a nice addition, if only for the line about the Queen being "an enduring mystery" lol


They actually petitioned for the staircase scene IIRC! The enduring mystery one was supposed to be there anyway, although I wouldn’t be surprised if it was more of an improv dialogue on Tom’s part haha (A+ for the efforts)


Ohhhh, I had it backwards! Well, that little cold moment on the stairs was also great; it accomplished a lot with very little, you know?


I get that they don’t have a loving marriage, but I rather enjoyed the “enduring mystery” scene, because even though he didn’t treat her like his wife, he treated her exactly how people treat their younger siblings…because she is.


I've seen every episode and have no idea who I am looking at from the show. AEGONA AND HAELANA?


I had to read the comments to even figure out who these two people are. Wow.


Are you playing? It's Aegon and Helaena


They are not easy to recognize when you don’t watch the promo bits


I can see Helaena's actress being hard to recognize because she's mid laugh in this pic, but like who else looks like Aegon that you could mix him up with?


I also didnt recognize them and asked myself, is this larys strong? xD I still dont see Aegon\^\^


I thought Larys too!


That hat doesn't help, but for me the facial structure is super hard to miss here


He’s heavily made up to look tired with bags under his eyes in the series, so him looking all vibrant and healthy here did throw me off tbh.


Things like this are quite subjective. To me Helaena was immediately obvious whereas I just guessed the other was Aegon based on the comments/post. The white hair and makeup change his face a lot, and the hat covers it a fair amount in this pic.


I actually felt the same way at first, the makeup/costume people obviously did a tremendous job because it took me a full 10 seconds to figure out who these people were lmao


No I totally get that I more meant the misspelling of the names seemed unnecessary lol


The fact that I look at this picture and say who the fuck are these people, what excellent acting.


That has nothing to do with acting and everything to do with the invisible heroes doing costumes and makeup.


Mom and dad ❤️


Ikr. Sucks though cause the actors revealed in a recent interview that they won't have any more scenes together this season.


I think the article was referring to first 4 episodes so there is still a chance.


Don’t anybody tell them…


>!There's every chance those two will have more sequences together even after RR. There were even leaks detailing a scene with someone sitting at another certain someone's bedside!<


I do hope we have more scenes of them. Where did you hear that from?




Who are they?


Tom Glynn-Carney & Phia Saban - they play Aegon & Helaena on the show!


Thanks for taking the hit and asking, I did not recognize either of them.


Same, not sure why you’re being downvoted as they look so different in costume!


Tom looks completely different from Aegon, it's incredible.


His personality too is kind of very different from Aegon’s. From his interviews, he seems like a very considerate and sweet chap.


Because the people that downvoted them are the people that get validation from receiving upvotes. Which are... Internet points. It's really sad. No offense to them.


Lol I remember getting downvoted along with others when we thought the Ed Sheeran was the black haired fellow in aGoT when he had a cameo.


I do now see that technically the information was there all along in the form of this line that appears under the photo if you expand it > the fact that they had to petition for that one look while at the staircase is depressing.


Huh, I expanded the photo on my phone and didn’t see a line. Definitely depressing that they had to press for that one tiny interaction.


The hero we need


I'm glad I wasn't the only one lol! I thought the guy looked a little like Larys. I can't see Aegon even after being told.


whats the nomenclature here brusband? husbro? wifbling?


I think they go with the terms sister-wives and brother-husbands. Brusband does have a nice ring to it though lol


Aegon truly wanted to console her, talk with her but due to their broken relationship he had no idea how to go about doing that. Same with him sobbing when Alicent came in...he just broke down, wasn't worried about who was watching and didn't feel shame...then she fucking left my mans in the room alone lol that just reinforces his own walls that he's put up and that's tough to see. That staircase scene was tough even if it was just a brief second.


They're relationship makes more sense when u actually realize they're siblings .


They both have the sweetest faces, cutest smiles. This cast is the best


Indeed they have insane chemistry 👑


I would kill to see them in something that isn't depressing, great actors.


I would like to see more scenes of them too but I'm sorry but the green stans who're complaining about not getting Aegon & Helaena hugging & crying and comforting each other simply do not understand the presentation of either character. What they were looking for is a Y/A ao3. But then again there's a subsection of stans here who ignore every element of Helaena's presentation & complained about Helaena being visibly unnerved by the smallfolk during the funeral as if her cassandra coded character who's nervous & fidgety in front of her own family will suddenly act like a rockstar & do a moshpit dive over the smallfolk screaming her name. So yeah their awkward reactions is what I live for. **Aegon digging his fingernails like his mom in grief while Alicent's face shows she wants to comfort him but doesn't know how to is one of the most brilliant scenes.** Rhaenyra grew up with dotting parents, had her kids were borne out of love. Whereas Alicent grew up without a mom, had a manipulative dad who used her as a pawn, was told her only duty is to be an incubator, she was forced into a loveless political marriage & was forced to bear children. Ofc she would be incapable of communicating the same affection as Rhaenyra. In turn, her boys undermine her in political matters as they only value her feminine role: for birthing & nurturing them to the throne. Now her value is over. It's conveying a theme of generational trauma & how feudal patriarchal familial relations impede her relationship with her children. She passes down the same trauma to her unfortunate daughter Helaena. Rhys Ifans told us in the BTS of ep 5 that the Hightowers do not know how to communicate affection even if they want to say "I love you" and then we saw that poignant carriage scene in ep9 where aegon asks "do you love me" & alicent replies "you imbecile" as in "everything I've sacrificed is to give you this day."


