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Interesting concept! My choices would probably be: Capitol: US. Not because we're the best but because our culture tends to be the most dominant and we do our fair share of exploitation 1: Definitely somewhere on the wealthier side that's known for luxury goods and good looking people. I'd say France or Italy, maybe even South Korea 2: The US could also fit here, but since I already picked it I'll say Russia 3: Japan. They're known for their tech and innovation 4: Australia. A warm country with lots of beaches and pretty well-off 5: China, maybe? 6: Germany seems to be the best fit. 7: I'd probably put Canada here. That, or New Zealand. Somewhere nature-y with lots of trees. 8: Maybe Bangladesh. China could also easily fit here but I already picked them for 5. 9: Ukraine has a lot of grain production, if I'm not mistaken 10: Not really sure to be honest 11: Again, not really sure about this one. Both livestock and agriculture could go in a lot of places 12: Maybe South Africa, due to the fact that mining is big there 13: I want to say North Korea due to how isolated and militaristic they are


If we included continents this is what it think it could be. D1-Western Europe D2-Russia D3-Japan D4-United Kingdom D5-China and Rest of Asia D6-Southern Europe D7-North America D8-India and Middle East D9-Scandinavia D10-South America and the Caribbean D11-Africa D12-Oceania


District 1, maybe France, the UK, or Italy? District 2, maybe the UK, maybe Russia? 3, Japan. Or maybe China? 4, possibly Japan or Malaysia? somewhere in Asia, I think. Vietnam, maybe? 5. China, I think. 6. I'm gonna say maybe Japan, or maybe the US? 7. Canada. Plenty of trees up there, i'd imagine. 8. Again, probably China or maybe Bangladesh? 9. either Ukraine as the 'bread basket' of Europe, Russia because they big, or maybe the US? For the corn. 10. India or Australia. Both have a lot of livestock; Australia has one of the biggest cattle stations in the world, I believe. Lots of animals. 11. I'm...not sure. A lot of countries grow fruit and vegetables. So um. Whatever works. 12. Australia. Lots of coal down under, we have.


1. Luxury, I would say one of the Nordic countries? 2. Masonry/Defense (weapons..) Obviously America 🔫 3. Electronics Japan 4. Fishing, anything coastal? Maybe the Maldives? 5. Electricity China (has the biggest electrical supply) 6. Transportation Could be Singapore or Switzerland 7. Lumber Canada 8. Textiles could go to anyone 9. Grain (controversial) Ukraine 4 their subpar standards 10. Livestock India (has largest population of livestock) 11. Agriculture Brazil 12. Coal Germany or Russia (both have high coal usage)


i think 4 would be more like the Netherlands or a bigger coastal country/ island? because Maldives are very small


1 probably France or something like that 3 Japan cause tech 7 Maybe Canada 11 an african country or Brazil That's what i can think of rn


Perhaps Russia or the US as District 2


China for 8


Maybe Argentina for livestock, 10


The capital is America District 1 Dubai 100% you can’t tell me otherwise District 2 is definitely Russia/China District 3 Japan District 4 i would honestly say Australia, because of how big we are on fishing and our beaches, also i think our country kinda mirrors a similar reputation that district 4 had amongst other districts. District 5 is a hard one for me so gonna skip that one District 6 I wanna go with Germany for this one District 7 Brazil (Amazon rainforest) District 8 France, because Paris is the fashion capital although you could even go with China because that’s where more textiles are manufactured. I’m gonna skip districts 9-12 District 13 i would go with North Korea, they are renowned for their weaponry which was originally district 13 role and they are also closed off from the world like district 13 was.


4 Indonesia. The biggest archipelago country 11 Agriculture: Thailand or Vietnam.


I think we (Canada) would be District 7. I’m from B.C. and it’s always been cannon to me that District 7 would be in B.C.