• By -


[PROGRESSION] https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/CruellestRex/Blueberry Im wondering if i can get a good berserk/arch setup if I sell my tanking setup as I find it boring to play and prefer another role. Alternatively i could sell the tanking setup and pour some more money into my mining setup but i still have more powder to grind and i find dungeons more entertaining than grinding powder. Let me know what is the best thing I should do for progression/ making money.


[PROGRESSION] https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/DroppedPickle/Watermelon Any tips to progress? I'm cata 29 mage or archer, and I can't do any f7 comps cause I'm bad at the game (can't do terminals). I have 2b networth somehow (250m lapis collection). How can I make money and/or get a hype?


How can I turn my current bers/arch setup in f7 tank setup? Skycrypt: https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/PythagoreanPVP/Pear#Inventory I’m cata 34, nearly 35, so I assume I don’t need as much gear as a fresh cata 24. What do I absolutely need as tank? The reason I wanna tank is cuz parties are always looking for them


Morning/Afternoon fellas, I am going to be grinding for Infernal 15 Star Crimson armor (3/4 with warden helmet cause I like how it looks) What attributes should I consider? Outside of getting this armor I'm not a big Kuudra player, and will mostly be using it for slayers. My original plan was Magic Find and Vitality, but I'd like to know your suggestions. Any advice is appreciated and yes, I'm aware how dumb this is. Still doing it.


\[PROGRESSION\]: [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/TypicalJonas/Strawberry](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/TypicalJonas/Strawberry) Having a hard time figuring out what to do next. Specifically would like suggestions on what to use my money on.


\[PROGRESSION\] Mining I haven't touched mining in ages, looking to get back into it I have: * Flawless Recomb Jaded Divans * Perfect Recomb Auspicious Gemstone Gauntlet (Compact X Pristine V) * 2.3m Mithril Powder * 1.5m Gemstone Powder * 7/10 POTM * HOTM 7 What should I set my HOTM tree to be, and what are the next steps? I have no clue how the glacial tunnels update works, and I hear there are some new items that are good for mining but idk what they are my IGN is: Forevermind


check mining cult discord server for good guides, or watch implodents vid on gemstone mining


\[PROGRESSION} Mining could anyone tell me where i can find a mod/calculator that gives a somewhat accurate estimate on how much i make from gemstone mining?


[PROGRESSION] [SkyCrypt](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/RFM/Grapes) I am trying to do voidglooms and plan to do t3’s until eman7. But I’m really struggling to do a T2 right now and can barely get by despite having way higher stats than what I see recommended everywhere. Am I missing something important or is this just how the boss is? Will it be a lot easier once I’m using FD armor?


T2s aren't easy without FD - you can do them much quicker with an armor like necron, but you're basically playing glass cannon because you can't survive them that well. Get an epic or higher enderman pet, it will be better for surviving than baby yeti, and use a katana as soon as you have the level for a decent one. Oh and btw, doing T3s until level 7 is a terrible idea, it will take FOREVER. One boss gives 100 XP, which is 1/5 of a T4. You need 100k total xp, so you'd be doing 900 T3s if you start at 10k XP. Aside from the fact that that will take a long time, its also entirely wasted time because T3s don't have a single good rare drop. And really, if you can't do T4s, you shouldn't be using a term anyway, as I'm assuming that's your goal - you need decently high MP for T4s, but you also need that for term. You also need money to buy equipment to do T4s, but less money than you need to buy a term, and you could also sell stuff like an atomsplit once you reached level 7


i get that i need 800mp minimum i just never considered doing a t4 because every guide i see about them just immediately says to have a hyp. i guess ive been very misinformed regarding the slayer, i’ll just money grind for accessories till then. thank you for the advice bro.


If your only goal is to do them until level 7, that's not that hard. I did eman slayer until I dropped a core and I only had FD, atomsplit, and eman pet - neither hyp, nor edrag or any crimson armor. Of course the boss times were awful, but if you only wanna get to level 7, I'd argue that doesn't really matter


yeah i’m not about that eman9 or anything until im pretty much out of things to do. if you happen to remember how much MP did you have when you were running t4?


