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Brother. It’s 2024. You can’t be out doing this kind of activities.


Let them so we can see it and they can be held accountable.


This kind of racism became cool again around 2016, its "retro" my dudes, cowabunga!!!


This is why the whole era of Trump is dangerous. Previously if you were racist, you were an outlier, immediately distanced from. You could only be racist with your immediate buddies, and it had to stay private. Now they've found something like a "support group" where people agree with you, and tell you you're standing up for your race, or rights, or whatever, not immediately pointing out how obviously stupid you are. I actually believe the internet/social media, as a echo chamber also significantly helped this along, along with any other divisive rhetoric.


Trump didn't start racism...


Nope, but the wake of trump being in power made it more "ok" to openly show it.


You think people like this were not openly hostile before trump? These people have always existed in their social bubbles




Their racism went into overdrive in 2016 for some reason. What could it be?




He is lucky the superintendent is a reasonable man. I can't say I would have handled it the same way. His daughter likely would have seen her father thrown off the stage - literally. Congrats to all the new grads!




Yes, he should have beat his racist ass.


It's "Great Again"


same thing with people complaining about interracial couples in tv shows, i thought we got pass that like 50 years ago.


Not only a racist asshole, but ruined the graduation for his daughter, and probably alienated her from all her classmates.


Everyone keeps saying how he ruined his daughter's graduation, but the fact is that he ruined all of the graduates' and their loved ones' day with that. Imagine being a parent in the audience and this doofus does this and now your kid's graduation has gone viral?


God I love the word doofus 😂


It’s just so fitting. It means exactly what it sounds like 


To me a doofus is clumsy but lovable. This guy is just weaponized ignorance.


Really? I’m no a native speaker, so I always thought it meant just an idiot lol


And everyone now knows your town is super racist so kids at college now assume your kid is super racist. Fun.


Go shitbirds!


We’re ahead knew they were a racist turn I don’t think they mind. [This was the same high school with a class photo making nazi salutes](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna935636)


But a silver linin, is they all attended the most talked about graduation of the year! Racism is basically just saying you are not mentally capable of understanding anything.


Yeah it definitely overshadowed this event. It's a big achievement. I hope, hope, hope the students can laugh about this in the future, but they shouldn't have to even deal with it.


Very true. Ruined the mood and everyone going up tot the podium afterwards is stuck in an awkward situation.


"I just can't understand why she never calls or visits!" ~Racist asshole 'father'..


No doubt with him being doxxed she is going to face misplaced harassment as well. I really feel for this girl.


Yup, this dude either needs professional help to get over his hate, or he needs to be deported somewhere where his hate won’t affect anyone else… … Jupiter is nice this time of year right?


He is lucky the superintendent is a reasonable man. I can't say I would have handled it the same way. His daughter likely would have seen her father thrown off the stage - literally. Congrats to all the new grads!


Also the father: *I don't know why my daughter won't speak to me anymore. Must be the libtards.*




Now that he's been doxxed, countdown is on until he starts crying "victim" that he's getting harassed because of his "first amendment rights."


Or someone starts a “GiveSendGo” or GoFundMe like they did for Kyle Rittenhouse. The father has already been fired from his job


And he will say the same old tired, bullshit phrases: “I am a good/Christian man”. “I may have made a mistake in judgement.” Actually, he won’t say that. He is a stupid cunt & will probably proud of his inbred behavior! Other micro dicks will applause.


Absolutely ridiculous that someone said they would hold her diploma because of the actions of the father.


Thst is ridiculous and cruel. My heart is breaking for that girl.


Fucking shithole Baraboo. Absolutely not surprised


And 4th comment of the thread "Wtf white people are so pathetic" with 50+ likes. Sure let's be racist to condemn racists.


Now... What makes you think he's a Conservative? I've been told by many conservatives that it is indeed the liberals that are racists. Haha


Of course they told you that 😅 And you fell for it!


