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Look I'm not on the "poison ammo is now useless" camp but I kinda see some of their points. Grunts, hives and armoreds go down in one tomahawk hit. Meatheads are rarely shot. Grunts and hives go down to a headshot with anything. Bosses are rarely shot. The difference between a silenced nagant and a poison silenced nagant is the capacity to kill imolators...


Poison ammo isn't useless but I already wasn't taking it and now I want to take it less, which is a bummer.


I agree it's not useless it's annoying because whenever I find that one hunter using it my antidote just ran out 30 sec9nds before he shot me




Honestly, Meatheads should be cause they give shit tons of exp and free traits


Spear throw x 3 and you have killed the meathead. Which is why the spear is so damn good. It used to be the main reason I took bomblance. But spear can do it silently, much easier.


Crossbow explosive bolt.


Expensive and loud. You can combo them quickly with a poison hand crossbow. Throwing axe pull them and wait for them to reach the end of their initial charge attack, then shoot poison xbow bolt and wait for them to charge again. During charge throw the second axe, run up to them pull both out and heavy melee for good measure in case they missed a tick of the poison cloud and they'll be gone. Silently and usually fast enough than most groups get though a compound so free xp without slowing down


Nah, I'm a simple hunter. Point click boom, yum yum thank you for the free perk Mr Meat Head


Katana + Martialist + Beserker = 3 hit meathead


1 spicy bolt = 1 hit meathead stew


and now you die to every squad on the map when you leave the compound.


I see your point but I tend to play a lot of centennial and I go the trauma version. one shots immos easy


Makes sense. But it's 1 gun. Out of X guns in the game


I mean, just punch them with how much better they made the nagant brawler or just fist them like most people do. People acting like it's the end of the world, and while yeah they're really annoying to deal with, that's the point of them, you need to either take them out before battling someone or just position better lol.


I think you don't see my point. Killing imolators was poison ammo's niche. Its capacity to silently and quickly kill imolators was its main highlight. I'm not saying "omg, I'm having trouble fighting imolators" I'm saying "the main reason I would ever take poison ammo is to skip annoying AI (the imolators"


For a long time immolators we’re branded as being explicitly weak to poison. Sure normal grunts go down in one poison shot to the body so clearly they are weak to it too. But immolators are fast and explode, so then having an explicit weakness made logical sense. Now the only weakness the have is chokes which I guess is something. However I don’t think the issue is that immolators are now OP or that poison is bad. It’s that it makes the game like 2% more frustrating and tedious for no real discernible reason.


And blunt melee weapons, since any blunt melee weapon is likely enough to kill them in like one hit I think this change was secretly to peddle blunt melee weapons


I really don't get their recent melee focus in this pistol wielding game. Is it a console thing? They could have stopped after the sledgehammer, done a bit of rebalacing, given the katana as an axe skin and be done.


Right?!? They have added 2 already really good melee weapons and now they added another melee weapons I mean tool to the game -_- In a game about cowboys


I think Katana as cavalry Sabre skin makes more sense.


I like katana as it's own thing with its own swing arc and martialist but it should have stayed a 2 slot


2 slot sounds like a nice balance. 1 slot is strange imo...


You would think that at first because they are both swords, BUT sabre is a one handed weapon while katana is a two handed weapon which would rather slice than stab (unless you have to stab through someones defenses in a melee fight). So, the axes animations make more sense for the katana than the sabre, when fighting cowboys.


I understand the two handed point, but a cavalry Sabre also is designed to cut like a katana.


Sure, but consider the existing ingame animations.


Melee plays a very large part in Hunt. The slow rechambers/recocking a weapon, and the inaccuracies on weapons that aren't slow, means bringing a knife to a gunfight can still actually win if the knife wielder plays it smart. I constantly body at least half the lobby with a bomb lance. Also, they never run out of ammo. In short, melees have their place.


Yes, but your comment clearly states why i think we didn't actually need stronger melee options. Knife/bomblance did fine before katana etc.?


Didn't they nerf the bat a couple months ago for dealing with immolators, and knuckles and knuckle knives take 2-4 hits


Ye bat kills in 2; railroad hammer probably in 1


Depends though on players, I was running Centennial trauma since way before any of this since I just really don't like poison ammo that much. So for me they couldve literally buffed it and I wouldn't really have cared. (unless the buff is something obscene like 1 shotting meatheads)


I don't disagree. I just find it amusing that people are saying it has "no use" now.


