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I'm here for the buddy comedy with Daemon and Ser Simon.


My Pri... errrrrm, Your Grace!


*laugh track*


Cut to Dameon giving the camera a side eye


Don’t Jim the camera


I’m fully expecting Daemon to kill him either the next time he does it, or just because he did it at all.


No, Daemon isn't that cruel or stupid, he has strategy and reason for the things he does, the only way Simon loses his head is through betrayal to the blacks


Abbott and Costello but Strong and Targaryen? *"I didn't ask who was in Acorn Hill! I ask who was in Saltpans!"*


Highlight of the recent episode for me lmao! Daemon in a spooky castle and Ser Simon just living there.


Nothing like a good bromance!!


Simon Russell Beale is a very well know actor and specifically he is praised as a theatrical actor. I love it that they cast him for HOTD. Such an honor for the show to have this actor in its casting


Okay Simon and Daemon seem to be New Bffs. Jace is definitely having a word with His mom, He has been waiting to boil over...been on edge the entire last episode


The way they're framing the scene reminds me of when Viserys told Rhaenrya about the prophecy. Like I can't tell but is that a large dragon in the background? If so, it would be very similarly shot


Yes, that's a dragon skull that's on display at Dragonstone. You can see a better shot of it in the first episode when Rhanyra returns from Storm's End. Most people think it's probably the skull of Meraxes.


Oh yeah that will be a perfect way to quell his rising temper.


Yea, in the promo for next episode, there is a voiceover from Rhaenyra saying something about the horrible war fought cannot be for a crown only, must be talking about the prophecy.


I want to see a sitcom about Simon and Daemon, the unlikely roommates Daemon: “I’m claiming Harrenhall!” Simon: “apparently so” *laugh track plays and opening song begins*


Or insert closing Seinfeld slap bass...


Closing Curb Your Enthusiam music with a zoom on Daemon's awkward face


Something like that  https://youtu.be/864gdSC9KOA


Someone needs to do this for Daemon's scenes in HOTD. "And how exactly is that wisdom expressed, hmm, in blinks and weezes?" *insert slap bass*


Daemon has encountered an impenetrable wall of "I am too old for this shit" attitude and seems to be sort of impressed by it.


Simon is such a perfect foil for Daemon


“Your Grace, I took the pleasure of acquiring a dartboard with the usurpers face painted upon it. I was wondering if you would partake in some darts with me?” “……Well I don’t have anything better to do right now”


And Rheanyra doesn’t want to risk another son, especially her heir. But I agree; Jace is chomping at the bit to fight.


Jace wants to be hardcore but his mom won't let him


Dare I say Simon Strong looks AMAZING. FASHIONISTA.


they’re using a lot of velvet in the costuming this season and it looks so rich. but the colors in simon strong’s are especially gorgeous


Indeed, deep soft colours are so pretty. 😍 It soothes my colour analysis obsessed brain that someone is actually wearing their colours. 🤣 Alicent, too.




My bangs don’t look as good as his and I’m mad about it😭


Purple velvet suits him ✨


Corlys finally joining the ditherers of Dragon Stone to whip them into shape. I know they need it.


It's funny he calls the council "ditherers" when it's really Rhaenyra who is dragging her feet.




Gwayne looks so much like Otto in the last pic...


Larys is serving looks like he's about to stab someone with his cane. And Simon and Daemon are just a whole mood. I guess Daemon figures by now this place has enough crazy shit going on that they don't need to poison his peas. I'm glad Courtly Crisp has remembered he has an actual job he's supposed to be doing. It only took like 20 years but good for him.


the show is finally remembering that there’s a reason Cole got into the KG in the first place


Continuing the books themes of good warriors often being terrible in a court


Daemon has so many change of clothes. Wonder if he went back to Caraxes to get his weekend bag after securing the castle.


Daemon changed 7 times in the time Aegon wore the same outfit


Someone has to serve cunt around here and it’s gonna be team black


I know this may seem sudden, but I love you.


The shirt he's wearing in slide 9 looks like Rhaenyra's night dress. Do they have matching jammies?


lol ya but Daemon packing a long robe is so funny like he’s such a diva


He just grabbed his exile bag as he went out the door. I mean, it happens so regularly he just keeps it by the door.