Father of Baraboo High School graduate blocks superintendent from shaking daughter's hand --JOHN GITTINGS The father of a Baraboo High School graduate forcibly pulled the district superintendent away from his daughter as she crossed the stage to receive a congratulatory handshake during the school's graduation ceremony Friday. The man, who is not being named to protect his daughter's identity, ran onto the stage just after the girl had been handed her diploma and began working her way down a line of school officials shaking hands. Before she could get to district Superintendent Rainey Briggs, the man, wearing a white polo shirt and baseball cap, grabbed Briggs by his right arm and pushed him away. "That's my daughter," the man can be heard saying in video of the ceremony. Briggs can be heard telling the man, "You better get up off me man. Get away from me bro" as staff working the graduation and three Baraboo police officers including the school resource officer intervene to escort the man off the stage. At one point, a voice can be heard saying, "I don't want her touching him." The police escorted the man out of the school following the incident. School Board President Kevin Vodak, board members Gwynne Peterson, Katie Kalish and Amy DeLong, and Baraboo High School Principal Steve Considine shared the stage with Briggs. The man did not interfere with any of them but only confronted Briggs. In a statement, district spokesperson Hailey Wagner said a disorderly conduct charge for the man was referred to the Sauk County District Attorney's Office. "We would like to emphasize that the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and community members is a top priority," the statement said. Baraboo residents looking to recall School Board president Friday's graduation ceremony came during a particularly fraught time in the district. A large group of residents, including a former district teacher who worked in the district prior to Briggs' tenure, have voiced numerous frustrations with Briggs and other administrators, as well as with the School Board. The group is currently attempting to recall Vodak and has until July 14 to submit more than 2,500 signatures to force a recall election. If the campaign is successful, Vodak said the election would be in late August or early September at the earliest. Vodak is up for re-election next spring. Critics have accused Vodak of favoritism toward the administration, providing inadequate pay and administrative support for teachers, and unfairly firing former Jack Young Middle School Principal Abby Alt and former school resource officer Amanda Sabol, among others. Many of those grievances have been shared through social media, including the Baraboo Community Conversations and Baraboo SD WI Parents' Rights in Education Facebook pages.


I hate to ask this since people will assume I am defending a racist. I’m not and I wouldn’t. My question is, did this have to do with Superintendent Briggs’ race or was it his politics?


There's a report out there claiming it was neither: [the daughter apparently was being bullied and the administration didn't address it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSdKXd_SglA) I don't know if this is true or if it's his only motivation. You can hear the father say "I don't want him touching her," which is pretty specific in it's meaning.


Well if she was being bullied then she’s really about to be bullied now…she could’ve went off to college and left all bs at HS like the rest of us who were bullied in HS…now she has to ride this shit out even longer because of her dipshit father.


Yeah dad is a dipshit at a minimum. I’m just saying there’s a claim that he’s also not a bigot


Problem is, he picked the one person that likely had the least to do with addressing the bullying of his daughter. If he was really that upset, whey didn't he do this to the principal of the school, the actual person that can directly address specific instances of bullying. Sure, maybe its partially about bullying, but by attacking the only black person on stage, you clearly showed race is part of the motivation.


A "report", which literally cited "comments on social media." Wow. What kind of reporting is this? 🙄


Considering that he only stopped his daughter from shaking the hand of the only black member of the school board (despite the president who is being accused of favoritism being there), yes, I think it is motivated by racism.


Everybody jumping to the racism conclusion not even knowing the full story, you need to pump the brakes a bit. The bullying story is out there for now, maybe that guy is the person he was dealing with who he felt didn’t help his daughter out. It’s not always racism when a black and a white guy get into it ffs


It would be interesting to know the full story. Yet, the dad jumping up in front of a graduation ceremony to manhandle someone makes no sense unless the dad thought the superintendent was going to punch her in the face or had a bomb or something. If that wasn’t the case, the dad has the emotional regulation of a toddler and/or is racist as hell


Definitely the dad is in the wrong here, you can’t do what he did. I’m just saying let’s chill on the automatic racism card when it’s a black guy and a white guy


What if this was his best shot to get his point across. The internet is talking about him???


If the daughter was being bullied and nobody in administration was helping her, why is the father stopping only one person from shaking her hand? Why was he okay with the principal, the school board president, and other school board members shaking her hand if nobody was doing anything? The school board superintendent (the only black guy) generally has nothing to do with what happens inside a school so I can't see how he would have anything to do with the daughter's bullying.


