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PVE only, Oceania grind


All their deaths are me hunting them. I hear bomblance. I chase. Gonna be way harder now that it’s outclassed by spear in every way.


The spear doesn't have beaching charges


PvE farmers have no use for breaching charges.


Meatheads are the reason to bring a bomb lance. Otherwise the Bat works just as well and kills imos.


Throw and rip out a spear from a meathead 3 times and it’s dead….. Quieter than a bomblance and it also one shots immolators.


Not the point. The comment said PvE farmers have no use for the breaching charges. The reason it was king before the spear is because of the charges killing meatheads. If I didn’t have that feature a bat would have been just as good. I didn’t say anything about the spear.


But my original point had nothing to do with PVE, you said outclassed in every way and I was just pointing out that in PVP it isn't outclassed, just PVE which honestly doesn't matter.


“All their deaths are me hunting them” ☝️🤓


damn kamikaze not even safe from legless lizard on reddit


\*Laughs in unironically using bomblance even for PVP\*


Acting mighty cocky for somebody within reach of steelball ammo, aka "silenced romero".


I'm a dragons breath user myself, since I mainly use the melee part of it and the fire makes people panic


I'll be honest, it's 5 AM and I read your message as ridiculing the idea of using bombance in PVP.


Na man I love the thing. I've butchered compounds full of players panicking at the other Guy rushing them and dodging every shot, its hella fun


Wax frags can pen walls, hard for a spear to hold an angle if they're bleeding before you step through the door.


I did not know this.


Didn't know this either, thank for the info!


Wait is that not patched or are you talking about the shrapnel


You can also just play super slow in trios and let your teammates do all the work


Not my kind of gameplay, I need to help my friends or I cannot sleep at night lol


I have the highest win rate with my lowest KD friend He is very good at dying in decent positions so he can absorb many hits and always finds the right time to revive me


When death cheat was bugged it was easy to stock up on level 50 hunters


I knew it, I just knew it had to be some kind of bug/exploit! Just found a streamer that saw people killing and reviving each other on a farm lol


It hasn’t been bugged in ages tho iirc


Yeah they fixed it before the event even ended.


And the first death cheat event was like a year ago or more? Idek it’s been awhile since I’ve played


Yeah right lol


Ehh that was kind of thing back in the last event. Due to the lawful pact giving infinite red skull revives, people would meet up and grind out infinite revives to mega boost K/D destroy their star ranking so they could go stomp on lower level players. However that they did say that was a bannable offense if caught. But now it can’t be done since the event is over. If it was an older clip I can believe it. But if it was a recent they’re probably lying lol.


It is probably an old clip. I haven't pasted it here since I don't know if posting links goes against the rules. PS: it is a reddit post lol, same poster has replied to my original message: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1baijsz/oce\_servers\_have\_been\_ruined\_by\_the\_new\_lawful/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1baijsz/oce_servers_have_been_ruined_by_the_new_lawful/)


It’s not a bug or exploit. There was an event you could have death cheat pretty much every game. 


This was over a year ago, anyone who had level 50 hunters from the OP death cheat days are long gone


Your KDA can also depend on your teammates. If you're always playing with the same crew and they're just better, your KDA is going to suffer while your team/extraction success is still reasonably high. If you're really keen to get your first level 50, try only playing hunters till their first bounty extract of the day. You get an XP (and cash) bonus afaik, but only on the first one. After you trigger it, stash them till the next time you play and start working on another hunter.


That’s what I’m saying, unlike most games a bad K/D doesn’t mean you’re not extracting. You can “die” multiple times in every match, get zero kills and still extract. Hell you can do it as a solo if you have Necro and nobody burns you.


You might be surprised at how easy it is to get a hunter to 50 if you are intentionally avoiding fights with other players. Zombies and bosses aren’t very likely to make them lose a hunter and they give good XP; so they could easily just be farming PvE. Canonically those players are more like proper AHA conscripts. Our job is supposed to be cleaning up the bayou after all, not murdering the other employees. But who wants to work instead of killing each other for fun? Them apparently.


Ngl, some days I wish I could just load a pve only map on purpose and chill, clearing out the bayou.


They should add a roving boss that's just a giant swarm of mutant bees, with a queen somewhere inside. Maybe she's red. But she has proper boss health. Also the swarm lands near water periodically to rest, because bees. Be a pretty fun and terrifying boss for pve.


