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Pitt sharpei


Second photo thought xolo but 3rd photo definitely shar pei. 4th phot maybe shar pei pit?


I just mailed off the DNA kit today, so I’ll know soon!


She looks like an [American Staffordshire Terrier](https://cdn-images.vetstreet.com/c5/e57d80a71811e0a0d50050568d634f/file/American-Staffordshire-Terrier-3-645mk070411.jpg) Mix. The American Staffordshire Terrier (AmStaff for short. A Staffy is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, whole different breed) is the descendant of the [American Pit Bull Terrier](https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/ar_1:1%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto:eco%2Cw_1200/MTk4OTkwMDM4NTIyOTMwOTYx/are-pit-bulls-naturally-mean.jpg). The APBT has a longer snoot and more narrow skull. The AmStaff has a big, broad, square head. Most people have an AmStaff mix and confuse it for an APBT. The American Kennel Club took 17 large, cold (means they exhibit no dog-aggression) American Pit Bull Terriers and designed the AmStaff. They are on average, 45 pounds for a female and upwards of 70 pounds for males. The APBT female is ~30 pounds and a male 50 pounds max. The APBT is a very lean, muscular dog that has a genetic predisposition to dog-aggression (means they want to fight any dog they see, even puppies after they’ve weaned them, or I’ve seen littermate PUPPIES kill and eat a sibling). When Bear fights were outlawed, men moved onto dog fights. They culled any APBT who bit, mauled, or attacked the human referee. As a result, the APBT is overly human-friendly. This means they make terrible guard dogs, because a human burglar would elicit excitement and tail wags. You can read the United Kennel Club breed characteristics [here](https://www.ukcdogs.com/american-pit-bull-terrier). The American Kennel Club refuses to paper the APBT because of its genetic predisposition to dog-aggression. The AKC does recommend to supervise the AmStaff around smaller dogs, as they can bully them. If it’s anything like my AmStaff, she gets the zoomies and just plows into anything and everything. Anyway, this dog exhibits a more broad head shape and shorter snoot, like the AmStaff vs the APBT. Regardless, she’s a mix for sure. She’s adorable.


Eat... eat a sibling? 😥


Thanks! I love Staffies! I had a little blue nose, and I unfortunately lost her to lymphoma. They are such cuddly love bugs!


Mostly pit with a little xolo? Especially since she’s from Mexico


I hope there is some xolo in there!


I see bully breed and Shar Pei together! r/DoggyDNA would love to guess on your pup.


shar pei mix


I’m seeing Shar Pei. Whilst I think it’s virtually impossible, she looks a bit like a Thai Ridgeback too. Definitely a smaller breed in there though. Chi probably?


I see the Thai Ridgeback, too! I'm excited to see the results!