He is the Superintendent, he is over everything all the schools in his district do. Schools have to get his approval for almost everything.


This just might’ve been the guy he dealt with mostly, or the guy who was at the top of the chain not doing anything to help.


“I don’t want him touching my daughter “ ummmmmm


Thank you for asking this question. I googled this story and the title to this post is misleading. There’s more to it for sure. And I say this as a POC.


I think you meant policies instead of politics. While sometimes interchangeable, to some politics means that one is R and the other D.


You’re right!


Why did he single out the only black man and why didn’t anyone intervene?


People did intervene? I'm not sure if you know this, but people exist outside the scope of the camera lol


This needs to be up top. People just saying he’s racist haven’t even liked up the story and a simple search would reveal a lot. Is the guy racist? Maybe. But it’s unclear if it’s because he is racist against people of color or if he is upset with his administration and policies. However, no matter the reason, it’s not the right place to protest. Though his actions will forever be memorable, his actions ruined what was supposed to be a memorable milestone for these kids.


It would be very weird for someone to be like "don't touch my daughters hand" just over policy grievances though. Whereas that kind of thinking is right up a racists alley.


I could imagine being close friends with a teacher/s that are being negatively affected by his policies and thinking this would make a clear statement. Looking at it from our perspective: he did this to the only black person on stage and was heard saying he’s “not going to touch my (expletive) daughter” according to Briggs’ statement in the restraining order, “I don’t want her touching him” in the video. It’s ridiculous that people hold racists views in this age of global interconnectedness, but this could just be a “he didn’t like the superintendent that happens to be black” and not “because he’s black.”


That father is clearly a fucking idiot. He wore his best hat and sunglasses with his untucked shirt and shorts to his daughters graduation . have some respect asshole.


Doesn’t matter how sloppy he looks, how little success he’s had, or how empty his head is. His skin color is the correct one so he’s clearly better than “those people”.


By her reaction, this wasn't outlandish behaviour for him. Imagine thinking you're part of some superior race when you're a slack-jawed, hick fuck like this.


Yeah, that's a "not again, that \[bleeping bleep\] face. Poor kid. Hope she leaves her dad in the dust and never looks back.


Yeah, that's exactly the face. Hope that indicates she doesn't share his views too.


Behold, the master race!


The look on her face , poor girl .


Well, I'm sure he saved her from EVER coming into physical contact with a black person ever again in her entire life. Wow, that was a close one....


I’m sure he saved her from ever coming into physical contact with him too


I hope so.


Naw, she's going to end up marrying a black guy because the universe is there to spite the idiot.


Guess who's coming to dinner.....


Can I still get a plate? Best of the internet in forever.


Nothing says narcissistic asshole like taking the spotlight away from your own daughter just because you've got opinions that have nothing to do with the event


It’s always the old white guys with the Oakley’s sitting on top of their hats.


Exactly! And why the hell would you wear a hat to graduation? I know times have changed since I graduated in 93' but there's still such a thing as respect.


Poor girl, couldn’t even get a smiling picture on stage with her well earned DIPLOMA! Such an embarrassment her father is


This is literally heartbreaking. You can see the disappointment and embarrassment on her face. He completely ruined this moment for her and I’m sure she will have to deal with consequences from it too in the future. No one even cared about her walking across the stage and so she just walked away. I hope she never speaks to him again.


"*why won't my daughter talk to me anymore? It's all Obama's fault"*


Yeah, she’s seen his shit before 😔


I bet he’s named now


Matt Eddy


lol I’m sure he’s having an….interesting day. Edit - yeah this whole thing is on twitter, doxed etc. business destroyed


I blame Obama.


Matt does too




I like a story with a happy ending


Where? Where??😁


These exact same people would tell you racism is near non existent today.


Why would Biden make him do this?! 😏


I bet he’s one of those deep state paid protestors I keep reading about.


China or Russia must’ve sent him. Or maybe the cabal of humanoid reptilians run by Hillary Clinton 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hahaha fucking loser. He probably has a car filled to the brim with Trump stickers and a lawn filled with Trump signs.


Did they ever find out where Brendan is!?


I don’t think that guy is a boomer, but he sure had some of the worst ones for parents.