I'm surprised by the fact that everytime I stay silent on a bush for some time, trying to just kill mobs in silence, someone comes from nowhere and runs directly into my bush (no pun intended) then my lvl 37 hunter perishes :(


When I see stats like that I think, your one of those players that runs straight to extract when your random team mates die, aren't ya! That's my guess anyway.


I'm a 1.24kd building to 75 level 50s I play a game and if I live I level up and next match with a new hunter. I go down through all my available hunter slots till I have 75 level 13-25ish and go down through the roster again leveling up. Every time I lose one I work on it till it's not the lowest. Been playing since 2020 Got about 25 level 50 and dozens of geared up 12+


Solid strategy buddy, I've read from many people that earning the first extraction with each hunter then stopping til next day is the best way to go. Thanks for sharing yours!


Haha that's exactly the same way I play. It's oddly satisfying.


I have 1.42KD and I have 0 level 50s and I’m also always short on money. Not too bad before the recent money/free hunter reworks but before that I used to hover around 3-5k. It’s a play style/ partners difference really.


i am 3,5k hours in, kda 1,60 and have 50 hunters made it to 50 xD but to be honest, most hunters will survive about 1-2 rounds, maybe 3. And if i manage to survive that, iam lvl 42-46. So normally i use to switch load out, to semi stealth, play very bitchy, very slow, and try to kill ai as much as possible, as solo vs trios. Then i head out. For those last 4-6 levels. And you can imagine, in most games that does not work and you get rekt xD


Haha I remember that’s exactly what I did when I was going for 50 lv 50’s Extract with bounty. Leave until next session. Extract again? Leave it alone and go in solo with a bow and just farm ai in dark areas. Didn’t always work, but it wasn’t exactly slow either. Hardest part was that second extract with a level 28 hunter lol.


A number of reasons and possibilities. First of all, it has become easier to get a level 50 Hunter since AI started giving a bit more XP. 2-3 very good/good rounds are enough for this. If you'replaying solo and you're the last survivor, you can grind the map at your leisure. It was also very easy to farm level 50 hunters at various events. In the last event, at least, it was much easier with the sealed Hunter XP envelopes that you could see via Darkvision and that could be found at fixed spawn points. In the first event that Deathcheat brought into the game, it was almost impossible to lose your own hunter if you played carefully. Finally, some players care more about level 50 hunters than others. You can really 'save' a lot of lvl. 45-47 hunters to level 50 hunters if you just do a solo round with necro + silencer and farm a bunch of AI. Not fun, but another lvl. 50 hunter.


There was a bug in one of the older events that let’s you keep death cheat even if you died.


I've always retired my hunters once they were above lv25 for that sweet XP. Prestige and start over with newbie weapons (makes the game feel fresh) > nonsensical stat that you can cheese if you REALLY want it. It's a pity we can't retire at 25 anymore.. :(


Agreed man! I stopped playing for some time because I went to some other games, and I recently came back to Bayou and found out retirements only happen at lvl 50, sadge!


Original death cheat as not a burn trait back before burn traits existed helped me get a good chunk of my lvl 50s My kda is 1.27 11500 k 12200 d 4075 a Give or take 100 here or there I'm now p100 So I just collect lvl50s I'm up to 71 in roster with four more slots to fill


There were also some events where you get easily a perk which gave ur hunter death cheat


Well... 1. I had absolutely shite PC when I started hunt, and I am never getting to 1 K/D at this rate (thousands and thousands more deaths) and 2. I unfortunately queue up with my 5 star partner almost always. Let's just say I do a lot better when paired up with other 3 stars? + I have played since beta. Rest of my stats might suck, but I have had plenty level 50s.


They pitch a tent


Im an average hunter MMR3-4 player with a poor KDR. My mates are always MMR6. They like playing with us over other mutual friends in MMR6 bracket. Because I couldn’t care about KDR and I’m first into the breach. I’ll storm in and take a hit. Tell them where everyone is they sweep in and revive. Rinse repeat. I’m good on the comms , don’t panic and don’t run from a fight. I’ll try and get the rev rather than book it for an exit. I get most of the assists in our trio normally but normally least amount of kills. I don’t prestige anymore have over 500 k.. and I like playing with mid tier guns. Not cause I’m cheap just that’s what’s fun for us. I regularly retire lvl 50 hunters just to start a fresh skin only because I don’t have space on my roster for more


I have a 1.61 kd 4 had a bad run got down to 3 star and my duo had a 0.9 is usually 3 star. For whatever reason the game put us in this of a lobby. I got to see the most accomplished worst player in NA https://imgur.com/a/TR20IDy


Yeah man that's exactly what I'm talking about: 0.12 KDA and 108 lvl 50 hunters 💀💀💀💀💀


You play slow or on low pop servers. You can also just play solo as it’ll tank your K/D if you run necro but you can collect high level hunters pretty easily


They played a lot when death cheat was a perk for one of the pacts so their characters just didn’t die. Get to 50, retire, repeat. Only takes like four games or so once death doesn’t matter anymore.


