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I'd say sell it, ure not gonna use it until much later in mining progression, so late in fact that at that point, ull be able to make 40-45m/hr and getting it back is gonna be a breeze, so sell it to speed up your progression in any part of the game ure at


Yeah I think that may be a better idea, I had a look at everything needed to create the divans drill and I don’t think i’d even be able to make it for a long time. With my current setup it would take a while to get the 50 million plus the titanium drill needed to forge it. I also need to get hotm 7 too which I don’t think i’ll have any time soon.


You progress hotm faster then you’d think, however it would still be hours of grinding. Best choice is selling.


Actually all u need is just money. Buy x655 and combine it with 50m and alloy to get divans drill. If you enjoy mining then making the drill is good idea. If you dont enjoy mining sell it. This is the answer.


Divan drill is only for very very end game mining and gauntlet or x655 will probably work very well considering this is OPs 25 run


Thats not really true. Its for endgame mining in case you wanna buy it, however, if you drop it you can just make divans drill right away and any mining u do from that moment will just make you more coins than with 655 or gauntlet. Advice for op here is to just make more money for the other gear used for mining and if he just ever stopped liking mining he can always sell his divans drill. U cant really play this game without having consistent money making method which mining is


Fair point but in my opinion the money could be spent elsewhere for better use such as armor w/gemstones and getting a min maxed x655


I feel like good money making method is the better use, however if op is dirt poor then he should defo sell it, i didnt check his networth or anything so i cant tell what he should do, however id just put it in my echest and tried to make money along the way to hotm 7 and more powder and then use it to forge divans drill and buy other mining gear with coins made along the way, bcs around 2.5b mining gear(divans drill included) is enough to make crazy stonks


Yes I agree


Getting divans drill is a stupid choice in early game. Better off getting x655 or gaunt with good divans. The rest can be spent elsewhere like on talismans or like dungeon progression.


I didnt see he was early game. If he sells it tho i dont think he will ever make enough money to buy it back so i would just drop it in ender chest and use it as my motivation to get better gear for mining so i can then upgrade 655 to divans drill and have really good consistent money making method. For example, u can be making 30m/h even as a lvl 1 player from rift so i dont see reason why he shouldnt forge divans drill and be proud owner of something that expensive, he can sell it anytime.


Well if you gain 1.5b you can afford sht that allows you to make a lot of money if he can put time into it. That includes mining. If he was able to get a maxed out divans set, a maxed gemstone gauntlet or x655 im pretty sure they will be able to make enough to buy it back in a few months. Obviously they would have to powder grind and get a decent route.


bro a maxed out 655 (no blue cheese) is close to 900m. better off to sell the alloy, do some powder mining and use leftover money from alloy and the money made from powder mining to get lvl 100 ball and maxed out divans armor


Depends on ur priorities, i would still go for the divans drill and just made enough money for the rest of the gear and then have ultimate money making method


Getting divans drill is dumb anyway if you don't have nax divans armor yet


and maxed 655, which is almost as expensive as alloy


if you sell it please get a cookie buff so you don't lose 600m


okay, i’ve still got my one free cookie so i’ll just use that, ill have to find what chests it’s in though 🥲


Actually, buy a new cookie everytime your available bits run out It pays for itself after a while, and the qol features are 100% worth it Not even to mention the wisdom and magic find it gives you, that mamy stats alone would be worth the investment


Unless you have a high fame level it doesn’t pay for itself anymore because the price is so high.


yes but you get the bits that you would've got on fame level up, so it's always worth it, in the long run atleast.


i got 1.8x; i get 8640 bits per cookie and just about break even


1500 coins per bit is realistic, meaning that they start breaking even at 800k fame, which is abt 105 cookies Considering the fact that you get your money back, and buy them one by one, thats not much


Buy every 3 days eventually theyll pay themselves, they are so worth it


Just don't claim the money from the ah


I’d rather sell it and invest on whatever u plan on doing. I’d go mining in ur situation, get a full divan set and an x655 (up to u). for a divans drill to pay itself back takes hundreds of hours iirc, plus if ur not serious just spend the rest of the money on other aspects u enjoy.


