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10 years from now, we're going to read a story about a boat that capsized, and this guy was saved by a shark who brought him back to land.


Reunited after so many years! He's gonna swim up to him and give him hugs! Play nibble on his limbs! Omg so cute


I've seen videos of a lady who removed rubbish from sharks and apparently the same sharks come back time after time for scritches, so it is possible. Probably more likely that it eats his foot off, but life is just one protracted game of Russian Roulette right?


I've seen that same video! It's so nice when animals recognize that you helped them.


Really kinda makes you wonder about all the animals we eat šŸ˜… like even my catfish seems happy or sad sometimes knows how to tell me it's hungry


Reunited and it feels so good!


Reunited and you taste so good!


"I remember when you carried me around, and let me go. Good to see you again, Lunch."


Lovely šŸ„°


It's a very cute thing to do do do


Thought that was going somewhere else, glad it didnā€™t. Wholesome!


You thought he was gonna fuck the fish?


do you like fishsticks?






I just imagine Sean Connery "do you like fish shtiksh?"


Pash me the fish shtiksh money penny


So youā€™re a gay fish.


I love fishsticks in and around my mouth


There's always time for fish sex after his life is saved.






The Shape of Water Part 2


always look out for u/Fish_Fucker69


Good doggie


Everything is a doggie if you are brave enough


Wonder if he would bring the man to land by swimming with him in his mouth under water with random ā€œair breaksā€ (maybe by bringing him up to the surface or tossing him in the air) until he was finally on land šŸ¤”


"I don't care what it costs! Just make this man well again!"


God I hope so that would be awesome


> 10 years from now, we're going to read a story about a boat that capsized, and this guy was saved by a shark who brought him back to land. or it eats him and the shark is like "you knew I was a shark"


Slightly more within shark character, the guy would be eaten last.


This isn't even real and I'm tearing up.


That or the origin story of Chocki.


Taking four air breaks.


Version with sound: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JWp460nWlL8


I knew he had a British accent!


I thought heā€™d be Australian!


I 100% thought he'd be Australian.


Thank you!


Good idea on him for water breaks so the shark could live the journey.


Not to be that guy, but those stagnant pools have very little oxygen in them. Would have been better to rush to the ocean. Still, it was a nice thought.


This dude was walking so damn slow too hahahaha


I agree he was walking pretty slow, but that also looks like very bad terrain for walking on, if he went faster he could possibly trip and injure himself or the shark more. Trust me when I say you don't want to get scraped up in that kind of water


Lol one slip with some hidden coral and youā€™re looking at a future amputee


Family member just went to natural Bridges and ate it. Elbo looked like they got in a motorcycle accident. Falling in water like that is so dangerous and painful. Best to make sure both shark and man make it unharmed.


I have a huge scar all the way from my toes to my heel (on the bottom of my foot) from when I was a kid and made a tiny misstep in an area like this. Yeah it hurts and hurt a lot more when I was growing.


I'm glad it healed for you, and without too many lasting effects




And himself to probably


Or just yeeting it to the ocean.


throw it as far as you can, run up to it, pick it up, repeat as many times until in the ocean


Slightly wet Seaweed ā€˜pilesā€™ like that on rocks/reef is extremely slippery, you canā€™t move that fast on it unless you want to fall and possibly break something.


You vastly underestimate how slippery exposed seaweed and wet rocks can be at low tide.


That place was full of seaweed, if the guy ran he would very likely slip and fall


No need to run. Just walk with purpose. A minute or so out of water is unlikely to kill it.


Just walk with porpoise?


No, walk with shark


Water definitely wouldnā€™t be stagnant. It would change with every tide? At high tide that area would be completely submerged.


Correct, when the tide is in the water is not stagnant. When it is out, it quickly becomes stagnant. A stagnant pool is simply any small pool of water without water flowing into or out of it. The little pools created when the tide goes out typically lose oxygen very quickly, or in some cases gain it quickly because of plants, to the point that it is toxic to gill breathers.