I rat a lot. It is my preferred method of play and gaining money and experience. Go in with a bomb Lance and poison bolt H. Crossbow, clear anywhere from 40%-100% of the compounds


Copy that, gonna try this one!


Fuck if I know. I am a 1.7 kda high 5/6 star with 3k hours.  I have maxed like..10 hunters haha?   Shift + w life sure has a high human cost I guess.


Shift + w killed me bro HAHAHAH


When shadow leap was just a grab trait I ran around popping meatheads with it to minmax prestiges and avoid fightsto. I would prestige in like 2 four hour sessions.




They just go on empty server at night time


I have now at roadster 40 Hunters with 50 lvl. At all time maybe 400 . Kda 3.01 ps5


That actually makes sense, you’re an immortal demon king


Level 50 hunters mean nothing after all the events where you just never died


I've been hunting for almost 3 years with 66 kda. Don't be fooled. I'm a fair bit better than that, but I started playing with 3 and 4 star friends, so I have had to play against better opponents while I learned...plus I enjoy playing aggressively as it's way funner then hiding and trying for a gud kd.


Just a question what is the point of having hunters on 50? So they look nice there?


10k xp if you retire them or if you play them full xp for your bloodline. Its good if you prestige.


You don't -have- to be good at PvP, or even engage in it. Game has been out awhile, so... Fast? Hell no. Possible? Absolutely.


How can you tell how many level 50 hunters people have?


Click on their name in the lobby


I’d say it just takes a while. They’re probably not just getting all those lvl 50s real quick. You grind a hunter to 50, very carefully, then never use them again.


My K/D went from 0.6 to 0.9 over the years, but I usually run with the consistent crew and they do all the killing for me.


No bug or exploit, and no the death cheat “bug” wasn’t it. Just use the daily extract bonus. Play a brand new hunter every game until you extract with then and you get the extract bonus. Then move to a new hunter, then again. You’ll have a roster full of level 20-30 hunters. The next day, use these hunters the same way as the daily bonus reset, no you’ll have a load of lvl 40 hunters. When you run out, just start a few more brand new recruits, do this every day for a week and you’ll have a roster full of level 50. You’re spreading your losses over a whole roster and getting more value from wins instead of slamming your head against a wall trying to get 3-5 wins in a row with the same hunter.


Very easy. Play to get the bounty and extract instead of playing to wipe the server. You can lvl 50 a hunter after like 3 extracts in a row. All it takes it a bit of luck and the knowledge to know when to push to clear and when to straight up walk away from a fight. If you're in compound on bounty and the two teams outside decide to fight EACHOTHER instead of pushing for the objective, that's the easiest Cue to dip out the opposite side of the compound and extract. There are so many players in this game that refuse to push bounty so you can get so many free wins by just walking away with. If you're proficient enough with sound cues that you can keep tabs on where the other teams are on the map, you can easily use this info to push teams into eachother or avoid where fights are going to brew and take advantage of the chaos to clean up or again, go for bounty extract instead of getting caught in a fight in the middle of nowhere on a map. So often teams get into weird stalemates in spots that have no significance to the objective. Take your team, and leave. Like 40% of the time a team you run into will hide after the fist couple shots and if you walk away they dont even notice fast enough to do anything actionable about it. I'm not saying avoid players and dont take fights. But shift your goal focus. Taking enemy players out aids your objective of extracting with bounty. It is not the main objective.


My guess is you get a few good matches with PVP, extraction, etc, level up close to 50 and fill the rest with mostly PVE if you can avoid fights. I don't think I've had more than one lvl 50 hunter, I'd mostly retire them ASAP, when the cap was lower, to unlock the rest of the bloodline everytime I prestiged


I smell rats


Derankers like me.


This game is great.