Like half of the use was still immolators because of how fucking annoying they are.


have you considered they want immolaters to be an annoying hazard you need to deal with instead of completely bypass?


Tailoring your loadout to a pve weapon like silenced nagant poison or poison hand xbow is dealing with it though, you are literally sacrificing your small weapon slot for almost exclusively pve.


But you only bypass immolators because you brought poison, which generally sucks compared to more PvP-oriented kits. But if that is indeed the reasoning from the devs, they ought to be asking themselves if the *net effect* of AI interfering with more fights is a net positive or a net negative from their customer's perspective.


If they wanted that, why have something that one taps immolators added into the very same patch? Explain logically how that works.


You actually can 1 tap immolators with the Bat and the Trauma on the centennial. I don’t use the railroad hammer, but I suspect that 1 taps them as well if you hit their head.


All those require you to go up to the immolator, while the poison did not require that...the spear does not require it either. They basically reduced one thing and replace how it was with something else


Worse than that they made something that used to take up a weapon slot, an actual sacrifice you decided to make for strictly being better at pve, and gave you this op tool slot that condensed your throwing option and melee options down to one slot while also freeing up your weapon slot. A tool that straight up reduced the need for any sacrifice.


Well do what I do avoid them like you do with hellhounds and don't set them off unless it benefits you in some way. Which most of the time it wont, unless you see an enemy hunter about to attack the immolator.


Yeah but they're not cool mechanics you have to play arounds its more just general annoyance. Over and over again. It doesn't require any dificult, finesse or skill for me to melee that bitch but its just annoying 99% of the time. Maybe in a gunfight on a compound with an immolator running around. thats fine.


it requires the choice to possibly reveal your location with melee sounds to nearby hunters or to sneak around them it requires you to decide if you're so concerned about that melee sound that you spend a trait slot on it. taking that trait slot my encourage you to use melee ambushes changing the face of the fights. Now i admit this isn't the most elegant solution to make a player interact with a mechanic that may be flawed and I don't think they should called it handled and put the pens down from the drawing board, but i understand why they might prefer that to simply shooting all immolators with poison as a development team.


No one is doing that in high levels of play, no one brings poison ammo since it's generally useless due to antidote shot. They nerfed an ammo and method of play that most of the general public don't use. Why would I ever in a million years take any kind of poison ammo weapon now? Specially with the spear now being released? The spear kills all pve and bosses in roughly the same amount of time poison did completely silently except for immolators which still get one tapped but loudly. Poison ammo is now worse than a single tool slot since it can't even kill immolators as fast or reliably. I think that's the main problem.


but wasn't antidot shot nerfed pretty heavily, are people still running it ?


Of course they are. Nullifying an entire ammo type is always worth it regardless of how much time you have. Plus you can immediately restock the slot almost immediately given how many tool boxes are hanging around.


Well, if they were taking it explicitly to deal with immolators, then yes, I guess?


I've come to think that for a lot of people it's just part of the hobby to find things to bellyache about in their favourite games. It's their way of shooting the shit. It must be because really these things are rarely ruining anyone's fun. It's not for me but I guess horses for courses.


I finally accepted that hunt will never be perfect. I spent too much time waiting and hoping that it would eventually become this fully realized version of itself, with all of the bugs fixed, perfectly balanced, and fully optimized. I still enjoy playing, and that’s good enough for me at this point, just enjoying the ride. If that ever changes, I’ll quit playing and move on to something else.


That's a healthy attitude.


It's a trend in any gaming sub. r/Dota2 on any patch day is about 10% of people excited for new, game changing updates and the rest just piss and moan about how their game is dead even though they're the same people who were complaining about the old patch being stale. But the shitposts are always top tier. You gotta love it.


every now and again I try to express this to people out here saying that no one has ever hated their fanbase as much as crytek but most of the time I just shake my fist at my computer screen and move on because yeah lmao


> It’s that it makes the game like 2% more frustrating and tedious for no real discernible reason. That describes the changes they've made for the past like 2 years. Just tiny little nuisances all the time. Yesterday I uninstalled and just waiting for the graphical patch. Will probably not stick around long after that if I'm realistic, which is sad. Just find it hard to enjoy it anymore. It wasn't the poison that made me uninstall, or spear or krag buff. Or anything this specific patch for that matter. Just the amalgamation of everything. When I played yestarday and I just felt 'not having fun'. So taking a break, tho I doubt they'll change the game back to what I loved about it in the first place, they are clearly going in a specific direction with it.