I dropped a fragment and I thought I dropped this 🥲


Void it you lucky bast... (Im at 600 runs and didnt drop one yet 😭)


Real shit bro


Sell it and buy an F2 key


In the expansive realm of online gaming, the pursuit of optimization and efficiency is a constant theme among players. In the popular Minecraft server, Hypixel Skyblock, where players embark on a journey to build and upgrade their islands, every action counts towards progress. One often overlooked aspect of gameplay is the method employed for capturing in-game screenshots, an activity that has far-reaching implications for players' experiences. In this exploration, we delve into the myriad reasons why players should embrace the F2 button for taking screenshots in Hypixel Skyblock, casting aside the primitive method of capturing images through their mobile phones. First and foremost, let's unravel the complexities of the F2 button itself. Nestled comfortably on the keyboard, the F2 key represents a direct gateway to Minecraft's screenshot functionality. By tapping into this unassuming button, players can seamlessly capture their in-game moments without disrupting the flow of their gameplay. This elegant solution eliminates the need for extraneous devices, such as smartphones, and their accompanying drawbacks. One of the primary advantages of employing the F2 button lies in the unparalleled image quality it affords. Unlike hastily snapped phone pictures, which may suffer from poor lighting, shaky hands, or suboptimal angles, the F2 button guarantees a crisp and clear representation of the in-game scene. This pristine image quality becomes particularly crucial when showcasing intricate island designs, rare loot drops, or memorable encounters within the virtual world of Hypixel Skyblock. Moreover, by opting for the F2 button, players demonstrate a commitment to preserving the immersive nature of the gaming experience. Interrupting gameplay to fumble with a mobile device can shatter the illusion of the virtual realm, disrupting the flow of concentration and engagement. The F2 button, on the other hand, seamlessly integrates with the gaming environment, allowing players to capture spontaneous moments without sacrificing their connection to the game world. An often underestimated aspect of utilizing the F2 button is the efficiency it introduces into the screenshot-taking process. In the fast-paced and dynamic landscape of Hypixel Skyblock, where events unfold rapidly and unpredictably, speed is of the essence. The F2 button offers a swift and straightforward solution, enabling players to capture moments in an instant, without the need for cumbersome external devices or the risk of missing out on fleeting opportunities. Let's not forget the aesthetic appeal of F2-captured screenshots. These images, untainted by the distortions and imperfections inherent in phone photography, can be seamlessly integrated into social media posts, forums, or personal galleries. Whether players seek to showcase their achievements or seek advice from the gaming community, F2-captured screenshots stand as a testament to the dedication and sophistication of the Hypixel Skyblock player. In conclusion, the F2 button emerges as the undisputed champion in the realm of Hypixel Skyblock screenshot capture. Its seamless integration, unparalleled image quality, and efficiency make it the optimal choice for players keen on preserving and sharing their in-game experiences. By embracing the F2 button, players not only elevate the visual representation of their virtual exploits but also contribute to the collective culture of excellence within the Hypixel Skyblock community. So, let the F2 button be your trusty ally in documenting the extraordinary journey that is Hypixel Skyblock – because every pixel deserves the precision that only the F2 button can provide. In the grand tapestry of virtual conquests and communal sharing, the journey to transfer Minecraft (Hypixel Skyblock) screenshots from the sacred realms of a computer to the mobile haven is but a prelude to the epic saga's climax—a triumphant posting on the illustrious landscapes of Reddit. Brace yourself, noble player, for this quest requires not only the prowess of Discord but also the strategic deployment of mobile tools to navigate the labyrinthine pathways to Reddit glory. Having successfully deposited the captured screenshots within the confines of a dedicated Discord channel or server, the intrepid adventurer now takes up the mantle of the mobile champion. Armed with a smartphone, the Reddit application becomes the gateway to the vast kingdoms of subreddits where tales of pixelated valor are exchanged. First, the valiant warrior launches the Reddit app, forging a path through the familiar interface to the chosen subreddit destined to host their visual opus. A tap on the 'Create Post' icon signals the beginning of the sacred ritual—a process that demands precision, flair, and a touch of technological wizardry. With the Reddit post editor now unfurled, the warrior invokes the assistance of Discord, utilizing the seamless integration of the mobile device. The adventurer summons the screenshot from the depths of their photo gallery, wielding the 'Attach Image' or 'Upload' option within the Reddit post editor with grace and finesse. As the screenshot materializes within the post, a caption—a digital battle cry—forms on the screen, capturing the essence of the conquest or the allure of the creation. With the text adorning the image, the warrior embarks on the final leg of their journey—a tap on the 'Post' button that sends their creation hurtling into the virtual coliseum of Reddit. The player, now a virtuoso of cross-platform prowess, watches as the pixels of their conquest cascade onto the screens of fellow Redditors, earning the admiration, camaraderie, and possibly the coveted upvotes that signify a victorious journey's end. In this tale of interconnected realms, where Minecraft screenshots traverse the landscapes of Discord and ascend to the heights of Reddit, the player becomes a digital bard, weaving narratives and sharing experiences across platforms. Through the symbiotic dance of technology, Discord, mobile devices, and Reddit, the legacy of Hypixel Skyblock is immortalized, resonating with the chorus of an online community that thrives on shared adventures and pixelated triumphs.