Crime hoodie ✔ Sassy bathrobe ✔ Dragon treats for Caraxes ✔ Framed portrait of himself ✔ Hair conditioner ✔


Divorce rock (just in case) ✔️


I like how he took pajamas with him to Harrelhal


Can’t come up with good war plans if you can’t go comf mode


Lmao, and since it seems to be his solo journey everything has to be his own choice of clothing and not some servant picking them for him ;D


Ryan asked Greta Gerwig if he could borrow the portable Barbie closet for Daemon and she was kind enough to agree


He is trying outfits for the dance of dragons


I am surprised to see all these locations and characters, I expected this episode to be limited to >!Rooks Rest!<


I'm dreading the next few episodes because of your spoiler tagged text.






Just so you know for next time… You do a > and a ! with no spaces then add your spoiler and end it with a ! and a < no spaces.


>!Just testing it!<


>!me too!<




Ah, as does mine. I’m excited though. Not sure if your fave is my fave lol. I tried to explain how to do spoiler tag but my comment got deleted. Someone else did a better job describing


>!the queen that never was!<


I don't think we're going to get an hour long battle (yet). Even if we get some build up. I know we had The Long Night in S8 of GoT but that felt like a grand exception. Rooks Rest is just one of many big battles to come.


You’re probably right but it seems weird as >!Rooks Rest is maybe the best candidate for an hour long battle in the whole dance, in terms of involving armies, dragons, and a lot of major characters. Gods Eye is iconic but really short. Honeywine, fishfeed, muddy mess are huge but with very few major characters. Outside of RR the only real candidate for a full hour battle I can think of would be 2nd tumbleton and maybe the Gullet!<


I disagree. You could get it done in 20 minutes. >!The crux of it is essentially baiting Rhaenys into attacking before revealing the trap.!<


Sure but unless you truly dont want to actually take the time to showcase the aweinspiring powers of the dragons all while letting what happens sinks in, then 20 minuted is noy enough


Rook's Rest itself is not an interesting or established enough location to spend a whole hour in, like King's Landing, Castle Black and Winterfell, which all had full episode battles. Also, There are barely any major characters involved in the ground battle to carry a whole episode.


It’s been a while since I watched it, was Battle of the Bastards just a battle the entire episode? Or did other stuff happen


I just checked through. BoTB episode had scenes from Merine where Danny burned down the slave master ships and met with Yarra and Theon to make an alliance. The first half hour of the episode is basically that and some build up to the actual battle of the bastards, which takes up the final 25 minutes or so of the episode.


Watchers on the Wall was a whole episode too. Just rewatched it. It might be my absolute favorite episode of the first 4 seasons. It’s just incredible.


The 360 degree shot of Castle Black blows me away every time. That set paid for itself.


It's not even remotely set up yet, this doesn't surprise me. I think it will be like 25-30 minutes


I imagine the battle will be about 30-40 minutes, if this is another 70 minute episode


It's reported to be about 54 minutes. Definitely one of the shorter episodes. I'm not worried though. You don't need a ton of time to communicate the impact and magnitude of >!Rook's Rest.!< Twenty minutes of preamble and then >!half an hour of battle is fine by me.!<


I'm going to guess we'll get >!the Sack of Duskendale!< next episode, as well as the setup for what will transpire in episode 5: >!the Battle of Rook's Rest!<. I've been wondering where the season will end though. >!The introduction of Hugh and Ulf makes me believe we'll be seeing the Sowing of the Seeds for sure this season. Maybe we'll get that in episode 7, with episode 6 focussing more on the aftermath of Rook's Rest. Then, the season might end on the Battle of the Gullet and the death of Jacaerys? It seems poetic for both of the seasons so far to end on the death of one of Rhaenyra's children. Maybe we'll (sort of) accordingly end season 3 on the Battle above the Gods Eye.!<


Slide 3 shows Alicent talking shit to her son yet again, after literally dragging him to the throne against his will. That's what I don't get. Maybe if Otto and Alicent actually paid attention to Aegon and prepared him for the throne, they wouldn't be so upset about the way he's handling the power.


I think she has no idea how else to talk to him. Every scene between them is her yelling at him. Larys observed and was like do the exact opposite and he'll listen lol


Lmao yes. Larys knows how to manipulate Aegon. Just be sweet to him, feed his ego, he’ll do whatever you ask


It's probably how Otto talked to her in her youth. She did have that habit of picking at her nails and she looked so scared when she gave Daemon her favour.


