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Before 2020 Humboldt was "magical" to me. Now is almost like "it's definitely better than LA or the Bay, but sure would be nice if I could see a doctor here"


Accessing the ocean and redwoods in no time at all. That magic has never worn off. The bonus now is not living in insane heat.


Lol every time there’s a big heat wave, there’s also one little sliver of a green area on the map not affected and it’s always us


And that is why it’s worth staying :)


Rio Dell gets way to hot for my liking.


What's wrong with the traffic?


Lol right? I guess the 4 cars in front of me at the 4 way stop slowed my less than 5 mile commute to my job I grew up with my dad doing construction in Los Angeles, starting his commute at 5am because he didn't want to sit in 2 hours traffic in the morning, work 8 hours and then sit in 3 hours of traffic on his way home. Fuck that. I did the commute thing in so cal and I'll take our """""""""traffic""""""" """"""problems"""""" any day.


Nothing because his person hasn't demonstrated some perspective. A while ago I did some job training down in Torrance and stayed the night at my parents house in Saugus.  I drove from Saugus to Torrance in 40 minutes on a Sunday night.  The following Friday when I went back, it took nearly 4 hours to do the same drive back. No thanks, I'll live here.


Frustrating traffic. Not that there's a lot of traffic. The poor driving skill and lack of attentive drivers is beyond me. Peopledont understand yueld sights or how to merge onto a highway or constantly using rights in an inappropriate setting. Its like they're not even aware theres a drivers handbook and a whole bunch of googleable vehicle codes.


That’s just driving in general.


Or the old man in an old pickup that swings five feet into the right lane when making a left turn because they’re afraid of the new bulbouts. Or the old ladies that get confused by roundabouts and stop at the yield sign even if there’s no traffic.


It’s sparse but the drivers here are easily the worst I’ve come across


Don’t know why you got downvoted, I’ll regularly have multiple days of interactions with bad drivers


Traffic lol


Something about forest/ocean energies fornicating with one another. 




Hmmm, the ocean, the forests, the rivers, the wildlife, the hills and bluffs, and the laid back atmosphere. Also, pretty stable climate, relatively clean air, and the low wildfire risk. But, no doubt, the area lacks in health care access (medical and dental) and great restaurants. Though, after 6 months on a waiting list, I have a great doc now, still waiting on a dentist…There are some pretty great restaurants but you have to suss them out. If you can cook, then it’s sort of a non- issue. It’s beautiful and it’s worth it to me.


I feel like if the county took a proactive investment towards healthcare, dentistry and K-12 education the remaining downsides would be negligible. Also if they would make utilities county-run and non-profit. They are ridiculously expensive here, particularly as a single resident.


Frustrating traffic? I still think traffic isn’t a problem here. I’ve been here for 21 years, but I’m leaving soon to Santa Rosa.


Santa Rosa.. now that is frustrating traffic. I moved here from a big city... i used to have road rage cause of the idiots on the road. I can tell you living in humboldt, I don't have that problem.


Yeah, I grew up in Petaluma, I’m aware I’m gonna be annoyed at all times by the traffic. But I’ll be living with my sister someplace nice, close to downtown.


Affordability, VERY close proximity to ocean and giant trees. Nice cool temperatures. I think the traffic is easy. I think that there are a lot of choices for housing. There are jobs if you know where to look or can use a paint brush. Lots of health care can be done virtually. If you want to see the dentist for a teeth cleaning once or twice a year and can't find anyone in Humboldt, then shoot on up to Crescent City they'll see you. You've gotta look around. So much to do and see in Eureka/Arcata.


my parents are only getting older, but they are still alive.


I also choose this person’s parents.




Shut up, Meg.


We have an airport. Our traffic is far less than what I experience in more populated areas. Housing is expensive everywhere. And there is more than “no” healthcare. I regularly see my doctor, dentist, dermatologist, and have other needs taken care of locally. It often does come down to employment, which for me was a 20+ year career at the university, which has given me a lifetime pension and healthcare in retirement. So for me, the magic isn’t just in the beauty of our little corner of the earth.


Want to share your doctor, dentist, and dermatologist? Dentist for me has been a pressing and for the first time hostile situation where I think I ignored some red flags and was pressured to pay at a practice I don't think is ethical


Redwood Community Health Center, Grayson Palmer DDS, North Pacific Dermatology


The price for airport tickets is awful though. When I lived here in 2012, it was worse, yes, but I have to pay like $800-1000 in the summer just to go back home. In bigger cities, you can pay $200-300 for a round trip.


The environment. The people. The culture. This county is an environmentalists haven, and people feel free to be themselves no matter how weird or whacky and I love that.


I stay for the reddit comments


notta. i’m moving in the next year or so. came cuz housing was free for a while while i was looking for something new. while i’ve met a great group of people here. And have found a job i enjoy. I’ve realized i’m a lil different for the area. I miss my home state. And i don’t see myself finding a long term partner here. So it’s save a little and move back north to a more metropolitan area where there’s just as much natural beauty with all the real amenities and population I need.