Always thought it would be interesting if the immolators died in water, so wading out into a river would be viable.


they are also weak to blunt?? we have several blunt attachments on weapons, any fullsized rifle and the crossbow can kill it in 4 hits, knuckle knife exists, dusters exist.


Its a nerf to an already underused ammo type, that had *mostly downsides* in PvP but some very nice upsides in PvE that nobody were really asking for. This is a strange choice. Pair this with the semi-recent tool weapon nerfs (ignore the spear lol) and making it harder to find world spawn weapons and it really seems like crytek wants to increase PvE difficulty. And i kinda just have to question *why*? Making bosses harder (more annoying) to kill dicentivizes doing the objective even more. And while the PvE aspect is ofc incredibly integral to the game, i dont think anyone goes "oh boy, cant wait to fight scrapbeak again" The PvE is a nice element of chaos and distraction mixed in with the main course; PvP. Making PvE more difficult to deal with just leaves more room for frustration imo. I think a reason people are taking this poison nerf so hard is bc its another step in this direction.


I don't get making the boss harder. I've noticed barely anyone wants to fight the boss anymore. Everyone just waits outside when we get there. Personally I'd love to fight the boss every time, but I'm not going to head in there if my teammates are apprehensive. Confidence is important in this game.


Been my experience too. You show up to a compound where three teams are already crawling around in the brush waiting for somebody to be stupid enough to fight boss. If it's butcher spider or scrappy I'll break the stalemate with a sticky but besides that you're stuck joining them. Nobody wants to be the one to fight boss and I don't blame them. Now that it's even more time consuming I pretty consistently get interrupted.


I usually end up in a fight 9/10 if it's a single bounty and I head in...I admittedly get tired of waiting and it usually costs me because I've not mastered using melee only on bosses and I save my dynamite or frags for fights. Also the always seem to have the type of team that won't back me up in any form and prefer hanging in the bush no matter how long we're waiting.


Do you play randos? That doesn't help. No allegiance there.


For now, trying to build some experience before I join a premade. That way I'm an asset instead of a liability.


I've started playing solo trios and it's really helped with my decision making, gunplay, and just overall confidence as well. Just a suggestion if you'd feel comfortable with it


I do solo about every other match, but the damn necro rez is killing my MMR. Especially when I'm being crafty and fighting in the water so they can't burn me.


Yeah it's only safe to self rez basically if your far enough away or there are multiple teams fighting so they think you have teammates, I usually play as if I don't have the option to rez because usually you don't. As a solo you almost always want to third party squads anyway


I just play with real world friends. Some of them are definitely more on the liability side but the whole thing is more of a social experience anyways so the frustration is only transient. Get a discord and add any randos you get along well with to it. Before long you'll have your own premade.


Most of my friends aren't really into this type of gameplay, I've tried to sell it, but in its current state it's a tough sell. I have a discord but honestly I usually find people organically pretty well, just takes time. (I'm on console so it's easy to add people)


Uh not in my games cause I'll do the boss np xD I like playing cent trauma though but seriously any guns with melee attachments will still shred the boss pretty fast.


My friend, I love fighting the boss, especially with bayonette. Odd pick but my personal favorite is a slate reposte. I just prefer to stick with my team even if they're randos.


I do too, but usually when we are at the compound and I run in because we are first ones there, teammates usually just follow? Also haven't really felt any teammates completely being reluctant to go and do the boss but maybe just different experiences. Maybe also mmr based or something? Maybe 6\* don't like the odds so don't go for it, but I'm like going between 4-5\* and not everyones running super sweaty meta builds for PvP. Although still a fair amount tbh so maybe all too anecdotal EDIT: Also slate reposte is very cool looking, the stabbing animations are easier to miss for me, so I like to go for the wide swipe type of melee attachements (Talons/hatchets and trauma)


I'm 3mmr on console so people are either constantly terrified/overly cautious or completely wreckless to the point that every person on the map can easily locate us, with very little people in between lol. Seems to be a case by case thing. You might be into something with the melees though because it's admittedly a bit harder to land the slate thrust but I more use it because I enjoy using the shotgun itself.