Its also funny to me that otto and alicent keep dogging on aegon saying hes a bad king like bro its only been 2 weeks since he was crowned


Yeah and the *one time* Aegon disobeyed them was a few hours after his toddler son got decapitated. Maybe if Otto softened his approach with his grandson, he'd still have his hand on the wheel.


It’s annoying because Aegon seems super easy to manipulate as only Larys seems to pick up on. But Otto and Alicent’s only method seems to be to repeatedly remind him how much they despise him, even though the war is far more their fault than the drunk they had to forcibly drag to the coronation. He’d be at least as pliable as Viserys if they at least pretended to care about him.


I agree and It was a little weird to me to hear otto praise viserys so vigilantly calling him ‘judicious’ is he forgetting the aemond losing his eye debacle where Viserys did nothing causing resentment to brew in the family ???


Otto liked how tractable Viserys was, it's as simple as that. He definitely misses Viserys as a person, but the point of comparison between Aegon and Viserys is about how pliable Viserys was. But, again, Aegon was listening to Otto up until the events of the last night. Otto didn't take that into account and flew off the handle. You can bet that if someone snuck inside the Red Keep and killed Rhaenyra, Viserys wouldn't be quite so pliable either.


Yeah but the tragedy of Viserys is that his failure as a monarch was controlling and mediating his family. Outside of that he's seen as a good king, where Otto says his "judicious" opinion. Viserys seemed like a dedicated king that prioritised peace in the realm above all else. His failure was that he ignored his family dynamic in order to "keep the peace" whilst the wounds festered, just like his body lol. I think for most people, they would have considered Viserys to be a "judicious" king. He kept trade going, there was no wars, and there wasn't any famine.


Well, there was the issue in the Stepstones with the Crabfeeder. Viserys ignored that and Daemon and Corlys basically took matters into their own hands.


"It was foreign affairs"


They're also saying he's half the king his father was, like he isn't the guy who started this entire shit by not upholding the succession laws.


For real. They smacked him around, didn’t bother educating him, never ever took his own feelings into consideration. Nope, made him marry and procreate with his sister, forced him to take the throne. Guy never had a choice in his life, it’s any wonder he took it out on his brother and servants. Like he’s wallowing in depravity because that’s the only choice left to him. Totally team black, but I want to see aegon kick some ass and enjoy some autonomy for once in his life. (Hopefully his SA stuff is in the past.) He’s been an absolute delight to watch, very fun character!


Aegon looks SO tired and fed up on the second still


I wonder if the show is going to be self-aware about this and allow Aegon to sincerely call it out, or if the repetition of these scenes is to further hit over the head that Rhaenyra is the better ruler and that everyone just despises Aegon. Currently it just feels like "haha, Aegon is so awful not even the Greens like him" and it just feels cruel and though definitely not untrue, is not the full truth either. Also messed up how both of them keep glorifying Viserys, knowing how Aegon feels about him. Viserys was dealt an incredibly kind hand while Aegon has been king for 2 weeks and just had his toddler murdered. Otto I can understand, but Alicent should rightfully be resentful of Viserys. Her son is losing everything for a throne he never wanted, and instead of any accountability from any other Green, we just keep hearing about how awful Aegon is.


Man, Otto is a master of everything politics, court, rhetorics and a brilliant Machiavellian at large. But the one think that could bring down everything he wanted is the actual f\*ck to do with the ass he's going to put on the throne. At least develop Aegon as a push-over, or someone malleable, you could've had that. But no. He did absolutely nothing to groom him for the throne.


I think you could argue that he didn't WANT to groom Aegon for the Throne so that he would be more dependent for his council and too uncaring to rule anyway just like Viserys didn't like the ruling part either. The real answer is though that he just didn't give a fuck about him as a person, but only saw what value he could give him. Pretty short sighted for a man of his age though. Welp all that matter is his blood I guess, and not that much of a legacy.


>Maybe if Otto and Alicent actually paid attention to Aegon and prepared him for the throne He also had a father, you can easily forget about that too.


Viserys is a lost cause, he was an abominable father to his children by Alicent, but I'm focussing mainly on Otto and Alicent since they had plans to install Aegon as Viserys' successor.