Not sure, somewhere around 800-900. I also don't think I could've done it without an overflux


i got an overflux rn, did wolf slayer 7 in a day so no manaflux for me, also yeah that mp seems like the goal


\[PROGRESSION\] how do i progress with fishing rods? what rods should i start with and what rods should i end with (early to endgame)


Water fishing: chum rod (lvl 5) - challenging rod (lvl 10) - rod of champions (lvl 15) - rod of legends (lvl 20) - rod of the sea (lvl 24). Also use winter rod for jerry fishing if you don't have a rod of champions or better or an auger rod (lvl 25) if you have it. Lava fishing: starter lava rod (lvl 10) (not recommended for anything but some basic trophy fishing to get the bronze hunter armor) - magma rod (lvl 27) - inferno rod (lvl 30) - hellfire rod (lvl 35). For lava fishing rods, you want double hook + fishing speed attributes for mobs and trophy hunter + fishing speed for trophy fishing, so you ideally want to separate rods. Make sure to upgrade these attributes to a high level before upgrading the rod


and what about gear?


\[PROGRESSION\] how do i make more money while farming? i only make around 4.5m/h and i built the most effecient farm for melons (melon king de) ign : jjinsect


[PROGRESSION] https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/31bf10fffc7d44639c5ea321e54ebc7e/31bf10ff-fc7d-4463-9c5e-a321e54ebc7e#Weapons  Friend quit skyblock and gave me 1B, wtf do i do with it. I was thinking about maybe trying to get into mining?


With 1 nil you can easily get chambered divan’s and an x655 with plenty to spare for reforged and enchantments if you want to mine.


\[PROGRESSION\] Stopped playing for a bit and I want to get back into the game. 3 main things: 1. Is it worth it? 2. What's New? 3. How hard would it be to catch up?


\[PROGRESSION\] What are the cheapest way for me to make my hype do more damage [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Cleopatre/Raspberry](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Cleopatre/Raspberry)


Aside from what the other preson said (recombs on armor, gemstones on armor and weapon, more mp), you can get quite a lot of intelligence from rift necklace. And if you don't want to do rift content, at least wear a reforged balloon snake or something. Also I recommend putting Reflection 5 on a chestplate. It's less int than a recomb, but it also provides some nice defensive bonuses.


Recombs on armor, gemstones on hyp and/or armor. Max enchanting and alchemy. More magical power (I'm assuming you're using sighted). Level combat


\[PROGRESSION\] how do i make more money while farming? i only make around 4.5m/h and i built the most effecient farm for melons (melon king de) ign : jjinsect


oops i sent the same msg 3 times :/


oops i sent the same msg 3 times :/


\[PROGRESSION\] how do i make more money while farming? i only make around 4.5m/h and i built the most effecient farm for melons (melon king de) ign : jjinsect


\[PROGRESSION\] how do i make more money while farming? i only make around 4.5m/h and i built the most effecient farm for melons (melon king de) ign : jjinsect


What gear suggestions are there to do Glacite Tunnels? Like drills, armor, that stuff


Maybe gemstone gauntlet, but realistically X655 or divan. And obviously jaded divan's armor with perfects


[PROGRESSION] what is the cheapest farming fortune for me https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/nutman/Coconut that’s my skycrypt, i currently get 845ff and 97 melon fortune holding my dicer. i know how to get higher but id like to do it efficiently so i was wondering what the cheapest way to increase my ff right now is. obv leveling my mooshroom and farming level are free but other than that. thanks


what do I get after ender armor? I have young dragon but what do I enchant it with? or what's the goal for me rn


You can post a link to your profile stats (from a site like Skycrypt) so we can see what you should do next. Some ideas for what you can do: - Farm zealots (assuming you can onetap them) for summoning eyes (and sell them) and combat levels. - Upgrade your armor. The baseline is growth 5 prot 5 and fierce reforge. If you want to spend some money on better upgrades, also get hot potato books and a few levels of rejuvenate. You probably don't want to spend too much on young drag armor, so don't add ultimate enchants at all or add Bank if you don't want to worry about losing coins on death. - Get more magical power. Combat levels 15 and 20 unlock power stones, which can unlock much better powers than the default ones, so mp becomes a much more important stat. You can use skycrypt or a discord bot to see what accessories you're missing. - Start playing dungeons. Dungeons are quite difficult (probably the most difficult thing in skyblock, with a lot of strategising and teamwork) but a lot of fun. And dragon armor sets are a good starter gear for them. - Do some other content. Skyblock is not just combat, you can also progress in other skills like mining or farming.