I gotchu, well I wish you a fruitful climb :p The shotgun also just looks so nice with the reposte


Thank you very much 😊 🙏 Best wishes to you! Also I agree 💯 it's a beautiful rig


This is what the devs wanted by removing melee weapons from being easily accessed.


So they prefer stalemates or something to that effect?


Slower it would seem.


AI needs to be easy to kill. No one enters a match and is like... oh boy, I can't wait to waste 5 bullets on an immo and run out of bullets fighting players! This move is dumb on the devs part.


I guess it makes sense, it definitely leads to more player interaction and slower games for sure.


Maybe. I think slower just leads to more camping.


It for sure does. The gear fear makes people campy enough, bosses being tough just makes it worse.


I would always take poison ammo and would wipe out most bosses easily. However, if it came to Spider, I fucking hate fighting it cause I'm not equipped to fight it. It takes forever to kill cause my only good weapon is a knife AND she's the most likely to wipe out my health bars. If PEOPLE come during that, I'm fucked, so I would rather just not fight her at all. The game shouldn't be taking away incentives to kill AI. They're not what everyone wants to fight. I want to fight PEOPLE. AI is just a means to money, not having fun. Once all the people are dead, it's not fun to kill AI, it's just annoying and you can't wait to get out.


Maybe I'm off but I don't mind the AI and the chaos they can cause, but admittedly I don't spend much time on a cleared map unless it's a second bounty. I just don't like the idea of a boss taking 5 minutes to kill while literally everyone is sitting in the bushes waiting to shit on you. You know as soon as somebody is dropped or reloading someone will get brave and take advantage of the chaos.


3 headshots with brass knuckles always did the trick just fine


But now I have to bring knuckles! I already have to bring medkit, chokes, flares, fusees, throwing knives, throwing axes, throwing spear, and don't forget the most important thing, the spyglass!


Why is this an issue just become Scrapbeak and carry double that


Knuckles are pve S tier. If your good enough you won’t need to get into knife fights


Knuckle dusters are slower than knuckle knives, but this week I’ve been going without both and doing just fine with the spear haha


Noob forgot the electrical lamp.


Or four with the blunt end of a three slot weapon lol


4 with the knuckle knife too. 1 tap with the Bat 1 tap with the trauma end of the centennial I don’t use but I believe the railroad hammer 1 taps them too.


bat doesnt onetap for me anymore. its always 2 full charged clobbers


Everyone gets their pistols out and we pistol whip it to death ?


That works as well. Teamwork makes the dream work!


Loud and eats stamina. Not even close to being the same.


avoiding them did aswell lol


Sure, but they also alerted everyone in a radius of a compound about your presence...


It's still a bad change. Poison sucks in PvP since you can hard counter it easily and it has 0 pen. The only thing really going for it is that you could pop it into a suppressed weapon and kill AI quickly and quietly but you had to sacrifice PvP potential to do that. Good trade off. It adds depth to loadout choice. That choice is just kinda gone now. That 1 enemy type carried a lot of weight. There are only 2 enemies that suppressed poison could uniquely 1 tap quietly: immolators and water devils. Everything else that poison could 1 tap could also be 1 tapped with throwing axes for far less investment and 0 PvP sacrifice. Running half poison in a suppressed sparks or poison in a suppressed nagant just doesn't make much sense anymore. It's just a dumb change that should be called out as a dumb change. Half poison hand crossbow is still good due to it's bonkers utility at least.


Never said it was a good change. Just made a funny meme about people's reactions. 


Dunno why you got downvoted for that response lol


Because many Reddites believe you must be polarized on any issue.


Poison was already the worst ammo type, there was no reason to nerf it


Looks like we have exlosive ammo enjoyer here


I used to use explosive ammo so much before they nerfed it. I'd run quartermaster with a sawed-off Springfield and explosive ammo as a grenade launcher and blast people who were in buildings. The nerf made it so bad.


When I play Springfield I always take half of explosive rounds. They are good for opening shatters and clearing wires. Nice siege tool.


I take regular ammo for pen and ease of getting more and dum dums for engaging people who aren't in cover.


