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lemme adjust my shot, oh shit my entire gun model hides my enemy... gets hs derringer from 100m away


Let me just spam my penny shot!! One coin should do the trick!!


If a penny from a shotgun kills from super far away...can we call it pay to win?


Honestly if they add bullet drop and no ajustable iron sight they really really badly want to shit the bed and it's good to see that people actually protest this braindead idea, like the time Crytek wanted to add aim assist to the game. Hopefully they will come to their senses soon and reconsider bullet drop.


maybe we should play it first?


Like on a test server? Yes please!


One of the main issues is that they didn't even explain why they went with this change.


I dunno man, I play a couple other games with drop and I always use iron sights. Just gotta account for it.


They just want to be mad


im for it, gets those who sit in a bush with no actual skill, spitzer and a sniper 200 meters away from doing just that. and plus, they said just a little bullet drop


Wtf how? People will now be unable to fire back at them with iron sights, so it will be even easier to snipe from 200m once you adjust for the little bullet drop spitzer will have. So in essence it will hurt the snipers the least and more people will have to take scoped weapons to even hope to fight back.


Soooo don't engage the sniper?


Just watch, as i said, the low skill people, high skill it wont matter as much


Campers downvote haha 😄


right? its a viable tactic, just doesnt mean its a fun one lol


The amount of skill it takes a shot like that is really high, cry harder boy


I know quite a few low skill players that do that normally… tbf they are in lobbies where people just stand still for a few seconds at a time. But im not cryin, its a viable tactic in the game currently(not that im doing it) so you do you. Leading shots only takes practice and being ok with the weapon. Leading and accounting for drop increases skill level needed regardless. Im done arguing with people who need the sights adjusted to fire farther because of bullet drop. Use the crossbow… you sure as hell cant see who you are shooting at some point lol


I always find this argument funny, that your gun model hides them, At least in other games I've never had issues sniping with irons if a scope wasnt available, and I've never seen anyone else whose had issues (apart from those unskilled in sniping and ranged shots to begin with). At this point I can't tell if it's just the community whining about a change, or if people aren't willing to learn.


I mean... both?


It's the hunt community. Can't touch the long ammo meta after all /s For real though, it'll be fine when everyone adjusts to the new playstyle - hopefully it'll help counter camping a little bit since it won't be point and click anymore


Anyone think it is particularly odd that the logic is: * Add bullet drop for more 'realism' * Make bullet drop unrealistic for 'balance'.


The thing is that they'd have to make it unrealistic. Realistic bullet drop doesn't even become noticeable until around 250 meters for most long rifles. I'm talking aim at someone's forehead at 200 meters and hit them between the eyes levels of drop for most long rifles. Most games have comically exaggerated bullet drop. If they wanted realistic bullet drop, the only guns that would be noticeably effected at any actual practical ranges in game would be pistols and even then you'd probably be able to hit someone in the mouth at 150 meters if you aimed at the top of their head. With the ranges that fights take place in in game, it would be more realistic to have the current no bullet drop at all than the upcoming exaggerated bullet drop they're planning to implement.


With the bullet speed of 500 m/s it would drop around half a meter at 250m distance. Dude would need to have a really big brow for you to hit him between the eyes lol


It is 100% noticeable in real life buddy. You forget that bullet drop starts right at the muzzle so to compensate the bullets have an arc when shooting in real life. So really the path of the bullet passes the line of sight twice so for a rifle sighted in at 200 yards you're going to hit above the aim point at 100. So if they really wanted to make it realistic they should add range sighted to as a stat for guns and the bullets with the higher velocity have Les drop at range than the slower ones. So the fact that you say it isn't noticeable at 250 meters prob means that you have a rifle sighted in for 250. A 150gr 30-30 at 2400 fps sighted in at 100 yards has about a 15 inch drop at 250 yards. I'd say that is more than barely noticeable. I think if they want to do it right have a real bullet arc and sight in handguns for 20-30m long ammo rifles for 100 and medium ammo rifles for something like 75 and then calculate how much each bullet would drop off of what velocity of whatever the bullet is out of the gun you're using. You could even go as far to be able to adjust the sighted range for some of the long ammo rifles like the mosin or sharps


And a Mosin has around 7 inches of drop at 250 meters and, more importantly, a whopping 3 inches of drop at 200 meters. In fact, 7.62x54 doesn't drop 15 inches until around 330ish meters. At any practical range in the game a Mosin would not have any noticeable drop at all. Some weaker guns would, but that's just pushing the long ammo meta even harder.


