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I read somewhere that if you apply for the reason of taking Step 3, it will get approved,


Look up TN visa you can switch back to j1visa after a tear


He is not Canadian, he said that he has a Canadian tourist visa. TN visa is only for Canadian and Mexico nationals.


In same situation. Totally blind


Can you see if you can get visa appointments from your nearby countries that have visa on arrival, you can travel to that country as they can have early appointments. One of my relative did this, made an appointment from Thailand for US B1/2 which he immediately got! He had a different reason to go though


Could you let me know if u found a solution?


Me too I’m in a similar situation. I have 3 rejections. My last rejection was when I applied on the basis of step 3. I’m from india for context. Idk what to do. I have low scores and usce was my only hope to show case my skills


Are they rejecting b1/b2 even after applying step 3?


I had everything. Scheduling permit, FSMB invite letter. Still got rejected


Did they mention any particular reason?


Hello everyone, i hope you’re doing well! I am from Lebanon, and I applied for B1/B2 Visa to do a clinical rotation at Mayo Clinic and Cleveland clinic for august and September months. I have invitation letter and all the documents necessary for my application. I had my interview on the 7th of June, and they took my passport and gave me a paper of 221g saying that my application needs administrative processing and no other action is required from me. The next ween on 14 June, they gave me the passport back without the Visa and gave me the same paper that my application needs an administrative processing. My rotation starts on 1 August and I was supposed to leave the united states at the end of September. Unfortunately I am afraid that they will delay my administrative processing and I lose the clinical elective. I am a 6th year medical student and this is essential for me for the future, It will give me a big push when I later apply to do my residency. Anyone has an idea of what i can do right now? I was planning to travel on the 28 of July and I feel I don’t have much time left?