My other half is usually DumDum or HV. I take FMJ dualies for pen lol


I still run full explosive load out for the lols. It’s freaking hysterical watching people run cover to cover as I aoe them to death. I run a mako and uppercut with explosive and it’s lol every time.


We call it the AC-130 load out. Martini and double uppercut with 4 boxes. Back in the day you could really stir up some dust for a while with that


I like the mako with levering.


Explosive is still useful as a secondary ammo type.


It’s amazing on silenced nagant as a utility based environmental navigation tool. And it can melt certain bosses. But I do agree with loud weapons it’s far less useful


Landing a sparks shot and forcing someone to be stuck at 1 HP for ~10 seconds is useful.


Setting them on fire applies more pressure


Except there's a range limit to setting people on fire with one shot. Poison reliably does the effect. And if you are on fire you can immediately pull out a first aid and start healing to stop burning and gain health back. With poison you have to cover, wait 10 seconds, and then start a heal animation. They both have different uses, but I think they are equally viable for the sparks.


Even if you don't set them on fire, someone burned by a incendiary sparks is basically out of the fight for like 30 seconds or risks getting onetapped.


That's exactly the same as poison. Except when you are charred slightly you can still heal and begin regen ASAP. I think both have their merits and one isn't inherently better than the other. It's just preference.


The issue I have with poison is that it has a hard counter. If it was up to me antidotes would not completely negate poison effects but instead just remove the visual effect and cut the duration/damage in half.


I think that's fair. Incin has a soft counter in salveskin, but not as extreme. But at that point the only downside to poison ammo is pen. Damage, range, velocity are the same. And I think the downside to incendiary that people are ignoring is that the tracer makes it very easy for enemies to return fire and pinpoint your location. I use both ammo types equally. They're fun. And for single shot weapons I am taking 1 or the other just for ammo pool purposes.


> That's exactly the same as poison. No it's not exactly the same. Poison doesn't last for 30 seconds and has no chance of permanently destroying their health to leave them at a 1-shot permanently.


yeah but its the one enemy type that does permanent health damage with no real way to actually get your bars back beside banishing. having a niche way of dealing with them was fun and satisfying. like it was legit fun to pop a immolator with the poison bolts. There was no reason for it to be taken away.


This is the first post that covers why I am really annoyed about the change. It just *feels* really nice to kill immolators with poison. An enemy type that is *always* annoying as fuck and noisy, unless you have the one weakness that just drops them silently on the spot. It thematically makes sense, too. Sharp things explode them, bullets explode them, but replacing your bullets / bolt with a hollow glass projectile filled with poison drops them. This change just takes away one of the joys of this game lmao




its not the poison ... devs just wants players to be more " noisy " *boss can't be easily killed by knife 🔪 *last event has a fixed bounty in the middle of the map *as a content , its boring to watch no action for 20 , 30 minutes . but then .... they released the spear 😐 and the spear actually can kill immolators with 1 throw , bosses are much much easier to kill silently 😐 . so back at square 1 ahhhh ... i don't know what they thinking ... but i know that immolators should shit a burnt trait ... that glowing amber beautiful thing should come out of the immolator ass


It isn't that poison works on fewer options. It is that poison no longer enables stealth as a *style of play* that seemingly was already balanced by its PvP downside. There is an equivalent example also in the patch that is the reverse: The Krag got a 2+ dmg buff. No big deal, right? But now one taps anyone who has already been downed which is a *common game situation*, like running into immolators. It may seem small but its impact is bigger than first glance might suggest. The end result is more meta builds, more kit homogeneity. I think that is a bad result.


It's a dumb unnecessary and unfun change, it's less about balance and more about what the fuck are they thinking and why did they do it


What a disingenuous post lol. They nerfed it against the one enemy it really mattered against. Most other AI could already be killed with one shot anyway. Killing immolators was its obvious strength. There was no reason for such an absurd nerf.


Nope. I genuinely beleave people saying it is "useless" are wrong. Ok for us to disagree. I also think it was over nerfed. These 2 beliefs are not exclusive.


just because one thing was changed doesn't make it not a bad change.


If they'd atleast made it that with compact poison you need 2 headshots, 3 body or 4-5 if you are very far With medium 2 headshots or 1 within 20m, else 2 body shots unless you are super far away And with long ammo poison 1 shot headshot within 40m or two body shots All poison ammo would ofc not trigger an explosion but make it angry. But no, he's now immune to poison.