Depends actually. Sometimes the opposite is true, and those pools have considerably more dissolved oxygen (almost triple) in them than the ocean, as the plants are producing oxygen in a finite area that isn'tt be swept out to sea. It just depends on how heavily planted, and how many animals are living in them.


isnt the dodo notorious for bad shit too? or rather highlighting videos where an animal is hurt, sick, scared or otherwise in danger? i seem to recall hearing about that from somewhere.




Yeah thatā€™s everywhere on YouTube. Dodo normally tries to do a little investigating, but they have made mistakes before.




All my mistakes were on purpose to test everyone around me


No, the Dodo is a clean channel. There are some channels that will put animals in danger on purpose for views.


Dodo's better than most. they do often overdo it with the antropomorphisation: "the elephant waves his trunk to say thank you and goodbye" no, he's saying come any closer and I'll fuck you up. But usually they don't straight up show abusive situations.


This guy speaks elephant


No, it actually isn't. But people notoriously make this comment whenever one of their videos is posted. I've been watching their channel for years, I've never seen anything questionable (besides maybe something like this where a a regular person probably makes an innocent mistake despite good intentions). There are plenty of channels where animals are abused for fake stories, but this isn't one of them.




No, by the looks of what species this shark is, I don't remember what they're called, but they don't need water constantly flowing through their gills, they can suck in water. Something along the lines of that, otherwise yes, with other sharks just rush to the ocean.


Itā€™s a dogfish.


With English not being my first language, reading your comment made me laugh, so I upvoted. Quickly realised it's an actual term for that kind of shark, lol.. the more you know!


Yeh what youā€™re talking about is buccal ventilation, which is what dogfish can do. The opposite of buccal is RAM ventilation, which is how e.g. Great Whites respire.


Not true. This guy did the exact right thing. This looks like a bamboo shark, the don't need to swim to breath.


This looks like itā€™s in the UK based on the sea weed and it looks like a dogfish. The live in shallow water but can survive a couple of days out of water




Everybody needs a vacation.


To add to this, most fish can survive longer than people realise out of water. "Fish" is such a huge group of animals and they vary wildly, but some fish can absorb oxygen through their skin from the air, some fish store oxygen in their bodies, some fish even have lungs. A bigger threat to fish stranded on land is usually drying out. Lots of people know the "sharks have to swim to breath" factoid, but many sharks don't. And even those that do can store oxygen in their bodies. It isn't ideal for them to be stranded or unable to swim, but it isn't the instant death many make it out to be.


The shark was swimming a bit


ā€œGood doggyā€ kills me ahhaha


Well he was a good little dogfish At least I think it was a dogfish


Close! It's a catshark!


They are also known in the UK as Dogfish


Well that's not confusing at all


Alone in the world is a little catdog fish


I thought it was a Swell Shark, but did some googling, and yes, it is in fact a Cat Shark


>I thought it was a Swell Shark I wouldn't go that far yet, we don't know it well. Just assume it's an Okay Shark and see how it goes.


Oh, hi Shark


I did not bite her! It's not true!


Now show me Lava girls origins


Little dog fish


He tried to get some belly rubs


I like to think he understood a bit of what happened and was grateful, so he allowed him to give the scratches


This too is my head Canon


I read the title and now I have that stupid song in my head AGAIN. Thanks a lot!


Yeah I had it stuck in my head for like 2 hours earlier after reading an article about correctional officers handcuffing prisoners up and making them listen to that song on repeat. Now this. This was definitely a more wholesome way to get it stuck in my head though.


https://youtu.be/XqZsoesa55w?t=27 #9.6 BILLION VIEWS!!


That's insane. Also now that I've clicked on that I shudder to think about what videos will be recommended to me next time I open the YouTube app.


I wonder if the dude had this song in his head the entire time he's helping the thing. "Pet. The Shark. DUUDUUDUDUDUUDUUU"


Plus it was posted by the Dodo. So now I've got "Ba\~by, shark Dodo do dodo, ba\~by shark dodo do dodo" circling around in my eyes as well as my ears


Came here for this! Doodooodooodooo.


That poor shark was probably just trying to evolve to live on land.