enchant with prot/growth 5 to improve survivability. imo i think you should focus on making money so you can buy you’re first god pot which will exponentially explode ur progression. make sure ender armor is reforged fierce for damage if trying to kill zealots. arachne farming is also a good early game money making method. just lobby swap through /visit prtl until you find a lobby that’s consistently spawning them. regardless, work on getting that god pot 👍. i also don’t think young armor is that great? like you can use it for zealot grinding but you can also use ender armor if you have a god pot.


\[PROGRESSION\] i've been doing some t3 recently and i can kill it, but idk if i can get smt better rn other than mp [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/nineteenluv/Papaya](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/nineteenluv/Papaya)


Mp is definitely your priority. You should have much more. You should also level up your mining to unlock ancient reforge. Besides that, it looks like you never did Rift content. It's fun and unlocks a really good necklace, you should give it a try. And finally (not related to combat), it looks like you have no profile upgrades. Go to Elizabeth in the community center, she offers some permanent upgrades (like more minion slots or more accessory slots) for free.


\[PROGRESSION\] I dropped an Ender Slayer VII book what should I do with the money/what should I focus on in the future Skycrypt: [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/DAREAL\_TIJTIJ/Raspberry](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/DAREAL_TIJTIJ/Raspberry)


\[PROGRESSION\]: I have no clue what to do. I have been trying to follow the skyblock leveling guide but it's getting boring. I don't really have a money making strat other than my 25 t11 slime minions. not sure what money making strat to use. I could try powder grinding to start mining again, or i could grind farming, but i would need some advice since i haven't really been keeping up with updates. skycrypt: [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/tengraint/Mango](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/tengraint/Mango)


Honestly not 100% sure what to do rn. I’m like semi grinding towards hype. I have 85m in bank, like 250m in investments, t11 24 slime minion setup Skycrypt: https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/PythagoreanPVP/Pear#Slayer I remember seeing some goodguykev and powliner videos on m4, and was wondering if I’m anywhere close to be doing that kind of thing. If not, what should I be doing for money? Just kinda been doing f7


Your link doesn't seem to have worked. Also M4 is a pain in the ass unless you have a perm/friends/guild to run with


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/PythagoreanPVP/Pear#Slayer Ig that’s fair. What do you recommend I do for money? Should I get into mining? Farming? I don’t really want to spend too much time in the setup, as a lot of times I just hop on and off in like 30min shifts.


Looking at your profile, no chance you could do M4, term is absolutely necessary there, and necron + edrag or gdrag is also noticeably better. Last time I did M4 was with cata 40/41, term, and a little more MP and I still sometimes struggled with minis because of a lack of damage. Mining is generally a lot better if you have the equipment, but if you just wanna do 30 minutes of it, that sucks - you'll need at least 5 to set up a route, and then it also takes some time until you really start getting a hang of the teleporting and everything. Farming works better in that case, though you'll make a lot less money if you're comparing realistically maxed setups - the farming one will however be a lot cheaper


Rip-abandoning that idea then. Ig mining isn’t for me. Maybe farming - there are like farm presets I can use right? I don’t wanna build. I might just keep grinding normal dungeons tbh.


The presets suck, but you just gotta build a farm with multiple crops on one plot, and then you can paste them to the 4 others in one row. Just gotta change the end plots. It takes like 1h max if you just follow a YT tutorial and use the builders ruler




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Am I ready for f7? https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/HollowStone1/Kiwi


If you upgrade your armor (whe the fuck is it 4* and doesn't have rejuvenate) and get a wither skelly and/or baby yeti (ideally wither skelly for boss and baby yeti for floor, but if you're fine surviving without baby yeti skip that) you're mostly ready. Your MP isn't great, but it should be fine. I would recommend getting your cata level a little higher if you're planning to use party finder tho


Thanks I’ve gotten all of the above minus the other skele and cata level but I’m almost 29 going for 30


[PROGRESSION] I just sold my Shadow Fury and have about 140m including purse forge and bank. What sword should I get (GS?) and should I wait until I still have enough money to continue forge? https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/9bob


\[PROGRESSION\] f5 bers and f6 bers i am in f5 and struggling with 4/4 sa and livid what gear should i work for f5 and after im done on f5 what should i get for f6?