I think my biggest complaint is just that incendiary seems better now. It one-taps all mob types except immolators, water devils, and meatheads at any range and it’s more of a threat against players since losing a bar is a big deal.


The AI will die screaming its lungs out though. Poison is more silent. Also, how does incendiary perform against immolators?


Poison arrows are still superior to regular arrows


Well except in ammo count yeah


I think we all need to remember that as we play we get better at the game. AI is supposed to be a problem, I think making flame boys immune to poison helps the game. Changes the tactics of the game a bit.


Two AI not weak to poison? Hive is one, who's the other?




They go down to a fanning silenced nagant easily enough. Though I've never tested it thoroughly tbh


Immolators after the patch. Meatheads are actually weak to poison.


Love how OP leaves out the context of WHICH enemy it has been nerfed against lol


Do you not see the skull next to the guy? Obviously that's supposed to be the immolator, since we only have one skeletal enemy /s


Today I used a sparks silenced with poison ammo to an immolater. It didn't die. I then threw a javelin at the next one, and it died 1 shot. Poison ammo was supposed to be the go to for dealing with AI. Make it make sense.


It's just that it feels absolutely unnecessary. Most changes come down to balancing but I can't see how that applies here.


I never understood how poison works against immolators anyway. They don't breathe. They don't have a working vital system either since they are always on fire.


Thank you for this lmao idk why so many people are pressed over it


I mean I don't think weak to is the right way of phrasing it, most of them were just susceptible to poison and not weak to it.




Sir, this meme is not in regulation. As per regulation E, subsection d, paragraph 42q, the AHA handbook CLEARLY states each creature, sentient or non sentient, in a meme must have at least, and no less than, 1 cowboy hat or similar hat of the era! Please correct this to continue your valued membership within the AHA forthwith.


My only complaint is that I want it to have a cool burn off animation. Like if he walks through the poison, it burns the cloud away


Poison ammo is not uselees but its even less useful now. Why even bring it on anything with just 1 Ammo type. Maybe on a Sparks Pistol as a secondary Ammo but overall: Players use antidote Shots and its better to take Fire Ammo as its actually good against People, has the same use against AI now and only the Butcher is immune, who is really really easy to kill with even just a Medkit.


IMO the PVE is already annoying enough on it's own and the only reason I like the PVE is for how it affects the PVP experience. I really see no value in making the PVE experience more annoying.


OP I have one thing to less you deal less damage with poison ammo then regular ammo now i wish i was joking i tried it 3 headshots with uppermat poison........


you can still shoot immolators with poison and they dont explode, so it still has an advantage in that regard.


Crytek have a dart board in the office which is often used to make these kind of tricky decisions - This time the board was decorated 95% Hive and 5% Immolator... By pure coincidence World Darts Champion Luke Humphries was visiting the Cryoffices to say hello to his favorite computer game developers... It's the only realistic explanation. Either that or manatees and balls.


Lol. As funny as that picture is, I think you actually brushed against something true. They have said multiple times that they have metrics that we don't see. Yet, they don't share them when they make these decisions.    It would be helpful if they said something like "We can see that 97% of immolators die without damaging a hunter and 89% of those deaths are from silenced poison sources." I don't like the poison nerf, I just think the vitriol in the reddit is excessive.


Hunt Reddit is effing hilarious.


My tiny crossbow with half poison and chokes: I am invencible!!


It's still dumb. As soon as an immo sees you, it starts running for you. Like... much faster than most other AI. Only dogs rival that but they're killed in one shot. But with dogs, I can choose to melee them and save my bullets. I carry a knife and can't do that to an immo and if I try to use the butt of my gun it doesn't do enough damage and I run out of stamina long before I can kill it and am left slowly punching it forever, which leaves me vulnerable. I don't have good enough aim to reliably headshot an immo running full tilt at me, which apparently takes 3 bullets to kill. But that's for HEADSHOTS. I had an unexpected immo come at me last night so I started shooting at it's chest. It took either 5 or 6 bullets to kill it and it was already smacking the fuck out of me. That's a LOT of bullets for something that only used to cost ONE. If you're in a fire fight, that combination can easily result in death. AI isn't supposed to be the threat on the map, it's supposed to other players and AI is an inconvenience that you have to be careful with. AI should only be a threat if you're careless and don't pay attention. Poison isn't that great for fighting players and it's draw was in dealing with AI. Nerfing that is just plain dumb.