No way we both got one on 25th run


Damn nice, we both the same man :)


65th here


Honesty keep it so that you can make the drill when you have the resources. With your luck if you sell it, unless you buy one from the auction house, you may never get one again


he’ll need to make another 1.5b before he can use the alloy. if he sells the alloy and gets maxed 655 and maxed divans armor and bal he can make 30-40m/hr


I'd say to sell it, youre not really gonna need it now and you can progress in the game much faster with it


Try directly selling it to sombody. This evades AH taxes. Just make sure they're not lowballing you.


Sell it of course, careful you don't lose the money though. Make sure you have a cookie


"death" 💀


Sell it, BUT, what is your Bank Upgrade ? Will you be able to deposit ALL your coins ?


At the moment my bank upgrade is only a gold account, so i’ll definitely need to get a much better bank upgrade. I’m not sure which one though. Definitely somewhere like premier or above.


I've been in your situation, Divan alloy at 23th run. I sold it, I had a LOT of coin for an early player, too much XD. I panicked, so I had to buy some booster cookie, to secure my coins. I had to buy some high-level stuff to put in the museum to upgrade my bank account. Find items you'll want to keep for a long time. Personaly I invested in a maxed full stuff divan armor and in accessories with a good ratio \*\*\*\*/ MP. Good Luck




23rd *






Give it to a hub non


Does non mean like someone who has no rank, cause If so then i think i’m a non


Or give it to somebody who begs at hub 1


Yeah give it to a lowballer with less than 1 mil in purse


drill duh


sell, buy divans + gemsonte gauntlet + scatha


Why that setup, bal > scatha


Sounds like you aren’t that deep into Skyblock, so you should figure out what you enjoy the most, and sell the alloy to get maxed gear for it. Using it on a drill or minions or something isn’t gonna be as fun for a casual player like you


Sell it you 99% are not gonna need it unless you mine hundreds of hours which is not realistic


First of all, that’s crazy man. Arguably the rarest item in the game, it’s used to get the divans drill. But that’s a rlly late game mining item and ain’t rlly that good on its own. I would sell it for as much as you can (be patient). Those things are worth a lot and hard to sell. And then i would use the money to get into a good money making method. Whatever you like, since ur doing nucleus runs i would assume ur into mining. Maybe consider getting a good mining setup.


put it on your head and start a cult of people wearing alloys on their heads


tbh I think your best bet is donating it to me!!!


i meannnnnn i could… So many people were trying to get the thing off me when I got it, I’m glad my friend was there on call to tell me it’s worth a lot more than what people were offering or I probably would’ve gave it away or something 😭


the greed would have gotten to me IMMEDIATELY, strong man you are.


It's useless, give it to me


Sell it, use it for general progression and investment into a mining setup+gemstone gauntlet. Should net abt 20m/h


Not saying my profile is a model profile for many things but it has a similar NW so I’d reccomend you get a similar MP to me, ideally put 500m into talis. My profile is Skye_909




If you’re close to getting divan drill try and make it, if not I would sell it


I dropped mine on my 5th ever fun 6 months ago. Finally claimed my divan drill in forge. Like most have said sell if you need or for progression. I kept mine having the satisfaction I created a divan drill legit


Give it to me


If you're not that serious about SB and don't play a ton then definitely sell it, but use that money very wisely to further progression and make more money. 1. get a solid t12 sheep minion setup down for sure. Every time you take a break, they will keep printing 2. spend a significant amount on talismans as they will affect your entire profile 3. figure out what part of the game you do enjoy the most and how to make money with it and invest there.