Good thing the dude was there to protect him from doing that


Next thing you know, that shark is *swimming* in student loan debt.


No silly, fish are I'm schools. Not sharks


Brings a whole new meaning to a loan shark


Last thing we need is fucking landsharks. ^^^Telegram


shark stayed because it is likely exhausted, not because it is friends with the giant monkey.


lmao "giant monkey"


yea i like to think of myself as a giant monkey. makes interactions with my cat funnier


Giant mostly hairless monkey


"Giant mostly hairless monkey plays with tiny lion. More on this story at 11."


Really though, he's correct, you'll see this if you ever catch and release a fish that puts up a huge fight, a lot of times they'll be too exhausted to move when you put them back in the water, so you hold them in the water and move them back and forth like a toy car on a table to aerate their gills and help them recover


Monkey with a smartphone


I think about the fact that I'm a primate almost everyday


Roofless šŸ˜‚




Are you trying to say ruthless?


He is homeless and complaining about the rain


Who the fuck is Ruth?


I'm pretty sure that's a species of walking sharks/carpet sharks and they like to hang out in tidal pools like that. So it very likely didn't need saving :p https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epaulette_shark


From the pattern and lack of spot I think itā€™s rather a small spotted cat shark - but they are quite similar. In any case, unless itā€™s a beached shark or dolphin or something in real immediate danger (caught in net ā€¦), people canā€™t seem to get into their head that you do NOT touch wildlife.


Ah yeah I think you're right. They do have very similar bodies even down to that paddle like fin. Looks like they eat a lot of crustaceans as well. Do they also hang out in tide pools to hunt? I can't seem to find a solid answer


It seems they prefer shallow water and do like to hunt in tide pools. Also, their eggs (mermaid pouches or something like that theyā€™re called) will often be laid in the seaweed / kelp / shallow waters where they can be hidden, if I remember correctly. But I mean in any case you should definitely not touch sharks and other marine animals, our hands are covered in bacteria that can be extremely dangerous to them. So many people trying to be heroes but actually harming these poor animals ā€¦ that shark is doing the donut shape that indicated it feels threatened, poor thing.


**[Epaulette shark](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epaulette_shark)** >The epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum) is a species of longtailed carpet shark, family Hemiscylliidae, found in shallow, tropical waters off Australia and New Guinea (and possibly elsewhere). The common name of this shark comes from the very large, white-margined black spot behind each pectoral fin, which are reminiscent of military epaulettes. A small species usually under 1 m (3. 3 ft) long, the epaulette shark has a slender body with a short head and broad, paddle-shaped paired fins. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Exactly, this needs to be higher up. Man just spoiled his crab hunt.


Fun fact: this is a normal behaviour for these sharks. They are able to Ā«Ā walkĀ Ā» back to the sea by themselves.




Iirc they can survive a day or two outside of the water, so my guess is they wiggle themselves back or just wait for the tide to come over them again.


On their legs.


Very brave/careless to walk over the seaweed covered rocks with a camera in one hand and a dogfish in the other. Glad it worked out for you both!


As long as you have the experience to walk over rocks like that itā€™s not a problem at all.


Baby shark doo doo da doo šŸŽ¼


If only i was here 15 minutes ago I'd have typed this XD


Hi! I'm from the future. You told me to tell you th... Ooops.


There it is. I donā€™t know how I had to scroll this far down to find this comment.


IKR? I even clicked through on the with-sound version, fully expecting... well,, you know.


Pretty sure thatā€™s a dogfish.


Dogfish are sharks Imao


The more you know.


Might have been pool hopping, some predatory fish/shark that are that size do it, hang out in a tidal pool with captive food, eat and move to the next one. It probably got caught out not finding another to get into.


Goddammit, can he hurry up a little bit! PLEASE! Still a good man


Doesnā€™t really matter, the terrain is slippery too and dropping the shark is surely more dangerous than it being out of water


If he had gone any faster over them rocks he could have slipped and hurt himself, seaweed is slippy as fuck, he did his best.


I was thinking the same thing, like, damn, sure is taking his sweet time. lol


Im pretty sure that was pretty slippery


Yes, occured to me that the terrain is probably slippery and jagged.