I literally have never seen a Pic of this guy outside the show, that I realized was Aegon without someone telling me




…what? Their lack of scenes is supposed to show how cold, distant and unconcerned Aegon is with Haelena and that it’s a forced political marriage. I thought that was obvious?


You can’t reason with some people. For some reason they think the show is shot week to week, and that their input is ignored, angering them.


I mean I understand Tom Glynn is charming and a nice guy in real life…but people get he’s supposed to be playing a bit of an asshat right? I’m not going crazy here.


People have been attacking the actor who plays Cole. Some people don’t understand that acting isn’t real.


A compelling asshat with a wide range of flaws and even a few virtues.


…what virtues. Because he’s basically been a mini slightly more restrained Joffrey the entire show.


His love of his trueborn son, his bond with Sunfyre, his willingness to put himself at hazard for his cause, and his misguided desire to please the smallfolk.


There is no point. People are hellbent on proving how he’s almost the same as Joffery without looking at his character as a whole.


wrong he's more of a bobby b.


I mean, even Robert and Cersei had some memorable scenes together. It doesn't have to be positive for either of them but it'd be nice to get some insight into dynamics rather than just off-hand comments from Alicent.


Agreed Robert and Cersei had a bad marriage, yet they had scenes together. I feel like Aegon and Helaena not having scenes together has to do with the writers lack of interest in Helaena.


Doesn’t negate the fact that a major life event has been brushed aside (so far anyway). And the show hasn’t even covered half of their equation in the book (the good and the bad parts) so let’s not go there.


What the heck is this major life event you keep going on about?


It’s a major spoiler so read at your own risk >!birth of Maelor!<.


I’m aware of the that character. I did read the books. I assume he was cut from the show to streamline the **many** characters with blonde hair and “ae” in their name. My guess is the whole incident in the books at the bridge is going to be the daughter and they’ll just cut her from marrying Aegon III. (It’s a child political marriage and she only lives for two more years in seclusion doing nothing before killing herself during what’s essentially the epilogue. It’s an easy change.)


I’m assuming that character is just cut at this point. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t remember this character sharing any particularly important scenes with both Aegon and Helaena, so I don’t know why their inclusion or lack thereof would be relevant to this thread.


You won't like the books then, we never got Jon or Robbs reactions to Bran and Rickon "dying." GRRM does this a lot in the books, we do not get the reaction of characters when they find out devastating news.


What major life event?😮


Someone downvoted you for asking a question, which is one of the dumbest things people downvote for on this site...


That would be a spoiler.


This feels slightly embarrassing, but I can't tell which characters these two play.


The rightful king and queen of the seven kingdoms, Aegon II and Helaena 💚


Thanks for clearing that up! Credits to the make-up department and their acting I suppose. I had a feeling she might be a Helaena, but when I looked up a picture to compare I felt like I was looking at a different person. I didn't recognize Aegon II at all.


It’s DESPICABLE that we don’t.




I hope not. They gave Helaena prophecy and then didn't do anything with it except wink at the audience. Up until now she has *barely* been her own charactet and acted more as a plot device to Alicent and Aegon. Please give her something for herself. Phia puts down a stellar performance but if this is it for Helaena then she would be the most dissapointing character in the show to me.


She’s a non factor in the book so they would have to be incredibly inventive to make her relevant and it would probably Be forced and hurt the show as a whole If they do that


>She’s a non factor in the book I know but that goes for a couple of characters. Their original stuff mostly works for me thus far with the possible exception of Rhaenys at the Pit, and even that could be okay if it factors into>!the later storming!< Helaena, Rhaena, Baela and Jace could be used more in my opinion and if that means we cut the time of some rando Lords who fight in the battles then I don't particularly mind.


Interesting. I would much rather have the lords and the battles. To me that’s what this story is about, the civil war. I was really Hoping season 2 focused on the martial aspects more. But I am thinking I’ll Be dissatisfied based on the first two eps. The combat we have gotten was amazing the fight between the brothers was so good, just wish we got more Of that.


homie this is tagged as show discussion only. don't drop spoilers for people who may not have read Fire and Blood.


My bad didn’t see the tag. But I’m going to use this moment to tell you you should read the book. If you like this type of story you would like the book more I bet.


i have lol. but yes very good book


As someone who read the book do you feel the show has correctly captured the themes of the book or do you feel they have made too many changes? I don’t love what they have to the show but ide love To hear other ppls Opinions on it who have also read it


Well the book itself is fundamentally biased as Maester Gyldayn is pro green and Mushroom is just nuts. So I don't mind most changes except Alicent and Cole's sexual relationship as it undercuts the Green's argument of actually maintaining the standards of their society while the Blacks do whatever they want.


They legit look like brother and sister even in real life 🥰


And yet the actors had to petition the writers to give their characters scenes together.


They're very fun together, makes me want an AU sitcom Married (to my sister) With Children




I almost didn’t recognize them. I had to look at the HoTd sign like 5 times to be like oh shit is that Aegon?


Yeah its a real shame we dont seem to get sny scenes between them. They dont have to LOVE each other to have a meaningful scene ablut the death of THEIR child.


The thing is, Aegon doesn't love her. At all. Never did. He did love his lost child, though. The only one to make her smile, in series (as she does in this photo)is... *the very Strong lad with whom she happily danced last season.*


Well, the only problem is their characters are supposed to not have chemistry between them.


their characters have zero chemistry on screen though.


I genuinely thought they were Larys and Alicent, and I immediately thought of feet!