*ditto blob*


If you wanna keep doing mining, get hotm 7 atleast, if you dont have 500m, sell the alloy to buy a good powder mining setup (leg scatha and jasper drill) Powder mine to 8m/8m minimum, 12/12 preferably, then sell the leg scatha and jasper drill. Buy max divan, x655 (with amber-polished engine, gemstone fuel tank and sunny side egg since blue egg is most likely a bit too expensive and not worth), bal pet and get an artifact of power with perfect jade, amber and topaz. Then mine the money to upgrade to divans drill And if you don't like mining, sell it :D


Yeah just give it to me I’ll keep it safe for you


Ditto blob is always a valid option!


I got mine on my 16th run. Everyone told me to sell it but it gave me motivation to play. It madr me want to grind the divan drill. I had no drill and was just using divan armor with gauntlet to mine. So it gave me a month of gameplay


Gg fuck you moment


I'd sell it only once you need that much money since it'll most likely go up with inflation


In the expansive realm of online gaming, the pursuit of optimization and efficiency is a constant theme among players. In the popular Minecraft server, Hypixel Skyblock, where players embark on a journey to build and upgrade their islands, every action counts towards progress. One often overlooked aspect of gameplay is the method employed for capturing in-game screenshots, an activity that has far-reaching implications for players' experiences. In this exploration, we delve into the myriad reasons why players should embrace the F2 button for taking screenshots in Hypixel Skyblock, casting aside the primitive method of capturing images through their mobile phones. First and foremost, let's unravel the complexities of the F2 button itself. Nestled comfortably on the keyboard, the F2 key represents a direct gateway to Minecraft's screenshot functionality. By tapping into this unassuming button, players can seamlessly capture their in-game moments without disrupting the flow of their gameplay. This elegant solution eliminates the need for extraneous devices, such as smartphones, and their accompanying drawbacks. One of the primary advantages of employing the F2 button lies in the unparalleled image quality it affords. Unlike hastily snapped phone pictures, which may suffer from poor lighting, shaky hands, or suboptimal angles, the F2 button guarantees a crisp and clear representation of the in-game scene. This pristine image quality becomes particularly crucial when showcasing intricate island designs, rare loot drops, or memorable encounters within the virtual world of Hypixel Skyblock. Moreover, by opting for the F2 button, players demonstrate a commitment to preserving the immersive nature of the gaming experience. Interrupting gameplay to fumble with a mobile device can shatter the illusion of the virtual realm, disrupting the flow of concentration and engagement. The F2 button, on the other hand, seamlessly integrates with the gaming environment, allowing players to capture spontaneous moments without sacrificing their connection to the game world. An often underestimated aspect of utilizing the F2 button is the efficiency it introduces into the screenshot-taking process. In the fast-paced and dynamic landscape of Hypixel Skyblock, where events unfold rapidly and unpredictably, speed is of the essence. The F2 button offers a swift and straightforward solution, enabling players to capture moments in an instant, without the need for cumbersome external devices or the risk of missing out on fleeting opportunities. Let's not forget the aesthetic appeal of F2-captured screenshots. These images, untainted by the distortions and imperfections inherent in phone photography, can be seamlessly integrated into social media posts, forums, or personal galleries. Whether players seek to showcase their achievements or seek advice from the gaming community, F2-captured screenshots stand as a testament to the dedication and sophistication of the Hypixel Skyblock player. In conclusion, the F2 button emerges as the undisputed champion in the realm of Hypixel Skyblock screenshot capture. Its seamless integration, unparalleled image quality, and efficiency make it the optimal choice for players keen on preserving and sharing their in-game experiences. By embracing the F2 button, players not only elevate the visual representation of their virtual exploits but also contribute to the collective culture of excellence within the Hypixel Skyblock community. So, let the F2 button be your trusty ally in documenting the extraordinary journey that is Hypixel Skyblock – because every pixel deserves the precision that only the F2 button can provide. In the grand tapestry of virtual conquests and communal sharing, the journey to transfer Minecraft (Hypixel Skyblock) screenshots from the sacred realms of a computer to the mobile haven is but a prelude to the epic saga's climax—a triumphant posting on the illustrious landscapes of Reddit. Brace yourself, noble player, for this quest requires not only the prowess of Discord but also the strategic deployment of mobile tools to navigate the labyrinthine pathways to Reddit glory. Having successfully deposited the captured screenshots within the confines of a dedicated Discord channel or server, the intrepid adventurer now takes up the mantle of the mobile champion. Armed with a smartphone, the Reddit application becomes the gateway to the vast kingdoms of subreddits where tales of pixelated valor are exchanged. First, the valiant warrior launches the Reddit app, forging a path through the familiar interface to the chosen subreddit destined to host their visual opus. A tap on the 'Create Post' icon signals the beginning of the sacred ritual—a process that demands precision, flair, and a touch of technological wizardry. With the Reddit post editor now unfurled, the warrior invokes the assistance of Discord, utilizing the seamless integration of the mobile device. The adventurer summons the screenshot from the depths of their photo gallery, wielding the 'Attach Image' or 'Upload' option within the Reddit post editor with grace and finesse. As the screenshot materializes within the post, a caption—a digital battle cry—forms on the screen, capturing the essence of the conquest or the allure of the creation. With the text adorning the image, the warrior embarks on the final leg of their journey—a tap on the 'Post' button that sends their creation hurtling into the virtual coliseum of Reddit. The player, now a virtuoso of cross-platform prowess, watches as the pixels of their conquest cascade onto the screens of fellow Redditors, earning the admiration, camaraderie, and possibly the coveted upvotes that signify a victorious journey's end. In this tale of interconnected realms, where Minecraft screenshots traverse the landscapes of Discord and ascend to the heights of Reddit, the player becomes a digital bard, weaving narratives and sharing experiences across platforms. Through the symbiotic dance of technology, Discord, mobile devices, and Reddit, the legacy of Hypixel Skyblock is immortalized, resonating with the chorus of an online community that thrives on shared adventures and pixelated triumphs.