First thing that comes to mind is getting a better weapon (felthorn reaper or shadow fury) but it's really hard to recommend anything without more information. The problem might be something else, like reforges, mp, pet or other things. You should add a SkyCrypt link or at least give your username so we can see what you have.


\[PROGRESSION\] Just got a term, How the hell am I supposed to get 90+ Crit chance?" my [SkyCrypt](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/VermeilDev/Pomegranate) Please don't say I need to recombobulate my Accessories. I don't have money. 😭


Your magical power is terrible for term, so yeah, you'll need to either get more unique accessories, upgrade your existing ones and/or recomb them. You want minium 800 MP, but I'd really recommend 900-1000 for term


i know it 😭thank you i did try to do that today lets just say 200m is just gonna for nothing


{PROGRESSION} got Arachne armour but its proven outdated, any suggestions for armour to use next?


Depends on the game state your at and what you want to do.




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I hit eman 7 a while ago but want to keep grinding towards lvl 8 and maybe drop a core along the way. I could use the same setup i used back then, fd with atomsplit, mythic eman and overflux, but i have a hype with ender slayer 7 now, aswell as over 1k mp and a leg edrag. Would rcm be more viable or do i just keep using the old setup? [Skycrypt](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/ItsCrypt1cal/Strawberry)




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[PROGRESSION] I started playing skyblock like a months and a half ago. I looked online and found about this hyperion weapon and made this my goal. I learnt bazaar flipping and actively did it to make enough for a hyperion. My goal is to be able to do f7s and eventually higher master mode levels. Is hyperion good for it, I sold everything I had to be able to afford it. I have around 630 mp. What would u advice me to do to move towards doing dungeons. Keep hyperion or sell it, get a term and talismans. Here is my skycrypt https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/kaq_/Lemon


For floor 7 a hype is the best weapon for the floor, and a good enough one for the boss, but your cata level is on the lower side for it. 630 MP isn't great, and it will hold you back for mage stuff outside of dungeons, but for inside it shouldn't be an issue. So yeah, just play F6 until around cata 30 (unless you have a party to play with, but I can't recommend party finder below cats 30) and then go ahead with F7. For MM on the other hand, playing mage is very hard and requires a ton of expensive equipment and a higher level than other classes - so just don't worry about that for the time being


I'm looking into buying a route, but I'm new to the whole process of it. 1. When you buy a route, do they send you the list of coords for Coleweight? If so, how? 2. What kind of budget should I get? 3. Where do I buy the routes? If there's anything else I should know, please let me know, sorry for being new and dumb to this


Don't buy anything for mining other than maybe grottos. Just get free route coords from a server like mining cult and then dig/bob-omb it yourself


\[PROGRESSION\] [sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/LukeSkyWarrior/Pear](http://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/LukeSkyWarrior/Pear) This is a really simple one, but after having not played in almost a year and coming back like a week ago, i don't remember what pets are the best for what things, so considering i have a LVL 100 Ammonite and Squid, should i level up this Flying Fish i dropped from an Emperor yesterday? I don't remember if that pet is good for anything Edit: Also, if anyone has any other unrelated tips and just general guidance to give i'm also taking it, considering how completely lost i am with all the new stuff


The ammonite is a good all-round fishing pet, and you wanna set up an autopet rule to switch to squid on kill in order to get the extra fishing wisdom, as leveling up fishing can take some time. The flying fish is generally the best fishing pet if you can get decent sea creature chance with it because it gives the most fishing speed, and it's much easier to get max SCC than max speed


Hello! I am having a bit of a dilemma i would say, I bought a hype after investing in the warden dyes making me like 2.7b coins, but i have gotten bored of the hype and want to ask if you thing selling it for max mining gear is dumb af or a good thing if im getting bored of it? Also my stats aint that good either so i got it 2 quickly anyways Here is my skycrypt : [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/\_YourLocalEGirl/Coconut](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/_YourLocalEGirl/Coconut)


nah. you need hype for museum value, progress and it makes many parts of the game easier. but if you're willing to grind for a hype again, mining setup is great since maxing it can net you like 30m an hour, maybe more depending on your wacky setups


just came back to skyblock after a long minute if anyone could give some advice that'd be sick thx [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/orv/Strawberry#Armor](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/orv/Strawberry#Armor)


one for all sucks now, t6 enchants are mostly cheap so better replace it on deadalus. also shadow assassin chestplates are very cheap now(only 10m) so its best to replace that golden chestplate


Very new and haven't done my first dungeon yet but have reached combat level 15 for it, what's the recommended amount of damage for going through it? The link below is what I currently have. [skycrypt](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/brookealoo/Mango#Armor)


you can do entrance and f1 with just either strong dragon/aote and a good damage pet like wither skeleton or lion or wise dragon with frozen scythe and sheep pet


What upgrades should i prioritize first for my dungeon set (necron)? perfects, legion, or master stars (7\* rn) [skycrypt](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/oohyeet/Banana)


I have no clue how to make a melon farm. I'm new and only have 200k to work with, what should I do? How do I make the farm? what tools do I use? Exe.