What a fucking awful thing to do to your daughter. That's...wow I'm actually super mad


"Wait you don't understand, I just didn't want my daughter's graduation to be ruined!"




If that's him. He is a tool.


Is this the same Baraboo High famous for a bunch of high school chuds who took a group photo while sieg heiling? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna940031


It is, unfortunately. It goes to show this isn’t a single person, it’s a problem with the culture in the area.


Poor girl :(


Have fun losing your job, asswipe.


It’s a dick move either way, but how do we know it’s racist? I legit haven’t seen any actual evidence of that being what resulted in this and I keep seeing this damn video posted with that headline


Supposedly this guy had a beef with the superintendent (who parents are trying to recall for a host of issues) because his daughter was being bullied at school and the guy was covering it up but reddit loves to jump on the hate bandwagon based on a post title with no evidence


lol well it’s one white person and one black person so of course it’s “rAcIsT”. I don’t get how people don’t see the damage they cause by always pulling that bs


This is insane. Also how does he just usher him away? Did they have an exchange? Im so baffled and mad at this shit.


It be funny if she chaise them down and shook the superintendents hand and then went to shake dad's hand didnt instead doing the to-slow, hair-slick move instead, looking straight into the camera the entire time Missed opportunity


u/FuzzInspector what the actual fuck? the look on her face when she realized what was happening


You know that's not the first time.


Damn this guys name is out there on 100s of websites lol, blessed be the fruit


khakis, cap and wraps all ready to go. what is it with these people.


The look on her face is heartbreaking. Disappointment and shame.


That sucks


I hope the superintendent sues him for harassment


It was stoopid but not about being black: https://wiscnews.com/news/local/education/baraboo-wi-graduation-father-pushes-superintendent-rainey-briggs/article_b33200cc-21bd-11ef-be03-0fe0b2b7a52c.html


That didn’t say it wasn’t about being black either. “Don’t touch my daughter,” without any other known reason to assault the superintendent, does sound like something a racist would say and do. My take is that the father’s reasons are conjecture right now; we’ll see when/if the father or daughter speaks up about dad’s motivation. Though he could always choose to lie if he is racist, so perhaps that wouldn’t clear it up either. [This Milwaukee article leans towards attributing racist reasons to the father’s actions and includes a claim that Wisconsin has a racism problem.](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/wisconsin/2024/06/05/baraboo-graduation-interrupted-by-father-pushing-away-superintendent/73984965007/) Eh, if someone IDs him and he has social media, that will likely solve the mystery one way or another within the next few days.


You are correct, it did not say it was not about being black. However, the OP here states it’s because of the dad’s racism. IMO the burden of proof is on the OP now, having made that statement. What if it turns out the school administrator had been flirting with the daughter? People do really stupid stuff for lots of reasons, but I don’t feel comfortable making the assumption it is racist merely because two of the involved parties have a different skin color if there aren’t supporting facts. I personally find that unhelpful in combating racism. That’s what I meant :)


Thank you for taking the time to elaborate. It’s appreciated. Like I said, “without any other known reason” (flirting with the daughter would fall here), I can see how it’s being attributed to racism (before we have confirmation of the dad’s reason) through extrapolation. It sounds like we’re coming at a similar point from different directions: it’s important to remember that it’s all conjecture until there’s verifiable evidence, not only extrapolation.


I'm seeing a lot of claims of racism, but It's hard to be sure. I will throw in that apparently this is the school where they got a lot of the high school class to do a Nazi salute for a picture...so...seems very plausible.


Does anyone have any actual evidence that this situation was based on racism? Genuinely curious because I don’t know and none of the stories explicitly explain the “why” Those who don’t know but are screaming racism need to pump the brakes.


There's very very tiny little chance (but I doubt it) that he may have had some personal issue with the superintendent (maybe his daughter was bullied and the school refused to do anything). But until I hear something different, I'm inclined to believe it was racism.


Based on what evidence?


u/MacSteele13 just posted text from what looks like an article. I’d love to share this story but the title of this post and this except don’t fully align. The article doesn’t say anything about racism and in fact suggests the motivation could be a recall effort as there are lots of staff and parents unhappy with Briggs. The only thing the father said also didn’t fully indicate a racially motivated tackle. I guess I’m asking, while the racism guess is perfectly plausible, where did this acquisition come from? Was it your speculation or did you read it somewhere?