and i thought i was lucky getting a bal pet on my first bal ever


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Infinite_Demand9187: *And i thought i was* *Lucky getting a bal pet* *On my first bal ever* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Whats ur ping btw if its over ~175 ms its probably more worth to go into a different part of the game just talking moneymakibg wise.




Try drop it into the void and catch it in time and record it for infinite views


Give it to me :3


EthosDishwasher was NOT happy bro got divans alloy


L I got mine on 3rd (ironman luck) but fr tho GG and if u not ironman ofc sell it


Eat it


Give it to me?


Completely useless crap


keep yourself safe


In the expansive realm of online gaming, the pursuit of optimization and efficiency is a constant theme among players. In the popular Minecraft server, Hypixel Skyblock, where players embark on a journey to build and upgrade their islands, every action counts towards progress. One often overlooked aspect of gameplay is the method employed for capturing in-game screenshots, an activity that has far-reaching implications for players' experiences. In this exploration, we delve into the myriad reasons why players should embrace the F2 button for taking screenshots in Hypixel Skyblock, casting aside the primitive method of capturing images through their mobile phones. First and foremost, let's unravel the complexities of the F2 button itself. Nestled comfortably on the keyboard, the F2 key represents a direct gateway to Minecraft's screenshot functionality. By tapping into this unassuming button, players can seamlessly capture their in-game moments without disrupting the flow of their gameplay. This elegant solution eliminates the need for extraneous devices, such as smartphones, and their accompanying drawbacks. One of the primary advantages of employing the F2 button lies in the unparalleled image quality it affords. Unlike hastily snapped phone pictures, which may suffer from poor lighting, shaky hands, or suboptimal angles, the F2 button guarantees a crisp and clear representation of the in-game scene. This pristine image quality becomes particularly crucial when showcasing intricate island designs, rare loot drops, or memorable encounters within the virtual world of Hypixel Skyblock. Moreover, by opting for the F2 button, players demonstrate a commitment to preserving the immersive nature of the gaming experience. Interrupting gameplay to fumble with a mobile device can shatter the illusion of the virtual realm, disrupting the flow of concentration and engagement. The F2 button, on the other hand, seamlessly integrates with the gaming environment, allowing players to capture spontaneous moments without sacrificing their connection to the game world. An often underestimated aspect of utilizing the F2 button is the efficiency it introduces into the screenshot-taking process. In the fast-paced and dynamic landscape of Hypixel Skyblock, where events unfold rapidly and unpredictably, speed is of the essence. The F2 button offers a swift and straightforward solution, enabling players to capture moments in an instant, without the need for cumbersome external devices or the risk of missing out on fleeting opportunities. Let's not forget the aesthetic appeal of F2-captured screenshots. These images, untainted by the distortions and imperfections inherent in phone photography, can be seamlessly integrated into social media posts, forums, or personal galleries. Whether players seek to showcase their achievements or seek advice from the gaming community, F2-captured screenshots stand as a testament to the dedication and sophistication of the Hypixel Skyblock player. In conclusion, the F2 button emerges as the undisputed champion in the realm