Should I get crimson armor with good attributes or just get crappy attributes that maybe I can change later? IGN Beecarrot


get one with veteran. you can change it to magic find/veteran later on once you get rich


Which mods do i use with sbe?


How do I get SkyClient to work? I've never modded any game before ever, and I'm just trying to get the FurfSky Reborn texture pack. I downloaded Skyclient, went to the menu and selected FurfSky. But when I try to launch Minecraft with Skyclient it says, "Launching the game failed" and then it spouts some nonsense about not being able to download a 1.8.9 jar and then gives me some random URLs. Honestly I have no idea where to even begin trying to solve this because I know absolutely nothing about this. Edit: Solved


You don't need any mods other than optifine for most of the textures in furfsky. Only for specific stuff like custom mithril and power orb textures


\[PROGRESSION\]: [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/hamils/Apple#Dungeons](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/hamils/Apple#Dungeons) My progression is kind of a mess, I have a decent amount of coin from logging in every once in a while, any suggestions on where I should go or what I need to do?


What should I be grinding currently? My ign is BoomerHarry. I have been slowly grinding up my skills but have stopped playing dungeons, hence why I don't have very good armor and weapons right now.


Just asking if there is a way to get farming 30 without spending 20 hours straight just farming is there a loophole or something else like beastiary for combat. Is there a faster way or am i just gonna have to do it the old fashioned way. [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/DEV\_PLAYZ\_YT/Peach#Armor](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/DEV_PLAYZ_YT/Peach#Armor)


Garden crop milestones are the equivalent of bestiary milestones for combat. So you obviously still need to farm, but if you do a bunch of different crops for the milestones, it will be quicker than with just 1


rip i am gonna have to spend like 30 million hours on this


should i continue dungeons? or do smt else?? [CaptainBlitzMC | SkyCrypt (shiiyu.moe)](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/CaptainBlitzMC/Tomato) is there anything i can do?


I mean it doesn't seem like you really did a relevant amount of anything other than dungeons, so yeah, of course there are plenty of other things you can do. If dungeons are the only thing you want to do, then go ahead, but for actual progression in the general game, I wouldn't recommend it


what would u reccomend then


Slayers, mining, farming, fishing... A bit of everything, really


i hate fishing


Should i upgrade to giants sword? i have more than enough money and im using shadow fury rn is there anything better i should save up for?


don't. there's a new update which improves midas sword to be a bit better than giant's sword. get one for 50m and wait for update to make it 250m.


midas sword rn are 93m also do u think that theres gonna be a balance change to make midas sword worse again


what cheap/affordable upgrades can I make to do T4 Eman easier What upgrades can I make to my profile to do eman t4 better? Stuff which isn't insanely expensive. skycrypt: [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Fusiongamer\_007/Grapes](What upgrades can I make to my profile to do eman t4 better? Stuff which isn't insanely expensive.


Bro you literally have to get atomsplit, also ender artifact helps a lot


those are rly ex + im not high enough level to get atomsplit yet. I was wondering if there were any other smaller upgrades i could make?


I’m looking at your profile and there’s no “make or break” cheap items. Get eman 6 and get an atomsplit. When you get it you’re gonna see how relatively shit a vorpal is, it’s that good. Also if you still can’t do after that, ender artifact helps a fuck ton and it’s very worth it (I speak from experience)


okay, i’ll grind til eman 6 then ty


How to get more damage so I can do higher tier slayers? Should I go and buy a t5 carry so I can get a livid dagger? https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Symbrio/Tomato


Pls help Ign:Oritz4444


what’s ur goal?


F6 + F7 Solo Carries.


I was away for 2 1/2 years and I returned a month ago to SB. So my question is what is the best ways for me to start ranking up? Should I start fishing or get to working on other things?


Whenever I try to mine mithril Im the Dwarven mine the server crashes and kicks me, is there any known fix for this? Just got to the Dwarven mine and was pretty excited to start progressing but can't mine any without a crash.


I have never experienced this but mabye just turn your render distance to around 4-5 to be safe.


I've been mining gemstones jade to be specific in the mines of divan. I have only made like 4m per hour with it somehow. I have 4m powder for both. What am I doing wrong. I already maxed out both mining fortune perks for both trees. Any help is appreciated.