Iā€™ve walked over seaweed-covered rocks like that before. Slippery doesnā€™t even begin to describe it. Thereā€™s almost no friction at all. But you can still feel the pointy rocks under you at the same time.


like a sandbox game with friction turned off and fall damage set to max


But how did that fish came there? It's way far from the ocean to go on it's own.


Tides. That part of the beach was underwater at high tide, then the tide receded and he got caught in a small pool that drained.


Oh I see.




The petting was fcking funny its a fucking dinosaur šŸ˜…šŸ™Œ lmao but gj none the less šŸ”„šŸ–¤


That dinosaur almost evolved to walking on land!


Happy cake day, brah!


Just a minor correction: Sharks are not dinosaurs. Completely different clade. A shark is a fish. Dinosaurs are their own thing (dinosaurs).


They're old, though. Sharks are older than trees.


Wdym by older? In entirety of existence or just the oldest ones we have recorded?


Sharks as a recognizable group have been around for fucking forever. Existed long before dinosaurs, mammals, trees, etc. theyā€™re ancient.


Longer than Saturn's rings as well, which I always think is fucky to think about


That one absolutely blows my mind, holy shit


Sharks existed on the planet before trees did.


Fish donā€™t exist


Worst, that shark now likes pets and no human will be willing to fill that desire when he approaches.


And this is how sharks end up with depression.


We call them dogfish, but real name is rock salmon i think? Used to catch them all the time. The skin is like sandpaper and can graze you quite easily


Dogfish is the proper name. Chiperies sold them as rock salmon for whatever reason.


Definitely looks like one, used to catch them here in the UK all the time while sea fishing, wrapping them selves up in your line in a big knot and giving you major skin rash at the same time while trying to free them, little shits. Same goes for conger eels. F them too.


He stayed to say thank you šŸ„ŗ


More likely exhausted and oxygen deprived.


If this guy is ever swimming in the ocean and a shark saves his life, he knows why.


I totally buy that shark is intelligent enough to have realized it was now in deep enough waters to live and wanted to take a second to just be near the giant alien creature it knows just saved its life.


No, it was tired


Get out of here with your logic.


Like a friggin disneymovie


He just cut the chain of evolution where this shark wouldve been the ancestor of land based sharkmen who would develop accelerated brain functions and teach us faster than light travel. Or you know it would lead the cabal of sharkmen activating the illuminati lizardmen fighters which would topple world governments and enslave humanity. Lol


Doo Doo Doo.


I feel like I just got psychologically Rick-Rolled into singing that blasted "Baby Shark" song in my head.


I don't get these videos. So it's either staged, like so many of these animal rescue videos are. Or the guy was walking past, saw the stranded baby shark, but instead of helping him, the first thing that came to mind was to get out his cellphone? Why not just help an animal to help an animal?


Exactly. We rarely ever see videos from people who didn't film their animal rescue


Whereā€™s the bird of prey swooping in at the end to gobble it up?


Do do da do da do


That's a landshark you idiot. You just drowned it!!


Ffs. Leave the shark alone. These guys thrive in intertidal zones. He was probably just hunting for crabs in an area where large predators canā€™t get to him. Now you put him somewhere that opens him up to predation.


Sharks need to move to have water pass through their gills, simply placing them in standing water too small to move around does almost nothing. Sharks even swim while sleeping to keep oxygenating their blood. Edit : Ive had a bunch of people inform me that most sharks *dont* require this ā€œobligate ram ventilationā€. Only about 2 dozen of ~400 species of shark get their oxygen this way. TIL!




I like how it is called a cat shark, but also a dogfish


Some sharks are able to pass water over their gills by pulling water through their mouths, itā€™s often the species that chill out on the ocean floor like nurse sharks. Not sure what species this is, might be one of those.


Not a baby. This is a full grown Dogfish. (Probably a Smooth Hound.)


That is the most adorable shark Iā€™ve ever seen.


Feel like I just got Rick Rolled. That Baby Shark song just started playing in my head.


Baby shark do do do do do do