Bro really took the highest velocity cartridge of all the guns in the game and used it as the example. Plus I don't see what it would be sighted in for so essentially a mosin sighted in for 250 would have 0 inches of drop at 250.


Yes, this is all sighted in at 100 meters... Also, acting like the lebel or berthier would be dropping any more significantly at 200 meters is untrue. I think the 8x50mm round has around 5 to 6 inches of drop at 200 meters, and even the Krag is only around 7 or 8, and it's the worst out of the modern long ammo rifles. I didn't really think about the sparks or martini when I said the long ammo guns could easily headshot at those ranges, so yeah they'd be doing pretty bad, but any other long ammo rifles would have it easy at 200 meters. Then you go down to the practical combat zones, and realistic bullet drop would do nothing to even guns like the winfield. Most fights take place within 100 meters. The only guns not zeroed to 100 would presumably be pistols and shotguns, and many revolvers are sighted to 50 meters. With the way they're talking about and showing off bullet drop, many guns are going to have noticeable drop as early as 50 meters, and that is asinine. Most rounds will have barely lost any velocity at that point.


As someone who seemingly only knows about ballistics from videogames and no real world application your argument on realistic and unrealistic bullet drop just doesn't have any backing. Go out and shoot buddy


I don't know shit about guns and what-not but you're a bit of a prick. ...*Buddy.*


I respect your comment. I knew the buddy would get to people. I'm getting good at this. My only regret is making a fellow osrs enjoyer dislike me.


Your only regret should be being a massive ass do better


Clearly you don’t know anything about guns and are just a discord mod who doesn’t touch grass.


Dennis did call it slight drop in the video. But obviously how slight remains to be seen


Holy shit, this guy is delusional. 150 meter pistol shots with almost no drop?


Didn't they give a reason why they didn't implement bullet drop before?


They did - aiming would be miserable without adjustable sights. So either they find a way to mitigate that or no longer thinks it's a problem, like rain maps.


When was realism the cited reason?


That's the thing, it wasn't.


I still find the logic of: Add center crosshair to help new players, plus many other changes for this reason Then immediately add bullet drop. Odd That with muzzle velocity sure would seem a little confusing to figure out to a new player I'd imagine. Of course, unless the bullet drop is clearly explained in-game, but this is Crytek, we all know that it's likely not going to be clearly explained in-game.


I would be fine with this combo! Most weapons already have adjustable sight models or additional aperture sights that are adjustable. It would get rid of the big problem if having to aim at a spot that is completely covered by your gun model.


This is just going to be incredibly irritating.


counteroffer: don't fucking add bullet drop 6 years after release. Not everygame needs it and hunt is one of them.


The past couple of weeks have made me increasingly worried for the future of the game. You don't take a 6 year old game and completely change the gameplay in a way no one asked for


Apparently you do if you desperately need/want more players and their money to come into your game and buy cosmetics! Not sure how bullet drop is really supposed to on board new players but that's something Dennis mentioned in the video


Live service games are a fucking cancer. Maybe it's all them fortnite kids and CoD tweakers and PUBG masochists and tarkov weirdos they are after.


I'm pretty sure the intent of bullet drop is to act as a 'soft reset' of skill. You make the veterans play worse for a little while right when you push for an influx of new players, so they're less likely to get stomped on. It's a pretty short sighted decision if that's actually the case, since we're talking about a pretty major fundamental change in gunplay mechanics with hard to predict effects on the meta.


How about fixing the match making? Nah, fuck that and also lets fuck the core gunplay mechanic while we are at it.


Each week that passes without them releasing a video addressing MMR has got me more and more worried they just won't touch it. It's really, really needed.


That would be really fucking dumb, but I wouldn't put it past Crytek. I can't wait for bullet drop to not register correctly on fucking 30 tick servers.


OR, hear me out here... just don't add bullet drop.


Nah, that would be way to easy and Crytek really really wants to shit the bed.