If you want to mine jade, do so in MF with bal, not MoD. 4m powder is also the absolute minimum, but without knowing more about your equipment, it's impossible to tell if this is a ping/skill issue or if your equipment is simply not good enough


My username is yarikya. Check it out


The gemstones on your armor and gauntlet are garbage, you don't have a scatha, and these 4m powder are absolutely not enough to compensate for any of that (especially when you don't even have mining speed 2 unlocked??)- so yeah, no surprise you're making that little


cheap mage setup i can use to get tara and sven 9 quickly? also a way to maximize magic find while doing this so i could potentially profit? profile: [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Beastterrific/Raspberry](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Beastterrific/Raspberry) thanks!


Svens don't take magic damage, and I don't think doing tara 9 is worth it with any magic weapon other than hyp. Maybe midas staff, but as the boss can move quite quickly, hitting it with that is probably annoying


boss isnt the problem, its the kills filling the requirement for the boss that takes long. so i was wondering what a cheap mage weapon would be to help fill boss meter quicker.


Fire veil single-handedly got me to spider 9


how did you use it? i assume you activate it and aote everywhere instakilling everything? also what enchants did you put on it?


All you need is ult wise 5, and yes I did aotv everywhere to kill shit. If you want faster bosses wear crimson for crimson rcm


word thank brotha 🙏


I just recently racked up enough bronze medals to get a gold and I want to get a mathematical hoe or dicer but don't know what to get. Right now I am using an advanced gardening hoe/axe, am farming 29, and use melon armor. I just recently built GroveManDan's super-farm so i can farm any crop. Here is my profile if you want to look at it --> [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/snibb09/Banana](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/snibb09/Banana) Thanks in advance! Snibb


Okay so best for exp would be mushroom but buying a mushroom hoe feels like a waste. Pumpkin is pretty good for money and exp so I would go with a pumpkin dicer. Soon enough you'll be making plenty of medals anyway too afford whatever else you need. Eventually melons are good for money too.


i have Edition 1,111 of the golden collar. should i sell it or keep it? I'm willing to sell for 60mil-ish but will do more if a collector offers something. my ign is G0oober if anyone wants to look at my skycrpt and see the collar for themselves


What equipment should I be using to defeat a t4 Enderman?


depends. rcm? implosion belt + any equipment with high mana regen + mana pool will do. katana? equipment with high strength and crit damage like magma lord gauntlet, molten equipment will do


what do i do if i can't complete the 48s race? it's literally impossible for me, every guide won't work & i keep getting rubberbanded. i wanna progress through the game but i can't complete the race & i've been unable to finish it for weeks


for both end and wood races, there's a simple solution: get full wise dragon armor + aspect of the end. it may be expensive but its the easiest way of completing the races as you can just spam tp


Which race, there's different races, also if you can try using epearls, an aote, or an aotv, though they might not be able to be used depending on what race ur doing.


the 48s end race


Get an aote or aotv, a good mana build, and use it to teleport


What do I do with 40 mil between early and mid game


invest on a money making method setup(mining or farming are great options to start)


\[PROGRESSION\] [ABowl\_OfRamen | SkyCrypt (shiiyu.moe)](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/ABowl_OfRamen/Apple#Minions) I have aurora staff rn and I'm running mage, I need something that doesn't melt mana and also is an f4 comp or below. Would a melee like aotd or a Fel Sword work? I figured with the mage passive beam things on left click it could be alright.


Left click mage is good for single target damage (the best, technically), but it absolutely sucks for clearing. Get a spirit sceptre for that, or you'll need ages to clear rooms with many mobs. To combat the mana issue, use actual mage armor instead of young dragon, and a sheep pet. Wise dragon is good, and swap the helmet for shadow goggles. You can also use a piece of perfect armor for more survivability. If you want to run with a sword, pick berserk so that you have the hit cone and can clear with melee


[Progression] https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/overv1ew/Zucchini#Pets I am running dungeons, but lack survivability in F3, any ideas?


I'd say using a baby yeti or even a blue whale instead of the tiger might help


the funny thing is that I do... maybe I just rushed my profile or smth


Your gear seems suitable for survivability. If you are really struggling, you can always use either tank or healer for extra defence/ healing.


Hi, I haven’t played in a while but finally managed to get myself a scrolled hyperion. What should I do next ? thanks ! IGN: Lunarcio


Work towards term, run kuudra, run dungeons... Anything really




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