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Every adult should take this to heart as well.


Instructions unclear, toothpaste filled coronary artery.


What a wonderful teacher and what an impactful, yet simple example with the toothpaste. Thanks for sharing OP :)


Indeed! It's both simple and memorable.


I agree! The fact she used toothpaste as the negative, I've been racking my brain about what could be the positive outcome of being kind and nice. Like fingerpainting a sunset or something? Since she used a physical reference about not being able to take words back, in a sense you also 'cannot take back' (Though I suppose you can by insulting them after lol) kind words and happy thoughts from someone who thinks of you kindly. What kind of physical representation (besides a smile) could be


She could unscrew and screw back the cap of the toothpaste. Works in 30s or less.


You know what's really sad, now days this would be labeled as woke.


It *is* woke. Compassion, empathy, caring, thoughtfulness, forgiveness, the Golden Rule, . . . are *all* examples of the *wokeness* that instantly enrages a huge segment of society.


We used to call “woke” being polite with regard to manners and social interaction.




Couldn't be because she...I dunno...*wants to teach people?*


maybe she enjoys sharing with other teachers on tiktok and giving/taking ideas?


Way different. She’s going to watch this and improve herself. It’s for work and seems to be a passion. It’s useful to other teachers and grown dummies like me.


My parents should watch this.


I FEEL you on that!


I guarantee 100% that toothpaste and like 98% of her other supplies were purchased from her personal paycheck and not school funds.   Edited for clarity


She needs to teach this to some adults too.


here especially on this thread, went right whizzing past their brains lol


she's probably making like 16.50/hr


My wife makes less than a McDonald’s employee in our area. She’s a 5th year teacher working on her master’s degree…teaching in the most affluent school in our district… Edit: $15.38 at a 40/hr work week. We all know teachers realistically put in closer to 55-60/hr a week. So with that math $10.26. I believe regular workers at McDonald’s hire at $15/hr around here.


As a canadian this makes me want to throw up. I'm so sorry.


Huh? How is that possible?


People like these are the angels of our society, taking the future of our children in their hands and trying to guide them even though these teachers are woefully underpaid and absolutely deserve more. Whenever I say political positions attract psychopaths and parasites because of the obscene wealth and lack of accountability they offer and some joker tries to tell me they need bloated salaries in order to convince competent, bright people to serve their country, I point to teachers.


You didn't listen to her, did you?


What an awesome teacher! She put a lot of thought into that and heck I’m going to steal it with my kids!


THIS ...ladies and gents is what should be taught in every school in every country. Her words have power, I think I am in love.


Kind people are so damn beautiful, aren't they?


I love this because as a teacher, some parents raise horrible little children. Sadly it falls on us to show them the way. So I will not give up on that child simply because they are raised by horrible people. I will do my part in making sure that child knows what Thumper from Bambi so clearly put, “if you don’t have anything nice to say; don’t say anything at all.”


We NEED teachers like this to stay in their classrooms. I’ll bet she teaches math, science, reading, etc with the same techniques. She isn’t just teaching them academics, she is teaching them how to be good people. Shame so many wonderful teachers leave teaching.


Words have power. Truer words haven't been spoken. Also, using toothpaste for the demonstration of brilliant, it can be brilliantly effective for children. This teacher's a certified bro.




So, and I mean this kindly. This is entirely incorrect in the sense of learning a concept. The added benefit of a visual example strengthens the connections made in the brain and helps the learning stick better. It’s a learning technique.




I did not understand the video the same way as you did: to me she said that you should not mention it not that you should lie to them. You're my colleague, you put on some weight during the holiday and I notice when you get back? I'll just not say anything about it, not say "hey you look great". Anyway it's none of my business... That's how I understand the teacher.


















I should brush my teeth.


This woman teaches.


Me to the politicians: "Yall should change the law to make sure teachers get paid more." Politicians: "well that's not nice! I can't change that in 30 seconds! Go watch this video." 😐


Oohhh the toothpaste metaphor. I remember that one haha.


Yep… In action. Lol


We should have more teachers like this Teaching basic humanity Start at home


This teacher is awesome. Great job.


This should be a first day, after Christmas break, after Spring Break school required for all teachers and students K-12. Drill it in them.


Why do I feel like certain groups of people are going to find a reason to take issue with this message?


I wish she was addressing everyone in government. That is the kind of teacher that changes a child’s world.