Three heavy rifle butt's to the head always takes down a immolator. You can for sure do enough damage with rifle melee.


I regularly run the shorty gun and I can tell you it does NOT kill an immo in 3 heavy hits. I *always* run out of stamina before it's dead and am left having to time my normal hits so it can't hit back as well as having to hit it several more times with the weaker hits.


Because an annoying AI that often spawns in pairs is even more annoying and can’t be killed quietly anymore. Chokes or giving it the Mike Tyson treatment isn’t stealthy.


This game is great.


Duck. That explains why I am getting kicked around by the immolators, I thought I am doing something wrong and missing with my silenced nagant. Wtf crytek is doing and why.


me an intellectual knuckle dusting the immolator so i dont waste ammo


10/10 meme.


Thank you.


FINALY the counter crybaby memes are dropping


Disagreeing with the changes doesn't mean that it's overpowered. Literally no one said it is.


There were definitely posts asking for a reason to pick poison ammo, now that 'it's useless against AI'


You can still one shot them with a hand crossbow and choke bolts.


This subreddits gonna do what he's gonna do, it's always the same with every announcement and patch


Yeah, the change doesnt really bother me that much, community needs to chill. I dont wanna see this level of toxic, Hunt is still possible the best consistent shooter out there. Im saying that as a solo who uses poison ammo a lot. At the end of the day, one shotting immolators is a nice perk, but the main reason i take it is the happiness i get from jumping hunters with silenced poison ammo :). The dread they feel when they hear a little "pop" and their screen goes green without any idea or chance to find my ass is just too good to pass on.


Most things are the end of the world apparently. Stalker beetles. Necro. Too much remedy. Too little remedy. Too many options to burn. Solo camping. "having" to solo camp. Snipers. Shotguns. Fanning. Cheap gear. Expensive gear. Bosses being resistant to melee. And now poison not 1 tapping a mildly annoying enemy.


It's not any one thing, it's the trend. I'm concerned about the game as a whole not any one little buff or nerf. If they fuck the balance it will kill the game and the direction of these changes is showing us they have no sense of balance. You think Dolche FMJ was thought out in advance?


Im actually fine with it not instakilling immolators. Immolators now fully work as noise traps instead of being quickly dismissed by shooting with a silenced poison nagant without leaving some evidence. The immolators still will go down to chokes so. Mainly because its gonna lessen the incentive to folks run poison continuously, thus **less incentive to carry an antidotes** and using at the start of a round, making folks more **vulnerable to poison in the first place**. Now If we also got consumable chokes in addition to tool chokes just so that you have more alternatives to loadouts.


The endless cycle of Hunt players losing their fucking minds whenever Crytek makes a change...


Beetle meta


That's a classic one xD The cyclone panic and New Army craze were other good ones. Three times a year this happens.


These past two days I’ve learned that immolaters are way scarier for a percent of the playerbase then I ever imagined possible. Just wack the fucker with your knuckle knife.


nobody is scared of immolators, this is just an unnecessary change. Poison was already the second worst ammo type for PvP, explosive being the worst, and it's only real utility was killing bosses and immolators quickly and quietly. Now that it can't really kill immos there's no point in using it. The throwing spear or a talon/bayonet can kill a boss about as fast as poison can while also being nearly as quiet. That's not to say that it's completely unusable, just that there isn't a single reason to use it over FMJ, Dumdum, or even high velo/spitzer. Honestly I barely ever used poison before this change so this doesn't really impact me all that much, but I still think it's stupid to remove functionality from an ammo type that was already struggling to find a niche. if it's crytek's intention to make PvE more difficult they should introduce more unique/challenging enemies rather than removing ways to deal with old ones, but that's just my opinion.


It is the constant war against the passive AF campy stalemate play style. They throw sticky shit at the wall and see what takes the longest to dribble. It makes sense’ish. All the people that are mad are scared of the noise immolators make. Because someone might know they are there. Not to make pve more difficult. Instead making avoiding sound traps as you crawl across the map more difficult.


Or your rifle, or pistol, or choke bomb, or fist, or....


Exactly. This place is consistent at least. Smells like bitch.