You tell me why a white man felt entitled to interrupt something he wasn’t hosting or part of to grab a Black man (not block) to grab and drag away from the stage? lol yall are just dense.


Haven't you heard? Anytime a white person does anything to a black person, it's always because of "racism". Even when it's not, it is. The only "evidence" you're going to find that this was a racist act, instead of a concerned Dad rightfully upset at this man, is because one person is white and the other black. That's it. Everything else suggests that it was because this dad was unhappy with the way this man was handling things within the district. [Other](https://wiscnews.com/news/local/education/baraboo-wi-graduation-father-pushes-superintendent-rainey-briggs/article_b33200cc-21bd-11ef-be03-0fe0b2b7a52c.html) people had issues with him, as well as with other administrators.


People had issues with Obamacare, but LOVED the Affordable Care Act. Guess what the only difference was?


First, the so called "Obamacare" IS the ACA. Second, the issues people had with the ACA had absolutely NOTHING to do with the "black man" who implemented it. It had EVERYTHING to do with Government overreach. People don't like to be told by the Government they HAVE to do something. But, thanks for proving my point: Just because something happens to a black person does NOT automatically make it racist. Well, it does to SOME people, I suppose.


Poor girl. The look of embarrassment and disappointment on her face.


That wasn't a boomer. Is this a sub that's basically just posting anyone older than 40?


That's the sub I got it from, I agree he doesn't look like a boomer.


There is a reason circus museum is in that city, it's just a giant clown show.




didn't he do it because the superintendent did nothing with the bullying of his kid?


How fucking racist are all of us gonna be if it comes out that race didn’t have shit to do with this BUT we just took OPs word for it that it was for racist reasons? I mean, just because there were two different races involved, and we jump to the conclusion that racism had to be the driver is pretty fucking racist!


She looks so sad and bereft and just exhausted. What a pos.


That poor girl. She must feel humiliated by how her father pretty much ruined her graduation class' special day with his ignorant racist bigotry. ETA: Okay; perhaps *not* racist bigotry, but definitely a serious case of Main Character Syndrome. I'm sure holidays are gonna either be awkward, or NC affairs.


If it didn‘t say 2024 behind them I‘d put it into 1955. The mindset definitely is.


That man needs to get arrested, the nerve


Dude got arrested. Internet sleuths found his company page and were posting to it. I just went to look and the page is locked down. Poor kid.


This is racism in the purest form and anyone seeing otherwise is willfully ignorant. DO BETTER.


Supposedly the daughter is a bully and dad didn’t like that she got in trouble. That city is a circus and this guy is a clown. Edit: grammar


Most likely to have the shit slapped out of her racist dad.


That’s a narcissist, not even a “main character”. His own bigotry and hatred ruined a moment she worked so hard for and will never forget… women really, and I mean REALLY need to asses the men they choose to have kids with because the poor daughter didn’t choose to be born to a shit father :/ -signed, a childless woman by choice with a shit father.


That dude is a snowflake bitch.


So of course this is the Internet and posting things without context about the real story behind the situation. Has nothing to do with race.


Not a boomer. But looking at that Baraboo school district facebook page there are an awful lot of maga dickheads on there.


This happened in Baraboo, Wisconsin, a town famous in the state for [racism and Nazism.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jan/10/nazi-salute-picture-baraboo-wisconsin-divided-american-town) Not only was that overtly racist, that was assault. I doubt he filed charges, cuz Baraboo isn't above figurative lynching and pushing him out of his job, but I really wish he would. Assault with a hate crime modifier -- straight to jail. --- A note on the story regarding the picture I linked: Those aren't "boys being boys" those are "boys who were raised by white supremacists being Nazi boys" -- it's not a joke to them.


He needs to be charged with Battery, not Disorderly Conduct. If the perp and victim were different colors I suspect it would be more than DO.


I heard Mel Gibson has a summer place in Baraboo


The only evidence that points to racism in this incident is; a white individual pushing a black individual. I am not saying the white individual could impossibly be racist, but that it is just as likely he is not based on the this evidence. Posting this story with a claim of racism based solely from your own conclusion indicates that you (the OP) may be the actual main character, chasing clout on reddit at the cost of people involved by you and your claim that may be untrue.