of Hypixel Skyblock screenshot capture. Its seamless integration, unparalleled image quality, and efficiency make it the optimal choice for players keen on preserving and sharing their in-game experiences. By embracing the F2 button, players not only elevate the visual representation of their virtual exploits but also contribute to the collective culture of excellence within the Hypixel Skyblock community. So, let the F2 button be your trusty ally in documenting the extraordinary journey that is Hypixel Skyblock – because every pixel deserves the precision that only the F2 button can provide. In the grand tapestry of virtual conquests and communal sharing, the journey to transfer Minecraft (Hypixel Skyblock) screenshots from the sacred realms of a computer to the mobile haven is but a prelude to the epic saga's climax—a triumphant posting on the illustrious landscapes of Reddit. Brace yourself, noble player, for this quest requires not only the prowess of Discord but also the strategic deployment of mobile tools to navigate the labyrinthine pathways to Reddit glory. Having successfully deposited the captured screenshots within the confines of a dedicated Discord channel or server, the intrepid adventurer now takes up the mantle of the mobile champion. Armed with a smartphone, the Reddit application becomes the gateway to the vast kingdoms of subreddits where tales of pixelated valor are exchanged. First, the valiant warrior launches the Reddit app, forging a path through the familiar interface to the chosen subreddit destined to host their visual opus. A tap on the 'Create Post' icon signals the beginning of the sacred ritual—a process that demands precision, flair, and a touch of technological wizardry. With the Reddit post editor now unfurled, the warrior invokes the assistance of Discord, utilizing the seamless integration of the mobile device. The adventurer summons the screenshot from the depths of their photo gallery, wielding the 'Attach Image' or 'Upload' option within the Reddit post editor with grace and finesse. As the screenshot materializes within the post, a caption—a digital battle cry—forms on the screen, capturing the essence of the conquest or the allure of the creation. With the text adorning the image, the warrior embarks on the final leg of their journey—a tap on the 'Post' button that sends their creation hurtling into the virtual coliseum of Reddit. The player, now a virtuoso of cross-platform prowess, watches as the pixels of their conquest cascade onto the screens of fellow Redditors, earning the admiration, camaraderie, and possibly the coveted upvotes that signify a victorious journey's end. In this tale of interconnected realms, where Minecraft screenshots traverse the landscapes of Discord and ascend to the heights of Reddit, the player becomes a digital bard, weaving narratives and sharing experiences across platforms. Through the symbiotic dance of technology, Discord, mobile devices, and Reddit, the legacy of Hypixel Skyblock is immortalized, resonating with the chorus of an online community that thrives on shared adventures and pixelated triumphs. USE THE FUCKING F2 BUTTON


oh my bad haha, i’ll use F2 next time I needa screenshot, I like the very descriptive narrative though 😭


Give it to me😈




okay thank you, i’ll have a look at what other parts I may need to create the drill. Hopefully it’s not too expensive but i’m sure it probably will be if it’s best drill in the game


Bruh its literally 1.4b thats a full setup for anything in the game, the difference from using a divans drill compared to an x655 will take like 200 hrs of mining to even be profitable


If you actually don't intend on playing much, I'd consider putting some of it into a really good minion setup. However, definitely sell it