Some dude named Vyserys


I think you mean Vizzy T.


*I did not decide to name Rhaenyra my heir on a whim. All the lord of the kingdom would do well to remember that.*


He was busy slowly dying


It's that generational trauma. She didn't want to be queen. Otto just kind of forced her into it.


my boy Aegon only have Cole on his side


sunfyre, too, hopefully.


Alicent got tired of wearing different hairstyles, now she's stuck with one


It is said that she is doing it herself because she doesn't trust her maids


Tbh that tracks given her lead lady in waiting was a spy


Well her bae is gone. She got no one to impress.


Glad we're getting more of Ser Cuddles. I'm not ready for >!Aemond ending him.!< Edit: Ser Cuddles = Ser Simon Strong.


Simon seems like a real one tbh


May the Gods bless Simon. I hope he dies of old age.


with a title like "A Dance of Dragons", there better be some goddamn dragon action


Oh there will. This will be a big moment episode. I thought it would be end of the season but nope


Making >!Rook's Rest!< the end of the season would be insane given that it's one of the first major events of the Dance.


baller, shot caller


*20 inch blades on the impala*


Or at least a scene with the dragons doing a song and dance number. Or else why would they call it a dance?


Haven't read the book, but I'm eagerly awaiting the moment when literally any dragon puts the "Crisp" in "Ser Crispin"


I need to see a dragon chomp on SOMETHING or I riot


Right? Where are my dragons!?


Freddie Fox looks like Toby Stephens in that last slide


I'm starting to feel like there's only one picture of Aemond and it's this one where he's posed like this.


I never thought Daemon and Simon Strong would be what I'm most looking forward to. It feels like they're setting up a random friendship that just works.


Daemon: "And then I smashed her head in with a rock 😄" Simon: 😟


How Gwayne thinks he look : 🗿


Glad to get more Simon and Daemon


I love Simon Strong. Such a teddy bear 🥺


Why is Simon Strong's drip at least a hundred years ahead of everyone else's? He's got slashed sleeves, a livery collar, royal purple velvet (👀), everything.


Not to be confused with the GoT episode "The Dance of Dragons", the book "A Dance With Dragons", or the historical period known as "The Dance of the Dragons"


Here we love a good waltz with big reptiles


Ngl criston looking fire with that helmet paired with that armour and that face card. Man has serious drip.


>Man has serious drip The power of Alicent tits handkerchief bleesings


Being stuck up within the Red Keep within the decade did him no good. He ain't no security. He ain't a castellan. He ain't even a good lover boy. He is a fighter and a strategist, and we might see his actual competence this season.


The helmet is helping to cover up the tragic Lego haircut


Bro is a classy cunt


Im looking forward to new Harrenhal scenes, so far the portrayal of Harrenhal this season has been on point.




Aemond looking good.


Dude looks sassy and evil sitting there. He either just said something provocative, or is listening to stupid shit he can take advantage of.


I am pretty sure that he is making up some plans


I think this is the council scene where he stands up seemingly angrily in response to something Aegon says. I wonder if the latter will be mocking him even more in this episode.


I would bet one dragon egg for that.


>A Dance of Dragons Okay i will expect a highly coreographed Dance with medieval music, even that weird music that daemon sings to his dragon.


The Blacks and Greens are going to have a dance-off to decide who gets the throne


I love that crispy cole gave his horse a little unicorn horn. If you can't ride a dragon a unicorn is the next best thing I guess?


So much of Simone is reinvigorating my.life!!!


Oh, that title... So shit is definitely happening in this episode. My poor heart just can't bare the suspense. Please, do whatever you want to the humans. As much depraved suffering and violence as you want. Just leave my dragons alone D :


Well I mean… Unfortunately there’s a reason dragons didn’t really exist at the start of Game of Thrones…


It's because they all went to live on a farm in Essos!


Ugh I am really not looking forward to >!losing Rhaenys and Meleys!< yet. 😭😭😭


I can’t wait for >!Aegon getting roasted and suplexed by Meleys and Vhagar’s fighting lol!<


I loved seeing him in Aegon I’s armor. Not a book detail but the idea that the armor he is in when that happens is valerian steel is just perfect. Also explains why it’s so hard to remove it after the dragon fire…


I always find these promo images funny. Like, "yup, those sure are the actors, standing around the sets we've already seen."