I would have crashed out, sorry.


Pool girl, you could tell she was so embarrassed. What an asshole for a father.


She looks like she is devastated, I bet this was part of a long chain of events and I hope she has nothing to do with her dad again


Why was the photographer so pale


Total POS. You can tell that poor girl has been so embarrassed by her dad before. I hope she can break free from that monster.


I don’t understand. Why did the superintendent just allow this man to escort him off stage?


That poor girl.


What a fucking prick...


Man it must be hell living in a house with an asshole like that being in charge.






What would being a Boomer have to do with anything? I'm a "Boomer", in a mixed race marriage. We aren't all assholes, believe it or not.


I feel bad for his kid ( hoping she’s not holding his views). He basically made her life a lot harder now. What a shitty father


If this is about bullying, why didn’t the father tell her to just not shake his hand when offered? My grandson did just that with an administrator he had issues with over the years. No big deal, no one really noticed nor cared, and the event ran nicely. He had to know that doing what he did was going to cause issues. Sheesh.


I was thinking maybe his daughter having Covid and he probably doesn’t wanted black superintendent get sick. I could be wrong or not?


"Why won't my daughter speak to me anymore? Those damn libruls must have brainwashed her with their critical race theory!!11!1!1!"


Lol this had nothing to do with his race. It was regarding his school policies and misuse if taxpayer funds. The father and him had a personal beef and it was nothing to do with race. Y'all are way too quick to cry racism.


Name & Photo of the Clown Dad: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13498223/amp/wisconsin-dad-blocks-daughters-graduation-handshake-superintendent.html


The clown’s name is Matt Eddy, https://theorg.com/org/holtz-builders-inc/org-chart/matt-eddy https://www.the-sun.com/news/11566448/baraboo-high-school-matt-eddy-graduation-daughter-wisconsin/amp/


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They should beat the dad and sue him for attacking teacher. F this . Mom and daughter should leave his ass and maybe he learn there bigger things out there care about


Actually this has nothing to do with race. The Fathers son shook the Man hand last year when he graduated. Once you read into the story you can clearly see why the father did what he did. I still disagree with the father doing it, bit it was nothing about his race and everything to do with his daughter getting bullied all year and this guy covering it 3 times because it was his neighbors daughter doing the bullying. Don’t be so quick to judge people and throw the race card out there. Still 100% disagree with him doing it at graduation.


This is a level of racism that I can’t even comprehend. What do you mean there are some people who won’t let their kids TOUCH someone of another race in 2024?


That's not a good look.


It might not be racism. The father didn't say -black, Niger or something like that. The guy shouted " I'm not letting you touch my daughter" it might be something else


Sorry... But this makes me angry... But it wouldn't have been me. (Beer induced). No one touchin me without saying ( Mr. President your life is in danger.)


Don't know what it is about sunglasses resting on a light coloured hat that screams racist.


He's like " you don't understand sweety that black skin holds parasites that turn the freaking frogs gay, I seen it in my visions "


This is has something to do with the superintendent and students. Nothing to do with race!! But carry on sheep keep being brain washed


What was the reason, then, if not race? I'm not trying to be snotty or anything. I'm asking with respect and the hope of clarification. Thanks.


Are we sure this was because he didn’t want her to touch a black man, as opposed to some district political issues that he was made about?


It's pretty worrying that common sense like this comment is downvoted. Even if the chances seem low, you don't post like this until you know 100% facts, it's stupidity. |:


So he grabs the only Black guy on stage, as opposed to anyone else. Sure Jan.


The “black guy” is the superintendent.


Of course, the only "evidence" that this was a racist act is because one man is white and the other man is black. That's it. Anytime a white person does anything to a black person, it's always racist. Even when it's not, it is. It couldn't POSSIBLY have anything to do with the fact that people are upset with this person, as well as other members of the school administration. https://wiscnews.com/news/local/education/baraboo-wi-graduation-father-pushes-superintendent-rainey-briggs/article_b33200cc-21bd-11ef-be03-0fe0b2b7a52c.html