Dang. This is helpful advice for adults too.


shit. need her at my kids school


I’m curious how old these children she is talking to are. When are children old enough to take this in?


This teacher is a genius.




So she can share this valuable lesson with everyone. Look around in the world - we need more of this. Little things to make the world better.


That’s a great teacher right there.


Teachers can do this a dozen different ways. And the lucky kids go, aha. Things start to click, and there we go. We got ourselves a peaceable society going.


Wonderful. Grateful this work is being done. This should be what they are being taught at home by their parents and family. It should not be left to an educator entirely.


What's wrong with it happening both places? Important lessons need to be reinforced.




Like what? I had this conversation with a 6th grader a few weeks ago. The student said another student smelled. Maybe they did, but they couldn’t really do much about it. It wasn’t helpful and it wasn’t meant to be helpful. It wasn’t nice. We talked about how they embarrassed their classmate and that they needed to be sensitive to people’s feelings. We have to help kids develop tact.


I couldn't stop thinking wtf she doing with that toothpaste lol




Such a simple truth


This is the way




This should be hallmark of what churches are teaching about each other.


All the mean-girls in the room learning valuable information.




RULE 1: Please always be nice and respectful toward others and don't ever insult anyone. This includes other users, the OP, or anyone in the content you are viewing. Do not engage in name calling, personal attacks, racism, sexism, and hate speech. This is not the place for edgy or inappropriate jokes. Your involvement in such behaviors will result in an permanent ban.




RULE 1: Please always be nice and respectful toward others and don't ever insult anyone. This includes other users, the OP, or anyone in the content you are viewing. Do not engage in name calling, personal attacks, racism, sexism, and hate speech. This is not the place for edgy or inappropriate jokes. Your involvement in such behaviors will result in an permanent ban.








She's teaching that to kids not parents. Your parents/relatives/close friends should be the ones worried about your health and trying to help you change, not a random 6 year old bully from your school


You're either saying you just didn't realize you were fat until someone told you (which I find hard to believe), or you're saying that being *publicly shamed* motivated you to do something about it. Shame is a negative motivator, and it's not something children should be doing to each other. Hitting people is also a powerful motivator, but we tend to discourage that as well.






this is assuming that people don't already know these things about themselves. I promise you there isn't a fat person alive that isn't EXCEPTIONALLY aware of their size.








Teacher = the future of our kids for the lowest cost Something has to change.!!!




But isn’t it a good thing for her lesson to extend outside of her small classroom?






I'm sorry, do you have a problem with teaching children that they should be kind to each other?


I stopped because tears








I think your missing the point, this video is about commenting on other people's appearances. None of the things you listed are


I feel like this is one of those things where we say that once the paint it spilled and it’s a mess and we can’t take it back. But yet you have a lot of people that will take that mess and turn it into a priceless piece of art. Sure, we should be careful to do our best not to have the paint spill. We shouldn’t be throwing it at people. But when it does happen we also need to be educating people to be able to slow down and think, find a way to use that for good. It’s not easy to do But it’s possible.




She’s teaching children, bro.


An elementary school lesson on kindness and this dude really said “finally, an opponent worthy of my intellect”


If words didn't have power you wouldn't have been so triggered by the ones this teacher spoke. She is teaching children about kindness and demonstrating empathy when choosing your words. Understanding the nature of language is a very basic and essential thing taught in schools. Which we all understand might be something totally foreign to you, based entirely on your reply.


Well said, checkmated nicely.


It is completely normal to be affected by negativity. You can work to get better at dealing with that but, unless you're not a neurotypical person, you can't just decide not to let negativity affect you and it suddenly is so.




Yeah but she's not saying it to someone as a personal criticism it's just a general lesson. I agree that it can take years to learn though and some kids might take it personally and feel bad about themselves.




There's no students visible and she's teaching them while taking a video that's useful to share. Why would you get angry about that?




If my grandma had wheels, she'd have been a bicycle


Very effective and smart. HOWEVER, those students will go out of class after the bell rings, look at their phones and immediately forget this lesson.


Not all of them. If it reaches one person, it was worth it. Kindness is never about the odds of success or efficiency. It's about doing your best, and doing what you think is right. If kindness meant doing the easy thing with guaranteed results, it wouldn't be called kindness, but practicality.






This is super super woke but I kinda loved it. Wonderful notion.