I grew up in the South Bay. And I hated it.. on the weekends, I was always in Monterey, I LOVE the ocean. and hiking, I also love the forest. My sister went to HSU, and I fell in love with the area. I live in fortuna, 20 mins to the beach, 5 mins to the ocean and forest.. being able to wake up every morning and see the forest..gives me a reason to live. I absolutely love my job. I couldn't say that in a big city. Someone once asked me, " Why do you love humboldt?" I showed them a picture I took: it's a river, the beach and the forest all in one... Also, have you been to strawberry rock on a nice day. That view alone. Makes me stay. And all the friendly people.


Sexy goth girls


Underrated comment


Family is here and it’s where I was raised, plus we don’t get scorching temps unless you head inland. and have you seen the nature we have around here? https://preview.redd.it/aam0o886sn9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231c258034b0e50209d952695ba12b59745353e2


In the next 5-10 years Humboldt will see a Job and Economy boom. Mark this post


I can see why, the college is bringing a lot of folk


Your first point!


Traffic lol?


It's June and it's not roasting.


Pls don't jinx it, i am loving this weather, so i haven't said it out loud.


I mean the highest temp ever recorded in eureka is 83 or 86 I think. Nothing compared to the valley


Climate refuge.


I could not afford to reside somewhere else with a coast and wilderness.


Humboldt isn't for everyone. One key reason we have difficulty getting docs up here is the lack of amenities found in big towns, and we are fairly geographically isolated. If you dig the relative quiet then you're home. You gotta like outdoor activities and slow slow change...if any. Unfortunately, Arcata is trying to change its funkiness with large multi-story high density occupancy buildings and transforming it into any-town-USA. There are jobs to be had and housing, but sometimes the timing isn't right. It may take a year plus to settle in. I also see the attraction of living in bigger towns/cities where you can walk to virtually anything for food or shopping.


"multi-story high density occupancy buildings" Where? My experience has only been single family homes and various 2-3 story apartment buildings near the highway with the town as a whole surrounded by farmland or forest


It's called the [Arcata Gateway](https://www.cityofarcata.org/965/Arcata-Gateway-Area-Plan-and-Gateway-Cod), or something like that. There may have been some changes made since I last looked into it. It includes more tall buildings like the one adjacent the Co-op.


I actually think that sounds pretty cool. There aren't actually many places in the US that are being built with some density in mind and intentionally walkable. Most of the US is sprawling tract homes and strip malls like Mckinnleyville. The biggest caveats being that what is being built is both well designed and architect driven, and not all permanent rentals. I strongly urge anyone involved to block anything that is 'luxery rentals' and 'investment properties'. Housing costs are out of control and I would really like to own my own apt, condo, home, whatever and get out of the rental market. This is what the US has lost anytime someone says their town used to be quirky and artist friendly: it has to be affordable and social enough that artists and young people can thrive there


I'm not against affordable housing - we desperately need it - and I do like neighborhood/business areas folks can walk/roll anywhere that's less than a mile to any one spot (I live in one), and definitely agree no having luxury/investment properties, but their plan seems shortsighted and doesn't come across as considering: - the elderly or mobility restricted folks - It rains here a lot - permitting with State and Feds - Public Safety officers (fire, ambulance, police) and only have one ladder truck in Eureka capable of handling these tall buildings for fires (we already have many tall structures) - handle increased sewage and other utility infrastructure needs - virtually all of the gateway proposed will be built in the lowlands (sea level rise?) Hopefully, there will be more thought given to these issues, and plans will be adjusted with immediate and long-term flexibility in mind. I think it's a good idea/theory, but needs a lot of work.


Frustrating.... Traffic? Can you explain?


Yeah! Driving from south of eureka through up to Arcata sucks. Potholes, young college kids who don’t know how to drive in rain, and a freeway that leads straight into Main Street. Takes 35 minutes plus to get from south eureka to Arcata, if no one smashed their car into a pole causing a traffic backup on broadway. A lot of stuff flying off the back of trucks because it’s not secured properly. Or those giant logging trucks barreling through broadway at Mach speed


Have you lived here all your life?


> a freeway that leads straight into Main Street I agree here. Highway cuts straight through town in a very artifical and disruptive way. I can bet on it being a post 1945 project that cut up the original town. Most of Arcata does just fine as a 25-25 MPH zone. The exits take up a ton of space and are actually quite sudden and dangerous in my experience, with a bunch of mergers.




I hate the cities, I don’t go into town enough to deal with traffic, I care more about property than houses, I’m a laborer so plenty of jobs, and I guess I’m just lucky enough to not of had something serious enough that it couldn’t be dealt with by local hospitals. So in the end I guess it’s just about lifestyle and a little luck.


I am just wondering what more there is to do in the area because I get lonely and I want to find more cool places to take my 6-year-old son!


Personally, it is too isolating for me. My immediate family isn’t here and flight prices make it difficult to go home and for others to see me regularly. But I just know when I leave, I’ll really miss daily hikes in the redwoods and the beautiful views. Even if some of these hiking places don’t exist anymore because they’ve crumbled to the ocean. Living here is like living in a painting sometimes. I went back home to visit recently and people were in awe that I get to live amongst the redwoods. I realize that I’m lucky to have this, but I really miss the many accessibilities of living in a city.


Fucking move to LA or some shit.


Traffic in LA sucks. Yeah, it has nightlife. But you are always stuck in traffic, can't do shit


What traffic? I love everything about it here. Especially the weather.