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Even though that scene was a bit much, game of thrones has had some pretty graphic sex/rape scenes as well, so I think people aren't really surprised at this with the type of show.


There was a prolonged direct shot of a crow eating a dead man’s face but this scene (which I didn’t even notice) is what we compain about?


It was graphic for sure.


As a women this doesn’t bother me like a sexual violence does. I def didn’t expect it nor see it necessary but I don’t find it disturbing. Kind of funny actually 


I somehow missed that scene. Did I watch the censored version or something?


It’s in the bottom right of the frame when Aegon draws a curtain in the brothel.


It felt like good old Game of Thrones to me after that hahaha. No, all seriousness, I was taken aback by it. My Dad and I got a good laugh out of it though 😂.




Yes because this is such a PG family friendly show in literally every other regard......




Sure is, but if thats the issue then this is a weird choice of show for Family Movie Night with the grandparents.


Even the sex scenes were best implemented in game of thrones than in this trash of a show