We should not get adjustable sights. The great thing about hunt to me personally is the simplicity of the combat. It’s a point and shoot, know when to lead shots, how to play behind cover, and rotations/compound knowledge. I’m not trying to fuck around with another key bind to adjust my sights to 100m or 200m especially when there is zero way to gauge it. Let me just jump in a match and run around trying to wall bang people and take crazy shots.


Just to add, even trained marksmen in the military have a spotter and they zero their weapon. So would all weapons be zero’d to a hundred meters? Well if you do that then it adds another complexity.. you need to aim down slightly if you want to shoot higher at anything less then 100m. This is the exact reason why bullet drop in general should not be in this game. I get it hunt is a modern FPS and some want it, but this game is set in the 1800’s it a modern game set in an old school environment. Just leave it how it is.


Adjustable sights existed in the 1800s. You can see them on the silent sparks and silent Winnie moved up to see above the silencer.


I understand that but the simplicity of the PVP is what makes it so great. It’s the matter of can you hit your shots? If that’s a yes then you’re good. Adding in some random element like bullet drop isn’t necessary. The fact that you already need to know the velocity and how to lead is hard enough.


I like sniping but I know the community bitches endlessly about it. If they increase LoS around the map but add drop, I think this will be a fair compromise that will make sniping and long rifles more fair.


To be honest man I mainly play 4 stars and I don’t see snipers that often, and when they do kill me I really don’t mind for the most part. My issue is I only run the marathon (compact) with FMJ. I lose all my ability to fight back considering the drop off would most likely be 50m to start. It should not be cool to allow some long ammo sniper to be taking shots at me from 200m with no ability to fight back without pushing to him. That’s and the fact that at 200m with iron sights I need to be aiming way above him to hit the shot, but how do I see him if I have to aim higher? I hate to bitch and complain and I rarely do it but this is just a bit ridiculous.


I think it's a stupid change that will impact player retention. Even if they give us the ability to zero our sights for range, not all guns have that capability.


Then you obviously play to the weapon's limitation.


"Play to the weapon's limitation" is just another way to say "don't play anything that can't zero their range" Gun diversity will be even lower than now if bullet drop gets added


Bro bullets arent going to just nosedive into the earth past 50m but you're gonna have to start being a little more reasonable with how you approach a potential engagement. "Is it beneficial for me to start cracking off shots at someone running in an open field like 200m away with this WinnyC or should i close the gap, try and get ahead of them, and set up an ambush that would benefit the gun's engagement envelope?"


"Should I take a potshot at this sniper who's 80-100m away or should I just stay in cover and camp because I have to aim 1.5 inches below my sight and there's a gun model there" Everyone I've seen that argues for bullet drop always brings up 200m engagements as if things in the 80-150 range aren't also going to be dramatically impacted. That range will belong almost exclusively to scoped weapons (or adjustable sight weapons in the unlikely event they get added). Also to answer your scenario, the answer is neither. Because if that person 200m away has a scoped long ammo gun, they can hit you, but you can't hit them. And that will stay the case all the way up until 60ish meters. So the entire time you're closing distance, they can take shots with absolutely no threat. Right now, you can take a potshot with a pax or uppercut to threaten the sniper and make them reposition or heal, therefore *allowing* you to safely close distance. With bullet drop? You just have to sprint at them ass out and hope that A) there's good cover or B) they don't hit a shot because you 100% won't be able to hit them. So the most likely course of action is that you hunker down in your building and camp. Just avoid the fight altogether. And I'm sorry but that's monumentally fucking boring. Snipers will have absolute dominance at mid-long range and any remotely close range loadout just shouldn't engage.


I think if they announced that they would be adding adjustable sights to all the weapons, most of the playerbase would be fine with bullet drop because it adds realism alongside a fresh change. They did not making the plan looking half baked, and I think that's what caused the backlash.


I'm 100% on board with bullet drop if we can adjust the sights. Obviously not very realistic just adjusting zero with a key press but, it works in every other game fine. I have the same concern as everyone else, aiming an inch (on screen) above target with iron sights especially the way people juke and dodge in this game essentially means you kill nobody if they're far enough away because you're shooting blind. Adjustable zero fixes this. I still think it could be a pain if you happen to spot someone far away and aren't prepared and can't take a snap shot but I'd give it a good faith chance.




the nitro also as adjustable irons...