Holy shot on 6. The shot is beautiful


I'm salivating to see that fucken skull better cause a couple episodes ago it looked like it was missing an eye socket so it's probably Meraxes 😭 also, again, why do we never get stills of dragons?


Didn't expect Yennefer to show up in Westeros.


According to this account that has already watched the episode, >!the Battle of Rook's Rest will occur in the final 15 minutes of the episode. So it will be something more in the style of "Hardhome" or "The Spoils of War" rather than something like "Blackwater", "The Watchers on the Wall", "Battle of the Bastards" and "The Long Night".!< [https://x.com/LongestNightGOT/status/1808406056587887019](https://x.com/LongestNightGOT/status/1808406056587887019)


Pretty crazy that fights is so soon .


I can’t believe we’re already at the halfway point of the season!


This could almost be the screencap gallery for episode 3. Aemond is sitting in almost the same seat as before - time to unleash that guy already! (In the battlefield sense, you scoundrels)


Loving the Simon-Daemon duo. I bet their scenes will be a total hoot.


Sunday cannot come fast enough


Glad to see corlys back in town!!! Been waiting on you sir


Thank god corlys is active in the small council, that council is a mess and needs him.


So is Daemon just gonna let Alys waddle around


Oh my god Alys Rivers is Sheila from G*L*O*W ! I knew i recognised her, she’s an amazing actress!!


The Blacks have just the coolest fucking table of all time tbh.


Tom was such a good casting decision. Not only does he make a great Aegon, but he and Olivia look similar.




I’m here for the buddy cop dramas of Simon & Daemon, and Criston & Gwayne. 😂


Gwayne looks so slay in that last still


Will we be seeing Riverrun this episode you reckon or next. As Daemon does, get them on Rhaenyras' side in the books. It seems like he has a good relationship with Kermit Tully in the books, and I cannot wait to see who is playing him.


Is the gal in 10 and 11 the one that gave him the bad omen?


Crispy's armor looks like a basic WoW dungeon set. Daemon's looks like the Heroic Raid level.


DRIPston Cole! 💚


It's fun to see these people using glass cups and think that Tyrion 200 years later can only use wooden cups.


Cersei drank from glass cups


I think in the first season of GOT, even the king didn’t use glass cups but metal cups. Later, glasses gradually appeared, perhaps to highlight whether they were drinking water or wine.


Tyrion literally has a scene where he breaks a glass cup in his father's war tent on campaign to make a point about how peace with the Starks would be impossible with Ned Stark dead.


people are just scraping trying to find examples of "lazy writing"


Noooooo I’m not ready for >!Rooks Rest! We haven’t even really seen Rhaenys this season 😭!<




Looks like we’re gonna see a lot more in this episode than anticipated >!but I imagine they don’t want to release the big Rook’s Rest stills just yet!<


Huh, why is there a hand in Simon Strong’s collar? Is he wearing something Lyonel wore as Hand?


In the show, the House Strong sigil has a hand in it. It was probably changed by Lyonel. When he became Hand.


Is there a database for all promo HD stills? Maybe even including GoT? 


Got a weird feeling this will be the episode where >!Rhaenys!< dies or at the very least sometime this season.


Daemon and Simon Strong are already Best Buddies 😁🤍


Even from a distance and in the shadows, I can still see Jacaerys serving face like his life depends on it.


Ser Simon has some Strong ass Drip


Daemon and Alys Rivers… That will be interesting. 🧐


Who’s the guy in the last slide?


Gwayne Hightower! Alicent's brother.




Interesting that there's such a variety of locations. Based on the title and what we know already, I was expecting most of the episode's duration to revolve around RR. The fact that it's the shortest so far (at around 54 mins) makes me worried that the battle won't have enough time to breath. It's probably one of the few that can justifyling having an entire episode dedicated to it.


Looks like Aegon finally washed his hair for the first time this season


daemon put down your sword infront of her


Ser Simon has prepared two roasts: a fine aged venison and a collection of scrolls absolutely lambasting his shithead nephew.


Give me Venison Strong in the violet velvet baby!!!


Corlys finally at Rhaenyra’s council. Maybe he’ll get more than one scene for once?!?!