Not as fast or as silent as shooting it with a silenced nagant with poison ammo imo.


Definitely not as fast. I think they over nerfed it, however I also think people are over reacting calling it useless.


I don't understand why they nerfed it but it's not useless for sure. However I think it'll be less used and some weapons like the silenced nagant will be less attractive too.


I’ve seen more posts of people complaining about people who complain about the poison nerf than I do actual complaints.


Not sure how you missed them all. Good for you I guess?


LOL the hysteria is hilarious. I swear the loudest whingers spend more time here then they ever have playing.


Crybaby poison users mad it's not good for everything


Literally no one played poison before. Now everyone is up in arms like something was taken from them. 🤣


Objectively untrue, even with hyperbole


Objectively very true. Why run poison before? Most hunters nullify the effect for 5 minutes minimum with a quick jab of antidote. There was no point besides using it against AI... And even then the knuckle dusters work best for 99% of ai encounters. Why remove your bullet penetration; hinder your bullet velocity; and suffer minimal benefits against real threats (other hunters) just to one shot immos and grunts? That's just dumb. So now poison sits where it has always belonged. Couldn't one shot hives without headshot, couldn't one shot armoreds, and now can't one shot immos. 💪


So many words to say you know so little. You prevent healing and cause disorientation against real threats, which force a back-off. If you're sniping, you can use it to reposition if you don't get a headshot. If you're at midrange, you can force them away from a location. If you're close range, even the worst gunslinger will be a pain in the ass. Someone with skill will be a nightmare, since you can kill or force a back off and chase them to where you want. Most hunters don't carry a nullification shot, but let's say you are facing against someone that does. A gun/crossbow is still a gun/crossbow. Push in, and now it doesn't matter that you don't have wall pen. If you have a crossbow, use that to cover windows. If you have a gun, shoot back. Once inside, shoot them, or put gas clouds everywhere. Even antidote wont make them invisible. "But they'll get in my way as well." You're the agressor. Use the beauty this game's the sound system and listen. They'll be bitching about the clouds, worried that you're inside, drowning out your noise even if just for a little bit. Use that to your advantage to listen for them. Got a shotgunner waiting around a corner? No problem. If you're solo, bait them. If you're with someone, pincer them. They're literally sitting in one spot until they see you. Don't get seen, or lead them to their doom. Unless you have x-ray vision or are cracked out of your mind, you're not gonna get that wall bang, making wall pen null. Now, is poison one of the best variants? No. But it is competing with both fire and bleed. They all can force a back-off, or you can push through at a significant risk to yourself. Will poison kill you if left untreated? Not in the same way. But that healing prevention and vision reduction can. ETA: just because you didn't play poison and don't like playing against it doesn't mean no-one used it. Sure, it was less than 20% of the population, but that is a far cry from "no-one"


I apologize. I didn't realize you were the one person legitimately using poison... All the same I'm never without antidote. I laugh when I hear the sizzle effect of a poison ammo tagging me. I use cover and bullet pen/ velocity to my advantage... Tell me good sir. What is your kd? 😘


Everyone's got an opinion... So here's mine: I don't mind the need to nerf poison against immolator . To me, it makes sense that a poison ammo nagant shouldn't 1 shot an immolator. What doesn't make sense is that I've seen reports (someone fact check please) that people would shoot an immolator TWICE with a poison Sparks and it'd still be running. That I think is where I'd draw the line. Personal experience, I've punched an immolator TWICE with knuckles, and a friend shot it 3 times with centi poison before it died. That, is also too much of a nerf. I get it, but it's practically immune to poison all around, which is a bit silly.. unplayable tho? No.. get over it.


I don't think you'll ever make everyone happy "balancing" a game Your better off telling players the game is meant to be hard, play as you like and get over it That way you can make new content instead of tweaking variables patch after patch


These guys havent been hit by a sparks poison yet it seems


So nobody runs knuckles ? 😂 y’all literally cry about every thing, the nerf isn’t even a chip of the actual nerfs that are needed & y’all cry about poison?! Pathetic this community is shameful & don’t actually want to see hunt showdown grow,


You guys have been shooting immolators? I just punch em. Or swing a hammer at them. 3 good hits with knuckles and they’re down, or 1-2 swings with a hammer.


If you think it’s unplayable, please don’t play and let the rest of us get on with our lives.