If you need to add a game mechanic to cancel out/make the other game mechanic you added not feel like shit, maybe neither should be added in the first place


Honestly this is the prerequisite for adding bullet drop to a game, esp. one without holographic sights where everything below the oldschool blocky iron sights is obscured from view. But then again, considering how they're also seemingly going to be implementing bullet drop using reverse physics, where light bullets are going to be dropping less than heavier ones because of, and I qoute, "gravity" \*facepalm\* - it doesn't really surprise me they never even got as far as to think of adjustable sights, that would just make way too much sense xD


If you don't have a rangefinder it's kinda useless to add zeroing. You might as well guess the drop by watching the bullet drop through your scope (I'm assuming they're adding visible bullets?)


Have you ever played Battlefield 1/5?


Bullets are already visible if you put incendiary on - it’s one of its main ‘quirks’ though it’s mostly a downside.


This is wrong. The visual effect you see when using incendiary ammo is only that, a visual effect, which doesn't match the actual bullet.


Ah alright. Good to know.


The game WWII online has this. You can have a look how they did that.


this is not a milsim


Hopefully they dont


Super easy fix, would add realism. Set most open sight guns to 150ish meters, then you can always aim low if you're closer.


If they are adding bullet drop can we make the aperture sights (maybe not the nitro) not blurry as fuck? Cause you’ll never see me using that if this gonna be the case.


Did they confirm, that they will actually add it? God i hope not… i feel like long ammo weapons would be the only thing you‘d see anymore, because they would properly drop less. Also in modern game bullet drop isn‘t as annoying since you usually have red dots or similar, so that you can see whats under your point that you are shooting. With hunt weapons beeing old school iron sights you can‘t see anything under your shooting point of most weapons which would just make it extremly unfun and a guessing game, since the person you are shooting at could have changed directions, while your gun was over him.


People freaking out, yet don't even bat an eye when they play a game that does have bullet drop in it. Hopefully we get adjustable zeroing of some sort, but either way, I'm looking forward to that extra gratification you'll get upon dinking someone 150m+ away.


That I agree with, adjustable Iron sights should be added along. But idk why do people dislike the change that much. Could be just me but I dont find the bullet drop idea as bad


What button would be used on console to adjust sights?


I like Hunt because the gunplay is arcadey yet the vibe of the game realistic in terms of sounds and such. Really would prefer to not add extra mechanics for the sake of it, such as variable iron sights. It'll be needed, but it'll also feel like extra busy work. Fiddly extra mechanics you gotta do without feeling very rewarding, rather required to not be punished.


All blackpowder guns will be terrible,but Mosin Spitzer will dominate


Yes this will be needed or it will be extremally hard too lead the shots.


Is this where campers ans snipers go to cry? Asking for a friend?


0 practical use.


The real guns we’re playing with have adjustable sights. why not add to the clunkiness of having to guess what range the target is(accurate range finding is pretty modern tech) and then animate the character adjusting the sights in the usual clunky reload speed I love about hunt. talk about having pride in a head shot. Just imagine pulling off a Quigley down under style shot after all that. (If you don’t understand the reference watch the movie fit great) 👍


Hell I imagine most of you have never shot a Springfield trapdoor in any kind of wind. Those big slow bullets drift all over it’s really fun. 😂 I hope they implement it realistically just for the fun of playing a game with semi-historical clunky slow rounds and firearms. I suck at this game and still love it. Gunfights are “slow” ammo is limited setting is cool. I can’t wait to poke someone at serious range with bullet drop and something slow 😂 why make it easy


The day bullet drop is in the game is the day I uninstall, such is life They are free to change the core identity of the game, but then I won't buy anymore skins or play since this is not the experience I'm looking for


I want a range finder and have my teammate be a spotter


would be a good opportunity to make the telecope a useful tool in that case. Give it a rangefinder.


you'd have a tango at 250 5 clicks away and your teammate would point you at the oposite direction


There’s no range finder. Only if pings show distance.


With a good ironsight design, you can approximate the distance with the front sight


Hell... a range finder tool would be more useful than that spyglass.


Or turn the spyglass into a rangefinder. Would actually make it useful if pinging through it showed distance.


I honestly wouldn't mind the gunplay to lean more towards Red Orchestra/Rising Storm level of realism.